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American Journal of Hematology 64:87–90 (2000)

Determination of ␤-Globin Gene Cluster Haplotypes and

Prevalence of ␣-Thalassemia in Sickle Cell Anemia
Patients in Venezuela
A. Arends,1* M. Alvarez,1 D. Velázquez,1 M. Bravo,2 R. Salazar,2 J.M. Guevara,1 and
O. Castillo1
Laboratorio de Hemoglobinas Anormales, Servicio de Hematologı́a “Dr. Tulio Arends” Hospital Universitario de Caracas,
Caracas, Venezuela
Universidad de Oriente, Núcleo Sucre, Cumaná, Venezuela

Sickle cell anemia and ␣-thalassemia have a heterogeneous distribution in Venezuela

with a high frequency in the coastal area (sea level) and few cases in the mountains. Most
of our population is an ethnic admixture of Europeans (Spaniards colonists), Africans
(slaves), and Amerindians. The purpose of our study was to determine the origin of the
␤s globin haplotype, age and survival dependency, and the admixture among the different
African groups in our population. The ␣3.7 globin gene deletion status was also studied
and found in a very high frequency. DNA from peripheral blood of 191 non-related pa-
tients (81 with HbS homozygous and 15 patients compound heterozygous for HbS, HbC,
HbD with ␤-thalassemia, and 95 with sickle cell trait) were studied. The ␤s chromosome
was linked 51% to the Benin Haplotype, 29.5% with the CAR, 12.5% to the Senegal, and
2.5% to the Cameroon. We did not find any significant difference between the haplotype
distribution among adults and children and among sickle cell patients and traits. Only
8.6% of the patients have homozygosity for the Benin haplotype. These results show a
very high frequency of admixture in our African origin population. Am. J. Hematol. 64:
87–90, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: ␤-globin haplotypes; sickle cell anemia; ␣-thalassemia

INTRODUCTION We wanted to determine the origin of the ␤s globin

gene in our sickle cell anemia (SCA) patients as well as
The presence of Hb S has been known in Venezuela
the age dependency, as has been noted in Cuba and
for 50 years, and it presents a variable distribution with a
Guadeloupe [6,7]. In order to avoid distortions in the
high frequency in the coastal area (sea level) and seldom
frequency of any specific group, we also studied the ␤
cases in the mountains. Venezuela is located at the North
gene cluster haplotypes among sickle cell traits. We ex-
of South America and it has a large coast in the Carib-
plored the frequency of ␣-thalassemia and if it had age
bean Sea. Most of our population is an ethnic admixture
of Europeans (Spaniards colonists), Africans (slaves),
Amerindians, and later on the Italian, Spaniards, and Por-
tuguese immigrants [1]. The ␤s globin has a variable SUBJECTS AND METHODS
presentation, in population surveys it has been found to The study was performed in 191 non-related patients
have a frequency as high as 19%, in isolated coastal com- proceeding from all over the country, under regular fol-
munities, and as low as 0.0% in the Andean regions [1–3].
In a small Venezuelan village, the ␤ globin gene clus-
ter haplotypes were studied in normal population. The Contract grant sponsor: BID-CONICIT; Contract grant number: BTS-
Benin haplotype represented 20.9% among 12 haplo- 067 OC\VE.
types studied, which indicates an important contribution
of an African ancestry in that population [4]. In a previ- *Correspondence to: A. Arends, Apto 89758 El Hatillo, Caracas, Ven-
ezuela 1083. E-mail:
ous study of a smaller group of sickle cell anemia pa-
tients the most prevalent linkage of the ␤s chromosome Received for publication 5 November 1998; Accepted 1 December
was to the Benin haplotype [5]. 1999
© 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
88 Arends et al.
TABLE I. Distribution of ␤s Haplotypes in SCA and Sickle TABLE II. Distribution by Age of ␤s Globin Gene Haplotypes
Trait (HbAS)* in SCA Patients*

SCA HbAS Adults (n ⳱ 43) Children (n ⳱ 53)

␤s haplotypes No. % No. % ␤s haplotypes No. % No. %

Benin 90 50.8 49 51.6 Benin 45 52.9 45 48.9

CAR 57 32.2 24 25.3 CAR 25 29.4 32 34.7
Senegal 25 14.2 9 9.4 Senegal 12 14.2 13 14.2
Cameroon 4 2.3 3 3.2 Cameroon 3 3.5 1 1.1
Atypical 1 0.5 10 10.5 Atypical 1 1.1
Total 177 95 Total 85 92

*No significant difference (␹2 ⳱ 5.3, P ⳱ 0.1499) was found between *No statistically significant difference (␹2 ⳱ 1.3, P ⳱ 0.5226) was found
SCA and sickle trait patients. between age group.

