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Q-1 Name the following-
 Largest animal cell  Two cells which change their shape continuously  Smallest cell  An unicellular algae
 Long and branched cell in human body
Q-2 Complete the following-
(a)Mitochondria: power::-------------:suicide bags (b)Cell wall: cellulose::cell membrane:------------
Q-3 Define cell. Who discovered it and how?
Q-4 How is a prokaryotic cell different from a eukaryotic cell?
Q-5 State three differences between a plant cell and an animal cell.
Q-6 List any three cell organelles and mention their functions
Q-7 What causes the red colour in Tomatoes? Explain your answer.
Q-8 label the given diagram and identify whether it is a plant cell or animal cell?

Q-9 In a cell, every cell organelle performs its own function. They coordinate the functions of the cell. Answer the
following questions-
(a)Can a cell work if any of its organelle stop working? (b)What values do we get from the above description?
Q-10 (a)What are the main postulates of the cell theory? Name the scientists who gave this theory.
(b)Write the expanded form of DNA,RNA and ATP.

Q-1 Name the tissue present in soft parts of the plants like pith and cortex.
Q-2 Give two examples of complex tissues consisting vascular bundles in plants.
Q-3 Which part of neuron receives impulse and which part takes it away from neuron?
Q-4 Do the roots of the plant continue growing after their tips are removed?
Q-5 (a)Meristematic cell lack vacuoles. Why?
(b)Explain the structure of parenchyma. What are its major types?
Q-6 (a)Explain how the bark of tree is formed? How does it act as a protective tissue?
(b)What are protective tissues?
Q-7 (a)What are vascular bundles? What is the main function of vascular bundles?
(b)Describe the structure of the xylem.
(c )Describe the structure of the phloem
Q-8 What are epithelial tissues? State the main functions of epithelial tissues.
Q-9 What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles?
Q-10 Differentiate between bones and cartilages.
Q-11 Explain the structure of a fluid connective tissue.


Q-1 What is a GM crop? Name any one such crop which is grown in India
Q-2 Define the term hybridization and photoperiod.
Q-3 Differentiate between Mixed cropping and Inter cropping.
Q-4 Define Animal Husbandry.
Q-5 Distinguish between (a) Layers and broiler (b) Milch and draught cattle (c) Fin fishes and shell
fishes (d) Indigenous and exotic breeds (e) Capture and Culture fisheries
Q-6 Mention the types of honey bee you will prefer to rear if you are running an apiary.
Q-7 Which method is commonly used for improving cattle breeds and why?
Q-8 Give any two examples for each (a) Indigenous cattle (b) Exotic poultry
Q-9 What is pasturage?
Q-10 What do you understand from the term integrated farming?

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