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Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Defense
Nepali Army
Kathmandu Terai/Madhesh Fast Track (Expressway) Road Project

Construction of Double Lane Dual Carriageway Standard Expressway Road,

Bridge, Toll Plaza, Interchange and Allied Works from Ch: 65+160 to Ch: 72+529

Method Statement of Bioengineering Works

Submitted by:
Bhatbhateni, Kathmandu, Nepal

Method of Statement for Bio-Engineering Works

Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal

Table of Contents
Project Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 1

Bio-engineering Concept ......................................................................................................................................2

Manpower Plan .....................................................................................................................................................3

Working Methodology for Bio Engineering Works .............................................................................................4

Nursery Establishment and Management ........................................................................................................... 10

Maintenance of Bio-engineering Works .............................................................................................................11

Construction Schedule for Bio-engineering Works ............................................................................................12

Method of Statement for Bio-Engineering Works

Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal

Project Overview
The project is located in Nepal and the project highway follows the corridor of Bagmati and Lalbakaiya rivers,
originating from Sanokohana, passing through Naikandi, Damtal, Malta, Rani Danda, Rani Sela, Rajdhama, Chattiwan
and reaching Nijgad to connect with Mahendra Highway. The total length of the highway is 72+529.46 km, while the
length of the existing road is 246 km through Nijad-Hetada-Narayangad-Munlin-Kathmandu. When completed, the
project is expected to reduce the travel distance from Kathmandu to Nijgad by 173.50 kilometers and save more than 7
hours in travel time.

The Nepalese government has declared KTFT as a project of national pride. Classified according to the Asian Highway
standards, this highway aims to create a high level connection between Kathmandu and Terai region with high traffic
volume. The highway starts from Khokana and ends at Nijgadh. The highway consists of 4 lanes including a 3-4 meter
wide median.

The contract work starts at CH 65+160 (X=616134.2499 Y=3014356.0239) and ends at CH 72+529.46 (X=614670.6250
Y=3007449.1930). The total length of this contract is 7.370 km. The contract area is located in the rolling zone, where
the road alignment of the highway crosses the Bakaiya River near CH 65+200 and crosses the Lal River, which flows
only during the rainy season. The tail end of the highway connects to the east-west road near the Nijgadh base station,
which will be used as an access road for transporting construction materials from Hetauda to the project site. The access
road plan is shown in the figure below.

Project layout diagram.

Method of Statement for Bio-Engineering Works

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Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal
Bio-engineering Concept
Roadside bio-engineering is a method of enhancing the ecological health of roadsides by using a combination of
engineering and ecological principles. This process involves the use of plants and other living organisms to stabilize the
roadside slopes and prevent erosion.

Bio-engineering is a technique for bank stabilization that incorporates the use of vegetation and engineering structures to
increase slope stability. The vegetation increases the soil strength through their root structure while the bio-engineered
structure provides additional support.

Bioengineering techniques are used to enhance slope stability, control sediment runoff and maintain bio- diversity.

Selection of species: It is important to select the right species for use in each bio-engineering technique. Since
there is no any significant cutting slope in the contract package no. 5 of KTFT project and whole of the alignment of the
package lies in Terai region, the following species has to be selected with respect to bio-engineering technique, for the
embankment slope considering altitude of site and availability of species.

Bio-engg. Recommended Recommended Site Functions Remarks

techniques as per species (Local Name)
1) Rooted Grass
slips Planting
i. Kans (Saccharum Cutting/Embankment Armour the slope with
spontaneum), Slopes their roots and control
the erosion
ii. Khus (Vetiveria Only in Embankment Armour the slope with
lawsoni) Slopes their roots and control
the erosion
2) Brush Layering
i. Simali (Vitex Cutting/Embankment Catch debris, and to
negundo) Slopes <45 deg. armour and reinforce
the slope
ii. Assuro (Adhatoda Cutting/Embankment Catch debris, and to
vasica) Slopes <45 deg. armour and reinforce
the slope
iii. Sahijan (Moringa Cutting/Embankment Catch debris, and to
oleifera) Slopes <45 deg. armour and reinforce
the slope
3) Tree Planting
i. Kalki Phul Road side (5 m apart Reinforces the soil,
(Callistemon citrinus) from road edge) provides road
beautification and
maintain the bio-
ii. Gulmohar (Delonix Road side (5 m apart Reinforces the soil,
Regia) from road edge) provides road
beautification and
maintain the bio-
iii. Swami (Ficus Road side (5 m apart Reinforced the soil,
Benjamina) from road edge) provides road
beautification and
maintain the bio-
4) Ornamental
Hedge Planting
i. Nill Kada Median of the Road Attractive and
(Thunbergia erecta) functional element to
the landscape and
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Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal
ii. Croton (Codiaeum Median of the Road Attractive and
variegatum functional element to
the landscape and
5) Flowering Median of the Road Beautification of road
Plantation and environmental
i. Hibiscus (Hibiscus Median of the Road Beautification of road
rosa-sinensis and environmental
ii. Single Angelia Median of the Road Beautification of road
and environmental
iii. Indrakamal (Graden Median of the Road Beautification of road
jasminoides) and environmental
iv. Chinese rose Median of the Road Beautification of road
and environmental

