Cambridge Global English 2nd WB Answers (S.A.files?)

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c At school Martha is learning to play /
Workbook playing basketball.
d What do they enjoy to do / doing at the
Unit 1 weekend?

1.1 Why are all families special? e Max prefers to watch / watching rugby to
playing it!
1 cousin, brother, mum, dad, aunt, sister,
grandpa, uncle, grandma f Remember to take / taking your karate kit
to class today, Max!
s r p i g r a n d m a u y
i a q d r y t j d a d h e 2 a playing b sitting
s u w f a u r s d f g h a c swimming d having
t n e g n n e z b n a s e
e to paint f taking
e t r h d c w f g h j k r
r h t j p l q r t m u m t g doing h to know
m g y k a e d y a i d f y
i to hear
b r o t h e r n u n c l e
b d i c o u s i n r t y i 3 Learner’s own answers.
v s s c v f g h t k l p o
c g r a n d p a k j h g f
1.3 Adverbs of frequency
1 a The school cook usually serves vegetables
2 a aunt every day.
b cousin b The librarian always helps us in the library.
c grandpa c I am hardly ever late for football practice.
d uncle d The school nurse is often busy on
Sports Day.
e grandma
e The class teacher sometimes brings prizes
3 Learner’s own answers.
to class.
4 a …like making cakes.
f The caretaker never forgets to close the
b …telling stories too. school gate.
c …plays chess / goes fishing / plays the 2 a Our caretaker usually opens / opens usually
violin too. the school at 8 a.m.
d …play the violin. b Our PE teacher rides always / always rides
his bike to school.
e …reading / making cakes too.
c Our headmistress stands often / often
f Learner’s own answers. stands at the school gates in the morning.
5 Learner’s own answers. d We sometimes see / see sometimes our class
teacher in town at the weekend.
1.2 -ing vs infinitive
e My best friend is hardly ever / hardly ever
1 a Mum and Dad want to go / going on a
is absent from school.
cycling holiday.
f Our school is never / never is quiet because
b Evie hopes to start / starting football
it is near a busy road.
training next year.

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1 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

3 Learner’s own answers. Both (overlapping part of diagram): cook,

nurse, caretaker, gardener, librarian
4 Learner’s own answers.
Learner’s own answers for two more community
1.4 Organise a community event helpers.

1 a BIG BEACH CLEAN-UP! 1.6 Check your progress

b There is rubbish on Big Beach and it 1b 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 c 7 b 8 c
needs to be collected and cleaned up. 9 b 10 a 11 b
c Sat 11 May, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
1.7 Reflection
d At Ali’s Café, Pier 1, Big Beach, Santa
1 Learner’s own answers.
2 Learner’s own answers.
e You can contact Kate on 0765 233 455 or
email her at 3 Learner’s own answers.
2 • Come and join us! 4 Learner’s own answers.
• Work together to clean up our beach! 5 Learner’s own answers.
• Call Kate on 0765 233 455 or email Unit 2
• Meet us at Ali’s Café … 2.1 Planet Earth
• Find out more about Santa Cruz Beach 1 a volcano b river
Buddies at
c desert d mountains
3 a Help us clean up the forest.
e rainforest f The Arctic
Have fun and raise money at the same
2 a warm b high
c hot d freezing
c Don’t miss all the fun at Nova Park!
e long f beautiful
d Be the first to fill a bin bag!
g icy h dry
4 a What?
i huge j wide
b Why?
k humid l cool
c When?
m wet
d For more information …
3 a warm b huge
5 Learner’s own answers.
c freezing d humid
1.5 The Treasure
e dry f cool
1 a A fun game where you look for things
that are interesting or special. g icy

2 cf dahiejbg 4 1 huge 2 landscapes

3 1e 2c 3d 4a 5b 3 high 4 icy

4 Suggested answers: 5 long 6 rainforests

At school: teacher 7 warm 8 cool
Outside school: vet, police officer, shop 5 Learner’s own answers.

