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Sunrise Sunset 33.3°C 26.5°C
WEATHER 06:03 am 07:19 pm TEMPERATURE Colaba
31.9°C 24.3°C
Mumbai, Monday, June 24, 2024

RAINY SEASON WOES | Ghatkopar’s Railway Police Colony, built in 1980, has been plagued by
leaks and crumbling infrastructure; the dilapidated buildings have been in disrepair for years

GRP’s leaking homes pose a threat

Rucha Kanolkar dilapidated houses, but there
MUMBAI are no basic amenities.”
The local group ‘Amhi Ghat-
Ghatkopar’s Railway Police koparkar Pratishthan’ is plan-
Colony, once a modest abode ning a protest to address the
for over 500 families, has be- dilapidated conditions of the
come a deathtrap in the mak- police colony buildings.
ing. The dilapidated buildings, Despite receiving notices
which have been in disrepair from the BMC to conduct a
for years, are now a cause for structural audit of the build-
concern, especially during the ings, nothing has been done so Although the courts have mandated action, the
monsoon season. Every resi- far. The Government Railway hawkers reappear, raising questions about the BMC’s
dent is on edge, fearing the Police (GRP), owner of the 36- compliance and accountability
worst as water seeps into their acre plot housing the colony,
homes and staircases crumble
The colony, built in 1980, has
has developed amenities like a
football ground, swimming
pool and event lawns. Yet, resi-
Advocate goes
on fast until
been plagued by leaks and dents lament that these facil-
crumbling infrastructure. A ities overlook the dire living
Year of Families: Over Plot area: Uninhabited
recent incident where a mass- Construction: conditions within their
ive billboard collapsed on an
adjacent petrol pump, killing
17 people and injuring 80 1980 500 36 24 residing acres
Dr Ravindra Shisve, Com-
missioner of Police, Railways, death against
others, has raised alarm bells told FPJ, “We have written to
about the safety of the resi- Monthly Rent: the PWD at least five to six
dents. The residents are now times over the past year, yet we
living in fear of a similar catas-
trophe unfolding in their own
₹13,000 - ₹15,000 have not received any re-
sponse. Demolition of unin-
habitable buildings is PWD’s Rucha Kanolkar ficial actions merely for show.
Social activist Avinash Ragh- buildings could collapse any for months, but they’ve taken responsibility. We have va- MUMBAI The corporation fails to en-
unath Kadam from Ghatkopar day and have become hotspots no action,” said a resident of cated the most dangerous force these directives despite
said, “Police colony buildings for thieves, drugs and gamb- the colony. “Every house has buildings, and repairs for those Facing mounting issues re- clear orders from the Supreme
once had open spaces, provid- ling. Even the police face con- leaky roofs and damaged stair- still occupied are under con- lated to hawkers in the R Court and Bombay High
ing better connectivity to hos- stant complaints, including cases. Some families have even sideration. North and R Central wards, Court. Although the courts
pitals, schools and markets. chain snatching, in this mostly moved out due to the water This year, Rs6.5 crore has Advocate Kapil Soni has been have mandated action, the
Now, new walls restrict access. deserted area. Building No 3 damage.” Two police families been allocated for repairs, in- diligently following up on the hawkers reappear, raising
The buildings are in a dire and 4 are in the worst con- relocated from their staff cluding internal fixes, external municipality’s inaction. De- questions about the BMC’s
state; slabs can collapse during dition, right next to the petrol quarters after the first mon- plastering, and terrace water- spite numerous complaints, compliance and accountabil-
the monsoon, with small parts pump where the incident oc- soon showers brought water proofing. the ward office has failed to ity.”
falling every year. One heavy curred. If they are dilapidated, seeping into their homes. We are addressing the re- address the grievances. In re- Soni further criticised the
rain could cause another dis- why isn’t the government tak- Another resident of the col- pairs building by building. We sponse, Advocate Soni has an- BMC for its purportedly fake
aster in Ghatkopar. Despite the ing action? The BMC has also ony said, “No water supply, a also organise initiatives like the nounced an demolition actions.
recent collapse of a hoarding declared these buildings dan- broken drainage system and ‘Anand Shala summer camp’ indefinite hunger “While BMC ve-
that killed many, attention was gerous by putting notices.” crumbling building structures for children and other similar strike, abstaining hicles are stationed
not given to the adjacent rail- “We’ve been writing to the make life unbearable. We pay programs to enhance commu- from food and right in front of
way police quarters. Empty railway police administration Rs15,000 per month for these nity welfare.” water, to protest these hawkers, no
against the BMC’s al- action is taken. I de-
leged corrupt prac- mand concrete ac-
tices, including tion, understanding

