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Universidad Tecnológica del Perú

Asignatura: Ingles III

Docente: Rocío Lilian Munayco Antonio


Carmen del Rocío

José Rodolfo Díaz Alarcón
Torres Vargas
A: Good morning, are you Axel's brother?

B: Hello, yes I am his brother, how can I help you?

A: I'm thinking of giving your brother a present.

B: He really likes technological gadgets.

A: Yes, that's why I'm choosing between a cell phone, a laptop and a speaker.

B: Well, he really likes to listen to music while he's doing any activity around the
house or college work.

A: And what does he like the most?

B: Lately he wants something small and comfortable that he can take with him
that he can use for just about anything in and out of the house.

A: I see, and things that he only needs at home?

B: Well in the house he listens to music and does work.

A: Well, if he wants something comfortable and that he can take everywhere,

that he can listen to music and do work or coordination, a cell phone would be

B: I hope I helped you with your choice

A: Yes, thank you very much, I will bring it to him on his birthday.

B: Ok, bye bye take care of yourself.

A: See you soon.


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