2 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

2.2 Comparative adjectives 2.4 Finding out about space

1 a older b noisier technology
1 Across:
c hotter d more dangerous
1 satellite 3 telescope
e icier f more humid
g better h shorter
1 shuttle 2 rover
2 a higher b colder
2 a3 b1 c4 d2
c more difficult d more dangerous
3 It’s a space telescope that scientists put into
e easier f most beautiful
Earth’s orbit in 1990. It orbits the Earth to get
3 Model answers: information about planets and other objects
in space.
The tropical rainforest is more humid
than the mountains. It takes pictures to send back to Earth. It can
get better pictures of planets and stars than
The Arctic is icier than the tropical rainforest. telescopes on Earth.
Volcanoes are more dangerous than It is about 12 metres long – about the same as
mountains. two big African elephants!
e Lakes are usually wider than rivers. Hubble can see groups of stars that are
The Amazon is longer than the Great trillions of kilometres away – that’s millions
Barrier Reef. x millions!

4 Learner’s own answers.

2.3 Superlative adjectives

1 a iciest b nearest
c most beautiful d smallest
e biggest f largest
g best
2 a the highest b the longest
c the most beautiful d 
the hottest
and driest
3 1 largest 2 longest
3 biggest 4 smallest
5 fastest 6 most colourful
4 Learner’s own answers.

3 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

4 Model answers:
Fact file: The International Space Station
1 What is it? It is a large satellite (that you can sometimes see from Earth). Scientists
from Russia, the USA, Japan, Europe and Canada work there. They do
science experiments and test spacecraft to travel to the moon and Mars.
2 What does it The International Space Station orbits the Earth.
3 How big is it? It’s the size of a football pitch.
4 Amazing fact! It takes just over 90 minutes to orbit the Earth – like travelling across the
United States in about 10 minutes!

2.5 Not a planet anymore

1 a Mercury b Venus c Earth d Mars e Jupiter
f Saturn g Uranus h Neptune
2 Pluto is very small and far away from the other planets. / Scientists now think that Pluto
isn’t a planet.
3 a T
F: Pluto is very far away from the other planets.
c T
F: Some people/scientists say that Pluto isn’t a planet.
F: The other planets are big and beautiful (but Pluto is small and cold).
f F: Pluto is blue and cold.
g T
h T
F: Pluto wants to shout loudly, so people will notice/pay attention to it.
4 1 left out  2 gems  3 speck  4 doubts  5 longs

5 out play them cold me rings call

5 shout away gems bold seas things small

6 Learner’s own answers.

2.6 Check your progress

1 Across:
2 Pluto is often known as a dwarf planet.
The Sahara desert is hotter than the Namib desert.
6 The nearest planet to the sun is Mercury.
8 The Earth orbits the Sun.
Lightning happens when cold and hot air make electricity.

4 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

Down: 3.2 Infinitives of purpose

The Mars rovers help scientists find 1 1h 2g 3e 4c 5a 6b 7d 8f
information from the surface of the
planet. 2 1 play 2 to

We can feel left out if we are not included 3 relax 4 grow
in a group. 5 to 6 water
Saturn has at least sixty-two moons that 7 learn
we know of.
3 a Ravi closed the window to keep his
Cool means not very warm but not bedroom warm.
very cold.
b Lina always unplugs her charger to save
On Saturdays I get up later than on energy.
c There are solar panels on the roof to
2 Learner’s own answers. provide energy for heating.

2.7 Reflection d The builders used mud and stone to build

a wall.
1 Learner’s own answers.
e Ethan’s house has big windows to let in
2 Learner’s own answers. natural light.
3 Learner’s own answers.
3.3 Modal verbs of possibility
4 Learner’s own answers.
1 a must b can’t
5 Learner’s own answers.
c could d might not
Unit 3 e must f might
2 a must b might/could
3.1 How can we describe where we live?
1 a bedroom b roof c can’t d could/might

c kitchen d window e must

e living room f dining room 3 Example answers:

g bathroom a They must be in a tree house because

I can see a tree.
2 a detached house b a bungalow
b It might be warm because the children are
c a stilt house d a houseboat wearing shorts.
e an apartment f a yurt c It could be in someone’s garden. / It might
be in the park.
3 Missing word: eco-house.
d They could be school friends. / They must
3 Model answer for definition: A house that is
be school friends because they all look the
good for the environment.
same age.
4 a enormous b spacious
e The could play board games.
c comfortable d tiny
3.4 Famous places
e modern f colourful
1 a Location
g relaxing h mysterious
b Historical facts
5 Learner’s own answers.
c Travel information

