One Thing About Life

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I never thought I would live to see the day when I would have to bury my own

I am sitting here, wondering what could have happened to him.

Was he in pain?
Did he suffer?
How does someone die, just like that, without getting sick?
Oh, yeah... it happens when you sleep with THANDI!

Zithelo was an amazing person, who loved his whole family; he just loved
people. I was always angry at him after he married Thandi, because I knew
that she was going to be the end of him, and now, he is dead. How do I even
look at life the same way without my brother?

I hate Thandi!
I hate her with all my heart!
I hate her with everything in me, and I hate all these people that keep coming
here to offer me their stupid condolences! Will their condolences bring back
my brother!?

I am sitting on the mattress, mourning the death of my husband.

Zithelo was a good man; nobody will believe me if I were to say that he was
perfect. In my 6 years of being married to him, he never cheated on me, not
even once; he always defended me against everyone who rose against me.
There simply was no fault in him. I loved him, and I still do.

I can’t believe he is dead.

My heart is sore.
I am hurt; I am in physical pain. He was my other half. My BETTER half.

“Thandi, you need to eat something,” my sister says, as she tries to get me to
eat and comfort me simultaneously.
She is my pillar of strength, always has been, and I am sure someone called
her here to make me eat, but not today, no. This is the worst day of my life,
and I can't just sit here and think about food. Besides, I don't even have this
thing called an 'appetite' right now.

I am just quiet, staring into space. It’s the day of his funeral, and my sister has
already helped me take a bath very early in the morning, and dressed me up,
then made me sit here, and everyone is outside, preparing to leave for the
I am so numb, I couldn't even get myself ready to bury my husband.
The community, friends and family that have come to help me bury my
husband are singing these sad songs... if only they knew how these songs
make everything feel so real - so final - they would stop.

I am just numb as I'm seated on this mattress. I don't understand how we got
here, because, one minute, we were happy and all; then the next, he was
gone. Dead.

“You have finally killed him, Thandi!” Mondli says in a breathy voice; he is
fuming and hurt.
He has been anticipating this for years, and he has always said that I would,
one day, kill his brother.
And now, here we are.
But today, it's different, because as soon as he says those words that I've
gotten used to, words I thought no longer have the power to hurt me, the
floodgates just open, and my tears come like a flood, and I wail; I wail so
loud, everyone stops singing and shift their attention to Mondli and I.
“Mondli, I will not allow you to insult my sister like that,” Thembi, my sister,
comes to my defense .
“Give me the name of any ex-boyfriend of hers that is still alive. I will wait,”
Mondli shoots back at her, and everyone just keeps quiet. Maybe they are
also waiting for my sister to answer his question.
There are my neighbors, family and church members, business partners here,
and none of these people know anything about my private life; they respect
and envy me, but I doubt that will be case after this whole circus of a

“It’s all my fault,” I say with tears streaming down my face, mixing with snot
on my upper lip.
I am so hurt, so much so that I can’t scream while crying anymore; it hurts
deep, deep inside, my heart is really broken.
Zithelo, where are you? Come and defend me.
“Thandi, stop it. This is not your fault,” Thembi says as she consoles me.
“But, it is.” I cry, and people start murmuring amongst themselves.
Mondli paces up and down in the house, evidently furious, then comes to a
halt, and looks at me in the eyes, and says,
“Don’t you dare think about coming to the graveyard with us. And when we
come back from there, I want you gone!” and walks out of the house.

Our neighbors are looking at me with pity, but I don’t want their pity; I just
want to know why every man that I sleep with dies.
Am I really evil?
Am I cursed?

This is all my fault.

People start leaving, one after the other, until the house is empty; well, except
for me, my sister and the catering team that's busy in the kitchen.
“Let’s go,” I say to my sister, but she looks angry.
“You heard Mondli, Thandi. Just - -,"
“Thembi, are you suggesting that I sit here, and not go see my husband off to
his final resting place? And not see my husband for the last time?”
“I am sorry, Thandi, but - -"
“Okay,” I say and wipe my tears.
“Can I have some water?” I ask her, and she walks to the kitchen, and as soon
as she's out of sight, I take the car keys and run to my car.
I drive straight to the graveyard.

There is no way that they will bury my husband in my absence.

I look at my brother laying in the coffin, and my heart breaks in two.

This man here never wronged anyone in his entire life; he was just an
amazing person, and he didn’t deserve to die, just like that.

“Sorry, Nxumalo.”
“So sorry, Bhudi.”
“May you find comfort in the Lord.”
“May his soul rest in peace.”
People say to me as they view the body.

I am just standing next to his coffin, looking at him intently. He looks like he
is just sleeping and will wake up any moment from now.
“Mondli, look over there,” Lloyd whispers to me and I remove my sunglasses
to see Thandi driving to the graveyard.
I am pissed!
“Make sure she doesn’t get any close to this casket; I don’t want her here. In
fact, drive her back home, pack her shit and make sure that she leaves!” I say
to him.

My father just looks out of it. He is hurt, so I understand.

I give my brother the proper burial that he deserves, and we drive back

Thandi is notorious for killing her partners, it’s as though she has a spiritual
husband, or something. We warned my brother of this, but he never listened.
Now look what has become of him.
People eat and leave one-by-one, until it’s only a few family members left.

Thandi is still seating on the mattress. Didn’t I tell her to leave?

“Where are the kids?”
My brother and Thandi were married for 6 years, and they have a 5-year-old
daughter together.
“In the spare bedroom,” the maid says.
“Go and pack Nana’s clothes. I am leaving with her,” I say and of course,
Thandi, together with her sister, tries to stop me, but I make a scene.
“Mondli, you can’t take that child away from her mother and home,” my father
“Dad, when I come back here, I want her gone.”

Well, my brother was the first-born, so he never left home after taking a wife;
he got married and lived with his evil wife at home with my father.
I am 27 and live with my wife, but he was 30 and still lived with Dad.


I am doing a Walk of Shame as I go back home with nothing, but only the
clothes on my back - my mourning clothes. Mondli chased me out of his
father’s house, and I was not even given a chance to mourn my husband in
peace. He even went as far as taking my daughter from me. He really hates
me, there is no doubt about it.

“Thandi, it’s not your fault that Zithelo died. Don’t blame yourself,” my sister
comforts me.
She and her husband live in my parents' house, whilst my older brother lives
in his own house with his family, and my younger brother, who just turned 22
last month, stays on campus.


I decide to put on my clothes and go back to work.

I am the Finance Manager of NX Retailers. It’s a family company.

When I get there, people are just gawking at me; I am not sure if it’s pity, or
they are just being their usual gossipmonger selves.

As I get by Reception, my acces card declines, denying me entry.

I try my fingerprint, it declines too.
Great! Now every single person in this place is just staring.
“Diana, hi. Can you call the security to open the elevator for me?” I say to the
receptionist with the last ounce of energy and patience I can muster at this
“You no longer work here, Thandi. Please leave,” Mondli says from behind
It looks like they are coming from a meeting.
“Mondli!” His father whisper-shouts, and grants me access.
“Thank you, Sir,” I say to him and walk to my office.

There is a huge portrait of me and Zithelo there, standing proudly before my

eyes. I stand before it, and tears grace my cheeks with their presence. I just
cry; sobbing painfully.
I feel hands hugging me from behind, and I close my eyes, and just bawl.
After a minute, I become aware of the cologne as it hits my nostrils.
“Thalitha, I am so sorry.” That’s my father-in-law.
I free myself from his hold.
“I - - am sorry...,” he says and walks out of the office.
I remain rooted to the same spot; shocked and confused.

That was weird, and his hug was just so improper. What father-in-law hugs his
daughter-in-law from behind?

That was super weird!

[06/21, 2:40 pm] +263 71 469 5561: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



That was stupid of me. I just couldn’t stand seeing her cry like that; she has
been through a lot already, it's actually more than enough now.

As I am still beating myself up about that damn hug, my son walks into my
office, evidently livid:-
“You embarrassed me, and that, in front of the staff, Nxumalo!" he shouts.
“You are shouting,” I say, calmly, and he takes a deep breath, then says, “I am
“She was your brother’s wife. You want people to accuse us of kicking her out
of her home, and workplace!? To make matters worse, you have taken her
daughter away from her!”
“What is wrong with you, Dad? Don’t you want justice for Zithelo? He was
your son, damnit!”
“Zithelo woke up dead, Mondli; there is no proof that she killed him.”
“She killed him sexually, Nxumalo. Everybody knows that she has a snake in
her that--”
“Mondli, just let this go,” I say, still calm, but he looks angry, and relentless.
He bangs my door on his way out without a word further, and I just fall back,
resting on my chair. This is so freaking exhausting!

As I am still trying to wrap my head around what is happening around me, my

phone rings:-
“Nxumalo, hello?” I answer.
“Grandpa, please come and pick me up. I hate it here.” That’s my
granddaughter, Nana’s, voice.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong? Why do you hate it at your uncle’s?”
“Please come, Grandpa. My mother is not coming here, and I miss her,” she
says, and I can hear it in her voice that she is crying.
“Nana, what--?” I hear my daughter-in-law, Mitchell, speaking in the
background, then the line goes silent.

I immediately put on my jacket, and as I am about to leave, I bump into

Thandi in my doorway:-
“Sorry, Baba,” she says, and I move my eyes away from hers, avoiding eye
contact, while taking a few steps backwards.
“Uhm... it’s okay,” I say, still avoiding her eyes, and clear my throat.
“May I come in?” she asks.
“Yeah... Yes."
She walks in, and when I finally gain the courage to look into her eyes, they
look heavy - in fact, stormy. She looks like she hasn’t been sleeping much,
like she has been crying nonstop; she looks troubled.
“Baba, please, I am sorry. Please, help me get my daughter from Bhud' Mondli
and Mitchell, and I will find my own place and stay there with her. I promise, I
won’t bother you or Bhud' Mondli,” she pleads with me, and I just feel sorry
for her, because Mondli really detests her.
“Let’s go,” I say to her and she asks, “Where to?”
“To Mondli’s,” I say and walk out of the office, and she follows shortly.
“Mr Nxumalo, --”
“Not now, Diana,” I say, and continue to walk to my car with my daughter-in-
law following shortly, and we drive to Mondli’s.


“Who were you calling?” I ask Nana.

“I am sorry, Aunty. I was just calling my grandfather.” This child is such a
spoiled brat!
I slap her, very hard!
“Don’t you ever do that, ever again! Do you hear me!?” I say to her, and she
starts crying.
“Stop crying, or else, I will slap you again. Stop!” I shout and she keeps quiet
How can Mondli do this to me? He knows that I can’t have kids of my own,
but he brings this spoiled brat to my house, for me to look after!

As I am still reeling in my anger, my father-in-law drives in.

What did this child say to him for him to come here? Ever since we moved
out of his house, he has only come to this house 3 times; and that, for a few

“Go to your room,” I say to her, and she obliges, running to her room.
I fix myself so I can look presentable before him, then
walk to the door, to open for him.
As soon as I get to the door, I see through the glass that he came with
What the fuck!?

I immediately turn back, and hurriedly text Mondli, telling him that his father
and sister-in-law are here.

They knock and I open the door:-

“Hi, Father,” I greet him, totally ignoring Thandi.
“Makoti, where is Nana?” he says, getting straight to the point, but I am not
surprised, because that’s just how he is.
“Hi, Mitchell,” Thandi greets me.
“Hi, Thandi,” I respond, totally irritated by her presence in my house.
“Uhm, can you take a seat, Baba,” I say.
If there is one thing about this man, he will make you feel small, without even
saying a word.
Like right now, he is just standing there, looking at me as if I didn’t just offer
him a seat.
“Nana?” he calls out for the little brat, and it comes running into the living
room. Her cheek looks so red, and I just know that I am screwed!
“Grandpa! Mummy!” she shouts happily as she runs to her mother, and Thandi
cries, “Pumpkin, Pumpkin! How are you?”
“Mummy, please don’t leave me here!”
Oh, damn this child! She sounds like she is being abused right now!
“Grandpa,” she says as she goes to hug her grandfather too.
Then I hear Mondli drive in.
Thank God!


I swear, my heart feels at peace for the first time in two weeks.

Hugging my baby makes me feel a little bit better. It also doesn’t help that my
baby looks exactly like her father; Nana is just her Daddy's exact replica! And
it makes my misery worse every time I look at her.

Oh, Zithelo, why did you have to die?

Why did you leave us?

“Go, and bring her clothes; she is going back home with her mother,” Father
says and I smile from the inside - my most genuine smile.
Thank you, God!
“She is not going anywhere, and I don’t know what this bitch is doing in my
house,” Mondli says as he walks in.

Did he have to come now, though!

I am just nervous.
This man hates me, and can’t even hide it.

“Mondli, not now. I have to catch a flight in 2 hours.”

“Nxumalo, you should go. I don’t know what Thandi is doing here. Nana, go
back to your room,” Mondli says, and my daughter starts crying, and I realise
that her cheek is red. She was slapped, and there's a handprint; Mitchell
slapped my daughter!

Mitchell holds Nana's hand, and pulls her away from me. Why do I feel so
powerless when it comes to Mondli? He controls my life as if he gave birth to
me; he controls my life and I just let him.
“No, please don’t. Bhud’ Mondli, please, I'm begging you,” I kneel before him,
and beg him.
“Mondli, what are you doing?” his father asks.
“Father, don’t get involved! She killed my brother, and you know it! Lloyd!” he
shouts for Lloyd, his close friend, who walks into the house promptly.
“Take her straight to her sister’s house. I don’t want to see this bitch in my
house, ever again!” Lloyd pulls me up, but Father stops him, saying, “Lloyd,
let go of her! Mondli, I want my grandchild, now. She is going to stay with me
then, because she is not happy here.”
Lloyd let’s go of me.
“You are going to work. You don’t have anyone to look after her.”
“I will look for a maid, nanny. Whatever they are called.”
“Do you promise that Thandi won’t take her from your house? Dad, you know
I am doing this to protect my niece, because anything that Thandi touches,
Wow! Everything?
“I hear you.”
“I am going to make your cursed life miserable; you have no idea!” he says to
“You will take her when you find the nanny, but for now, she stays.”
“Until then, Thandi stays here, with her daughter.”
“What!? No!” he exclaims.
“Yes, Mondli, and don’t chase her away, because I will know.”
“Fine, but I don’t want to see your face. When you see me coming, just turn
back and walk away,” he says to me, and walks back to his car followed by
“Thank you, Father,” I thank my father-in-law as I wipe away my tears.
He just looks at me, then walks away.

I just stand there, not knowing which way to go; I don’t know where to look
for, and find my daughter.

I am just clueless...

I am sitting in the hotel room, watching the news when Lloyd opens the door.
He looks pissed and irritated.

“Lloyd, you scared me.”

“Ghosts don’t get scared.”
“That’s not funny,” I say, and he says, “Do I look like I am laughing? Faking
your own death was a bad idea, Zithelo; Thandi is suffering right now!” he
says and I feel sorry for her, I really do, but it is what it is.
“You know my father was going to kill me, right? That man and his associates
had a bullet with my name on it. He was going to kill me, Lloyd.” I am at the
verge of tears.
“It’s okay. I am sorry, it’s just that Mondli is convinced that Thandi killed you.”
“Come here,” he says, and I walk to him, and he hugs me.

Nxumalo wanted to kill me, but with the help of Lloyd, I managed to fake my
own death, hurting Thandi in the process, but I prefer being "dead", than
having to come face-to-face with Nxumalo, ever again!

[06/22, 3:17 pm] +263 71 469 5561: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



Mitchell has bitch tendencies.

Yesterday, I ended up calling my sister to bring me my clothes. I just sat there

until Nana came to me and dragged me to her bedroom, and I stayed with
her, cuddling.
Then she said she was hungry, and I asked Mitchell if it was okay for me to
cook and she consented. I cooked dinner and placed everything on the table
when it was ready.

When Mondli came back home last night, I disappeared into the bedroom
without being reminded to, just like he said I should. Luckily for me, I had
already eaten.
I slept in my daughter's room, and now, she is snoring lightly.
As I am listening to her light snores, I overhear Mondli saying, 'LET HER
I quickly wake up, and take a shower, then prepare myself for work.
I'm not pleasing the devil anytime soon.

Nana hasn’t been going to school, but I will fix that.

When I was chased out of my father-in-law’s house, I left my car there. So I

catch a Kombi to work and I manage to get there on time, by God’s grace.

“You are late; there is a meeting, and it has already begun,” Diana says as
soon as I step into the office space, but I didn’t know of any meeting.
I rush to the boardroom and find everyone seated, and the meeting seems to
have started minutes ago; and I just look like a late, unprofessional fool!

"As I was saying, we need a strict budget this month. No unnecessary

spending --,” Mondli is addressing the committee as I walk in, then says,
“Thandi, I need the full financial reports of the last 6 years by the end of
business today.”
What? But that’s impossible!
“Uhm, Sir --”
“Nothing, Thandi. 7AM tomorrow on my desk. And that's final. Go back to
work, all of you,” he says, and I leave for my office.

This man is determined to make my life miserable; he is even taking his abuse
to work!
I start collecting the files from the different departments, and as I get to
Bongi’s office, where I was coming to vent, I open the door to find her on top
of the table, with Mondli on top of her!
What the fuck!
I wish I had knocked.
I immediately close the door, and go back to my office.
Bongi is my friend, but I didn’t know she was sleeping with her own boss!


I know that Mondli is irresistible, but they are both married and he has a
stinking attitude!


“Bongi! You didn’t lock the damned door!” I shout.

“People usually knock...”
“But SHE didn’t! You are a fool, Bongi! What if it was my father? Or even
worse, Mitchel? Uyis'lima [You are a fool], yazi [you know]! Voetsek, mani!” I
shout as I put on my clothes.
I'm so pissed off right now!
“Sorry, Mondli.”
“Hhayi!” I shout, and walk out of her office.
I walk straight to Thandi's office:-
"Why are you busy going into people's offices without knocking? Didn't I give
you work to do?"
"Uhm... I wanted some files from Bongi. I--"
"Shut up! Just shut up! And continue with your work. Okay?"
"Yes, Sir," she says and I walk away without a word further.

Damn it, Bongi!


It’s late now and I just got in town.

There are some documents that I need from the office.

My wife died about 15 years ago, and I never remarried. She was a good
woman; gave me three handsome sons, and a beautiful daughter.
Zithelo, being my first-born; Mondli, second; Neriah, who turned 25 recently;
then Mgcini, who is 23.
When we had our kids, we were young. It's no surprise though, since we were
both 15 when we decided to have sex for the first time, and the result of that
was Zithelo.
When she fell pregnant, her parents didn’t even give her a chance to explain
herself, they just brought her to my home, and left her there.
And after the birth of our first, she just gave birth, one child after the other.

As I enter the building, I realize that everyone has already gone home, but
Thandi’s office light is still on. I check the time, and it’s now past 8PM; she
should be home by now.

I gently knock on her door.

