Advanced Android Mobile Application Development Syllabus

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Advanced Android Mobile Application Development Syllabus (3 Credits, 45 hours)

I. Course Description
This course builds upon the foundation of Android development and equips students with advanced skills
for creating high-performance and feature-rich mobile applications. The course explores advanced topics,
APIs, and frameworks to enhance user experience and application functionality.
II. Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
 Design and implement complex user interfaces using advanced layouts and custom views.
 Leverage advanced functionalities like background services, notifications, and multithreading for
efficient app performance.
 Integrate with various sensors (GPS, accelerometer) and location-based services for context-aware
 Secure user data and implement robust authentication mechanisms for Android apps.
 Work with network calls effectively, including advanced libraries like Retrofit.
 Utilize modern Android development frameworks like Jetpack or Compose for improved code
structure and maintainability.
 Design and implement efficient data access patterns using Room persistence library or other
advanced solutions.
 Develop and test unit and integration tests for improved code quality.
 Understand and integrate with third-party libraries and APIs for extended app functionalities.
 Optimize and troubleshoot complex Android applications.
III. Course Content
 Advanced User Interface Design:
o ConstraintLayout in-depth for complex layouts
o Custom views for reusable UI components
o Animations and transitions for user interaction
 Advanced Application Architecture:
o Background services for long-running tasks
o Broadcast receivers for system-wide events
o Multithreading for concurrent operations
 Sensors and Location Services:
o Integrating sensors (GPS, accelerometer) for user interaction and data collection
o Location-based services for geofencing and proximity awareness
 Application Security:
o Secure data storage and handling
o User authentication and authorization
o Code obfuscation and vulnerability mitigation
 Advanced Networking:
o Asynchronous network calls with Retrofit or similar libraries
o Handling complex data formats (XML, Protocol Buffers)
 Modern Android Development Frameworks:
o Introduction to Jetpack libraries (ViewModel, Room, etc.) or Compose for UI
o Leveraging framework features for better code organization and maintainability
 Advanced Data Persistence:
o Room persistence library for efficient database access
o Content Providers for data sharing between applications
 Testing in Android Apps:
o Unit testing with JUnit or Mockito
o Integration testing for app components
 Third-Party Libraries and APIs:
o Integrating popular libraries for various functionalities (e.g., image manipulation, social
media integration)
o Understanding and utilizing third-party APIs
 App Performance Optimization:
o Identifying performance bottlenecks
o Memory management and optimization techniques
IV. Course Assessment
 Regular assignments (developing advanced Android applications)
 Midterm exam (focusing on advanced concepts)
 Final project (developing a feature-rich, advanced Android application)
 Class participation
V. Course Material
 Textbook: Advanced Android development textbook (consider a recent edition focusing on
modern practices)
 Online resources (e.g., Google Developer documentation for advanced topics: [invalid URL
removed], JetBrains - Kotlin documentation:
 Research papers on advanced Android development patterns
 Course notes and code samples provided by the instructor
VI. Grading Scheme
 Assignments: XX%
 Midterm exam: XX%
 Final project: XX%
 Class participation: XX%
Note: The specific weighting of assessments may vary depending on the instructor.
VII. Prerequisite
A solid foundation in Android development with Java or Kotlin is required. Completing the introductory
Android Mobile Application Development course is highly recommended.

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