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Safety Management Model HK


Management framework structure

6 core elements (CSB) Auditing Organising
• Safety Policy
• Safety Organizational Structure
• Safety Committee
• Inspection programme (in Part 4) Feedback
• Incident/accident investigation procedures (in Part 4) Measuring
• Emergency Plan
 other safety elements
Information link

Control link

The General Characteristics of an SMS System objectives

• System objectives (for SMS • Determining the relationship • Voluntary or Mandatory Implementation Methods
these may be ethical, of the SMS to other systems – Voluntary systems implement strategic objectives relating to
economic, legal and (including the general employee welfare or good corporate citizenship, although there may
organisational goals; not all management system, and the be other motives such as reducing insurance costs.
systems need have the same regulatory system, but also
– Mandatoryy systems
y adopt
p SMS to comply
p y with the requirements
bj ti ) t h l
technology and
d workk
of law, customers and suppliers, principal contractors and other
• Specification of system organisation) commercial bodies.
elements and their inter‐ • Requirements for system
– Hybrid methods are said to entail a mixture of voluntary motives
relationship; not all systems maintenance (which may be and legislative requirements.
need have the same elements. internal, linked to a review
phase, or external, linked for
example to industry policies
that support OSH best practice)

System objectives Integrated system elements

• Management Systems or Systematic Management SMS is defined as:
• ‘distinct elements which cover the key range of activities
 This ‘management systems’ form must meet stringent criteria. required to manage occupational health and safety. These are
Where these requirements of a ‘system’ are not met, then the term inter-linked, and the whole thing is driven by feedback loops’.
is said to be inapplicable. On the other hand, ‘systematic (Warwick Pearse)
management’ is described as ‘…a
management a limited number of mandated
principles for a systematic management of OHS, applicable to all • ‘…a combination of the planning and review, the management
types of employers including the small ones’ (Frick et al., 2000:3). organisational arrangements, the consultative arrangements,
 This approach stems from methods of regulation found in Hong and the specific program elements that work together in an
Kong where businesses (including smaller ones) are encouraged or integrated way to improve health and safety performance’
required to comply with a less demanding framework than (Gallagher, 2000)
‘management systems’. E.g. eight safety elements. • The specific elements of an SMS in Hong Kong entailed by
her broad definition are the 14 safety elements.

Management framework structure Management framework structure
There are 14 elements which make up the occupational safety management
framework. These elements can be broken up into three broad categories:

i) System structure – the basic structures which must be in place for

i) System structure – the basic structures which must be in place for the
system to work effectively. These are: the system to work effectively. These are:
Safety policy
Evaluation, selection and control of sub-contractors
A safety policy which states the commitment of the proprietor or
contractor to safety and health at work. E l ti
Evaluation, selection
l ti and d control
t l off sub-contractors
b t t to
t ensure
Organisational structure that subcontractors are fully aware of their safety obligations and
A structure to assure implementation of the commitment to safety are in fact meeting them.
and health at work. Safety committees
Safety training Safety committees to identify, recommend and keep under
Training to equip personnel with knowledge to work safely and review measures to improve the safety and health at work.
without risk to health.
In-house safety rules
In-house safety rules to provide instruction for achieving safety
management objectives

Management framework structure Management framework structure

There are 14 elements which make up the occupational safety management
framework. These elements can be broken up into three broad categories: There are 14 elements which make up the occupational safety
management framework. These elements can be broken up into
ii) System activity –the key activities to identify and control hazards in the three broad categories:

Inspection programme ii) System activity –the key activities to identify and control hazards in
g of inspection
p to identify
y hazardous conditions and for the Workplace:
the rectification of any such conditions at regular intervals or as
Hazard control programme Emergency preparedness
A programme to identify hazardous exposure or the risk of such Emergency preparedness to develop, communicate and execute
exposure to the workers and to provide suitable personal protective plans prescribing the effective management of emergency situation
equipment as a last resort where engineering control methods are not
feasible. Job-hazard analysis
Accident/incident investigation Evaluation of job related hazards or potential hazards and
Investigation of accidents or incidents to find out the cause of any development of safety procedures
accident or incident and to develop prompt arrangements to prevent