“Come in,” she says slowly and lowly. Oh, it makes sense why she sounds like
that - she looks exhausted, I can see it from afar.
“Thalitha, why aren’t you at home?”
“I want to finish all this work before I go home.”
“Thalitha, that’s a --"
“That name...” she says and I realize that I use it a lot, and maybe she hates it.
“I am sorry.”
“No, it actually reminds me of my mum, she loved it a lot. It’s actually my first
name, but people are used to 'Thandi',” she chuckles a bit.
“Can you please go home?” I say.
“No, I have to finish this work.”
“Mondli is crazy. He said you should do all this?" I ask as I pack up all the
documents, and take her bag.
“Come, let’s go. You will finish this tomorrow.”
“Kodwa [But], Baba [Father]...”
“'Kodwa [But], Baba [Father]' nothing!” I hold her hand and pull her out of the
office space, straight to the parking lot.
“See you tomorrow,” I say as soon as we get to the parking lot.
“Okay. Goodnight, Baba.” She walks back, as though she just remembered
“Where are you going now?”
“To look for a taxi.”
“A taxi?”
“Yeah. Mondli said I should leave the car.”
“You left your car at home, and you have been using taxis?” I ask in utter
“Come,” I say and open the car door for her, she gets in, and we drive home
in silence as I try to wrap my head around what's happening in my family. I
have even forgotten about what I was going to the office for.
“Take your car; don’t use taxis,” I say to her as we get home, and she thanks
me. She loves saying 'Thank you' quite a lot, I've noticed.
We walk into the house, and she takes her car keys.
“I am leaving. Thank you.” There we go again with the 'Thank you'.

Just as she turns to walk out, her stomach growls, indicating that she is


This stomach is embarrassing me!

“Sit down,” he says in response to my stomach's cries, and I sit on the couch
without dispute; I am just so exhausted!
He leaves me for the kitchen.
I just sit on the couch, and as soon as I feel comfortable enough, I doze off.
I wake up as I feel a warmth cover me, but my blazer is making it
uncomfortable for me to sleep, so I wake up, and see food before me, and I
realize that I have been covered with a fleece blanket.

He made pap and eggs; a typical bachelor’s meal.

“Baba, you should have asked me to cook for you,” I say because I feel
embarrassed having uBabazala wami [my father-in-law] cook. For me, at that!
“This is what I have been eating since you left,” he says and I laugh.
“It’s actually quite nice,” I say as we eat.
“I know,” he responds and I laugh again.
We finish eating and when I stand up to pick up the plates, he says, “No, it’s
But I insist, and take the plates to the kitchen; which is a complete mess!
“I called for house cleaning, and they will be here tomorrow,” he says in
defense, and I leave things as they are; I am really tired.

When I get back into the living room, I find him watching Prison Break, which
is something he's been watching for the millionth time!
“Zithelo used to love Prison Break.” I say.
“Yeah, he did,” he says, as I get emotional, and sit on the couch.
He realizes that I am getting emotional, and changes to the News channel.

I hear someone knocking on the door.

“I think that’s my cue to leave,” I say and stand up. He walks to the door and
opens it, and to my surprise, a woman throws herself at him.
Oh, wow!
“Belinda, stop,” he whispers but I heard it.

I take my car keys and leave the house, passing the dodgy-looking Belinda by
the door, and drive straight home.


As soon as Thandi leaves, I backslap Belinda.

“Ouch, Banzi!” she screams.

“Why did you do that? Why did you do that!? Huh?” I shout.
“I didn’t know your daughter-in-law was here. You said you were alone.”
“You could have asked, damnit!”
I am so furious, and I don’t even know why!
“Are you sure you don’t want me to continue?” she asks seductively, and I
push her to the sofa.
“Being romantic, for once, won’t hurt you, Banzi.”
“Shut up!” I turn her around and have my way with her, just to release some
After that, I push her off of me.
“Who is the target?” I ask.
“I have the photos on my tablet. Here you go,” she says, giving me the tablet
to view the photos.
“Who is this guy?”
“His name is David Zondo. He's an international soccer-player, and he has to
be gone by sundown tomorrow,” she says.

I have been a hitman for years; I kill people for the President.
Belinda works there as a cook, so she is the one who brings the hitlist to me.

Now, I don’t know what this David Zondo did to piss the President off, but
his family will be mourning his death day after tomorrow...
[06/23, 11:36 am] +263 71 469 5561: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



Mitchell won’t even wake up and make breakfast for me, and I am starving!

I walk to the kitchen and find Thandi in there, having breakfast.

As soon as she sees me, she startles and says, “Good morning.”
“There is nothing good about this morning. You are still here, invading my
space,” I respond, and at that exact moment, I hear a knock on the door. So, I
walk to it and open, and I am met by my father. This man never visits this
house. So, why is he here now?
He is even dressed casually.
“Nxumalo, is everything okay?” I ask.
“Yeah, uhm, uNana. Is she okay?”
“Baba [Father], it’s 6:30 in the morning, and you say you are here to check on
“What’s wrong with that?”
He even looks dodgy.
I walk past him, heading to the door.
“She is still sleeping. See you later,” I say, walking out. I get into my car, and
drive myself to work.

I get there and sit in the office, just scrolling through my phone, going on
WhatsApp, and I bump into Mgcini’s status, I view it.
He has a Lamborghini; a whole Lamborghini!
He is with my sister, Neriah, of course; they are both in the University of
South Africa.
I know they are spoiled brats, but a Lamborghini!?
I immediately call Mgcini:-
Mgcini: It’s still early in the morning, Bhudi.
Mondli: You have a new car - a Lamborghini, to be precise?
Mgcini: I passed, Broe, and Dad said that if I passed, he would get me a
Lamborghini, and he did.

I hang up.
What the fuck!?

I always bury my head deep in the accounts of this company, trying to

balance the Math, but my father just takes money from the company, and
buys Lamborghinis for uMgcini!

What the actual fuck!

How are we able to afford a whole Lamborghini!?


“Good morning, Baba,” I greet him respectfully, and look away quickly.
“Uhm, uhambe kuhle izolo ebusuku [Did you travel well yesternight]?”
What? Did he come all the way here, just to ask me that?
“Uhm, I am sorry if what happened yesterday made you feel uncomfortable.”
“No, Sir, it didn’t,” I say, and he says, “I think you should come back home
with Nana. I have found someone to take her to and from school, and look
after her while you are at work.”
“Baba! I hope you are not joking?”
“No, I am not. Please come back home,” he says and I smile. I leave him there,
with the smile on my face getting wider, and rush to the bedroom. I wake
Nana up, and start packing all of her clothes, and mine, too.
“Mum, where are we going?”
“We are going home with Grandpa!”
My daughter smiles genuinely; she really doesn’t like it here.
“you will come straight home after work. In the meantime, I can go with
Nana," my father-in-law says as soon as I emerge with our belongings.
"Thanks very much, Baba. I don’t know how to thank you.”
I walk with him and Nana to his car; my princess is smiling ear-to-ear, and she
hasn't even taken her bath.
“Bye, Mummy.”
“Bye, Sweetheart. Don’t bother Grandpa, okay?”
“He is mine,” she says and I laugh, go to my car and start my drive to work.

When I get there, I find Mondli in my office, going through the financials.
He is very busy, going from the books to my Personal Computer; he has even
removed his tie!
“Thandi. Explain this to me,” he says, and starts pacing up and down.
I take a look at what I'm supposed to explain.
“Where is this money coming from? 7.5 million every year for the last 6
years?” he asks.
“Yeah, it’s the money that comes from various buyers.”
“What buyers? Buying what, with so much money?”
“I don’t know. Mina [All I know is that], my job is to--”
“I know your job description, damnit! But what I want to know now is this
money, ibuya'phi [where does it come from], Thandi!?”
He looks really pissed.
“I don’t know.”
“How much money is in our account?”
“45 million has been left untouched, and that's since the last 7.5 million was
deposited, and--”
“Yes, Sir.”
“This is insane! Where does this money come from?” he asks as he walks out,
banging my door in the process!

And he didn't even wait for me to answer his question; he really is pissed!

“So, what should we buy for Mummy?”

“She loves wine, but she hasn’t had any ever since my dad died.”
“Should we buy her wine, then?”
“Yes, Grandpa.”
I am in the shops with my granddaughter, trying to get a few things for her.
As we are busy browsing the shelves, I hear commotion from outside. People
who were inside the shop rush out to see what's happening.
“Grandpa, why are they making noise?”
“I don’t know, Princess. Let’s just pay, so we can leave.”
We pay, then I hear the till operator say, "It’s David Zondo.”
“David Zondo, the soccer player?” Nana asks, and the till operator smiles,
nodding a bit.
“My dad loved David Zondo, Grandpa!”
“Okay, Baby. Let’s go.”
“Did she just call you 'Grandpa'? You are too fine to be a grandfather!”
I just take our plastic bags, and pull Nana’s hand, leading her outside, totally
ignoring the till operator; I am old enough to be her father!
“Grandpa, she said you are fine and you ignored her...” Nana says.
“I didn’t hear her baby,” I lie.

There is much commotion outside; people are gathered around this David
Zondo, wanting to take photos with him, one-by-one. It looks like he's a
damned idol!
“Graaandpaaa! Please, please, pleaseeeee...! I want a picture with him,
pleeaassseee!” Nana says, nagging, but I refuse, so she screams, making a
scene, and everyone looks at us.
This child!
“Nana, keep quiet. What are you doing?”
“I want a picture with DAVID!” she screams, and the David guy moves away
from the crowd, and comes to us.
She lets go of my hand and runs to this David fellow. What a betrayal!
“David, my dad used to love you so much! We watched you when you went to
Germany last year. You also went to France, you went to Portugal, doing a
tour. Actually, David, my dad and I were your number one fans!”
“Wow! How old are you, Sweetheart?”
“I am 5-years-old.”
“Such an intelligent soul! You know what? Take this.” He gives her a necklace
that has his picture; people smile and clap hands. As if that wasn’t enough,
Nana kisses him on the cheek!
“Grandpa, please take a lot of pictures!” she says and the people around us
laugh some more.
Is this David person getting teary right now?

I am now forced to take pictures of my target.

What the hell!?


Mondli disappeared after reading the financials, giving me a chance to

breathe some fresh air.

Well, it's now time to knock off, and Bongi comes to my office and starts
explaining about how she and Mondli love each other, and blah, blah, blah!
I've just lost the love of my life, and I don’t want any drama, so I just brush
her off, leave the building and drive straight home.

I will sleep in MY bed tonight, thank goodness!

I get home and find Nana and her grandpa making dinner. They have already
set the table and there is even wine! It’s such a beautiful sight, makes me
forget about how I suddenly became a widow a few weeks ago...
“Hello, good people,” I greet them, and Nana jumps on me, showing me a
necklace that's around her neck.
“Wow, David Zondo. How and where did you get this?”
She narrates everything to me, with the biggest smile gracing her beautiful
face; she is so happy.

We have dinner peacefully, and retire to bed.

As I am still sleeping, I have a dream about Zithelo, and I get so emotional
that I start crying.
I cry so hard that I wake up, and continue crying. I get up from the bed,
taking myself to the kitchen.

“Thalitha?” his voice and the way that he says my name...

I pull myself together.
I can hear him taking a few steps closer to me.
He smells good; he has such a beautiful scent.
I shouldn’t be smelling him; he is my father-in-law.
“Thalitha?” He holds my shoulders from behind. This is wrong on so many
“Talk to me,” he says in my ear, ever so softly, and it just feels so wrong, but
why do I feel like throwing myself in his arms?
That’s it, I am giving in!
“You can’t just call me like that, hug me and talk to me like that. You can’t--”
He stops me with a kiss… A whole kiss, from my father-in-law!
Zithelo, what am I doing? I am not stopping him. I am not pushing him away.
Why am I not running away?
Why am I...?

I hear my alarm sound from afar...

I open my eyes and see Nana sleeping soundly next to me.
What the hell!?
I was dreaming!
It seemed so real, though...

I am so ashamed of myself.

I am even wet from the dream.

All the way down THERE!

[06/25, 9:32 am] +263 71 469 5561: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



I have never had such a close encounter with any of my targets before.

And to make matters worse, Nana loves this David person! I kill people and
sleep well after that, because killing is something that I am used to doing.

One thing that I promised myself is that I would never let any of my children
lack anything in life.
And even though Zithelo didn’t mind spending money without knowing
where it came from, with Mgcini and Neriah being the worst of them all in
spending money, Mondli loves working for his own things.
I don’t want them to suffer; and I don’t want their kids to suffer, too.
I just do what I have to do to survive.

Now, this David guy is going to the museum today; I heard something about
a car race or something along those lines, and since I'm a bit busy, I have my
people keeping an eye on him.
I just need him on the road, because when he is walking around in public, he
is always surrounded by fans.

I am preparing myself to go and deal with him when Mondli just barges into
the house.
“I should change the locks...” I say to him.
“Explain this to me,” he throws some documents on the table.
“What is it?”
“45 Million. 45 Million, Nxumalo,” he says and I sigh.
How did he find out?
“Mondli, I am a businessman. You know that.”
“Which business are you involved in?”
“The filling station,” I say, flimsily defending myself.
“People fill up on petrol, Dad, but for 7,5 million per year?”
“Mondli, if you don’t have anything better to say, just leave me alone.”
“Father, I live in a R500 000 house, while you have 45 million in the bank.
You bought Mgcini a million rand, car at his age. You never bothered to tell
ME that you have THIS much money!”
“Mondli, SARS...” I say to him, but he looks very confused.
He is beating himself up about some things that we both can’t change.

As we are still talking, Thalitha emerges from the stairs. She look so
breathtakingly beautiful; like a goddess of sorts.
“I heard that she is here again! Father, how many times do I have to warn you
about this woman? She has to go out there and look for another man to kill,
and leave this family alone!” Mondli shouts, and I just look at Thalitha,
ignoring Mondli's rant.
“Good morning, Baba. Morning, Mondli,” she greets and only I respond.
“Bitch!” Mondli says, clicks his tongue and walks away.
His hatred is on another level!
“How was your night?”
She isn’t looking at me in the eye; she just can't seem to keep her eyes on
I realize that question is improper, so I rephrase, “How are you doing this
“I am fine, Sir.”

I hate this formal vibe between us.


Lloyd walks into the hotel room with a lady that is in disguise.

“Lloyd, who is this?”

He closes the door, removes his jacket and sits on the bed.
“I am exhausted. Removing her from the State house and bringing her here
was one hell of a job!” he says, and the lady sits on the couch.
Nobody is explaining anything to, they are both just staring at me.
“Lady? Who are you?” I ask, and she removes the scarf that she used to cover
her face with.
“Yes, Zithelo. How are you?”
“Lloyd? You know her father and my father are...”
“Yes, I know. And trust me when I say she is the one who helped me save
your life.”
“How?” I ask, still surprised.
“I overheard when my father gave the order for you to be killed.”
This is the President’s daughter; a whole president’s daughter, right here,
before me right now. Wow!
“It’s impossible that you would go against your own father, and save me,” I
“And she did,” Lloyd interjects.
“So, you’re going to hide in here until when?” she asks me.
“I don’t know what to do, man. Your father is the fricken president, so I can't
even go to the police station with the info that I have, because he will try to
have me killed again, and this time, he might succeed. He is the fricken law,
and no one can do anything to him!"
“That man is abusing my mother; he is everything that a president shouldn’t
be. That’s why I want to bring him down,” she says, as if it’s the easiest thing
to do in this world.
“You sound angry...” I say, because she looks very angry.
“He has had a lot of people killed, including my mother’s family, and my ex
boyfriends,” she says.
“So? What’s the plan?” I ask.
“Gather enough evidence, then go public,” Lloyd suggests.
“Then take my wife and daughter out of that place. Who knows? He might kill
them too. Since he killed Thandi’s parents,” I add again.
“Your family is not safe with him,” Lloyd says.
“Do you think I don’t know that?” I ask Lloyd.
I know the god-damned truth!
“He killed your wife’s parents?” Cindy asks.
“Yes, it’s one of the things I recently found out. He also killed the Vice
President; on your father’s orders, of course. There is a lot of shit that's going
on in this country that a lot of people know nothing about,” I say.
“Your love for Politics has landed you in trouble, Zithelo,” Lloyd says, and I
just feel bad.
I wish I hadn’t looked for a monkey on top of the mountain, or however that
saying goes.
“My family, Lloyd. My wife and kid.. ” I say, and sigh.

I really don’t know how to get them out of there.

He killed her parents, what if he kills her too?

I am driving home.

My brother died while I was undergoing exams, so I couldn’t attend his

funeral. But now, I am done with my exams, and I am surprising Dad; I didn’t
tell him that I am coming home.
That man is my hero! He has played the role of both a mother and father to
us, without ever complaining. We have never lacked anything in life because
of him, which is why I studied hard, just so I can pass and make him proud.

I call Thandi; she is my Queen.

She is my late brother’s wife; God knows how much Zithelo loved that
woman. I am sure she is so sad wherever she is, and I just want to cheer her
up in my new car.
Thandi: Ncanez.
Mgcini: S'thandwa sami [My love]! Kunjani [How are you]?
Thandi: Just bored at work.
Mgcini: Pack up everything, go home to pick up Nana. Take a taxi and meet
me in town after an hour.
Thandi: Okay, Ncanez.
I hang up.
There is a car race today at the museum, so why not go there and show off
my new car?

I drive to the location to pick my friend up, then we go to town and pick
Thandi and my beautiful niece Nana up next.
As soon as she sees me, Nana runs to me,
“Ba'mncane! I missed you so much,” she says as I lift her up.
“Yoohh, Nana. I can’t carry you anymore, Sisi, you are a big girl now,” I say
and she smiles.
She loves compliments, this one.
“Makukhona oNana [When Nana is around], thina abanye [the rest of us] are
invisible,” Thandi says with her beautiful voice.
“Sis Thandi.” I don’t know whether to comfort her or just be cheerful.
“You are still beautiful, S'thandwa sami [my love],” I say and pull her in for a
“Hi, sis Thandi,” my friend greets her and hugs her too.
“You have a beautiful car,” Thandi says.
“Thank you, and I am taking you and this Cute Bee out,” I say and they get
into my car.
“Where are we going?” she asks as we pull off.
“To the car race at the museum,” I say and Thandi laughs.
“Wow, are you going to race against David Zondo? Wena [You]?” she says as
we get there, and find people already racing.
“Mummy, look! There is David Zondo,” Nana points at Zondo, the soccer
Zithelo used to love him. I don’t even want to get into my brother’s passing
right now, that’s why I want to race and just mourn; racing is my own way of
“Yes, Baby. It looks like he is about to race,” Thandi says and Nana smiles
cheerfully; she starts cheering for Zondo.
“Zondo is going to win. I am telling you!” Nana says.
“Stand over there, because your uncle is going to race against Zondo, and
win,” I say, and she looks a bit sad; she doesn’t know who to support. Her
mother laughs at her.
“Dawg, look after them,” I say to my friend and he nods and carries Nana on
his shoulders.

I turn on my ignition and drive to the racetrack.

