Type Test Có Đóng Dấu Bởi SEVN-6 - 74 Đến 121

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DNV-GL 1415-19 Serial No. 1450180, 2,00 4 22,5 / 0,440 kV ~ 1000 kVA - Dyn ~ 50 He cent ‘cmeiderSecrcGroup (France Transfe S.AS., Energy Business), Bene Spc 40, S71 Waren et, Pres Manufacturer Sincere Group (France Tranlo SAS, Energy Busines), ‘ede Semecrrt 1018, S720 Har lees, ance Tented ty Grectreig 210, remy the Netheands Date of teste 26 Harchto 9 ly 2019 ‘est specificaion Te ests nave buen caved out acordance wth JEC60076-11:2018, bcnurer 14.4 (Chmate tarts for Ct eas) 44.8 (Enuonantl tests for Gass) and 14.46 (Pre behaviour ofr Fi dos) “Te objet has comple wth the relevant requirements of the standard ‘ie reprt apples ony to the objet tered The respon for normity af any objec having the some type references a5 tat tested ‘ests the manatee “his report onsets o 8 pages in oa KEMA Laboratories Amhen, 14 oczber 2019 Spumante mmr rep ies mate INFORMATION SHEET ‘run Type Test certiieate ena type Tat cetente conan reco fe saves of (ype) ets cried tn aecordance ‘wth ocogize Sanders The objet test as fle the equrements otha stacard a he ‘Ritant ratings asgne! bythe manfcture are erdored by DNV Gu. In alten, he obec {echnical dramings have been verfed and te cocton of the objec afer the assis assessed ord ‘corded, me Cees contain the exsentalsantngs onda sept ofthe ject teste. A (Gea Sype Test cerutte ges that the anject mets ate requirements ofthe nomad ‘ituavtes ofthe stan. freon be lente by goa-embosed letting on the cover ard» gold El on te front set ‘The Cotat sept tothe objec tested ey. ONV Gs responsible forthe vty onthe ontnts of the Cana: The rssporabiy for conform oF any abject hating the same type ‘eirence the one tested rests tn the manufacturer Beta rules on types a avteavan are gven In AW Gis Certeaton procedure appcable to 2 tA Report of Performance xen repr f perfomance essed when sr abject has succesfully completed and passed 2 {bet (buf not all of et progremmes in aecordanas wih a racogized stand. eae, the ‘jee’ tecsal drnge have bean varied andthe cndtion af the obec er the ets 1 {etesed and recordedhe report applet othe objet tested on. AKEMA Report of Performance gts tu the eioct mets te reuirements of te ned subcases ofthe [edora con be eres by siveremosuedeterng on ha cover and 9 versal of sont ‘The santence onthe fot sheet of « KEMA Report of Performance wl sae thatthe tests have been ‘are aun accordance withthe be hor cmaled wi the relevant requment. 2 xemaTestnoport sented na star ease, ReBcon for suing KEMA Test Report could be: MENA TSts were permed sceoraing tothe cents structions, 1 Testers pertermest ony paral acorn the standard 1 Novena! drawinge wore submited for warieation anor no assessment of the contin of he obec ater ne test wos performed 1+ Thecbjct atec ona or tore ef the performed tts, “Te Kenn Test Rept abe Keted bythe grey embosted lettering onthe cover a rey Sel on {hr cathe murber of tats, the test procedure and he test parameters are based on 2 recognizes "ard and relates tothe rating sangre by the manufacture, the following ante wil spear nthe from shee. The tests nave been cared oot nacorsnce at ne clas nstretons, Test, procure ana tet parmetrs wore aceon If the object dos ot pass he test uch Echeviour wl oe mentaned nthe Wont shee Verfton ofthe aromings (suarited) 2nd "usesamenef the conton afer fe test nl don on nts rua. Ahonthe tess test precedes sor test promoters ae notin accedance wih a recognized “andar the Hone set wil sate te tots Rove been eoted out in acorn wi ents ficial and uncontrolled test documents ‘Fo oct test documents of ONY Ge re esed ih beund form, Unconrale copies may be provided