Pathf 4 Module 3 Midterm&final Term

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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM NO.: PATHF 4-2NDSEM-2022-2023


Bayombong Campus


SPECIALIZATION Mandated Subject COURSE TITLE Physical Activities Towards Health &
Fitness 4



Lesson 4: Basic Skills
Lesson 5: Exercises Relevant to the Development of the Skills


This lesson introduces to students the basic skills of volleyball such as serving, passing,
spiking/attacking, and blocking/defending. Exercises relevant to the development of the different
skills are as well presented.


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. identify the basic skills and perform exercises relevant to the development of the skills;
2. analyze the body mechanics in executing the exercises relevant to the development of
the skills in playing volleyball.



Lesson 4: Basic Skills

A. Serving

Execution of service

The ball shall hit one hand or any part of the arm after being tossed or released from the hand(s), and
before it touches any part of his/her body or the playing surface.

At the moment of the service hit or the take-off for a jump service, the server must not touch the court
(the end line included) or the ground outside the service zone. After the hit, he/she may step or land
outside the service zone.

The server must hit the ball within 8 seconds after the first referee whistles for service.

A service executed before the referee’s is canceled and repeated. Since there is no longer a service
attempt, a ball that is released or tossed, then allowed by the server to touch the playing surface is a
serving fault.

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IM NO.: PATHF 4-2NDSEM-2022-2023

Types of Service

1. Underhand. Emphasizes the idea that the ball should be hit with the hand down below. The right-
handed player has his left foot a little forward as he hits the ball with the right hand. The ball must
be off the left hand as it is batted by the right hand, otherwise it becomes a fault.
For beginners, it is recommended that the side of the hand, the part where the thumb is located, be
used to bat the ball. It is generally stronger and more accurate.

2. Sidearm. The ball is held on the left hand level with the shoulder or a little lower, with the hand
stretched or half-stretched, but with the player facing the side of the court. The ball must be off the
hand before it is batted.

3. Overhand

a. Drop. The server faces the opponent’s court, throws the ball one or two feet above with the left
hand, and with closed or half-closed right fist bats the ball at the center or a little above center,
using the heel and top part of the fist simultaneously, putting a little jerking motion upon contact
with the ball so that a spin or english is made on the ball. If batted properly, the ball passing two
feet above the net may land at center.

b. Wallop. The server bats the ball as in the drop but preference is given to the hitting of the ball
with the side of the fist near the thumb; the server, before serving, turns toward the side so that
he faces the side of the court, throws the ball, and bats it at center or a little above center. As in
the drop, the ball is expected to drop suddenly upon crossing the net.

c. Floater. The floater is batted in the same way as the drop, but in this case there is no spin or
english imparted onto the ball so that the ball goes floating straight ahead, in almost a horizontal
plane. A ball batted this way and just two feet above the net usually lands outside. This is applied
to deceive the receivers into playing it as it usually goes within the reach of the players.

B. Passing

A served ball coming from the opponent’s side is received or stopped by the other team with any part of
the body, but the usual and effective way is with the hands. Common faults in receiving are holding and

Types of Passing
1. Underhand/Forearm pass. Used when ball is received below the shoulders
2. Overhead pass. Used when ball is received above the shoulders
3. Special pass
a. Dig pass. It is a method of fielding balls that are almost out of reach. The motion of the arm is the
full arm underhand stroke.
b. Set-up. It is used for the purpose of placing the ball in position for the attack player (spiker) to hit
or smash it. Ideally the first pass to execute.

C. Spiking/Attacking

Spiking is done by hitting the ball over or above the net with any strong force or smash such that the
ball falls in a downward direction. For an effective strategy, however, the spike can be modified by just
making the ball roll off the hands over the net into the opponent’s court. The objective is to make the
opponents commit faults or error.

Types of Spiking/Attacking
1. Hard spike or strong spike. It is expected to push back the blocking hands or cause the ball to go
out of control after hitting the blocking hands.
2. Soft spike. It is where the ball just rolls of the hands or the body of the blocker so that a fault is
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IM NO.: PATHF 4-2NDSEM-2022-2023

D. Blocking/Defending

Blocking is the effort of a defensive team to stop a spike by putting up the fingers and hands above the
net and in front of the ball so that the spiked ball may be returned to the spiker’s court or the ball may
fall on the blocker’s court so that the other players may be able to handle it.

Lesson 5: Exercises Relevant to the Development of the Skills

A. Stretching Exercises in Volleyball

This is a general routine that emphasizes stretching the muscles that are most frequently used not only
in volleyball but as well as in normal day-to-day activities.

1. Forearm Stretch

Extend your right arm. Using your left hand, pull your fingertips
back toward your body until you feel the stretch in your
forearm. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds. Repeat using the
other arm.

2. Shoulder Stretch

Extend your left arm in front of your body. Using the left wrist,
place the right wrist underneath and pull inward toward your
body, while keeping the left arm extended. Hold for 15-30
seconds. Stretch the other side.