Management framework structure Management framework structure

There are 14 elements which make up the occupational safety iii) System review – regular review of performance to ensure the system is
management framework. These elements can be broken up into three
broad categories: operating effectively and to encourage continuous improvement:

ii) System activity –the key activities to identify and control hazards in the Status review
Safety audit
Safety and health awareness
C ti
Continuous iimprovementt
Promotion, development and maintenance of safety and health
awareness in a workplace.
Accident control and hazard elimination
A programme for accident control and elimination of hazards before
exposing workers to any adverse work environment.
Occupational health assurance programme
A programme to protect workers from occupational health hazards.

Element 1 (CSB core element)
Safety Policy安全政策 Framework Safety Management System ISR
SM Regulation Requirements Checklist or
(Code of Practice On Safety questionnaire
• A safety policy which states the commitment of Management) Item Number
management to safety and health at work Safety Policy Written policy statement
建立安全政策,說明管理層就工作時的安全及健康所 a. General statement Objective to protect OSH of employees and
作的承諾。 other persons
Target(s) to achieve

 The organisation’s policies are visionary, based on solid b

b. A system
t off allocation
ll ti
of responsibility Expectations of responsibilities of management
evidence of what the organisation can achieve, and and employees
c. Arrangements
promote a consistent approach to safety and health at all
levels of the organisation Communicated to employees
Performance measurement
– Develop a corporate/site safety policy Safety audits or periodic reviews i.e. monitoring
– Commitment the effectiveness of safety management system
Signed by Chief Executive
– Contents Revise and is dated within 2 years of current
– Review of safety policy


The Civil Service Bureau is committed to ensuring the safety and health for all staff
Safety Management System
and visitors. To achieve the goal, the Bureau will assume the responsibility to :
a) provide the necessary resources and employ sound management practices to
ensure a safe and healthy working environment;
Safety Policy – Statement of Intent
b) provide information, guidelines and training for staff as required to promote • 'A good safety record goes hand in hand with high
their safety awareness and to ensure that they are competent to perform duties in productivity and quality standards'
safe and healthy manner; and
• 'We believe that an excellent company
p y is byy definition
f safe
c) pursue continuous improvement in safety and health by regularly reviewing our
company. Since we are committed to excellence, it follows
that minimizing risk to people, plant and products is
inseparable from all other company objectives'
Promoting occupational safety and health is the shared responsibility between • 'Prevention is not only better, but cheaper than cure.
management and staff. All staff are expected to co‐operate in achieving the above There is no necessary conflict between humanitarianism
objective and to assume responsibility in protecting their own safety and health as and commercial considerations. Profits and safety are not
well as those of other staff members and visitors. in competition. On the contrary, safety is good business'
Secretary for the Civil Service

Key Concepts of Key Concepts of

Safety Management System Safety Management System
Safety Policy – Statement of Intent
Safety Policy – Statement of Intent
• 'Health and safety is a management responsibility of equal
importance to production and quality' • 'People are our most important asset'
• 'Experience shows that a successful safety organization also • 'Total safety is the ongoing integration of safety into all
produces the right quality goods at minimum costs' activities with the objective of attaining industry leadership in
safety performance.
performance We believe nothing is more important
• 'Competence in managing health and safety is an essential than safety, not production, not sales, not profits'
part of professional management'
• 'Effective control of health and safety is achieved through co-
• 'In the field of health and safety we seek to achieve the highest operative effort at all levels in the organization'
standards. We do not pursue this aim simply to achieve
compliance with current legislation, but because it is in our • 'The company believes that excellence in the management of
best interests. The effective management of health and safety, health and safety is an essential element within its overall
leading to few accidents involving injury and time taken off business plan'
work, is an investment which helps us to achieve our