BS Soine octet easton yh ere econ be espe Accreditation of KEMA Laboratories ‘Foe KEMA Laboratories DNV GL ave sere in crordance wt ISOVTEC 17025 by te respecte Taio pctedotin todes EMA Laboratories Are, te Metered, fe acredted by Rk under how (020, L318, Keog and KO0D, KENA Laboratories Char, Une State, s screed by A2UR Unger no 0553/01, HENA Latoratories Prague, the aath Repub, speared by CAL os tasting KEMA Laboratorios 3 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS: 2 2a 6a 72a Identcton oe test ojeet. Ratings) chredersts ofthe object ested Deseripton oe objet tested Lust rami ‘The tests wore winesse by Reference to ter reports ‘Subcontracting Purpose of tha test Measurement weeny Cchackng of carosve an harmfl goses emission Fire beholourtes for Fi as wansormer Paral szcarye measurement. Measurement winding resitance Delete outne tsts opi vorage test (AY) ndved votage withstand est (10) Cat taster 4 lass “Terma hock et for C8 cis transformers Visual inspection Induced AC wstan votage testa 80% Condensation test Humidity panraton test Separate spree AC withstand vlage testa 80% Induce A withstand vlage testa 80% Messurementunceniny 115-19 2 25 KEMA Laboratories 4 pantie Append Fire behavior et for FL clase transformer Callration porto the radiant pane om 6085 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE TEST OBJECT 1.1. Ratings/characteristics of the object tested fated power 000 A ated primary voltage 20,00 «1 Rated saconary vltoge av ated seconary curet 1408.28 Pate frequency son 1.2. Description of the object tested Sonufacrer Schneider Electe Group (France Transfo SAS., Energy Busnes), Wanbrer eats, France Type “ral 908830-01| Designation ‘dtroaontranstormer umber of phases 3 Insultion levels = av winding (PAC) 125/50 = wwining (Lac) 0 Topping ange $242,595 impedence vltage 56% (Comecton sya Dyatt “ype of colng rf Primary winding materi a Secondary wining mar a oerage winding temperatures mt 100 om eras KEMA Laboratorio 6 ausas 1.3 ist of drawings “The manure as giorantee thatthe objet submited fer ests hasbeen manufactured In ‘cordance withthe allowing savings andor documents. KEMA Laboratories has veri tat these Growings andor document adequately represent the object tested. The manufacture Is esposible forthe comecnes of tete drawings anda documents andthe techies! dts presented “he following drawing and/or documents have Been inde in is port Drawing no feocument 0 Revsion ‘-100-$05030 1/2 A 19-200-905030 272 ° “Tha following domings and/or documents ae ot std or reference an are kept in KEM Laborato ls Draming no /doeument Revision 3-100-905830 172 a 23-100-905820 272 ° Pape anes EMA Laboratoriee : wais.i9 2. GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1. The tests were witnessed by “Te tests ware cried at without representative ofthe cont present. 2.2. The tests were carried out by Name company . du Ploy kena ey, L chats >eonem the Netherands 2.3. Reference to other reports 2.4 Subcontracting “The following test was subcontracted to ects Nederland BWV. and NEDLAB BV. respectively 1 Fire bahaviout test for Flas tranctormer Comosive and harm gass emission for Fi 2.5 Purpose of the test Purpose ofthe test was to vey whether the mater comple wth he specie requremens 2.6 Measurement uncertainty [table with measurement uncetsines enclosed in ths report Unles others tated he ‘measurement uncetairie f the recite presented in ths report are a nce in that table yn e005 eee KEMA Laboratories 8 sisis 3. FIRE BEHAVIOUR TEST 3.1. Checking of corrosive and harmful gases emission Standard and date Standord THC 600761, eubcouse 10.4.6 Test prod 410 19 ape 2019, ‘Smal lees ofthe resi dlvered ot ML which are removed rm the