“Dude, that’s a nice car!” Zondo says and I laugh.
“And I am going to win this. Yours is nice too, man,” I also throw in a
“We can exchange if you want.”
“Are you sure?” I ask and he nods.
I get out of my car and go into his, and the crowd cheers. I look over at Nana
and Thandi, and they are waving their hands, smiling brightly.
“See you!” I say to Zondo as we start the race.
His car is really nice.

We start racing, it’s a 6 KM race. As we get to the dust road, I notice a red
light pointing to my head. I am seeing it on the rearview mirror.
I look at the side of the road and see a sniper from afar.

“Jesus Christ, what is happening here!”


[06/25, 9:40 am] +263 71 469 5561: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“CAN YOU JUST SHOOT ALREADY!” Belinda shouts from behind me, but as I
take a closer look through the telescope, I realize that it’s my son in that car.

“Shoot!” She shouts again, but I quietly pack up my sniper and prepare to
Mission aborted!
“What are you doing?” she asks with so much confusion and uncertainty in
her voice.
“Wrong target. The car is his, yes, but he is not inside,” I say, with my heart
pounding fast.
Had I not look closer, I would have assassinated my own son!
“Banzi?” Belinda again.
“You were wrong, Zondo isn’t in that car.”
We descend the slippery, dry mountain that we were positioned on.
“The son of a bitch got lucky!” she says, but my mind is far away.

What is Mgcini doing here? In Zondo’s car, of all places? What is the universe
trying to do? First, it was Nana getting attached to this swine, and now it’s
Mgcini in Zondo’s car?

I pack my sniper in my car, and go home.


“And then, wena [what's wrong]? I-mood eyani [What's up with the mood]?” I
ask Nana who is now sitting on the chair, not saying anything to anyone.
“I don’t know who to support,” she sulks, and I just laugh at her innocent
childish mind.
“Family comes first,” I say, but she doesn’t like that; not one bit.
People start cheering as Zondo comes first.
Shame, poor Mgcini. But he emerges after 3 minutes.
People are hugging Zondo, and cheering for him.
Mgcini shoulder-bumps Zondo with not much of a conversation, and takes his
car back. He drives to us and hoots for us to go to the car.
He is panicking.
“Ncane? What’s wrong?” I ask, also starting to panic.
“Someone tried to kill me,” he says, and I feel even more uneasy.
“Let’s go home,” I say with a slight nod, and we all drive home.
He is so panicky. Whoever it was really got to him.

As we get home, we find Baba’s car in the garage. Mgcini wanted to surprise
him by coming home without telling him, so this works in his favour.
As soon as we drive in, park and get off the car, Baba meets us halfway and
hugs Mgcini.
“Son, are you okay?” he asks.
Why is he asking him that question? How does he know that something is
“Somebody is trying to kill me.”
“Who is it?” he asks.
“I was on the race track, racing, and I noticed a laser beam pointed at me. I
swear, I saw a sniper, and I panicked,” he explains himself hurriedly, trying to
get us all in the picture as to what happened, and I get chills down my spine.

Who would want to kill him, though?


I am upset.

I am mad at what my father is doing. He always sidelines me, whereas, I am

the one who's helping him. What do I have to do to prove to him that I care
about him?
“Wow, Babe! uMgcini took Thandi and Nana out,” Mitchell shows me a photo
on Mgcini’s status.
“He is in town?” I ask, surprised, and she nods.
“And I haven’t been told.” I say, matter-of-factly.
I quickly take my car keys, and leave the house, with Mitchel on my tail. I drive
home, and indeed find his car there; he really is here.

I get into the house to find Thandi holding him so close, like she's comforting
him, on the couch. She's cradling him like he's a baby.
“What the hell, Thandi!?” I shout and she startles, letting go of Mgcini in the
“Mondli.” Mgcini says.
“Thandi, is it not enough that you killed one brother, you now want to kill the
other one?”
“Hhayi [No], Mondli. Umdala [You are grown], stop behaving like a--”
“Don’t you dare, Mgcini! This bitch! She disgusts me; she is a murderer!"
“Mondli, shut up!” my father reprimands me.

“Mondli, what the hell?” Mgcini.


Thalitha runs up the stairs, trying to hide her tears from Mondli.

“Mondli, this is my house! You don’t get to come here, and make demands or
rules or whatever you are trying to do!” I shout at him.
“Ba'mncane, you made my mum cry,” Nana says, and Mgcini pulls her and
makes her sit on his lap on the couch.
“You didn’t tell me that you are around,” he says to Mgcini and I just go up
the stairs; Mondli is sick!

I find Thalitha hugging a teddy bear, crying.

“MaNcube, I am sorry. But you must stop allowing people to walk all over
you, especially Mondli. Stop allowing him to do this to you,” I say to her, and
Mgcini walks into the bedroom and quietly slides into the bed, and hugs her.
“I am sorry, my love.”
“I am sorry, too. I should have made your first day at home a happy one,”
Thandi says, cupping Mgcini’s face with her hands.
“Mondli is crazy. You didn’t kill Zithelo, I know you didn’t. Just don’t worry
about him, okay?” Mgcini says, and kisses her forehead.
“Uhm, Son, it’s okay. She will be fine,” I say after clearing my throat.
“No, Dad. It’s okay, you can leave us alone, and I will take care of her,” he
says, and it just feels uncomfortable.
I know they are close, but I didn't think it is to this extent.
“I think she needs her rest now,” I insist.
“I will be okay, Love, you can go.”
What's up with the pet names? I startle a bit when I realize that this is actually
my first time in this bedroom.
What the hell am I doing!?
“Okay, I will bring you something to eat, then,” he says and stands up, and
we walk out.

He's walking behind me, and as we get to the passage,

I say to him, “You know you can’t get intimate with her, right? She was your
brother’s wife.”
Shit! I didn't realize I blurted out those words; they were still in my head!
“Dad, excuse me?”
“She is older than you. She was --"
“Dad, please. Come on! Thandi is like a sister to me, and besides, I would
never do Zithelo like that,” he says, and walks away, taking the opposite

I take a deep breath.

What’s wrong with me? What is this thing that I am feeling?

Why am I feeling this way?

[06/25, 1:39 pm] +263 71 469 5561: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



Mgcini and I are very close. He and Zithelo were very close, so when Zithelo
was asking me out he used to come with Mgcini most of the time. That's
when we became close, and thats how we've been ever since.

He brings me a plate of food.

“Who made this?” I ask him, because, trust me, I really have to, and he says,
with a small smile, “Dad. He is eating with Nana.
Are you okay, though?” he asks, and I nod.
Thandi, you must stop crying. Zithelo was older than Mondli, which makes
you Mondli's elder; he can’t control you.”
“I understand.
Have they left?” I ask.
“Nope, they slept over noMitchell. They were spoke of a flat tyre, or
something along those lines,” he says and I sigh.
“It’s going to be a long night...!”
“I can sleep in here with you, if you want me to?” he says, and I laugh.
“You are no longer that little man, usukhulile manje [you are grown now], so
we can’t sleep together anymore; uMondli engang'bulala [would kill me]!” I
say and he laughs.
“Dad even hinted that I shouldn’t even think about getting intimate with you.”
“What?” I ask, obviously bewildered.
“Yep. And if I didn’t know any better, I would say he sounded like a jealous
I don’t know why that makes me laugh.
“Wow! You are laughing...”
“You make me laugh,” I say, and we just chill on my bed, chatting away.


As I was about to drive back to my place, I realized that my car had a flat tyre,
so Mitchell suggested, and then insisted, that we sleep over. She had to
insist, because I wasn't sold on the idea.

Right now, I am in the living room, and I see Mgcini coming out of Thandi’s
room, at this hour.

Nana is lying on the couch next to Dad.

Mgcini comes down the stairs, going straight to the kitchen.

The house is a double-storey, and the majority of the bedrooms are upstairs,
then downstairs, there is only my bedroom and Dad's. Then there is also the
kitchen, living room, dining, and TV room, and the bar.
Now that I think about all the money in the bank, how did I not think about
how we, as black people, could afford to live in Bryanston, in such an
expensive neighbourhood, owning the most expensive property around here?

We own a few filling stations and a chain of retail stores, but that doesn’t
bring in this much money.
So, where is all this money coming from? Growing up, we were never poor;
we went to private schools, we had the expensive labels on our backs, the
expensive and latest toys and gadgets. Everything we had was worth a penny.

Mgcini walks to the bar, and I climb the stairs, to Thandi’s room.
She is watching TV, so I switch it off to get her full attention.

“Stop what you are doing with Mgcini. Don’t you want to go back to your
family?” I ask her, but she just stares at me.
“Mondli, why do you hate me so much? During the day, at work, and at home,
and now, even in the nighttime?”
“I told you that I would make your life a living hell!” I shout, and just then, we
hear guns going off.
It’s guns going off everywhere downstairs.

Nana screams so loud, her voice is heard all the way upstairs, even in the
midst of the gunshots.
“What is going on?” Thandi asks and I open the bedroom door, peaking
Bullets are being fired in the living room, and Nana is screaming:-
“Khulu, I am scared!”
My heart rate rises!
“Nxumalo, weNja [you dog]! You think you are untouchable, huh? Today, you
are all dying!” a voice says from the outside, and right then, my father begins
to blindly shoot outside, aiming for anywhere, everywhere and nowhere.

What the hell!?

Thandi attempts to go downstairs, but I pull her back into the room:-
“Uyahlanya yini [Have you lost your mind]? ” I shout, then, without waiting for
her to respond, I try to locate my phone so I can call the police, but realise
that I left my phone downstairs; great!
“Call the police!” I say to Thandi, who pays no attention to what I'm saying,
but starts to run downstairs.

I never thought a day like this would come. Not now. And definitely not with
my family in the house!

What the hell!?

I hide Nana behind the couch.

“Baba...” Mgcini whispers while hiding behind the couch as well.

They start shooting again, and the bullets pass next to Mgcini and he

“Khulu, I am scared. I want my mum,” Nana cries, and I take out the sniper
from the bag. I had not taken my bag to my bedroom, it’s as though I knew
someone would attack me.
“Do you think it was a coincidence having your son drive that car?” a voice
shouts from outside, amid the gunfire.

Damnit, it’s that Zondo piece of shit!

I should have known it wasn’t a coincidence.

“Do you want to hear how smart I am?”

I keep quiet, and they stop shooting.
“I know you killed my father, you son of a bitch! And I knew you wanted to kill
me, too! That’s why it was so easy to lure your son to the race track. It’s his
favorite sport, by the way. He races all the time in UNISA, so I asked him if he
wanted to race in my car, and he agreed. Unfortunately, he didn’t die, along
with it!” he says, then laughs out loud.
“What is he talking about, Dad?” Mgcini asks, and I shoot outside, blatantly
ignoring his question.
“The necklace!” he says, and I look at Nana.
The necklace?
This man had this all figured out!
“The flat tires?” he says again.
So, it was all his plan to bring all my children under one roof.
They shoot around the house; getting the TV, glasses, everything is just a
mess, and I am doomed! My whole family is going to die because of me.
I am just a dead man, walking!

My sins are finally catching up with me; I have killed a lot of people.
And it’s seems like the devil has come to collect, but I won’t go down, not
without a fight!

“No! Let go of me, my daughter is down there!” I hear Thalitha screaming,

quickly descending the stairs, with Mondli on her tail.
“Mummy!” Nana screams and runs to her mother, and the bullets haven't
stopped - they are just flying their way.
“NOOO...!” Mgcini shouts.
“What is --?" Mitchel appears from nowhere, and they are all just standing
there, in one spot, as the bullets are being shot in their direction, and I
quickly point the gun at the door, and start shooting at everything and
everyone outside.

“NOOOOOO...!” I let out a heart-wrenching scream as I watch my whole world

perish before my very eyes...

[06/25, 1:53 pm] +263 71 469 5561: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*

~ Live by the gun, die by the gun. ~



A lot is going through my mind right now, and I am so confused as I see my

whole family about to perish right before my very eyes.
My father is shooting at them, but he is outnumbered.
I am using the couch as my shield when I see Thandi running down the stairs
with Mondli trying to pull her back, but she calls out for Nana, who runs from
the couch that was shielding her, straight to her mother, and the bullets are
just flying their way.
I also detect the smell petrol, like it's being poured around the house...
What's going on!
I close my eyes as I foresee the ending of the horror before me.

“What is go--?” Mitchell asks as she appears from out of nowhere; she should
have just stayed in her room!
Mondli pulls her and uses her as a shield to protect Thandi and Nana. I see
the bullets going straight into Mitchell’s head, stomach, and chest until she
succumbs to their impact, and falls down.
I wish someone could wake me right now, and tell me that I was dreaming, or
watching a Jason Statham movie, and that I will laugh about all this later, but
no, that's not the case. I am at home, watching all my loved ones being shot
at, and I don't see myself making it out of this place alive!

My father runs to me as the house is engulfed by flames, pulls me to him and

he runs then jumps outside with me, using the dining room window.
I am so numb, and shocked, but I can feel and my heart racing.

We watch as our house goes up in flames.

This is the day I will never forget in my life!


I am in a deep sleep when I feel someone shaking me, trying to wake me up,
and when I open my eyes, I am met by Lloyd's panicky face.
“Lloyd, wassup so late at night?” I ask as I try to wake up, and stay awake. I
know it's late because I just fell asleep not so long ago.

Well, it's kind of a family tradition that we don't sleep before 12, ever; that's
how much we love TV. And I am used to staying up that late, just for TV. So,
it's really late right now, because I remember dozing off not so long ago.
“Wake up, and let’s go,” he says hurriedly, and I get up, even though I still
feel a bit drowsy.
“What’s going on?” he looks sad and disturbed, which immediately wipes the
sleep off of from my tired eyes.
“What is it, Lloyd?” I ask, now fully awake, with worry thick in my voice.
“Let’s go!”
“Where are we going in the middle of the night?” I check the time, and it’s
now past 4AM.
He tosses the black tracksuit at me and I quickly put it on. And he tops my
outfit with a Rastafarian wig and a beanie, for disguise. When I'm done with
my mini-makeover, we walk out of the hotel.
Under normal circumstances, I would be happy to feel the fresh breeze hitting
me, since I haven’t been outside in what feels like forever, but no, it's not
normal right now - nothing is.
I am supposed to be dead, but here I am, very early in the morning, following
Lloyd to God-knows-where.

We get into his car and I realise that he is driving me straight to Bryanston.
A lot of questions are running through my mind right now, and among them
Is he betraying me?
Did my father find out that I am alive, and he bought Lloyd to bring me to
him? What is going on?
Should I open the car door, and run for my life?
Or should I just give in, and let my father kill me, for good this time around?
I am so confused!
“I feel anxious. Where are we going?” I impatiently ask Lloyd as he drives
straight to our steet.
I pay close attention to our surroundings just in time to realize that there are
roadblocks on every street around the neighborhood.
There is a foul smell, and when I look at what's happening in front of the car, I
see thick smoke up filling the air, especially above the houses closer to my
home - my Dad's house. Something big must've burnt down.
There is smoke, police cars and fire fighters, E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E - there is
just a lot of commotion, even News reporters are here.
“What is going on, Lloyd?” I ask him as my heart continue to pound away,
galloping as a raging bull.
As we drive further, I realize that the flames are coming out of my home.
Instead of answering my question, Lloyd just stops the car and looks down.
And in the faint night light, mixed with the light from the streetlights, I can
see that his eyes are red - bloodred.
“What the fuck, Lloyd!” I scream as I come to the realization as to what
happened here.
“Lloyd?” I say calmly.
“I am sorry, man,” he says softly.
“My wife and kid?” I ask him.
“I am yet to find out.”
I feel my whole world crumbling down.
“But Mgcini, Mondli, Mitchell, your father. They were all in there. That, I know
for a fact,” He says, and I just break down.



I try opening my eyes, but they feel heavy.

“One survivor! We’ve got one survivor!” someone shouts, and everything that
has happened comes back to my mind. And now, it won’t leave; it will never
leave me alone!
“Where is my father?” I ask the nurses, or whoever they are, who are pushing
the stretcher to wherever. My voice is hoarse.
“it’s okay, Mr. You just calm down.”
"What do you mean 'One surviver'?" I ask as I feel so much pain settle
throughout my whole body.
Then I cry.
"Where is Thandi? Where is Nana?
Where is my dad? Where is my brother? Where is my f--?"

I feel a needle go through my skin, stopping my rambling, then I feel myself

gradually getting sleepy, and I slowly close my eyes.




Nothing makes sense, nothing at all.

Mondli used Mitchell as a shield and protected nana and I.

He pulled us out of the house and he helped us climb the wall leading to our

Just as our feet landed to the ground our house blew up in flames. I was so
confused and the only thing I wanted to do was to protect my daughter but
my heart was in that house with my father and brother in law. I wanted to go
back but it was a suicide mission.

We got to our neighbor’s and we knocked but the guns kept on being fired
scaring the neighbors in the process .

One thing I learnt about those neighbors is to never rely on them.

They didn’t open so We jumped out of their gate and ran in the streets. I
always jogged with Zithelo in the mornings but I never knew it would come in
handy one day.

“mummy” Nana said and Mondli picked her up that’s when I realized she was

“Nana are you in pain?” I asked.

“No” she said and I thought it was perhaps Mitchell’s blood that was all over
her clothes……..

We ran down the road until one white man opened his gate for us. We ran
into his yard and he spoke about how he called the police when he heard the

“your daughter has been shot” he said and that’s when I realized that nana
wasn’t moving at all. She was unconscious in Mondli’s arms.

He offered to take us to the hospital and here I am now looking at my

daughter lying on this bed lifeless.

It’s now 8am in the morning as l am sitting next to the hospital bed, crying,
praying for my daughter’s life.

I haven’t heard anything about anyone, the doctor just called the police and
we made a report.

I have ran out of tears.

There is a small Tv in this ward that is watching me as I look up I see a
picture of mine and Mondli’s on TV

“THE MOST WANTED” it reads.

“This family is behind the hijackings, the money heists they are the MOST
WANTED CRIMINALS right now in the country. Anyone with information on
their whereabouts will be offered 2million Rands. The mastermind has been
apprehended. They show a picture of my father in law in handcuffs.

“ what kind of fuckey is this?”


A criminal?

We are victims!!

A doctor comes into the ward pushing a wheelchair.

“ Thandi get in here and make yourself unconscious” I realize it’s Mondli
disguising himself as a doctor.

“did you see the news? We need to go to the station and make a report they
can’t accuse---” I speak but he cuts me off and says “GET IN HERE NOW!” he
commands. I am sick and tired of his arrogance!



“I will go and explain - -“

“suit yourself!” he says and turns to leave, as he opens the door. I see two
police officers speaking to the Nana’s doctor. I attempt to go and explain
myself but he hits me with something on my head and I……

I open my eyes and realize that I am inside a truck. My head is banging.

“Where am I? Where is my daughter?” I ask as I open my eyes and everything
is dark. It’s dark in here but I can hear that I am on the road..

