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Journal of Occupational Health Psychology Copyright 2001 by the Educational Publishing Foundation

2001, Vol. 6, No. 3, 196-210 1076-8998/01/S5.00 DOI: 10.10377/1076-8998.6.3.1%

Work, Recovery Activities, and Individual Well-Being:

A Diary Study
Sabine Sonnentag
University of Konstanz

This study extends previous research on respite from work and addresses the question of how
individuals use their leisure time to recover from work. It is hypothesized that time spent on
work-related and household activities has a negative effect on well-being, whereas low-effort,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

social, and physical activities are assumed to have a positive effect. One hundred Dutch teachers
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

completed a diary on leisure time activities and situational well-being for 5 days, and work
situation variables were assessed with a questionnaire. Multilevel analyses in which preleisure
well-being and work situation variables were entered as control variables supported 4 of the 5
hypotheses. Moreover, a lagged effect of high time pressure on poor situational well-being was
found. The study showed that leisure time activities and a low-stress work situation contribute
independently to an individual's well-being.

Within work and organizational psychology, there work situation and the effects of an individual's
is broad empirical evidence that stressful work situ- well-being at the end of the work day.
ations, including high work demands and low con-
trol, are related to poor individual health and well-
being (Danna & Griffin, 1999; Ganster & Schau- Theoretical Models
broeck, 1991; Kahn & Byosiere, 1992; Lee & Ash- Theoretical models such as the effort-recovery
forth, 1996; Van der Doef & Maes, 1999). Neverthe- model (Meijman & Mulder, 1998) and the conserva-
less, the amount of variance in individual health and tion of resources theory (Hobfoll, 1998) suggest that
well-being attributable to work situation variables is recovery and unwinding processes play an important
relatively small (Semmer, 1996; Zapf, Dormann, & role in predicting individual health and well-being.
Frese, 1996) and does not exceed 10% in most stud- More specifically, the effort-recovery model (Meij-
ies. To arrive at a better explanation of individual man & Mulder, 1998) describes that spending effort
health and well-being, one must integrate additional during working leads to specific load reactions in the
variables in studies on the effects of work-related individual. These load reactions include physiologi-
stress. Research suggests that individuals respond to cal, behavioral, and subjective responses. Under nor-
a stressful work day with specific behaviors during mal conditions, these reactions are reversible; that is,
their leisure time that help to alleviate the negative when an individual is no longer confronted with the
impact of stress experienced at work (Repetti, 1989). work demands, his or her psychobiological systems
The present study examined whether specific ac- previously affected by the demands return to their
tivities pursued during leisure time have an effect on predemand level and recovery occurs. As a result of
individuals' well-being. I focused on individuals' the recovery process, fatigue and other effects of
situation-specific well-being before going to sleep stressful situations are reduced. However, when de-
and investigated whether the effects of leisure time mands do not cease but are continuously put on the
activities existed beyond the possible effects of the individual, no recovery can occur. As a consequence,
load reactions accumulate and result in longer term
negative effects, such as impaired well-being and
health problems.
I am very grateful to H. Kodde, M. Jansen, and D.
Zonneveld for their involvement and enthusiasm during Thus, for recovery to occur, it is necessary that the
data collection. Additionally, I thank H. Akli and K. Biihler demands previously put on the individual's psycho-
for their helpful comments on earlier versions of this article. biological systems are removed and that the individ-
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad- ual engages in a below-baseline activity (i.e., below
dressed to Sabine Sonnentag, Department of Psychology,
University of Konstanz, Postbox D42, D-78457 Konstanz,
baseline with regard to the respective previous de-
Germany. Electronic mail may be sent to sabine.sonnentag® mands; Craig & Cooper, 1992). For example, imag- ine an individual whose work requirements put sub-


stantial demands on his or her cognitive functional day. Similarly, a growing body of literature suggests
system. To recover from work, this individual will that vacations and other off-job time function as a
need to engage in an activity that puts only very low respite during which resources are restored and re-
demands on his or her cognitive functional system. covery occurs (Etzion, Eden, & Lapidot, 1998; West-
According to this model, relatively high physical man & Eden, 1997). For example, Westman and
demands will not impede this individual's recovery Eden (1997) found that the burnout level of clerical
process. employees decreased during a 2-week summer vaca-
The conservation of resources theory (Hobfoll, tion, that is, during a time period in which individuals
1998) assumes that people strive to obtain, retain, and could spend replenishing their resources. Etzion et al.
protect their resources. According to this theory, (1998) reported that during a military service (i.e.,
stress occurs when an individual's resources are time spent off the job), burnout levels of male engi-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

threatened or lost or when no resources are gained neers and technicians decreased, particularly in men
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