5 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

2 Example answer: Unit 4

• Fact: It’s well worth the visit.
• Opinion: It’s a very popular place with 4.1 Do we all eat the same breakfast?
1 tourists, so arrive early because it’s usually o m u s h r o o m i
r n a u x n j e d t
3 a desert a v i q p a p a y a
n k a o j c e s b o
b tombs
g p w f n r x e g d
c treasures e g g p b t s r b h
d travel j d z o n e k h a z
u c r b e y b l n v
4 1 ancient i w s h d l m q a r
2 spectacular c v c h i c k e n f
e t o m a t o m a g
3 enormous
4 beautiful Answers: orange juice / mushroom / onion /
papaya / banana / egg / chicken / bread /
5 crowded tomato / cheese
5 Learner’s own answers. 2 Learner’s own answers.
3 1 cheese 2 eggs
3.5 The Hobbit
3 a tomato 4 an onion
1 a hole b comfortable
5 mushrooms 6 orange juice
c round d liked
7 banana
e garden f rich
4 Learner’s own answers.
g good h adventure
5 1b 2d 3 a/e 4 a/e 5c
2 a tunnel b respectable
6 Learner’s own answers.
c fond of d meadows
e hole f comfort 4.2 Some and any
3 1 height 2 fat 1 a some b any c some

3 shoes 4 brown d any e some f any

5 fingers g any

4 1c 2e 3d 4a 5b 2 1 some 2 any 3 any

5 Learner’s own answers. 4 some 5 some 6 any

7 some 8 some
3.6 Check your progress
3 Learner’s own answers.
1 1b 2a 3c 4a 5c 6b 7a 8b 9c 10b 11a 12b
4.3 Quantifiers
3.7 Reflection
1 a many b a few c much
1 Learner’s own answers.
d plenty of e few f a little
2 Learner’s own answers.
2 Countable nouns: onion, egg, mushroom,
3 Learner’s own answers.
sweet, noodle
4 Learner’s own answers.
Uncountable nouns: milk, orange juice,
5 Learner’s own answers. cheese, fish, ice cream, chicken, water

6 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

3 a a lot of b many c plenty of 4 a amazing, astonishing

d a little e much f a few b enormous
4 Learner’s own answers. c graceful

4.4 A fruit poem d tremendous

1 a salty b crunchy c bitter 4.6 Check your progress

d spiky e chewy f sticky 1 Across:
2 a 3 / bitter / Learner’s own answers. 5 seeds 6 bitter
b 6 / sticky / Learner’s own answers. 7 Chocolate 8 shake
c 1 / salty / Learner’s own answers. Down:
d 2 / crunchy / Learner’s own answers. 1 soft 2 Before
e 4 / spiky / Learner’s own answers. 3 little 4 grow
f 5 / chewy / Learner’s own answers. 9 any
3 Verse 1: c A slice just for me; see / me 2 Learner’s own answers.
Verse 2: a Juicy and sweet; sweet / eat 4.7 Reflection
Verse 3: b And good for me too!; through / too 1 Learner’s own answers.
4 Model / suggested answers: 2 Learner’s own answers.

Sight Touch Smell Taste Hear 3 Learner’s own answers.

bright crispy sweet juicy crispy 4 Learner’s own answers.

red cool fresh fresh 5 Learner’s own answers.
delicious delicious
sweet Unit 5
5.1 Creating an adventure story
5 Learner’s own answers. 1 A sea adventure.

4.5 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2 Learner’s own answers.

