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OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING, LABORATORY EXERCISES EXERCISE NO. 2 OBJECTIVE: Be able to apply concepts on Properties and Behavior DIRECTIONS: Create a new project (Windows Application). Save the project as pe#_act2, example: pe12_act2. 1. Resize the form using the Properties Windows (View - Properties Window) as: 346 (Width), 188 (Height). Forms (besan)* reat te efetaetinyor Fake 2. Change the Text Property of the form as Working with Properties and Behavior. 3. Insert a button by opening the Toolbox Window (View - Toolbox). 4. To insert a button, either double click it or select the button and drag it in the form. 5. Position the button at the center of the form and set the Text Property as Press Me. MR. EDMUND D. EVANGELISTA, University of Saint Louis Page 1 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING, LABORATORY EXERCISES — re Se anon 6. Double click the button and type the given codes below: //Declares a date variable and stores the current date & time DateTime otm = DateTime.Now; //Stores into a String variable if the current time is AM or PM String strAMPM = otm.ToString("tt"); //A simple use of if and else statement if (strAMPM == "AM") MessageBox.Show("Good morning, I am Jack Mawatan."); else MessageBox.Show("Good afternoon, I am Jack Mawatan"); 7. Run the program. 18 Working with Properties and Behaviors os Press Me Good afternoon, [am Jack Mawatan MR. EDMUND D. EVANGELISTA, University of Saint Louis Page 2 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING, LABORATORY EXERCISES EXERCISE NO. 3 OBJECTIVES: Be able to apply concepts on Properties, Behavior and Nested If PROBLEM: Write an application that can convert a certain amount of money from one type of currency to another. DIRECTIONS: Create a new project (Windows Application). Save the project as pe#_act3, example: pe12_act3. 1. Set the size of the form as 294, 187 and the text as Currency Converter. Set also the BackColor property as Info. . Insert a label in the form with a text Money Changer. Position it at the center of the form. . Insert another label below with a text Amount:. Insert a textbox beside the label. Set the Name property as txtAmount. Insert a label below with a text Currency:. Insert a textbox beside the label. Set the Name property as txtCurrency. Insert another label below with a text Converted:. Insert a textbox beside the label. Set the Name property as txtConverted. Note: This program will assume the following rate of exchange per Philippine Peso. For other types of currencies not mentioned, the program will just display an error message. * D_ Dollar 44.50 " Y Yen 0.58 = R Riyal 18.43 "=P Pound 115.65 6. Insert a button with a text Compute. Double click the button and insert the given code below MR. EDMUND D. EVANGELISTA, University of Saint Louis Page 1 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING, LABORATORY EXERCISES //Declares a variable double amount, converted = 0, exchange = 0; char currency; //Stores the value of each textbox into a variable amount = Convert.ToDouble(txtAmount.Text); currency = Convert.ToChar(txtCurrency.Text); //Uses nested i if (currency == 'D' || currency == 'd") exchange = 44.50; else if (currency == 'Y' || currency == 'y') exchange = 0.58; else if (currency == 'R' || currency == 'r') exchange = 18.43 else if (currency == 'P' || currency == 'p') exchange = 115.65; else MessageBox.Show("Sorry, not available!"); converted = amount * exchange; txtConverted. Text = "P" + Convert.ToString(converted); 7. Insert another button with a text Cancel. Double click the button and insert the given codes below: txtAmount.Clear(); txtConverted.Clear(); txtCurrency.Clear(); 8. Run your application Te eee Money Changer Amount: [300 Money Changer oat (30 Cunenes. [Ol Baenex [D Conve. |PISES0 MR. EDMUND D. EVANGELISTA, University of Saint Louis Page 2

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