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Energy 90 (2015) 56e67

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A systematic framework for multi-plants Heat Integration combining

Direct and Indirect Heat Integration methods
Yufei Wang*, Chenglin Chang, Xiao Feng
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Heat Integration across plants is an extension of conventional Heat Integration in a single plant for
Received 2 December 2014 further improving energy efficiency. To make good use of surplus heat, Indirect Heat Integration method
Received in revised form using intermediate fluid loops and Direct Heat Integration method using process streams are proposed to
10 April 2015
exchange heat across plants. Up to now, the two integration methods are studied separately. This leads to
Accepted 11 April 2015
an incomprehensive analysis for Heat Integration across plants, because each of the methods fit different
Available online 8 May 2015
practical situations. In this work, Combined Heat Integration method is proposed, which involves the
characteristics of both direct method and indirect method. The performances for Heat Integration across
Heat Integration
plants using direct, indirect and combined methods are analyzed and compared through Composite
Multiple plants Curves. Mathematical models are proposed to determine the optimal operation conditions for direct and
Integration methods indirect method. Based on a heuristic step, the optimal operation conditions for combined method can be
Optimization obtained through the model for indirect method. A case study is used to illustrate the new methodology.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Ahmad [2] defined the Heat Integration method using intermediate
fluid for Indirect Heat Integration. A Total Site Heat Integration
Heat Integration across plants provides a number of heat re- methodology was proposed to determine the heat transfer be-
covery opportunities outside the boundary of single plants. Facing tween processes by using different levels of steam. Klemes et al. [3]
the increasing demands on sustainable development and envi- further developed the Total Site Profile and the Site Utility Grand
ronmental conservation, Heat Integration across plants is very Composite Curve to evaluate Total Site heat recovery potential.
necessary for reducing energy consumption. Although the steam system is the most common form of
Heat Integration across plants is initially achieved through recovering heat across plants, because of the physical property of
different levels of steam. High-grade heat is used to generate steam, steam, it cannot be used as an intermediate fluid for low-grade heat
and then the steam is transported to other plants to supply heat. A recovery. For utilizing low-grade heat, Hammonda and Norman [4]
steam system is a conventional utility system widely used in in- explored the opportunities for recovering all levels of surplus heat
dustries, and the pipelines for different levels of steam are well- based on a large number of data from UK. Many options for heat
established. For this reason, it is relatively simple to achieve Heat recovery have been analyzed, such as on-site Heat Integration, off-
Integration across plants based on the existing steam system. The site Heat Integration, heat upgrading by heat pump, using Rankine
early researches on Heat Integration across plants are almost based cycles to generate electrical energy and using absorption chillers to
on a steam system. Dhole and Linnhoff [1] described Heat Inte- fulfill chilling demand. In their work, they pointed out that the
gration of multiple plants with a central utility system, and they greatest potential for reusing surplus heat was on-site and off-site
introduced the concept of Total Site Heat Integration. Their work Heat Integration. Kapil et al. [5] mentioned that applying low-grade
was an extension of Pinch Analysis, and Site SinkeSource Profiles heat had to be with the aid of simultaneous consideration of site
were proposed to determine different levels of steam that could be utility systems optimization. A wide range of low-grade heat re-
generated to further find the energy target across plants. Hu and covery technologies, including heat pumping, organic Rankine cy-
cles, energy recovery from exhaust gases, absorption refrigeration
and boiler feed water heating are considered. From their results,
boiler feed water heating is the most attractive option which is a
* Corresponding author.
special case of Heat Integration across plants. Some methodologies
E-mail address: (Y. Wang).
0360-5442/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Wang et al. / Energy 90 (2015) 56e67 57