Spikes, designated parking to resolve Bandra’s traffic woes sheltering and pro-
hawkers and food
Kapil Soni
that while hawkers
need to earn a liveli-
hood, they must
Locals take up the issue of vehicular congestion with JCP (Traffic); FPJ recently reported about the problems stalls. also adhere to legal business
The hunger strike, aimed at practices,” he remarked.
Dhairya Gajara members of Bandra One entry on the one-way stretch deshwari Marg and Roque they can monitor footage and exposing corruption within Advocate Soni highlighted
MUMBAI group, the locals held a dis- between Almeida Park Road Road. Kumbhare said that po- act against those who flout the BMC, is set to begin on several pressing issues, includ-
cussion with Kumbhare at Hill and Hill Road. Kumbhare lice will identify and enforce norms. Moreover, the police June 26, 2024, and will initially ing the encroachment by
Reeling under increasing traf- Road. The residents raised the promised to put up spikes on a designated parking zones for will provide parking stickers to take place at the DMC Zone - hawkers and food stalls on
fic woes, which have been issues of illegal parking, viol- trial basis. Another decision these car dealers, while the the residents of Almeida Park VII Office in R South Ward, footpaths and roads within 150
highlighted by the Free Press ation of no-entry and one- taken was the reimplementa- BMC will install parking sign- and neighbouring areas to do Kandivali West. From July 1, meters of railway stations at
Journal several times, the ways, lack of odd-even day tion of odd-even-day parking boards. Traffic cops will tow away with the problem of en- the protest will move to the SV Road, Jambhli Gully, BMC
Bandra residents on Sunday parking rule and congestion in boards at St Cyril Road, which away illegally parked vehicles, croaching on parking space. BMC headquarters, where Market Road, Chandavarkar
met Joint Commissioner of Po- cafe areas which attract scores were removed during concret- he added. Mario Fishery, a Bandra Soni vows to continue his Cross Road and Borivali West.
lice (JCP, Traffic) Anil Kumb- of patrons. They pointed out ing work. This newspaper had also re- resident, said, “The police as- strike until his demands are These encroachments cause
hare to find a way out. The the chronic spots like Almeida Recently, the FPJ high- ported about traffic chaos re- sured us that they along with met or until his death. significant trouble to people.
high-ranking cop assured Park Road, Bazaar Road, Wa- lighted the traffic congestion sulting from a high number of the BMC would take prompt Advocate Kapil Soni, a vocal He also pointed out the illegal
The traffic police along
them that the traffic police roda Road, Roque Road, St caused due to parking by car motorists visiting cafes, audi- action to address these issues. critic of the BMC, stated, “The use of gas cylinders and the
with the BMC will take
along with the BMC will take Cyril’s Road and St Leo Road. dealers, taxi owners and heavy toriums and open grounds. To A follow-up meeting will be BMC takes action only where preparation and sale of food in
several measures to
several measures to address The residents recom- commercial vehicles at Mt tackle the problem, the traffic organised to review the prog- there is no monetary gain. open spaces at Devraj Shop-
address the grievances,
their problems. mended installation of rein- Mary Kane Road, St Leo’s police will ask the BMC to in- ress and address any addi- Under pressure from senior ping Mall, Harishankar Joshi
assures JCP (Traffic) Anil
Accompanied by the forced spikes to control illegal Road, St Anthony Road, Kan- stall CCTV cameras so that tional concerns.” officials, they perform super- Road, Dahisar East.

