Its Me Jump 10 Reading Book

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R e a d i n g
Bo o k
Beaver Town
Mr. Onnie

Mr. Anderson
Mrs. Anderson

Mrs. Onnie



Mr. Taylor

Mr. Harris
Mrs. Harris

Mrs. Taylor
Mrs. Lee Mr. Lee

Doris Gordon

Mr. Moss

Mr. Miller Mrs. Moss

Mrs. Miller


Ms.Jasmine Princess
Book 10

Table of contents

Unit 1. Benny's Strange Dream 4

Unit 2. Joanna's Party 10
Unit 3. A Very Special Picnic 16
Work out 1 22
Unit 4. Pizza Time 24
Unit 5. House of the Three Bears 30
Unit 6. Bake Sale 36
Work out 2 42
Unit 7. The New Restaurant 44
Unit 8. Dinner at Mr. Onnie's Home 50
Work out 3 56
* Unit

Benny‘s Strange Dream

Last night, Benny had the strangest dream.

He was in a dark forest full of tall, green trees.
A sign said, "Go in please." Benny followed the sign
and entered a beautiful, green garden.
In the garden, a Princess was eating with her scary stepmother.

The Princess's stepmother was shouting at her for eating

too slowly. Her food was getting cold.
Her stepmother said many bad things to her.
The Princess started to cry loudly and ran away.

① strangest ② forest ③ full ④ entered
4 ⑤ stepmother ⑥ shouting ⑦ slowly
Benny followed the Princess back to her beautiful palace.
He felt very bad for her. "Let me help you," he said.
The Princess told Benny that her father had gone on a trip
and she missed him very much. She did not like eating with
her stepmother because she always made her eat quickly.
The Princess was very sorry that she didn't eat her food
because she was hungry.

Benny offered to cook the Princess some of his famous spaghetti.

Benny is very good at making spaghetti.
He knew that the Princess would enjoy it.

⑧ palace ⑨ offered ⑩ spaghetti
o r d B ox
W st fu ll ente
st fore g slow
strange ho ut in
ther s tti
stepmo red spaghe
offe ly
palace ym sudden
ball g

Benny and the Princess ate the spaghetti

and went to play basketball in the palace gym.
Benny didn't want to stop playing,
but the Princess was very sleepy.
Suddenly, Benny woke up. It was all a very strange dream.

⑪ basketball ⑫ gym ⑬ suddenly
* Unit 1

A. Reading Practice
Listen and read along.

Last night, Benny had the strangest dream. He was in a dark

forest full of tall, green trees. A sign said, "Go in please." Benny
followed the sign and entered a beautiful, green garden. In the
garden, a Princess was eating with her scary stepmother. The
Princess's stepmother was shouting at her for eating too slowly.
Her food was getting cold. Her stepmother said many bad things
to her. The Princess started to cry loudly and ran away.

Benny followed the Princess back to her beautiful palace. He felt

very bad for her. "Let me help you," he said. The Princess told
Benny that her father had gone on a trip and she missed him very
much. She did not like eating with her stepmother because she
always made her eat quickly. The Princess was very sorry that
she didn't eat her food because she was hungry. Benny offered
to cook the Princess some of his famous spaghetti. Benny is very
good at making spaghetti. He knew that the Princess would enjoy it.

Benny and the Princess ate the spaghetti and went to play
basketball in the palace gym. Benny didn't want to stop playing,
but the rincess was very sleepy. Suddenly, Benny woke up. It was
all a very strange dream.

B. Name the Story

Choose another title for the story.

1 2
Benny and the Princess Benny's Basketball Team

3 4
Spaghetti Time A Very Scary Dream

C. What Do You Know?

Match the question with the correct answer.

a. "Go in please." b. spaghetti c. basketball

d. her stepmother e. the palace

1 What did the sign say?

2 Who shouted at the Princess?

3 Where did Benny follow the Princess?

4 What did Benny cook?

5 What did Benny and the Princess play?

* Unit 1

D. True or False?
Listen, read, and make an (O) if true or an (X) if false!

Last night, Benny had a strange dream.

He found a garden in a dark forest.
He went in and met a Princess.
Benny made the Princess spaghetti and played basketball with her.
He wanted to play more, but the Princess was sleepy.

1 Benny had a strange dream last night.

2 Benny met a Princess in his dream.

3 The dream was very scary.

4 Benny and the Princess played basketball together.

5 Benny wanted to play more, but he had to go home.

E. Vocabulary Check
Listen and complete the sentences.

forest strangest shouting gym

offered stepmother palace slowly

Last night, Benny had the ________________ dream. He was walking in a

dark ________________ . Then, he met a Princess and her scary
________________ . The stepmother was ________________ at the Princess for
eating too ________________ . She ran away to the ________________ .
Benny ________________ to make her spaghetti. After they finished eating,
they played basketball in the ________________ . 9
* Unit

Joanna’s Party

Joanna is very excited today.