after resource investment. In this context, resources who experienced high detachment from their regular
are "objects, personal characteristics, and energies jobs. This finding suggests that it is not primarily
that are either themselves valued for survival, directly pleasant activities such as those pursued during va-
or indirectly, or that serve as a means of achieving cations that are important for recovery to occur. The
these resources" (Hobfoll, 1998, p. 45). Applied to availability of time periods that allow for the resto-
the context of work, the conservation of resources ration of resources called on during regular work
theory implies that an unfavorable work situation seems to be crucial. However, previous research on
threatens or even harms an individual's resources, recovery processes did not address the issue of
such as well-being, health, and functioning in other whether specific activities pursued during these time
life domains. For example, during the process of periods contribute particularly to an individual's
working long hours, vigor decreases whereas tension well-being after off-work periods. Little is known
and fatigue increase. Subsequently, individuals will about specific activities that help in recovering from
strive to restore their resources. To restore one's work demands.
resources, one must invest additional resources in Studies from leisure sciences promise to contribute
oneself. Time periods during which one can draw on to our knowledge about recovery processes. Empiri-
other resources (e.g., additional time, social support) cal research on leisure activities reported substantial
offer the opportunity to restore one's resources. relationships between specific activities pursued dur-
Taken together, the effort-recovery model and the ing leisure time and an individual's health and well-
conservation of resources theory propose two com- being (Stanton-Rich & Iso-Ahola, 1998; Veenhoven,
plementary processes by which individual well-being 1984). Particularly, social and physical activities
benefits from time spent outside the job: The effort- were found to be associated with health and well-
recovery model suggests that refraining from work being. However, these studies on leisure time activ-
demands allows recovery processes to occur; conser- ities did not look at the joint effects of work situation
vation of resources theory suggests that time off the variables and recovery activities. Therefore, conclu-
job allows for restoring lost or threatened resources sions to be drawn from the existing literature are
by investing other resources. It is crucial in both somewhat limited. First, one's work situation might
models that resources needed during work are not have an impact on both one's well-being and one's
further called on during time periods when recovery leisure time activity (Karasek & Theorell, 1990;
is supposed to occur. Situations such as work breaks, Kirkcaldy & Cooper, 1993). Thus, it cannot be ruled
nonwork time during the evening or in the weekend, out that the relationship between leisure time activi-
and vacations offer opportunities for such recovery ties and well-being is attributable to one's work sit-
processes and the restoration of threatened or lost uation as a third variable. Second, so-called after-
resources. effects of work (Frankenhaeuser, 1981) may interfere
with recovery activities or mask the effects of leisure
Previous Empirical Research time activities. In this context, after-effects refer to
strain effects of a stressful work day that do not
Empirical research showed that time is needed to unfold immediately but later, for example, during the
recover from work demands. For example, Totterdell, evening hours at home. Moreover, most studies
Spelten, Smith, Barton, and Folkard (1995) found looked at cross-sectional relationships between spe-
that individuals' well-being tends to improve with an cific leisure activities and individual mood and well-
increasing number of rest days since the last work being. However, relatively little is known whether

such activities can bring about changes in one's functional systems asked for during working time.
mood and well-being after a work day. Therefore, one can assume that spending time on
job-related activities during leisure time will have a
negative effect on an individual's Situational well-
Effects of Leisure Time Activities being. A similar argument applies to most of the
on Well-Being other task-related activities, which are often cogni-
tively demanding activities. Particularly in jobs with
Well-being is a broad concept that includes a va-
high cognitive and high concentration requirements,
riety of affects and aspects of satisfaction and mental
spending time on other task-related activities will
health (Diener, Suh, Lucas, & Smith, 1999; Warr,
impede recovery to occur and will have a negative
1990). It refers to global and rather stable evaluations
impact on an individual's Situational well-being.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

of one's life and context-specific aspects as well as to

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

momentary mood (Diener et al., 1999). When study- Hypothesis 1. The amount of time spent on job-related
ing the effects of leisure time activities that occur and other task-related activities is negatively related to
within the time frame of several hours, one must an individual's Situational well-being before going to
focus on well-being at specific moments and in spe-
cific situations (e.g., well-being before going to Household and child-care activities require other
sleep). Situational well-being is an overall evaluation resources than those needed for accomplishing most
of one's present state. Situational well-being before job-related duties (exceptions are some specific oc-
going to sleep can be conceptualized as an indicator cupations such as cleaning or child care). Therefore,
that recovery is occurring. one could assume that household and child-care ac-
Empirical research and people's daily experiences tivities offer the opportunity to recover from job-
show that individuals cannot spend all the time out- related demands and associated strains. However,
side their workplace on activities that have a recov- household and child-care activities in themselves are
ering effect (Kleiber, Larson, & Csikszentmihalyi, demanding; they require effort and draw on one's
1986; Leitner & Leitner, 1989; Lundberg, Marberg, resources (Grandey & Cropanzano, 1999; Mardberg,
& Frankenhaeuser, 1994). Besides personal mainte- Lundberg, & Frankenhaeuser, 1991). Most impor-
nance activities, such as sleeping, eating, and per- tant, these activities are associated with a high degree
sonal hygiene, individuals have to engage in activi- of obligation and cannot be skipped without severe
ties with a high-duty profile, such as additional job- (in the case of child care) or at least unpleasant (in the
related and household activities. Nevertheless, most case of housework) consequences. This implies that
individuals' time budgets include time to be spent on individuals must accomplish these tasks and spend
leisure activities, such as meeting with friends, effort and attention on them when already fatigued
watching a movie, or doing sports (Leitner & Leitner, from the job. From the conservation of resources
1989; Robinson, 1999). perspective (Hobfoll, 1998), the necessity to perform
the task when tired and fatigued implies a threat of an
Effects of Leisure Time Activities With a individual's resources. Thus, one can assume that the
High-Duty Profile demanding and obligatory nature of household and
child-care activities exceeds their potentially benefi-
Activities with a high-duty profile refer to tasks an cial effects. This implies that a large amount of time
individual has to accomplish. These activities include spent on household and child-care activities reduces
(a) job-related activities such as finishing a task for an individual's well-being.
one's job or preparing for the next work day, (b) Hypothesis 2. The amount of time spent on household
task-related activities that refer to one's private life and child-care activities is negatively related to an
such as completing one's tax declaration, and (c) individual's Situational well-being before going to
household and child-care activities. It is typical for sleep.
such activities with a high-duty profile to be linked to
a specific degree of obligation. They can be skipped Effects of Leisure Time Activities With a
or postponed only within relatively narrow margins. Potential for Recovery
Job-related activities draw on the same resources
as task accomplishment processes during (formal) The present study concentrates on three types of
working time. Recovery, however, occurs only in leisure time activities that have a potentially recov-
situations in which no further demands are put on ering effect: low-effort activities, social activities,