‘Managing committee must trim trees Plan to plant

200 trees ISIS mag predicts
before monsoon with BMC permission’ along WEH
Rucha Kanolkar return of ‘warriors’
Q. There are many trees in appointed committee. Your to sell or allot open parking MUMBAI
my society. Last week a managing committee shall areas for monetary con- Ashish Singh Muslims and labels Prime
branch fell on my car on a strictly follow the rules and sideration. The developer In a significant leap towards MUMBAI The online Minister Narendra Modi as
rainy day. The car is dam- shall ensure that such has to hand over the open urban afforestation and envi- anti-Muslim. The magazine
aged with a dent on the members are not given an parking slots to the society ronmental conservation, the The latest edition of the ISIS propaganda further said that during the
roof. The mirror is broken. opportunity to complain or as and when formed. It is the BMC along with Make Earth online propaganda maga- election campaign, Modi re-
Can I make the society li- raise issues. As regards insti- prerogative of the society to Green Again (MEGA) Founda- zine, ‘Voice of Khurasan’, its ferred to Muslims as infiltra-
able to make good the loss Housing Society gating other members, the decide on the open parking tion will plant 200 Bahava first after the Lok Sabha tors, and a BJP candidate
as the same is not going to
be covered in my insurance Queries managing committee may
call such member/s and
slots. Covered parking can
be sold or allotted by the de-
trees along the Western Ex-
press Highway (WEH) in
elections in India, has proph-
esied that warriors like Mu-
publicly referred to Muslims
as insects and two-legged
policy? Sharmila Ranade understand the root cause of velopers. Open parking Bandra today (June 24). The hammad bin Qasim and animals. They claim that the
— Grishma Semwal, Mahim the grudges and try to re- areas, garage and covered initiative is part of the broader Mahmud Ghaznavi who are land originally belonged to
A. The managing committee solve them. In case the parking space are required objective of mitigating the en- among the first Islamic in- Islam and that it has been
will be held responsible for member still continues to do to be specifically marked vironmental damage caused vaders in the subcontinent ‘encroached’ by other faiths.
not trimming the trees with so, the managing committee and numbered at the real es- by Cyclone Tauktae, which will come again to teach a ISIS accuses BJP leaders of
prior permission of the BMC may send a warning letter to tate project site in accord- uprooted numerous trees in lesson to the Indian govern- making derogatory com-
before the monsoon. As per such member/s and sub- ance and as per approved / ment and oppressors of the ments about Islam on vari-
Bye Law 155, it is the respon- You can also consider sequently take the matter sanctioned plans and tagged Indian Muslims. ous platforms, including TV,
sibility of the managing
committee to upkeep and
maintain the society prem-
filing a complaint with the
advisory complaints
committee (if constituted)
before the general body for
further action. The matter
may also be escalated to the
to the apartment to which it
is allotted. Garage and / or
covered parking space when
Bahava trees in city
The magazine claimed
that these warriors would at-
tack Indian cities and de- ■ ‘Voice of Khurasan’
says Muhammad bin
social media and in
“What is important is how
ises and to observe govern- against the office-bearers advisory complaints com- sold / allotted for monetary stroy ‘polytheists and their it is gradually influencing the
ment directive issued from and other managing mittee set up for the pur- consideration, the type, idols’. Qasim and Mahmud minds of youth and the com-
time to time. This includes committee member/s for not pose. You may also try to numbers and size as well as the city in 2021. On the condition of ano- Ghaznavi will come munity. It is planning to cre-
the trimming and cutting of complying with the settle the matter through the place where such garage The drive will be held at nymity, a senior officer from again to teach a ate new patterns of
trees endangering the life directives in this regard. mediation via MGP’s concili- or covered parking space is Kherwadi, Bandra, in the a central intelligence agency
lesson to the Indian terrorism, ranging from bio-
and property of the inmates You may choose to include ation and mediation centre situated is required to be presence of actor Akshay said that ISIS online propa- logical attacks to lone wolf