dry typ 3% Scheider 1000 kva 20 10,41 KY 50 tranaormer, Ti resin measured aecardin IEC 60076-11 (2018) Shtcnuse 144.61 to detect hurl pases emission wl tke place ring a burning. To determine the gas emission, the easement setup and heating protocol swe according EC 607541, ‘sample of 750 + 250 no placed in 8 combustion boat and paced nthe middle of quarts glass tube ry combustion ven Te oven Is heated up to GOOHC with a Heating rae of approximately '0"Cjnn,Ourg the tat an a flow of approsimately 200 min was lead over the samples together wth the fone! gas pasted absorption ids (depend an gas that has tobe absorbed (a0, NOH and/or cll water sluon) to absorb all the gases. The tes I peor on two "sampes, The absorption gl ee analyzed a the chanical abrsory withthe texhngues Fc, HPLC snd Uv, ‘Schematic overview of measurement sotup ow 0005 KEMA Laboratorio 115-19 ‘Spocific test date (Goneartration out ofr - Gases [nvateain en 001 ke be 1 Value are Below the ection level Requirements eeu “The resus are for ifomation oy Pow tz KEMA Laboratories ao. sas5.19 3.2. Fire behaviour test for Fi class transformer Standard and date Standort 1H 60076-11, subdauses 14.4610 16.4.8 Test date 24 orc 2013| “he test object onsets af ane complete pase ofa transformer comprising ofthe hgh voltage, ow ‘ohage cl cove en an nsltioncompanent who esdanur A metal suppor frame was ded inorder kegp al eomponets together according to the design ‘Specie test data “Ty test etal are presented in Report no. 2019-Ffects-R000636 of Efectis Nederand BV. tached ‘A repet oftha ealratin othe dans resoted in Report no 2018fects-R002529 of Efcls Nedeond 8.¥., tached ot report in Aapendx The tempartire rise ave the ambien tmpertue ofthe gases nthe measuring section inthe chimney shal not exceed 420K throughout te test. 5 Minutes afr the rant panels stched ofthe temperature se above the amblet temperature ‘ofthe gases inthe meaurngeecton nthe chimney shal nat exceed 240 Kandi shal decrease tnhen measured over ue periods of 10 mi. “he temperature a ofthe gases inthe measuring section inthe chimney shal ra exceed 80K after 60 min rom the beginning of Ee test. These conons are asumed to demonstrate that the fre had ees to bin. ‘Te arthmatic maon ofthe opal ransmssion actor ght inthe measuring Seto, referred oan ‘optical pth trough ake of Xm, between 20min 60min afer he begining ofthe tet shall te not les than 20% (cave). “he object passe the test. KEMA Laboratories oa waists 4 PARTIAL DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT ‘Standard and date ‘Sondors HC 60076-11, dause 22.4.1. est date 4 May 20:8, Environmental conditions Aebient temperate 20°C Ambient ae pressure 109 hrs “Temperate of ast object 19°C Hum Balm Ccharacteritc tort Catiaten Spc Noise level <2 Couptngcapactors 2600 ‘ancien ke Test requency sone fated vatage(U,) 20K hace [Vatageappeatonl” —[bwaton [Perist —[Ineepion —[Entnaion Result Prato ascrarge tape love sus |i ls sew foc fav foc nase 3807 Passed ha [0 ce a 7 Pasa aw [xa prow soe as a3 [501 sao7 > Passed [The wansformer was upped with» Bree-phose vage onthe L winding 5 The portal dscharge value mar measured atthe edo he 180 secon Requirement ‘The partial discharge lvls 2134 shall ot exceed 10 9. eeu ‘he cboct passed the ts. EMA Laboratories “2 115-19 5 ROUTINE TESTS Standard and date Standars EC 60076-1,subdause 11.1.2 Test date 3 May 2018 Environmental conditons unity sisim 5.1 Measurement of winding resistance SC ainding restancesat 198°C a winig (2) LW wiring il "ermine ap postion —freemia awaw 5520 auav oer saw 925 Du 0.5680 Average 5a verge [oss2 Requirement eeu “The results are used for frthercaluations and are fr information oxy on 4s ———S KKEMA Laborntoriae 