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Part 1:-
Ext. Random street- near rajaouri garden- day

(Avi and Zoya,cried enough in the middle of a random street , strangers watching them, all
emotional , worrying about the situation they gave each other a few words of motivation,
breaking their eye contacts with those random street strangers, they started to walk away from
that place in the way to their school.)

Avi( worried, in a hurry)- Zoya...... We should leave fast. People are watching and also we are
too late for school.

Zoya (hurriedly, wiping her eyes)-Yes...... Let's go ........

( Now they are on the way to the school while they have a chat about the swap.)

Avi- Zoya... I can't remember anything. Do you remember how this happened. You are a living

Zoya- Well.... I don't remember it completely. It's quite blurry... But... I remember it was a old
man who gave us some potion to drink...... and then we drank.......and then....... Ahhhhh ...... I
don't know.......

Avi ( confused)- what are you talking? Why can't I remember anything? Ahhh........ Can you
please tell me more.

Zoya- well.... It's because you are dumb. Ahmmm.... Yes the old man was wearing a cloak and
he gave us a potion of each other's nails and hair mixed with the blood of a mice. And try to
remember, he asked us to help him with his load. Anything struck to your dumb head or not.

Avi( remembering a little, pressuring his memory to remember)- Ohhhh... Ya........ That old man
and his potion. You're right....... but I don't remember his face. And how do you know the potion
contained nails and hair and mice blood?

Zoya - ahmmm I read on the internet a poetic story in which witches gave such a potion to two
people in order to interchange their bodies, which is exactly like what happened to us. And I
think that old man was a witch and that potion was a magical mixture of our nails and hair and
mice blood.

Avi- ohkkk.... but why were you searching all those things?

Zoya ( a sudden thought struck her mind)- well..... I was just searching for solutions online. And
your room is such a mess, how do you even love there. But that's not the main matter at this
point of time ..... Ahmmm... I think we should try something. I saw a spell which might make us

Avi ( who does not believe in such things still hopeful) - When you are in aproblem, You might
seek hope in the weirdest of things and might even try them like a stupid. So let's be stupid and

Zoya ( laughing ) - hmhn... Well ...... We have to hold each other's hands and then together we
have to recite the spell.

Avi ( attentive )- And what's the spell.

(Zoya and avi stops walking and stands facing each other.)

Zoya - it's Transformus modelu totalus.

Avi- wait..... What what what....... trifalu motalu totalu.......( Teasing zoya ) but where is the
stage.... Where are the kids.... And where is your stick and hat..... Are we in an invisible

Zoya( raising an eyebrow)- what are you speaking.... Are you out of your mind?

Avi (pointing a finger on zoya)- zoya tell me the truth...... Are u not that kids magician who has
fortunately experienced a tomato rain.

(Zoya gets sudden hold of his finger and twists it)

Avi(requesting)- Ahhhhh.... Sorry sorry..... It hurts......

Zoya(leaving his finger)- Hmmhm...

Avi - by the way....that's weird. Our life has become a fictional story. Can you please repeat
that spell again.

Zoya( frustrated)- you better be serious now........ Transformus modelu totalus.

Avi - ohhhk..... Transformus modelu totalus.

(They holds each other's hands, facing each other, they starts reciting the spell as their voices

Zoya and Avi ( at the same time)- Transformus modelu totalus........... Transformus modelu
totalus............. Transformus modelu totalus..........Transformus modelu totalus............
Avi- how many times we have to do this stupid thing.

Zoya- I don't know...... Did you feel something?

Avi - No no ..... Did you ?

Zoya - Ahhh ...... No. These things are just rubbish. Lets live in the real world.

Avi- but I still think..... I am in a dream and It's a nightmare.

(They started walking as they pave their way towards their school.)

Zoya ( concerning )- how are we going to behave in school?

Avi( disconcerted)- formally... I guess

Zoya( in a dramatic voice, angrily)- You duffer..... Remember, sir I am unfortunately Avi and you
are so fortunate to be zoya and we are in different classes. So how are you going to handle ?
Please don't mess everything.