Manpower Plan

S.N. Designation Name Nos. Contact Number

1 Project Manager Mr. Xin Yong 1 +977-9861023939
2 Deputy Project Manager Er. Zhu Zhisheng 1 +977-9810326586
3 Site Manager/Highway Engineer Er. Ram Bhattarai 1 +977-9849602191
4 Quality Control Engineer Er. Abishek Khatiwada 1 +977-9851171363
5 Lab Technician 1
6 Surveyor 1
7 Drivers and Operators 5
8 Skilled and Unskilled labour
8.1 Skilled Labour 2
8.2 Unskilled Labour 8

Method of Statement for Bio-Engineering Works

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Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal
Working Methodology for Bio Engineering Works
With respect to the Employer design part of the bio engineering works there are mainly 6 types of bio engineering
technique has to be adopted on this project. These are Rooted Grass Slips Planting, Brush Layering, Roadside tree
Plantation, Shrubs Planting, Ornamental Hedge Planting and Flowering plantation.

1. Rooted Grass Slips Planting:

Rooted grass slip planting, also known as vegetative propagation, is a bioengineering technique used to establish
vegetation on slopes, stream banks, and other areas prone to erosion. This technique involves planting live plant material,
such as grass slips, to provide soil stabilization and prevent soil erosion.

Rooted Grass Slips are planted in lines running diagonally across the slope in 45-degree angle. They amour the slope
with their roots and by providing a surface cover. The have limited function of catching debris and draining surface water.
The main functions are to amour and reinforce with secondary function to catch and drain. This technique offers the best
compromise of the grass line planting systems in many situations.

Site Selection
Basically any slope less than 65-degree and around poorly drain materials where an increase in infiltration can lead to
liquefaction of the soil.

Materials Required:
- Grass Slips
- Line String
- Measuring Tape
- Spirit Level
- Transporting means
- Hessian Jute and water to keep the root moist

Spacing of rooted grass

If the Site is a newly cut slope, then a simple geometrical pattern can be used. The normal spacing as is follows:

- Within Rows: 100 mm c/c

- Row spacing: 250 mm or 500 mm

Suitable Species for Rooted Grass Slips

Local Name Botanical Name Altitude Range Site Summary Remarks

Amlisho Thysanolaena Maxima Terai – 2000 m Varied

Babiyo Eulaliopsis binata Terai – 1500 m Hot and dry
Dhonde Neyraudia Reynaudiana Terai – 1500 m Hot and dry
Kans Saccharum spontaneum Terai – 2000 m Hot, dry and moist
Katara Khar Themeda species Terai – 2000 m Varied
Khar Cymbopogon microtheca Terai – 2000 m Hot, dry and varied
Kush Vetiveria lawsoni Terai – 1500 m Varied
Furke Arunduella Nepalensis 700 – 2000 m Varied and stony

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Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal
Basics steps for Grass slip Planting:
Here are the basic steps for rooted grass slip planting:

 Collect plant material: The first step in rooted grass slip planting is to collect live plant material, such as grass
slips, from the desired species.
 Prepare the site: The site where the slips will be planted needs to be prepared by removing any debris, rocks or
vegetation. The surface should be roughened or scarified to provide a suitable seedbed.
 Plant the slips: The slips are planted by making small holes or furrows on the surface and inserting the slips into
the soil. The slips should be planted at a sufficient depth to establish roots and remain in place. Split the grass
plants out to give the maximum planting material. Trim off long roots and cut shoots off at 100 mm above
ground level. Always start grass planting at the top of the slope and work downwards.
 Watering and maintain the slips: Once the slips are planted, they should be watered thoroughly to promote
growth and establishment. Proper care and maintenance, such as regular watering and weeding, will be needed
to ensure successful establishment.
 Monitor and evaluate: The site should be monitored and evaluated to ensure that the slips have successfully
established and are providing the desired soil stabilization and erosion control benefits. Any necessary
maintenance or modifications can be made to ensure success.