considering steam and hot water loops simultaneously to recover both Direct and Indirect Heat Integration. Moreover, a combination
heat in both high and low level. Matsuda [6] studied Kashima in- Heat Integration method involving the features of both Direct and
dustrial area in Japan by using both hot water and steam. The re- Indirect Heat Integration methods is proposed to give more design
sults show that the consumption of low pressure steam was further options under different integration situations.
reduced by using hot water loops. Hackl et al. [7] analyzed the
Sweden's largest chemical cluster. Total Site Pinch methodology is 2. Combined integration method
used to explore the opportunities for using hot water as interme-
diate fluid to further reduce energy consumptions. As mentioned in above, Direct and Indirect Heat Integration
To recover low-grade heat across plants, there are two basic methods are two different methods that feature different perfor-
methods: direct method and indirect method. The direct method mance in Heat Integration across plants. For Direct Heat Integration
integrates heat between plants by using process streams directly method, process streams exchange heat with each other directly, so
and the indirect method integrates heat by applying intermediate that the Heat Integration process only experience heat transfer
fluid loops. Rodera and Bagajewicz [8] analyzed the difference be- once. This feature means that the heat recovery can be larger due to
tween Direct and Indirect Heat Integration methods according to a a smaller temperature difference during heat transfer between two
economic comparison. They found that the Direct Heat Integration plants. However, because process streams cannot be mixed with
can achieve more energy saving. They also found that steam cannot each other, when the number of process streams participated in
achieve most energy savings compared with an intermediate fluid Heat Integration is large, a number of heat transfer loops are
loop. A mathematical methodology was proposed [9] to determine required. Since the large distance between plants, each loop boosts
the number and parameters of intermediate-fluid loops to achieve the investment of pipeline. From the view of economics, if the
maximum energy savings. number of process streams participated in Heat Integration is large,
For some recent development of Heat Integration across plants, it is not beneficial for using direct integration method. Contrarily,
Walmsley et al. [10] consider the trade-off between storage tem- for Indirect Heat Integration method, heat is firstly transferred from
perature and heat exchanger area in an inter-plant Heat Integration hot streams to hot water in one plant, and then transferred from
problem using intermediate fluid. Further on, Walmsley et al. [11] hot water to cold streams in the other plant. Because of the multiple
improve inter-plant Heat Integration methodology by investi- heat transfer, the total temperature difference has to be higher than
gating integration of industrial solar into heat recovery loops. Hackl direct heat transfer, resulting in a lower energy recovery. Moreover,
and Harvey [12] proposed a methodology to target refrigeration the number of heat exchangers is higher. The benefit for using In-
shaft power in an industrial clusters. Varbanov et al. [13] used direct Heat Integration method is that hot water can be split and
different specific minimum temperature difference in Total Site to mixed, so that normally heat can be transported from one plant to
obtain energy target. another by one hot water loop. Pipeline investment can be largely
To compare direct and indirect methods, the number of inter- cut down when the number of process streams participated in Heat
mediate fluid loops was a key factor that affects capital cost Integration is higher.
significantly. As mentioned by Chew et al. [14], very long distances It has been found in this work that for a given energy target, in
between heat sources and sinks are a critical feature of Total Site some situations, the number of hot water loops for indirect method
Heat Integration. And the number of intermediate fluid loops increases, as shown in Fig. 1(a). It is assumed in this work that the
directly determines the length of pipeline between plants. Only a inner heat exchanger network in each plant has been well estab-
few works have been done to consider distance factor in Heat lished, so only the streams with surplus heat in heat source plant
Integration. Most works aimed at heat exchanger network [15,16] and the streams that required heat in heat sink plant are considered
or district heating [17,18]. In the work done by Suaysompol and to be integrated process plants. The bold curve in the top is the
Wood [15], the pipeline cost is counted in for the optimization of Composite Curve of hot streams in the heat source plant, the bold
heat exchanger network. And in the work done by Jiang and Chang, curve in the bottom is the Composite Curve of cold streams in the
different pipeline layout in a heat exchanger network is considered. heat sink plant, and the medium thin curve is the Composite Curve
For district heating, Dalla Rosa et al. [17] considered the length of of the hot water. For this problem, it is assumed that all the hot
pipeline in district heating and related the length of pipeline with streams are in the plant with surplus heat and all the cold streams
heat loss. Tol and Svendsen [18] developed a district heating opti- are in the plant that requires heat. This assumption is valid when
mization methodology to consider pipe dimensioning, substation the number of plants is two, but when the number of plants is more
types and network layouts simultaneously. For Heat Integration than two, a plant may be a heat sink and a heat source simulta-
across plants, Wang et al. [19] considered the distance related cost neously. From this figure, it is obvious that if it is needed to achieve
in their work, such as pump power, pipe cost et al., but they do not the energy target, two hot water loops are required. This situation
consider the factor into optimization. occurs in a Near-Pinch problem or Multiple-Pinch problem. If only
Although many works have been done in the area of Heat one hot water loop is needed, then the energy recovery will be
Integration across plants, there are still some important aspects reduced, as shown in Fig. 1(b). In this situation, Indirect Heat
neglected. Because of long distance between plants, pipeline cost Integration may not be that beneficial because it requires more hot
becomes a major part of the capital cost, and the number of heat water loops or recovers less energy.
exchange loops directly determines the length of pipeline. Direct To integrate heat in multiple-Pinch problem or near-Pinch
integration normally requires more heat exchange loops, indicating problem and fully utilize the advantage of Direct and Indirect
a higher capital cost compared with indirect integration. However, Heat Integration methods, a Combined Heat Integration method is
Direct Heat Integration can recover more heat, and require less heat proposed in this work. When there is one stream with large duty,
transfer area compared with indirect integration so that when the this stream can be considered to transfer heat with direct method,
number of heat exchange loops is small, Direct Heat Integration is and the rest process streams exchange heat with indirect method,
better from the view of economic. The performance of direct and as shown in Fig. 2. In Fig. 2(a), the stream with large duty is marked.
indirect Total Site Heat Integration is different under different sit- When the combined integration method is applied, the marked
uations, and only considering one Heat Integration method is not stream exchanges heat with cold streams in the direct method, and
enough to find the optimal design. In this work, the practical the rest exchange heat in the indirect method. By using the com-
relevance of Total Site Heat Integration is explored by considering bined method, the Pinch problem is divided into two threshold
58 Y. Wang et al. / Energy 90 (2015) 56e67