Her parents are allowing her to have a party at home.
They take her to the supermarket to pick out what she needs.
She enjoys going to the supermarket with her parents.
Picking out her own groceries makes her feel grown up.
They get plenty of drinks and food for the party.

When they come home,

Joanna quickly runs to the kitchen.
She enjoys putting the drinks and food in the refrigerator.
Joanna puts the ice cream in the freezer and the drinks
in the bottom of the refrigerator. It's almost time for the party!

① allowing ② supermarket ③ groceries ④ grown up
10 ⑤ plenty ⑥ refrigerator ⑦ freezer ⑧ bottom
Ding dong! Ding dong! It's the doorbell. Gordon came early.
Gordon and Shawn will play in the kitchen
while Joanna decorates for the party. They throw a plate around.
Oh no! They accidentally hit Joanna's cake.
They are scared that Joanna will be angry.Shawn has a good idea.
They will hide the cake in the refrigerator.

Joanna is very sad when she finds the cake.

She cries loudly for a very long time.
Gordon and Shawn feel very sorry about the cake.

⑨ while ⑩ plate ⑪ accidentally ⑫ hide ⑬ loudly 11
o r d B ox s
W market
g sup efrigera
allowin en ty r
up pl ile pla
grown m w h
botto loudly
freezer hid e

Gordon and Shawn run to the supermarket.

They want to buy Joanna another cake.
They must return to the party quickly!

* Unit 2

A. Reading Practice
Listen and read along.

Joanna is very excited today. Her parents are allowing her to

have a party at home. They take her to the supermarket to pick
out what she needs. She enjoys going to the supermarket with her
parents. Picking out her own groceries makes her feel grown up.
They get plenty of drinks and food for the party. When they come
home, Joanna quickly runs to the kitchen. She enjoys putting the
drinks and food in the refrigerator. Joanna puts the ice cream
in the freezer and the drinks in the bottom of the refrigerator. It's
almost time for the party!

Ding dong! Ding dong! It's the doorbell. Gordon came early.
Gordon and Shawn will play in the kitchen while Joanna
decorates for the party. They throw a plate around. Oh no! They
accidentally hit Joanna's cake. They are scared that Joanna will
be angry. Shawn has a good idea. They will hide the cake in the
refrigerator. Joanna is very sad when she finds the cake. She
cries loudly for a very long time. Gordon and Shawn feel very
sorry about the cake.

Gordon and Shawn run to the supermarket. They want to buy

Joanna another cake. They must return to the party quickly!

B. Name the Story

Choose another title for the story.

1 2
Happy Birthday, Joanna! Getting Ready for a Party

3 4 Shawn and Gordon's

Cooking with Mom
Big Adventure

C. What Do You Know?

Match the question with the correct answer.

a. the supermarket b. in the refrigerator c. drinks and food

d. Gordon e. in the freezer for the party

1 Where does Joanna go with her parents?

2 What do they buy at the supermarket?

3 Where does Joanna put the ice cream?

4 Who comes early?

5 Where do the boys hide the cake?

* Unit 2

D. True or False?
Listen, read, and make an (O) if true or an (X) if false!

Joanna is very excited about her party.

She goes to the supermarket to buy food and drinks.
Gordon comes early and plays with Shawn.
They accidentally hit Joanna's cake with a plate.
Joanna cries, and the boys run to buy a new cake.

1 Shawn and Joanna are having a party.

2 Joanna makes a cake.

3 Gordon and Shawn hit the cake.

4 Joanna cries, because of the ruined cake.

5 The boys run away to hide from Joanna.

E. Vocabulary Check
Listen and complete the sentences.

supermarket groceries hide plate

refrigerator plenty accidentally allowing

Joanna is excited, because her parents are ______________ her to

have a party. They go to the ______________ and buy ______________ of food
and drinks. Joanna puts the ______________ away in the ______________ .
Gordon comes early and plays with Shawn in the kitchen.
They throw a ______________ and ______________ hit the cake.
They ______________ the cake from Joanna and she cries. 15
* Unit

A Very Special Picnic

Ms. Jasmine often takes her class on picnics.

They usually go to Beaver Park.
The students are always excited for a chance to go outside.
Ms. Jasmine always has to tell them to be quieter.
The students sometimes listen to her, but usually they don't.

Doris loves going on class picnics.

She always brings the picnic blanket for the class.
Her blanket is pink and very cute.
Gordon doesn't like sitting on the cute, pink blanket.

① usually ② students ③ excited
16 ④ quieter ⑤ listen ⑥ blanket ⑦ cute
Flora loves going on class picnics, too.
She wishes the class could have a picnic every day.
She brings warm tea for the class.
The tea makes everyone feel relaxed and nice.

Gordon doesn't like

going on class picnics.
He doesn't like the pink blanket,
and he hates drinking tea.
He often tells his classmates that he is bored.
Ms. Jasmine tries to make Gordon feel better, but it seldom works.