Rooted grass slip planting is a cost-effective and sustainable way to establish vegetation and prevent soil erosion. It is
particularly useful in areas with steep slopes, poor soil conditions, and a lack of natural vegetation. The use of live plant
material helps to stabilize the soil and promote biodiversity, leading to a healthier and more sustainable ecosystem.

2. Brush Layering
Brush layers are horizontal alternating layers of soil and live branches that create a continuous reinforced bench within
the bank. The vegetated end of the brush layers acts as ‘live fences’ that can catch material moving down the slope. As
the root system develops, the roots bind the soil together which strengthens the bank.

Brush layer form a strong barrier, preventing the development of reels, trap materials moving down the slope. The main
engineering functions are to catch debris, and to armour and reinforce the slope. In certain location, brush layer can be
angled to provide a drainage function.

Site Selection
Brush Layer can be used on wide range of sites up to about 45-degree. It is effective on debris sites, fill slope and high

Material Required

- Cuttings: are made from 6 to 18 months old woody materials, which shall be 20-40 mm dia with 450 – 600 mm
- Hassen Jute and Water: to keep the cuttings moist until planting.
- Shovels and pick axes: to make the trenches.
- Line String and Measuring Tape

Spacing for Brush Layering

Brush layer shall be planted as specified in shop drawing. Spacing between brush layers is 1000 mm (row to row
distance) for the embankment slope 1:1.5 (V:H).

Method of Statement for Bio-Engineering Works

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Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal
Suitable Species for Brush layering
Local Name Botanical Name Altitude Range Sites Summary
Assuro Adhadodt vasica Terai – 1000 m Varied
Bainsh Salix tetrasperma Terai – 2700 m Moist
Dabdabe Garuga pinnata Terai – 1300 m Varied and dry
Kanda Phul Lantana camara Terai – 1750 m Hot and dry
Namdi phul Colquhounia coccinea 1000–20000 m Varied
Phaledo Erythrina species 900 – 3000 m Varied
Saruwa/Bihaya Ipomoea fistulosa Terai – 1500 m Varied, hot and wet
Simali Vitex nugundo Terai – 1750 m Hot and dry, varied

Basics steps for Brush Layering:

Using line string, mark the lines to be planted, starting 500 m from the base of the slope and install brush layer from the
bottom of the slope and work upwards.

Form a small terrace, with a 20 % fall back into the slope. The terrace should be 400 mm wide.

Lay the first layer of cuttings along the terrace, with a 50 mm interval between the cuttings, leave at least one bud and up
to one third of the cuttings sticking beyond the terrace edge and the rest inside. The branch growing tips must be pointed
towards the outside of the terrace.

Lay a 20 mm thick layer of soil in between the cuttings to provide a loose cushion, and then lay second layer of cuttings
on top of this, staggered with the first layer.

Partially backfill the trenches with the excavated materials, not more than 50 mm thick.

Mark the line 1m above the first layer and set the string for next layer. As the next trenches is cut, always fill the lower
trenches with the materials excavated from the above one, and compact it reasonably well by gentle foot pressure or by
wooden hammer.

 Watering and maintain brush layer: Once the cuttings are planted, they should be watered thoroughly to promote
growth and establishment. Proper care and maintenance, such as regular watering and weeding, will be needed to
ensure successful establishment.
 Monitor and evaluate: As the spacing of plants recommended here is very dense, there is unlikely to be a need for
replacing failures, but some thinning of the shrubs may be required after a few years.

3. Roadside tree Plantation

Roadside tree plantation refers to the practice of planting trees along roads and highways to enhance the aesthetic appeal
of the landscape and provide various benefits to the environment and society.

Roadside tree plantation has several important functions, including:

Providing shade and reducing heat island effect: Trees can provide shade to people and buildings, which can help to
reduce the temperature in urban areas and mitigate the urban heat island effect.

