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1. Dita : Iam so terrible in math, I should do something for it.

What do you think I

should do?
Elya : Why don’t you take a course ? It will help you solving the problem.
In the dialogue Elya shows the expression of...
A. request D. giving opinion
B. suggestion E. asking opinion
C. compliment

2. Doctor : If you really want to reduce your weight...

Patient : Alright, Doctor. I’ll try.
A. You may do a lot of exercises.
B. You might do a lot of exercises.
C. You should not do a lot of exercises.
D. You may have done a lot of exercises.
E. You can’t be done a lot of exercises.

3. Rita has a terrible cough. What is the best suggestion to her?

A. She should take an exercise.
B. She should go to the dentish.
C. She should take an aspirin.
D. She should take an english course.
E. She should drink some lemon juice with little honey.

4. I study in SMAN 1 GEMUH. We are going to have our final exams in a week. Iam very
worry about my best friend. He is planning to cheat in the next exam.
What should I do?
A. I may ask him not to go.
B. I should give him a paper cheat.
C. I suggest him not to take a course.
D. I should ask him not to cheat and ask to study.
E. I may ask him to take a course and cheat in the exam.

The dialogue is for questions 5-6

Mom : Hi. How was the competition?
Andra : It ran well and I got the 3rd place. I also got money 300.000.
Mom : That’s great ! You were lucky.
Andra : I was. But actually I don’t feel satisfied.
Mom : Why?
Andra : I want to buy shoes with this money, and it’s price is Rp.400.000. You know
I still need more to pay it . I hope I could get more than that.
Mom : Don’t say like that. You should be grateful for that. Otherwise, not all of the
participants are as lucky as you.
Andra : You’re right mom. Thanks.
5. Why doesn’t Andra feel satisfied with the money he got?
A. He doesn’t like the award.
B. He feels it’s too much for him
C. He doesn’t want to pay more for the shoes.
D. He prefers to get the shoes rather than the money.
E. He feels that the money isn’t enough to buy the shoes.

6. What is Andra’s mother suggestion?

A. To save his money.
B. Not to buy the shoes.
C. To buy the cheaper shoes.
D. To spend his money wisely.
E. To be grateful with what he has got.

7. Look at the picture below !

Which statement is appropriate to the picture ?

A. You should go on a diet.
B.. You should take an aspirin.
C. You should go out on the sun.
D. You shouldn’t force youself.
E. You shouldn’t consume much chilli sauge.

8. A : How long have you been here?

B : I have been here... an hour.
A. since D. in
B. for E. into
C. along

9. A : The manager asked me whether you had typed the letter for our client.
B : I am still typing it. It ... by 10 o’clock this morning.
A. will finish
B. would finished
C. had finished
D. will be finishing
E. will have finished
10. She... her first novel when she was 20 years old.
A. write D. has written
B. has write E. will have written
C. had written

11. You... me a surprise by the time the clock strikes one at one o’clock.
A. have gave D. had been given
B. has given E. will have given
C. had given

12. She... many films, written songs, directed a documentary serial, and produced successful
films since returning to Indonesia and graduating from the Jakarta art Institute.
A. has made D. will have made
B. have made E. will has made
C. had made

13. Before I entered primary school, my father... away.

A. has pass D. had passed
B. has passed E. will passed
C. have passed

The following text is for question no.14

Yusuf : Yun, have finished the proposal of our extracurricular program?
Yuni : No, but I will have submitted it to you before Saturday.
Yusuf : Don’t be too long Yun. The extracurricular program will have been
implemented by the end of this month.
Yuni : I know that, the problem is we have not got the data from each department.
You need to have meeting with them.
Yusuf : Ok Yun, I will have handled the meeting before tomorrow evening.
Yuni : Good, then I will have provided the invitation before school ends today.
Yusuf : Thank you Yun.
14. What is Yuni’s problem in finishing the program proposal?
A. She can’t do it.
B. She have done it the day before.
C. She has not got the data from each department.
D. She has not submitted the program proposal yet.
E. She has not made the invitation yet to the participants.
15. Look at the picture below !

What will happen if citizens discard the rubbish in the river?

A. There will be flood in that environment.
B. The citizens will get reward because of that.
C. The citizens may discard rubbish in the river.
D. There may be landslide in that environment.
E. There will be an eartquake in that environment.

16. Look at the picture below !

What will happen if road users disobey traffic regulation?

