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You have no choice, sooner or later you’ll end up realizing that.

From the moment that you were

born, society has already decided and laid out a path for you to walk on. Every single thing has
been decided on, from your preferences to your thoughts. You’re not entitled to have your own
mind and body, as it belongs to all. You’re merely someone part of a population, you’re not
special, as long as you’re a member born to this society, nothing will ever be truly yours.

When you try different clothes at a shop, you’ll buy whatever fits the current fashion standards,
you’ll wear whatever your relatives will cheer, you’ll wear whatever your classmates compliment,
you’ll wear whatever suits the gaze of those of greater power. Empty speeches of
self-acceptance and dressing for your own gaze will be forgotten when you mindlessly pay for
whatever clothing item you’ve bought. After all, you’re a member of a society, you’re dressing for
everyone’s preference, and your own preference is what others prefer. One for all and all for
one, right? That is, if you discard the all for one aspect, after all, why would everything bend for
a single person? And even if it did, it wouldn’t be you, because you’re a member of a larger
society and you’re nothing more than a mere pebble on the side of the road.

You have no choice, sooner or later you’ll end up realizing that. You’re no longer a child, songs
of happiness and freedom have been merely an empty delusion to try and get you to this point.
Promises of love and possibilities are made to be taken back and broken, you weren’t born for
pleasure, you weren’t born to live a life for your own sake. You’re merely a device for the greater
good, everyone is, except well, some, but that doesn’t matter does it? Because you’re not a part
of that ‘some’ you’re merely a tool designed to be eye candy for others, aren’t you?

When you try to apply to the college of your dreams, your major will be whatever others approve
of, after all, you’re not living for yourself, it's a group decision, remember? You’re simply too
young to make your own choices, you may no longer be a child, but you’re not an adult yet. With
that, remember that all choices you make from this point onward will impact your future, the
future that has already been planned out for you. If your choices don’t satisfy the criteria of the
future that has been pre-planned then you’ll simply be discarded. You’re here to prove your
worth, not your individuality or potential.

You have no choice, sooner or later you’ll finally mature and realize that. You’re now an adult, a
fully mature functioning member of society. Your health and emotions are mere pleasantries
meant to be ignored. It's a privilege after all to even dream of getting any kind of treatment, it's
all in your head, and even the things in your head are a lousy product of your thoughts. It's a
shame that now people are delusional enough to assume that life will twist and bend to their
emotions and experiences, things happen all the time, all you need to do is simply accept it and
get over it.

When you try to ask for help, you will be dismissed. After all, why would anyone want to
associate with a defect like you? Someone who cannot get over simple pain, someone who
cannot get over the past, someone who cannot tolerate the present, someone that cannot see
the future, and someone whose own body is giving up on them? You’re someone, someone who
is a part of billions of others, you’re only meant to serve others and aid in the quest for
humanity’s future. If you cannot do your job properly then you might as well not live. It would do
no good to have a good for nothing, a leech to be more accurate.

You have no choice, and now that you finally realize that, I can look at you in disappointment as
everyone has a choice. You’re not good enough to have others expect anything, and you’re not
appealing enough to have others try to envision a future for you. You have all the choices that
one can possibly have but remember, you’re part of a society, don’t let such worthless
pleasantries get in the way of the greater good. You have no right to feel trapped or pressured,
the gaze and the thoughts of others are merely there to guide you, to only gently nudge you in
the right direction. Everything is out of love, and there is no greater hatred than love.

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