1 1b 2b 3b 4a 5b 6a 7b 8a 3 a setting
2 b title
Making the How the chocolate
chocolate looks and feels c characters
pound frothy d dilemma
churn hot
4 title, setting, characters, dilemma
mix melted
beat light 5 a poor

3 a Turns the chocolate round and round. b run away

b Tastes the chocolate. c an argument

c Mixes the chocolate again and again. d a pirate

d Cooks the chocolate. 6 Learner’s own answers.

e Puts bubbles into the chocolate.

7 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

5.2 Instructions b She was nervous and didn’t know what

to do.
1 1f 2a 3d 4c 5e 6b
c It creates excitement.
2 1 
Don’t eat in the library – finish your snacks
outside. 4 a ‘Hello! Is anyone there?’
Take care of the books. Lots of other b ‘Let me out! Help!’ a voice shouted back.
people want to read them.
c ‘Who are you?’ Selma shouted back.
3 Don’t use your mobile phone – turn it off!
d ‘What are you doing here?’
Talk quietly in the library – don’t shout or
5 Learner’s own answers.
talk loudly.
Bring your books back on time – there is 5.5 The Seekers
a fine for late returns!
1 Regular Irregular
Enjoy the library – there are lots of
captured, passed, could, chose, gave,
interesting and fun things to learn in here!
started, jumped, had, came, ran, saw,
3 Learner’s own answers. lifted fell, leapt, heard

5.3 Past simple 2 a chose – 6 b captured – 1

1 a made b didn’t do c started – 8 d chose – 3
c was d choose e could – 2 f passed – 5
e gave g came – 4 h gave – 7
2 1 was 2 had 3 1 heard 2 saw
3 climbed 4 tried 3 leapt 4 fell
5 wasn’t 6 built 5 jumped 6 ran
7 baked 8 ate 7 jumped 8 lifted
9 didn’t sleep 10 did 4 a loyal b honest
11 do c athletic d intelligent
3 Learner’s own answers. e powerful f brave
5 Learner’s own answers.
5.4 Adventure stories
1 Setting (time): last year 5.6 Check your progress
Setting (place): deep in the jungle 1 a Draw a simple stick person.

Character: a scientist b Colour the logo green.

Dilemma: found a strange car c Don’t press too hard or your pencil will
2 a push b stare
d Use the guidelines to draw your
c sniff d land superhero’s body.
e swing f screech e Rub out the guidelines – you don’t need
them anymore.
g buzz
2 a athletic b brave
3 a The car was hiding in the branches and
leaves of a large tree. Its windows were c powerful d loyal
dirty and it didn’t have any tyres
e honest f intelligent

8 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

3 1d 2a 3b 4c 7 Learner’s own answers.

4 Learner’s own answers. 6.2 Present simple
5.7 Reflection 1 a stays b wear
1 Learner’s own answers. c misses d tries
2 Learner’s own answers. e is f lives
3 Learner’s own answers. 2 a In the summer, it stays light until late in
4 Learner’s own answers. the evening.
f He lives on a busy road near the centre
5 Learner’s own answers.
of town.
Unit 6 3 1 knows 2 keeps
3 doesn’t ride 4 wears
6.1 Getting around
1 By land: car, bike, motorbike, train, 5 rides 6 doesn’t listen
tuk-tuk, tram 7 looks 8 crosses
By air: helicopter, plane
By water: boat, ferry 9 Learner’s own answer.
Plus learner’s own answers.
4 a Is your school classroom big or small?
2 a Learner’s own answers.
b What do you play in the school
b Learner’s own answers. playground?
c Learner’s own answers. c How do you get to school?
3 Across: d Do you go swimming at the weekend?
2 canyon e Does your family ever travel by plane or boat?
4 zipwire Plus learner’s own answers to each question.
5 cable
6.3 Prepositions of direction
1 Swimming pool = B
1 harness
2 Start at the box on the bottom left of the map.
3 hike From here, go straight on towards the traffic
lights and turn right. Walk towards the cinema
4 Learner’s own answers.
(on the right side of the road). Then turn left
5 I don’t really like travelling by car. I get and walk up that street. After that, turn right
bored when I’m in the car for a long time and at the first corner. Walk up that street until
sometimes I get travel sick too. On motorways, you come to a tall tree on the right. Here,
I get nervous when other people drive their walk across the road and the entrance to the
cars too fast. When Mum takes me to school, swimming pool is on the left.
I get worried when we get stuck in traffic jams
3 1 left 2 From
because it makes me late.
Comments that are true for learners: Learner’s 3 towards 4 left
own answers.
5 up 6 left
6 a Learner’s own answers.
7 opposite.
b Learner’s own answers.
4 1 on 2 towards
c Learner’s own answers.
3 right 4 left
d Learner’s own answers.
e Learner’s own answers. 5 up 6 across