⑧ relaxed ⑨ classmates ⑩ seldom
o r d B ox
W rip excited
y t
usuall la nket c
listen om
quieter sm at es seld
clas ll
relaxed ely baseba
poured ent

This time, Luc brought a bottle of orange juice for the class.
He poured some for Gordon. Gordon loves orange juice,
but his mother rarely buys it. Gordon is happy now!
Luc also brought baseball equipment. Gordon loves baseball!
Finally, Gordon is happy.
He wishes all class picnics were like this one.

18 ⑪ poured ⑫ rarely ⑬ baseball ⑭ equipment
* Unit 3

A. Reading Practice
Listen and read along.

Ms. Jasmine often takes her class on picnics. They usually go to

Beaver Park. The students are always excited for a chance to go
outside. Ms. Jasmine always has to tell them to be quieter. The
students sometimes listen to her, but usually they don't. Doris
loves going on class picnics. She always brings the picnic blanket
for the class. Her blanket is pink and very cute. Gordon doesn't
like sitting on the cute, pink blanket.

Flora loves going on class picnics, too. She wishes the class
could have a picnic every day. She brings warm tea for the class.
The tea makes everyone feel relaxed and nice. Gordon doesn't
like going on class picnics. He doesn't like the pink blanket, and
he hates drinking tea. He often tells his classmates that he is
bored. Ms. Jasmine tries to make Gordon feel better, but it seldom

This time, Luc brought a bottle of orange juice for the class. He
poured some for Gordon. Gordon loves orange juice, but his
mother rarely buys it. Gordon is happy now! Luc also brought
baseball equipment. Gordon loves baseball! Finally, Gordon is
happy. He wishes all class picnics were like this one.

B. Name the Story

Choose another title for the story.

1 2
The Worst Picnic Ever Time for School

3 4
The Pink Blanket Gordon's Favorite Picnic

C. What Do You Know?

Match the question with the correct answer.

a. orange juice b. Ms. Jasmine c. Beaver Park

d. warm tea e. the picnic blanket

1 What is the teacher's name?

2 Where does the class usually go on picnics?

3 What does Doris always bring?

4 What does Flora bring?

5 What does Gordon love to drink?

* Unit 3

D. True or False?
Listen, read, and make an (O) if true or an (X) if false!

The class often goes on picnics to Beaver Park.

Doris brings a pink picnic blanket. Flora brings tea.
Gordon doesn't like the picnics. Luc brings orange juice and
baseball equipment. Gordon loves orange juice and baseball.
Luc and Gordon play. Now, Gordon likes picnics.

1 Luc and Gordon played together.

2 Mrs. Jasmine brought warm tea.

3 Gordon always loves the class picnics.

4 Luc brought a soccer ball to the picnic.

5 Doris has a pink blanket.

E. Vocabulary Check
Listen and complete the sentences.

students usually seldom equipment

blanket cute chance excited

Ms. Jasmine _________________ takes her class on picnics in Beaver Park.

The _________________ are _________________ for the chance to play outside.

Ms. Jasmine has to tell them be _________________ .They all bring different things

to the picnic. Doris brings a pink _________________ . It is very _________________ .

Today, Luc brought baseball _________________ . Gordon _________________ enjoys

the picnics, but today he had a great time playing with Luc.
A A New Words
Circle the words you know.
In groups, find out the meaning of the words you don't know.

strangest forest full entered stepmother shouting

slowly palace offered spaghetti basketball gym

suddenly allowing supermarket groceries grown up

plenty refrigerator freezer bottom while plate

accidentally hide loudly usually students excited

quieter listen blanket cute relaxed classmates

seldom poured rarely baseball equipment

B B Vocabulary Check
Circle the correct word in each pair.

The teacher said to be stop shouting/excited inside.

We need to be quieter.
I brought my baseball equipment/gym.
I like to play baseball with my friends on weekends.

The rabbit is very cute/hide. I want to have one as a pet.

I hope we get a slowly/chance to play outside today.

Put the ice cream in the freezer/blanket. Otherwise, it'll melt.

22 She offered/shouting me some ice cream.

I was very happy, because today was really hot.
C C Vocabulary Check
Listen and fill in the blanks.

blanket poured slowly forest suddenly

palace allowing classmates hide entered

I have twenty at school.

My parents are me to have a party. I'm very excited about it.

The has many trees. I like to go for walks there.

I some juice in the cup.
The queen lives in a big . It has a big garden.
We need a new for the bed. The weather is getting colder.

I will my mom's present in my room.

I want it to be a surprise.

D D What is the Situation?

Listen and circle the correct sentence.
He is dreaming about a forest.
He is dreaming about a party.

They are drinking juice.

1 2 2
They are drinking tea.

Gordon accidentally hit the cake.

Gordon baked a nice cake.

We are buying groceries.

4 3 4
We are buying a new puppy.

E What about You?

