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The hospitality industry thrives on guest satisfaction. In today's digital age, online
reviews and ratings have become a powerful force shaping traveler decisions and
influencing perceptions of hotels. This study examines the impact of the top 5 online
rating and review platforms on guest satisfaction at Fernando's Hotel in Sorsogon
City, Philippines, during the period 2021-2022. Sorsogon City is a rising tourist
destination in the Philippines, known for its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural
heritage. Fernando's Hotel caters to both domestic and international travelers
seeking a comfortable and enjoyable stay in the city.

Consumers recognize online reviews as a useful source of information before

consumption, and many online reviews influence consumer purchasing decisions.
Understanding the customer experience in online reviews is thus necessary to
maintain customer satisfaction and repurchase intention for the sustainable
development of the hotel business. (YJ Kim, HS Kim, 2022). By analyzing guest
reviews from these platforms during the period 2021-2022, the study aims to identify
key factors influencing guest satisfaction and assess how Fernando's Hotel can
leverage online feedback to enhance its services, the relationship between guest
satisfaction at Fernando's Hotel in Sorsogon City and online ratings and reviews left
on the top 5 online travel platforms during the period 2021-2022. By analyzing the
content and sentiment of these reviews, the study aims to identify patterns and
trends that can inform strategies to improve guest satisfaction and the hotel's overall
online reputation. The following sections of this thesis will delve deeper into the
research methodology, data analysis, and findings. The researcher explores the
specific online platforms chosen for the study, the data collection process, and the
methods used to analyze guest reviews. The analysis will identify common themes
and trends in guest feedback, highlighting aspects that contribute to guest
satisfaction and areas for improvement. Finally, the thesis will conclude with
recommendations for Fernando's Hotel to leverage online review data to enhance
guest experiences and strengthen its online presence.
Statement of the Problem ( first )

By analyzing online reviews from 2021-2022 on the top 5 travel platforms, this study
aims to identify key factors influencing guest satisfaction at Fernando's Hotel and
recommend strategies to improve their online reputation and enhance guest

Statement of the Problem: SECOND OPTION

In recent years, online ratings and reviews have emerged as influential factors
shaping consumer decisions across various industries, including the
hospitality sector. Despite the growing importance of these digital platforms,
there remains a gap in understanding their precise impact on customer
satisfaction within specific hotel establishments. Therefore, this study aims to
analyze the impact of the top 5 online ratings and reviews on customer
satisfaction at Fernando’s Hotel in Sorsogon City, focusing on the period from
2021 to 2022. To achieve this, the following key research questions will guide
the investigation:

1. What are the top 5 online ratings and review platforms influencing
customer perception of Fernando’s Hotel in Sorsogon City during the
period 2021-2022?
2. What is the overall sentiment expressed in the online ratings and
reviews of Fernando’s Hotel during the specified timeframe?
3. How do the ratings and reviews on these platforms correlate with key
indicators of customer satisfaction, such as service quality, amenities,
cleanliness, and overall experience?
4. Are there any significant differences in customer satisfaction levels
based on demographic factors such as age, gender, nationality, and
purpose of visit?
5. What strategies can Fernando’s Hotel implement based on the analysis
of online ratings and reviews to enhance customer satisfaction and
improve its competitive position in the hospitality market of Sorsogon

In today's digital age, online reviews hold immense power in influencing

customer decisions, particularly within the hospitality industry. Fernando's
Hotel in Sorsogon City caters to tourists and travelers seeking a memorable
experience. However, the impact of online ratings and reviews on customer
satisfaction at Fernando's Hotel during the period 2021-2022 remains
unexamined. This research aims to bridge this gap by analyzing the top 5
online rating platforms and their corresponding reviews to understand how
they influence customer satisfaction at Fernando's Hotel. By delving into guest
experiences, positive aspects, and areas for improvement highlighted in online
reviews, this study will provide valuable insights for Fernando's Hotel
management to enhance their service offerings and ultimately, guest

Significance of the Study

Understanding the impact of online ratings and reviews on customer satisfaction is

crucial for Fernando's Hotel Sorsogon City for several reasons:

• Improved Customer Satisfaction: This study will find out what makes guests happy
or not. By fixing bad points and using good ones, the hotel can make guests happier
and maybe see them come back more often.

• Enhanced Online Reputation: Good reviews online really help get more bookings.
This study will help Fernando's Hotel see how online talks shape its image and find
ways to make its online look stronger, which could bring in more guests.

• Data-driven Decision Making: Learning from reviews gives useful hints for making
smart choices. The hotel can use this info to decide what to fix first, use resources
well, and maybe make marketing that hits the right spot.

• Competitive Advantage: In today's internet world, online reviews mean a lot for
hotels. By knowing what guests think and quickly tackling their points, Fernando's
Hotel can stand out by giving guests a better stay.
Overall, this study will provide Fernando's Hotel with actionable insights to enhance
customer satisfaction, build a stronger online reputation, and ultimately achieve
business growth.

Scope and Delimitation


 Research Focus: This project will investigate the impact of the top 5 online rating
and review platforms on customer satisfaction at Fernando's Hotel in Sorsogon City
for the period between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2022.
 Data Sources: The study will focus on analyzing reviews and ratings from the top 5
online ratings and review platforms relevant to the hospitality industry internationally
and locally. These platforms will be identified through research to ensure they are the
most popular among domestic and international travelers.
 Analysis Methods: Customer satisfaction will be assessed by analyzing the
sentiment, content, and overall rating trends within the reviews. Sentiment analysis
tools or techniques will be used to categorize reviews as positive, negative, or
 Platforms: Only the top 5 online rating and review platforms will be considered.
Further research can be conducted to explore the impact of other platforms in the
future. The specific platforms will be identified based on their popularity locally and
internationally and their relevance to the hospitality industry.
 Timeframe: The analysis will be limited to the two years of 2021-2022.
 Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction will be based solely on online review
and rating data. This may not capture the entire picture of guest satisfaction, and
future studies could incorporate additional methods like surveys or interviews with
hotel guests.
 Hotel Operations: The impact of online reviews on specific hotel operations (e.g.,
housekeeping, restaurant) will not be explored in this study.
Research design

This study aims to analyze the impact of top online ratings and reviews on customer
satisfaction at Fernando's Hotel in Sorsogon City for the years 2021 and 2022, employing a
qualitative approach with sentiment analysis.