9 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

5 Learner’s own answers. 4 1 was setting

6.4 Travel experiences 2 woke up

1 a Learner’s own answers. 3 was standing

b Learner’s own answers. 4 was following

c Learner’s own answers. 5 saw

d Learner’s own answers. 6 ran

e Learner’s own answers. 5 Learner’s own answers.

2 a amazing b freezing 6.6 Check your progress

c delicious d tiny 1 1b 2a 3c 4b 5a 6c 7b 8a 9c 10b
e enormous f sparkled 6.7 Reflection
g beautiful 1 Learner’s own answers.
3 There was a loud noise that sounded like 2 Learner’s own answers.
a whistle…
3 Learner’s own answers.
4 Learner’s own answers.
4 Learner’s own answers.
5 Learner’s own answers.
5 Learner’s own answers.
6.5 Lost in the desert
1 a False. She lived in a tent. Unit 7
b True. 7.1 Weather around the world
c True. 1 a humid – 2
d False. Her mother had told her not to b rainy – 4
leave the path. c hot/dry – 6
e True. d sunny/mild – 3
f False. Her friends didn’t go with her. e thunder/lightning – 1
g False. She didn’t catch the rabbit. f snowy/frosty – 5
h False. She started to cry because she 2 a a cyclone
was lost. b a blizzard
i False. It slithered away across the sand. c a drought
j False. She was very frightened. d a flood
2 1a 2c 3d 4b 5e 3 a blustery winds

3 a …the girls were walking along the path. b crashing waves

b …Rabin was telling a funny story. c turbulent sea

d thundery sky
c …Yasmine and Karim were laughing at
the story. e strong winds
d …Yasmine was eating some fruit. Weather they have seen in their country:
Learner’s own answers.
e …the girls weren’t sitting down.

10 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

4 1 sunny d 
Canberra became the capital city of
Australia in 1927.
2 dry
3 humid 6 Learner’s own answers.

4 stormy 7.3 Present perfect

5 lightning 1 a have read
6 tornado b has lived
7 violent c haven’t / have not been
8 thundery
d hasn’t / has not visited
Learners match the text to photo e.
e have / seen
5 Learner’s own answers.
 nswers to completed questions: Learner’s
7.2 Australia own answers.

1 1 coral reefs 2 1 have been / ’ve been

2 rock formation 2 have had / ’ve had

3 mountain range 3 have not / haven’t spoken

4 rainforests 4 Has / forgotten

5 deserts 5 have been / ’ve been

6 coastline 6 has not written / hasn’t written

2 height – high, width – wide, length – long, 7 have seen / ’ve seen
depth – deep 8 have drawn / ’ve drawn
3 Model answers: 3 a Learner’s own answers.
a Some of the largest reefs in the world b Learner’s own answers.
took 30 million years to form.
b The world’s longest mountain range is 7.4 Present continuous with future
about 65,000 km long. meaning
c About 50% of the world’s plants and 1 a is camping
animals live in rainforests. b isn’t going
d Some deserts only get 2 mm of rain a year c aren’t staying
in some parts.
d is cooking
4 1b 2d 3a 4c
e is / doing
5 Model answers:
2 a ’s happening
a In 50,000 bce, the first people lived in
Australia. (They were ancestors of the b aren’t having / are not having
Aboriginal people.)
c are inviting / ’re inviting
b In the 17th century, Spanish, Dutch,
d Are…doing
Portuguese and British explorers saw
Australia from their ships for the e am talking / ’m talking
first time.
f is helping / ’s helping
c The Commonwealth of Australia was
g is not speaking / isn’t speaking
formed in 1901. / In 1901, there was a
competition to design the Australian flag. 3 Learner’s own answers.