In groups, ask the questions below.
1. What do you like to bring on picnics?
2. What are your favorite games to play on picnics?
3. Describe your school classmates.
4. Have you ever had a party? Describe your experience. 23
5. Do you like to go to the supermarket? Why or why not?
* Unit

Pizza Time
Mrs. Harris loves watching cooking programs on TV.
Her favorite program is called Mrs. Chef.
Mrs. Harris loves copying the food she sees on Mrs. Chef.
Today, they are making pizzas from scratch.
Mrs. Harris loves pizza, but she has never made one before.
"Making a pizza must be very hard," she thinks.

First, the chef makes her pizza dough and tomato sauce.
Then, the chef spreads tomato sauce on the dough.
Next, she sprinkles cheese and ham on top of the sauce.
She says that it is quite easy,
but Mrs. Harris doesn't believe her.
"Making a pizza looks very hard. I can't do that," she thinks.

① programs ② called ③ copying ④ scratch ⑤ chef
24 ⑥ dough ⑦ spreads ⑧ sprinkles ⑨ quite ⑩ believe
The next step is putting
the pizza inside a hot oven.
The pizza must bake for 20 minutes. Wow! It looks delicious.

Mrs. Harris is surprised. Making a pizza is very simple.

"I can do that," she thinks.
She will try today. She will go to the supermarket
to buy everything that she needs.
She must go quickly before her family comes home.

⑪ step ⑫ oven ⑬ bake ⑭ simple 25
o r d B ox
W alled
ms c
progra hef do
h c eve
scratc qu ite beli
s sprinkle ple
b ake sim
step o

Mr. Harris and Flora are very surprised

when they see Mrs. Harris's delicious pizza.
Pizza is their favorite food,
but Mrs. Harris has never made it before.
They thank her for her hard work.
Mrs. Harris is very happy with her first pizza.

* Unit 4

A. Reading Practice
Listen and read along.

Mrs. Harris loves watching cooking programs on TV. Her favorite

program is called Mrs. Chef. Mrs. Harris loves copying the food
she sees on Mrs. Chef. Today, they are making pizzas from
scratch. Mrs. Harris loves pizza, but she has never made one
before. "Making a pizza must be very hard," she thinks. First, the
chef makes her pizza dough and tomato sauce. Then, the chef
spreads tomato sauce on the dough. Next, she sprinkles cheese
and ham on top of the sauce. She says that it is quite easy, but
Mrs. Harris doesn't believe her. "Making a pizza looks very hard. I
can't do that," she thinks.

The next step is putting the pizza inside a hot oven. The pizza
must bake for 20 minutes. Wow! It looks delicious. Mrs. Harris
is surprised. Making a pizza is very simple. "I can do that," she
thinks. She will try today. She will go to the supermarket to buy
everything that she needs. She must go quickly before her family
comes home.

Mr. Harris and Flora are very surprised when they see Mrs.
Harris's delicious pizza. Pizza is their favorite food, but Mrs. Harris
has never made it before. They thank her for her hard work. Mrs.
Harris is very happy with her first pizza. 27

B. Name the Story

Choose another title for the story.

1 2
Flora's Favorite Food Cooking with Mom

3 4
Dinner Time Mrs. Harris's First Pizza

C. What Do You Know?

Match the question with the correct answer.

a. pizza from scratch b. 20 minutes c. the supermarket

d. Mrs. Chef e. pizza dough and tomato sauce

1 What is Mrs. Harris's favorite program?

2 What is Mrs. Chef cooking today?

3 What does the chef make first?

4 How long does the pizza bake?

5 Where does Mrs. Harris go?

* Unit 4

D. True or False?
Listen, read, and make an (O) if true or an (X) if false!

Mrs. Harris enjoys watching cooking programs.

She often copies the food she sees on Mrs. Chef.
Today, Mrs. Chef is making pizza.
At first, Mrs. Harris thinks making pizza is hard, but it is not.
Mrs. Harris will try to make pizza.

1 Mrs. Harris doesn't like cooking.

2 Mrs. Chef is a cooking program.

3 Mrs. Harris will make a pizza.

4 Mrs. Harris likes copying food from Mrs. Chef

5 Mrs. Chef says making a pizza is hard.

E. Vocabulary Check
Listen and complete the sentences.

programs sprinkles oven step

dough spreads called scratch

Mrs. Harris enjoys watching cooking _______________ . Her favorite is

_______________ Mrs. Chef. Today, Mrs. Chef is making pizza from _______________ .
The first _______________ is making the tomato sauce and
pizza _______________ . Next, Mrs. Chef _______________ the sauce and _______________
cheese and ham on the dough.
Then, she puts the pizza in the _______________ for 20 minutes.
* Unit

House of the Three Bears

One day, Flora is taking a walk through the forest.

She is very hot and tired. She wants to rest for a while.
She sees a nice house and decides to knock on the door.
Flora's mother told her to never go inside a stranger's house.
Flora thinks one time will be okay. No one answers the door.

