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“Año de la Unidad, la Paz y el Desarrollo”

UNIT N° 01


Purpose: Make presentations including nationalities

WARM UP - Contact and challenge

1. Watch and sing the countries and nationalities song.

Interactive Learners [@interactivelearners9507]. (2014, marzo 19). Contries and Nationalities Song. Youtube. Consulted
on February 22, 2024.

2. Watch the different pictures of famous people around the world and identify their names,
nationalities and other relevant information. Then, match the information of the following

1. Peru a. German
2. the UK b. Moroccan
3. Oman c. Turkish
4. Morocco d. Brazilian
5. Germany e. Vietnamese
6. Vietnam f. Peruvian
7. Turkey g. British
8. Brazil h. Omani
“Año de la Unidad, la Paz y el Desarrollo”

3. ( 1.4) Work in pairs. Look at the photos and write the corresponding names. Then, listen
and check. After that, let’s listen one more time to complete the sentences.

ice skater ……………….

Footballer ……………….

writer ……………….
Amanda Gorman Kylian Mbappé Kim Yuna
Note. Adapted from Voices Beginner: Student’s book (p.14-15), by Bryson, E. & Pathare, G., 2021, National Geographic Learning

1. Amanda Gorman is from the US. She’s ………………………….

2. Kylian Mbappé es from France. He’s ………………………….
3. Kim Yuna is from Korea, She’s ……………………………

DEVELOPMENT.1 – Research and develop learning

4. Work in pairs. Read the grammar box and infer the corresponding rules. Then, complete
the following exercises.

GRAMMAR Present simple BE (singular, positive)

The verb BE has three forms: am, is and are.

Use I + am: I am from France.
Use You + are: You are Japanese.
Use He / She / It + is: It is in the US.

Use these short forms (contractions):

I’m / You’re / He’s / She’s / It’s

Rewrite the sentences. Use the short forms

1. I am from France. I’m from France

2. You are Japanese.
3. It is from the US.
4. She is American.
5. He is a footballer.

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb BE. Use short forms.

1. He ____ from Italy.

2. She ____ from the UK.
3. I ____ Penelope. I ____from Greece.
4. Madrid is a city. It ____ in Spain.
“Año de la Unidad, la Paz y el Desarrollo”

DEVELOPMENT.2 – Consolidate understanding

5. Look at the grammar box and answer the question: What word do we use to make BE
negative? Then complete the following exercises.

GRAMMAR Present simple BE (singular, negative)

To make BE negative, use NOT.

I am not from France.
You are not Japanese.
He / She / It is not Japanese.

Use these short forms (contractions):

I’m not / You aren’t / He isn’t / She isn’t / It isn’t

Rewrite the sentences. Use short forms.

1. I am not from France. _______________________________

2. You are not American. _______________________________
3. She is not Japanese. _______________________________

Complete the sentences. Use the negative form of BE.

1. I __________ Australian. I’m from New Zealand.

2. He __________ German. He’s from France.
3. She __________ a teacher. She’s a student.
4. Vienna is in Austria. It __________ in Germany.
5. Where are you? You __________ in class.

WRAP UP - Transfer and self-assessment

6. Work in groups of three. Choose 6 nationalities from the previous activities and think of a
famous person for each of these nationalities. Then make a short presentation for all your
partners. Everybody MUST participate.

Example: Chris Hemsworth is from Australia. He’s Australian.

Adele is from the UK. She’s British.
“Año de la Unidad, la Paz y el Desarrollo”

REFLECTION - Reflect on the learning process

Let’s reflect on the things we have learned today. Choose the emoji which best reflects your
feelings after the sessions. Answer as honestly as possible.


1 Can I relate countries and their nationalities?

2 Can I use the verb BE (positive) with singular nouns?

3 Can I use the verb BE (negative) with singular nouns?

4 Can I make a short presentation using nationalities?

Now, let’s answer the following question: Are nationalities important? Why or why not?

I think … I consider … In my opinion … For me …


Bryson, E. & Pathare, G. (2021). Voices Beginner: Student’s book.

Interactive Learners [@interactivelearners9507]. (2014, marzo 19). Contries and Nationalities

Song. Youtube. Consulted on February 22, 2024.


CMSPP, Lima-Perú, 2024

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