Avi( unbothered) - Same to you

Zoya(annoyed)- Don't come to me when you ruin everything.

Avi- ohhhooo.... I know what to do. I just need to enter the world of books and I can be zoya. But
Zoya..... you are going to experience a roller coaster ride as Avi.

Zoya(irritated) - whatever......

Avi- Zoya... What have you thought about the chess championship today?

Zoya- why does it matter to me?

Avi- for time being you are Avi. And if you are not participating in chess championship as avi it's
will be weird and might be taken into notice by everyone.

Zoya( rolling her eyes in an attitude) you are not a celebrity. By the you are going to participate.

Avi ( enthusiastically)- of course, chess is like life to me.

(As they have their little chats, by now they reach the school entrance.)

Part 2:-

Int. School entrance - Day

( Avi, now in zoya's body, and Zoya inhabiting avi's body, enter the school premises. the guard,
unaware of soul swap, greets them enthusiastically.)

Guard ( with a smile)- welcome avi sir .......

Congratulations...... You have made the history today by coming when the first period is about
to over.

Zoya ( smiling ,trying to keep up) thank you.... Thank you ..... It's a historic day indeed. By the
way... Today is the world hypertension day.

Gaurd (to avi in zoya's body, raising an eyebrow)- A new companion.....han.... Well
congratulations to you as well.

Zoya ( mockingly, looking at zoya)- I am following the Avi punctuality plan now.

( As they pass the guard, avi shoots a bewildered look at zoya.)

Avi ( mockingly) - congratulations on your historic entry... Zoya let's navigate through
the complexities of each other's lives.

(As they enter the grand entrance their eyes step upon the elegant and magnificent building of
St. Mark's senior secretary public school, standing tall in the bright sunshine of Meera bagh. Its
outer walls are tiled with brown bricky designed rectangular pieces, giving it an antique and
elegant flavour. They enter the internal entrance guarded by glass doors which are wide and

Int. School corridor

(Avi and Zoya find themselves amidst the hustle and bustle of the school corridor, students
exchanging curious glances as they pass by.)

Zoya ( whispering to avi)- Remember you are zoya now. So act like it.

Avi ( nodding ) - got it. Hold my hand let's get through this without causing a scene.

Part 3:-

Int. Mrs Marie's class - zoya's class

( As they reach their classes, avi enters in zoya's class and vice versa.)

(Avi standing on the edge of the door while miss Marie is teaching , the entire class is attentive.)
Avi( knocking the door)- may I come in mam ?

Miss marie ( shocked)- I thought you won't come today. What a surprise! You made a history
today. For the first time in life, you came late. May I know the reason?

Avi- mam... I overslept and my bus was also late. And my little sister also needed help to get
ready for school.

Miss marie(socked)- you overslept....really?..... And I thought you was a single child?

Avi( awkward,but trying to hide)- I was talking about my cousin actually. She is living with us for
a few days.

Miss marie- ohh.. okk... Have your seat ...... Zoya.

(Avi takes his seat while the entire class shocked, exchanging curious glances with each other)

Zoya's seatmate(whispering) - I never thought that you can be late too.

Avi(whispering, sarcastically) - ordinary humans can't do such things actually. you need to be
creative in making excuses and of course daring.

Miss marie ( looking at avi)- I need pin drop silence in the class.

( Mrs marie gets into the equations of the world beyond practical life, elaborating them, and then
starts to analyse students understanding by questioning their inferences from her explanation.)

Mrs Marie ( pointing at avi ) - zoya... Stand up and tell what have you understood.

Avi ( looking here and there on every silly face, whose were on only him, awkward) - Me... Mam.

Mrs Marie- yes.. you zoya.

( Avi, who has not been attentive in the class and have no idea about it, filled with
awkwardness, eyes down and the whole class is eyed on him. each and everyone in the class is
in utter shock, eyes widened.)

Mrs Marie ( concerned)- zoya...are you fine. This is the first time I guess that you have not
answered anything.