“Where is my daughter!” I scream and hit the truck. It stops and they open the
door for me.

I quickly climb out, falling in the process.

“Where is my daughter? Who are you? Why did you kidnap me? What do you
want from me!” I scream and shout at this man that I don’t recognize!

“ Shut the fuck up Thandi shut up! Shut the hell up! SHUT UP. THIS IS ALL
YOUR DAMN FAULT! “ Mondli shouts as he climbs out of the passenger seat
in the truck.

“WHAT?” I ask him but deep down I am so happy to see a familiar face. At
least I am not kidnapped.



“ Sir we have to leave, this is an unauthorized parking” the guy says that in a
different language but I manage to understand what he says.




“you are being unfair” I say as I breakdown to the ground and cry.

The man helps me up.

“Please sisi ncela ubuye uzohlala phambili. Ungakhali [My sister please come
and sit at the front don’t cry] ” he is speaking a little bit different language
from Zulu.
He helps me up and helps me climb the truck. I sit there crying my eyes out at
the realization that my life is completely ruined. I am a fugitive? Me? Thandi?

Mondli climbs too and sits next to me then the driver drives away.

I am in deep thought as I see us reaching a roadblock.

These police officers are wearing a different uniform.

They are not our typical blue uniformed officers.

These ones are wearing grey shirts and blue trousers.

They speak a different language as I hear them talking to the driver.

He drives away for a while and I see a board written


There are a lot of people selling corn, some funny stuffs, cold drinks and l am
so hungry.

“Where are we?” I ask the driver and he chuckles.

“We are in Zimbabwe my sister welcome to Zim” he says and I feel my body
almost giving up on me. As I realise that l am even smelling and it’s so hot.


[06/29, 1:27 pm] +263 71 469 5561: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I am heartbroken at the realization that Nxumalo was a gangster.

He's gotten into some serious trouble with seriously dangerous people, and
now they want to kill us all. They have even made us the most wanted
criminals in the whole of South Africa!

My father is dead
Mitchell is dead.
Nana is lying in that damned hospital.
I couldn't just hand myself over to the police on a silver platter without
knowing full well what's going on.
Hijackings? Us?
We are as good as dead!

That photo that they braodcast on TV of him in handcuffs, is not him; it is

either photoshop, or whatever else there is out there they use to cook up
images, because, that's not him.
He died in that fire with Mgcini, because I couldn't save them.
I am teary-eyed.

I feel bad.
And that's why I took Thandi out of the country, and paid this guy with our
rings; my necklace and watch for him to help us cross the border and bring
us to Zimbabwe.
One should never forget their roots.

Well, my father, Banzi Nxumalo, was a South African on paper, but he is

Zimbabwean-born, from Tsholotsho.
He told us that he went to South Africa when he was 20; Zithelo was only 5
and I, 2-years-old. Neriah and Mgcini were born in South Africa.

Nobody knows that we are Zimbabweans; even Thandi doesn't know,

especially since our youngest siblings were born and bred in South Africa.
Never, in my wildest dreams, did I think I would find myself in Zimbabwe,
looking for refuge. I've only come here twice first; once, to bury my
grandmother, and the second time, we were all forced by my dad to come
and experience the birthplace of our roots, in order to "discover and learn
about our identity" - his words, not mine.
And that was way before Zithelo married Thandi, it was a long time ago, and
Mgcini was very young then, but what I do know is there is my grandfather's
brother who still lives in our grandparents home, which was built by my
father. My father supported them, and was probably even taking kids I have
never met to school - since he was rich - and I had no idea.
That man kept a lot of secrets from me, and it's making my head pound from
thinking about it all. It makes me angry, because I have always been loyal to
him, even to a fault.

Neriah? Neriah! My sister!

What will happen to her?
I pray and hope that they won't kill her; I hope that my not contacting her will
keep her safe until I find a viable solution to this whole situation.

'Lawa ngamaputi lamazambane.'

This damned driver keeps explaining things to Thandi, and I am pissed off;
Mitchell died because of her!

"Since you are hungry, we can pass by the Palace and get some food from
there. Then after that, I will take you to Bulawayo, where you will get the
buses to Tsholotsho," the driver says, and I say, "No, we are fine."
"But I am hungry, so we can go," Thandi disputes my stance.

I have no energy to argue right now, so I just let it slide.


John, the driver, drives into a Palace. It's so beautiful; not what I expected.

I heard that Zimbabwe is a fucked-up country, but how does such a beautiful
Palace exist in a village?
It has two elephant statues, and on top of the statues, is the inscription
'Morena Tlou'.
"This is beautiful!" I say in admiration, and Mondli literally rolls his eyes.
This guy is truly something else; he's full of something unholy!
"Like, really? We have just lost our family, and you are admiring village
decorations and trimmings?"
John parks his truck at the gate, and we walk into the yard. There are actually
guards by the gate, this is a real palace, with REAL royalty! - and when we
walk into the building, we are met by a man who is about Mondli's age, and
he's with two beautiful women, whom, by the way, look like authentic Queens.
- Screams inside! -

"Bhud' John, hi. You brought us visitors," one of the women greets John, our
driver, and he introduces us as visitors who are passing by, but just hungry;
having stopped by for something to eat and drink.
He introduces the man as King Makhosi Tlou.
Wow, at such his young age, he's already a polygamist!?
But, I'm not complaining, because they look happy, and they have a beautiful
home - a whole Palace! They make polygamy look so cute.

They give us food and we dig in, and after that, one of the queens, the one
who introduced herself as Queen Linda, offers me a shower, of which I need,
Nkosi yami [my God]! I take the shower, and she borrows me a tracksuit. I am
really embarrassed, but grateful; I just can't believe that I am wearing another
woman's clothes.
We are almost the same size, 32, so yeah, the tracksuit fits perfectly.

We say our goodbyes, and the driver drives us away. After we've been on the
road for a while, I see a 'Welcome to Bulawayo' board on the side of the road.
"BULAWAYO?" I ask the driver, and he nods.
"Yes, welcome to Bulawayo, kwaNtuthu ziyathunqa!"
I don't get the 'Ntuthu thing', but he seems happy.
Well, it's not bad. It looks normal, at least.
I sigh with relief; it's just that I would have been happier had uNana been with

He drives us to a crowded place, and says, as he stops, "This is were you will
get buses to Tsholotsho, but you will have to wait until morning."
"We are still traveling?" I ask Mondli, who plainly ignores me, as though I'm
not speaking to him.
"Broe, thank you so much! God bless you, my brother," he says as we climb
off, and sit under a shelter as John drives away.
We sit there, through the dirty and cold night, until the morning comes, and
hawkers start displaying the things that they are selling.

I just thank God for the Queen, who gave me a warm tracksuit, as I was still
wearing pyjamas, and I'm sure I'd have frozen to death in them.
I swear, I miss my baby.
I wish Mondli hadn't brought me here; I wish he'd let me sit there, next to that
hospital bed, watching over my baby.
I get teary-eyed whenever I think of the last few days of my life.
God, what did we do to deserve this?

I guess I broke the record of the first woman to cross a border, and entering
a Palace in pyjamas! Huh!

We sit there, with me thinking about my baby, and my sister, who might be
thinking that I am dead.
I just hope she is safe wherever she is.
A lot of things are just going through my mind all at once; there's no peace in

The bus comes through, and Mondli pays for the both of us, and we find our

Never, in my entire life, have I ever been in this kind of a bus, where people
are carrying anything that one could ever think of.
People are selling so many different things so early in the morning, and it
looks like what sells the most are these 'maputi and mazambane' (dried corn
and nuts), as I see everyone has them in stock.
I am so hungry, but keep quiet, because Mondli looks like he doesn't want to
talk to me.

The bus gets full and it hits the smooth road for about an hour, then after
that, it's bump-after-bump, pothole-after-pothole on the road, and we are just
bumping into each other, and the windows and seats, and it doesn't help that
others are smoking, while others are playing a different genres of music, while
others are speaking out loud - it's all just a mess!
It's such a terrible ride, that it brings me to tears... Especially as I keep on
thinking of my daughter.
I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I am a bit disoriented, only
to remember that we are on the run, and still on the bumpy, dust road.
This has got to be the longest, hardest, and most painful journey I have ever
taken! My father-in-law always booked flights for us whenever we were going
on holiday.

I sleep once more, then I feel someone patting my shoulder.

"Awuhambi lo bhudi lwana [Aren't you traveling with that man]?" I look next
to me, and realize that Mondli is no longer here, next to me, then I look up at
the door, and see him getting off!
"Thank you," I say to the lady as I rush to the door with everyone looking at
me like I am crazy.
So, Mondli was going to leave me there?

The bus drives away, and I look at my surroundings as the dust settles where
the bus passed, and I feel weakness come over me; I don't like the sight
before me, not one bit!
My mother comes from KZN, but the homesteads aren't like this; this is bad!

I feel like fainting, but chances are that if I faint here, Mondli will just leave me
here, lying on the ground, so I follow him, still in a daze.

How did my life come to this!

Me in a village?

[07/04, 5:28 pm] 00263717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“I can't do this, Mondli, I am tired,” she whines, I just keep quiet, ignoring her,
and continue walking.

I can’t remember where the house is exactly; a lot of things have changed.
Also, I never paid careful attention to the way there; Zithelo was the one
doing all the driving while I was just talking about football and the beautiful
When I think about that fateful day, I just get teary-eyed, thinking about all
the beautiful moments I spent with my family.

“Mondli, I am tired!"
We have been walking for about for 3 hours now.
If I'm being honest, I am lost; I can’t find the house, or the way there, and my
pride won’t let me to ask around for directions.
“Thandi, we are almost there,” I lie. I can't have her knowing that I don't know
where we are, or how to get to where we are meant to be going.
“Almost there, where? We have been walking for a long time now, and I am
hungry and thirsty,” she starts throwing tantrums.
I don’t even know why I brought her here with me!
I should have just left her there; she is a liability, a damn inconvenience!

I don’t even know what time it is; it’s as though everything has gone to shit!
Everything is simply working against me, so much bad luck following me
around everywhere I turn. Couldn’t we just find the damn homestead when we
turned the first corner?

I gave my wristwatch to that truck driver, so I can’t even tell what time it is.
Whoever said, 'When it rains, it pours' should have said, 'Mondli, this one is
directed to you', because they did actually mean me.

We are now in the middle of a forest, there are a few little dams around here,
and a lot of grass and trees.
As it is nearing nighttime, I see a guy herding cattle.
I look back, and see Thandi seated on the ground, so
I approach the guy and say, “Hey, man. U-sharp [Are you good]?”
“Hi, Broe. How are you?” He says in Ndebele. That’s the language they speak
here; it sounds like isiZulu.
“Listen, I am looking for a family here; the Nxumalo family.”
“There are many Nxumalos around here, Broe. Which one are you looking for,
I don’t even know the name of any of the grandparents, I don’t know anything
about our family! Actually, everything has just blank, nje [totally]!
“There was a guy called Senzo...” I say, recalling one guy who was very close
to Dad, who's name's Senzo.
“Senzo? There is a Senzo who works at the shops, and there is another one
who herds cattle for the Chief. There is also another one who teaches kids
football; there is… The list is endless!”
He is busy blabbering, meanwhile, the sun hasn't stopped - it keeps on
setting, and the sky is becoming darker.
I am also exhausted, and I don’t know what to do at this point.
“Do you have any water with you?” I ask him, and he tells me there is a dam
nearby. "If you go straight down here, and turn right up ahead,” he says,
directing me, then walks away.
“Thandi, let’s go.”
We walk to the dam and the water is a bit unclean, but I am thirsty and
hungry, so I swallow my pride, and drink the water.
“Thandi, drink,” I say, but she folds her arms across her chest, looking at me
like I've lost my marbles.
“Stop being dramatic, Thandi; just drink the damn water, and let's go!”
“Where are we going, Mondli? Do you even know where we are going?” she
raises her voice at me, and just after her rant, not a second later, she then
collapses, right next to the dam.
My heart starts beating fast.

What is she doing?

We are both hungry and exhausted, but if we both start play-fainting, we

might as well just die here.


I open my eyes and see Lloyd next to me.

My throat is so dry, and I can still smell the smoke from my house burning
down; I can still hear my dad screaming for me to run; I still have the picture
Mondli getting Mitchell killed, embedded in my mind.
I don’t want to relive that nightmare, but my mind seems to be stuck in the
same memory.
I try to remove the tubes that are connected to my body, but my hand is
“Hey. Hey, relax,” Lloyd says to me, and I look at my hand, and I am met by
my hand cuffed to the bed.
“What... What is going on?” I ask Lloyd who looks at me and says, “Calm
down, Mgcini.”
“Why am I arrested? What the hell, Lloyd!?” I shout, and the doctor walks in,
accompanied by a police officer.
“Mgcini, I will make a plan. I will solve this,” Lloyd says as they have me dress
up after uncuffing me, and instructing me to get up and get dressed, and I'm
taken away.

There are news reporters outside.

The policeman puts me into the back of their vehicle, and drive me straight to
prison; not even to the station, but to PRISON.
I can see the long walls, the long gate, and the heavily armed soldiers as we
drive up to the prison house.

I have watched Prison Break a million times, but never have I thought that *I*
would personally see the inside of these walls, let alone walk through them,
and in handcuffs!

What the fuck is happening? I am a damn victim here!

Why am I arrested?


I pull her to the dam and splash water all over her face, and she wakes up
gasping for air.

I force her to drink the damn water; I don’t need her drama right now.
“Nana...” she says, and starts crying.
It’s dark, and we have nowhere to go! What have I done, to whom, to deserve
“Thandi, don’t pull that stunt again!”
“You should have left me in that hospital! You... Should… Have... Left… Me…
at her.
She is making me feel bad for saving her, instead of my own wife!
She keeps quiet and we continue walking until we see the first house that has
a fire burning outside.
We walk in because we have no choice; we are exhausted, lost and hungry.
We find a man sitting with two boys and a woman, and we greet them.
The dogs don’t stop barking at us, but instead of attacking us, they bark
while running away.
“Hello,” the man greets us and I greet back, “Good evening, my brother. We
are lost, we are looking for the Nxumalo homestead. Do you, by any chance,
know where it is?”
“Nxumalo, which one?” he asks and I begin to explain, but he sells me the
same rubbish story of there being too many Nxumalos in the area.
“It’s not safe to walk around so late at night, because you might be confused
for witches. So, come in, and spend the night,” the man says, and leads us to
a rondovel that's used as the kitchy.
He starts questioning us about where we come from, how we got here, and
and and...
To which I obviously lie, and say we came to visit our grandparents, but we
got robbed when we got lost.
“Yeah, it’s dangerous around here. But you are lucky, because they didn’t hurt
you or your wife,” he says, and the energy to explain that the little bitch next
to me isn’t my wife is just energy I don’t have right now, so I let him be.
“Well, you can sleep here, and we will help you look for your family
tomorrow,” he says as he leads us into the house, and Thandi sighs with
Right then, her stomach growls, embarrassing me in the process.
This woman!
“MaNdebele, please give our visitors some food.”
This man is really generous. Thank God that we went into a family home with
people who have ubuntu (the spirit of humanity).
They give us food and we eat.
I am so hungry, I don’t even know what I am eating. After eating, they give us
water to bathe, then we are directed to different rooms for us to sleep in. But
there are no beds here, and we have to sleep on the floor. It’s bad, it’s really
bad. I have never slept on the floor, but nonetheless, I thank God for the roof
over our heads.

I am sleeping all alone, in a room that's in a foreign country. Well, this land is
foreign to me, it just doesn't feel like home.
It takes me a while to fall asleep, but just as I fall asleep, I hear Thandi
screaming from afar. I ignore the screams, thinking that it’s probably a
nightmare, but I listen carefully, and realize that it's serious.
I get up from the floor, and attempt to open the door, but it’s locked from
the outside and there is no window here; it’s so dark in here.
“Mondli!” she screams so loud, it’s clear that it's not a nightmare.

My heart pounds as I try to open the door, but it’s locked!

What is going on?

[07/04, 11:37 pm] 00263717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



Mondli and I got lost, and due to dehydration, I collapsed. And when I came
to, I was puzzled to discover that he'd wet my tracksuit while forcing me to
drink the dirty water!
I can't believe this man!

We finally got to a house and Mondli explained our situation to the man who
introduced himself to us as Nkomo, and Nkomo was so generous to us; he
asked a woman to give us food, and I even got to take a bath, even though it
was bad one - the worst bathing experience I've ever had! - but I managed to
bathe, and got my tired and aching body refreshed.

I felt a bit better physically, but emotionally, that's a whole other story

The MaNdebele woman took me to a room that has a bed in it.

'Not bad,' I said to myself as I looked at the blanket that looked brand new.
She even gave me a nightdress, so I gave my tracksuit a break.

Never, in a million years, did I ever think I would go around wearing other
women’s clothes.
I didn’t actually grow up in poverty; we had things under control, even after
my parents died.
When I got married to Zithelo, who had a father who didn’t mind spending on
us, my life changed completely - from the clothes, to the food, to the comfort;
just the whole lifestyle. And now, thinking about all that, just makes me want
to drop dead!

“Have a good night,” she said as she was starting to leave, and I asked if we
were not going to sleep together, to which she gave a firm and definite 'No'. I
didn’t want to ask if she was married to the Nkomo man, or not; as I wasn’t in
the right mood for chitchatting, or acting like a nosy busybody - I just wanted
my daughter.

I got a bit comfortable on the bed, and ended up falling asleep.

I was in a beautiful dream, dreaming about my daughter and my late
husband, Zithelo. We were in a restaurant, having a nice meal; I wasn’t eating,
though, I was busy taking pictures of them.
I then felt someone fondling my breasts, then they started playing with my
cookie - sex was the last thing on my mind - I then felt a weight getting
heavier and heavier on top of me, then I opened my eyes and realized that I
wasn’t dreaming, someone WAS on top of me!
“Please leave me alone!” I shout, but he pushes, and pins me to the bed.
“Shut up!” he whisper-shouts.
“No, no!” I scream, and he uses his hand to cover my mouth, but somehow, I
manage to let out a scream.
“Mondli!” I scream, but he puts his hand over my mouth again, firmly this time
“Help!” I let out a muffled scream, but nobody seems to be coming to my

Oh, no!
Did Mondli sell me to these people!?

I am in prison, and I don’t even know what I am in here for!

I am tall, slim and light in complexion.

We have always joked about light-skinned guys being a target in jail, but I
never thought I would live to see the day when I would find myself in prison!
“Move from my bed,” a guy says, and I move to another one without a hassle.
It’s just too noisy in here.

Watching too many movies can ruin somebody’s outlook on life.

Watching prison-themed movies, I had always imagined sharing a small cell
with one person, but here I am, in what looks like a community hall with many
beds lined up against a wall. There are many people in this private room - 20,
to be precise - and when I sit on a bed, someone pushes me to another.

Who gets thrown into prison without even having gone to court to be trialled,
let alone without being told what he is in for? This is illegal, but what can I do
about it?