Fig. 1. Indirect Heat Integration in a near-Pinch problem with a) two intermediate fluid loops b) one intermediate fluid loop.

Fig. 2. Applying combined method to reduce the number of heat exchangers a) indirect method b) combined method.

problems. Compared with the indirect method, energy recovery is word, in the combined method, if the stream using direct method is
same for the combined method, and the pipeline loops are two for across the Pinch Point, the energy target can be reduced through
both methods. However, for direct method, hot stream is trans- changing the indirect method to the combined method. Moreover,
ported to exchange heat with two cold streams, two heat ex- under this situation, the number of heat exchangers also reduces.
changers are required. And for Indirect Heat Integration method, From the example shown in Figs. 2 and 3, it can be found that the
intermediate fluid first exchange heat with hot stream and then stream used for direct method has to be on the one extremity of heat
exchange heat with the two cold streams, three heat exchangers are source/sink Composite Curve. The stream in extremity of heat
required in this situation. One heat exchanger is saved for direct source/sink Composite Curve means the hot stream with the highest
method. supply temperature or lowest target temperature and the cold
In some situations, the combined method can be also used to stream with the lowest supply temperature and highest target
reduce energy consumption, as shown in Fig. 3. It is known that a Pinch temperature. If the stream used for direct method is not on one
Point is the heat recovery bottleneck of a system. To reduce energy extremity of Composite Curve, the whole Composite Curve is divided
consumption, the minimum approach temperature (DTmin) can be into 3 parts after applying the combined method. Each part requires
reduced. Because Indirect Heat Integration requires a higher DTmin, if at least one loop to transfer heat, and then the number of loops is
the Heat Integration method at Pinch Point can be changed from in- increased so that the investment becomes high again. This means
direct heat transfer to direct heat transfer, the DTmin can be reduced so that the stream used for direct method should better be the stream
that the total energy consumption can be further reduced. In another close to the hot end or cold end.

Fig. 3. Applying combined methods to recover more heat a) indirect method b) combined method.
Y. Wang et al. / Energy 90 (2015) 56e67 59