A. They will get punishment from the principal.
B. They can use seatbelt when drive their car.
C. They may get an accident because of that.
D. The police will ask their driver licence.
E. The police will get money from them.

17. Complete the situation below using appropriate respons

The teacher will be angry if...
A. The students break the law.
B. The students do their assignment.
C. The students break the traffic light.
D. The students come late into class.
E. The students come early to school.

18. If you... this letter now, she... it tomorrow.

A. write – will read D. send – will receives
B. writes – will read E. send – will receive
C. sends – will receive
19. An aerosol spray can explode if you... it into a fire.
A. throw D. had thrown
B. threw E. must throw
C. will throw

The dialogue is for question no.20

Nina : Hi,Lisa. I have something to say.
Lisa : Hi, Nina. What do you want to say?
Nina : It’s about the lesson we just had.
Lisa : Do you mean math? Do you have any difficulties?
Nina : Yes, I have a problem understanding the material.
Lisa : I see. I think you need more practice. You will understand if you practice a lot.
Nina : Do you think so?
Lisa : Yes I do. If you need my help, I will be ready to study together with you now.
Nina : Of course. I need to study with you.
Lisa : What about this afternoon at my house?
Nina : OK, I will come to your house.

20. Nina will understand better if...

A. she studies harder. D. she practices a lot.
B. she takes a course. E. she studies with Lisa.
C. she comes to Lisa’s house.

21. If all the students pass their final examination, the teacher will give a party for them at his
This means that... at the teacher’s house.
A. there will possibly a party
B. there has been a party
C. there has to be a party
D. there was a party
E. there is no party
The following poem is for questions no.22-23
Mother o’ Mine
By Rudyard Kipling

If I were hanged on the highest hill,

Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine
I know whose love would follow me still,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

If I were drowned in the deepest sea,

Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine
I know whose tears would come down to me,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!
If I were damned of body and soul,
I know whose prayers would make me whole,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

22. What is the poem about ?

A.It’s about someone who very love his wife.
B. It’s about mother who always love his child.
C. It’s about mother who always hate his enemy.
D. It’s about someone who very love his mother.
E. It’s about someone who always love his parents.

23. Who are the character mention in the poem?

A. The man. D. The writer’s wife.
B. The writer. E. The writer’s family.
C. The writer’s mother.

The following poem is for questions no.24- 26

The seasons
Spring is a lovely lady
with flashing eyes of green
Her hair is decked with flowers
of growing things she’s Queen

Summer’s a lively school boy

who love the sun and surf
And singing, clowning, and prancing
Round the campfire on the turf

Autumn’s hair is golden

As the leaves begin to fall
She enjoys the fruit of the harvest
and mellow light over all

Winter’s a sleeping giant

who slumbers long and deep
with slow but sure awakening
Another year to greet

24. What is the poem about?

A. The description of spring,summer,autumn and winter.
B. The description of the seasons in Indonesia.
C. The description of rainy and dry seasons.
D. The characteristics of seasons.
E. The character of rainy season.

25. What is the writer mean by “ Queen of the growing things” ( first stanza )
A. Leaves. D. Snow.
B. Flowers. E. Tree.
C. Branch.

26. “ autumn’s hair is golden” ( third stanzas )

The writer want to say about...
A. tree. D. Branch.
B. Leaves. E. Flowers.
C. Dry leaves.

The following poem is for no.27 and 28.

Love and friendship
By Emily Bronte

Love is like the wild rose- briar

Friendship like the holly-tree
The holly is dark when the rose- briar blooms
But which will____27____most constantly?

The wild rose-briar is sweet in the spring

Its summer blossoms scent the____28____
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild-briar fair?

27. A. blossoms D. call

B. bloom E. deck
C. leaves
28. A. green D. silly
B. tree E. wild
C. air

The following text is for questions no. 29-31.

The Shepherd Boy

There was once a young Shepherd Boy who tended his sheep at foot of a mountain
near a dark forest. It was rather lonely for him all day, so he thought upon a plan by which he
could get a little company and excitement. He rushed towards the village calling out “Wolf,
Wolf,” and the villagers came out to meet him, and some of them stopped with him for a
considerable time. This pleased the boy so much that a few days afterwards he tried the same
trick, and again the villagers came to his help. But shortly after this a wolf actually did come
out from the forest, and began to worry the sheep, and the boy of course cried out “Wolf,
Wolf,” still louder than before. But this time the villagers, who had been fooled twice before,
thought the boy was again deceiving them, and nobody stirred to come to his help. So the
wolf made a good meal of the boy’s flock, and the boy complained, the wise man of the
village said.