and physical activities. All these activities differ from ities are necessary for an individual to recover and
the job-related, household, child-care, and other task- that these activities therefore have a positive effect on
related activities in that they are less obligatory and individual well-being.
are often done for its own sake.
Hypothesis 3. The amount of time spent on low-effort
Typical low-effort activities are relatively passive activities is positively related to an individual's situa-
activities such as watching TV, browsing through a tional well-being before going to sleep.
magazine, or just relaxing on one's sofa (Kleiber et
al., 1986). Often, these activities are characterized by Social activities refer to activities that focus on
a high degree of passivity, thus representing below- social contact, such as meeting with family members,
baseline activities. This implies that no demands are friends, and other individuals or groups. This cate-
put on resources normally required for accomplishing gory also includes activities such as going to a party,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

one's work tasks. As a consequence, the functional dining out with others, or phoning other people (see
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

systems can return to their normal, prestressor level. Palmore & Luikart, 1972). There are two main mech-
Therefore, one can assume that low-effort activities anisms why social activities have the potential for
have a recovery effect. Engaging in these activities being successful recovery activities. First, social ac-
will improve an individual's situational well-being. tivities offer the opportunity for social support. There
However, some authors claim that passive leisure is broad empirical evidence that social support has
activities have a detrimental effect on individuals' positive effects on well-being (Viswesvaran, Sanchez,
health and well-being because they are related to & Fisher, 1999). Empirical research on leisure activ-
boredom and apathy (e.g., Iso-Ahola, 1997). One ities point in the same direction. Hills and Argyle
could assume that this particularly applies to low- (1998) found that members of leisure groups experi-
effort activities. However, some caveats are neces- enced more positive affect than nonmembers (see
sary. First, the conclusion that passive leisure has also Iso-Ahola & Park, 1996).
negative effects is largely derived from empirical Second, during social activities, no further de-
findings that show the positive effects of active lei- mands are put on resources needed during typical
sure (e.g., exercise and sports). However, this does task-accomplishing processes. As a consequence, re-
not per se imply that spending some time on passive, covery processes can take place. One might argue
that is, low-effort activities has the same negative that the situation is somewhat different for individu-
effects as refraining from any active activity. One can als in the customer service or educational domain
imagine individuals who spend time both on active who are faced with high requirements for social
and on passive (i.e., low-effort) activities. Based on interaction during their working time. However, so-
the effort-recovery model outlined above, one can cial interactions as work requirements put specific
assume that spending time on passive leisure adds to demands on the individual, particularly with respect
the prediction of well-being—beyond the assumed to the regulation of one's feelings and observable
positive effect of active leisure activities. expressions in line with the organizational goals
Second, passive leisure might be a consequence of (Grandey, 2000). Such a high degree of emotion
stressful and low-control work situations (Karasek & regulation is not requested during most voluntary
Theorell, 1990). Such work situations are related to leisure time activities. Moreover, outside work, indi-
poor individual health and well-being. Thus, a cor- viduals have more choice with respect to their inter-
relation between passive leisure and poor health and action partners than at work. They can decide to meet
well-being might be a spurious one that can be ex- with those individuals who do not request demanding
plained by third variables such as work situation forms of emotion regulation. As a consequence, dur-
variables. Additionally, depression might be a third ing social activities outside work, individuals work-
variable that accounts for the relationship between ing in the customer service or educational domain
passive leisure and poor well-being: Depressive in- can experience a relief from the high degree of emo-
dividuals might engage more in passive leisure and at tion regulation requested at their workplace. In other
the same time suffer from poor well-being (Wells et words, no further demands are put on the resources
al., 1989). Taken together, it cannot be ruled out that requested at the workplace, and recovery occurs.
spurious relations account for the relationship be- Thus, social activities are assumed to have a positive
tween passive leisure and poor well-being. It is impact on individuals' situational well-being.
doubtful that time spent on low-effort activities Hypothesis 4. The amount of time spent on social
causes poor well-being. The effort-recovery model activities is positively related to an individual's situa-
rather suggests that low-effort, below-baseline activ- tional well-being before going to sleep.

Physical activities comprise a wide range of be- situation can have an effect on a person's well-being
haviors, including exercise, sport, and other activities at the end of the work day. For example, compared
such as walking and cycling. During physical activ- with individuals in highly stressful jobs, individuals
ities, most individuals use other resources than those in less stressful jobs feel better at the time when they
needed in work accomplishment processes, with the leave their workplace. Then, the person's situational
exception of individuals who work in the increas- well-being at the end of the work day would have an
ingly rare jobs with heavy physical demands. Active impact on well-being before going to sleep. Stated
involvement in physical leisure activities implies a differently, well-being at the end of the work day
cognitive distraction of job-related duties (Yeung, would be a mediator in the relationship between a
1996). A temporary relief from job-related problems person's work situation and his or her well-being
and demands occurs that allows the functional sys- before going to sleep. Second, a person's work situ-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