3. Optimization model for different methods Pipe is the pipe cost per meter including capital cost and installation
cost, and L is the distance between plants.
For the presented three Heat Integration methods, under From Equation (1), it can be seen that the cost of pipeline is
different situations, the optimal method can be different. Optimi- involved, and the cost of pipeline is calculated through the weight
zation models are needed to calculate the optimal performance for of pipe, which is determined by inner diameter of pipes. The inner
each method so that the three methods can be compared with each diameter of pipes is calculated by Equation (2). F indicates heat
other. capacity flow rate, cp is specific heat capacity, r is fluid density, and
For the Direct Heat Integration method, process streams ex- u is flow velocity.
change heat without using intermediate fluid. In Section 2, it has
been said that in this work that the inner heat exchanger network sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
in each plant has been well established, so only the streams with 4F
surplus heat in heat source plant and the streams that required heat Din ¼ (2)
in heat sink plant are considered to be integrated process plants.
Therefore, the problem can be considered as a heat exchanger For the Indirect Heat Integration method for Heat Integration
network with a distance between hot in one plant and cold streams across plants, because of the use of intermediate fluid between
in the other. The heat exchanger network superstructure proposed plants, the superstructure for the problem is different, as shown in
by Yee et al. [20] is used in this work, as shown in Fig. 4. To Fig. 5. In the figure, H1 and H2 indicate two hot streams, C1 and C2
distinguish the difference between heat exchanger network and indicate two cold streams, and N1 and N2 indicate two interme-
Heat Integration between plants, the cost of pipeline is counted in. diate fluids. In the figure, the stage is further divided into two: kc
Moreover, as the plants are existed, the cost of utility heat and kh. The stage kc indicates the Heat Integration between cold
exchanger does not need to be considered. Therefore, the objective streams and intermediate streams and stage kh indicates the Heat
function for direct method can be written as below: Integration between hot streams and intermediate fluid. The
mathematical model for Indirect Heat Integration includes all
0 possible connections. In the Figures, it can be seen that two inter-
X X X X X mediate fluids exchange heat with each streams in each stage.
TAC ¼ min@Ccu $ qcui þ Chu $ qhuj þ a zijk Different from normal superstructure for Indirect Heat Integration,
i2HP j2CP i2HP j2CP k2ST this superstructure can involve more than one intermediate fluid
1 loop.
þb Acijk þ 2L$ Pipei A Based on the superstructure, the overall heat balance shown in
i2HP j2CP k2ST i2HP Equations (3) and (4) are used to ensure sufficient heating or
cooling for each process steam to get its target temperature. In the
equations, STH is the set for stage in the plant providing heat and
In the Equation (1), HP and CP are two sets for hot streams and STC indicates the set for stage in plant receiving heat, kH and kC are
cold streams, i and j are two index for hot and cold streams, ST is a two index for sets STH and STC, NP is a set for intermediate fluids, n
set for stage, k is index for stage, Ccu and Chu are the price of hot and is the index for the NP, Tiin and Tiout are parameters that indicate
cold utility, q is heat duty, qcu and qhu are the duty of cold utility heat inlet and outlet temperatures of hot stream i, Tjin and Tjout are pa-
exchanger and hot utility heat exchanger, a, b and c are cost con- rameters that indicate inlet and outlet temperatures of cold stream
stants for heat exchanger area cost, z is a binary variable indicate j. qH
means the heat duty between hot stream i and intermediate
the existence of heat exchanger, A is the area for heat exchanger, fluid n in stage kH.

stage k=1 stage k=2

H1-C1 H1-C1


H1-C2 H1-C2



H2-C1 H2-C1


H2-C2 H2-C2

New heat exchangers Existing heatter Existing cooler

Fig. 4. The heat exchanger network superstructure proposed by Yee et al. [20].
60 Y. Wang et al. / Energy 90 (2015) 56e67

Plant A
stage kH=1 stage kH=2



Plant B
stage kC=1 stage kC=2



New heat exchanger Existing heatter Existing cooler

Fig. 5. The superstructure for Indirect Heat Integration method.

  in Equations (9)e(12). In these equations, t is a variable indicates

qH H in out temperature.
inkH þ qcui ¼ Fi $ Ti  Ti i2HP (3)
kH 2STH n2NP  
qH H out
inkH ¼ finkH $ tikH  tinkH i2HP; n2NP; kH 2STH (9)
X X  
qCnjkC þ qhuj ¼ FjC $ Tjout  Tjin j2CP (4)  out 
kC 2STC n2NP qH N
inkH ¼ finkH $ tikH  tkH þ1 i2HP; n2NP; kH 2STH (10)
For each split, mass balances are used to determine the heat  
capacity flow rates of each heat exchanger, as shown in Equations qCnjkC ¼ fnjk
N out
C $ tnkC  tnjkC n2NP; j2CP; kC 2STC (11)
(5)e(8). f is a variable indicates the flow capacity, for example, fink H