11 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

7.5 Why the Emu Can’t Fly Down

1 a hurt b flying / fly 1 pollution 2 global
c walking d wife 4 ice cap 5 rubbish
e take off f flies 2 Learner’s own answers.
g wins 3 Learner’s own answers.
2 a 4 b 6 c 1 d 5 4 1 ice 2 bear 3 warming
e 2 f 7 g 3 4 melt 5 food 6 sea  7 floods
3 a sprint b stride Environmental problem: melting ice caps
c race d rush at 5 Learner’s own answers.
e land f flap 8.2 Defining relative clauses
4 Learner’s own answers. 1 a which b that c where
7.6 Check your progress d who e which f who
1 Across: 2 a Rubbish that / which can be used again.
2 sprint
b A person who does research into global
4 height
warming. (scientist)
6 race c A place that / which is damaged by
7 coral pollution. (sea)

8 cyclone d A word that / which describes the weather.

9 crashing
e It’s a car that / which doesn’t use petrol.
Down: (electric)
1 blustery f It’s something that / which can be recycled.
3 rainforest
g It’s power that / which comes from the
5 blizzard sun. (solar)
2 Learner’s own answers. 3 Learner’s own answers.
7.7 Reflection 8.3 will for promises
1 Learner’s own answers.
1 a ’ll recycle b won’t waste
2 Learner’s own answers.
c ’ll unplug / will unplug
3 Learner’s own answers.
d won’t leave
4 Learner’s own answers. e won’t use
5 Learner’s own answers. f ’ll ride / will ride
Unit 8 g ’ll plant / will plant
h ’ll eat / will eat
8.1 Nature alert!
2 a I’ll tidy b We’ll pick up
1 Across
c We’ll clean d I’ll clean
3 eco-friendly 6 plastic
e Omar will clean f I’ll help you
7 environment

12 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

g I’ll sort h I’ll collect d F – Pinky didn’t want Chotu to press

the buttons (she told him not to press
i We won’t make
the buttons).
3 Learner’s own answers.
e T
8.4 A personal recount f T
1 Correct order of paragraphs: B, D, A, C g T
2 a To help Hanna with her school work h F – They went in though a blue door.
about volcanoes.
2 1f 2e 3d 4b 5c 6a
b They did a worksheet/quiz about fossils,
they visited the planetarium and they 3 a 
They didn’t want to watch TV anymore
watched a film about volcanoes. (They and they had finished their homework.
also had a picnic in the museum garden.)
Because it was old and no one had used it
c They left their house at 9 o’clock to travel for a long time.
to the museum.
c It had strange buttons.

The journey to the museum took
After they had pressed the buttons on the
two hours.
remote control.

It took one hour for Hanna and her mum
to find the answers to the fossils quiz. e They found themselves in a new place.

d Regular past simple forms: (four from) f The castle.

watched, visited, exploded, arrived, started,
4 1 massive 2 deserted
Irregular past simple forms: (four from) 3 thorny 4 greenery
was, could, ran, found (out), had, sat, 5 rubbish 6 ashamed
could, took, left, felt, gave
7 environment 8 promises
3 Facts: Sentences 1, 2 and 5
5 Learner’s own answers.
Opinions: Sentences 3, 4, 6 and 7
4 Four adjectives from: 8.6 Check your progress
• Sentence 6: awesome – Hanna thought 1 c
that the museum looked awesome.
2 c
(really good); better – Hanna felt better
when she saw the attractive/interesting 3 b
museum building.
4 c
• Sentence 7: fun – Hanna thought that the
fossils quiz was fun. 5 b
• Sentence 3: real – the images in the 6 a
volcano film felt very real to Hanna.
7 c
• Sentence 4: scariest and most exciting –
Hanna’s feelings about the volcano film. 8 b
5 Learner’s own answers. 9 a

8.5 The Future of the Present 10 b

1 a F – They were bored. 8.7 Reflection
b T 1 Learner’s own answers.
c F – It was old and rusty (and dusty). 2 Learner’s own answers.
3 Learner’s own answers.