tems to recover. Moreover, physical activities stim- ation might directly affect the choice of specific
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ulate physiological and psychological processes, leisure activities (Karasek & Theorell, 1990; Kirk-
which contribute to an increase in individuals' health caldy & Cooper, 1993). This would imply that a
and well-being (Brown, 1990; Wankel & Berger, relationship between specific activities and situa-
1990). Empirical research shows that physical activ- tional well-being before going to sleep might be due
ities have a positive effect on individuals' mood and to the person's work situation. Third, research sug-
well-being, including both short-term and long-term gests that stressful work situations can have after-
benefits (Brown, 1990; Byrne & Byrne, 1993; Petruz- effects. Such after-effects are reflected not only in the
zello, Landers, Hatfield, Kubitz, & Salazar, 1991). immediate response to the work day as experienced
directly after work (e.g., as poor situational well-
Hypothesis 5. The amount of time spent on physical being when returning home from work) but also in
activities is positively related to an individual's situa- lagged effects that unfold during the hours after re-
tional well-being before going to sleep.
turning home from work (Frankenhaeuser, 1981;
Meijman, Mulder, & Van Dormolen, 1992). In other
Work Situation and Weil-Being at the End of words, the work situation might have an effect on
the Work Day as Third Variables individual well-being before going to sleep, which is
not completely mediated by individual well-being at
When examining the effects of recovery activities the end of the work day.
on situational well-being, one has to take into account To rule out such alternative explanations that draw
that additional factors might have an impact on the on situational well-being at the end of the work day
situational well-being. Among these factors, the in- and the work situation as third variables, one has to
dividual's well-being at the end of the"work day and control for these factors in the analysis. Moreover,
his or her work situation might play the most domi- the inclusion of work situation variables allows for
nant role. the examination of the joint effects of work situation
Situational well-being at the end of the work day factors and leisure time activities, an approach that
refers to a person's affective state when leaving the did not receive much attention in past research.
workplace and returning home from work, irrespec-
tive of whether this state is caused by work-related or
other factors. A person's situational well-being at the
end of the work day might have an impact on the Sample
choice of leisure time activities (Dishman, Sallis, &
Orenstein, 1985; Kubey & Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). The sample comprised 100 Dutch school teachers. There
Moreover, this person's situational well-being at the were several reasons why teachers were chosen as study
end of the work day might have an effect on his or group. First, compared with other employees, teachers have
her situational well-being before going to sleep. the option to spend more time outside their regular work-
place. Thus, they have greater discretion in allocating time
Thus, a relationship between specific leisure time on various activities. This discretion was assumed to result
activities and situational well-being before going to in a greater variance of how time is spent on the various
sleep might be attributable to the person's well-being activities. Second, teachers have to accomplish part of their
at the end of the work day, as a third variable. work tasks at home (e.g., preparing lessons for the next day,
grading exams). This was a good precondition for testing
A person's work situation could have an impact on Hypothesis 1. Third, a relatively homogeneous sample was
an individual's situational well-being before going to chosen to hold constant factors such as profession and type
sleep through several mechanisms. First, the work of tasks performed. Fourth, teachers have a relatively stress-

ful job and experience poor well-being (De Heus & Diek- For data analyses, for every category and each day, the
stra, 1999; Schaufeli, Daamen, & Van Mierlo, 1994). For total time spent on all the activities in the specific category
example, Schaufeli et al. (1994) compared Dutch teachers was computed. For more details about the diary method, see
with a large representative sample of Dutch workers and a Sonnentag (2000).
large sample of various human service workers. They found Situational well-being. For assessing participants' situ-
that teachers had significantly higher scores on psycholog- ational well-being, I developed two short measures: (a)
ical strain, somatic complaints, and emotional exhaustion. situational well-being at the end of the work day as control
Thus, from a practical point of view, it is important to know variable and (b) situational well-being before going to sleep
which activities are helpful in recovering from work in such as dependent variable. Both measures were assessed in the
highly stressful jobs. diary on the 5 consecutive days and were intended to assess
Recruiting of study participants began with the manage- an individual's state in a specific situation on each of the 5
ment of the schools being contacted. After the management days. Situational well-being at the end of the work day
expressed consent to participate, 150 teachers were ap- referred to participants' situational well-being when leaving
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

proached through the schools' mailing systems and were their workplace and returning home. It was measured with
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