indicates the flow capacity between hot stream i and intermediate  

fluid n in the stage kH. qCnjkC ¼ fnjk
C out
C $ tnjkC  tnkC þ1 n2NP; j2CP; kC 2STC (12)
i2HP; kH 2STH Energy balance around each mixer determines the inlet tem-
finkH ¼ Fi (5)
n2NP peratures of stages, which also leads to equations with bilinear
terms, as shown in Equations (13)e(16).
finkH ¼ Fn n2NP; kH 2STH (6) FiH $tikH þ1 ¼ H
fink out
H $tinkH i2HP; kH 2STH (13)
i2HP n2NP
Fn $tnk h ¼
fink out
H $tinkH n2NP; kH 2STH (14)
fnjk C ¼ Fn n2NP; kC 2STC (7)
N N out
fnjk C
C ¼ Fj j2CP; kC 2STC (8) Fn $tnk C þ1 ¼ fnjkC $tnjkc n2NP; kC 2STC (15)
n2NP j2CP

Energy balance around each additional heat exchanger is per- X

formed in order to determine the outlet temperature of the heat FjC $tjkC ¼ C
fnjk out
C $tnjkC j2CP; kC 2STC (16)
exchanger, which leads to equations with bilinear terms, as shown n2NP
Y. Wang et al. / Energy 90 (2015) 56e67 61

According to the superstructure, the assignment of the inlet  

H out H H
temperatures is as follows: dtink H  tikH  tinkH þ GinkH $ 1  zinkH i2HP; n2NP; kH 2STH
H in
tik H ¼ Ti i2HP; kH 2Firsth (17)
H out H H
dtink h þ1 tinkH tinkH þ1 þGinkH $ 1zinkH i2HP; n2NP; kH 2STH
N H;out
tnk H ¼ Tn n2NP; kH 2Firsth (18) (34)

tnk H;in
H ¼ Tn n2NP; kH 2Lasth (19)  
C out C C
dtnjk C  tjkC  tnjkC þ GnjkC $ 1  znjkC n2NP; j2CP; kC 2STC

N C;out (35)
tnk C ¼ Tn n2NP; kC 2Lastc (20)

C out C C
tnk C;in
C ¼ Tn n2NP; kC 2Firstc (21) dtnjk C þ1  tnjkC  tjkC þ1 þ GnjkC $ 1  znjkC n2NP; j2CP; kC 2STC

C in The trade-off between investment cost and operating cost are

tjk c ¼ Tj j2CP; kC 2Lastc (22)
considered by adding the following constraints:

where Firsth and Lasth indicate the first and last stage in the plant
that provide heat, and Firstc and Lastc indicate the first and last dtink H  DTmin i2HP; n2NP; kH 2STH (37)
stage in the plant that require heat.
Energy balances for final utility units determine the utility loads,
and the equations for solving utility heat load are shown below: dtnjk C  DTmin n2NP; j2CP; kC 2STC (38)
  The driving forces are calculated by the LMTD (logarithmic mean
qcuj ¼ FiH $ tik
H out
H  Ti i2NP; kH 2Lasth (23)
temperature difference) for each heat exchanger:

" #13
qhuj ¼ FjC $ Tjout  tjk
C j2CP; kC 2Firstc (24) H þ dt H
dtijk H ijkH þ1
ijkH ¼ H
dtijk H
H $dtijkH þ1 $
2 (39)
The temperature constrains should ensure feasibility of tem-
peratures, they specify monotonic decreases in the temperatures i2HP; n2NP; k 2STH
along the stages:
" C C
tikH þ1  tikH i2HP; kH 2STH (25) dtnjkC þ dtnjkC þ1
dtnjk C
C $dtnjkC þ1 $
2 (40)
tnkH þ1  tnkH H
n2NP; k 2STH (26) n2NP; j2CP; k 2STC

The area of process heat exchanges can be calculated by the

tikH  Tiout i2HP; kH 2Lasth (27) following equations:
1 1
tnkC þ1  tnkC C
n2NP; k 2STC (28) AinkH ¼ qH
inkH $ þ LMTDH i2HP; n2NP; kH 2STH
hn inkH