( As all this takes place the bell rings and everyone greets Mrs Marie. Mrs marie exits.)

Avi ( to himself ) - can't this bell ring just two minutes before. My bad luck is also unlucky.
(Parallaly in Mr Anu's class where zoya enters.)

Zoya( frightful,awkward)- May I come in sir?

Mr Anu ( with a smile)- wow, you came. What's your reason for today?

Zoya( embarassed, in a low voice)- Sorry sir, My alarm clock failed to work.

Mr. Anu- I have understood quite enough punctuality is like a enemy to you. You are not going
to improve. Go, get on your seat.

(Zoya silently moves through the arrangements of benches and for the first time experiences the
view of the class from the last bench.)

Avi's seatmate ( mockingly, whispering) - Bro nice today you proved that no one can be as late
as you.

Zoya(whispering)- shut up! Focus and let me focus. Sir is teaching.

Avi's seatmate(whispering) - what? Are you going to study? Are you serious?

Zoya - else what...... Why you come for school?

Avi's seatmate ( chuckling) - because school can't come to me.

Zoya - stop your lame jokes. Let me study please.

Mr. Anu - what's going on Avi?

Zoya- sir....this boy is disturbing me. May I please sit on the first bench.

( Mr Anu and tha whole class is in utter shock as he asks to sit on the first bench. That becomes
a matter of discussion as Avi for the first time in his life, he was going to sit on the first bench.)

Mr Anu ( shocked) - Sure Avi.... I would love to see you on the first bench. But are you sure.

(Zoya collects all her things and makes her way towards the first bench. Sir starts teaching and
after a while the bell rings.)

Zoya( to herself ) - ahh..... finally we can discuss about this.

(Avi and Zoya walking through the wide corridors amidst a ton of students to the school library
as it's their library period. They enter the library which was filled with thousands of books lined
and racked in a fixed order in large selfs.)
(They found a seat in the corner where they sat and had a little chat about the swap and the
things they experienced. As Mrs marie came and sat beside their seat with a book that hid her
face as she was faking it as she was reading. The duo left it all unnoticed and kept on going
with their discussion.)

Avi(realising) - I thought my life was difficult. But yours is also in equal trauma.

Zoya( realising)- same here , it's really tough to be a boy as well.


(As they indulge themselves in deep self realisation and Discussing about finding a solution,
Mrs Marie evesdropping on their conversation, she was shocked and could not believe her ears.
From then she started keeping an eye on them.)

Part 4:-

Int. School Canteen

( As the break period came, they both made their way towards the canteen, where aromas of
various tastes dance, a huge space between 4 walls where circular tables with a seating
arrangement for 4 people on each are well arranged.)

Zoya ( pointing ) - see... That's an empty seat there at the corner. Let's go.

( Avi in zoya's body grabbed a cup of coffee and Zoya inhabiting avi's body is as usual holding a
book. But to the world it seems like avi is holding a book and Zoya is having a cup of coffee as
they seat themselves. Avi sits comfortably taking a sip while zoya sitting with one leg on the
other holding a book, turning it's pages in a regular interval. A random student came to them
amazed by the opposite view.)

Student- hey Avi, hey Zoya....... What's up?

Avi and Zoya( together)- hello.... All good.

Student- Are you guys trying to be monkeys? Replicating each other.... Or what?

Avi(mockingly, whispering ) - let me tell you a secret.... Actually we have swapped our

Zoya( staring at avi ) - what are you talking?

Avi - nothing zoya....just kidding.

Student( confused ) - well that's a nice timepass....copying each other , but this is a very rare
view , avi is reading a book and Zoya is drinking that too by exchanging even their styles.
You guys are great actors.

( Avi burst out laughing and Zoya still in her book. The student looks at zoya and asks.)

Studdet- Avi.... Are u ready for lifting the chess championship trophy today?

Zoya - I am not going to participate.

Student( shocked) - What? ....... are you serious ?

Avi( to student)- no no no...... He is just kidding..... Of course he will participate.