asked to participate. A total of 100 teachers (51 male, 49 three 5-point Likert-type items (e.g., "I felt tense when
female) from four different school types participated in the coming home from work" [reverse scored], "I was in a good
study. These 100 teachers who completed the instruments mood when coming home from work," and "I was in a good
represented an acceptable response rate of 67%. Their mean mood at the end of the workday"). Cronbach's alphas co-
age was 41.0 years (SD = 9.8). School types ranged from efficients were computed separately for the 5 days. They
primary to grammar school. The majority of the participants ranged between .70 and .81 (M = .76). Situational well-
(79%) lived with a partner, 6% lived with another person being before going to sleep was measured with three 5-point
who was not the partner, and 15% lived alone. In total, 62% Likert-type items (e.g., "I felt tense before going to sleep"
of the participants had no children, 4% had one child, 15% [reverse scored], "I was in a good mood before going to
had two children, 15% had three children, and 4% had four sleep," and "I feel that I have had enough time to relax and
children. The study took place in the middle of the school recover from my workday"). Cronbach's alphas ranged
year: 12% of the participants completed the instruments in between .66 and .78 (M = .71). Participants provided the
December, 71% in January, 13% in February, and 4% in answers to both well-being measures before they went to
March or April. sleep.
The 100 participating teachers were compared with the To examine the validity of these situational well-being
population of all teachers employed in the Dutch educa- measures, I assessed participants' well-being at the end of
tional system. Compared with the Dutch teachers' average the 5-day period with an additional questionnaire. This
age of 43.50 years, the participants in this study were questionnaire comprised the Dutch version (Schalk,
slightly younger; the percentage of women in the study Keunen, & Meijer, 1995) of Warr's (1990) affective well-
sample corresponded to the percentage of women among all being measures: anxiety-contentment (Cronbach's a =
Dutch school teachers (Ministerie van Onderwijs, 1999). .81) and depression-enthusiasm (Cronbach's a = .84)
based on the three-axes model of well-being (Warr, 1987).
Measures I regressed participants' anxiety—contentment scores and
depression—enthusiasm scores on the 10 situational well-
Data were gathered with a diary and a questionnaire being scores of the respective participant (5 "at the end of
method. All items were in Dutch. Participants filled in the the work day" measures and 5 "before going to sleep"
questionnaire at the start of the study before they started to measures). Multiple correlation was R = .72 (p < .001) for
complete the diary. anxiety—contentment and R = .70 (p < .001) for depres-
Activities. Because retrospective reports about the en- sion-enthusiasm. This finding suggests that the short situ-
gagement in specific activities may be of limited validity ational well-being measures tapped the core of the affective
(Smith, Leffingwell, & Ptacek, 1999; Stone et al., 1998) and well-being concept.
because time devoted on specific activity categories may Work situation. Participants' work situation was as-
vary substantially during the week, activity data were gath- sessed with three questionnaire measures: time pressure,
ered with a diary method. Participants completed the diary uncertainty, and control at work. Time pressure and control
on 5 consecutive work days. Participants were provided at work refer to the two dimensions of the job demand-
with short descriptions of five activity categories and a list control model (Karasek & Theorell, 1990), and uncertainty
of prototypical activities within each category. The five closely corresponds to role ambiguity (Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn,
activity categories included the following1: (a) work-related Snoek, & Rosenthal, 1964). High time pressure, low control
activities, for example, finishing or preparing for work at work, and high uncertainty/role ambiguity are known to
duties and doing one's private administration; (b) household be related to poor individual well-being (Jackson & Schuler,
and child-care activities, for example, cooking, doing the 1985; Spector, 1986; Wall, Jackson, Mullarkey, & Parker,
dishes, shopping, and taking care of the children; (c) low- 1996). In the present study, time pressure, uncertainty, and
effort activities, for example, watching television or taking control at work were measured with scales developed by
a bath; (d) social activities, for example, meeting with
others or making a phone call to chat; (e) physical activities,
for example, sports, cycling, and dancing. Per day, partici- In the diary, participants were asked about two addi-
pants had to report the time they started and ended each tional activities (creative activities, such as painting or play-
activity. In addition, they were asked to report the amount of ing music, and further activities not covered by the other
time they spent on other activities falling in these categories categories). These activities were not included in the
but not mentioned in the list provided in the diary. analyses.

Semmer (1984) and Zapf (1993): Time pressure was mea-

sured with 5 items referring to a high quantitative workload
and high concentration demands (e.g., "I often work under
time pressure"). Cronbach's alpha was .71. Uncertainty was
measured with a short version of the scale comprised of 3
items (e.g., "I often get vague instructions from my cowork-
m S >p II
ers or my supervisor"). Cronbach's alpha was .72. The
control at work measure comprised 7 items (e.g., "I can 0 IE ;g
decide how I accomplish my work"). Cronbach's alpha was *i -3

.83. Validity studies showed acceptable to good coefficients 'u

for the three scales (for a summary, see Semmer, Zapf, & 0\ °.° N C 3 -rj-

Dunckel, 1999).
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

00 \ £ 3 5I . ^- id
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Data Analysis Procedure C o

\ 1 r W)

* * * * ^
For each study participant, data on two levels were avail- r- * * * * * * t^ \0 •s
able: at the day level (activity and situational well-being c o
\ I \ \ \ >
data) and at the person level (work situation variables and o
demographic variables), with the day-level data being <;
** #*
nested within the person-level data. Data were analyzed o o o o o o 1 ^t •—i co i—< c o
•— o >%
with multilevel analysis (i.e., a hierarchical linear modeling I I I I I •o
approach; Bryk & Raudenbush, 1992). Hierarchical linear
modeling is the most appropriate method for dealing with * #
# * * # #
|o-HOO^CN g
this kind of a hierarchically structured dataset and takes the V)
• ^ f r o o r o i o o o <-< »n •- * «rt- l-l
dependence of the day-level measurements within each per- I I I ! 1 1 1 1 1 T3
son into account (Snijders & Bosker, 1999). More informa- 00
tion about the hierarchical linear modeling procedure is * »
given in the Appendix. •* * *
^t'-HOs 1 oo ^o cs i— v-
* i in —< »- ^ aj
r-i O O l O O - ^ C S —' O C CN ^^
For data analysis, the MLn program was used (Rasbash & 3 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U
Woodhouse, 1996). In these analyses, predictor variables at 3 ^
the person level (work situation variables and demographic •S *

.a m *
OOCN | c o c N r S ' -*< ^ > —i c s r ^
variables) were Level 2 data and were centered around the ^^H I O - ^ O C 4 O O O C c 0 1
grand mean. Predictor variables at the day level (situational 1 1 1 1 1 1
well-being and activity data) were Level 1 data and were f 00

centered around the respective person mean. £5 *

Within multilevel analysis, it is possible to test and com- e CM O
* *
l o O C N O O O ' —' O r -
I I I I 1 I
£ *
pare several models starting with a null model that includes S
only the intercept and does not specify any predictor vari- I
/3* # *O •

able. In the following steps, several predictor variables can * * * v~ 0

be added consecutively (both at the day and the person
level), and the improvement of one model above a previous 1
1 1 1 1 1 I I
U Cd

one can be examined using a likelihood ratio statistic. rt "o

o^ioSoKSP^S? c
18 c OG <r>

a rt co co •—< ^- O O O O C Ol

g S - ) S a > S » r 3 S v 2 ^ R r ^ § a a\
II II 4>
"^3 ^ vo ^* \& CN *o ^~ co co o) ro ^~ ^ o
Table 1 shows means, standard deviations, and o ^§
o,c C8
•a £
zero-order correlations between the study variables. (rt