5.2. Dielectric routine tests 5.2.1 Applied voltage test (AV) peation Wading [plist vokage [Duration Feauensy Lv 0 r [so Requirement No cola ofthe test votage shal oar. Result ‘Tha dyect passed he as 5.2.2 Induced voltage withstand test (IVW) Fra postion [Winding [induea vatage [Bustin Feauenay pnasetorhase 2 iw sao t 100) Requirement No colpse of he text elkage shall ocr ‘he objet passed the test ro res ——— 6 CLIMATIC TEST FOR C4 CLASS 6.1 Thermal shock test for C4 class transformers Standard and date Standort 18 600761, subdause 14.4.4 Test date 13 une 2019 Environmental conditions ‘Storage Amba Temperature (at the end of 8h) soc Energize Ambien Temperature (at east 12) unt stendy tate condton) orc “Tempuratre of es abn 9 the end of EAT 405°C characteristic test data “est caren rough Nigh voage wining, three calls comected inseris Aga V3 = 353A “est cent trough low vote wining, te col connected insers| Ben = 2816 A 6 Winding resistances and voltage drop across the windings Minding JAAD SOC [Votage drop at [AC HO™ [atage drop at idwinding 4565 13880 [a.s000 295.48 nai a fvotave crop at la v a Wy [Winn aaa x10 [086 amaai0? 348 Pape aces KKEMA Laboratories -15 ass Requirements ‘er the thermal shock. the transformer shal be Brought ack to @ temperature of (25 10) °, “Then, the tresformer al be submited tothe dlecrerutne tests (opp veltage test and Induced votoge wihstang tet), n acorns with the ie eel the windings, but 3 otages reduced to 80 ofthe stancara yaies. Pataleecnrge measirement sal be cad out. he tst voltage shall not exoed the test votage ofthe reduced induced overage withstand tet (160% ofthe ratod vale) andthe measured values shall not exced those prescribed fer rutin ets. ‘When visually inspect, the winding sol sow no vile anonalty, uch 5 crack oss “The obec passed the st (S2edtas in 42, 43,44 and 45). rn 25 EMA Laboratories 16 6.2. Visual inspection Standard and date Standard 1c 60076-11, subdouse 14.443, Test dates une 2019, Environmental conditions omity| No isle snermaty, eh as cack Fits The objet passed the est, Pow 70205 Paine ee KEMA Laborstorios w- wa15.19 6.3 Separate source AC withstand voltage test at 80% Standard and date Standard FEC 60076-11, subcouse 14.443, Ambien temperature 20°C Ambient sie presie 1009 hrs “emperstre of tet objet 19°C Humidity 82aKm fap postion | Windng [apse vakage [uation Famer r He so if 50 Requiroment “There shall te neltherfoshovernor breakdown during the dec ats “The object passed the ts. 6.4 Induced AC withstand voltage test at 80% ‘Standard and date Standars (ec 60076-11,sbdouse 16.443 est date 21 June 2019 Environmental condvons ambient temperature 20% Ambient ar presse 1009 We “Temperature of tet objet 19°C Humity 2am [Tap ponton —[Votineapped to induced vatage — [Durauen Frequeney eral praseo-phase r we e566) | ee Requirement “There shal be nether fashovernor breakdown during te dec tet ‘The object passed thee ow 70205 ee KEMA Laboratories -18 wais.i9 6.5 Partial discharge measurement Standard and dete ‘Standort [EC 60076-11 subcouse 144.43 est date 24 dune 2019 Environmental conditions bien temperature 20°C Amblent ar pressure 1009 ne Temperature af tst object 19°C Humidity 82am characteristic toot dasa Caltrain Noise level ave “| ou Ccouping capactors 2600 oF Test renuency 100 #2 ve mare Fated waltage () 2008 2 came rave [Walaa apleaton®” —[buraen”[rariat inception [Extinion Rest Prose [sacharge tage evel saya es ls pew |oc fw |p 70 [isxaov| 156 Sa 7 7 1803 2,0 3807 [23> [sea iy [isos 35.6 0 EEE .ax803|2.0 woo [es Ire aw [sx80%5 [36.6 30 EE ens |.0 i807 Jes sso [The arate was upped wh hres pase vOTage on hel widig The pal dacharpe von wae measure athe endo the 180 seconds. Requirement