3. Triceps Stretch

Bend the right arm while placing your fingers in the middle of
the back. Using the left arm, pull your right elbow backward
until you feel the stretch in the back of your arm. Hold it for 15-
30 seconds. Stretch the other side.

4. Chest Stretch

Stand and interlace the fingers behind the back.

Lift the arms behind the back so that they move outward and
away from the body. Lean forward from the waist. Hold this
position from 15-30 seconds. Bend the knees before moving to
the upright position. Return to the starting position.

5. Calf Stretch

While standing, place your left foot near the wall. Ben d
forearms and rest them against the wall. Keeping the right foot
flat on the floor, move right leg back until you feel the stretch in
the calf muscle. Hold an easy stretch for 15-30 seconds. Do not
bounce. Stretch the other leg.

6. Quadriceps Stretch
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IM NO.: PATHF 4-2NDSEM-2022-2023

Supporting your body with your left arm against a solid object,
grab your left toes with right arm. Pull your heel up to your
buttocks until you feel the stretch in your thigh. Hold for 15-30
seconds. Stretch the other side.

7. Spinal Twist

While seated, extend the left leg in front of you. Bend your right
leg, placing your right foot on the outside of the left knee.
Extend your right arm behind you to support your body. Place
the left arm on the outside of the right leg. Slightly twist the
torso using your left arm until you feel the stretch in your side.
Hold for 15-30 seconds. Stretch the other side.

8. Hamstring Stretch

While seated, extend your left leg in front of you Bend your
right leg, placing the bottom of your foot on the inside of the left
knee. Place your right hand on top of your left hand. While
keeping the lower back straightened, reach toward your left
foot. Hold this for 15-30 seconds. During this stretch, keep the
foot of the straight leg upright with the ankle and toes relaxed.
Repeat for the right leg.

9. Inner Thigh Stretch

While seated, pull both feet inward toward the body. Grab your
feet with your hands, while using the elbows to press downward
slightly on the knees. You should feel this stretch in your inner
thighs. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

10. Cat (Back) Stretch

To stretch the upper back, hands and knees should be on the

floor. Just as a cat would do, slowly lift your back up toward the
ceiling and hold in place for 15-30 seconds.

B. Volleyball Conditioning, Conditioning Drills, Strength Training

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Volleyball players require a high level of stamina and endurance to compete on the court. Training and
preparation should reflect the pace of the game. Listed below are some examples of the best
conditioning workouts.

1. Box Jumps

Grab a 12-inch box. Hop onto the box using both feet and hop down continuously for 30 seconds.
Take a 15 second break and repeat.

As a beginner, choose a box that is on the shorter side until you get the hang of things:
 For folks up to about 5 foot 4 inches tall, that is a 14- or 16-inch box.
 For folks who are 5 foot 9 inches or taller, that is a 16- or 20-inch box.

To perform:
a. Stand with the box one short step in front of you and your feet shoulder-width apart.
b. Bend your knees slightly and drop down, bringing your arms out behind you.
c. Use the momentum from your quarter squat to propel you upward as you jump onto the box,
allowing your arms to swing out in front of you.
d. Land softly on both feet with a slight bend in the knees.
e. Step back and down and repeat. This is considered 1 repetition. Do it again for 10 repetitions

2. Side Shuffles

The side shuffle is a popular agility exercise used among players of all fitness levels. This exercise
is often used by basketball, tennis, soccer and as well as volleyball players to improve their ability
to move quickly in every direction.


The side shuffle is an agility exercise that targets the glutes, hips, thighs, and calves. Performing
this exercise has many benefits and is shown to improve b alance, agility, coordination, multi-
directional movement, speed and quickness, neuromuscular response time, reflexes,
confidence, and functional fitness.

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To perform:

Squat down and shuffle back and forth at a 10-foot distance for 30 seconds. Take a 15 second
break and repeat.

The exercise requires minimal setup and is completed as follows:

a. Stand with your feet hip distance apart.
b. Hinge/bend forward at the hips, knees bent, looking forward, chest lifted, and neutral spine.
c. Hold your hands in loose fists in front of your chest.
d. Move right using small quick shuffle steps for a determined amount of time - repeat
movement to the left side.
e. Continue shuffling right and left for a timed interval or determined amount of reps.

3. Dumbbell Squat to Press

Grab a set of dumbbells. Hold the dumbbells above your shoulder. Squat down while holding the
dumbbells. As you stand up, press the dumbbells above your head.

To perform:

a. Stand with your legs just slightly wider than hip-distance apart, arms raised to shoulder
height with elbows bent, holding weights at ear level.
b. Bend your knees, squatting down low, as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping weight on
your heels.
c. Press the dumbbells overhead as you straighten your knees to return to standing. This
counts as one repetition. Do eight repetitions.