of the society. cover for natural calamities SAMET. Please visit mgpsa- mentioned in the agreement Kumar, BMC chief Bhushan ganda serves as a playbook, ■ The propaganda attacks,” the source said.
As a precautionary in your car insurance policy for further informa- for sale to be entered into Gagrani, Deputy Municipal citing historical events such calls for attacks on The significant concern is
measure, the BMC issues to avoid such losses in future. tion. with the home buyer. Commissioner Vishwas Mote as those involving Ghaznavi temples or pilgrimage that its form of terrorism has
notices to the societies to The plan showing the and Dr Anusha Srinivasan and bin Qasim to encourage sites, taking devotees no defined shape, specific
trim the trees before the Q. The erstwhile managing Q. What are the rules re- exact location / allotment Iyer of MEGA Foundation. followers to emulate their hostage and targets or borders, which
monsoon. Many people have committee was ousted and garding parking in open along with the particulars as Also known as Golden acts like targeting religious destruction of poses a serious challenge for
lost their life due to falling of a new committee was con- space, garage and covered aforesaid should be annexed Shower trees due to their vi- sites, like the 2002 Akshard- temples agencies. Recently, the Guja-
trees during heavy rains. stituted. The members of area or purchasing a new to the agreement for sale. brant yellow blossoms, Baha- ham temple attack, the 1984 rat Anti-Terrorism Squad
■ Indirectly assigns
Individual members are the erstwhile committee house? The details of open and vas are natural indicators of Golden Temple attack, the (ATS) arrested four terrorists
tasks, suggesting
not allowed to destroy, keep interfering with the — Rangnathan Iyer, covered parking and rainfall. Amarnath Yatra, or the re- who were Sri Lankan
either lone-wolf
damage, deface or cut the work of the new managing Chembur garages, if any, have to be Their sight in full bloom cent attack on a bus carrying attacks or giving citizens and associated with
trees in the compound of the committee by raising un- A. Parking is one of the is- mentioned on the heralds the monsoon onset. Vaishnodevi pilgrims in instructions to ISIS. They were allegedly on
society. You may take up this necessary issues, instigat- sues of dispute with the de- MahaRERA website by the Standing at a height of up to Raeesi, Jammu and Kashmir. radicalised youth a mission to carry out terror
matter with the general ing and creating confusion veloper and the society. In developers of all registered 40 feet, Bahavas play a key role The propaganda urges at- groups activities in India following
body. The general body can among other members of order to clarify the issues re- real estate projects. in increasing oxygen levels tacks on temples or pilgrim- the directions of their Pakis-
initiate appropriate action the society. How can we lating to parking, Ma- apart from providing shade. age sites, taking devotees tan-based handler. This digi-
against the office-bearers or stop the interference of haRERA has issued The questions are Currently, Mumbai boasts hostage and destruction of trying to manipulate, brain- tal indoctrination by ISIS is
committee member/s. The such members? directives vide Circular answered by Sharmila more than 4,500 Bahava temples. The latest edition wash, and instigate individ- the most significant threat at
loss caused to you may be — Satyendra Savarde, Nahur 36/2021 dated July 30, 2021. Ranade, a legal expert trees. indirectly assigns tasks, sug- uals for anti-national present because it enables
recovered from the A. It looks like the members As per the directives, open associated with Mumbai Their presence along the gesting either lone-wolf at- operations, urging them to ISIS to fund individuals from
individual members of the of the erstwhile managing parking areas are provided Grahak Panchayat. The WEH will not only beautify tacks or giving instructions choose the path of jihad and one country through a third
committee and not from the committee have some to the developers free of FSI. questions, in brief, may be the landscape but also play a to radicalised youth groups. hijra to seek revenge. party and carry out terrorist
society. grudges against the newly As such they are not entitled sent to crucial role in improving air Sources said that the The article claims that the activities orchestrated by a
quality. propaganda magazine was Indian government targets handler in another country.

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