Key Concepts of
Safety Management System General Statement

Safety Policy – Statement of Intent • Top Management commitment

• 'All accidents and ill health are preventable' – Provide of adequate resource
• ‘The identification,
f , assessment and control off – Recognize safety is a line management
health and safety and other risks is a managerial function
responsibility and of equal importance to
production and quality' – Ensure involvement
• 'The preservation of human and physical – Ensure competence of staff
resources is an important means of minimizing – Ensure understanding of safety policy
costs' – Periodic review

Safety Policy Statement Content of Policy Statement

• Written • Statement of general policy with regard to
• Prepare and revise as necessary safety and health of workers
• Bring to the notice of all workers • System of allocation of responsibilities
• Keep copies of current & revised version • Arrangement to execute theh responsibilities
ibili i
• Make available for inspection

21 22

Element 2(CSB core element)

Review of Safety Policy Safety organizational structure
• Not less than once in each 2 year period A structure to assure implementation of the
• As soon as is practicable after alteration commitment to safety and health at work
The organisation provides the framework for using
people, plant and processes successfully.
– Assigning safety and health responsibilities
– Line organization
– General responsibilities
– Functional responsibilities
– Programme responsibilities
– Accountability


Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities
Framework Safety Management System ISR
SM Regulation Requirements Checklist or
(Code of Practice On Safety questionnaire
Management) Item Number Key Principles
Safety Organization Line organization
• Individual safety responsibilities should be clearly defined to
Duty statements/job descriptions for
line positions e.g. CEO/Project manger those involved. Where job descriptions are used they should
etc include OSH responsibilities include such responsibilities.
 Line positions are accountable for
safety performance in the same • Responsibilities
R ibiliti should
h ld beb reasonable
bl andd allll employees
way as for quality and productivity should be given the authority and resources (including time)
A duty statement for safety office or necessary to carry out their responsibilities.
safety department
• Appropriate arrangements should exist whereby employees
are held accountable for discharging their responsibilities.

Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities

Key Principles Who is Responsible for Safety?

• Absolute responsibility for safety in an organization is the
• Reporting relationships should be clear and direct responsibility of the person who is ultimately in
unambiguous. charge of the organization.
• Where personal appraisal system exists
exists, safety • Safety
y needs to be delegated
g and ppersons held accountable.
performance should be included in the appraisal • The authority delegated to carry out safety responsibilities
must operate in the same way as other management
system. functions.
• Degree of authority delegated must equal the amount of
responsibility given.

Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities

Top/Senior Management Top/Senior Management

• Responsible for strategic planning. • Formulating appropriate rules, procedures and
• Determining which safety programmes are to methods for the workplace.
receive priority.
priority • Ongoing and effective promotion techniques.
• Monitoring the outcome of safety programmes. • Commitment by personal example.
• Ensuring compliance with legislation and

Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities

Line Managers and Supervisors Line Managers and Supervisors

• Overall supervision of employees to ensure safety of them, • Control of plant and equipment.
the public and customers. • Accident investigation and reporting.
• Implementation of particular safety programmes. • Issue, use and maintenance of personal protective
• Hazard identification (this may be best achieved by clothing and equipment.
regular inspections). • Submission of reports and recommendations/suggestions
• On‐the‐job training. to more senior management levels.
• Efforts to motivate employees, including specific • Decision making regarding job design, workplace layout
directives when giving orders. and (possibly) recruitment.

Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities

Human Resources Department Safety Officer

• Conducting inspections.
• Specific time allocation must be given to enable
• Reporting any unsafe and unsatisfactory conditions,
duties under safety function to be carried out. procedures or operations to the supervisor or executive in
• Build up a list of outside contacts and sources of charge.
technical and health information, as it is likely • Acting as adviser to executive and supervisory staff in all
matters concerning prevention of accidents, injury, hazard,
that this type of assistance will be required. disease and the promotion of safety. Monitoring the
• Participate in a safety committee. organization’s overall safety performance .
• Receiving and reviewing all accident and injury reports or
• Co‐ordinate staff training. reports of any potential hazards or near misses .

Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities

Safety Officer Safety Officer

• Organizing safety training of employees in conjunction
• Investigating selected accidents, hazards or near misses, with executives and supervisors. Instituting safety
as distinct from the obligatory investigation made by promotion campaigns to create and maintain an interest
supervisory staff, and recommending the appropriate in safety at all levels. Conducting or arranging safety
action to prevent a recurrence.
recurrence induction courses for new employees.
p y
• Identifying necessary resources and being aware of the
• Maintaining an injury record system generally in availability of specialist support advice. Ensuring that first
accordance with relevant standards. aid facilities are adequate and maintained in satisfactory
• Attending all meetings of safety committees, and staff condition. Also making arrangements with ambulance,
casualty and medical services to be available as required.
meetings or conferences where safety matters are
• Monitoring and interpreting legislation and standards
discussed or considered. relevant to safety. Advising of changes.

Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities

Safety Officer Safety Officer

• Reviewing and updating safety manuals, rules, procedures,
etc. • Staying abreast of safety technologies within the
• Encouraging compliance and safe behaviour through particular industry.
distribution of literature, p
posters, warningg signs,
g videos • Carrying out or organizing research into safety
and films, etc. This material can be either general (such as
an induction handbook) or on specific topics (such as
handling harmful chemicals, lifting, etc.). • Answering inquiries from management,
• Liaising with the organization’s insurance company or supervisors and employees.
broker. This person may also be involved in liaison in a
workplace rehabilitation programme. • Evaluating safety products and systems, and
• Maintaining contact with government departments and advising management on their suitability and
authorities. application to the organization.

Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities

Safety Representatives Safety Committee

• Agents in promoting employee participation in • To enable frontline workers to take an active part in the
promotion of a safe workplace.
safety at the workplace.
• To give employees the understanding necessary to assess
• Generate an interest in safety throughout the the feasibility and cost factors of proposed remedial
area which he/she represents. measures.
• Preferably elected by those he/she will represent, • To obtain the benefit of the great store of knowledge and
with rotation system in place. experience possessed by many employees regarding
safety aspects of the work they perform by obtaining
• Should have right to know about safety, inspect feedback from them.
the workplace and participate in safety issues. • To review measures taken to ensure the safety of persons
at the workplace.

Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities

Safety Committee Safety Committee

• To investigate matters brought to the employer’s • To assist in the formulation and effective
attention which a committee member or implementation of an organization’s overall safety
employee considers to be unsafe. p y
• To assist in the
h ddevelopment
l off recording
d system
for accidents and hazardous situations and to • To monitor measures taken to ensure the proper
promote among employees an understanding of use, maintenance and (if necessary) replacement
such matters as accident causation by the review of protective equipment.
of recent accidents. • To make recommendations to the employer
• To assist in the development of a safe working regarding safety matters.
environment and safe systems of work.

Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities

First Aiders First Aiders

• Dispense and control items from first aid facilities. • Resuscitation.
• Ensure first aid supplies are adequate. • Record accident/injury details in accident book.
• Treat minor wounds and injuries,
injuries such as applying • Arrange further assistance if required.
dressings, stopping bleeding and treating burns. • Advise management immediately of any serious
• Deal with fits/fainting. or potentially serious accident for which
treatment has been required.

Assignment of Key Safety Responsibilities Element 5(CSB core element)

Occupational Safety and Health Committees
Other Professionals
 Platform for consultation and communication to
• Occupational health nurse.
identify, recommend and keep under review
• Occupational physician (company doctor). measures to improve the safety and health at work.
• Occupational hygienist
hygienist. • Policy
• Legal requirements
• Organizational psychologist. • Functions of safety committee
• Risk manager. • Organization of safety committee
• Roles of members
• Rehabilitation counselor. • Planning
• Ergonomist. • Implementing
• Follow‐up

