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Exercise. Introduction to Data Science


The goal of this assignment is to have a general overview of Data Science by reading some survey
papers and watching some introductory videos.

This homework must be submitted individually. First, pick one of the questions below by performing
the operation:
question= (last digit of you national ID number) mod 5 (where mod is the modulo or remainder
Then, use ChatGPT* to get information about your assigned question and carry out some critical
analysis about the responses given by ChatGPT.
*For information about ChatGPT please go to:
1. A document in a free format including the responses of ChatGPT and the results of your
analysis. The document needs to be submitted as a pdf file. Students are advised to
retain a copy of every assignment submitted for their own record.
File naming: The student must use the following file naming convention for the
assignment: “Intro2DS-hw-“ appending your user id. For example, “intro2DS-hw-
2. Contributions to the discussion forum about your interactions with ChatGPT.

1. A document with the critical analysis of the assigned question.
2. Contributions to the discussion forum.
Deadline (date/time):
9:00pm, Monday, february 13th, 2023


0. What initiatives do you consider that Colombia should adopt in the era of data science?

1. Which are the main driving forces of the data industry?

2. What are some of the advantages that a data scientist has in comparison to business
intelligence professionals?
3. In the context of data science, list three challenges that you consider are the hardest to achieve
in the next 50 years.
4. What is data-driven smart computing and decision making?

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