The door is unlocked. Flora's mother told her to

never enter someone's house without permission.
Flora thinks one time will be okay.
She goes inside and sees some mangoes on the table.
Flora's mother told her to never eat food in someone else's
house without asking her host.
Flora thinks one time will be okay.

① rest ② knock ③ stranger ④ answers
30 ⑤ unlocked ⑥ permission ⑦ asking ⑧ host
Flora is so thirsty.
She sees some refreshing orange juice on the table.
She knows she should ask permission, but no one is there.
Flora thinks one time will be okay. She finds a straw.

Just then, the owners of the house return.

They cannot find their mangoes or their juice.
They wonder who came into their home.
Was it a friend? Was it a robber? They will look around and see.

⑨ refreshing ⑩ straw ⑪ owners ⑫ wonder ⑬ robber 31
o r d B ox s
W ranger
st ing
nock n ask
rest k m iss io
d per owners
unlocke str aw
st refreshing naught
ho bb er
r ro

The three bears are very surprised

to find Flora in their house.
Flora is very surprised, too. She shouts.
Flora has been a naughty girl.
She feels very embarrassed.

⑭ naughty
* Unit 5

A. Reading Practice
Listen and read along.

One day, Flora is taking a walk through the forest. She is very hot
and tired. She wants to rest for a while. She sees a nice house
and decides to knock on the door. Flora's mother told her to never
go inside a stranger's house. Flora thinks one time will be okay.
No one answers the door. The door is unlocked. Flora's mother
told her to never enter someone's house without permission. Flora
thinks one time will be okay. She goes inside and sees some
mangoes on the table. Flora's mother told her to never eat food in
someone else's house without asking her host.
Flora thinks one time will be okay.

Flora is so thirsty. She sees some refreshing orange juice on the

table. She knows she should ask permission, but no one is there.
Flora thinks one time will be okay. She finds a straw. Just then,
the owners of the house return. They cannot find their mangoes
or their juice. They wonder who came into their home. Was it a
friend? Was it a robber? They will look around and see.

The three bears are very surprised to find Flora in their house.
Flora is very surprised, too. She shouts. Flora has been a naughty
girl. She feels very embarrassed.

B. Name the Story

Choose another title for the story.

1 2
Fun at the Zoo Naughty Flora

3 4
Visiting Friends Surprise Party

C. What Do You Know?

Match the question with the correct answer.

a. the three bears b. mangoes c. walking through

d. her host e. refreshing the forest

1 What was Flora doing?

2 What does Flora eat?

3 How does the orange juice look?

Who should Flora ask for permission

before eating the mangoes?

5 Who lives in the house?

* Unit 5

D. True or False?
Listen, read, and make an (O) if true or an (X) if false!

Flora is walking through the forest.

She is very tired, so she knocks on someone's door.
No one answers the door, but Flora goes inside.
She eats mangoes and drinks juice without asking her host.
The three bears come home and are surprised.

1 Flora is very tired.

2 Flora goes inside the three bears' house.

3 Flora asks the bears to come inside their house.

4 The bears give Flora mangoes to eat.

5 The bears are surprised when they come home.

E. Vocabulary Check
Listen and complete the sentences.

unlocked rest naughty owners

permission knock refreshing wonder

Flora wants a place to ________________ . She sees a nice house and

will ________________ on the door. The ________________ are not at home,
but the door is ________________ . She goes inside and sees
some ________________ orange juice. She does not ask for ________________ .
The owners come home and ________________ who drank their juice.
Then, they see ________________ Flora.
* Unit

Bake Sale
Beaver School has a bake sale in front of the school
every semester. Teachers encourage the students to bring
in their most delicious treats.
Students use the money they make to go on fun field trips.
This semester, Penny and Doris have decided to make cupcakes.
They are discussing what kind to make.

The girls make a list of the ingredients they will need.

The two girls discuss who will go shopping.
Penny is worried because the supermarket is very far
from her house. Doris says, "Do not worry.
Cupcakes are very cheap to make. I can buy everything."
Doris thinks the ingredients will be less than one dollar.

① bake sale ② semester ③ encourage ④ treats ⑤ field trips
36 ⑥ cupcakes ⑦ discussing ⑧ list ⑨ ingredients ⑩ cheap ⑪ less
The girls put the cupcakes on top of the table.
There are three sizes: mini, small, and large.
The mini cupcakes are two dollars. The small cupcakes are
three dollars, and the large cupcakes are five dollars.
They are very excited about the bake sale.
They hope many people will come and buy cupcakes.

Ms. Jasmine is their first customer.

She buys a large chocolate cupcake.
Ms. Jasmine tells them the cupcake is very delicious.

⑫ sizes ⑬ hope ⑭ customer 37
o r d B ox age
W ester
ale se upcake
bake s ri p s c
field t ents
treats s t ingredi
ing li
discuss e ss siz
ap l
che r
pe c ustome

Many people stop and buy cupcakes.