Nxumalo has ruined my life!


“UMgcini has been arrested, and nobody is saying anything. Zondo is behind
everything,” Lloyd tells me as I am in the Hotel room, and unfortunately, I
have absolutely no plan on how to help him, or any of my family members.
“Don’t beat yourself up about it, Zee; we will make a plan,” Sindi says
She is 'we' now?
“That’s my family!” I shout, and she says, calmly, “I've found you a home. You
should move out of the hotel; it will do you some good.”
“Yes, Lloyd will take you there,” she says, and taps my shoulder twice, then
walks out.
“She is moving too fast,” Lloyd complains.
“She is being useful, helping us,” I say, and Lloyd says, “Can’t you see that
she wants you?”
“Nah, she is the First Daughter; there is no way!”
I pack up my things, check out, and Lloyd drives me to this house that Sindi
got me.

I hope it's good enough...


I bite his neck, and push him off of me. He then slaps me so hard that I'm
disoriented for a bit, and gets back on top of me.

I scream, but nobody comes to my rescue.

“Mondli!” I scream while in tears.
I wish I had died in that fire; and right now, I hate Mondli for bringing me

As I start to give up fighting, I hear commotion and Mondli starts fighting

with my rapist, whom, I have realized, is Nkomo. How can he do this to me?
What happened to humanity? I thought he was helping us out of the
goodness of his heart, but it looks like he had sinister motives.
Mondli is well-built, whilst Nkomo is slim, so Mondli manages to easily knock
him out.
I am still laying on the bed, bawling.
“Put on your damn clothes!” he shouts at me while looking away, preventing
himself from looking at my nakedness.
I hadn’t realized that I was basically naked.
I take my tracksuit and wear it, my shoes too.

He pulls my hand and we run out of the house, into the dark night outside,
leaving the homestead in middle of the night, with the dogs barking at us
I am crying while running, and falling, but Mondli picks me up each time,
cussing under his breath as I keep on falling, slowing him down.

What have I done to deserve this life?

The one thing about life? It’s definitely unpredictable!

[07/05, 10:09 pm] 00263717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



“I know that I brought Sindi to you, but I don’t feel good about this! Her
father is the damn President! The number one reason you are in this
predicament in the first place,” Lloyd complains, and that's what he does until
we get to this house.

He drives in and parks his car, and we get off, heading into the house.
We find Sindi in the living room, wearing casual clothes.
Does she also live here? I wonder...
If Mitchell is the only person who died in that fire, then where is the rest of
my family - Mondli, Thandi, my daughter and father?

“Lloyd, thank you. You can leave now,” Sindi says to a reluctant Lloyd.
“Lloyd, don’t forget to check on Neriah. If possible, please bring her here,” I
say, and he nods.
“I will come back in the morning,” he says, then slowly walks away.
I take a seat.
“How are you feeling, Zee?” Sindi asks.

Well, I am Zithelo Nxumalo, 30 years of age; I am the firstborn. I have three

siblings, whom I love so much, and my wife, Thandi, who loved calling me
'Zee', and this one here, is the First daughter, the daughter of the President
of the Republic of South Africa. She is calling me 'Zee', and she has no right
to. But, what can I say?
“Hey.” She taps me on my shoulder, bringing me back from my thoughts.
“How are you?” she asks once again.
“If only I could hug my brothers, at least, then my life would be meaningful
once again,” I say as I bury my head in my hands.
“Come here. I have a surprise for you.”
She pulls my hand to one of the rooms where I see my daughter laying on a
hospital bed, with drips and all this medical equipment connected to her.
It feels surreal, but she is here. I get closer to her and hold her cheek.
“She looks like you,” Sindi says as she rubs my back.
“Sindi, how did you…?”
“Shh... just enjoy some quality time with your daughter,” she says, and God
knows how grateful I am!

I am really grateful to Sindi for doing this.


I am pulling her hand as we are running in the forest.

After running for a while, I let go of her hand and stop running, taking a

I can’t believe that son of a bitch helped us, just so he could rape Thandi! He
locked me in a room so that he can rape her. Luckily enough, I managed to
get there in the nick of time.

It’s in the middle of night, but the moon is shining upon us, so I am able see
a few banana trees that are around us. I take some of their leaves and make a
place for us to sleep.
I touch Thandi, showing her where to lie down, but she jumps at my touch;
she is still scared.
“Thandi, I am not going to rape you; I would never do that, even if you were
the last woman on earth. Just lie down until morning, then we can continue
with our search,” I say and she sits there, hugging her legs, and rocking
herself back and forth.
She is crying.
She is cold.

She is exhausted, and so am I.


“Daddy, is that you? Am I dead?”

It’s early in the morning, and I am sleeping on a chair next to her bed when I
hear her asking me this question.
“Sweetie. Yes, it's me.
Baby, are you okay?” I ask her and she says, “Where is Mummy?”
“Mummy is not here, but Daddy is.”
“Mummy said you are in heaven. Am I in heaven too?”
“No, Daddy is back, my love."
I feel happy; a bit relieved.
“Hi, Princess,” Sindi greets her, and checks her vitals.
“Are you a doctor?” I ask her, and she says, “Not qualified, but I know a thing
or two. And right now, I can safely say that the Princess is getting better.”
“I was sitting in the living room with my grandpa, and someone started
shooting at Mitchell, then Uncle Mondli pulled Mummy and I out of the house,
and we ran away. Why am I here alone? Where is my uncle and my mum?”
she says, and cries.
She is recalling what happened that night.
“I am sorry, Princess, but Daddy is here now.”
I kiss her forehead.

Mondli has always hated Thandi, but I am glad he managed to put his pride
aside to save my family.


“Oooh, Baby, that was one hell of an exercise!”

I say to my man after having done those pregnancy exercises at home
recommended by my gynaecologist.

“That’s what I need from you, Baby; no phones, no internet. I want you to
focus on our baby.”
“But my little brother must be worried about me,” I say.
“Nope, I saw him at the racetrack; he even won against me. He was with the
rest of your family, and they all looked happy,” he says, reassuring me, and I
That’s my family for you!
“I still feel bad that I didn’t go to Zithelo’s funeral, though.”
He hugs me.
Zithelo is my brother. Then after him is Mondli, then me and Mgcini, the last-
Apparently, my brother died in his sleep, and I couldn’t attend the funeral.

David is kissing my belly. It’s now a bit visible, but nobody, except for him,
knows that I am pregnant. He loves privacy, I guess, because he is famous. He
says people might hurt me and the baby just to spite him, so he prefers
having me in this house.

“I love you so much, MaNxumalo.”

“I love you more, Zondo.”
He kisses me and makes love to me, leaving me exhausted. That’s why I love
him, his sex-game is on point!
“Let me take a shower, Babe. I will see you tonight. I downloaded a lot of new
series for you, okay?” he says, and I nod.

I fall asleep soon thereafter.


I don’t know what I have done to deserve this.

We slept under a tree, and now, the sun has come out. We are walking, still
trying to locate my family home, when we realize that there is a farm close to
where we were sleeping.
I follow Mondli as he walks into the farm.

There are people working on the farm, doing different types of jobs.
“Hi, can we see the boss?” Mondli says to one of the men.
“Over there,” he points at a small office.
We walk there and find the man who really looks like the boss.
“Good morning, Sir.”
“Wait a minute…” he says while typing something.
“Oh, yeah. You are the couple that will be taking care of the farmhouse,
right?” he asks, looking at us after he's done with what he was typing.
“Uhm..." Mondli wants to expose us.
“Yes, Sir,” I lie.
“Okay, great! Bring your belongings this side, and start with the cleaning and
cooking for the workers,” he says, leading us to a house that's a bit farther
from the farm.
“Why did you lie?” Mondli whispers.
“I am tired,” I say.

The boss gives us a tour around the farm and his house. It’s beautiful. It really
looks different from the other houses here in the village.
He shows us a room; our room.
I will be sleeping with Mondli?

“You know your duties, right? Cooking for the workers; cleaning around here
and then, if you want to earn extra cash, you can help in the farm too.”
“Okay, Sir. Thank you very much,” Mondli says.
Wow, life sure will humble a person!
“It’s okay. You can start now, by cooking for the workers,” he says and starts
walking away, leaving us in the kitchen with a big three-legged pot.
“You can catch two chickens for today, and also make pap,” the man before
he disappears outside.
“I have to make a fire?” I ask myself, and Mondli just sits there, gawking at
me, not helping at all.
I decide to get down to it, and try making the fire, but it just burns out before
I can even move to do anything else, putting me at the verge of crying,
because I can’t do this, and nothing is working out.
A woman walks in.
“Sisi, people are hungry, and you still haven’t started cooking?”
She doesn’t even greet me, and she is already complaining!
“Go fetch water, and I will make the fire. Be quick about it!”
“Eish, Sisi, just by the gate. There is a well there.”
I walk out.
“Take the bucket,” she says and I take the bucket, walk to the gate and get to
the well.

How am I going to do this? How do I do this?


“You can join us at the mine, Broe. That’s where the real business is at.”
I am having a conversation with the guy that works at the farm. He also
doesn’t know the Nxumalos I am talking about. He has a phone, but doesn’t
have airtime and the phone doesn’t even have internet!

“You have a beautiful wife, my friend, but be careful, beautiful women don’t
last in this village,” he says grabbing all my attention.
“What do you mean?” I ask, and I can see that he can’t get his eyes off of
Thandi who is balancing a bucket on her head, with half the water running
down all over her body.
I can’t help but laugh. She is going to fall with that bucket, what is she doing?

This guy runs to her rescue and helps her with the bucket.
She walks into the house and comes out with a cloth wrapped over her
trousers, heading for the chicken coop.
She runs around chasing a chicken, and I laugh out loud; I haven’t laughed
this hard in a very long time.

She is chasing the chicken around, and the chicken is not making it easy for
her to grab it.

It’s going to be a long day!




Yester night was the worst night of my life!

I slept on the floor without a blanket, and it was cold, but luckily enough, I
had this jersey.
I’ve always known that people are bullies, but these men are too old to be
bullying me and taking away my bed.
It’s morning now, and we are in a queue for the shower.

I have heard stories about new inmates getting raped in these showers, and
going into one of those right now is hard for me.
I am really scared, I am even shaking.

“Hhayibo [Goodness], ndoda [man], shesha phela [hurry up]; asinalanga lonke
[we don’t have the whole day]!” a guy from behind me shouts while pushing
me to the front.
I look back at him, hoping to fight back. He is ugly, with tattoos all over his
face. There is also a guy carrying his facecloth, and another one is carrying his
soup. I just feel my insides turning; the hope of fighting for myself vanishing
just like it did when I was forced out of my bed.
What the hell am I even doing in here?

Right now, I am wishing and praying that those who are already showering
won’t finish, because I don’t want to go in there.
But, who am I kidding?
I am the next one in line.

“Ngena phela [Go in], slima [idiot]!” the man shouts again, pushing me into
the shower, and I trip and fall, causing them to laugh at me.

“Awu [Oh], suka madoda [goodness], i-yellow-bone [light-skinned guy].

Umlungu [White one]!” One man from the crowd shouts, and they laugh again,
and whistle.
I am so shaken right now. The man behind me looks at me with a smirk on his

Hhayi kabi [Not to be judgmental, or anything], neh [okay]? But I hate gay
people. Because, who, in their right minds, would prefer another man’s dick,
while he has his own? And right now, these men are looking at me like I am
some kind of candy.
“Sukuma [Get up], wenja [you dog]!”
They even love vulgarity!

I quickly stand up and rush to the empty shower; there are about 10 showers
in here.
I get into the shower with my underwear still on, and the ugly man gets into
the same shower as me.

“Hello, Yellow-bone,” he says to me, and I just get a clear picture of myself
getting violated in my head!

What is he even doing here in the first place?


“I want my mother,” Nana cries as Sindi tries to give her food, but she pushes
the bowl and the food gets splattered all over Sindi.

“Nana, no! What are you doing?” I shout, and she screams even louder.

“I want my mum!”

“Sindi, I am so sorry.”

“It’s okay.” She walks out of the room.

“Nana, your mum is not here, and Sindi is helping us. You can’t do this, my
baby. Please calm down.”

“I want my mummy. I want my grandpa. I want my uncle!” she cries even

harder, and I find myself at the verge of tears too.

What is Mgcini doing in prison right now? I feel useless!

I can’t fathom the thought of him being harrased in prison; Nxumalo has really
ruined us!
“Calm down, baby girl. Daddy is here.”
A bullet grazed her, but she is fine now.

“Does your wound hurt?”

“No, I want my mummy,” she says, and I walk out of the room.
I just feel useless, maybe that’s why they should have killed me.

“Sindi?” I call out to her, and she says, “In here.”

I walk to a bedroom, and find her having changed into another shirt.

“I am sorry about my daughter’s behaviour.”

“It’s okay, she is just a child.”

“You are the First Daughter, and you should be out there, doing something
better with your time, but you are here, helping us, and she pours the soup
on you,” I say, apologetic, and she just smiles.

“It’s okay, Zee. I am here to help,” she says as she walks to me, and hugs me.
I reluctantly hug her back.

Why is she doing all this?


There are about 15 workers here, and with the help of this woman, Thandi
managed to cook for them.

I wonder what will happen if the real owners of the job comes by, wanting to
assume their posts…

She serves them the food, and they all look tired and worn out by working in
the sun. She serves me last, giving me a plate of pap and chicken.
I am really hungry.
“I hope you didn’t poison me,” I whisper loud enough for her to hear me, and
she walks away, ignoring me.
“Your wife is a really good Cook,” the man that introduced himself as Mthulisi,
I just chuckle.
They are all praising Thandi for the nice meal, but I really don’t get why she
would give me chicken necks, while this Mthulisi person has a whole thigh.
“You like chicken necks?” he asks me, it’s as though he read my mind, and I

I don’t like them, obviously, but do I have a choice?

Damn you, Thandi!

People go back to their posts, and I am busy asking them one-by-one if they
have phones, but nobody has a phone with internet connection here.
While everyone gets back to work, I look up to see Thandi washing dishes.

It’s now 4PM, so everyone knocks off and goes back home, after they have
received their daily wages.
I am left alone with Thandi on the farm, because we are live-in employees,
and I am laying on the bed.
“Mondli, you can’t take the bed; I am tired, too,” she complains, but I just
close my eyes.
“Not now, Thandi,” I say when I don’t hear her move, but she still doesn’t
move, and continues giving me the stank eye.
“I am sleeping on the bed, too, because there is no way that I will sleep on
the floor.”
She gets on the bed, and I just find myself on the floor after jumping off of
the bed.

There is no way I am sharing a bed with her.



[07/09, 10:26 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



He looked at me up and down licking his lips until one guy said to him
“Boss, the stuff is here” he left the shower and went to the next one.
I overheard them talking about distributing the stuff. Of which I concluded
the stuff was drugs. I took a shower then went to the canteen. It’s also a big
hall with chairs and tables. We queued for food, and when I was about to eat
the same idiot that followed me to the shower demanded my plate.
Just one look from him, I gave it to him. I can’t believe I skipped being
bullied at school only to be bullied at this time in my life.
I am sleeping on the floor yet again right now and I can hear people
whispering about the so called stuff again.
I am still hoping someone will come and rescue me from this hell hole.
“yellow born vuka[ yellow born wake up] ” someone says kicking my feet.
Is it not enough that I have one blanket and I have rolled myself on the floor?
I also get to be kicked.
“vuka yellow born you don’t sleep in prison. This is not daddy’s house”
speaking of daddy? I hate him!
I wake up and they give me a green soup. What am I supposed to do with
a soup?
“tomorrow during breakfast you will use this to earn a bed” another guy
“What?” I exclaim. I am lost.
“yes, you will have to kill someone then you will get a bed.
If they didn’t tell you, then let me tell you this is my house. You don’t just
come here and sleep without earning your place!” the ugly ‘boss’ says to me
while kicking my feet again. The last time I checked this was prison not his
house but I definitely can’t say that out loud.

“My number one priority right now is to take my son from jail” I say as I
stretch my arm.
“Banzi, you can’t risk your life like that” Belinda reprimands me.
“My family comes first before my own life Belinda! Zondo is out for my
blood dammit! My family is a mess right now because of me. I don’t know
where is who! I don’t know what’s happening“ I shout.
“Well The President isn’t willing to risk helping you”
“I am in this bullshit because of him but he is hiding from me. I have a
bullet with my name and he won’t risk helping me out? Just find out where
Zondo is and I will handle the rest” a bullet grazed me that night and when
the paramedics came I asked one of the guys to lend me a phone. I called
Belinda and they took my son to the hospital. Who has now been illegally

“Banzi just sit at home and calm down” I cant believe what I am hearing.
“I won’t just sit here doing nothing Belinda!”

I hear someone crying from the far end of the room. It’s kind of a mixture
of moans and cries of pain. I hold the soup with my hands shaking. It’s
obvious someone is being raped.
Am I next?
The poor guy is crying and everyone is minding their own business as if it’s
a normalcy to hear a man crying. It doesn’t help that the lights are always on.
It’s like they don’t want us to know whether it’s morning or evening.

I close my eyes and try to sleep but It’s so damn hard. I am scared! So
damn scared!


I am sleeping on the floor in fact I am not even sleeping. She is crying in

her sleep
She is crying while she is sleeping.
I excuse myself and go sit outside. It’s in the middle of the night.
I don’t know what to do.


It’s been one hell of a long night. The guy was crying the whole night.
Everyone wakes up and I notice a guy limping.
“hey what’s wrong?”
“don’t talk to me” he says and I ask “did they do something to you?”
“I said don’t talk to me” he whisper shouts.
He is a bit older than me. He looks scared and he is limping. It’s obvious
he was being raped last night.
“he said he doesn’t wanna talk slima!” one guy from behind us says and
the limping one limps away leaving me with this son of a bitch.
“If you really want to stay alive, learn to mind your own business and take
the knife in that soup. Use it to stab Kizito” he says and walks away leaving
me trembling .
Asking myself who Kizito is.
I take a shower obviously watching my back and walk to the canteen.
The same guy walks to me and says “go ahead and do it or else tonight
you will be Boss’s woman” what the fuck!
“which one is Kizito?” I ask
“you will see him”
He makes me sit around their table with them. As we are still sitting a guy
walks in. Followed by a group of other guys.
“that’s your target” he says to me and I am sweaty, nervous and scared.
“I cant do it” I say and he says “tonight you will be a bitch!” they stand up
and walk away.
I remain seated there all alone. Almost at the verge of tears.
What have I done to deserve this?
Why should I be made to choose between being raped or a killer?

[07/13, 1:18 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



Belinda tells me that one of my neighbors said he took Mondli, Thandi and
Nana to the hospital that day; So Belinda and I get to the Hospital with me
disguised obviously. We ask questions and they tell us that Mondli and
Thandi disappeared and left the child behind.

“who took her? ” I ask pacing up and down.

“A Man by the name Lloyd signed the forms and said he was a family

“okay thank you” we walk away.