$ •3 "3 S
When appropriate, both day-level and person-level
correlations are displayed. s
a If C "g

e •S 3
0 C
•2 00 'a
Test of Hypotheses •S u 0 13 '" "3 -g
s "s "s „ § ">

g 1 §•§-*'
For testing the hypotheses, I followed a hierarchi- Q 'i
•j3 S •'S d (g O Si rt
. T3

cal data analysis strategy and examined a number of
nested models. In the null model, the intercept was
|!l|l|l| 1 11^-
^ S
«i **
. Children

_O T3
the only predictor. In Model 1, demographic vari- &
ables (sex, age, and number of children; Level 2) and
situational well-being at the end of the work day
J3 g
3| §
- H C M m T t ^ ^ o r - o o O N O - ; r^ 2

5 * «.
(Level 1) were entered as predictors. In Model 2, < « *

work situation variables (control at work, time pres- sure on individual well-being. However, no such
sure, and uncertainty; Level 2) were entered. Finally, significant interaction effects were found. Second, I
in Model 3, the five activity variables (Level 1) were tested whether the combination of specific activities
entered. had an effect on well-being, particularly whether
To test the improvement of each model above the low-effort, social, or physical activities attenuate the
previous one, I computed the difference of the re- negative effects of work-related activities and
spective likelihood ratios. This difference follows a whether time spent on more active recovery activities
chi-square distribution (with degrees of freedom = (i.e., social and physical activities) enhances the pos-
number of new parameters added to the model). itive effect of more passive activities (i.e., low-effort
Results are shown in Table 2. activities). None of the interaction terms turned out to
Analysis revealed that Model 1, which included be significant. Third, I examined whether the breadth
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

demographic and situational well-being at the end of of activities is related to an individual's situational
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

the work day, showed a significant improvement over well-being. I computed the breadth of activities as the
the null model (difference of-2*log = 34.05, df= 4, number of categories out of which activities were
p < .01). Situational well-being at the end of the performed (e.g., spending time just on social activi-
work day was the only but highly significant predic- ties corresponded to a low breadth of activities,
tor in this model. whereas spending time on job-related, social, and
Compared with Model 1, Model 2 in which work physical activities corresponded to a higher breadth
situation variables were entered showed a signifi- of activities). I used this variable as a day-level
cantly smaller likelihood ratio (difference of predictor in multilevel modeling after having entered
-2*log = 13.23, df=3,p< .01). This indicates that situational well-being at the end of the work day, the
work situation variables contributed significantly to demographic variables, and the work situation vari-
the prediction of well-being before going to sleep— ables. Analysis showed that the number of different
beyond the strong effects of well-being at the end of activities an individual performed was positively re-
the work day. The predictive power of work situation lated to his or her situational well-being before going
variables was mainly based on the effect of time to sleep (difference of -2*log = 4.03, df =1, p <
pressure. The higher an individual's time pressure at .05). Fourth, I tested whether the activities performed
work, the poorer was this person's well-being before on one day still have an effect on the following day;
going to sleep, indicating an after-effect. for example, an individual's well-being might suffer
In Model 3, leisure time activities were included. from extensive work-related activities on the previ-
Again, a significant improvement over the previous ous day or it might benefit from low-effort activities
model (Model 2) resulted (difference of -2*log = on that day. I tested for such spillover effects with the
54.37, df = 5, p < .01). Inspection of regression same multilevel modeling procedures as described in
coefficients showed that a high amount of time spent the Method section and the Appendix, using the
on work-related activities had a negative impact on activities performed on the preceding day as predic-
an individual's well-being before going to sleep, tors, instead of activities performed on the same day.
whereas time spent on low-effort, social, and physi- Analysis did not reveal any spillover effect from one
cal activities had a positive impact on well-being. day to the next.
Time spent on household activities had no effect.
Taken together, Hypotheses 1, 3, 4, and 5 were
supported by the data. The effects of leisure time Discussion
activities existed beyond the effects of well-being at
the end of the work day and the effects of work This study examined the effects of activities per-
situation variables. formed during leisure time on situational well-being.
Analysis showed that work-related activities had a
negative effect on individuals' situational well-being
Additional Analyses
before going to sleep, whereas low-effort activities,
To explore the effects of recovery activities fur- social activities, and physical activities had a positive
ther, I performed additional analyses.2 First, I ad- effect. These effects existed beyond the strong effects
dressed possible interaction effects between work
situation variables and recovery activities. More spe- 2
More information about the additional analysis and
cifically, I tested whether there were leisure time tables summarizing the findings can be requested from the
activities that buffer the negative effect of time pres- author.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

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of individuals' well-being at the end of the work day. an individual's well-being. Future research should
Moreover, an after-effect of time pressure at work on examine whether there might be negative long-term
situational well-being was found. There was no effect effects as well.
of household and child-care activities on situational Household and child-care activities were not re-
well-being. lated to situational well-being before going to sleep.
The study extends previous research on respite Thus, for the sample as a whole, all household and
from work (Westman & Eden, 1997) and confirms child-care activities together had neither an addi-
findings from earlier research which showed that tional demanding nor a recovery effect. However,
leisure time activities are related to individuals' well- this does not exclude the fact that specific activities
being (Stanton-Rich & Iso-Ahola, 1998; Veenhoven, within this large category have a pronounced positive
1984). More specifically, the positive effects of social or negative effect on one's well-being. There might
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

and physical activities are in line with earlier findings be particularly exhausting household activities, for
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