29. Where is the setting place of the event?

A. In a hill.
B. In a forest.
C. In a village
D. In a mountain.
E. In foot of mountain

30. How was the main character?

A. Lier
B. Honest
C. Humble.
D. Betrayal.
E. Materialism.

31. What can we learn from the story?

We have to….
A. be a honest person
B. be a patient person
C. be a brave person
D. be a greedy person
E. be a liar
The following text is for questions no. 32- 35.

The Boy Never Listened

One day a mother said to her son,”I must go out now and do some shopping. I want
you to look after the house”. “Yes mother”, the boy said but he was not listening.
He was interested only in his book. “Three persons will come to the house: first the butcher,
then my friend and lastly a beggar”, his mothar explained.
“Are you listening to me”. “Yes, mother”,the boy said, but his eyes did not leave his book.
“Very well. Now, tell the butcher that his meat is too fat and he must never come here
again”, his mother said.” Ask my friend to come in and give her a cup of tea. Give the pile of
old clothes by the door to the beggar. Do you understand? “Yes, mother”, the boy said, but he
was reading his book.
His mother went out and soon after there was knock at the door. The boy put this
book down and went to open it.He saw the pile of clothes by the door.”these are for you”, he
said to the person at the door. Then he went back to the sitting room.
A few minutes later there was another knock at the door. The boy went to open it. “
You are too fat”’ he said to the person at the door. “Never come here again”. Then he closed
the door and went back to his book.
A little later there were a third knock at the door. He went to open it. “Come in, he
said”. “I’ll make a cup of tea. Mother will be back soon”.
His mother came home and found the beggar in the sitting room drinking tea. “Oh!”
she cried.”If the beggar is dringking tea, what did you say to my friend?”
32. What is the main idea of the second paragraph ?
A. He gave a pile of clothes to the butcher.
B. The boy gave the beggar a cup of coffee.
C. Mother went out and there is a beggar come.
D. There will be three person come to the boy’s house.
E. The boy’s mother was crying after knowing the beggar drinking tea.

33. What did the boy do to the second guest?

A. He gave a pile of clothes to the butcher.
B. He gave a cup of coffee to the person and asked him to sit.
C. He asked the beggar to sit and drink a tea in the sitting room.
D. He said that she was too fat and asked the person not to come to his house.
E. He said that she was too fat and asked the person to come again to meet his mother.
34. “..and he must never come here again”, his mother said.” Ask my friend to come in and
give her a cup of tea.” ( P.1 )
The underlined word refers to...
A. The boy D. The guest
B. The beggar E. Mother’s friend
C. The butcher

35. “Oh!” she cried. “If the beggar is dringking tea, what did you...”(P.5)
What is the same meaning of the underlined word?
A. did
B. said
C. came
D. yelled
E. screamed

Answer the following questions clearly !

36. I often come late to school because I cannot sleep early at night so, I always wake up too
late in the morning and my teacher also often give me punishment because of that.
What is your recommendation to me?

Read the situation and then write an appropriate sentence using perfect tense.
37. She will wash her clothes before she goes to the office at 7 a.m. She ( finish ) washing
her clothes by 8 am this morning.

Read the following paragraph and observe the underlined sentence !

It can be concluded that everybody must change their way of life to stop global
warming. Slow but sure, It will be a success if we do something to stop global warming
together. Let’s stop global warming for the next generation.

38. “It will be a success if we do something to stop global warming together.”

Which sentense is if clause and main clause? What do you call this kind of sentence?

The following poem is for question 39 .

Mother o’ Mine
By Rudyard Kipling

If I were hanged on the highest hill,

Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine
I know whose love would follow me still,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!
If I were drowned in the deepest sea,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine
I know whose tears would come down to me,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!
If I were damned of body and soul,
I know whose prayers would make me whole,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

39. What is ‘mother’ for the writer ?

The following text is for question 40.

One day the Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger. Suddenly they
saw a traveler coming down the road, and the sun said, “I see a way to decide our dispute.
Whichever of us can cause those travelers to take off his cloak shall be regarded as the
stronger. You begin. “ So, the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as
hard as it could upon the traveler. But the harder he blew the more closely did the traveler
wrap his cloak round him, till at last the Wind had to give up in despair. Then the Sun came
out and shone in all hiss glory upon the traveler, who soon found it too hot to walk with his
cloak on. What lesson can we learn?

40. What is the story about ?

good luck

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