If it’s Lloyd then I am grateful but I can’t find Neriah. She is not at the
University. She is not with her friends. Her friends haven’t seen or heard from
her in a while.
A lot of things aren’t making sense at the moment but I will get to the bottom
of it.
I will find my family and things will go back to normal again.

Did Zondo kill my daughter? I am so damn worried! I am upset! I can’t just go

around, demanding to see the damn president! He is not communicating at all
and my son has been illegally arrested.
When days are dark......!

“Belinda, I need an attire” I say after thinking hard for a while.

Mgcini must be scared in prison, God knows what they are doing to him in


“yes a Priest’s attire, I need to go to Prison”

“Banzi, no! you can’t risk it”

“Belinda I need to go there Now. I told you that there is no time to waste!” I
say and she drives to a Roman Catholic church still trying to make me change
my mind. She walks inside and comes back with the attire. She passes by the
shops and buys fake beards.

We go back to our hideout and I disguise myself as a Priest. I have grey

beards so Belinda addes the black ones. I look at myself in the mirror and I
am impressed.

I drive to Prison on my own

“Priest” the guard greets me. I passed through the other ones without any

“yes son bless you”

“do you have a service today?” he asks

“No. I want to see my lost son Kizington. His mother was a good woman may
her soul rest in peace” I do the cross sign…

“Kizito okay” he says and lets me in.

I wait in the visiting room, until they bring him in.

“A Pastor really? Anginaso iskhathi somsangano mina. UKing Moses no

Thomas kwasha kwacima hayi angizingeni baba.[ I don’t have time for
nonsense, King Moses and Thomas this and that! I am not getting involved]
Hey take me back to my cell” he says to the guard attempting to walk away

“hey stop being dramatic sit down” I whisper and he looks at me closely.

“who are you?” he asks.

“isn’t it obvious?” I ask and he stares at me for a while.

“listen someone crossed me, burnt my house, shot at my family and had my
son arrested for absolutely nothing”

“Nxumalo?” He says finally .

“Man. Just take care of my son in there please I beg you” I say and he nods.
"What happened? Is everyone safe? Is Everyone okay?" he asks.
"Have you seen my son in there?" i ask him.

“I heard there is a little boy in here. I guess he is your son but unfortunately
he is not in my section. He is in Section C”
"damn it!"
“Just do whatever you can please”

“I will try” he says.

"don't try do it, i will pay you" i say and he agrees then they take him away...
I can’t request to see Mgcini. They will obviously know it’s me. Zondo
probably paid the Warden himself!


“Just do what they say and you will be fine or else there will be hell to pay”
the Limping guy from earlier on says to me.

“I have never killed a person” I voice out.

“there is a first time for everything”

“Who is Kizito?” I ask

“He is the most feared person in here. He and the Boss run this prison but as
the saying goes there can’t be two bulls in one kraal or however that saying

“I cant kill a person” I say with my hands trembling….

I am even sweating!

“I have a wife and a daughter. I don’t think my life will be normal again after
being raped almost every night in prison. Just choose wisely” he says and
walks away.
He is indirectly telling me to choose being a murder.

“Mthulisi suggested that I go with him to the mine” i say to Thandi.

“can we discuss the sleeping arrangements?” she says totally ignoring what i

“there is nothing to discuss, you took the bed last night, I am taking the bed
tonight and stop crying in your sleep. It's irritating” I say and walk away with

Mthulisi works at the farm partly but mostly he works at the mine. We walk to
the mine, and I don’t know what’s crazy between me thinking I can work at
the mine or sharing a room with Thandi.

I just want to earn some money and buy both of us clothes to change, and
maybe get a phone and call Neriah but I am kind of enjoying the fresh air in
this village……
I must be crazy


I am watching cartoons with Nana. Sindi’s house has everything it’s


I feel like a piece of me has been restored. I missed my daughter, I am happy

to have her here with me. As we are still watching Tv Sindi walks in. She
looks beautiful.

“hey guys” she says as she places boxes of pizza on top of the table.
“Hey hey” I say and welcome her with a hug. She holds me much longer.

“hey nana” she greets as she lets go of me. Nana plainly ignores her. I don’t
know where my daughter got an attitude from.

“let her be” I say and she pulls me to the kitchen.

“how are you?” she asks.

“I don’t know how to feel especially because my brother is in prison, can’t you
do something to help?” I ask.

“I have tried but there is no one with the name of Mgcini Nxumalo in any of
the prisons” she says much to my surprise.

“What? So where did they take him then? I am now worried”

“relax Zee I will find him don’t worry okay?” she says and hugs me.
She is a hugger, she smells good and I haven’t had sex in a long time. She
holds on to me for a while. I am so turned on right now, she initiates a kiss.
I don’t stop her.
As I am still enjoying the kiss Nana says “dad” and I look at the door. She is
standing there looking all sad.

She throws a tantrum and runs away. She hasn’t fully healed. She shouldn’t
be running....

“I am sorry. It’s my fault” Sindi says. And i am embarrassed i can't even hide
my erection. I can't believe my family has falled apart but i am thinking about

“No. It’s not…..excuse me” I run after my daughter and leave Sindi there.

“are you going to do it?”

Michael asks.

“I don’t know, I am close to getting parole and getting involved in Boss’s

business, will ruin my chances of getting it.. ”
i say.

“I heard the boy sleeps on the floor and they take away his food all the time”

“he has to man up. This is prison”

“The Kid is scared”

“Everyone gets scared the first time they get here”

“He will be raped”

“What the fuck is wrong with you Michael?”

“I am just saying….. You promised his dad. You need People like Nxumalo
when you get out of here”

I don’t know whether or not to help that boy.

We get to the canteen and I see him. He comes to me….. Before I know it, he
has a knife pointed at me.

"What the fuck?"

I am standing head to head, face to face with my victim and as foolish as I am,
I failed to stab him. I am right here standing before him with a knife in my
hands, trembling and shaking. Suddenly people start making noise and before
I know it, some guys are on top of me, kicking and punching me.

“what do you think you are doing?” they shout while beating the shit out of

The guards come to my rescue for the first time since I came here. I have been
asking for a phone call but none of them gave me that call. But they are quick
to pick me up and say “you are going to solitary”

“I want to make a call. I need a lawyer” I say in between tears, my bleeding

nose and mouth. I am a crying mess.

Men don’t cry but I have had enough in these past days. I am tired, even
though I want to give up, I don’t have the giving up option.

They push me into a dark room and they pour cold water on me….I scream
but they hear none of it.

They lock me in a cold room, with no blankets, no clothes – nothing!

I am slowly hoping for death right now….

[07/13, 2:46 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



I have somehow managed to find a happy place in my heart for me and my

Sindi has actually done everything she can to make us feel comfortable.
She asked a woman to look after nana while she booked a restaurant for the
two of us.
“it’s been long since I sat down and ate such a beautiful meal” I say to her.
“I am glad you are enjoying” she says with a smile…… I am wearing a black
tuxedo and she is Wearing an emerald green mermaid dress with heels. She
looks sophisticated and absolutely gorgeous.
“Can I have this dance?” she asks and I stand up. There is soft music
“You are beautiful” I throw in a compliment.
“You don’t look bad yourself” she says and I chuckle at her sarcasm. I look
good, I am the catch in my family, all girls were crazy about me at school. I
know, I look damn good.
“Why are you doing all this for me?” I ask
“isn’t it obvious?” she asks looking me straight in the eyes.
I see a beautiful spark in her eyes. She is in love with me. I kiss her. She
returns the kiss.
I kiss her slowly and passionately.
“Can we take this somewhere private” she pulls my hand to an office. We get
there and she closes the door. I clear the table and make her lie on the table.
-I am sorry Thandi- I say mentally as I remove the First Daughter’s thong and
slide in my finger. She is so wet and hot. I slide the second finger and she
moans out loud.
Who needs a condom to fuck the President’s daughter? Not me.
She pulls down my trouser using her toes and hands, while her tongue finds
it’s way to my mouth and claims it.
“I am going to cum just by your fingers” she whispers and I smirk.
“ I want your first time to be hot and sweet”
“ this is not my first time Zee… “
“ it’s your first time with me” I say
“do something Zee…. I don’t want to cum right now”
Her hands grip my back and a moan escapes my mouth.
She holds my dick and inserts it in her pussy.
“damn!” I exclaim. She is driving me crazy.
“ooh Zee….” She moans softly when I start moving “ooh Zee… Fuck.. Don’t
stop… Ooh goo… d” her breaths are quicker and I am so close to hitting the
spot as I hear her say “Fuck…. I am cuming Zee….. Damnnit…” that makes
me pound into her fast chasing my own glory.
“My dick is in heaven this is so damn hot!”


It’s been days since I have been in here, I even lost count of the days. I get
one meal per day. I just want to die.
They open the door for me and I am sure I am stinking as hell, because I did
everything in that room.
They take me to the showers and they use a hosepipe to splash cold water
on me. They are doing it so roughly as the water just splashes all over my
face, making it hard for me to breath.
After the shower they give me another uniform.
Then they take me back to the cell, where everyone looks at me like they
want to finish me off.
I am so scared.
“please don’t leave me here” I say to the guard but he looks at me and smirks
“Boss wants you in his bed tonight, that’s why I washed you” he says then
walks away… I remain standing there shaking, trembling and scared.
Boss walks to me and says “You made your choice bitch” I am disgusted.
He disgusts me!
They continue playing cards, doing different kinds of activities.
It’s dinner time we all walk to the canteen and Pap and beans is served to us,
I had never ate beans directly. I always ate them as chakalaka but the way I
am so hungry right now. I am grateful for the plate.
I carry my plate to the table, as I am about to eat, one of Boss's men pushes
my plate to the floor.
“You don’t eat when you are about to be fucked, you want to mess on
yourself?” he steps on the pap and I feel anger taking over.
I push him back and he falls down, his friends hold me back and they punch
the living shit out of me, until the guards stops them.
“ I will kill you, you son of a bitch! “ he shouts at me.
“ they will kill you slima [fool] ”
“he is such a fool”
“he shouldn’t have done that”
“Even Kizito wants him dead”
I hear people talking behind my back.
I am hungry. I needed that meal.
I have made enemies all over the prison. I am dreading to go back to the cell.
But what choice do I have?
None whatsoever.
I slowly walk to the cell and as usual people are minding their own business. I
take my blanket and roll myself on the floor.
I can’t sleep.
I am scared.
He might rape me.
“Babyboy” that’s his voice in my ear.
“sleep on the bed” he says to me and I say “I am fine here”
“come on” he pulls my hand and I let go of my tears. I let them fall.
I cry.
“don’t cry, I won’t hurt you”
“I would rather die than have you rape me!” I shout loud enough for everyone
to hear.......

“haibo sfebe ungazongnyela sani![ Bitch don’t bullshit me] ” he shouts back
then backslaps me.
He pulls my hand to his bed, with the help of his friends, I am screaming and
kicking but nobody does anything. Everyone is minding their own business,
what kind of people are they?
He pushes me to his bed and his friends hold both my hands and he uses a
cloth to cover my mouth preventing me from screaming…... Not that
screaming helps anway...
He removes my trousers with me still kicking and screaming. They make me
lie face down……
He successfully removes my trousers and explores a part of me that I have
never allowed any person to explore. I feel my soul leaving me, as I feel
intense pain and I give up fighting……..what's the point?

[07/14, 1:40 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“Pray. Just pour your heart out and ask God for whatever you need, for he
said in his word; whoever calls upon his name shall be saved” It’s such a
coincidence that her name is Sindi.
I used to have a best friend by the name Sindi. Our parents were friends since
college, unfortunately my parents died soon after her dad became the
President, soon after that everything changed. She changed.

I saw her on TV and she was like a total stranger. It’s so sad how someone
can just stop communicating with you because of a Status. But looks like God
gave me another Sindi to teach me how to pray.

We are on a mountain. She says she comes here to pray everyday, that’s how
she got the job at the farm……
I admire her faith.

She starts praying and I close my eyes and pray too….

I pray for the safety of my family. Nana and Mgcini mostly are in my heart. I
pray for them more than I pray for myself. I then pray for my siblings; my
sister who must be explaining to Nana every day about where her mama is.
Lastly I pray for my late husband for his soul to continue resting in perfect

I feel lighter after praying.

“Thank you Sindi. I really needed this” I say and she hugs me..

“it’s going to be fine. Your husband is working very hard for the both of you.
Working at a mine is no child’s play” she says and I laugh.

I am thinking about how I added Bicarbonate of Soda to his meal last night,
and he was running to the toilet the whole night. He was so embarrassed, he
ended up sleeping in the kitchen, and I had the bed all to myself..

“what’s funny?”

“ I just imagined him working at the mine. He isn't used to that type of work”
I lie.

“He is so different he only laughs with you… He doesn’t just talk to anyone ”
I wish I can correct her and say ‘he laughs at me, not with me’ but anyway let
me not burst her bubble
“Do you want him?” I ask.

“No no MaNcube. I didn’t mean to come out as rude bengiztshololo nje [I was
just saying] ” she looks worried and I laugh at her.
Why do I suddenly feel happy about this stupid life? Chasing chickens,
fetching firewood and fetching water…….


I cried the whole night. He was at it the whole night, not giving a damn about
the pain and the blood. He just wanted to be inside. I don’t think my life will
ever be the same again. He broke my soul.

“This is not your daddy’s house. There is no cuddling boy. You don’t get to
sleep. Go and wash your stinking ass” Boss says to me.
I hate this man with all my heart. I wish I can stab him to death. He walks
away with his crew and everyone else follows..

I slowly wear my trouser with the intense pain, I am feeling. I manage to

slowly walk to the showers.
I am the last person in the queue so I am left alone in the showers.
I slowly wash my body as it feels sore from all the beatings and the
penetration. I had not realized I was really hurt, until I see the blood sinking
down the floor mixed with water. The only reason I didn’t mess on myself was
because of the hunger. My stomach was and is still empty.

I am taking the longest shower, when I feel someone grabbing me from

behind. I jump and Boss says “shhh just one more round”

“No no” I scream but he holds my mouth preventing me from screaming and
does it again. Killing me, destroying the little dignity I had left….. After he
groans indicating that he is done, he says to me “my friend here will get a
taste of what I had tonight.
“hurry up” the guard says to Boss who gets out of the shower and I remain
there feeling broken.


I am done with my duties for the day so I walk Sindi to her home. It’s not like
I have anything better to do, so I accompany her while she tells me about
everything and everyone in the village.

“ you have a good relationship with your husband. Why don’t you have kids?
How long have you been married?” she has started again. Before I answer
her, we see people running one after the other.

“Hey hey why are you running? ” she asks a young boy.
“The Mine. The Mine collapsed and there are men trapped down there”
“Which Mine? What mine?” I ask trying by all means not to panic.
“The Mine at the North?”
“yes” the boy replies and runs away.
“That’s where Mthulisi and Your husband are working” Sindi says and I ask
my feet to carry me as I run after her. We get there and find wounded men
being carried out of the mine. Some with broken legs, some are bleeding to
death. This is so heart breaking, it's so sad to watch.

“What happened?” Sindi asks around.

“They found Gold and the usual happened, they used machetes to fight and
stab each other and triggered somethings in there hence the mine collapsed”
these people speak Ndebele but I manage to understand what they are

I see people being carried out one by one and my eyes are looking for Mondli
but they can’t find him.
I am running around looking for him and I end up crying…..

“The ones trapped deep inside are probably dead by now, because we can’t
get them out” a man says and I find myself crying even more.
“I am sorry MaNcube…..” Sindi says to me and they all start looking at me in
I would give anything to hear him shouting at me or calling me a bitch, a
witch whatever but he can’t dodge bullets in South Africa, and die in a mine
leaving me all alone in a foreign land with nothing to my name!
I am so heartbroken.
My misery never ends…..

[07/14, 3:15 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“I got her a teddy bear, I hope she will love it” Sindi says. She is trying so
hard to be close to Nana but Nana is being a brat.
“Just don’t take anything she does or says to heart” I say squeezing her hand
as we get home.
“Is it too soon to say I love you?” she asks and I squeeze her hand and get
out of the car.
After sex women tend to catch feelings and fall in love.
She has body guards around the house, making me wonder if her parents
know about this?
We get home and Nana isn’t running to me like the old days.
She is just sitting on the couch watching cartoons.
“hey beautiful” I greet her.
“I miss my uncle, I miss my grandpa and I miss my mum even more” she says.
“Nana you won’t see them again. Stop being childish”
“I am a child that’s why I am childish”
“What?” she just said that sentence without even stuttering. How does she
even know so much?
“hey hey guys no fighting beautiful people. No fighting, I got you a teddy
bear” Sindi says sitting next to her and giving her the teddy bear.
“My grandpa wouldn’t have bought me a teddy bear instead he would have
bought me a Tablet. My uncle would have secretly connected me to the Wi-Fi
and I would be buying teddy bears online. I hate pink” she says pushing the
pink teddy bear away and increasing the volume of the cartoons. I feel really
I now see where the stubbornness and the language comes from.
I mean she is watching Hotel Transylvania; Dracula and Adam Sandler are
teaching my daughter nonsense.
“come here” I pull Sindi away to the bedroom. She looks embarrassed too.
“I told you not to take anything she says to heart. She is stubborn like My
brother Mondli, because the rest of us are calm” I say trying to cheer her up.
“I just want to make you guys comfortable”
“we are comfortable my lady”
“your lady” she says to me as she gets naughty.
Makes me wonder when and how she fell in love with me…. I am really
“No.. We can’t have sex my daughter is here”
“we will keep it down, I promise” she says as she takes charge….

I can barely sit but what can I do? Boss has been taking my food away. I only
drank tea and a slice of bread. I am so hungry and in pain. His friend keeps
looking at my side and smirking, licking his lips.
Can a miracle happen today because I really need a miracle. I can’t be raped
every night.
“I am sorry but his friend has a bigger dick. He left me paralyzed for days”
this guy is irritating me.
“it will feel worse than yesterday” he keeps on talking.
“another thing don’t scream and cry, it turns other prisoners on. They will be
masturbating, while you are screaming and crying”
“leave me alone!” I say and I roll myself on the floor. The guy comes to me
after a few hours.
“it’s time to satisfy daddy” he says and I wipe my tears.
“It gets less painful when you don’t fight. Just relax your body and you will be
fine” he says to me and I wish someone can just shoot me and let me die…
“Siboshwa[Prisoner!] ” a guard shouts.
They all stand back. They look like they fear this particular guard.
“Hey follow me” he says to me and I quickly jump and follow him without
asking any questions.
“Please help me. I don’t know why I am here, I haven’t seen a lawyer or
appeared In front a judge…… Can I please make a phone call” I say to the
guard who totally ignores me and leads me to a different cell; where there is
no noise at all, people are so serious. I swear they look like murderers. This is
more scarier than where I come from. The quietness, one wouldn’t know what
the person is thinking
“Look for an empty bed and sleep” the guard says.
“Why did you bring me here?” I ask the guard and when I look back, I realise
he is nowhere in sight.
This particular section has different cells that has two bunker beds in each
It’s more private and it’s clean. I keep walking straight looking for an empty
It’s too quiet for my liking.
I reach the far end of the cell and I see three empty beds then I rest my
painful ass on the lower bunker on my right.
There is a guy sleeping on the bed next to mine. He is facing the other
direction. There is space in between the beds.
“So you tried to kill me” the man says and I realise I am in another trap!
I can never get rest.
I am coming from one hell to the other!