tjkC þ1  tjkC j2CP; kC 2STC (29)
1 1
tjkc  Tjout C
j2CP; k 2Firstc (30) ACnjkC ¼ qCnjkC þ LMTDCnjkC n2NP; j2CP; kC 2STC
hCj hn
Upper bound constrains are needed to relate the heat duty (42)
q with the binary variables z:
where A is the area of a heat exchanger, and h is heat transfer
qH H H
inkH  UinkH $zinkH  0 i2HP; n2NP; kH 2STH (31) coefficient.
Finally, the objective function is the TAC (total annual cost) and
is shown in Equation (43).
qCnjkC  UCnjkC $zCnjkC  0 n2NP; j2CP; kC 2STC (32) The mathematical model for indirect method can be also
applied to optimize combined method by selecting a stream for
where U is the upper bound for heat exchangers duty, z is a binary Direct Heat Integration before calculation. So firstly, the stream
variable that determines the existence of the match. used for Direct Heat Integration must be selected for the optimi-
Logical constrains are needed to ensure that the temperature zation of combined method. As analyzed, the stream used for Direct
difference can be calculated if the heat exchanger exists. The Heat Integration must be with large duty and heat capacity flow
parameter G is an upper bound for the temperature difference, and rate. Also, the stream should better be close to the hot end or cold
dt is temperature difference. end on the Composite Curves. Based on the two conditions, firstly,
62 Y. Wang et al. / Energy 90 (2015) 56e67

0 1
B Ccu $ qcui þ a zH
nk H þ b AH
ink H þ 2L$ Pipen þ C
TAC ¼ minB X
i2HP X n2NP
i2HP X k2STH
i2HP n2NP X n2NP C (43)
BC $ qhuj þ a zCjk þ b AcnjkC C
@ hu A
j2CP n2NP j2CP kC 2STC n2NP j2CP kC 2STC

the streams located in the hot end or cold end on the Composite process stream (M in the figure). The superstructure includes all the
Curves are selected as candidate streams. In another word, the hot match possibilities between process streams and fluid used for
streams with the highest supply temperature and lowest target inter-plant Heat Integration. Because the stream used for Direct
temperature and the cold streams with the lowest supply tem- Heat Integration is selected in advance, there are two possibilities
perature and highest target temperature are selected as candidate for the Direct Heat Integration: if the stream used for Direct Heat
streams. Then the stream with largest heat duty among the Integration is a hot stream, then it means the stream is a process
candidate streams can be selected as the stream for Direct Heat stream within Plant A. There is no heat exchange between the hot
Integration. stream and Plant A. The hot stream and intermediate fluid are both
After selecting the stream used for Direct Heat Integration in the sent to Plant B to exchange heat; if the stream used for Direct Heat
combined method, the problem can be optimized with the super- Integration is a cold stream, then it means the stream is a process
structure shown in Fig. 6. The superstructure shown in Fig. 6 is an stream within Plant B. There is no heat exchange between the cold
extension of superstructure shown in Fig. 5. Based on the super- stream and Plant B. The cold stream and intermediate fluid are sent
structure shown in Fig. 5, not only the intermediate fluid loop (N in to Plant A to exchange heat. The selected stream used for Direct
the figure) is involved in the new superstructure, but also the Heat Integration is set before optimization, and it is excluded from

Plant A
stage kH=1 stage kH=2



Plant B
stage kC=1 stage kC=2



New heat exchanger Existing heatter Existing cooler

Fig. 6. The superstructure for Combined Heat Integration method.

