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Beaver Town
Mr. Onnie

Mr. Anderson
Mrs. Anderson

Mrs. Onnie



Mr. Taylor

Mr. Harris
Mrs. Harris

Mrs. Taylor
Mrs. Lee Mr. Lee

Doris Gordon

Mr. Moss

Mr. Miller Mrs. Moss

Mrs. Miller


Ian Jim Joanna's
Book 7

Table of contents

Unit 1. My New Friend 4

Unit 2. The Backpack Mystery 10
Unit 3. How's the Weather? 16
Work out 1 22
Unit 4. My Favorite Subject 24
Unit 5. The Butchart Garden 30
Unit 6. The Sword in the Stone 36
Work out 2 42
Unit 7. What did you do Yesterday? 44
Unit 8. One Fun Sunday 50
Work out 3 56
* Uni
t 1

My New Friend

This week Joanna made a new friend.

She played with her every day.
What did they do together on Monday?
Joanna went to school and
asked Jenny to play.

What did they do

together on Tuesday?
They played at the park
in the sand.


4 ① Monday ② Tuesday ③ Sand

What did they do together
on Wednesday?
They talked on the phone.

What did they do together on Thursday?

They ate pizza at Jenny's house.

④ Wednesday ⑤ Thursday 5
o r d B ox
W sday
y Tue y
y Thursda
Wedne museum

What did they do together on Friday?

They went to a museum.


6 ⑥ Friday ⑦ museum
R eview !
* Unit 1

A. Let’s Practice
Listen and read along.

This week Joanna made a new friend.

She played with her every day.
What did they do together on Monday?
Joanna went to school and asked Jenny to play.
What did they do together on Tuesday?
They played at the park in the sand.
What did they do together on Wednesday?
They talked on the phone.
What did they do together on Thursday?
They ate pizza at Jenny's house.
What did they do together on Friday?
They went to a museum.

R eview !

B. What Do You Know?

Listen, read, and mark an (O) if true or an (X) if false.

Jenny is Joanna's mother. O X

On Wednesday, Jenny and

Joanna talked on the phone.

They went to a museum on Friday. O X

They ate hamburgers at Jenny's house. O X

They played in the sand on Tuesday. O X

* Unit 1
C. Reading Comprehension
Put the sentences in the correct order (a-f).

1 The two girls played in the sand.

2 The girls went to a museum together.

3 They ate pizza.

4 Joanna made a new friend.

Jenny and Joanna

talked on the phone.

6 Joanna asked Jenny to play at school.

D. Vocabulary Check
Listen and fill in the missing letters.

1. _____ u _____ sd _____ y 2. We _____ _____ esda _____

3. _____ on _____ _____ y 4. _____ us _____ u _____ 5. _____ a _____ d

6. F _____ i _____ ay 7. T _____ u _____ s _____ ay

* Uni
t 2

The Backpack Mystery

Whose backpack is it?

Let's see what's inside.
There's a pencil case, some markers,
a dictionary, a book and a picture inside.

① backpack ② inside ③ pencil case
10 ④ markers ⑤ dictionary
Whose backpack is it?
Shawn looks at the dictionary.
Oh no! There is no name on it.
He will try again.

Whose backpack is it?

Shawn finds a picture.
He knows that boy!

⑥ again ⑦ finds 11
o r d B ox
ck inside
backp markers
pencil ry again

Who is in the picture?

It's Shawn's friend Owen.
It must be Owen's backpack.
Shawn calls Owen to check.
Owen is happy
to hear the good news.


12 ⑧ check
R eview !
* Unit 2

A. Let’s Practice
Listen and read along.

Whose backpack is it? Let's see what's inside.

There's a pencil case, some markers,
a dictionary, a book and a picture inside.
Whose backpack is it?
Shawn looks at the dictionary.
Oh no! There is no name on it. He will try again.
Whose backpack is it? Shawn finds a picture.
He knows that boy!
Who is in the picture? It's Shawn's friend Owen.
It must be Owen's backpack.
Shawn calls Owen to check.
Owen is happy to hear the good news.

R eview !

B. What Do You Know?

Listen, read, and mark an (O) if true or an (X) if false.

Shawn finds a backpack. O X

There is no name on the dictionary. O X

There is an apple in the backpack. O X

Owen is angry that

Shawn has his backpack.