Legislative Requirements
Framework Safety Management System ISR
SM Regulation Requirements Checklist or
(Code of Practice On Safety questionnaire
Management) Item Number 1. Setting up of Safety Committee
Safety Committee A group comprising management,
employees, safety officer and may be sub‐
contractors have responsibility for
identifying, recommending and reviewing Not less than one safety committee with
OSH issues
Responsibility has been allocated for
the function of identifying, recommending
regular site visits, calling meeting, minutes and keeping under review measures to
and follow‐up
Meets at least once every three months improve safety and health
Agenda and minutes are available for
Keeping of record for not less than 5 years
Action to correct OSH problems is [Section 10 (a) of the Safety Management
identified and is followed to an outcome Regulation]

Safety Committee
Why do you need a safety committee?
• A proprietor or contractor of a factory, shipyard,
construction work or designated undertaking having  A Large factory with branches in
an aggregate of 100 or more workers in a day different districts
• A construction contractor with a contract value of
$100 million or more  A construction company operating
Need to establish not less than one safety committee construction sites at different locations

Safety Committee Safety Committee

How do you form a safety committee? What does the committee do?
Composition Function
– not less than half the members of the committee To identifying, recommending and keeping
represent workers under
d review
i measures to t improve
i the
– a written statement setting out rules governing its safety and health of the workers
membership, terms of reference and meeting

Function of Safety Committee Function of Safety Committee

• Monitoring the safety policy
• Assistance in the development of safe working
procedures and safe system of work
• On‐going evaluation of hazards and arrangements to
implement safety measures
• Vetting of accident/incident ill‐health statistics to
identify trends and monitor safety performance
• EEstablishment
t bli h t off arrangements
t to
t deal
d l promptly
tl and
effectively with dangerous working conditions
• Submission of reports
• Discussion and establishment of a mechanism to
resolve disputes when workers refuse work on the • Examination of safety audit reports
grounds of imminent danger
• Scrutiny of safety performance reports submitted by
the safety training

Function of Safety Committee Safety Committee
• Monitoring of the adequacy and effectiveness of
safety training Terms of reference
• Assisting in the development of safety policies and
• Monitoring of the adequacy of safety and health
• Studying accident and ill health statistics and trends;
communications and publicity in the workplace
preparing reports for senior management and making
recommendations for action;
• Organization of safety promotion activities • Examining safety audit reports and recommending a course
of action to implement changes flowing from the report
• Provision of links with external sources regarding
safety and health

Safety Committee Safety Committee

• Considering and discussing reports and information
supplied by the Labour department, or outside
How often should the committee meet?
consultants; • The committee meets at least once every 3
• Considering and discussing inspection reports by safety months
officers and safety supervisors;
• Developing systems to ensure that consultation occurs on • the
h committee
i keeps
k records
d off its
i meetings
all issues related to health and safety; for not less than 5 years after the date of the
• Developing systems to integrate health and safety issues meeting
into the overall workplace management system;
• Developing relevant agreed procedures and reviewing the

Safety Committee Protection of Safety Committee Members

A proprietor, contractor or employer shall not
Protection of safety committee members
• Shall not terminate or (a) Terminate, or threaten to terminate, the
employment of; or
• in any way discriminate against
A worker by reason of the fact that the worker (b) In any way discriminate against, a worker by reason
has performed his function as a member of a of the fact that the worker has performed his
function as a member of a safety committee.
safety committee.
[Section 12 of the Safety Management Regulation]

Safety Committee Safety Committee

Subjects suitable for discussion by the Two‐way communication

consultative committee
• Telling down
• Safety policies and procedures – the management line, through team briefings,
• General
G l conditions
di i off employment
l written methods
methods, presentations,
presentations notice boards,
boards etc.,
to keep employees informed of decisions and all
• Education and training matters affecting them.
• Formulation of safety rules • Listening up
• Working conditions etc. – through elected representatives, to obtain the views,
feelings and ideas of employees, through their
elected representatives, before decisions are taken.