Y. Wang et al. / Energy 90 (2015) 56e67 63

Table 1 involved in Heat Integration is large, the biggest challenge is how to

Stream data for the case study. determine the connection between plants, especially when dis-
Streams Tin/ C Tout/ C DH/kW F/(kW  C1) h/(W m2  C1) tance factor is considered. Therefore, currently, it is very difficult to
H1(refinery) 148 122 6000 230.8 969
optimize multi-plant Heat Integration and the detail connection
H2(refinery) 130 100 2300 76.7 599 method simultaneously. When the connection has been deter-
H3(refinery) 105 75 1600 53.3 621 mined, then the optimization can be used to check if combined
H4(refinery) 95 60 1200 34.3 657 method is better.
C1(rubber plant) 112 137 1500 60 667
C2(rubber plant) 111 136 1500 60 665
C3(rubber plant) 110 136 1500 57.7 668
C4(rubber plant) 109 134 1500 60 667 4. Case study
C5(rubber plant) 90 120 2000 66.7 772
C6(rubber plant) 55 98 2100 48.8 651 The case study is a Heat Integration project between a refinery
C7(rubber plant) 50 75 2200 88 598
and a rubber plant. The data of the case is modified a little bit based
on real data to avoid confidentiality problem. Refinery is the plant
exchanging heat with intermediate fluid. By using the superstruc- that supplies heat and rubber plant is the plant that requires heat.
ture, the connection between process streams and intermediate The stream data are shown in Table 1. The distance between two
fluid (and/or process stream used for direct integration) can be plants is 650 m. In this case, the prices for cold and hot utilities are
determined by optimization. Then the optimization used for Indi- 20 $ kW1 y1 and 190 $ kW1 y1 [21]. The equation for calcu-
rect Heat Integration method is used to solve the combined method lating exchanger area cost is shown in Equation (44) [22], the cost
problem. factor in the equation is updated to fit current price of heat
The model is a complex MINLP problem because of some non- exchanger. The pipeline cost is calculated through the weight of 40
convex constraints and nonlinear objection. In addition, energy sch (a type of carbon steel) pipeline, and the equations are shown in
balance around each mixer leads to Equations (5)e(8) with bilinear Equations (45,46) [23]. In Equation (45), Dout and Din are outer
terms. An efficient solution method is showed as below. First, the diameter and inner diameter of pipe, Wtpipe is the weight of pipe
model is simplified by assuming isothermal mixing for each mixer, per meter in Equation (46). In Equation (47), I indicates the
so the nonlinear constraints Equations (5)e(8) can be eliminated. depreciation factor (20%), y is the service life of pipe. In this case, y
Second, if the stream or intermediate-fluid mixing exists, an addi- is 3 years. The intermediate fluid used in this case study is hot
tional NLP model with fixed configuration can be solved to remove water. The density of water is 950 kg/m3. The flow velocity u for hot
the isothermal mixing assumption. water is set to 1.2 m/s. The DTmin in this work is set to be 8  C. The
The optimization proposed in this work is mainly aimed at Heat case study is solved less than 2 min of CPU time on a desktop PC
Integration between two plants. When the number of plants (Inter (R) Core (TM) i5 CPU 3.33 GHz, with 4.00 GB of RAM) using

Fig. 7. The optimal Heat Integration grid diagram for Direct Heat Integration method.
64 Y. Wang et al. / Energy 90 (2015) 56e67

Fig. 8. The optimal Heat Integration grid diagram for Indirect Heat Integration method.

the GAMS24.21. The MINLP solver is Dicopt, while the NLP solver is The optimal Heat Integration designs for the three methods
Conopt. are obtained through the proposed methodology. The optimal
structure for direct, indirect and Combined Heat Integration
  h  i1 between plants is shown in Figs. 7e9. Also, the Composite Curves
Cost of Heat Exchangers $$y1 ¼ 3000 þ 150 Area m2 for direct, indirect and Combined Heat Integration are shown in
(44) Figs. 10e12. From the structure, it can be seen that 4 (H1, H2, C6,
C7) loops and 9 heat exchangers are used to transfer heat in the
Direct Heat Integration method. For the indirect method, only 1
Dout ðmÞ ¼ 1:052Din þ 0:005251 (45) intermediate fluid loop is used and 11 heat exchangers are used
to transfer heat. For the combined method, 1 intermediate fluid
  loop and 1 process stream loop are used, and 13 exchangers are
Wtpipe kg$m1 ¼ 644:3D2in þ 72:5Din þ 0:4611 (46)
required in the design. From the view of investment, the direct
method requires more loops and less heat exchanger, indirect
  I$ð1 þ IÞy 
method requires fewer loops and more heat exchangers, and
Pipe $$m1 ¼ 0:82Wtpipe þ 185D0:48
out þ 6:8 combined method requires medium number of loops and the
ð1 þ IÞy  1 largest number of heat exchangers. Normally, the number of heat

þ 265Dout exchangers for the combined method should be lower than the
indirect method, because the Direct Heat Integration part in the
(47) combined method only experience heat transfer for one time.
In this case study, a stream for Direct Heat Integration should be However in this case, the application of the direct integration in
selected for Combined Heat Integration method. From the data of the combined method complicates the Heat Integration between
Table 1, it can be seen that H1 is the hot stream with the highest the intermediate fluid and process streams, resulting in an in-
inlet temperature, H4 is the hot stream with the lowest outlet crease in the number of heat exchangers. The application of
temperature, C1 is the cold stream with the highest outlet tem- direct integration in the combined method can also simplify the
perature, and C7 is the cold stream with the lowest inlet temper- integration between the intermediate fluid and process streams
ature. Among these streams, H1 is the stream with the largest heat in some situation, which is depended on the detail data of
duty, so it is selected for Direct Heat Integration in combined streams. It is noted that all the process streams have a utility
integration method. heat exchanger even most of the exchangers have no heat duty.
Y. Wang et al. / Energy 90 (2015) 56e67 65

Fig. 9. The optimal Heat Integration grid diagram for Combined Heat Integration method.

