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1. Notification of the conduct of the background check

Media Wizard through its Human Resource Department shall issue an official announcement
through a Memorandum Circular ___ to inform all employees of the intended date of the
background check including its process and applicable forms.

2. Release of Authorization Form to all employees

The Authorization Form shall be distributed to all employees before the intended date of
background checking through their assigned leaders/ managers.

3. Submission of the Authorization

All employees must submit their duly accomplished Background Authorization Form to their
leaders/managers on or before the target date indicated in the Memorandum Circular.

4. Issuance of the Notice to Explain for employees who failed to submit the required
Authorization Form
In the event that an employee fails to submit the accomplished form, a Notice to Explain shall be
issued to the subject employee requiring the latter to provide justifiable reason/s within five
(5)days from the receipt of such notice.
Upon Management’s evaluation, the employee may be allowed to submit the form within 24hrs

5. Conduct of the background check

The assigned third-party investigation shall conduct the background check on the date provided
in the Memorandum Circular and by the Federal and State Laws governing the privacy of
6. Release of the result from the third-party investigator
Within a period of ______, the result from the third-party investigator shall be issued to Media
7. Review of results by the Management
Only the Management can review the result of the background check provided by the third-party
investigator. The third-party investigator shall have no capacity to review and make any
assessment in relation to the result obtained from the background check.

8. Release of results and certification among employees who successfully passed the
background check
The Human Resources Department shall release the result to all employees who passed the
background check. The result shall likewise be available to all employee upon their request. The
employee shall only be allowed to request for his/her results. Disclosure of the result to an
employee other than the employee himself/herself is strictly prohibited.

9. Issuance of the Notice to Explain to employees with adverse-result

The Human Resources Department shall issue a Notice to Explain to all employees who obtained
an adverse result. The Notice to Explain shall require the subject employee to explain the result
and provide an opportunity to rectify the same if applicable within five (5) days from the date of
receipt of the notice.

10. Post-evaluation by the Management

The Management shall evaluate the answer provided by the employee and determine the result of
the background check vis-a-vis the employee’s performance and status. The Management shall
evaluate the employee within thirty days from the date of issuance of the notice. The subject
employee may be preventively suspended from work depending on the severity of the adverse

11. Issuance of the Final Notice of Adverse Action

The Human Resource Department shall issue the final and official notice of adverse claim to the
employee. Any appeal to the Final Notice shall be submitted within five days from receipt of the
final notice. If the result of the Management’s evaluation is favorable to the employee, the
Human Resource Department shall issue an official notice lifting the notice of adverse action in
favor of the employee. All documents referred to this procedure shall be included on the
employee’s 201 file.

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