Improving air quality: Trees absorb pollutants and filter out particulate matter from the air, improving the overall air
quality in the area.

Reducing erosion and runoff: Trees can help to reduce soil erosion and water runoff, which can help to prevent flooding
and protect nearby waterways.

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Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal
Providing habitat for wildlife: Trees provide habitat for birds and other wildlife, which can help to promote biodiversity
and enhance the natural environment.

Beautifying the area: Trees can improve the aesthetic value of the area, making it more attractive to residents and visitors.

Site Selection:
Trees are planted mostly 10 m apart from edge either side of the road in plain areas.

Spacing of Tree Planation:

The spacing between two trees shall be 10 m c/c in single row.

Material Required
- Tree Seedlings: must be containerized and raised in nursery. Seedling shall be 30 – 45 cm tall before planting.
- Shovels and pick axes: to make the trenches.
- Line String and Measuring Tape

Species for Tree Plantation:

Location Botanical Name Altitude Range Sites Summary
Kalki Phul Callistemon citrinus Terai – 1800 m Varied
Gulmohar Delonix Regia Terai – 1000 m Varied and dry
Swami Ficus Benjamina Terai – 1300 m Varied and dry
Birendra Phul Jacaranda Terai – 1300 m Varied and dry
Kapur Cinnanomum camphora Terai – 2000 m Moist area

Tree Plantation Steps:

Selection of the Tree Species: The first step is to select the appropriate tree species grown in well managed nursery for
the particular location. The selected trees should be able to withstand the local climate, soil type, and other environmental

Site Selection: The site for planting trees should be carefully selected, considering factors such as soil type, drainage,
sunlight availability, and distance from utilities.

Preparation of the Site: The site should be cleared of any existing vegetation or debris, and the soil should be loosened
and aerated to facilitate root growth.

Digging of Holes: Holes should be dug at a sufficient distance from each other and of adequate depth and width to
accommodate the root system of the selected tree species.

Planting of Trees: The trees should be planted in the holes with care to ensure that the roots are adequately spread out and
not twisted or damaged.

Watering and Fertilizing: The newly planted trees should be watered regularly to ensure their survival and growth. They
should also be fertilized as per the recommended dosage and frequency.

Mulching: Mulching can help conserve soil moisture and reduce weed growth. It also provides an additional layer of
protection for the roots.

Maintenance: Regular pruning, trimming, and pest control measures should be undertaken to maintain healthy growth
and appearance of the trees.

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Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal
4. Containerized Tree and Shrubs Planting
Function: Trees and shrubs are planted at regular interval to create network of roots in the soil. The main engineering
functions are to reinforce and, later to anchor.

Site Selection: Tree and shrub planting can be used without adverse effects on almost any slope up to 30- degree.
With care, it can be used on slopes between 30-45 degree. It can be used on any material and in any site.

- Plant grown in a nursery, usually as polypot seedlings.
- Shovels and pick axes: to make the trenches.
- Line String and Measuring Tape
- Compost fertilizer

Spacing: In most bio-engineering sites a spacing of 1 m x 1 m is necessary in staggered pattern.

Species for Tree and shrubs planation:
. Botanical Name Altitude Range Sites Summary
Bhujetro Butea minor 500 – 1500 m Varied and dry
Sajwin/Kadam Jatropha corcas Terai – 1000 m Varied and dry
Asuro Adhatoda vasica Terai – 1000 m Varied and dry
Bokaino Melia azedarach Terai – 1800 m Hot and dry
Kalo Siris Albizia lebbeck Terai – 1200 m Hot and dry
Khayer Acacia catechu Terai – 1000 m Hot and dry
Sisau Dalbergia sissoo Terai – 1400 m Varied

Tree and shrub Plantation Steps:

Selection of the Tree Species: The first step is to select the appropriate tree species grown in well managed nursery for
the particular location. The selected trees should be able to withstand the local climate, soil type, and other environmental

Site Selection: The site for planting trees should be carefully selected, considering factors such as soil type, drainage,
sunlight availability, and distance from utilities.

Preparation of the Site: The site should be cleared of any existing vegetation or debris, and the soil should be loosened
and aerated to facilitate root growth.

Digging of Holes: Holes should be dug at a sufficient distance from each other and of adequate depth and width to
accommodate the root system of the selected tree species.