I have been looking around the mine looking for Mondli but to no Avail.
I always lose people close to me. It should be a normal thing by now, but no
it’s not.
I am all alone again.
Sindi and the other ladies walk me back to the farm and they leave me by the
gate since it’s dark. I am sure it’s around 9pm.
Sindi is so selfless. She was worried about Mthulisi too but she comforted me.
I have lost my appetite so I go straight to bed and I don’t bother lighting the
candle I just start crying in the dark.
I sit at the edge of the bed and cry.
“yazi you love crying Thandi. What happened today? Why are you crying?” I
swallow hard and manage to locate the candle and the matches before saying
I switch it on and I see Mondli lying on the bed without any scratch.
“You are alive?” I ask.
“You thought the damn meat you gave me yesterday was going to kill me?
Nop it didn’t. I won’t eat your food---” I place down the candle and I attack
him with a hug… I cry tears of joy this time while hugging him.
I hug him tighter and he pulls away from the hug.
“hey hey what is wrong with you?”
“Weren’t you at the mine?” I ask him.
“No. I had a small problem so I went to Mthulisi’s home and we chilled there”
I know the small problem was a running tummy. I tell him everything that
happened and he is surprised.
“so if I wasn’t sick I would have been trapped in a mine?” he is shocked. I feel
relieved though and I let him sleep on the bed…. For today because I am
really grateful for his life……
[07/15, 2:45 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



This is the man I tried to kill the other day. I keep quiet, so does he.

I now find it difficult to get some sleep. I know they used to say that, in here,
one should sleep with one eye open, but I never thought I would have to live
to see the day that that saying applied to me, because I am, literally, sleeping
with one eye open in this hellhole.

Apparently, on this side of the prison, they switch off the lights, which makes
it even scarier.
After switching off the lights, they start talking and laughing, also singing
songs, and it’s all just so weird.
Why do the lights have to be off, in order for them to start talking?
My heart is pounding very fast in here; at least that side, my life wasn’t in
danger, but on this side, my life is in danger - deathly danger - because I
could get stabbed at any given time.

As I am listening closely to hear any movement that's coming my way, I

immediately pick up the sound of footsteps and instantly become ready to
defend myself in the dark, but what I hear next confuses me - kisses and
giggles, and they are coming from Kizito’s bed. What the fuck!?
The other person, the one who is being kissed, is giggling. Then soon after,
the person starts moaning; it’s so irritating and uncomfortable for a man to
moan like that. They go on for a few minutes, until they both reach an
Yup, they reached their happy ending, not caring about whether or not I
heard them.
“My love, take care of yourself; I don’t want any stories. I have done all I can
to make sure that you get out on parole, so don’t mess up.”
“I won’t mess up, and I am behaving.
How is everything in the house?”
“Everything is sorted for you to come back. I brought you everything you
asked for, and also, what you didn’t ask for,” the other guy says, seductively
Jesus Christ! Looks like the other party is not a prisoner!
“I love you.”
“I love you more. How is my sister?”
“They are all fine. I hate this part, but I have to go,” he sulks, and I hear him
pulling up his trousers.

I have been laying on my back all along, but I decide to look on the side as I
see a faint light; Kizito has a phone in his hands, and they are using the
phone's torchlight to help the guy get dressed easier. He gets dressed into a
suit - a whole suit! He even looks like a "normal" guy.
What the hell!
My heart wants so badly to ask to use that phone; I need to make a phone
call. It’s impossible that no one has looked for me; it’s impossible that my
whole family is dead.
No! I refuse to believe that!

I need to, at the very least, call Lloyd.

He saw me being brought here, so if he wanted to help me, he would have
done so a long time ago.
So, I don't know if I can trust him.
Neriah? I need to call Neriah at least.

“Hey, can I use your phone?” I blurt it out and regret it soon after.
“Who is this?” the guy in a suit asks while directing the torch at me.
“Who is this damn guy, Kizington!?”
The suit-guy is now angry.
“Hey, hey. Calm down, don’t shout. He is an inmate, and since I am trying to
get parole, I can’t control some things anymore; I am trying to stay clean.”
“When did you start sharing your cell?”
“Donald, just calm the fuck down! Nothing is going on, you can ask Michael.”
A guard comes in and says, “It’s time to go.”
The crazy Donald person walks away, fuming.
What the hell was that about? I only asked to make a phone call.
“FUCK!” The Kizington gay son-of-a-bitch curses, and falls back onto bed.

Wow, so much drama, just for a phone call!


I thought I was going to handle being cooped up in here, but obviously I was
lying to myself; trying to make David happy, at all and any costs, is very
stupid of me.

I am tired of watching all these series. There is no Wi-Fi here, no internet, no

TV, no radio - only a laptop with dozens of series.
If I got a R100 for every Tyler Perry movie or series that I have watched so
far, I would probably be R5000 richer by now; I have watched everything of
Tyler Perry’s, and I am tired.
I need to connect with the outside world; with my dad, brothers, and niece,
whom I am sure is asking herself where Aunt Neriah is at.
My dad, on the other hand, must have tried tracing my whereabouts.
Why the hell am I even doing this?
No, I need my family and friends!

I get up from my bed, and go try to open the doors, but it’s Mission
Impossible. The windows are worse; they are indestructible. There is no way
out of here; nothing.

I am beginning to get worried. I feel suffocated, claustrophobic, and sweaty,

and I suddenly have a craving for soil.
I am suddenly so teary.
I feel like a prisoner.

I take a tub of ice cream from the freezer, sit on the couch, and eat it until I
fall asleep.
When I wake up, it's morning, and I hear soft music playing from somewhere,
and the smell of eggs makes me nauseous all over again.
“Hey. Hey, Baby. What the hell?” David.

He rushes to me with a mop and starts mopping. I get up and walk past him,
going to the bathroom, where I take a shower, and have a change of clothes.
When I go back to the living room, I find everything back to normal.
“I want to leave,” I say firmly.
“What happened? What’s wrong, Baby?”
“I miss my family. They must be worried sick about me,” I say and he hugs
“I feel like a prisoner here; I don’t have internet, and I don’t even have a
I just want to leave, David. My dad will protect your child and I,” I say, and he
hugs me tighter, and kisses my forehead.

What he does next... my world just turns upside-down!

He takes out his phone, and shows me the news of my family house burning
down to the ground. He also shows me pictures of Mondli and Thandi being
the Most Wanted people, and a picture of my dad in handcuffs.

I feel my whole body giving up on me. I start to fall to the ground, and he
holds me before I reach the floor.

I feel numb.


I am looking at Thandi busy cultivating; she is doing the whole thing wrong.

Other women are going another way, but she is doing it her own way. It’s so
funny to watch, though, I won't lie.
“We were so damn lucky!” Mthulisi can’t keep quiet about the mine.
“The thought of dying in there still scares me,” I say.
“Your running stomach saved us,” he says and laughs.
“Eish, don’t even go there. I don’t want to die man. Not yet,” I say.
“Especially considering leaving your beautiful wife behind,” he says looking at
“Do you want her?” I ask him.
“No. No, mf'ethu, I didn’t mean it like that. I was just complimenting your
choice as a man. She is kind and beautiful at heart,” he apologises profusely
for liking Thandi. But, what he doesn't know is that if he sleeps with her, he
will wake up dead - she is cursed.
“Aaaaahhhh!” a woman screams in the field, and they start throwing stones at
whatever it is that scared her.
“Inyoka [A snake]!” they shout, and it becomes chaotic there, with everyone
running here and there, but nowhere in particular.
I can’t see Thandi in that chaos, so Mthulisi and I run into the field where I
find Thandi lying on the ground.
“What… What happened?”
“The snake came from nowhere, and it bit her,” those around her say in
unison, and I bend to pick her up, and carry her to the veranda. She looks
weak, and in pain.
“Can we take her to the hospital?” I ask and they say,
“The hospital is too far away, and the boss won’t be here until tomorrow with
his car.”
A woman makes a concoction which they make Thandi drink. Then someone
applies some ointment on the snake bite.
“Why the hell did the snake choose HER?” I ask and they all look at me. It
came out wrong, but damnit! Why didn’t it bite THEM? Why HER!?

They give her some herbs, then place her on our bed. They go back to work.


“Thandi, please wake up,” I hear Mondli begging.

“You will take the bed every night,” he says again, and I want so badly to
laugh, so hard.
“I won’t shout at you or anything, but please wake up,”


“Thandi, please wake up,” I hear Mondli begging.

“You will take the bed every night,” he says again, and I want so badly to
laugh, so hard.
“I won’t shout at you or anything, but please wake up,” he begs once more,
and I won't lie, I am shocked to hear those words coming from Mondli’s

There is no snake bite at all, those women are crazy.

They made me do this after I told them about how I found Mondli on the bed
last night, after having cried so much for him. They laughed and convinced
me to pretend to be hurt, just for them to see his reaction. I don’t know when
I am supposed to wake up, because right now, he is lying too much!

I hear him praying:-

“God, I never ask you for anything. I have never bothered you before, but
please, I beg you, do me a favour today, and heal her. She is innocent; she
doesn’t deserve to die.”
I find myself crying in my supposed 'coma'.
So, Mondli really cares about me?
But, why does he have to shout at me and insult me all the time, if he doesn’t
want me to die? I have never heard him speak so calmly - not after the fire,
and not even after we got lost in this village; not in the worst moments of our
lives have I ever heard him pray!

I open my eyes and realize that he is kneeling next to the bed.

Jesus Christ what have I done!?

I regret doing this now...

[07/17, 9:47 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



I am so freaking scared!
She is just lying on the bed, with tears flowing down her face. I had never
knelt down to pray before; yes, of course, my mother made us pray all the
time, but I have never prayed with all my heart, like I am doing for Thandi
right now - I am suddenly scared.

Our colleagues take off their shoes, then walk into our room, carrying some
herbs, which they place on her wound, letting the herbs' juices seep into the
wound, and she is just laying there, with her eyes closed.
“She will be fine, Bhudi, just take care of her. Don’t take the herbs off of her
wound.” I look at her leg; it has some black stuff on it.
“You can add this to her food.”
They give me some powder, then say their farewells.

I am just pacing up and down; I don’t want her to die.


'You will be fine, but I don’t believe in these herbs. A snake bite and herbs?'
he says, speaking to himself.
He looks really worried.

He goes outside for a few minutes, and comes back with a warm towel, which
he places on my forehead.
I decide to open my eyes and tell him the truth; I need to stop this game, it’s
no longer funny.
He looks really worried.
“You should stop doing this, Thandi; stop fucken scaring me! If you are not
fainting, you are crying; if you are not crying, you are getting bitten by
snakes. Yoh, just stop it!” He is shouting, but at the same time, I can see that
hes relieved that I am up, and talking.
“Let me get you something to eat, so that you can keep up your energy.
Don’t fall asleep.”
He actually cares, but he doesn’t want it to look like he cares.
This guy!

He goes back outside, for longer this time around.

He comes back with a plate of porridge, and it has herbs, which I can smell
from here.
He sits on the bed, next to me, and places my head on his lap, feeding me the
I am crying because he looks really relieved, and it also looks like he cares
about me, more than I thought he does.
This porridge is tasteless; I am going to kill Sindi for this!
“You must have this, so that you can gain some energy,” he says as he gives
me a few spoonfuls, and I end up refusing to eat after swallowing those few
He gets up after making sure he's shifted my head from his lap and placed it
carefully on the bed, and walks away, but I suddenly feel itchy; my intestines
are getting twisted, and my stomach hurts so much.
I feel itchy under the skin; it feels so painful and uncomfortable!
This was supposed to be a prank, but now, it's so bad!
I scream, but my tongue is literally tied, and I can hardly say anything that's
He walks back in and finds me acting like a mentally unstable person, and he
gets shocked as he sees me acting crazy, and rushes to my side.
He looks very scared, more than he was when I was pretending to be sick.
“Thandi, what the hell is wrong with you?”
I let my tears out because I am in pain.
“Thandi!” he shouts.
“H…,” I manage to say, and he just dives out of the room, leaving
me feeling itchy all over, and scratching myself.

I remember feeling like this when I was young - I think I was 12 - while
playing in the garden with Sindi. We cooked mushrooms and ate them, then
after, I felt like this.

He comes back after what feels like forever, and he's with Mthulisi, who looks
at me and asks, “What’s going on?”
I feel like I am having a seizure.
“She is getting worse. Let’s go, please drive,” Mondli says before scooping
me up, and carries me to a van.
I feel like I am going to die, and the only picture in my mind is that of my
“You will be fine, Thandi, we are going to the hospital. Hurry up, Mthulisi!” he
says as he looks at Mthulisi, who's driving as fast as he can.
After driving for a while, the car comes to a halt.
“Why are you stopping?” Mondli asks, and Mthulisi says, “I think it’s the
“Shit!” Mondli curses.
I am getting worse, and I am unsettled.
“Thandi? Don’t do this. What the hell is wrong with you!”
He gets out of the car, to check the battery, I guess.
“Sindi told me this is a joke, but it’s no longer funny; your husband is really
worried. Just stop it,” Mthulisi says to me and I wish I was acting, but I am
not; my whole body is in serious pain.
“Mthulisi, how far is the hospital from here?”
“It’s a bit far, maybe an hour's walk,” he says and I feel uneasy, my whole
body starts shaking.
“Thandi… THANDI!” Mondli says as he carries me out of the car, and puts me
on his back and starts walking. I feel like dying.
“Don’t fall asleep, Thandi.”
“Remember when Nana was born? You refused to give her another name, and
I was losing it every time you called her 'Nana',” he says and chuckles a bit.

I feel weak as my whole body starts giving up on me.


“Let me help you,” Mthulisi says.

“How far are we now?”
“We are close.”

She feels so heavy now, meaning she is unconscious. The fact that it’s now
dark and I am walking in the forest doesn’t help one bit.

I pick up my pace; I wish I could run, but she is really heavy.

I walk with her on my back until I see the lights from afar, meaning we are
close to the hospital.
When we get there, the nurses assist us and take her away.
“What happened?”
“She was bitten by a snake,” I say.
“I am confused,” Mthulisi says.
“It means your damn concoctions and herbs didn’t work! I wish I listened to
my gut and brought her here sooner,” I say as I feel myself get even more
We sit there for a while.
“She is stable now, but the doctor will attend to her in the morning,” the
nurse says with a huge smile on her face.
What the fuck is she smiling for?
“What time is it?” I ask her.
“25 past 11,” she says and I take a deep breath.
“Do you need help with anything?”
“No, thanks. His WIFE is sick,” Mthulisi says to her, emphasizing the word
'wife', because she is shamelessly flirting with me.

We walk back to the truck and push it to the hospital, since Thandi has been
taken care of.


“He has a house in Zimbali, he has a pregnant woman there,” Belinda says to
“That’s better then. He tried to kill my family, so why not kill his?”
“The wife is innocent.”
“My family was innocent, too; they knew nothing about my business. He
shouldn’t have killed them.”
“Okay, then. We are doing exactly what he did to you, shooting at and
burning down his house?”
“Yes, with his family inside,” I say and we start planning our attack on Zondo.

Maybe if he dies, I will find my family.

[07/18, 11:42 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


Last night, I just slept without eating, and now it's morning, and he is giving
me a cereal for breakfast.

“HOW CAN YOU KEEP THIS FROM ME!?” I ask with my voice raised.
Almost my entire family was killed, and maybe they did die, but he didn’t
bother telling me. And my dad is in prison for I-don't-know-what.
They probably looked for me everywhere.
“I didn’t want to stress you and the baby.”
“Fuck the baby, David! Fuck the baby! That’s my family, damnit!” I shout.
“I know, but whoever tried to kill them might be looking for you too, and it’s
not safe for you out there - at all,” he says.
“I want to see my dad; I also want my phone, maybe Mondli tried to call me
for help. What about Nana? What happened to her? UMgcini yena [What
about Mgcini]? He didn’t die, right?” I ask in panic, and as soon as I stop
talking, waiting for his response, I smell petrol.
“Can you smell that?” I ask him, and instead of answering my question, he
takes out a gun and cocks it.
“You brought a gun? You have a gun!?” I ask him, and he says, “My love, put
on your shoes.”
I listen and obey.

Whoever is outside starts shooting at the house, but, apparently, the house is
“David, the windows are bulletproofed. Who is shooting at us?” I ask him and
he says,
“I am sorry, Baby, but I have to do this.”
And what he does next, I can not believe it!
He pulls my hand, taking me towards the door, and puts the gun to my head,
then opens the door.
To say I am shocked would be an understatement!
“Nxumalo, look at what I have here!” he shouts.
“David, what are you doing?”
“We are playing a game, Baby. I won’t shoot you, don’t worry.”

“Nxumalo kaZwide (Totems). I have your only daughter, the Princess. Guess
what? She is pregnant!”

“It’s her, Banzi, it’s Neriah!” Belinda says.

“What the fuck!” I exclaim.
“He kidnapped her?”
“Looks like it.”
“Okay, you win, Zondo,” I say to him.
“I am going to take my woman away from here, and you will get inside this
house, take some water and wash out the petrol. Right?”
“Okay, my friend, you win once again,” I say sarcastically.
I am totally pissed!
“Dad, what is going on?” Neriah shouts.
“Daddy will find you, my love. I love you,” I say as he takes her to his car and
drives away with her.



“Don’t eat mixed herbs, especially anything that contains oregano,” the
doctor says and I nod.

“Your husband spoke of a snakebite...?”

“It’s okay, Doctor. Thanks,” I say and walk out of the ward, and the hospital.
I find Mthulisi waiting for me next to the car.
“He is very angry, MaNcube.”
“That was a very stupid prank,” I say, totally regretful.
“He walked back, but left the car for you.”
We get in and he drives us to the farm.

Everyone has gone back home, but I find him talking to the boss.
“Ms Ncube, I am so sorry. I didn’t know you were allergic,” the boss says. He
is so kind and generous.
“It’s okay, Sir.”
“I will ask someone to stand in for you until you get better. Your aunt, the
one who got the job for you guys, worked for me and she was a good
“Thank you, Sir."
I walk to the kitchen and warm up the food and eat; after that, I warm up my
water, pour it into a basin, then I take a bath.
I feel much better after that.

I walk to the bedroom where I find plastic bags on the bed. I open them to
find that Mondli bought me clothes yesterday before the whole stupid prank.
I am tired of wearing the clothes that I found here, which I don't know whom
they belong to.
I moisturize and change into my warm tracksuit.

He walks in without knocking - that’s a first.

