Criteria Case Conference

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Case Conference Meeting Rubric:

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Inadequate (1)
Improvement (2)
Thorough and
Clear and
comprehensive Adequate Incomplete or Lacks essential
assessment of the
assessment, assessment of inaccurate information,
Assessment of client's needs,
covering key client needs with a assessment, making it difficult
Client Needs considering physical,
aspects, but with few significant gaps missing several to understand the
emotional, social,
some minor in information. important details. client's needs.
and environmental
Demonstrates strong
Generally Adequate
collaboration and Limited Poor collaboration
collaborative with collaboration and
teamwork skills, collaboration and and teamwork,
good teamwork, teamwork, but with
Collaboration actively engaging teamwork, resulting in a
but with some noticeable
and Teamwork with team members, hindering the disjointed or
moments of difficulties or lack
and fostering a effectiveness of the unproductive
disconnection or of engagement at
positive working case conference. meeting.
challenges. times.
Creative and Adequate Limited
Sound intervention Lack of
effective planning of intervention intervention
planning, with a intervention
interventions based planning but with planning evident,
Intervention few areas where planning, with
on the client's needs, significant lapses in with little
Planning more depth or minimal thought
with consideration of creativity, consideration for
creativity could be given to the
ethical and cultural feasibility, or ethical or cultural
added. client's needs.
factors. cultural sensitivity. factors.
Documentation Thorough and Generally good Adequate Limited Poor
and Record- accurate documentation, but documentation, but documentation, documentation,
Keeping documentation of with some areas with significant hindering the making it difficult
the case conference where clarity or gaps or ability to track to follow or
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Inadequate (1)
Improvement (2)
progress or implement
decisions, and detail could be
inaccuracies. understand planned
planned improved.
decisions. interventions.

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