Planting of Trees: The trees should be planted in the holes with care to ensure that the roots are adequately spread out and
not twisted or damaged.

Watering and Fertilizing: The newly planted trees should be watered regularly to ensure their survival and growth. They
should also be fertilized as per the recommended dosage and frequency.

Mulching: Mulching can help conserve soil moisture and reduce weed growth. It also provides an additional layer of
protection for the roots.

Maintenance: Regular pruning, trimming, and pest control measures should be undertaken to maintain healthy growth
and appearance of the trees.

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Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal
5. Ornamental Hedge Planting
Function: Planting an ornamental hedge can add an attractive and functional element to the landscape.
Site Selection: As per the employer requirement and approved shop drawing the site for ornamental hedge planting
shall be median of the road.


- Plant grown in a nursery, usually as polypot seedlings.

- Shovels and pick axes: to make the trenches.

- Line String and Measuring Tape

- Compost fertilizer

Species for Ornamental Hedge Planting:

Location Botanical Name Altitude Range Sites Summary
Nil Kada Thunbergia erecta Terai – 2000 m Varied
Croton Codiaeum variegatum Terai – 1200 m Varied and dry

Ornamental Hedge Panting Steps:

Choose the right hedge plant: Choose a hedge plant that is suitable for your climate, soil, and sun exposure. Consider
factors such as the plant's height, width, and growth rate.

Plan your layout: Before planting, plan the layout of your hedge. Determine the desired length and height, as well as the
spacing between plants.

Prepare the soil: Ensure the soil is well-drained and has adequate nutrients. Remove any weeds or debris from the
planting area.

Plant your hedge: Dig a trench that is twice as wide and deep as the root ball of your hedge plants. Set the plants in the
trench and backfill with soil, ensuring the plants are level with the ground.

Water and mulch: Water your newly planted hedge regularly and add a layer of mulch around the plants. This will help
retain moisture and prevent weed growth.

Prune and maintain: Once your hedge is established, prune it regularly to maintain its shape and promote healthy growth.
You may also need to fertilize your hedge plants periodically.

6. Flowering Plantation
Planting flowers in the median of a road is a great way to add colour and beauty to a street or highway.

Purpose: Planting flowers in the median of a road serves a number of purposes, both aesthetic and functional. Here are
some of the key purposes:

Aesthetic appeal: Planting flowers in the median of a road is a great way to enhance the visual appeal of the road. It can
add colour, texture, and beauty to an otherwise drab and unattractive area.

Branding: In some cases, planting flowers in the median of a road can be a way to promote a specific brand or message.
For example, a city might plant flowers in the colours of its flag or a local business might plant flowers with its logo

Traffic calming: The visual interest created by planting flowers in the median of a road can help to reduce speeds and
create a calming effect for drivers.

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Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal
Environmental benefits: Flowers can provide numerous environmental benefits, including absorbing carbon dioxide and
pollutants from the air, reducing the urban heat island effect, and supporting pollinators.

Community engagement: Planting flowers in the median of a road can be a way to engage with the local community and
bring people together around a common goal.

Species for Flower Planting:

Location Botanical Name Altitude Range Sites Summary

Hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Terai – 12000 m Varied
Single Angelia Terai – 1200 m Varied and dry
Indarakamal Gardenia jasminoides Terai – 1200 m
Chinese rose Terai -2000 m Varied

Flower Planting Steps:

Here are some steps to follow when planting flowers in the median of a road:

Choose the right plants: Select flowers that are well-suited to the local climate, soil conditions, and sun exposure.
Consider the height, colour, and texture of the plants to create an attractive and cohesive display.

Plan your layout: Decide on the layout of your flower planting and mark out the planting area. Consider the mature size
of each plant and ensure there is enough space between them.

Prepare the soil: Ensure the soil is properly prepared before planting. This may involve tilling the soil, adding organic
matter, and adjusting the pH levels.

Plant your flowers: When planting, make sure you dig a hole that is wide and deep enough to accommodate the root
system. Set the plant in the hole, backfill with soil, and water thoroughly.

Water and fertilize: After planting, it is important to water your flowers regularly to help them establish roots. Depending
on the type of plant, you may also need to fertilize them periodically.