There is a picture of Gordon

in the backpack.

* Unit 2
C. Reading Comprehension
Put the sentences in the correct order (a-f).

1 He finds a picture.

2 Owen is happy to hear Shawn's good news.

3 We see what's inside the backpack.

4 He calls Owen.

Shawn looks in the dictionary,

but there is no name.

6 Shawn asks, "Whose backpack is it?"

D. Vocabulary Check
Listen and unscramble the letters.

1. CCHEK _____________________ 5. ECPNIL ACES ___________________

2. ISFDN _____________________ 6. EIIDNS _____________________

3. GIANA _____________________ 7. DIORCAYITN ____________________

4. RKRASME _____________________ 8. PAKCKABC ____________________

* Uni
t 3

How’s the Weather?

How's the weather today?

What did you see?
I saw many clouds.
It was cold,
so I put on my coat.

How's the weather today?

It was rainy and wet,
so I used my umbrella.


16 ① weather ② clouds ③ rainy ④ wet ⑤ umbrella

How's the weather today?
It was sunny and hot,
so I took off my coat.

How's the weather today?

What did you see?
I saw a rainbow in the sky.
It was so lovely.

⑥ sunny ⑦ rainbow ⑧ lovely 17
o r d B ox
W clouds
th er
wea um brella
we t
rainy ow lovely
rain b

How's the weather today?

What did you see?
I saw many things.

R eview !
* Unit 3

A. Let’s Practice
Listen and read along.

How's the weather today? What did you see?

I saw many clouds.
It was cold, so I put on my coat.
How's the weather today?
It was rainy and wet, so I used my umbrella.
How's the weather today?
It was sunny and hot, so I took off my coat.
How's the weather today? What did you see?
I saw a rainbow in the sky. It was so lovely.
How's the weather today? What did you see?
I saw many things.

R eview !

B. What Do You Know?

Listen, read, and mark an (O) if true or an (X) if false.

Doris stayed inside today. O X

It was sunny all day long. O X

She used her umbrella

when it rained.

The rainbow was lovely. O X

She did not need a coat. O X

* Unit 3
C. Reading Comprehension
Put the sentences in the correct order (a-f).

1 There was a lovely rainbow in the sky.

2 The weather was sunny and hot.

3 She took off her coat.

4 There were many clouds.

Doris was cold and

put on her coat.

6 Doris saw many things.

D. Vocabulary Check
Listen and fill in the missing letters.

1. cl _____ u _____ s 2. _____ ea _____ _____ er

3. _____ a _____ ny 4. _____ u _____ n _____ 5. rai _____ b _____ _____

6. um _____ re _____ l _____ 7. _____ e _____ 8. _____ ov _____ l _____

Wo r k
O u t1
A A New Words
Listen and read the words you learned!

Monday Tuesday sand Wednesday Thursday

Friday museum backpack inside pencil case markers

dictionary again finds check weather clouds rainy

wet umbrella sunny rainbow lovely

B B Picture Vocabulary
Listen and circle the correct word(s).

What did What did

Shawn see? Shawn see?

Picture Pencil case

Dictionary Dictionary

What did Where did they

Doris see? go to on Friday?

Rainbow Museum

Rainy Park

C C Words in Context
Circle the correct word in each pair.

I went to school on Monday/rainbow.

It is very hot and sunny/weather outside.

I want to go to the park wet/again.

I need an umbrella/clouds when it’s rainy.

Find the word in the pencil case/dictionary.

What is markers/inside your backpack?

D D Vocabulary Check
Listen and fill in the blanks.

Word Box
Put your pencils in your .

weather The is so lovely.

rainbow I use my when it rains.
pencil case We play in the at the park.
museum The is sunny today.
I went to a with my sister.

E What about You?

In groups, ask the questions below.

1. What’s the weather like today?

2. What’s in your backpack?
3. What do you do with your friends?

* Uni
t 4

My Favorite Subject

Hello, everyone.
My name is Ian and I live in Australia.
I like to swim and play ball with my friends.


24 ① swim ② ball
I love all sports.
Guess what my favorite subject is.
It's P.E.

This is my best friend in Australia.

His name is Jim.
Guess what his favorite subject is.