(Brown, 1990; Byrne & Byrne, 1993; Hills & Argyle, example, doing the family's shopping for the whole
1998; Iso-Ahola & Park, 1996). However, the posi- week, which therefore have a negative impact on an
tive effect of low-effort activities questions the as- individual's well-being. Similarly, some individuals
sumption about the negative impact of "passive" lei- might experience mainly positive effects of house-
sure time activities (Iso-Ahola, 1997). Spending hold and child-care activities, whereas others might
some time on activities that put overall low demands experience mainly negative effects. Further studies
on the individual are experienced as helpful for ar- are needed to examine the moderating effects of type
riving at a high level of well-being. This is at least of activities and individual characteristics.
true for individuals in stressful jobs such as the Time pressure was found to have a significant
teachers studied here (Schaufeli et al., 1994). More- after-effect on situational well-being before going to
over, it became evident that both active (e.g., physi- sleep when controlling for situational well-being at
cal) and passive (e.g., low effort) activities have the end of the work day. This result suggests that the
positive effects on well-being. These findings and the negative effects of time pressure experienced in the
relatively low intercorrelations between the various job mainly unfold during leisure time. Findings pre-
leisure time activities (see Table 1) suggest that it is sented by Frankenhaeuser (1981) and Meijman et al.
not primarily the question of whether individuals (1992) point in a similar direction. For example,
engage in more active or more passive leisure time Frankenhaeuser reported a study on adrenaline excre-
activities; both types of activities have beneficial tion rates during periods of high workload. Analysis
effects. showed that adrenaline excretion rates remained el-
Work-related activities turned out to have a nega- evated during leisure time in the evening and even
tive impact on situational well-being. Thus, work- showed a higher increase, compared with periods of
related activities pursued at home seem to draw on normal workload, than adrenaline excretion rates dur-
the same resources as those needed to complete one's ing the work day. The findings from the present study
job. Moreover, engaging in job-related activities at as well as from the earlier studies on after-effects of
home implies that one keeps thinking of one's job work demands indicate that an individual's function-
duties and associated problems. Spending time on ing during leisure time is related to his or her expe-
job-related activities works against a cognitive dis- rience during the work day.
traction from one's job and therefore might impede An inspection of the zero-order correlations (see
recovery processes from occurring. This finding is Table 1) shows only weak correlations between work
particularly important in the face of recent develop- situation variables and time spent on the specific
ments that make the boundaries between work and leisure activities (the only exception was the signif-
nonwork time more and more permeable. The wide- icant negative correlation between time pressure and
spread use of technologies such as electronic mail, social activities). This finding seems to contradict the
pagers, and mobile (cellular) phones enable—and assumption of a relationship between workplace fac-
sometimes require—individuals to stay in touch with tors and types of leisure time activities (Karasek &
work while at home. This implies that during time Theorell, 1990). However, it has to be noted that all
that should be devoted to leisure activities, individu- of the participants in the present study were faced
als engage in work-related task. As a consequence, with relative similar job requirements, and therefore
cognitive detachment from one's job and associated differences in leisure activities could not be ex-
recovery processes cannot occur. The present study plained by differences in the participants' work situ-
suggests that this has negative short-term effects on ation. As can be seen from Table 1, there were

significant relationships between demographic fac- have the same effects for all participants, thus, one
tors and leisure time activities, particularly with re- might expect interaction effects.
spect to physical activities. Furthermore, one might question the generalizabil-
ity of the findings. More specifically, one might argue
that only teachers who felt they have enough time
Strengths and Limitations available to fill in the diary participated in the study,
whereas others experiencing high time-consuming
This study has some particular strengths and lim- demands did not return the diary. This would imply
itations. Leisure time activities were measured with a that the sample included mainly individuals with low
diary method. Therefore, the problems associated demands and that the study findings could not be
with the use of retrospective data for assessing activ- generalized to individuals who face a high workload,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ities over longer time periods were avoided (Smith et be it in their job or in their private life. This argument
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

al., 1999; Stone et al., 1998). Data were assessed over cannot be ruled out completely. However, the overall
a period of 5 days, substantially longer than the time return rate of 67% was relatively high. Additionally,
period of 2 days normally covered by time budget participants who did return the diary also had to deal
research (Harvey, 1999). By covering a period of 5 with time-consuming responsibilities. For example,
days, this study took into account variations in activ- more than a third of the sample had at least two
ities and well-being across the days. children to take care of. These data suggest that the
In the analysis, I controlled for demographic vari- study findings are not biased by a highly selective
ables, work situation variables, and situational well- sample.
being at the end of the work day. The results show This study is based on a sample of teachers. Teach-
that the effects of specific leisure time activities can ers differ from other employees in that they have the
neither be explained by individuals' prior situational option to spend more time outside their workplace,
well-being nor be explained by their work situation. which gives them more discretion in allocating time
Rather, work situation and leisure variables indepen- among various activities. Additionally, teachers have
dently contribute to the prediction of individual well- to complete part of their job-related tasks at home.
being. Thus, this study adds to prior studies that Therefore, the finding about the negative effects of
focused nearly exclusively on the effects of the work work-related activities might be specific for a teach-
situation or the effects of leisure time activities. er's job. Clearly, studies are needed to test the gen-
Well-being at the end of the work day was mea- eralizability of this study's findings on other occupa-
sured retrospectively at bedtime. This is a clear lim- tional groups.
itation of the study. It might be that participants One further objection refers to the possible reac-
reported their well-being at the end of the work day tivity of the diary method. One might argue that
in the light of their present, that is, bedtime, well- individuals changed their leisure time behavior as a
being. This implies that the relationship between result of paying attention to and reporting then- ac-
well-being at the end of the work day and well-being tivities. However, hi the present study, the measure-
before going to sleep might be inflated in the retro- ment period was substantially shorter than in other
spective reports, therefore leaving less variance in studies that reported an effect of diary keeping on
well-being before going to sleep to be explained by behavior and mood (e.g., Burt, 1994). Thus, it is not
leisure time activities. However, effects of leisure likely that diary keeping over a period of 5 days
time activities were significant, despite the retrospec- caused changes in the amount of time devoted on the
tive assessment of well-being at the end of the work activities.
Another limitation of this study involves the rela-
tively broad categories used for assessing leisure time Directions for Future Research and
activities. Therefore, effects of specific activities that Practical Implications
might have worked into the direction opposite to their
respective larger categories could not be detected. This study focused on leisure time activities and
However, asking about more specific activities would recovery processes during the evenings of work days.
have put additional strain on the study participants. But for leisure activities and recovery processes,
Moreover, the question remains whether analyzing weekends also play an important role. Therefore,
specific activities would change the overall picture. future studies should examine the effects of activities
Rather, one might argue that specific activities do not pursued during the weekend.

