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PHY 121 2011

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860 PHY 121 2011

Part 1 of 2 Question 1 of 31 Steel is a _________ body

6.6/ 14.6 Points 0.0/ 0.5 Points

A. Elastic B. Plastic C. Both a and b D. None of these

Answer Key: A Question 2 of 31 Restoring force per unit area is called 0.5/ 0.5 Points

A. strain B. elasticity C. stress D. plasticity

Answer Key: C Question 3 of 31 Betta is the ________ Per _________ 0.5/ 0.5 Points

A. longitudinal strain per lateral stress B. ateral stress per lateral strain C. longitudinal strain per lateral strain D. None of these

Answer Key: D Question 4 of 31 Viscosity also called 0.0/ 0.5 Points

A. External force B. internal friction C. upward force D. external friction

Answer Key: B Question 5 of 31 Ostwalds viscometer is used to compare the co-efficient of viscosity of _____ 0.5/ 0.5 Points

A. two same liquids. B. one liquid C. two different liquids D. more liquids

Answer Key: C Question 6 of 31 Mutual attraction between the molecules of different substance is called 0.0/ 0.5 Points

A. cohesive force B. Adhesive force C. external force D. external friction

Answer Key: B Question 7 of 31 Rain drops are _______ in shape 0.0/ 0.5 Points

A. spherical B. sphere C. circle D. triangle

Answer Key: A Question 8 of 31 Surface tension is numerical _______ to surface energy 0.5/ 0.5 Points

A. above B. below C. equal D. none of these

Answer Key: C Question 9 of 31 Everybody in the universe attracts every other body with a _______ 0.5/ 0.5 Points

A. force B. velocity C. mass D. density

Answer Key: A Question 10 of 31 The universal constant of gravitation (G) in MKS unit A. 6.670x10-11Newton -cm2/kg2 B. 6.670x10-11Newton -cm2/g2 C. 6.670x10-11Newton -m2/g2 D. 6.670x10-11Newton -m2/kg2 0.5/ 0.5 Points

Answer Key: D Question 11 of 31 Heat cannot be transferred one place to other place due to conduction 0.0/ 0.5 Points

A. True B. False C. no reaction D. none

Answer Key: B Question 12 of 31 0.5/ 0.5 Points

________ defined as the amount of heat flowing in one second across the opposite faces of a cube of

side one cum maintained at a difference of temperature of 1oC

A. thermal conductivity B. thermal diffusivity C. thermometric D. thermal evaporation

Answer Key: A Question 13 of 31 0.5/ 0.5 Points

In rectilinear flow of heat along a bar, the heat used per second to raise the temperature of the rod is equal to

A. Mass x specific heat x temp B. Mass x specific heat x time C. Mass x specific heat x temperature gradient D. Mass x specific heat x time gradient

Answer Key: C Question 14 of 31 Forbes method is used to determine the absolute conductivity of _______ 0.5/ 0.5 Points

A. different metals B. same metals C. different and same metal D. None

Answer Key: A Question 15 of 31 0.0/ 0.5 Points

In porous plug experiment, the gas is allowed to pass through ________ side to _______side

A. low pressure to high pressure B. high pressure to low pressure C. East to west D. North to south

Answer Key: B Question 16 of 31 In a good auditorium it is necessary to keep the _______ negligible small 0.0/ 0.5 Points

A. reverberation B. reflection C. direct wave D. reverberation time

Answer Key: D Question 17 of 31 When the intensity of sound falls below the maximum audibility level, the listener 0.0/ 0.5 Points

A. here B. not here C. both a & b D. none of these

Answer Key: B Question 18 of 31 0.0/ 0.5 Points

The sound waves of frequency lower than the audible limit are called

A. ultrasonic B. microwave C. infrasonic D. none

Answer Key: C Question 19 of 31 0.0/ 0.5 Points

The frequency of the ultrasonic waves produced by magnetrostriction oscillator method is depend on its

A. length, density and volume B. length, density and plasticity C. length, density and mass D. length, density and elasticity

Answer Key: D Question 20 of 31 Fathometer is used to find the 0.5/ 0.5 Points

A. depth of sea B. depth of crystal C. depth of land D. depth of rock

Answer Key: A

Question 21 of 31 _________ is the enemy of lower life animals

0.0/ 0.5 Points

A. Infrasonic B. audible sound C. microwave D. ultrasonic

Answer Key: D Question 22 of 31 Bending of beam around the edges of the obstacles called __________ 0.5/ 0.5 Points

A. reflection B. refraction C. diffraction D. deviation

Answer Key: C Question 23 of 31 0.0/ 0.5 Points

To express the resolving power of an optical instrument as a numerical value Lord Rayleigh proposed an _________ criterion

A. elliptically B. orbitery C. cricital D. none

Answer Key: B Question 24 of 31 The phenomemon of ______ which tells us that light wave is transverse in nature 0.5/ 0.5 Points

A. diffraction B. deflection C. polarization D. reflection

Answer Key: C Question 25 of 31 __________ is the light wave communication 0.0/ 0.5 Points

A. optical fiber communication B. telephone communication C. radio communication D. SONAR

Answer Key: A Question 26 of 31 ptical fiber cable having _________ parts 0.0/ 0.5 Points

A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3

Answer Key: D Question 27 of 31 He-Ne laser is a _____ laser 0.5/ 0.5 Points

A. solid B. gas C. liquid D. none

Answer Key: B Question 28 of 31 Rubber is a __________ conductor 0.0/ 0.5 Points

A. good B. bad C. intrinsic semiconductor D. extrimic semiconductor

Answer Key: B Question 29 of 31 Using stokes law we can determine the _____ liquid 0.0/ 0.5 Points

A. low viscous b. c. d. B. high viscous C. both a and b D. None

Answer Key: B Question 30 of 31 The good auditorium must need the very ________ reverberation time 0.1/ 0.1 Points

A. low B. same C. high D. none

Answer Key: A Part 2 of 2 Question 31 of 31 0.0/ 1.0 Points 0.0/ 1.0 Points

Answer any Five questions 1. Define Hooks law 2. Define Viscosity 3. Gravitation 4. Define Radiation 5. Fresnels Assumption 6. Ultrasonic


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