Article Draft Report Writing Latets REV 04 December 2023

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Why unconventional oil/gas still less used than conventional oil/gas ?

Introduction (jelaskan secr umum)…

There have been lots of problems that occur during oil and gas
extraction because the amounts of gas and oil are decreasing it the
reservoir . As the time goes, a new method to extract amount of oil and
gas that is hard to reach so automatically it expands cost and doubled
the risk of failure. It is called “Unconventional oil and gas”.
According to minister of Energy and Minerals Resources (ESDM)
2023 Arifin Tasrif, Indonesia’s current conventional oil production
capacity is about 600,000 barrels per day. Indonesia still depends on
crude oil or fuel imports of 1 million barrels per day. Mr.Arifin said
effotrs are needed to increase domestic oil by optimizing the potential
for uncoventional oil and gas.
Therefore, our government is taking quick action to maximize the
potential of unconventional oil or gas in Indonesia. One of the successful
drilling of unconventional oil or gas in Indonesia was at Gulamo Well, PT
Pertamina Hulu Rokan then scheduled this November (2023) to start
new drilling in Kelok Well. (
Meanwhile, the development of unconventional oil or gas
reservoir has developed rapidly outside Indonesia such as in North
America and Canada. The unconventional oil or gas was obtained from
shale rock reservoir (Wiwiek Jumiati, 2020).

Background Information (definisi)….

Conventional oil/gas is referring to oil and natural gas that
trapped in rock that is porous and permeable. The natural pressure of
the underground rock formation allows oil and natural gas to flow freely
up a petroleum well. And the unconventional oil/gas is oil and natural
gas trapped in less permeable rocks.
The differences between conventional and unconventional gas
and oil are conventional method uses vertical well without any bending
pipes so the oil and gas are easily extracted. Unconventional oil and gas
methode uses mixed pattern both horizontal and vertical so the pipe
must be bended due to the location of the reservoir is hard to reached.
Other defintion refers to unconventional oil or gas are the type of
fluids that rquire a non-traditional extraction method to recover more
liquid that usually heavier than the lowest quality of conventional oil
(Gordon, 2012). Unconventional oil or gas can be catagorized into the
following groups depending on the density, viscosity, and
hydrogen/carbons in the oil. Some analysts also include gas to liquid
(GTL), coal to liquid (CTL), and biofuels in the unconventional category
(Gordon, 2012).
Amazingly, unconventional oil or gas has higher percentage that
conventional oil or gas under the subsurface. About 45,000 billion
barrles of unconventional oil is held by earth and approximately 1000
billions barrels can be produced (Temoor Muther et al, 2021).

Source: Temoor Muther et al, 2021

The importance of unconventional oil/gas ……. (Judul besar)
 What are the examples of unconventional oil/gas?
The most famous example of unconventional oil is hydrolic
fracturing that was invented in 1947 by engineers at the Stanolid Oil and
Gas Corporation. This was done by injecting higly pressurized fracking
fluid into a well then created fissures in an underground rock
information. The result was the oil escaped from the fissures then went
up through the well in the direction of the low-pressure surface. The oil
movement toward the surface was accelerated by artificial which was
increasing the pressure inside the underground reservoir and used
chemical injection to adjust viscosity of the oil
The other examples of unconventional oil is oil sands that also
known as “tar sands”. Oil sands could be found in cold lake, peace river,
or athabasca in region of northern Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada.
ecovering usable crude oil from oil sands is a complex and expensive
method of extraction. However, technological advances have made it
less expensive over time, and when oil prices are expensive in the
market, this type of unconventional oil becomes profitable.
Then, the examples of unconventional gases are gases that found
in source rock such as shale gas and coalbed gas. Shale gas is gas trapped
in clayey source rock buried at varying depths below surface and it
contains high organic matter content. There are two types of shale gas,
the first is “dry gas” (methane) that buried deep. And the less deeply
buried is know as “wet gas” (ethane, butane, propane). Shale gas
production reducing coal-fired electricity and prompting the beginning
of liquefied natural gas (LNG).
The example of coalbed gas that known as coalbed methane is
natural gas that adsorbed in coal seams. This type of coal can be
extracted by pumping off water in the fracture spaces. Coalbed gas is
produced worldwide.

 Are there any drawbags of unconventional oil/gas?

As it mentioned above, one of the drawbags of this new methode
is the operational cost. Untill these days, many companies still use
conventional methode due to the economic consedration. They still
depend to the oil and gas remain in the reservoir. New method means
new exploration that needs further research and also double the risk
due to the exploration.

 Why this day conventional oil/gas is still used rather than

unconventional oil/gas?
Unconventional oil/gas is really important things that needs to be
developed seriously because each country has its own potential. Nature
provides us many sources to replace conventional oil/gas due to the
stock of conventional oil/gas is decreasing. Government support is also
needed because they could find new energy and create many
employments to raise peoples well-being and their economy. Other
benefit of switching from conventional to unconventional is our
conventional energies and resources are sustain so our next generation
be able to see our history remains maintaned.

Jumiati, Wiwick, dkk. 2020. “The DEvelopment of Non-Conventional Oil and Gas in
Indonesia Case Study on Hydrocarbon Shale. Riau: Universitas Islam Riau, Indonesia
non-konvensional-untuk-peningkatan-cadangan-energi-nasional unconventional-oil-and-

Muther, Temoor; Qureshi, Haris Ahmed; et al. 2021. “Unconventional Hydrocarbon

Resources: Geological statistics, Petrophysical Characterization, and Field
Development Strategies. University of Kansas.

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