The sample included in this study had relatively advised to reduce work-related activities performed
regular working hours. However, there are increas- during leisure time to a minimum. Therefore, man-
ingly more professional groups whose work situation agers who allocate tasks to be accomplished during
is characterized by irregular working hours and shift- leisure time must be aware that this might be negative
work schedules (Spurgeon & Cooper, 2000). Previ- for their employees' well-being, which in turn may
ous research has shown that irregular working hours have a detrimental effect on subsequent performance
and shift work have a negative impact on the oppor- (Staw, Sutton, & Felled, 1994). However, keeping
tunity to engage in specific leisure time activities leisure time free from work-related duties is not
(Knauth, Kiesswetter, Ottman, Karvonen, & Ruten- always feasible. Therefore, individuals should find
franz, 1983). Future research should examine the ways to accomplish their work-related tasks effi-
effects of leisure time activities that are pursued by ciently. This will allow them to save time to be spent
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

individuals with irregular working hours and shift on "real" leisure time activities that have a positive
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

workers. effect on their well-being.

In this study, amount of time spent on specific Moreover, additional analysis failed to find any
leisure time activities was the predictor variable. interaction effect between time pressure and leisure
However, for recovery effects to occur, not only the activities on situational well-being. This implies that
amount of time but other features of the activities leisure time activities do not buffer the negative
may be equally or even more important. For example, effects of a stressful work situation, although they
one might think of the degree of detachment from have beneficial effects on their own. This clearly
one's job or the experienced pleasantness of an ac- points to the need to reduce time pressure at the
tivity. One might speculate that experiencing work- workplace and to enable individuals to better deal
related activities as extremely pleasant might attenu- with time pressure when it occurs.
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to bed. Similarly, experiencing social activities or
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(Appendix follows)


Multilevel Analysis Procedure

Bryk and Raudenbush (1992) and Snijders and Bosker ft, = Tio
(1999) provided comprehensive introductions into multi-
level analysis. In short, multilevel analysis is a data analysis fti = 720 (2)
method for hierarchically structured datasets and takes into
account within-group and between-groups variance. In the fti = 730

case of the present study, in which the "groups" are the

individual persons, the method takes into account within- ft, = 740

person and between-person variance. For specific datasets

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ft, = 750
such as the present one, multilevel analysis is superior to
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ordinary least square regression analysis, which assumes ft, = 760-

independence of observations. Multilevel analysis, how-
ever, allows for dependent observations within the higher When combining Equations (1) and (2) the final model
level data structure (i.e., participants in the present study; results as
Snijders & Bosker, 1999).
Multilevel analysis comprises separate models for the Yri = 7oo + 7oi (gender),. + -y02 (age), +
various data levels. In the present case with two levels, the
model at Level 1 (day level) expresses each person's well- + 703 (children), + 704 (control at work), +
being before going to sleep formally as + 705 (time pressure^ + 7o« (uncertainty), +
= + 7io (well-being at the end of the work day),, +
K ft, + ft, (well-being after work),, +
+ 720 (work-related activities),, +
+ ft, (work-related activities),, + (3)
+ 730 (household activities),, +
+ /33i (low-effort activities),, + + 740 (low-effort activities),, +
+ ft, (household activities),, + + 750 (social activities),, +
+ 760 (physical activities),, +
+ ft, (social activities),, +
+ uoi + erj.
+ ft, (physical acivities),, + e,,,
Note that in this model only the intercept parameter of the
where t refers to Day t and i refers to Person i. Thus, Level 1 model ft,, is assumed to vary at Level 2 (i.e., to
differ across individuals). The other parameters (i.e., ft, to
this models specifies each person's well-being as a
/36j) are assumed to be the same for all individuals.
function of this person's well-being after work, his or The part with the 7-coefficients represents the fixed ef-
her involvement in the five leisure time activities, an fects in the model, and U0, and e,, represent the random part
intercept /30, and an error term e,;. of the model. The significance of the fixed effects can be
At Level 2 (person level), the model consists of tested with the (-test statistic by calculating the ratio of the
estimated coefficients to their standard error. Additionally,
the model fit of competing models can be tested by a
ft; = Too + 7oi (gender), + yn (age), + likelihood ratio test.
+ 7o3 (children), + yM (control at work), +
Received June 7, 2000
+ 7o5 (time pressure), +
Revision received November 6, 2000
+ 706 (uncertainty), + u0, Accepted January 10, 2001 •

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