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OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING, LABORATORY EXERCISE NO. 4 OBJECTIVE: Be able to apply concepts on properties, behavior and nested if. PROBLEM: Create an application that will identity the academic standing of a student. The application should request a user to enter his/her average and lowest grade. After which, your application should evaluate the input entered by the user and display a corresponding result using the given conditions below. Average Lowest Remarks ‘92 and above 85 and above Full Academic Scholar 90 - 91.99 85 and above Half Academic Scholar] ‘88 and above 80 and above Dean’s Lister none of the above Sorry, not qualified DIRECTIONS: Create a new project (Windows Application). Save the project as pe#_act4, example: pe12_act4. 1 Change the title of the form as Academic Standing. Set the FormBorderStyle property to FixedSingle to disallow users from resizing the window Design your form based on the given interface below. Note that the object that surrounds the two buttons below is a Panel control that is available in your Toolbox under the Containers category. lick Panel in the toolbox and drag it covering the 2 buttons. Right click the panel and select Sent to Back. Change the BorderStyle property to Fixed3D. Set the Name property of each textbox to txtAverageGrade, txtLowestGrade and txtResult respectively. Set also the Enabled property of txtResult to False to disallow users from typing any data in this textbox. MR. EDMUND D. EVANGELISTA, University of int Louis Page 1 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING, LABORATORY 5. Set the Name property of each button to btnEvaluate and btncancel respectively. 6. Double click the Evaluate button and insert the given codes below: double avg, lowest; String remarks; if((txtAverageGrade.Text JIL (txtLowest.Text t //Displays a message box with complete parameters MessageBox,Show("Please complete the information", “warning!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); avg = Double.Parse(txtAverageGrade.Text); lowest = Double.Parse(txtLowest.Text); if ((avg >= 92) && (lowest >= 85)) remark ull Academic Scholar"; else if ((avg >= 90) && (lowest >= 85)) remarks = "Half Academic Scholar"; else if (avg remarks else remarks = "Sorry, not qualified!"; txtResult.Text = remarks; + 7. Double click the Cancel button and insert the given codes below: txtAverageGrade.Clear(); txtLowest.Clear(); txtResult.Clear(); 8. Run your application SAMPLE DIALOGUE: Bocieninay ae Tinian aa Aveage ade ST Average ode: 94 Loweetgade: &T Loves gece: MR. EDMUND D. EVANGELISTA, University of Saint Louis Page 2 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING, LABORATORY EXERCISE NO. 5 OBJECTIVE: Be able to apply concepts on Properties, Behavior and Nested If. PROBLEM: Develop an application that will compute the tax of any individual payee and display the net Income as a result. The computation of the tax Is based on the following: Civil Status Code | Tax (with dependents) | Tax (w/out dependents) 1- Single 10% of Gross Income | 15% of Gross Income 2= Married 5% of Gross Income ‘9% of Gross Income 3 = Widow/Widower | 7% of Gross Income 11% of Gross Income 4= Separated 8% of Gross Income 12% of Gross Income Net income is computed as: Net income = Gross income - Total Deductions Total deductions = total of the following: + Tax (refer to the given table above) + Pagibig/Medicare = P320 + SSS = 5% of Gross income The input shell be the following: civil status code, dependents code (0 - without dependents / 1 - with dependents), and gross income, DIRECTIONS: 1. Create a new project (Windows Application). Save the project as pe#_actS, example: pe12_act5. 2. Design the given interface below. Be free but descriptive in assigning the name property of each of your controls. 3. Write your own code to fulfill the requirements and desired output of the problem, Tac Payment Form Dependerts Gross here sss INET INCOME: DEDUCTIONS: (Ceowoste |} (cour) (ba) MR. EDMUND D. EVANGELISTA, University of Page 1 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING, LABORATORY EXERCISES: SAMPLE DIALOGUE: See Cha Sttu: 7 Dependents: (0 PagibighMed: Gross Inccme: (15000 555: NET INCOME: DEDUCTIONS: (exes) con_J Sed Cha Staus (7 Dependents: (0 Goss Inceme: 15000 NET INCOME: [P1680 DEDUCTIONS P20 [compute] (_cew_] (et) MR. EDMUND D. EVANGELISTA, University of S Page 2

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