Safety Committee
Safety Committee

An ideal consultative committee Organization

• The Central safety committee is organized into a number
• Committee size of task groups
– 15 is the maximum number • The titles of the task groups may be as follows:
• The shape may like this – Rules and procedures
– Chair – Inspections and audits
– Secretary – Fire and emergency
– Education and training
– Three management nominees
– Health and environmental
– Ten employee representatives – Accident investigation etc

Safety Committee Safety Committee

Structure of Safety Committee for Small

Task Groups Organizations
• Most task group heads are department heads • The Central Safety Committee is responsible
• Supervisors
p and employees
p y are selected byy the task
for overall planning,
planning organizing,
organizing leading,
leading and
• Each task group is assisted by a staff of safety and health controlling of safety and health activities.
department • A safety review officer should be assigned in
• Each task group must coordinate internally with other advance, to enhance the review.
task groups
• Discussion with their peers prior to making
recommendation to Central Safety Committee

Safety Committee Proceedings of Meetings
Running Safety Committee Meetings  Written Statement setting out terms of
• Duties of the chair, secretary, members reference and meeting procedures
• Venue and seating arrangements
• Opening the meeting
 Program arranged well in advance with
notices and record published
• Keeping control
• Discussing each item
 Records kept for not less than 5 years
• Encouraging contributions
• Summarising
 Record available for inspection upon
• Length of meeting

Effective Safety Committee

 Style

 Good communication  Planned beforehand

 Regular meetings  List matter to be discussed
 Formality is essential
 Speedy decisions
 Participation by member in periodical  Frequency of Meetings
joint inspections
 depend on the work/circumstances/size of
 Involving more employees work force/kind of work/degree of risk
 Organize regular site visit
 meet at least once every three months,
however, monthly meeting suggested

Element 10(CSB core element)

Safety Committee Emergency Plan
Meeting Agenda
 to develop, communicate and execute plans
• The agenda usually includes the following items: prescribing the effective management of emergency
– Chairperson’s opening comments conditions
– Safety officer
officer’ss report
– Department head’s comments on accident in their • Policy
departments • Identification of all potential emergencies
– Task group head’s reports • Emergency planning
• Organizing
– Chairperson’s closing comments
• Emergency response plan
• Reviewing

SM Regulation
Safety Management System
Checklist or
Emergency preparedness and response
(Code of Practice On Safety questionnaire
Management) Item Number
Emergency Emergency planning • Contingency plans need to be established to mitigate the effects of
Preparedness Forming of emergency planning
any emergency that might affect the organization. As well as
committee or task group to identify and
evaluate all possible emergencies and assessing the risks posed by the organization’s own operations and
their impact practices, the organization also needs to be aware of hazards posed
Emergency response plan covers by neighbours, which may affect the organization.
systems for evacuation,
evacuation treatment
systems and emergency procedures for
• Organizations need to return to business as soon as possible, so
special hazards they need to put in place plans for minimizing disruption following
Documented procedures and an emergency evacuation. Typical areas to be considered include:
emergency manual, and communicated – Recovery of software for information technology systems.
to all employees
Regular test drills
– Safe recovery of undamaged plant and equipment from the original site.
Review on a regular basis – Maintaining the safety management system at temporary sites.
– Reviewing the operation of the safety management system in the light of
the emergency to identify any areas of failure.


Writing the emergency plan
1. Plan title and authority 10. Activation of the emergency plan
– Initial advice to the emergency services
2. Table of contents
3. Aim and objectives of the plan
– Emergencies with potential for 1. Training and education 8. Implementation of the plan
environmental impact
4. Introduction – Special cases 2. Support action 9. Monitoring and review
– Facility description 11. Reporting of an emergency
– Definition of an emergency 12. Termination of an emergency 3. Operational control 10. Auditing
5. Hazards 13. Management of the plan
6. Types and levels of emergency 14. Supporting information
4. Record keeping 11. Updating of the plan
7. E
Emergency functions
f ti and
organisational structure
– Safety, health and environmental
5. Documentation and
– Roles of agencies, groups, industry
and the community
– Location maps documentation control
Facility emergency control – Site layout plans

– Identification of emergency people – Emergency contact numbers 6. Investigation following an
8. Emergency procedures – Other supporting information emergency
9. Emergency resources – Glossary of terms and
– Facility emergency control centre abbreviations 7. Exercises and testing of
– Emergency equipment the plan
– Emergency alarm system

