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Khóa Tiếng Anh Giao Tiếp Cơ Bản



1. Pronounce those sounds and write some words including this sound. (Luyện phát âm những

âm sau và viết các từ vựng có chứa âm đó)

/j/ /r/ /w/ /l/

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

/m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /p/

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________


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1. There are 14 names of jobs in this grid. Find the job names in the grid, circle and write them
down. (Có tất cả 14 tên nghề nghiệp trong ô chữ. Hãy tìm tên nghề nghiệp trong ô chữ , khoanh
tròn và viết lại xuống dưới)

1…………………… 2…………………… 3…………………… 4……………………

5…………………… 6…………………… 7…………………… 8……………………

9…………………… 10………………… 11………………… 12…………………

13…………………….. 14……………………..


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2. Write the name of the place under each picture. (Viết tên địa điểm dưới mỗi bức tranh)

a. f________ b. h________ c. l________ d. r________

e. c_________ f. t________ g. g_______ h. p_______

i. c________ j. m________ k. p_______ l. w_______

m. s________ n. p________ o. f________ p. w________


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I. Rules
1. Modal verbs

a. Should and Ought to

We use both should and ought to to ask or give advice, to say what is correct or
the best thing to do.

(Chúng ta dùng cả should và ought to để nói về điều gì đó nên làm)

A: I’ve got a toothache. What should I do? (= What is the best thing for me to do?)

B: You ought to go to the dentist’s. (= The best thing for you to do is go to the

We often use should when we are We usually use ought to when we

giving a personal opinion talking about a duty or a law

(Chúng ta thường dùng should để đưa (Chúng ta dùng ought to để nói về

ra quan điểm cá nhân): điều gì đó nên làm do luật hoặc có
nhiệm vụ):

I think you should forget about it. You ought to report the robbery you saw
to the police.
(It is a personal opinion.)
(It is a person’s duty to report it.)

We use should much more than ought We rarely use ought to in negatives
to in negative and questions and questions

(Chúng ta dùng should trong câu phủ (Chúng ta ít khi dùng ought to trong
định và nghi vấn nhiều hơn ought to): câu phủ định và nghi vấn)

I shouldn’t go. I ought not to go.

Should I go? Ought I to go?


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b. May

We use may with an infinitive: do, go, work, etc. (Chúng ta dùng may với động từ dạng nguyên):

I may see you tomorrow. She may like this present.

The form of may is the same for all person (Tất cả các chủ ngữ đều dùng may):

I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they may INFINITIVE

2. Present perfect and past simple

Chúng ta sử dụng Hiện Tại Hoàn Chúng ta dùng thì Quá Khứ Đơn để
Thành để nói về hành động xảy ra nói về hành động xảy ra vào thời
trong quá khứ mà không nhắc đến thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ:

I have met his girlfriend. She’s nice.. I met him at 4 o’clock.

Chúng ta dùng thì Hiện Tại Hoàn Chúng ta dùng Quá Khứ Đơn để nói
Thành để nói về hành động xảy ra về hành động đã kết thúc trong quá
trong quá khứ và tiếp diễn đến hiện tại: khứ:

He has worked here for two years. He worked there for two

(He still works here.) (He doesn’t work here anymore.)

3. Comparatives

Short adjective

Subject 1 verb (based on adj - er than subject 2


The Plaza hotel is cheaper than the Excelsior

Long adjective

Subject 1 verb (based on more adj than subject 2


The Excelsior hotel is more expensive than the Plaza


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4. Superlatives

Short adjective

Subject verb (based on tense) the adj-est

The back seats are the cheapest

Long adjective

Subject verb (based on tense) the most adj

Venice is the most beautiful city

II. Practice

1. Use “should/ought to/had better” to fill in the blank. (Sử dụng “should/ought to/had better”

để điền vào chỗ trống)

1. My husband is waiting for me. I …………………..….. not be late.

2. You ………………………..… start eating better.

3. I ………………………….…. study tonight, but I think I’ll watch TV instead.

4. You ……………………………… take care of that cut on your hand soon, or it will get infected.

5. You have got a toothache. Perhaps you ………………………….... see a dentist.

6. There’ll be a lot of traffic tomorrow. We…………………………… leave early.


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2. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect. (Điền động từ vào trong
ô trống ở thì quá khứ đơn hoặc hiện tại hoàn thành)

I (1) …………………….. (be) a ski instructor for many years now.

I (2) ……………………. (take up) the sport when I (3)
………………………. (be) at school. I still remember the first time
I (4) ……………………… (try) to ski. I (5) ………………………..
(slip) on the ice and (6) ………………………. (break) my ankle.
Thankfully, I (7) …………………….. (not/ have) a serious
accident since then. Last year, I (8) ………………………. (try) ice-
skating for the very first time. I (9) ……………………….. (slip) on
the ice rink a couple of times since then but I (10)
……………………… (not/ break) anything. Two years ago, I (11)
……………………….. (take) snowboarding lessons. I (12)
………………………….. (not/ like) it because I (13)
………………………. (find) it a little dangerous. I (14)
……………………………….. (not/ play) ice - hockey yet. There’s
a game tomorrow. I can’t wait to go!

3. Choose either the Past Simple or the Present Perfect form in the following sentences (Chọn thì
Quá khứ đơn hoặc thì Hiện tại hoàn thành để chia động từ trong những câu sau)

1. Mr. Johnson left/ has left last week for a business trip.

2. Sam lost/ has lost his car keys and can’t get home.

3. The choir sang/ has sung that song a hundred times.

4. The garage had/ has had my car for a week now, and it still isn’t fixed.

5. I complained/ have complained about that problem a dozen times.

6. Last winter, my grandmother fell/ has fallen and broke her hip.

7. Since the train strike began, I drove/ have driven to work every day.

8. I drove/ have driven my wife’s car to work this morning.


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4. Rewrite those sentences in comparatives and superlatives form. (Viết lại những câu sau dưới
dạng so sánh hơn và so sánh hơn nhất)

1. Today is hotter than yesterday.

➔Yesterday was ……………………………………………………………………………………………

2. No one in her team is more beautiful than Salim.

➔Salim is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. No house in my city is higher than his house.