Mulch: Finally, adding a layer of mulch around your plants can help conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and provide

When planting flowers in the median of a road, it is important to consider safety factors such as visibility for drivers and
accessibility for maintenance. Additionally, it may be necessary to obtain permits or permission from local authorities
before planting. By following these steps, you can create a beautiful and colourful display of flowers that will enhance
the appearance of the road.

Nursery Establishment and Management

A nursery is a factory to supply good and healthy plants for bio-engineering programme. Young plants are delicate
organisms and their production is a skilled business so it required careful organisation and operation.

Selection of Suitable Site for Nursery: The site near to the road and as close as possible to the centre of the area to which
plant will be supplied. North-facing slopes are cooler and more humid are better for nurseries at lower elevation.
Drainage is important to avoid waterlogging of the beds. The site must be selected where adequate water supply in all

Construction Steps for Nursery: The construction steps of a nursery may vary depending on the type and size of the
nursery, but here are some general steps that can be followed:

Site selection: Choose a suitable location for the nursery. The site should have good soil quality, access to water, and be
close to your target market.

Planning and design: Develop a nursery layout that includes greenhouses, storage areas, and outdoor growing spaces.
Plan the size and location of the various facilities and work areas.

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Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal
Site preparation: Clear the land and level it as needed. Remove any rocks, debris, or vegetation that may interfere with

Construction of greenhouses and shade houses: Construct the greenhouses, shade houses, and other structures needed for
growing and storing plants.

Irrigation and drainage systems: Install irrigation and drainage systems to provide water to the plants and control water

Electricity and lighting: Install electrical systems and lighting in the greenhouses, storage areas, and other facilities as

Growing media: Provide growing media such as soil, peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite to grow the plants.

Planting: Plant the seeds, cuttings, or transplants in the growing media, and provide proper care such as watering,
fertilizing, and pruning.

Pest control: Develop a pest control program to protect the plants from insects, diseases, and weeds.

Maintenance: Maintain the facilities and equipment regularly to keep them in good working condition.

Operation and Management of Nursery: The operation of a nursery involves the day-to-day activities that are necessary
for maintaining healthy plants and running a successful bio-engineering works. The operation and management of
nursery shall be carried out as stated in Site Hand Book of Road Side Bio-engineering published by Department of Roads.

Preparation of Seedling in Nursery: The preparation of seedlings in a nursery is an essential process for growing
healthy plant. The following are the species which are grown in nursery before planting:

Species Propagation time in Ready for Plantation Remarks

Kalki Phul (Callistemon citrinus) March-April Minimum 6 Month

Gulmohar (Delonix Regia) March-April Minimum 6 Month

Swami (Ficus Benjamina) March-April Minimum 6 Month
Nill Kada (Thunbergia erecta) April-May Minimum 6 Month
Croton (Codiaeum variegatum April-May Minimum 6 Month
Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis June-July Minimum 6 Month
Single Angelia June-July Minimum 6 Month
Indrakamal (Graden jasminoides) June-July Minimum 6 Month
Chinese rose June-July Minimum 6 Month

Maintenance of Bio-engineering Works

Maintenance of bio-engineering works is important to ensure that they continue to function effectively and meet their
intended purpose. Here are some key maintenance activities for bio-engineering works:

Regular inspection: Regular inspection of bio-engineering works is necessary to identify any signs of damage, erosion, or
vegetation overgrowth that may compromise their stability. This includes checking the condition of the structural
components, such as logs, branches, and stakes.

Pruning and weeding: Pruning and weeding is essential to ensure that vegetation does not obstruct the structure of the
bio-engineering works. This helps to maintain the integrity of the works and prevent vegetation from undermining their

Replanting: Replanting may be necessary to maintain the vegetative cover and prevent erosion. Replacement plants
should be chosen carefully to ensure that they are compatible with the existing vegetation and are able to survive in the
local environment.

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Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal
Repair and replacement: Repair and replacement of damaged structural components may be necessary to maintain the
stability of the bio-engineering works. This includes repairing or replacing damaged logs, branches, and stakes, and re-
tying any loose components.

Erosion control: Erosion control measures such as mulching, rock placement, and geotextiles may be necessary to
prevent soil erosion. These measures help to maintain the integrity of the soil and ensure that it is stable enough to
support the bio-engineering works.

Monitoring: Ongoing monitoring of the bio-engineering works is important to identify any changes in their condition or
stability. This includes monitoring the vegetative cover, soil conditions, and hydrological processes to ensure that the
works are functioning as intended. Required numbers of length works are deployed for regular maintenance.