low-up in the Hemoglobinopathy Clinic of the Hospital no statistical difference in the different age groups (␹2
Universitario de Caracas and the Hospital Civil de Ma- 1.3, P ⳱ 0.5226; Table II). We found a very high fre-
racay; 81 of them with Hb S homozygous, 15 compound quency of mixed haplotypes 82%, and only 8.6% were
heterozygous with Hb C, Hb D, and ␤-thalassemia, and homozygous for Benin haplotype.
95 with the sickle cell trait. All patients and their parents The −29 ␤ thalassemia mutation was the most preva-
provided consent to participate in this study. Phenotypes lent among the compound heterozygous Hb S-␤ thalas-
were identified by hemoglobin electrophoresis in acetate semia patients.
and citrate agar, solubility tests, and family studies. Di- In 148 patients we found 92 (62.2%) with both ␣ genes
agnosis of ␤-thalassemia was confirmed by mutation normal, 48 (32.4%) heterozygous for −␣3.7 thalassemia,
identification using ARMS-PCR [8]. DNA from periph- and 8 (5.4%) were homozygous for the same deletion.
eral blood leukocytes was prepared as previously de- When age distribution was studied among the patients,
scribed [9]. Seven fragments of the ␤-like globin gene with one or both ␣ genes deleted, no difference between
cluster were amplified by PCR using the primers de- age groups was found (Table III). There is a very high
scribed by Sutton and co-workers [10]. They were di- frequency of −␣3.7 thalassemia (0.27) in the 296 patients
gested with restriction endonuclease to identify the poly- studied.
morphic sites Xmnl 5⬘ to the G␥ gene, HindIII in the
IVSII of G␥ and A␥ gene, HincII 3⬘ and inside the ␾␤ DISCUSSION
gene, and HinfI, HpaI, respectively, at 5⬘ and 3⬘ of the ␤ The ␤s mutation may be associated with at least four
gene. Using these seven polymorphisms, the chromo- different major ␤s haplotypes, named according to the
somes were grouped in 5 haplotypes: CAR (−+−−−−+), geographic areas where it predominates: the Benin, the
Benin (−−−−+−−), Senegal (++−++++), Cameroon Senegal, the Central African Republic, and the Asian
(−++−+−+), and Atypical haplotypes (all other combina- types [12,13]. Historically it is known that some slave
tions). The −␣3.7 thalassemia cases were detected by vessels came straight from Africa to Venezuela. After-
GAP-PCR [11]. ward slaves were brought over as a result of licit com-
mercial transactions from the Antilles for agriculture and
RESULTS mining works. Runaway slaves from Curacao and Trini-
dad arrived in Venezuela surreptitiously remaining free
The haplotypes of ␤s chromosomes determined in 191 in the jungle, they were very aggressive and called
patients (272 chromosome) is shown in Table I. Distri- “Black Cimarrons.” Later they formed the population we
bution of the 177 chromosomes from the SCA patients find currently in the mountains. From an anthropologic
studied was as follows: Benin haplotypes (Ben) 50.8%, point of view it is certain that the African population
followed by Bantu (CAR) 32.2%, Senegal (Sen) 14.1%, arriving in Venezuela possibly constituted a heteroge-
Cameroon (Cam) 2.3%, and atypical haplotypes (Aty) neous group which proceeded apparently from well-
0.5%. In the 95 sickle cell trait patients the distribution of delimited African regions, Sudan and Bantu [14]. The
the ␤s gene was as follows: Ben 51.6%, followed by studies of the ␤s gene cluster are useful in the definition
CAR 25.3%, Sen 9.4%, Cam 3.2%, and Aty 10.5%. The of the origin of the population brought by the slave
frequency distribution of the haplotypes was compared trades. The incidence of ␤s haplotypes in our country
between SCA and HbAS, and no statistical difference (␹2 could be different according to the region studied as we
5.3, P ⳱ 0.1499) was noted among both groups. This know the frequency of HbS is variable and spread all
was done in order to avoid a variable due to early death over the country, been stronger in populations stemming
in a specific group. When age was considered, we found from around the sites where the African first resided.
␤-Globin Haplotypes in Sickle Cell Anemia 89
TABLE III. ␣ Thalassemia Frequency in Patients from Cuba, TABLE IV. Distribution of ␤ Haplotypes in

Guadeloupe, and Venezuela According to Age Group* American Countries*

Cuba Guadeloupe Venezuela ␤s

Age Frequency No. Frequency No. Frequency No. haplotypes Brazil Cuba Guadeloupe Jamaica EEUU Venezuelaa

0–20 0.14 74 0.18 169 0.30 64 Benin 25 51 74 72 62 51

21–50 0.19 144 0.2 110 0.23 32 CAR 73 41 11 17 17 32
>50 0.34 16 0.2 10 0.37 4 Senegal 1 8 6 10 10 14

Total 234 289 100 *Data from Zago [16], Muñiz [5], Kéclard [6], Antonarakis [14], and Nagel
*In the Guadeloupean and Venezuelan groups no statistically significant a
Report from present study.
difference was found. In the Cuban group there was a significant differ-
ence between the age groups.
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