Element 3
Safety training Framework Safety Management System ISR
SM Regulation Requirements Checklist or
Training to equip personnel with knowledge to (Code of Practice On Safety questionnaire
Management) Item Number
work safely and without risk to health
Safety Training Provision of information and training
– Self‐improving cycle Training needs analysis for training
– Training needs analysis development
Use job analysis and risk assessment
– Training plan for formulation of training objective
– Evaluation of the effectiveness of training and methods
Training programs for workers,
– Maintenance of training records supervisors and managements
Evaluation of the effectiveness of
The competencies (knowledge, skills, experience and Records are maintained on persons
abilities) needed to work effectively, efficiently and
safely are understood by the organisation.

Element 4
Framework Safety Management System ISR
In‐house safety rules SM Regulation Requirements Checklist or
(Code of Practice On Safety questionnaire
 In‐house safety rules to provide instruction for Management) Item Number
achieving safety management objectives In‐house Rules Instructions for general and special
foreseeable risks
A system for identification and
In‐house safety rules is an administrative control establishment of instruction for general
and foreseeable risks in safety plans,
• Planning
Pl i and d organizing
i i off in‐house
i h safety
f t rules
l work procedures.
– General safety rules A system for identification and
establishment of specialized rules
– Specialized safety rules System (safety committee/tool box)
for management and employees to
• Monitor compliance document and communicate on OSH
• Reviewing work rules and procedures.
Written disciplinary policy for
violation of rules

Framework Safety Management System ISR

Element 7 SM Regulation Requirements
(Code of Practice On Safety
Checklist or
Job‐hazard analysis‐risk assessment Management) Item Number
Evaluation of Job Program for risk assessment and risk
 Evaluation of job related hazards or potential Related Hazards control
Establish and maintain an on‐going
hazards and development procedures program for identification of job hazards,
assessment of risk, implementation and
maintenance of safety procedures and risk
control measures and review.
• Risk assessment policy
a. System
S t ffor U off iindustry
Use d information
i f i to id
if hhazard
• Planning of risk assessment situations
identifying causes of
System of using past and current
• Organizing hazards incident/accident information to predict causes of
• Implementing and maintaining the risk control measures Use of one or more of
• Direct observation such as workplace
• Monitoring inspections
• Recall method such as structured or
• Reviewing unstructured discussions
• Independent audits
• Hazard studies
• Prepare a list of items covering
premises, plant, people and procedures
and gather information

Framework Safety Management System ISR

SM Regulation Requirements Checklist or
(Code of Practice On Safety questionnaire Framework Safety Management System ISR
Management) Item Number SM Regulation Requirements Checklist or
b. Determination of risk System for evaluating potential loss if no (Code of Practice On Safety questionnaire
caused by hazards control action taken Management) Item Number
Develop systems and include preferred d. Implementing and Dissemination of safety procedures and
c. System for
options for control: maintaining safety control measures
developing of safety
procedures and risk Eliminate hazard at source procedures and risk
control measures Reduce hazards at source control measures
Remove workers
k ffrom th
the h
Contain hazard by enclosure or isolation e. Review of safety Who has responsibility for redesigning
Reduce worker exposure
procedures and risk and reviewing the systems?
Proper use of personal protective
equipment control measures

Element 8
Hazard control programme – PPE programme Framework Safety Management System ISR
SM Regulation Requirements Checklist or
 A programme to identify hazardous exposure or the (Code of Practice On Safety questionnaire
risk of such exposure to the workers and to provide Management) Item Number
suitable personal protective equipment as a last resort Personal Protective Personal protection
where engineering control methods are not feasible. Equipment Program System to assess whether PPE is
required and what type is needed.
Purchasing in compliance with legal
• Policy requirement.
Where PPE is provided is there a
• Identification of hazardous exposure system, which ensures it is maintained,
• Hierarchy of Risk Control Measures worn and replaced.
Provision of adequate training,
• Provision of suitable PPE information and instruction
• Planning of a PPE programme Monitoring the use of PPE

