Wrting Task 1and 2 Cars

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In today’s world the craze for cars is tremendous and can easily be seen in every household. However,
more the number of cars the more environment will get affected. Some people believe that public
transport must be encouraged and several laws must be implemented to reduce the ownership and
usage of cars. In the below paragraphs both the views will be discussed in detail and a conclusive
argument will be provided towards the end.

To begin with excessive number of cars may cause traffic across the city and by which many can face
challenges in case of emergency. Moreover, Government should provide cheap transport facility for
their citizens to reduce the usage in number of cars For instance: Building of Metros within the city area
and providing cheap bus fare facilities. Additionally, owning car can be very expensive option instead of
this one can use public transport facility and can make a good amount of savings.

In spite of ownership nowadays many law has been implemented by the government to reduce the
usage of cars for example - In New Delhi the government has implemented a policy of ODD and EVEN
which states that only odd number vehicles can run on a particular day and vice versa for even.
Furthermore, to reduce the usage of cars law makers can increase the amount of tax on it which will not
become cheap for everybody.

Thus to conclude, from the above paragraphs that public transport can be improved and is a cheap
option as compared with owning a car. However, I personally believe that car causes pollution and
traffic across the city so to control this government should form a policy to use public transport
mandatory for every citizen and hence EV cars should be promoted instead of petrol ones.

The given diagram depicts the information about the people of different genders both male and female
in Britain who are indulge in full time education and part time respectively.

As per the diagram it can be observed that the highest number of part time education was recorded in
the year 1970-71 where 1000 males opted for part time. Also in 1980 and 1990 approximately 800 to
900 males were seen enrolling in part time education. Although, in full time education the least
enrollment was observed in 1970/71 that is around 100 males. Additionally it increased throughout the
decades by slightly a less margin of 50% and reached at its peak in the year 1990/91 close to 200 males.

However, females were seen more in part time education as compared with males like in 1970/71 only
700 females select part time course which gradually increased in 1980/81 by 100 enrollments, more
often coming to the year 1990/91 they reached to their highest value of more than 1000 enrollments.
Furthermore, full time education remains the least selected course it was recorded only 50 females took
full time in 1970/71 whereas it grows by 100% in the year 1980-1990 which was equally seen 200

Thus to conclude females were more in numbers of part time education as compared with males. Also
full time education remains the least selected area for both the genders.

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