③ sports ④ guess ⑤ subject ⑥ best friend 25
o r d B ox
W rts guess
ba ll spo
swim bes t friend
subjec h istory

He likes learning
about old things.
His favorite subject is history.

We are best friends.

We do everything together.
Guess which subjects
we take together.
We take P.E. and history together!


26 ⑦ learning ⑧ history
R eview !
* Unit 4

A. Let’s Practice
Listen and read along.

Hello, everyone.
My name is Ian and I live in Australia.
I like to swim and play ball with my friends.
I love all sports.
Guess what my favorite subject is. It's P.E.
This is my best friend in Australia. His name is Jim.
Guess what his favorite subject is.
He likes learning about old things.
His favorite subject is history.
We are best friends. We do everything together.
Guess which subjects we take together.
We take P.E. and history together.

R eview !

B. What Do You Know?

Listen, read, and mark an (O) if true or an (X) if false.

Gordon is Ian's best friend. O X

Ian lives in Australia. O X

Ian's favorite subject is history. O X

Jim and Ian take P.E. and

history together.

Jim loves all sports. O X

* Unit 4
C. Reading Comprehension
Put the sentences in the correct order (a-f).

1 Ian and Jim take history and P.E. together.

2 Jim's favorite subject is history.

Ian loves all sports and

his favorite subject is P.E.
He likes to swim and play ball
with his friends.

5 Ian lives in Australia.

6 Jim is Ian's best friend.

D. Vocabulary Check
Listen and unscramble the letters.

1. YTIHORS _____________________ 5. LBAL _____________________

2. MSIW _____________________ 6. SPTSOR _____________________

3. EGLRNANI _____________________ 7. TUJEBCS _____________________

4. STBE FDRNEI ____________________ 8. SGUSE _____________________

* Uni
t 5

The Butchart Garden

I want to tell you

about my vacation.
I went to the Butchart Garden
in Canada last summer.

A long time ago,

a woman named
Mrs. Butchart
made a beautiful garden
next to her house.


30 ① vacation ② summer ③ garden

We saw the sea there, too.
I saw many birds
and dolphins.

My mother went to the rose garden.

It was so lovely.

④ sea ⑤ dolphins ⑥ rose 31
o r d B ox
W summe
vacat dolphin
n se a
garde er fountain

We took pictures in the garden and

saw a beautiful water fountain.

We also went to the dining room

and had afternoon tea.
It was yummy!


32 ⑦ water fountain
R eview !
* Unit 5

A. Let’s Practice
Listen and read along.

I want to tell you about my vacation.

I went to the Butchart Garden in Canada last summer.
A long time ago, a woman named Mrs. Butchart
made a beautiful garden next to her house.
We saw the sea there, too.
I saw many birds and dolphins.
My mother went to the rose garden. It was so lovely.
We took pictures in the garden and
saw a beautiful water fountain.
We also went to the dining room and
had afternoon tea. It was yummy!

R eview !

B. What Do You Know?

Listen, read, and mark an (O) if true or an (X) if false.

Mrs. Harris and Flora went

to the Butchart Garden last summer.

The garden is in Canada. O X

Mrs. Butchart made the garden

next to her house. O X

Flora went swimming in the sea. O X

They had lunch in the dining room. O X

* Unit 5
C. Reading Comprehension
Put the sentences in the correct order (a-f).

1 Mrs. Harris and Flora took pictures in the garden.

2 They had afternoon tea in the dining room.

Flora saw many birds

and dolphins in the sea.
She went to the Butchart Garden
last summer.
Flora wants to talk about
her vacation.

6 Mrs. Butchart made the beautiful garden.

D. Vocabulary Check
Listen and fill in the missing letters.

1. wa _____ e _____ fou _____ t _____ in 2. _____ o _____ e

3. _____ u _____ me _____ 4. v _____ ca _____ _____ o _____

5. d _____ l _____ h _____ns 6. _____ a _____ d _____ n

7. _____ e _____
* Uni
t 6

The Sword in the Stone

Once upon a time,

there was a boy named Arthur.
He went into the forest.
He saw a tall man named Merlin.

Arthur asked Merlin,

"Did you see a sword?"
Merlin pointed left.