Mr. Harris comes and buys cupcakes for his family.
Gordon buys one for himself.
The girls will sell all the cupcakes soon.

* Unit 6

A. Reading Practice
Listen and read along.

Beaver School has a bake sale in front of the school every

semester. Teachers encourage the students to bring in their most
delicious treats. Students use the money they make to go on fun
field trips. This semester, Penny and Doris have decided to make
cupcakes. They are discussing what kind to make. The girls make
a list of the ingredients they will need. The two girls discuss who
will go shopping. Penny is worried because the supermarket is
very far from her house. Doris says, "Do not worry. Cupcakes
are very cheap to make. I can buy everything." Doris thinks the
ingredients will be less than one dollar.

The girls put the cupcakes on top of the table. There are three
sizes: mini, small, and large. The mini cupcakes are two dollars.
The small cupcakes are three dollars, and the large cupcakes are
five dollars. They are very excited about the bake sale. They hope
many people will come and buy cupcakes. Ms. Jasmine is their
first customer. She buys a large chocolate cupcake. Ms. Jasmine
tells them the cupcake is very delicious.

Many people stop and buy cupcakes. Mr. Harris comes and buys
cupcakes for his family. Gordon buys one for himself. The girls will
sell all the cupcakes soon. 39

B. Name the Story

Choose another title for the story.

1 2
At the Supermarket The Best Fieldtrip Ever

3 4 Ms. Jasmine's
Selling Cupcakes
Birthday Surprise

C. What Do You Know?

Match the question with the correct answer.

a. two dollars b. every semester c. Penny and Doris

d. They go on fieldtrips. e. a large chocolate cupcake

1 How often does Beaver School have a bake sale?

2 How do students use the money they make?

3 Who will make cupcakes?

4 How much is a mini cupcake?

5 What does Ms. Jasmine buy?

* Unit 6

D. True or False?
Listen, read, and make an (O) if true or an (X) if false!

Beaver School has a bake sale every semester.

Penny and Doris will make cupcakes.
They make three sizes: mini, small, and large.
Many people stop and buy cupcakes.
Everyone says the cupcakes are delicious.

1 Penny and Doris make cupcakes.

2 They make medium cupcakes.

3 There is a bake sale every semester.

4 Penny and Doris give cupcakes to their friends.

5 Many people buy cupcakes.

E. Vocabulary Check
Listen and complete the sentences.

field trips semester list hope

ingredients treats cheap cupcakes

Beaver School has a bake sale every _________________ . They use the
money to pay for _________________ . Teachers encourage students to
bring in _________________ to sell. Penny and Flora will make _________________ .
They make a _________________ of the _________________ they need.
The girls think cupcakes are _________________ to make.
They _________________ many people will buy them.
A A New Words
Circle the words you know.
In groups, find out the meaning of the words you don't know.

programs called copying scratch chef dough

quite believe spreads sprinkles step oven bake

simple rest knock stranger answers unlocked

permission asking host refreshing straw owners

wonder robber naughty bake sale semester

encourage field trips treats cupcakes discussing list

ingredients cheap less sizes hope customer

B B Vocabulary Check
Circle the correct word in each pair.

Don't go into anyone's house without their copying/permission.

The chef sprinkles/encourages cheese on the pizza.

The pizza looks delicious!
This book is list/called "My Best Friend."
It is a bestseller in our country.
Put the cookies in the ingredients/oven.

This game is very cheap/host. We can play lots.

42 The restaurant has four treats/sizes of pizza.

C C Vocabulary Check
Listen and fill in the blanks.

dough bake host encourage semester

bake sale knock refreshing ingredients rest

Put the cookies in the oven. They must for 12 minutes.

While we are at Joanna's house, she is our .

Are they at home? I will on the door to check.

Are you thirsty? That orange juice looks .

What should we cook? I have the to make pizza.

Our school goes on fieldtrips twice a year.
We go on a field trip every .
I am tired. I think I will for a while.

D D What is the Situation?

Listen and circle the correct sentence.

The pizza looks delicious.

Put the pizza in the oven.

They are working at a bakery.

1 2 2
They are ready for the bake sale.

The girls make a list.

The girls have a fight.

She will go home now.

4 3 4
She will drink the juice.

E What about You?

In groups, ask the questions below.
1. Do you enjoy eating pizza? What is your favorite kind?
2. Does your school go on many field trips?
Where do you go?
3. Have you ever baked anything? What did you make?
4. What is your favorite treat? Why? 43
5. Should you go inside a stranger's house? Why or why not?
* Unit

The New Restaurant

A new restaurant just opened in Beaver Town.

It is Beaver Town's first Chinese restaurant.
The Anderson family is very excited.
They can't wait to try Chinese food.
They will eat lunch there this afternoon.

Joanna is very curious. She has never had Chinese food before.
She has many questions about the restaurant.
"What kind of food is it?" "Will I like it?"
"What is it made of?" "Do they have cake?"
Mr. Anderson listens patiently to her questions.
He asks her to sit down and read the menu.