he patat Ocharge level a 13808 sll mt ened 10 “he object passed the test. ee KEMA Laboratories -19 isis 7 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTS FOR E4 CLASS 7.4 Condensation test Standard and date Standor 1 60076-11, subdause 14.45 Test date 277 une 2019 Environmental conditions Characteristic test dara “Temperstre of tetas (tr fee) ov Humidity (eae) 295% Dimensions of test room 6904535,2m Conduct of tomzed water si75im Duration of exposure 23h ter 2 hours of condensation, the tos object was subjects tn the Induced volage tess a= described ‘transformers to be ured in system with sll earthed neutral or vi low impedance Notoge spp [Eathad [Applied vatge, |Frequeney Duration [Observations fs teoninats hase-phase on Endings vera) (az mn ior (oy marar 1 (11) — [60 15 none Requirements “There shall ben flasher during te vtage application Visual epetion shal rt show ony serous tracing, Result ‘The eect passed the tet roe tts ee KEMA Laborstorioe -20- sisis 7.2 Humidity penetration test Standard and date Standara JHC 60076-11,subcouse 14.8.5 est dates 3199 y 2019 Environmental conditons ambient temperature 50°C Ambient ar pretsre 0s hrs Characteristic ost dato “Temperate of est auc sore Humity (ative) 20% Dimensions of test oom 3ax50x40m Duration of tet wan 7.2.1 Separate source AC withstand voltage test at 80% ny 2018 ‘Ambient temperature 20°C Ambiental pressure 1005 Pe Temperature of test cbt sac Humic Salm ons pied [ented reper vets [fener [Burton [Obevatens termina Ri ke mn lw iy, nee [a 30 fi anatoe [Wtenearat lv le Tso t nnetood Sere shal be no ashver during the wots aplication, {Vaal inepecton stl nt show any serious track “he object paced he ast 7.2.2 Induced AC withstand voltage test at 80% Standard and date Standard 1 60076-11,sbcouse 16.452 Test date uy 2019 Environmental conaltons ambient temperatre 20°C Ambiental presse 1005 bra Temperature of test objet 2c Humiy Sam (vorage appied [Earind —Aoped vatge; [Frequency [Duration [Observations {eterminale ohese-pase Wexu) ee en ior lwnaaral,—]o72 1.60) fs00 r coo Requirement wore shale retherflshover nr breakdown ding the deci tss ‘The eject passed heat rape eas 9 DRAWINGS EMA Laboratoris 25- sais-19 KEMA Laborstorios S| poe cmmecorey ee KEMA Laborstonioe 28- sais.19 10 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ‘he measurement uoctalntes inthe ess presented ae as species Blow ules otherwise Indicates Measurement eaturement uncertainty Dilet tes peak valve: 3 ke paramtars:< 10% 0% 5x10 Paral cechorge measurement <10pC 2p yo-t009¢ Spc Soop: 20% easurement of rauatonreatance |= 1056 ErerrrETy Sh = 1040 05% 204i) “20040 10.2%, [albration of cree tanafomers 2.2 107 aad 2906 [cavration of vltage tnsformrs 4,6 10% U/W and 510 yrod Measurement of onditivty Nessurement of enpaatire ove -ias ee: 2 22506 150003 Pape wanas ee 2» 115-19 Appendix A Fire behavior test for Fi class transformer Pape es Determination of the fire behaviour of a ‘Schneider Electric T 1al 1000 kVA 3 Phase dry type S0Hz transformer, serial number 1450180 Fire behaviour test for dry-type power transformers, according IEC 60076-11:2018 Report no. Sponsor ‘nanars) Project rune 2010-Eerbe RO00896IReV 5] DNVEL Arner Plo. Bow 38 6000 ET ARNHEM {THE NETHERLANDS. AHL Zuntee Be a lo etobee 2018 ronan 4. PRODUSTIDENTIFICATION ‘Schneider Electr Trihal 1000 kVA 3 Phase dry type SOHz transformer, serial number “Hs0400, ferro as the rode “The REA DNV-SL reterence fortis projet 72120580 412. REVISION INFORMATION “The Manaus adores hasbeen amended renal dae of ue: pr! 2018 2._ ABSTRACT Determination fe eon re prope of product. when exposed the heal {tao accrdngtepragiage 140144 of EG GDOTE 12018. Detatsroprdng He