Element 11 Framework Safety Management System ISR

SM Regulation Requirements Checklist or
(Code of Practice On Safety questionnaire
Safety and health awareness Management) Item Number

Promotion, development and maintenance of safety Safety Promotion

The organization’s commitment to
and health awareness in a workplace Identified safety problems
Clearly defined focus, themes and
• Policy Activities in support of the main
• Planning for safety promotion programme Top management’s total commitment
• Organizing is clearly demonstrated
Individual person’ responsibility to
• Implementing support commitment
Incentives for widespread
• Reviewing participation

Element 12 Framework Safety Management System ISR

SM Regulation Requirements Checklist or
(Code of Practice On Safety questionnaire
Occupational health assurance programme Management) Item Number
 A programme to protect workers from Occupational Health Occupational health hazards
Health risk assessment
occupational health hazards Program
Special risk includes
•hazardous chemicals
•musculo‐skeletal disorders
• Policy •noise
• Planning
Pl i ffor occupational
ti l health
h lth assurance t
•extremes off ttemperature,
pressure and humidity
programme •stress
•inhalation – dust etc
• Organizing, implementing and monitoring Health surveillance to provide a means of
Checking the effectiveness of control
• Training measures
Providing feedback on the accuracy of the
• Health surveillance risk assessment and
Identifying and protecting individuals from
• Reviewing increased risk
 Welfare
Medical check

Element 13
Workplace Toilets Hand washing Drinking water Eating Showers Change Personal
facilities facilities rooms storage
What facilities  Must  Must  Must  Must ? If required ? If required ? If required Evaluation, selection and control of sub‐contractors
are required? provide provide provide provide For example, if For example, For example, if
Number and Number based Adequate
type based on on number of supply of cool,
Hygienic dining
facilities for
the work if a need to a need to store
involves dirty, change in personal
 to ensure that sub‐contractors are fully aware
number and sex
of workers
workers clean drinking eating meals
water (free of and preparing
hot or arduous and out of
clothing (e.g. such as tools. of their safety obligations and are in fact meeting
charge). and storing

• An approach
pp to manageg sub‐contractor
• Identification of suitable sub‐contractors
• Planning
• In‐house rules
• Monitoring and control
• Reviewing

Framework Safety Management System ISR Element 14

SM Regulation Requirements Checklist or
(Code of Practice On Safety questionnaire Accident control and hazard elimination‐Process
Management) Item Number
Sub‐contractors assessment system
Control Programme – Process Control Programme
Evaluation selection
and Control of Sub‐ Establish evaluation, selection and control
 A programme for accident control and
contractors Contract review process to regularly review the elimination of hazards before exposing workers to
OSH implications and content of contracts. The
review should include consideration of safety plans, any adverse work environment
lists of approved sub‐contractors and their OSH
D fi allll sub‐contractors
Define b t t OSH responsibilities
ibiliti as
• Policy
well as penalties for non‐compliance.
Accident/incident reporting procedures
• Planning for process control programme
Risk assessment by the sub‐contractor before
work commence • Organizing
Systems for checking sub‐contractors’
compliance • Implementing
Provision of written method statements for
special hazardous jobs • Monitoring
Safety training program
Provision of process safety information such as
diagrams, process flow diagrams, piping, maximum
• Reviewing
inventory for process materials and chemicals etc.

Framework Safety Management System ISR

SM Regulation Requirements Checklist or
(Code of Practice On Safety questionnaire
Management) Item Number
Process Control  Safety information
Process Carry out process hazard analysis
Devise the corresponding operating Process Control Programme Safe Systems of work
procedures including work method  process safety information  Assessment of the task
statement, permit‐to‐work etc. 安全信息
Provide training to ensure 評估工作
 process hazards analysis (risk
competency of workers assessment)  Hazard identification and
Develop a mechanical integrity 工作危害分析(風險評估) risk assessment
programme for the process  operating procedures
 training and competency of  Definition of safe methods
workers 定義安全的方法
 mechanical integrity  Implementing the system
(maintenance programme) 實施制度
 Monitoring監控



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