① opened ② Chinese ③ curious
44 ④ questions ⑤ patiently ⑥ menu
The menu has no prices.
Mrs. Anderson is suspicious of a menu with no prices.
"How much is the food?" she asks.
Mr. Anderson tells her not to worry about money.
He thinks about what he wants to order. Maybe he will try tofu.

The waiter finally comes, and everyone orders their meals.

They order many different things to try.
"Daddy, Daddy, I want to order cake, too," Joanna whines.
"We'll order cake later," Mr. Anderson says.
"Daddy, Daddy, I want it now," Joanna whines.
"Just wait," he says.

⑦ prices ⑧ suspicious ⑨ money ⑩ order
⑪ tofu ⑫ waiter ⑬ meals ⑭ whines
o r d B ox
W inese
Ch nu
opened tien tly me
ns p a er
questio m o ney ord
es suspicio whines
pric m ea ls
tofu w

The food comes and everyone eats quietly.

They all enjoy their meals.
After they finish their meal,
Mr. Anderson orders cake for the family.
They had a great time at the Chinese restaurant.

* Unit 7

A. Reading Practice
Listen and read along.

A new restaurant just opened in Beaver Town. It is Beaver Town's

first Chinese restaurant. The Anderson family is very excited.
They can't wait to try Chinese food. They will eat lunch there this
afternoon. Joanna is very curious. She has never had Chinese
food before. She has many questions about the restaurant. "What
kind of food is it?" "Will I like it?" "What is it made of?" "Do they
have cake?" Mr. Anderson listens patiently to her questions. He
asks her to sit down and read the menu.

The menu has no prices. Mrs. Anderson is suspicious of a menu

with no prices. "How much is the food?" she asks. Mr. Anderson
tells her not to worry about money. He thinks about what he wants
to order. Maybe he will try tofu. The waiter finally comes, and
everyone orders their meals. They order many different things to
try. "Daddy, Daddy, I want to order cake, too," Joanna whines.
"We'll order cake later," Mr. Anderson says. "Daddy, Daddy, I want
it now," Joanna whines. "Just wait," he says.

The food comes and everyone eats quietly. They all enjoy their
meals. After they finish their meal, Mr. Anderson orders cake for
the family. They had a great time at the Chinese restaurant.

B. Name the Story

Choose another title for the story.

1 2
Joanna's Birthday The Most Delicious Cake

3 4
Trying Chinese Food Family Fun

C. What Do You Know?

Match the question with the correct answer.

a. tofu b. There are no prices. c. in Beaver Town

d. a Chinese restaurant e. after they finish their meal

1 Where has a new restaurant opened?

2 What kind of restaurant is it?

3 What does Mr. Anderson think about ordering?

4 Why is Mrs. Anderson suspicious of the menu?

5 When do they order cake?

* Unit 7

D. True or False?
Listen, read, and make an (O) if true or an (X) if false!

A new Chinese restaurant has opened in Beaver Town.

The Andersons eat at the restaurant.
Joanna has many questions.
The family orders many new things to try.
After eating their meals, the Andersons order cake.

1 Mr. and Mrs. Anderson go to a restaurant alone.

2 The Andersons order cake.

3 There is a new Chinese restaurant in Beaver Town.

4 They try many new foods.

5 Today is Mr. Anderson's birthday.

E. Vocabulary Check
Listen and complete the sentences.

questions Chinese waiter

whines patiently opened curious menu

A new restaurant has ___________________ in Beaver Town.

It is a ___________________ restaurant. The Andersons go to try it. Joanna is
very ___________________ about the food. Mr. Anderson listens ___________________
to her ___________________ . They look at the ___________________ and order food
from their ___________________ . Joanna ___________________ for cake,
but Mr. Anderson tells her to wait.
* Unit

Dinner at Mr. Onnie’s Home

Hello, everyone. My name is Mr. Onnie. Welcome to our home.
My family is happy you could come. This is my wife.
She is an excellent cook. She is making dinner in the kitchen.
We have special guests coming to dinner tonight, so she is
making many dishes. She is planning to cook steamed fish,
baked ham, chicken wings, vegetables, and a cake.
I can't wait to eat.

This is my daughter, Penny. She is helping my wife

in the kitchen. She is mixing the sauce for the steamed fish.
The sauce tastes great.
Everyone always asks for my family's secret recipe.
My daughter enjoys helping her mother.
I think she will be an excellent cook when she grows up.

① wife ② guests ③ dishes ④ steamed ⑤ wings ⑥ vegetables
50 ⑦ daughter ⑧ mixing ⑨ tastes ⑩ secret ⑪ recipe
This is my son, Benny. He is helping his mother, too.
He is turning on the stove.
He enjoys cooking with his mother.
I think he will be an excellent cook when he grows up.

Now, my wife is making her delicious chicken wings.

