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Knowledge Base Article: 000445634

BoxMonitor:CRITICAL:558 Enclosure 0 power supply B AC Fault (000445634)

Primary Product : Celerra
Product : Celerra Network Server, Celerra, Celerra CFS, Celerra NS

Version: 3 Article Type: Break Fix Audience: Level 30 = Customers Last Published: Tue Jun 16 14:15:59 GMT 2020


BoxMonitor:CRITICAL:558 Enclosure 0 power supply B AC Fault


CallHome Information:
[CDATA [CCMD ID: 78928609838
Brief Description: Enclosure 0 power supply AC Fault.


Mar 3 14:39:36 2009:CS_PLATFORM:BoxMonitor:CRITICAL:558::::1236058776:Enclosure 0 power supply B AC Fault.


May 7 05:40:12 2009:78928609838::Enclosure 0 power supply B AC Fault.

May 7 05:40:12 2009:78928609838::Enclosure 0 power supply D AC Fault.

Enclosure LEDs (front of cabinet):

Blinking Amber on the faulted Power Supply/Fan
Solid Amber in middle of enclosure signifying faulted Enclosure

Celerra Manager > Inventory Page

DME 0 psFan B | Power supply/Fan B power supply fault

Celerra Manager > Events

Right-click events of interest and look at "Event Details"

Celerra Manager Home Page

System Status
Hardware Status
DME 0 psFan B Power supply/Fan B power supply fault
Fri May 08 10:45:43 EDT 2009 | BoxMonitor | Enclosure 0 power supply B AC Fault

# nas_message -info 78928609838

MessageID = 78928609838
BaseID = 558
Severity = CRITICAL
Component = CS_PLATFORM
Facility = BoxMonitor
Type = EVENT

Brief Description: Enclosure ${encid,2,%ld} power supply ${num,1,%c} AC Fault.

Full Description: The power supply is faulted. This may be caused by overheating or another hardware issue. If the power supply module only is
faulted, the power supply module may need to be replaced.
Recommended Action: To resolve the problem, search the Knowledgebase on Powerlink as follows:
1. Log in to Online Support and go to Support > Support By Product.
2. Use the message ID or text from the error message's brief description to search.

# /nas/sbin/enclosure_status -e 0 -x -->Check for ComponentAlarms and FruErrors for the Power Supply/Fan
PS_FAN_B_FAULT="1" -->Indicates that FAN_B is faulted
PS_FAN_D_FAULT="1" -->Indicates that FAN_D is faulted
FRU_ERROR_PS_FAN_B="1" -->Reports FRU error for FAN_B
FRU_ERROR_PS_FAN_D="1" -->Reports FRU error for FAN_D

Note: Where -e represents enclosure, 0 represents enclosure 0, and -x represents output in XML format:

# cat /nas/log/enclosure_status.enclosure_0.xml |grep FAULT

Note: Check the enclosure_status file for the respective Enclosure indicating the fault. This file is updated by the system whenever a fault or change
has occurred.

Cause: The system has called home for an Enclosure Power Supply issue. Probable causes for this issue would be a failed Power Supply or an A/C plug issue
on the Data Mover enclosure.

Follow these steps:

1. From the Celerra Manager Home page, check for hardware Alerts and the Hardware Status section for faults. Alternatively, go to the Inventory
page and identify the components that display faults. If using a shell console session to the Control Station, examine the sys_log for events that report
a problem with the Enclosure Power Supplies, or if some other component is faulted.

2. If the enclosure power supply is faulted, determine the component part number from the Celerra Manager > Inventory > DME 0 psFan A (or B, C, D)
or DME 0 Power Supply A (or B) > Properties page, or run the following CLI command:

# /nas/sbin/t2vpd -e 0

Where 0 represents enclosure 0, but could be enclosure 1, 2, or 3, depending on the Celerra system.

3. If possible, physically verify that the power cord is plugged in on both sides of the Enclosure.

4. If possible, physically verify the LED status indicators on the front of the Enclosure, checking for flashing and/or steady Amber lights to indicate a fault

5. Open the Celerra Tools page on Powerlink and go to the Replace Hardware section under the respective Celerra platform, then go to the CRU or
FRU section and locate the Power/Cooling Module (Blade) procedure

6. Contact your Service Provider for the replacement part(s), and either perform the replacement procedure or coordinate replacement by your Service

Notes: The NS20, NS40, NX4, NS-120, and NS-480 platforms use four Power Supplies with integrated fan blowers, in the Data Mover Enclosure, referenced
as psFan A, B, C, or D. Each blade, therefore, has two redundant power supplies. When viewed from the front of the Enclosure, from left-to-right, the
Power Supply slots are labeled as A0, A1, B0, and B1.

The NS-960/NS-G8 platforms use two Power Supplies in the Data Mover Enclosure, referenced as Power Supply A or B, and four fan blowers,
referenced as Blower A, B, C, and D.

Primary Product: Celerra

Product: Celerra Network Server, Celerra, Celerra CFS, Celerra NS

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