Student - the trophy is going to be yours anyway.... So get ready with your moves.

(The student exists and Avi burst out laughing, Zoya still staring at Avi.)

Zoya( whispering, angrily)- Can you be just serious about the situation?

Avi- By serious.... I remember...I have a serious thing to say you will have to participate in chess
and try your best.

Zoya- but I am not interested.

Avi- still you have to else it would turn into a matter of discussion. So get ready it's about to start
in any time from now.

Part 5:-


(The chess championship camp is abuzz with excitement . Avi, last year's chess champion, and
Zoya, now inhabiting Avi's body, sit across each other at the chess board . The air is thick with
tension as they prepare for the first round.)

Avi (smirking, leaning back)- Well, well. Zoya. Ready to play in big league ?

Zoy ( determined, but struggling )- I'll do my best, Avi. it's just ... everything feel's different

(The match begins, and Zoya in Avi's body fumbles with the moves, clearly not at ease. on an
adjacent board, Kartik, last year's runner-up with a prejudiced - a attitude towards female
players, smirks.)
KARTIK (laughing)- Avi, looks like your championship title is slipping away already, and it's just
the first round.

(Avi in Zoya's body looks at Kartik, a steely determination in her eyes.)

Avi in Zoya's body (grinning )- you shouldn't count me out so soon, Kartik The game has just

(Despite Zoya's efforts, she loses the first ground, leaving Avi in Zoya's body disappointed but


(Avi, now in Zoya's body, faces Kartik in the second round . kartik, still holding onto his
prejudiced beliefs, smirks confidently.)

KARTIK ( chuckling)- I hope you're ready to experience what it's like to lose, zoya. Girl's just
can't compete at this level.

Avi in Zoya's BODY (smiling, raising an eyebrow)- Is that So, Kartik, you might want to
reconsider your assumptions.

(The match begins, and Avi in Zoya's body plays with a newfound grace and confidence. she
opens with the king's gambit , a move unexpected from the previous year's champion .)

KARTIK (nervous)- Who thought you that? King's Gambit!

AVI in Zoya's BODY (leaning back, smirking)- You know, Kartik, you might want to pay
attention. Chess isn't just about moving pieces, it's a dance, and I'm the choreographer

(Kartik nervously glances at the board.)

Kartik ( laughing )- Looks like last year's champ couldn't handle the pressure. As well as Girls
and chess ? Please!

Avi in Zoya's Body (leaning in )- you talk too much,Kartik. Let the pieces do the talking.

(With a sudden burst of focus, Avi in zoya's body makes a bold move, playing the King's
Gambit. The room falls silent as Karthik, taken aback , struggles to counter.)

Avi in ZOYA's BODY (confidently)- I hope you've been practicing Kartik. Because this is going
to be over sooner than you think.
(The room watches in awe as Avi in Zoya's body dismantles Kartik's defenses, piece by piece.
The atmosphere shifts, and the crowd begins to question their pre conceived notions about
gender and chess.)


(With a brilliant Sequence, Avi in Zoya's body put's Kartik in checkmate. The room falls silent as
the reality sinks in . Avi, triumphant, stands up from the boand , a fierce glint in her eyes.)

AVI in Zoya's BODY (Smirking, addressing Kartik)- checkmate, Kartik. Looks like you've got a
lot to learn about both chess and equality.

(Kartik, defeated and humbled , can only watch as

Avi in Zoya's body walk's away, leaving the crowd in stunned silence.)

AVI in Zoya's body( looking back )- oh, and by the way, second place suits you will.

(The room erupts in applause, not just for Avi's victory but for challenging stereotypes. Avi in
Zoya's body walk's off , leaving kartik to contemplate the broader lesson learned on the chess

Part 6:-

Int. School staffroom - later

(Mrs Marie who has been witnessing all the interchanges in the behaviour patterns of Avi and
Zoya, her doubt has now turned into a certainly, a conviction of reality. She ran to Mr Anu, as
she always do when she has some gossip, to narrate all of this.)