13 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

4 Learner’s own answers. 4 1 do 2 try 3 go

5 Learner’s own answers. 4 learn 5 make 6 starts
7 have
Unit 9
5 Learner’s own answers.
9.1 Do you like a challenge?
1 a bake a cake 9.3 going to
b design a t-shirt 1 a I’m going to help mum paint my bedroom.

c go on a zipwire b Are you going to try a new sport?

d make new friends c She isn’t going to do any homework.

e make a den d He’s / is going to earn some extra

pocket money.
f go rock climbing
e They’re / are going to make a birthday cake.
2 Learner’s own answers.
f We’re / are going to stay at our cousin’s
3 a rock climbing house.
b bake a cake g My little brother is going to learn how
4 a more often (action: rock climbing); more to swim.
quickly (climbed); faster (climbed); more 2 1 goes
slowly (climbed)
2 go
b better (tasted); more beautifully
(decorated); more quickly (ate) 3 are going

5 Learner’s own answers. 4 ’re not going to

5 ’re going to
9.2 would like
6 There’s
1 a What would you like to do in the
holidays? 7 is going to try
b Would you like to go swimming? 8 ’m going to
c Would you like to go for a pizza? 9 are you going to
d Would your friends like to come too? 3 Learner’s own answers.
e Would you like to join us at the art camp?
9.4 End-of-year celebration
f Which sports camp would you like to try? 1 a 4 b 3 c 1
2 Learner’s own answers. d 5 and 6 e 8 f 7
3 1 Would you like to go on a summer camp g 2
in the holidays, Oskar?
Activity: do a tree walk
2 What kind of camp would you like to do?
2 would or ’d
3 Where would you like to go?
Suggestion: How about going swimming too?
4 Would you like to do a sports camp?
Other phrases for suggestions: Let’s… Why
5 I’d / I would like to try something don’t we…? What about…?
3 Learner’s own answers.
6 Would you like to try this one?

14 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

9.5 Back to school! c She’s / She is going to do an art camp /

class / paint a picture.
1 a F – They don’t want to go back to school.
d They’re / They are going to play football.
b T
e He’s / He is going to have pizza with
c F – He doesn’t want to start his new class. his friends.
d F – She liked her old class. 3 a Who are you going to see this weekend?
e T b What are you going to do at school
f F – He is surprised (because she is older next week?
than them). c Is your family going to visit any new
g F – Sara says that sometime adults feel places next holiday?
nervous about going back to work too. d Are you going to try anything new
h F – Sara says that there are some good this year?
things about going back to school. 4 Learner’s own answers.
i T
9.7 Reflection
j F – Tom is looking forward to the start of
the football season. 1 Learner’s own answers.

2 Model answer: 2 Learner’s own answers.

Ben, Daisy and Tom are talking about school. 3 Learner’s own answers.
They all feel nervous because they don’t want 4 Learner’s own answers.
to go back to school. Ben and Daisy feel sick.
Tom doesn’t want to start a new class with the 5 Learner’s own answers.
new teacher. Sara gives them some advice to
help them feel better. She says that everyone
feels nervous the night before school starts. She
tells them to think of all the good things about
going back to school. In the end, Ben, Daisy
and Tom think of good things about going back
to school and feel better.
3 1 Me neither. 2 Me too.
3 Me neither. 4 Me too.
5 Me too. 6 Me too.
4 Suggested answers: That’s crazy! (line 2); He
screamed and jumped on the table! (line 10).
5 are / care
6 Learner’s own answers.

9.6 Check your progress

1 1b 2e 3d 4a 5f 6d
2 Suggested answers:
a He’s going to do judo.
b We’re / We are going camping / to stay in a
tent / to camp in the countryside.

15 Cambridge Global English – Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell © Cambridge University Press 2021

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