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WEB Board Exam


4 set – (1-33)
▪ Introduction (1 Set)
1) What is web page and website? Describe basic concept of static and dynamic website.
Or, Write down the basic concepts of making dynamic website.
Or, Differentiate between static and dynamic website.
2) Write down the concept of web application.
3) Explain the basic structure of a website.
4) Describe the common feature of web server.
5) Write down the function of w3 system.
6) What are the importance of ! doctype and <meta> tag in webpage.
7) Write down the problems created by Hoakes, Spyware, Virus and Pop-ups.

▪ HTML (1 Set)
8) What is HTML attributes? Explain the HTML elements.
9) What are the advantages of HTML 5 over HTML 4? Discuss any two tag names of HTML 5
10) What are the necessities of HTML form? Explain HTML FORM tag with its different
11) Describe basic tag of HTML.
Or, Explain the following tag with example :-
(i) <table>……………</table>
(ii) <img>……………..</img>
(iii) <ahref>…………..</a>

12) What is HTML documentary tree. Explain the necessity of DOCTYPE in webpage design.
13) Write a code segment that will create a password filed in an HTML form.
14) What are the different between HTML and XHTML? Discuss different types of links in

▪ CSS (1 Set)
15) What is CSS? Write down the CSS syntax with example.
16) Write down the different types of errors that may occur in CSS and explain the ways
these can be handled.
17) Why should you prefer CSS rather using only HTML in web design?
18) Describe CSS inheritance with example.
19) Describe different CSS selectors with example.
Or, Explain direct descendent selector with example.
20) Compare different style sheet approaches. Which one is best and why?
21) Explain different ways of inserting a Style sheet in a webpage.

▪ JavaScript (1 Set)
22) What is Scripting Language? Write down the differences between Programming
Language and Scripting Language.
23) Write down some common mistakes in JavaScript.
24) Write a JavaScript Program to calculate the Fibonacci series.
25) Write a Java Script program to find the factorial of a given number
26) Describe with example, the syntax of declaring variable, Array and object in JS.
27) Explain the way Java Script handles arrays with Examples.
28) What is event? Describe different events used in Java Script.
Or, Describe following types of event in JavaScript with example :-
i) Input event
ii) Mouse event
iii) Load event
29) Explain document get Element By Id( ) function with example.

▪ Simplification

30) Create an HTML webpage to show the following output:

31) Write down the CSS and HTML code to design the following menu:

Home Department Contact


Or, Write down the CSS and HTML code to design the following menu:

Home Department Contact


32) Write down the CSS and HTML code to design the following webpage :-

Image 600 × 200
Link 1 content
Link 2 area
33) Design a simple web page-with HTML and CSS code which contains-
-An image of 300 × 300 pixel
-Three navigation buttons as- Home, about us and contact us.
-Page background color is green.

2 set – (34-48)

▪ PHP & MYSQL (2 Set)

34) What is PHP? How is it related with HTML?
35) Write down the differences between GET and POST method.
36) How array is declared in PHP? Also explain various types of array with proper example.
37) What are the techniques used for form validation and verification in PHP?
38) What are the basic requirements to run a PHP program?
39) Write down the different types of super global array with their functionality.
Or, Describe the following global variable in PHP :-
(i) $_GET
(ii) $_POST
(iii) $_REQUEST
40) Write down the procedure of creating database and table in MYSQL.
41) Discuss the steps to establish a connection form PHP MySQL with sample code.
42) What are the pros and cons of MySQL compared to other relational database
managements systems used in web applications?
43) Explain the following function with syntax, purpose and example-
(i) Mysql- connect( )
(ii) Mysql- select-db ( )
(iii) Mysql- query( )
(iv) Mysql- close( )
44) What are the use of session and cooking variable in state management? Explain with
45) Write short notes:-
(i) Session (ii) PHP variable (iii) Cookie (iv) Request
▪ Simplification

46) Write down the HTML, PHP and SQL code to store the following information into a
database :

47) Write PHP code to store data in student table and retrieve data from student
table --using PHP-FORM.

48) Write down simple PHP and MySQL code for adding and retrieving data in the following
table :-


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