 Data Collection: the search function will be used to identify reviews for Fernandos
Hotel within the specified date range (2021-2022). Manually download or copy the
text of relevant reviews along with their corresponding ratings.

Source: Online review platforms like TripAdvisor, Agoda,, Traveloka,

and Google Review. Focus on platforms with a significant number of reviews for
Fernando's Hotel.

Sample size: it aims to collect approximately 50 online reviews (10 from TripAdvisor,
10 from Agoda, 10 from, 10 from Traveloka, and 10 from Google
Review) for the specified period. This sample size is considered adequate to provide
a representative picture of guest sentiments and identify recurring themes within the

 Data Analysis:

Sentiment Analysis Approach

Manual Approach: this establishes a set of criteria to categorize each review text
as, positive, negative, or neutral sentiment. Here’s a sample of the criteria

Positive sentiment:
Keywords and Phrases: Look for words and phrases that express satisfaction,
enjoyment, positive recommendations, or exceeding expectations (e.g., "excellent,"
"wonderful," "highly recommend," "cleanliness," "friendly staff," "beautiful location").

Tone: Reviews with a positive sentiment will typically have an enthusiastic, happy, or
approving tone.

Neutral Sentiment:

Keywords and Phrases: Reviews lacking strong positive or negative language

might use factual descriptions, mention both positive and negative aspects, or
express a sense of indifference (e.g., "okay," "average," "good location, but limited
breakfast options").

Tone: The tone of a neutral review may be factual, objective, or simply state an
experience without strong emotions.

Negative Sentiment

Keywords and Phrases: Look for words and phrases that express dissatisfaction,
disappointment, complaints, or unmet expectations (e.g., "disappointed," "terrible,"
"not recommended," "dirty," "rude staff," "poor Wi-Fi")

Tone: Reviews with a negative sentiment will typically have a frustrated, angry,
disappointed, or critical tone.

Pilot coding

Sample Reviews
The researcher will pilot code 5 reviews from the year 2021 and 5 reviews from the
year 2022 a total of 50 reviews from TripAdvisor, Agoda,, Traveloka,
and Google Review, aiming for a mix of positive, negative, and neutral sentiment.
The reviews will touch upon various aspects of the hotel experience, focusing on
conscientious language that avoids strong biases or emotional language.
Review 1
Ratings: 7.0

The staff was polite and friendly. Although the hotel is old, it still is the most
convenient place to stay in Sorsogon. It is situated in the heart of the city. The bay
walk that has a good view of the sea and Mt Bulusan is just a walkable distance.
Food and coffee at their small cafe are also good.
We got a budget room for a night because the hotel was fully booked that weekend.
All of the surrounding hotels in Sorsogon City were fully booked as well. No choice
but to stay in a small low-maintenance room. Vinyl tiled flooring has peeled off and
cracked areas. The toilet seat was partly unhinged. Toilet tiles have mildew in some
spots. The blankets on the beds were mismatched- 1 is new and the other 1 is old.
And the sad part is no hot shower. The water heater was unavailable.

Review 2
Ratings: 5.0

The staff were very friendly and were always ready to help. The hotel itself is very nice and has an old
Spanish feel to it. It’s a little bit old but that adds to the charm of the place. There was construction
happening next to our room and it always started at 6 am. The walls were a bit thin and you can hear
people in the cafe chattering. The pillows were very hard.

Review 3
Ratings: 8.0
staff was super friendly and all-day breakfast at the small bistro (Filipino, Continental, pancakes,
Omelet, fruit, good coffee) the pool is great for kids. The budget room has no windows and is very
small -only breakfast at the bistro - for a family hotel... no toys or playground for kids

Review 4
Ratings: 8.0
The location was very convenient. Easy access to a range of shops and food. I did not realize I could
pay for Wi-Fi - I would have done that if I had known that the free Wi-Fi coverage was patchy.

Review 5
Ratings: 8.0
I like how the location is near to almost everything. I also like the welcoming attitude of the hotel
staffs. They were all very polite during our stay. I would love to go back and stay again in Fernando's
Hotel in the near future. We would love to see the newly renovated hotel when we come back for
another hotel staycation. Our stay would have been better if the Wi-Fi had a fast connection to the
internet. We had some trouble connecting to the Wi-Fi using our phones and even during watching
TV. Apart from poor connection from Wi-Fi we had a great time during the duration of our stay.

Review 6
Ratings: 2.0
They gave us a bed bank instead of twin bed for a senior, beforehand I already choose twin bed but
still they said there is no room available a 1week advance they need to prepare for it

Review 7
Ratings: 5.0
Wi-Fi is good Location is good Staff are great Reception is very accommodating
Room is clean. Low pressure of water Flooding in bath area TV is not working Room
is too small Air-condition is not enough

Review 8
The bathroom. Flush not working shower is not a user friendly takes time to operate cold and hot
water were hard to control

Review 9
Ratings: 5.0
Good location. Nice staff.
Wi-Fi was not working. Pool was unacceptable dirty. No hot water.
Review 10
Ratings: 8.0
Nice ambiance especially Cecilia's Cafe. Delicious food and a very relaxing view while dining. The
location of hotel is very accessible.

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