36 ① forest ② sword ③ pointed

Arthur walked to a lake.
Arthur met a beautiful fairy.
Arthur asked the fairy,
"Did you see a sword?"

The fairy pointed under the water.

④ lake ⑤ fairy ⑥ under 37
o r d B ox
forest e fairy
d la k
pointe octop

He asked the octopus, "Did you see a sword?"

The octopus hadn't seen the sword.

Then, Merlin came and helped.

Arthur found the sword.


38 ⑦ octopus
R eview !
* Unit 6

A. Let’s Practice
Listen and read along.

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Arthur.

He went into the forest.
He saw a tall man named Merlin.
Arthur asked Merlin, "Did you see a sword?"
Merlin pointed left.
Arthur walked to a lake.
Arthur met a beautiful fairy.
Arthur asked the fairy, "Did you see a sword?"
The fairy pointed under the water.
He asked an octopus, "Did you see a sword?"
The octopus hadn't seen the sword.
Then, Merlin came and helped.
Arthur found the sword.

R eview !

B. What Do You Know?

Listen, read, and mark an (O) if true or an (X) if false.

Arthur met Merlin in a park. O X

Arthur asked everyone,

"Did you see a sword?"

A fairy told Arthur to look

under the water.

The octopus helped Arthur. O X

Arthur found the sword. O X

* Unit 6
C. Reading Comprehension
Put the sentences in the correct order (a-f).

1 A fairy told Arthur to look under the water.

2 Merlin helped Arthur find the sword.

3 Merlin told Arthur to go left.

4 Arthur went to a forest.

5 Arthur went to a lake.

6 He met a tall man named Merlin.

D. Vocabulary Check
Listen and unscramble the letters.

1. OSFTRE _____________________ 5. SWRDO _____________________

2. DNPOTEI _____________________ 6. TPCOOSU _____________________

3. KELA _____________________ 7. NREUD _____________________

4. IYRAF ____________________

Wo r k
O u t2
A A New Words
Listen and read the words you learned!

history swim learning best friend ball

sports subject guess water fountain rose

summer vacation dolphins garden sea forest

pointed lake fairy sword octopus under

B B Picture Vocabulary
Listen and circle the correct word(s).

What is Arthur Who is helping

talking to? Arthur?

Octopus Dolphin

Sword Fairy

What flower does

Mrs. Harris like? Where is Flora now?

Forest Sea

Rose Garden

C C Words in Context
Circle the correct word in each pair.

My favorite fairy/subject is P.E.

The man rose/pointed left.

I saw lake/dolphins in the sea.

There are many roses in the garden/sports.

We are learning history/forest at school.

Joanna is my ball/best friend.

D D Vocabulary Check
Listen and fill in the blanks.

Word Box
There is a beautiful in the garden.

summer I like to in the sea.

swim is my favorite season.
water We went to Canada for last year.
There are many fish in the .
lake An has eight legs.

E What about You?

In groups, ask the questions below.

1. What’s your favorite subject and why?

2. What classes do you take at school?
3. Where did you go for your summer vacation?

* Uni
t 7

What did you do Yesterday?

What did you do yesterday?

I went to my grandmother's house yesterday.

We picked apples.
They were as sweet
as candy.


44 ① yesterday ② picked ③ sweet ④ candy

What did you do yesterday?
I went to the movies with my mom.
We watched a funny movie.

There was a
silly cat and mouse.
My mom and
I laughed and laughed.

⑤ movies ⑥ funny ⑦ laughed 45
o r d B ox
W picked
dy movies
sweet ed missed

I missed you yesterday.

I missed you, too.
Next time, let's go to the movies together.
Next time, let's pick apples together.
Playing together is more fun.


46 ⑧ missed
R eview !
* Unit 7

A. Let’s Practice
Listen and read along.

What did you do yesterday?

I went to my grandmother's house yesterday.
We picked apples. They were as sweet as candy.
What did you do yesterday?
I went to the movies with my mom.
We watched a funny movie.
There was a silly cat and mouse.
My mom and I laughed and laughed.
I missed you yesterday.
I missed you, too.
Next time, let's go to the movies together.
Next time, let's pick apples together.
Playing together is more fun.

R eview !

B. What Do You Know?

Listen, read, and mark an (O) if true or an (X) if false.