These are some of the key maintenance activities for bio-engineering works. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure
that the works continue to function effectively and meet their intended purpose.

Construction Schedule for Bio-engineering Works

The construction schedule for bio-engineering works will depend on the specific project requirements and site conditions.
Refer attached annex for detail construction schedule presented in bar chart with respect to approved main construction
schedule of the project.
Bio-Engineering Working Plan
Planned Planned
S.N Plan works Unit construction construction Remarks
start time end time
Providing and planting of permanent hedges of ornamental plants not greater than 2m (center
of median) and not greater than 1m (edge of median (both side) including digging of
trenches, 60cm wide and 45cm deep, refilling the excavated earth mixed with farmyard
37 manure, supplied rm 17400
at the rate of 4.65 cum per 100m and supplying and planting hedge plants at 30 cm apart all
complete and maintenance of hedge for 5 years including all materials required as per
instruction of Engineer & technical specification.
From CH65+160 to CH65+221 2/4/2024 2/5/2024
From CH65+396 to CH65+995 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH66+005 to CH67+035 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH67+045 to CH68+069 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH68+079 to CH68+676 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH68+916 to CH69+659 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH69+669 to CH69+930 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH69+960 to CH71+050 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH71+950 to CH72+260 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
Providing and planting flowering plants and shrubs in central verge and providing &
38 maintenance of flowering plants and shrubs in central verge for five years as per drawing, rm 23200
specification and directed by Engineer.
From CH65+160 to CH65+221 2/5/2024 2/6/2024
From CH65+396 to CH65+995 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH66+005 to CH67+035 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH67+045 to CH68+069 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH68+079 to CH68+676 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH68+916 to CH69+659 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH69+669 to CH69+930 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH69+960 to CH71+050 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH71+950 to CH72+260 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
Providing and planting rooted grass slips on the slopes <45o including preparation of slips on
site, a max of 5 cm depth with metal rod or operation includes digging planting hole to
39 m2 107057.59
hardwood peg, depending on the nature of
the soil and as per directed by Engineer and drawing and specification.
From CH65+160 to CH65+221 2/4/2024 2/5/2024
From CH65+396 to CH65+995 1/5/2023 25/8/2023
From CH66+005 to CH67+035 1/5/2023 25/8/2023
From CH67+045 to CH68+069 1/5/2023 25/8/2023
From CH68+079 to CH68+676 1/5/2023 25/8/2023
From CH68+916 to CH69+659 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH69+669 to CH69+930 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH69+960 to CH71+050 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH71+950 to CH72+260 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
Planting containerized tree and shrub seedlings, including pitting, transplanting, composting
and mulching, on slopes < 30o with pit size 30 cm diameter x depth mix Compost with soil
40 No. 81,200.00
and back fill into pit to 1/4 of the pit volume as per drawing, recification and directed by
From CH65+160 to CH65+221 2/5/2024 2/6/2024

Method of Statement for Bio-Engineering Works

KTFT/ICB/WORKS/R&B/078/079/5 Page 12
Bhatbhateni Apartment, Bhatbhateni-4, Kathmandu, Nepal
From CH65+396 to CH65+995 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH66+005 to CH67+035 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH67+045 to CH68+069 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH68+079 to CH68+676 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH68+916 to CH69+659 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH69+669 to CH69+930 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH69+960 to CH71+050 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH71+950 to CH72+260 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
Providing and Planting of trees by the road side in 0.60 m diameter holes, 1m deep dug in the
41 ground, mixing the soil with decayed farm yard/sludge manure, planting the saplings, No. 5815
backfilling the trench, watering, fixing the tree guard and maintaining the plants for five year
as per drawing, specification and directed by the Engineer.
From CH65+160 to CH65+221 2/5/2024 2/6/2024
From CH65+396 to CH65+995 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH66+005 to CH67+035 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH67+045 to CH68+069 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH68+079 to CH68+676 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH68+916 to CH69+659 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH69+669 to CH69+930 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH69+960 to CH71+050 2/5/2024 25/8/2024
From CH71+950 to CH72+260 2/5/2024 25/8/2024

Method of Statement for Bio-Engineering Works

KTFT/ICB/WORKS/R&B/078/079/5 Page 13

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