CastleDungeon Battlemap Guide D&D 5e Afternoonmaps

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Castle Dungeon not that fun for the players.

• Prison Break: Your whole party has somehow been cap-

Map Descriptions tured and imprisoned. They could be at the very bottom of the
Dungeon and need to escape and fight their way out. At each
Guard room stage, they will need to fight a set of guards, until they reach the
As you make your way down the spiral staircase, a musty odour entrance, where they will find their gear. At the large chamber,
of damp stone hangs in the air. Reaching the bottom you step out the torturer comes to investigate the noise. He could fight with a
into a cramped room with a vaulted ceiling. Against each wall are whip and other torture-style weapons.
cupboards, chests and racks full of rusty weapons. A single heavy • The Pit: The pit can be used as some kind of fighting arena.
door leads further into the dungeon. Think of the opening of Army of Darkness. Something lives
down there and it’s not ‘natural’. Maybe it was captured there
Cell Block years ago and prisoners are fed to it to keep it from trying to
Stepping through the door you enter a dimly lit corridor. To your escape.
left and right are cells, each with a heavy wooden door containing a • Something from the Dark: Something from the depth of the
small, barred window. Looking into the cells you glimpse shadowy earth has made its way into the dungeon, and the King wishes
figures huddled in the corners, their faces obscured by darkness, the you to clear it out. Maybe it’s some kind of Undead, and it’s
odd sniff and whimper of fear can be heard from within. turned the prisoners into its minions. Maybe a prisoner has
made a pact with a demon and devil and now the prisoners have
demonic powers at their disposal.
The Pit Room
• The Prison Boss: A crime boss has been imprisoned in the
At the end of the corridor, you come to a larger circular chamber.
dungeon and has over time cemented his control over the pris-
Here, the cells are arranged around the edge of the room, smaller
oners and even some of the guards. The party must infiltrate the
than the previous cells, they are little more than alcoves with chains
dungeon and eliminate the boss and his thugs.
attached to the back walls. Cages hang from the ceiling, swaying
slightly as their occupants shift inside. In the centre of the room is a Variants
grating, covering a dark pit.
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The Torture Chamber
As you make your way around the room, you notice an archway
barred by an iron gate off to the left. You push the gate open and
walk up a short flight of steps. The room is shadowy and dominated
by a large wooden rack, its ropes and pulleys stained with old blood.
Iron pincers, whips, and other instruments of torture hang from the
walls, casting sinister shadows in the flickering torchlight.

The Oubliette
Another archway is barred by an iron gate, and behind it is another
heavy wooden door. As each door is opened another is revealed
further down the dark narrow corridor. Finally reaching the end
you see a small well, covered with rusted iron bars. Cool dampness
emanates from the well, you get a sense there is a cavity below.

Notes and Tips

• 30x45 Grid Map
• Add this to any Castle, Palace or Stronghold. It could be a public
jail or attached to a Courthouse.
• Prison escapes can be really fun to run, but you need to make
sure there are feasible ways for your party to escape. Give them
options like:
ԗ Corrupt or sympathetic staff/jailers.
ԗ Other prisoners just need some extra help to initiate their
ԗ External forces change the situation, such as someone trying
to break out another prisoner, uprisings or fire.
• Store player items in a storeroom within the jail or at least give
them an idea of their location. Balancing fights when your party
is without weapons, armour and gear can be painful and honestly
Castle Dungeon

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