Health and Safety - Seavil

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The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 , also referred to as HASAW or HSW, is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in the United Kingdom. This consists of ensuring the health, safety and welfare of persons at work.

The management of health and safety at work regulations 1992

This Act consists of 17 different processes to ensure that all aspects of safety and Management are included, the main ones will be Health and safety Arrangements and Capabilities and training. Employees will under-go safety planning, organisation, control and monitoring safety measures. This ensures they know what measures to take if there are hazards

Work Place Regulations 1992

Safety requirements have to be met in workplaces, these include ventilation, temperature, lighting, cleanliness, room dimensions, workstations and seating, floor conditions, falls or falling objects, transparent and translucent doors, gates and walls, windows, skylights and ventilators, traffic routes, escalators and sanitary conveniences.

Control of substances hazardous to health 1994

There is a company named COSHH that cleans up hazardous substances that are released into a workplace, These include; Chemicals Products containing chemicals Fumes COSHH do not cover; Dust Lead Vapours Asbestos Mists Radioactive substances Nanotechnology Gases Biological agents

Personal protective equipment 1992

PPE is defined in the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations as: All equipment (including clothing affording protection against the weather. PPE includes equipment such as safety footwear, hard hats, high visibility waistcoats, goggles, life jackets, respirators and safety harnesses, all this equipment and clothing has to be waterproof and insulated for warmth.

Fire precautions (amendment) 1999

The new fire regulations identifies a responsible person who as its name would suggest is required to ensure that a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment is on site. Fire Certificates being phased out the new fire legislation requires the responsible person to take account of the impact that a fire might have to surrounding premises and persons.

The health and safety display screen equipment 1992

The Display Screen Equipment (DSE) aim to protect the health of people who work with DSE. The Regulations were introduced because DSE has become one of the most common kinds of work equipment. DSE is a device or equipment that has an alphanumeric or graphic display screen, regardless of the display process involved; it includes both conventional display screens

The effects these regulations have had on the public services

If I were in a Public Service, with all these regulations, offices would be made safe and I would feel secure. Within the buildings and offices, all hazards have a measure in place to control them, for example, hazardous materials, computer screens and placement of where and how to sit to prevent injury etc. When hazards arise, units will be called to deal with them immediately whether they are severe or even down to computer screens.

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