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4. Spiderman Crawl

This drill works the entire body. As the kinetic bands aid to fire the muscles in the lower body, the
arms, shoulders and back will be challenged simultaneously in the upper body. To perform this
exercise, begin by assuming a push up position. Focus on even weight distribution throughout the
entire body, keeping your back as flat as possible by engaging the core muscles. Continue
focusing on weight distribution as the foot comes forward, extending the foot as far forward as
possible escalating the strength and flexibility in the hip flexors.

To perform:
a. Get into a push-up start/plank position.
b. Bring your right knee up to your right elbow by bending your knee. Extend your left arm
forward and keep your left leg straight.
c. Crawl forward bringing your left knee to your right elbow and moving your right arm forward
and extending your right knee.
d. Repeat.

5. Cross Over Push Ups

Ideal for building strength in the upper body, including shoulders, back, arms, and core while the
Kinetic Bands are activating the Glutes and Hips. The leg cross over and lateral movement creates
an additional dimension of strength by challenging the volleyball player to develop the aptitude
necessary in order to hold their body weight off the ground throughout the entire exercise. The
athlete will also generate supplemental balance and body control.

To perform:
a. Get down in a push-up position.
b. Do a push-up and then cross your right hand over your left hand and do another push-up.
c. Then cross your right hand over your left hand and do a push-up.

6. Duck Walk

Stay low and "in the resistance" during this exercise to fire the quads, glutes and hips. As you
move forward, sit back in the glutes for the best results.

To perform:
a. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart.
b. Squat down by bending at your knees to lower your hips down and behind you. (Pretend
you’re going to sit in a chair.)
c. Go as deep as you can while keeping a straight spine and without lifting your toes or heels.
You can lift your arms in front of you to help you balance.
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d. Keeping your hips the same distance from the floor, take a step forward with one foot, landing
with a flat foot.
e. Step forward with your other foot.
f. Repeat forward as needed, then reverse to walk backward.

7. Side Lunge

Helps strengthen and stretch the hip flexors. Stay low and extend the foot attached to leg in the
lunge position to the point where you feel the resistance. Focus on furthering the extension to work
towards greater flexibility and range of motion.

To perform:

a. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed straight forward.
b. Step out with your right foot as wide as possible. Engage through the right heel as you drop
your hips down and back while keeping the left leg straight, stretching the groin on the left leg
and keeping both soles of the feet on the ground and toes pointed straight forward. Make
sure your right knee is tracking over your right foot the whole motion.
c. Powerfully ‘punch’ your right heel into the floor to push yourself back to the full standing start
d. That is one repetition. Complete 8 to 12 repetitions on the right side, then repeat on the left
side. Do 3 to 4 sets.

Note: Make sure you are sitting down and back, like in a basic squat rather than hinging at the
hips. Also, plant your foot firmly on the ground at full extension, and keep your toes pointed
forward throughout the whole move.

8. Skater Drills

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Ignites the fast twitch muscle fibers to drive explosive power and evolve volleyball player’s
equilibrium for enhanced body control. The key to a successful Skater Drill is to explode with the
outside foot, land on the opposite foot, stop to maintain balance and explode again off the landed
foot. The first segment should be to explode and land working on strength and balance. The
second segment should be all about exploding at maximum speed with as little down time as

To perform:

a. Start with your legs slightly wider than shoulder distance apart and arms at the sides.
b. Bring one leg behind at a slight angle into a reverse lunge. The front knee will come to a 90-
degree angle.
c. Swing the arms in front of that bent knee and leap the back leg forward to switch sides in a
skating motion. Arms alternate as you switch sides like a speed skater.

9. Knee Drives

A smooth and rapid plyometric exercise geared to increase leg strength and build cardio
endurance. Perform the knee drive by stepping up on a bench or platform driving the knee as high
as possible, stepping back down and alternating legs.

To perform:

a. Begin with your weight on your left foot and your hands together in front of you for
b. Bend your left knee and extend your right leg behind you, placing little to no weight in the
right toes.
c. Drive your right knee toward your chest, bringing your hands to meet your knee.
d. Re-extend your right leg behind you. This completes one rep.

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Basic skills…


Reflect on the importance of the different activities you performed relevant to the development of skills
used in the game. Present it in a general perspective and in connection to our current condition.

Calicdan, A. V. et. al. (2015). Physical education 1: Physical fitness and gymnastics. Manila:
Freeman, W. (2015). Physical education, exercise and sport science. MA: Jones and Bartlett
Hoeger, W. (2015). Fitness and wellness. Australia: Cengage
Marquez, R. (2016). Health education: A modular approach. Manila: Books atbp,
Pridgett, T. (2019). I'm a trainer, and these are the exercises you need to start doing this year.
Retrieved from
Punzalan, M. (2018). MD physical education 1. Manila: Mindshapers
Punzalan, M., Mondina, M. (2019). Physical education 2: Fitness exercises. Manila: Mindshapers
(n.a.). (2021). History of volleyball. Retrieved from
FIVB official volleyball rules 2017 – 2020. Retrieved from

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