➔ His house is ………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Lan is the most intelligent in her class.

➔ No one in her class ………………………………………………………………………………………

5. If she reads many science books, she will have much knowledge.

➔ The more …………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. If Kien wants to pass the exam easily, he will study harder.

➔ The more easily …………………………………………………………………………………………

7. This house is very beautiful. It’s expensive, too.

➔ The more …………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. One of the greatest tennis players in the world is BJ.

➔ BJ is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9. No producers in the world is bigger than KW.

➔ KW is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. Minh is very intelligent but his brother is the most intelligent in his family.

➔ Minh’s brother is …………………………………………………………………………………………


1. (Track 1) Three people are talking about their trips. What did they expect each trip to be like?

How was it really? Circle the right answers. (Ba người đang nói về chuyến đi của họ. Họ mong

đợi gì ở những chuyến đi này? Thực tế chuyến đi ra sao? Hãy khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng)


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What they expected How it really was Best thing

Sarah a. interesting a. unusual

b. frightening b. fun

Charlie a. relaxing a. exciting

b. fun b. boring

Annie a. boring a. tiring

b. stressful b. relaxing

2. (Track 2) Listen again. What was the best thing about each trip? Write it in the chart. (Nghe

lại. Đâu là điều tuyệt vời nhất ở mỗi chuyến đi? Hãy viết vào bảng)

3. (Track 3) Listen and reorder the bold words. (Nghe và viết lại các từ vựng in đậm)


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Problems of students 1. ………………………

Being a student is a good life. I don’t think most 2. ………………………
students 1. naetsnddur this. A lot of students 2. 3. ………………………
mocilapn they have no money and too much 4. ………………………
homework. They never complain that they have 3. sodla 5. ………………………
of free time, don’t have to go to work and have 4. yerlla 6. ………………………
long holidays. When students finish being students and 7. ………………………
go to work, they understand how good it is to be a 8. ………………………
student. Being a student at high school can be 5. huogt. 9. ………………………
You have to study 6.gnbrio things and deal with things 10.
like 7. illbynug. Going to college or university is when ………………………
the fun starts. Just a few hours of 8. saeslcs a week and
lots of student 9. reptsia. I’d love to be a student again. I
know many people who’d like to be full-time students
10. eerrfov. All you need is a bit more cash.


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Laura and Mary are talking about their dream jobs. Read and answer those questions below.
(Laura, Jack và Mary đang nói về nghề nghiệp mơ ước của họ. Hãy đọc và trả lời câu hỏi dưới

1. Laura
My dream career in the future is to be a math teacher. I love formulas, arithmetic, equality, and

number solving. As a kid, I was a little girl with a passion for numbers.In class, while watching the

teachers passionately teaching on the podium, I had a dream of becoming a teacher later. Every day

I always try to study hard, read documents and improve my own knowledge.

I have observed the teachings of the teachers who have taught me. After that, I researched and

learned more about how to convey specialized knowledge. I know that to be a teacher, in addition

to improving knowledge, there must be patience, confidence and generosity. Teaching is a good job

but faces a lot of stress, such as: grades, teaching methods, students, … Although this career has

many challenges, I always choose to pursue my dream. yourself. It is still a long way to go to my

dream career, and I am sure I will always learn new and necessary things to be a good teacher.

2. Mary
In modern society, there are lots of jobs which help the country develop. When I grow up, I want to

be a doctor in order to help sick people. I think that health is an important factor in developing

countries and a doctor will be the person who helps people ensure their health.

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Besides, health is power, therefore doctors bring happiness to several disappointed families.

Doctors are often said to be “second mothers” because of saving a lot of lives.

Although it’s not easy to become a doctor because students who want to graduate from medical

universities have to learn at least 11 years or even almost their whole life. But I will give up my

dream, I will try my best to become a doctor who saves a lot of lives and helps my country become

increasingly prosperous.

1. What is Laura’s dream job?


2. Why does Laura love this job?


3. What is Mary’s dream job?


4. Why does Mary love this job?


5. What are some important factors to help us become a math teacher? (According to Laura’s



6. How many years do we need to learn at medical universities? (According to Mary’s opinion)



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1. Choose 5 questions below and answer


2. Answer the following questions. (Trả lời những câu hỏi sau)

Questions Answers

1 Which one do you prefer? Living ……………………………………

in a big city or living in the ……………………………………
countryside? Why? ……………………………………

2 Which one do you prefer? ……………………………………

Shopping online or shopping ……………………………………
offline? Why? ……………………………………


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3 What are your favorite types of ……………………………………

movies? Why do you like that type ……………………………………
of movie? ……………………………………

4 What are some problems of ……………………………………

students? How can we deal with ……………………………………
those problems? ……………………………………

5 Which kinds of musical ……………………………………

instruments do you like most? Do ……………………………………
you know how to play it? ……………………………………

6. Do you like to travel? Which ……………………………………

destinations that you like to travel ……………………………………
most? Why? ……………………………………

7. What is your favorite job? Why do ……………………………………

you like this job? ……………………………………


1. Write about an ideal destination about 150-200 words that you want to visit on your holiday.
(Viết đoạn văn khoảng 150-200 từ về một chuyến đi lý tưởng của bạn.)











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