Mrs Marie ( anxious ) - Mr Anu..... I have something really important to tell that might be
concerning to you.

Mr Anu (attentive)- ohhh.... What's new in the box!

Mrs Marie (whispering) - this is a really serious one, and is of utmost secrecy. So can we have a
talk in private.

Mr Anu - ohh... okk.

( They both find an empty corner of the staff room. And they started talking there in whispering

Mrs Marie (whispering)- Sir.... This is a serious matter. Have you observed any changes in Avi
and Zoya?
Mr Anu ( in deep thoughts) - Ahmm... Avi asked to sit on the first bench. But that's not such a
big issue right ?

Mrs Marie - it is Sir...... Actually you are really unaware of what's going on.

Mr Anu - What ? Don't tell me Avi did something again.

Mrs Marie ( anxious)- I know you might not take seriously what I am going to say now because
it's quite impossible but it actually happened and it's creating a huge headache to me.

Mr Anu - Mam, if it's about which subject is better yours or mine. My opinion is still same, it's

Mrs Marie (staring ) you are not taking me seriously.

Mr Anu ( mockingly )- Actually I never do......but okk now I am serious. ( Trying to make a
serious face )

Mr Marie - huhh... Listen Sir... Actually there is a very big issue. A change in their personalities.
Sir.... Avi look like Avi to us but actually he is not Avi he is Zoya and same again Zoya is Zoya to
the world, but only to the world. She is Avi. That's a huge mess. Their life is in great chaos.

Mr Anu (laughing)- Mam.... Are you on drugs?

That's not possible mam.

Mrs Marie (uneasy)- I know that's not possible but I have heard them talking about it and then I
observed them. And somehow my doubt turned into a belief in possibility.

Mr Anu( explaining) - mam you might have seen some nightmare. You slept well yesternight?

Mrs Marie - sir please try to understand I have heard them speaking about it. They were telling
that they have been cursed by some old man on the streets and he had interchanged there
And today Zoya came late to school, she gave the same reason that avi gives and she wasn't
attentive in class and could not answer my questions. This can't be zoya. These are Avi's traits.

Mr Anu ( still not believing , nodding ) - But they might be discussing about some fictional story.
And then they might be trying to fit in that. A lot of readers imagine the moments of the
characters they read in their own life and try to mimic them. Zoya is a great reader and Avi is a
fan of animes so maybe they are trying to mimic what they read or saw.

Mrs Marie ( trying to control her rage) - Sir ohkk.... Let's leave everything aside.... Just think
about today's chess championship. Avi, the champion of every year, loses in the first round and
Zoya, who has never participated before, comes up suddenly, wins and lifts the championship
You are a witness of Avi's game yourself. Remember, you are also an excellent chess player
and he gave you a checkmate in just three moves.
Isn't that enough ?

(As Mrs Marie's words reach his ears, he gets into a state of deep thinking with his hands on his
cheeks and slowly gets into a belief as he finds a certainty.)

Mr Anu ( thinking And speaking in low voice )- that's a matter of discussion. Avi was defeated by
Zoya in the first round. Zoya defeated Kartik with such an ease. She also used Avi's signature
move, the King's Gambit. Avi is a mastermind in chess, he cannot be defeated so easily. Avi not
only plays chess, he makes the pieces dance in rhythmic movements.

Mrs Marie ( rolling her eyes) - And you were not believing me.

Mr Anu ( still confused) Sorry mam.... But I need your help.

Mrs Marie ( concerned) - yes sir tell me I am all set.

Mr Anu ( knowing that Mrs Marie might tell everyone about it) - The biggest help you can do is
to not tell anybody about it. It should be a secret. If you are telling anyone you will end up
getting a tag of a fool. So please don't.

Mrs Marie - ohkk sir....I won't..... I am not a fool.

Mr Anu ( serious, confident)- now you just forget what you heard and what you saw. I have got a
way with such issues. I can handle them, you don't need to worry.

(With this Mr Anu tensed and full of thoughts and questions, decides to meet Avi and Zoya
immediately and have a talk.)

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