Gordon picked oranges

with his grandmother. O X

Shawn watched a movie. O X

Shawn's mom was scared of the movie. O X

Gordon's grandmother
came to his house.

The boys missed each other. O X

* Unit 7
C. Reading Comprehension
Put the sentences in the correct order (a-f).

1 Shawn went to the movies with his mom.

2 Gordon and Shawn missed each other.

3 The movie had a silly cat and mouse.

Gordon and his grandmother

picked apples.
Gordon went to
his grandmother's house.

6 They will play together next time.

D. Vocabulary Check
Listen and fill in the missing letters.

1. _____ is _____ e _____ 2. m _____ _____ ies

3. p _____ c _____ ed 4. ye _____ _____ erd _____ y

5. _____ a _____ _____ y 6. s _____ e _____ t

7. _____ u _____ n _____ 8. l _____ u _____h _____d

* Uni
t 8

One Fun Sunday

Our school fair was last Sunday.

Everyone dressed up.
Was Michelle there?
Yes, she walked around
the grounds with Owen.

Doris brought her goldfish with her.

① fair ② dressed up ③ grounds
50 ④ brought ⑤ goldfish
Did Gordon dress up, too?
Yes, he did. He wore a bowtie.

Was Luc there?

No, he wasn't. He had a cold.

⑥ bowtie ⑦ cold 51
o r d B ox
W e d up
fair d rought
s b
ground bowtie
gol rtained

Everyone went to
Luc's house after the school fair.
Doris brought him a flower.

Gordon entertained
Luc with video games.

Then, Owen played

the piano for Luc.
Everyone had a good time.


52 ⑧ entertained
R eview !
* Unit 8

A. Let’s Practice
Listen and read along.

Our school fair was last Sunday.

Everyone dressed up. Was Michelle there?
Yes, she walked around the grounds with Owen.
Doris brought her goldfish with her.
Did Gordon dress up, too?
Yes, he did. He wore a bowtie.
Was Luc there? No, he wasn't. He had a cold.
Everyone went to Luc's house after the school fair.
Doris brought him a flower.
Gordon entertained Luc with video games.
Then, Owen played the piano for Luc.
Everyone had a good time.

R eview !

B. What Do You Know?

Listen, read, and mark an (O) if true or an (X) if false.

The school fair was on Sunday. O X

Michelle walked around with Owen. O X

Luc dressed up for the fair. O X

Doris brought her brother. O X

Owen can play the piano. O X

* Unit 8
C. Reading Comprehension
Put the sentences in the correct order (a-f).

1 Everyone went to Luc's house.

2 Everyone dressed up for the school fair.

3 Luc was sick, so he stayed home.

4 Gordon wore a bowtie.

5 Doris brought her goldfish.

Michelle and Owen

walked around the grounds together.

D. Vocabulary Check
Listen and unscramble the letters.

1. DDREESS PU ___________________ 5. BTGOHUR _____________________

2. EDERTAINENT ___________________ 6. FRAI _____________________

3. EBOTWI _____________________ 7. UDGSORN _____________________

4. ODCL ____________________ 8. HIGSFODL _____________________

Wo r k
O u t3
A A New Words
Listen and read the words you learned!

yesterday picked sweet candy movies funny

laughed missed fair dressed up grounds

brought goldfish bowtie cold entertained

B B Picture Vocabulary
Listen and circle the correct word(s).

What does Luc have? Where are they?

He has a _____. They are at the _____.

funny fair

cold entertained

We _____ apples Shawn and his mom

yesterday. are at the _____.

picked movies

dressed up bowtie

C C Words in Context
Circle the correct word in each pair.

I ate goldfish/candy at the movies.

The movie was so funny/yesterday.

Candy tastes very sweet/cold.

I went to the school movies/fair with my friend.

I missed/laughed you yesterday.

I brought/dressed up for the party.

D D Vocabulary Check
Listen and fill in the blanks.

Word Box
My father wore a to the party.

entertained He has to stay home, because he has a .

bowtie I a friend with me.
picked I my sick brother with a funny story.
yesterday I went to school .
My mother and I apples last Saturday.

E What about You?

In groups, ask the questions below.

1. What did you do yesterday?

2. What is your favorite fruit?
3. Have you ever been to a fair?


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