She always rolls them in flour and fries them.
My wife's chicken wings are my favorite food.
She is very good at cooking.

⑫ son ⑬ stove ⑭ flour ⑮ fries 51
o r d B ox
W sts dishes
gue les
wife vegetab
ng s
d wi es se
steame g tast
ug hter mixin flour frie
da tove
c ipe son s

Dinner is finally ready. It looks great!

I am so happy you could come.
My family has cooked some delicious dishes
for you to try. Enjoy!

* Unit 8

A. Reading Practice
Listen and read along.

Hello, everyone. My name is Mr. Onnie. Welcome to our home.

My family is happy you could come. This is my wife. She is an
excellent cook. She is making dinner in the kitchen. We have
special guests coming to dinner tonight, so she is making many
dishes. She is planning to cook steamed fish, baked ham,
chicken wings, vegetables, and a cake. I can't wait to eat.This is
my daughter, Penny. She is helping my wife in the kitchen. She
is mixing the sauce for the steamed fish. The sauce tastes great.
Everyone always asks for my family's secret recipe. My daughter
enjoys helping her mother. I think she will be an excellent cook
when she grows up.

This is my son, Benny. He is helping his mother, too. He is turning

on the stove. He enjoys cooking with his mother. I think he will be
an excellent cook when he grows up. Now, my wife is making her
delicious chicken wings. She always rolls them in flour and fries
them. My wife's chicken wings are my favorite food. She is very
good at cooking.

Dinner is finally ready. It looks great! I am so happy you could

come. My family has cooked some delicious dishes for you to try.
Enjoy! 53

B. Name the Story

Choose another title for the story.

1 2
Meet Mr. Onnie's Family Mrs. Onnie's Restaurant

3 4
How to Make Fried Chicken Happy Thanksgiving!

C. What Do You Know?

Match the question with the correct answer.

a. Benny b. Penny and Benny c. making dinner in the kitchen

d. Mrs. Onnie's chicken wings e. at home

1 Where are the Onnies?

2 What is Mrs. Onnie doing?

3 Who is helping Mrs. Onnie?

4 What is Mr. Onnie's son's name?

5 What is Mr. Onnie's favorite food?

* Unit 8

D. True or False?
Listen, read, and make an (O) if true or an (X) if false!

Hello. My name is Mr. Onnie. Welcome to our home.

My wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner.
She is making many delicious dishes.
My son, Benny, and daughter, Penny, are helping my wife.
My wife is an excellent cook.

1 Mr. Onnie has three children.

2 Mr. Onnie helps in the kitchen.

3 Mrs. Onnie is an excellent cook.

4 Penny and Benny help their mother.

5 Mr. Onnie shows us his family.

E. Vocabulary Check
Listen and complete the sentences.

steamed son recipe daughter

guests vegetables fries dishes

The Onnies are getting ready for their __________________ . Mrs. Onnie is
making many delicious __________________ in the kitchen. Her daughter
and __________________ are helping. They are making __________________ fish and
__________________ . Her __________________ knows the family's secret
__________________ for the fish. Mrs. Onnie __________________ chicken wings, too.
Dinner will be great!
A A New Words
Circle the words you know.
In groups, find out the meaning of the words you don't know.

opened Chinese curious questions

patiently menu prices suspicious money

order tofu waiter meals whines

wife guests dishes steamed wings

vegetables daughter mixing tastes secret

recipe stove son flour fries

B B Vocabulary Check
Circle the correct word in each pair.

She is very dishes/curious about her birthday gift.

She just can't wait to open it.
I will order/suspicious fried chicken.
This restaurant makes delicious chicken.

This is my secret/questions place. Nobody knows where it is.

Ask the steamed/waiter for a menu. I'm hungry.

Please turn off the stove/flour. You might burn the house down.

Look at the prices/wife on the menu before you order.

56 Be careful to not order too much.
C C Vocabulary Check
Listen and fill in the blanks.

Chinese opened questions patiently

vegetables mixing dishes tastes fries son

My mother chicken wings. She is an excellent cook!

I like to eat food. I like trying out new food.

He listens to his friend's story. Then, he asks him a question.

This cake great. I want to come back here next time for dessert!

My is 10 years old. He goes to elementary school.

I asked my teacher many .
I was curious about why animals sleep during the winter.
The new restaurant last week.
My family will go there for lunch tomorrow.

D D What is the Situation?

Listen and circle the correct sentence.
Let's order cake!
Let's order chicken!

It's time to clean up.

1 2 2
It's time to eat.

My wife bakes a cake.

My wife fries chicken wings.

This is my wife.
4 3 4
This is my teacher.

E What about You?

In groups, ask the questions below.
1. How often do you help your mom and dad at home?
What kind of chores do you do?
2. Does your family often go to restaurants?
3. What do you like to order at restaurants?
4. Who cooks in your house? Are you a good cook? 57
5. What does your mom cook well?

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