FOCUS Unit 3

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FOCUS Unit 3:

1. Belongings: personal possessions or things that someone owns.

2. Gaze: to look steadily and intently, often with curiosity or admiration.
3. Personality: the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an
individual's distinct character.
4. Cascade: a small waterfall or a sequence of stages or processes that follow one
5. Globetrotter: a person who travels widely and frequently to different parts of
the world.
6. Safari: an expedition or journey, typically to observe wildlife in their natural
7. Dense: closely compacted or crowded together.
8. Hostel: an inexpensive accommodation, usually providing communal
facilities, often used by travelers or students.
9. Set off: to start or begin a journey or trip.
10. Departure: the act of leaving or starting a journey.
11. Jeep: a small, rugged, four-wheel-drive vehicle, often used for off-road
12. Steep: having a sharp inclination or slope.

FOCUS Unit 6:

1. Appetite: the desire or craving for food.

2. Diagnosed: identified or determined the nature and cause of a problem or
3. Sprained: a condition where a ligament is stretched or torn, often due to a
sudden twist or wrench.
4. Celebrity: a famous or well-known person, often in the entertainment industry.
5. Injection: the act of introducing a substance, typically a liquid medication, into
the body with a syringe.
6. Treatment: medical care or management provided to alleviate or cure a health
7. Condition: the state or quality of something, especially in relation to physical
or mental health.
8. Insure: to provide or obtain insurance coverage for protection against potential
risks or losses.
9. Contagious: capable of being transmitted or spread from one person to
another, typically referring to an infectious disease.
10. Prescribed: recommended or ordered by a medical professional, usually in
reference to medication.
11. Embarrassment: a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness, often
caused by a social or public situation.
12. Lounge: a comfortable public area, often found in hotels, airports, or clubs,
where people can relax or wait.
13. Stunning: extremely impressive or beautiful, often leaving people in awe or
14. Exile: the state of being forced to live away from one's home or country, often
as a punishment or due to political reasons.
15. Overlook: to fail to notice or consider something, usually by accident or
16. Unspoilt: remaining in its original, natural, or untouched state without being
damaged or spoiled.
17. Express (train): a fast or high-speed train service that makes limited stops and
offers quicker travel between major destinations.
18. Overused: excessively or repeatedly used, often to the point of becoming
clichéd or lacking impact.
Oxford Advanced Thematic Anthology 2 Unit 15:

Climes: another term for climates, referring to the prevailing weather conditions in a
particular region.
Habitat: the natural environment or surroundings in which a particular species of
organism lives.
Subspecies: a taxonomic category in biological classification, below the level of
species, representing distinct populations within a species.
Echolocation: a biological sonar system used by certain animals, such as bats and
dolphins, to navigate and locate objects using sound waves.
Imminent: about to happen or occur very soon.
Threat: a statement or action indicating the intention to cause harm, danger, or
Encroachment: the act of gradually intruding or trespassing on someone else's
territory or rights.
Impossible: not able to occur, exist, or be done.
Extinction: the state or process of a species, family, or larger group of organisms
dying out and ceasing to exist.
Pay heed to: to pay attention to or take notice of something.

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