Fig. 10. The Composite Curves for Direct Heat Integration method. Fig. 11. The Composite Curves for Indirect Heat Integration method.
66 Y. Wang et al. / Energy 90 (2015) 56e67

Fig. 12. The Composite Curves for Combined Heat Integration method.

Fig. 13. Sensitivity analysis between TAC and the distance.

This is because they can be used when one of the plant is shut
From the Composite Curves, it can be found that for the direct
method, the two curves are close to each other, which indicates a 5. Conclusion
higher energy recovery. Because indirect method is with only
one intermediate fluid loop, in the Composite Curves, interme- Except Direct and Indirect Heat Integration methods in Heat
diate fluid loop is illustrated by a straight line. Because a straight Integration across plants, Combined Heat Integration method is
line cannot match the profile of two curves well, the gap be- proposed in this work. The three methods are analyzed in details
tween the two curves is larger, indicating a lower energy re- in this work, and it is found that combined method is suitable for
covery. By applying the combined method, the gap between the Near Pinch problem or Multiple Pinch problem. The proposed
two curves is significantly reduced compared with the indirect new methodology gives a new option in Heat Integration across
method. In Fig. 12, C5 has a lower temperature but it is heated by plants and can make the Total Site Heat Integration methodology
hot utility, and C1, C2, C3 and C4 are heated by hot stream. more comprehensive. An optimization methodology is proposed
However, C1, C2, C3, and C4 cannot be replaced by C5 because a to optimize the design of Indirect Heat Integration. Combined
part of C5 is heated by intermediate fluid. And for the reason that method can be also optimized through the methodology by
the temperatures of C1 to C4 are higher, they cannot be heated setting the stream used for Direct Heat Integration in advance.
by intermediate fluid. The optimization results are listed in The results of case study show that the combined method ach-
Table 2. ieves the lowest total annual cost, which is 1,099,737 $ y1.
In the results, each pipeline loop is 1300 m long, which is twice Compared with the total annual cost for direct method
of the distance between plants. From the results, for the direct (1,267,901 $ y1) and indirect method (1,174,305 $ y1), combined
method, because of the number of pipeline loops is high, the method reduces total annual cost by 13.3% and 6.3%. From the
pipeline cost is much higher than the other two methods. For the results of sensitivity analysis between TAC and the distance, it is
indirect method, it can be seen that the energy recovery is much found that for the case study, if the distance between plants is
lower than the other two methods. Although the combined method shorter than 400 m, then direct method is the most beneficial
does not achieve the lowest energy cost and capital investment, the method. If the distance is between 400 m and 1150 m, combined
total annual cost is the lowest. method is the most beneficial method. And if the distance is
Because the distance between plants is a very important factor larger than 1150 m, the indirect method is the most beneficial
that directly affect pipeline cost, a sensitivity analysis between TAC method.
and the distance is applied. The results of sensitivity analysis are
shown in Fig. 13. From the figure, it can be seen that when the
distance between plants is short, Direct Heat Integration method is Acknowledgments
preferred for more energy saving. When the distance between
plants is long, in this case, combined method and indirect method Financial support from the National Basic Research Program of
are more beneficial than direct method when the distance between China (973 Program: 2012CB720500), the National Natural Science
plants is longer. If the distance between plants is longer than Foundation of China under Grant No. 21476256 and Science Founda-
1150 m, then indirect method is the most beneficial one for lower tion of China University of Petroleum, Beijing (No.2462013YJRC010)
pipeline loops. are gratefully acknowledged.

Table 2
The economic performance for the three integration methods.

Project items Pipeline loops Additional heat exchangers Heat exchangers area Pipeline cost ($ y1) Heat exchangers cost ($ y1) Heat cost ($ y1) TAC ($ y1)

Direct integration 4 8 2069 632,220 334,465 228,000 1,194,686

Indirect integration 1 11 2132 166,369 352,920 687,590 1,206,879
Combined integration 2 10 2935 346,933 470,260 272,912 1,090,105
Y. Wang et al. / Energy 90 (2015) 56e67 67

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