gers et setup ne et charter, supe, measurements gion ouces, parton oe test chamber, est canaons ne exaeihon fe deste Spoon es tp. 4._DETALS OF THE PROOUCT TESTED $34. INTENDED APPLICATION “he produ wi be vd as a hy yp aneormee 422 MANUFACTURERIMPORTER Semele Electre Voie Romaine = ant de Semézourt 17200- Matra ete France 13 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION enera simensiont Veal damterextemaly 85 (mm Wool ameter realy 450 rr) Rated power 1000 HVA: Rated votago HV sie 201 Rated vloge LV se 041 KV, Rated primary cent 28 9 Fated secondary eure 1408 A A detailed decison ofthe tranfomerie gen in appen C, wanstomer desareton Pom 3206 4. DETAILS OF THE EXAMINATION 41. SPECIMENS ‘Sampingwoceare | Th et oboe was a nada af ae conplta phase of ar erytype tanetomar compraing HV (igh Vata) ne (VCon Votage cols, cow an inslaton components “Tho samp was ssbtioa by a sponeoe ae eth bv of recap 2018 Date aes Maron 25,2019 42 CONDITIONNG Prior tothe examinations th specimen was condoned over ape of days at 2 femperatie of 15t0 30°C aeanraing to § 14407 of IEC 60057 443. DESCRIPTION OF FIRE TRAY ‘ienal diameter mm Internal deter Foe ‘meant hero Sieg 44 CALIBRATION AR FLOW “Th nora airflow caltrated to manana conta fow ate of 021 mls 215% (758 0h) Botote ne test ealoration ot te fom rate has Boon permed on Misch 27.2018. The ‘atoaion rau daplayealn graph 6, Caltraton oa fou 45, EXAMNATION Devatons ron Pe ea mates [None Date of exarinan arch 28,2070 ‘Specimen woightbeore he est | S059 “Specinen woightafertheteat | SBP Kg Nomina! boring tne oF te | 18min thao! ye eas 46 OBSERVATIONS Time] Obsenation trina | ional We tay and eichon of raaant pane 6 _| Bano sons baring | Resian panels eichod of 5 | Eats gs temperatures recorded 61°C 35 __| Exhaust gn onparairos record 70°C | Bahan gas erperaues receded °C | Frdotiest 447. EVALUATION OF TEST RESULTS: “The gph ofthomossuroments ae prsentad happend A Plage bets, during and ‘Mere tet are osered append 48 SUMIARY OF TEST RESULTS Designation Transtar col pe ‘Sehneider Ese Thal 1000 WAS Pace ery type, Sole transformer, ria rama 450180 Tea Mare 28,2018 Taree 20°C rere ae Citeron & Passed Sretimney < 420 aT enenney 310K (020°C-20°C), througout thea fst pod ‘terion Passed ‘Sf enrmay © 140 Kat 45 mts TK (@r"¢-20-0) 1+ Temp decroaoin 4555" mite | Oecrease 20x 01°C-70°0) _[ Passed ‘reronC: Passed St choy 60K 2 60 minutes aan (ee'c-20°0) ‘terion 0: aati) eon Passed Athmete mean > 20% (201s 60a) Total mass bane’ matt a asa tegen D=1 CO roe tas 49. EVALUATION CRITERIA REQUIREMENTS “Tm apsomen haspassdth ost ster mesting the folowing eters ZX Tempertre fee soove the alert trparatire of he gaees nthe measuring scton of the enney ding the ful draton a ra est 20 18 Tempers io above the ambit temperature othe gases inthe measuring secon of tho cnmoy a6 mines ser tart of ast = 40 and sha dectoace ove te prod oF ‘Temparaio ie above he ambient emperatire of te gees Inthe measuring soctn of thehinney 3:60 mites afte tart of os 280K 1. The attmere meat of he opel ranemision flr of lght in the measuring secton Tolered fo an ote! pa Ywaugn smote of, between 20 and 60 mnufes ae the begining oe et shal be rat ls than 20% (leave). 5. CONCLUSIONS “Tne Sehnert Tra 1000RVA'3 Phat dy type SOM tanforme, ei number 7eSo180 does fhe Fenton as saledin paragraph 14468 of EC OTS 112018, Y/ (4 (il = ef at 2a yt Ae Naito tee an zs [APPENDIX A: FIGURE AND GRAPHS Figure: Tremocoul temperature numbers ransformer cal Tt 78 Coron 1: Snot emperaturas Ccraph2 Temperate bint ie Graph 3: Transformer temparatires Graph 4: Vane sow Graph 5: Soke praaucon Capi 6: Caltatio fa fow om nas Ts. Turco tv-

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