He takes his blankets and sleeps on the floor without saying a word to me.
“Thank you for the clothes.”
He ignores me.
“I am sorry,” I say as the tension gets thicker between us.
“I shouldn’t have listened to them,” I keep on talking, to myself, as it seems,
because he is not replying.
“I am really sorry.”
He still keeps quiet.
He is really upset.

I shouldn’t have done that. He went through a lot of trouble for me, carrying
me on his back like that, because otherwise, I would have died.
“Just stop talking, Thandi.”
“Okay, but ngiyaxolisa [I am sorry],” I say and kneel next to him on the floor, I
am even crying.
I feel really bad. I have realised that he doesn’t want to lose me, as much as I
don’t want to lose him.

But Mondli is Mondli - hardheaded, and right now, he won’t even look at me.


I wake up and take a bath, then soon after, Mthulisi comes by, and we walk to
the man that I owe.

We borrowed his truck when I had to take Thandi, who played me for a fool,
to the hospital.
The payment for borrowing the truck is to work on his farm.
"He showed me what to do," Mthulisi says as we get to the farm.
It's one huge job. Who needs a gym when there is so much work?
Mthulisi helps me to do the work.

I am so thirsty and tired after cultivating for hours, and the sun is not doing
us any justice.
"I am so fucken hungry!" I say as I sit under a tree, and Mthulisi joins me.
He starts telling me about how he raised money to marry Sindi - he worked
for everyone until he married her, that's how he paid her bride price.
As we are about to get back to work, Thandi and Sindi approach us, carrying
food and water.
"Beautiful people!" Mthulisi says, but I just keep quiet; I am really angry and
"We brought you food," Sindi says, placing plates of hot pap and chicken stew
in front of us. Thandi takes out water from a plastic bag and pours it on
Mthulisi's hands, who washes his hands quickly, and she comes to me, and I
reluctantly wash my hands.

She really pisses me off! I really broke my back carrying her, I got scratches
on my leg from running with her on my back, and for what? Lies? A stupid

Sindi opens another plastic bag that has another plate of food. They can't
possibly think I will eat all this alone.
"We didn't eat, so we will eat here with you guys. Let's eat, Nkiwane wami,
Mthunzi (Totems)," Sindi says to Mthulisi, who moves a little, making space for
Sindi to sit.
They start eating while making conversation, and I am just looking at the
plate of food, with Thandi seated next to me. Then her stomach growls. This
"Dlana phela ma ulambile [Eat if you are hungry]," I say to her and she starts
eating, and I join her.
"I hope you didn't poison me this time around," I say as I am enjoying the
I was so damn hungry!
She tries to pick a drumstick.
"Who told you that a woman chooses the meat before the man?" I ask, and
Mthulisi and Sindi burst out in laughter.
"You are taking too long to eat the meat," she says and I pick up the whole
plate of meat and run away.
"No! No, Mondli, I am hungry!" she says and runs after me.
She won't eat any meat today; she lied to me, and this is my payback!
"Mondli, come on!" she says as she runs after me and almost catches me, but
I duck, so she catches the air, and I laugh so hard as she now looks angry,
and goes back to pack up her things and tries to leave.
Mthulisi and Sindi are holding each other, laughing their lungs out, and their
laughs are infuriating Thandi even more.
"Okay. Okay, I left the neck for you," I give it to her, but she is angry. She
pushes the plate away, takes her other plates and walks away off.

"That was so cute to watch, but run after her; she is really upset. You can't
play with a hungry woman's food," Mthulisi says and I run after her.
She is even wearing the dress I bought with the money I borrowed from
"You don't have to be angry because of a chicken neck," I say, but she just
keeps on walking, so I stand in front of her, blocking her way. We look like
teenagers now.
"Thandi, stop with the drama. I am sorry," I say and she says, "Yesterday, I
was apologizing too, you know?"
"You are sorry, I am sorry. It's fine," I say and she nods, with her hands folded
over her chest.
"Kiss her, man!" I don't know when Mthulisi and Sindi got here to make
matters worse.
"Kiss her," Sindi says and it becomes awkward. In their eyes, we are a couple,
and for couples, kissing is normal.
"No, I have forgiven him," Thandi says and walks away.
"Ouch! You will have to deal with this and make it up to her tonight," Mthulisi
says as we go back to work.

I feel somehow... I don't know how to put it into words.

It's really crazy, that I almost kissed her!

[07/18, 11:44 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I couldn’t fall sleep, not until I heard the Kizito guy snoring, scared he might
confront me with his hands, and also with the way I was in pain, and tired.

But, as soon as I finally manage to fall asleep,

I hear people making noise from afar.
I open my eyes and see that he is not in his bed.

A beautiful aroma of Chicken Licken hits my nostrils.

I get up from my bed and see men eating chicken and bread, and drinking
I am so hungry…
They are all eating together, sharing amongst themselves, but the Kizito guy
isn’t eating; he is standing there, with his arms folded over his chest,
watching them, and even laughing. They are making jokes, about what? I
don’t know, I just feel like a lost puppy.
The time for showering comes, and my fear creeps back into me again.
But I follow them to the showers, because I have no other alternative as I feel
dirty. I do wish I could skip the showering part of the day, though, because
anything can happen in these showers.

I see Boss and his men in the queue.

He looks at me and I immediately look away.
I look at them again and this time, my eyes collide with those of his friend’s,
who licks his lips.
Damn pervert!

I get into the shower, and Boss follows closely behind.

“Baby boy, I don’t know what you did to make them take you away, but I will
get you back. You are mine,” he says with certainty, and I begin to tremble.
“I think you are in the wrong shower!” a guy says and Boss smirks, and says,
“He is mine, and I will get him back.” He walks away.
I feel a huge relief, and I release the breath I was holding.
“Thank you,” I say to the guy who was eating Chicken Licken, but didn’t
bother to call me.
Yes, I'm offended by that!

He walks away without replying.


The doctor is inside, checking on Thandi.

I didn’t sleep. I don’t know where that damn snake came from. Oh, Lord,
please don't let anything bad happen to her.
We managed to get the battery charged using a nurse’s car; she was flirting
with me, and I took advantage of the opportunity.
The doctor comes back to me.
“What exactly did she eat?” he asks me.
“She was bitten by a snake, and I only gave her porridge.”
“What snake?” he asks, evidently confused.
“We are here because she was bitten by a snake,” I say matter-of-factly, and
he looks genuinely lost.
"Which patient are you talking about?” he sighs with his eyes closed, and
shaking his head a bit. He is really confused.
“Thandi, in that ward,” I say to him and he says, “Follow me.”
I follow him to her ward, with Mthulisi on my heel, and he's busy shaking his
head, mumbling to himself. I find her sleeping soundly, looking better than
she did earlier on.
“Is this her?”
“Where did the snake bite her?”
I remove the hospital blanket and look at her leg, where they had put those
herbs to treat the snakebite, but there is no sign of any snakebite. I check
both legs, but there is nothing there.
I look at Mthulisi, who immediately looks away.
“Doctor, yesterday when she was in the field, she got bitten by a snake,” I
explain, trying to make the doctor understand what I saw yesterday.
“She wasn’t bitten by any snake. She is only allergic to the herbs you gave
“The herbs I fed her because she was unconscious, from the snakebite,” I say,
and the doctor looks at me, and shakes his head again.
“She wasn’t bitten by any snake. She is allergic to the herbs you gave her, but
she is fine now, and awake!” he reiterates, and walks away.

I look at Thandi, who keeps on trying so hard to close her eyes, pretending to
be asleep.
“What is this man talking about?” I ask Mthulisi.
“On our way home, the ladies were talking about the love you two have for
each other, and how they pranked you about Thandi’s 'snakebite',” Mthulisi
“So, you mean, she faked the whole snakebite business?”
“Yes, but the prank went wrong when she started having seizures. Which is
why I was confused.”

I feel hurt and betrayed. But, what did I expect from a bitch!

I just walk away, because if I stay here, I might do something I'll regret!

[07/22, 10:24 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



“That was so cute!” Sindi says, irritating me.

“Girl, stop it,” I say, playfully pushing her.
“How old are you, again?”
“27,” I say.
“And how old is he?”
“28 this year,” I say and she laughs.
“I swear, you both looked like 16-year-olds, running around, chasing each
other because of meat. That was so cute, that’s how married life should be -
best friends before anything else.”
“Stop it, Sindi,” I say as we get to the farm and find the boss standing with a
man and woman, who are carrying bags.

I hope this is not what I think it is...

“Ms Ncube, who are you?”
“What do you mean, Sir?” I ask, feigning ignorance.
“Apparently, these two are the people who were supposed to be working
here, in the posts you and your husband have occupied, but they lost their
child as they were preparing to come start work here, hence they delayed
coming. So, I'll ask you one again, who are you?”
I freeze right on the spot.

This can't be happening!


I am a crying mess as David drives like a maniac; driving away with me

without my consent.

“So, you kidnapped me?”

I can’t believe what is happening to me right now! My dad and boyfriend were
trying to kill each other, and I don't even know why!
“No, Neriah, I didn’t mean to. I mean, I didn’t kidnap you. Your dad is crazy;
he is a dangerous son of a bitch!”
“Wow,” I say.

He drives into a house that has a lot of guards patrolling outside.

“My dad is a son of a bitch?"
“Baby, calm down; do it for the baby.”

“David Zondo, who are you?”

He ignores me.

We are trying to make dinner, and the kitchen is a mess!

Sindi doesn’t know how to cook, but she is trying.

“At least you didn’t burn the chicken,” I say to her, but she looks
“Don’t be disappointed. You will learn as time goes by and you continue
cooking,” I say while hugging her from behind.
“Please tell me that I am not wasting my time with you,” she says and I turn
her around, “I am married, Sindi,” I say, reminding her.
“You are dead to her.”
“Yeah, you are right, and I enjoy spending time with you,” I say and kiss her.

“Ma’am, there is someone outside for you,” her body guard just barges into
the kitchen and says that.
She walks away and I continue with the dinner.
I try to make Nana’s favourites - potato wedges, beetroot and fish soup. Sindi
takes long outside, and after a while, I hear Nana wailing. I drop everything
and follow the noise to the main door, I see Sindi holding her back as a car
drives away.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” I ask Sindi, who looks like she just saw a
“Nana, why are you crying?” I ask my daughter as I pick her up.
There is something about her screams that shatters my heart; no matter how
perfect everything seems to be right now, I can’t just ignore my daughter’s
“I want my aunt!” she screams.
“What is she talking about?” I ask Sindi.
“She saw my friend and thought it's her aunt.”
“You are lying; that WAS my aunt! I know her, and she even called my name.”
“No, that’s not true,” Sindi says.
I know Nana is throwing another tantrum, just spoiling everything that Sindi
tries to do for her.
I pick her up and lock her in her bedroom; screaming and kicking as she is.

I take a deep breath and sigh.

I can’t believe my heart felt so much pain upon hearing her screaming, only to
find that she's throwing a tantrum.
“I am really sorry for all this; Thandi and my father really spoiled Nana.”
“It’s okay, really. She is just a child, and she's been through a lot.”
She is so understanding.
“You are so perfect, Sindi. You make it easy for someone to fall in love with
you,” I say, brushing her hair and putting it behind her ear, then kiss her.
“I am falling in love with you,” I say as I kiss her, and she smiles.
“I have been waiting for a long time, just to hear those words coming from
“It hasn’t been too long, though, Beautiful,” I say as I pick her up and take her
to the bedroom.

I make her lie on the bed, then make love to her.

After the love session, she goes on to take a bath while I whip up something
to eat, and a guard brings a gift for her.
I place the food on the table, and go to Nana’s bedroom, then open the door
for her. I thought I would find her still crying and all, but she is standing by
the window, sucking her thumb.
“Sindi is like Cinderella’s evil stepmother.” she says.
“Okay, Cinderella. Can we go and have dinner now, since you are calm?” I ask
and carry her to the dining room.
“Baby, I love you; no one will ever take your place in my heart, Nana. You are
my angel. I love you,” I say and kiss her.
“You believe her more than you believe me.”
“Nana, how old are you again?”
“I saw my aunt in that car,” she says, ignoring my question, and I sigh as I
place her on the chair.
“Aunt Sindi made potato wedges for you, and beetroot, too.”
“She didn’t make the beetroot, but she bought it.”
I mentally roll my eyes.
Are kids supposed to be like this?

We sit down and Sindi walks to the dining table, settling next to Nana.
“I am sorry for hurting your feelings,” she says to Nana, who answers,
“You make me look bad in front of my dad.”
Do all kids behave this way? She is too young to be saying such things!
I feel so embarrassed.
“I am sorry, it just happens; I never mean for it to happen.” Sindi says....
“Just stay away from me and my dad,” Nana says and eats the wedges.
“Eat the beetroot, it’s your favourite,” I say, trying to clear the tension.
“I don’t eat vinegar,” she is lying.
“She didn’t add any vinegar,” I say.
“The beetroot HAS vinegar,” she says and I sigh.
“Okay, I am sorry. I didn’t know that you don’t eat vinegar; I won’t add it next
time,” Sindi says, and Nana goes on to eat the same beetroot that she just
claimed she doesn’t eat, and Sindi looks confused.
“Call me 'Cinderella',” she says and I hold back my laughter.
“You said you don’t eat vinegar just now.”
“There is no vinegar in here; the Woolworths beetroot has cherry, not vinegar.
I told you that she didn’t cook the beetroot, Dad.”
Sindi looks really upset. I would be upset too; I mean, Nana is really an
ungrateful little brat!
Sindi gets up, and walks away.
I stand up to follow her.
“Dad, eat with me, please,” she says, and I sit back down.
I look at her innocent little face; she is so troublesome!

Sindi comes back with the gift.

“Hey, Beautiful, I bought you a gift.”
“Call me 'Cinderella',” Nana says and I smirk.
“Okay, Cinderella, here is your gift.”
If only Sindi knew why Nana wants her to call her 'Cinderella'!
“Won’t you open it?” I ask Nana, as she just set the gift aside, and she says, “I
am still eating, Dad.”
“Wow!” I whisper in shock, and get back to my food.
I taste the beetroot and there is really cherry, not vinegar.

She opens the present while she is still eating; the true definition of 'My time,
My rules'.
She beams with joy, smiling wide.
She takes out her gift, a tablet, and moves from the chair, connecting the
tablet to the charger.
“It’s bigger than the one you had,” I say to her, because she is smiling
nonstop, without even saying 'Thank you'.
“Yeah,” she says and comes back to the table and continues eating; I'm still
waiting for her to say 'Thank you'.
“Nana, say 'Thank you'.”
“Dad, I don’t want a stepmother,” she blurts out, and my head falls to the
backrest of the chair.
I am so damn embarrassed!
My father spoiled this child too much!
She is ruining things for me.

I wonder if all kids her age behave this way!





After doing our job, Mthulisi and I walk to the house of the guy who
borrowed us the truck, just to let him know that we are done, and thank him.

We walk around, and as we approach the yard, I realise that it looks familiar.

“This house looks familiar…” I say to Mthulisi.

“Yeah, we came here yesterday when we were looking for the truck.”

“It was dark, so it can’t be that.”

It’s different and beautiful, painted green, and there is a 3-roomed house at
the far end of it. Then a garage, where we parked the car last time.

That house is where we slept – me, my dad and Mgcini.

I remember now, clearly.

“This is my family house,” I say as we approach the yard.

“Impossible! You can’t be related to Senzo; he is full of shit! And you, on the
other hand, aren’t,” Mthulisi says and I remember Senzo very well.

We walk in and find the Senzo guy; I recognize him as he approaches us.

“Er, Boss, we have finished the job,” Mthulisi says to the Senzo guy.

“Listen, you spent the whole night with my truck, doing only God-knows-
what! I need firewood, on top of the work you have done,” he says, not even
paying attention to us; he isn’t even looking at us.

Senzo is my father’s relative, and this is our family home, the home that I was
looking for from day one.

“But Boss, that was not the agreement,” Mthulisi says, but the guy is hearing
none of it.

He goes to his wife, leaving us standing there.

“This was built by my father. The truck belongs to my father; the cattle and
everything is his,” I say to Mthulisi, who looks at me like I am crazy.

“Are these the Nxumalos you were looking for?”

“Yes,” I say, and sit down on the veranda.

The Nxumalo ancestors are not useless after all.

“This Senzo guy is full of shit!” I say to Mthulisi.

“He is better than some of us; he has what we don’t have. What can we say?”

“So? What are you going to do?”

“Who does he stay with?” I ask.

“His grandparents.
Oh, speak of the devil,” Mthulisi says as the old couple walks in.

The grandfather looks fit and strong.

“Nkiwane, Mthunzi (totems),” he greets Mthulisi.

“Zwide kaNxumalo (Totems)” he greets the old man back.

The old man takes a good look at me and says, “Ng’yakufanisa [You look
familiar, mfan’am [my boy].”

“Yebo [Yes], Khulu [Grandpa],” I say, standing up to greet them, and a smile
escapes Gogo’s toothless mouth.

“Wena [Hey], Banzi,” she says.

“Banzi can’t be this young, Josephine,” Grandfather says to his wife.

“It’s him!”

“Igama lami nguMondli [My name is Mondli], umfana kaBanzi owesibili

[Banzi’s second son],” I say to both of them, and they genuinely smile.
Ugogo hugs me and even dances a bit.
This is the second time someone is happy to see me. The first was when
Thandi hugged me, because she thought I had died in the mine.

“Awu [Oh], mzukulu wami [my grandson]. We were so hurt that we would die
without you guys coming back to your roots. But I am so glad to see you, my
son,” Grandpa says, and we sit down and talk about how I ended up here.
I tell them everything, being truthful throughout, and Mthulisi is shocked to
the core; he now realizes that he doesn’t know me at all.
“You are welcome to stay here for as long as you like, Zwide. Even though
your father doesn’t visit much, he makes sure to take care of us. Everything
you see here is because of him – the cattle, store. He even allowed us to
collect rent money from his house in the city.”

“Ng’yabonga [I’m grateful], badala [my elders].”

“Yeah, go to that farm and collect your belongings. You can’t work for other
people,” Gogo says and I am really grateful.

“I must thank that man for giving you a job.”

“You are still here, Mthulisi!?” Senzo shouts at us and Mthulisi looks
everywhere, but him.

“Senzo, have manners!” Grandma reprimands him.

“He and his stupid friend borrowed my truck, and –”

The grandparents are so embarrassed.

“We slima [You idiot], akuthule [just shut up], ulalele [and listen]!”

“Let us be on our way to the farm, Khulu, see you later,” I say and walk away
as they start explaining things to Senzo.

“That was a huge turn of events, broe!” Mthulisi says, still surprised.

“Yeah, at least I will be able to go to the city and get a phone, then I can also
get an update on what’s happening in SA,” I say as I feel relieved.

“Your wife will be happy,” Mthulisi won’t compliment me without involving


“Yeah, she will be happy to finally sleep on a bed,” I blurt it out without

“Heee, you guys prefer sleeping on the floor?” Mthulisi asks totally surprised.
I ignore him and continue walking to the farm.
When I get there, I spot Thandi sitting outside with Sindi and our plastics in
front of them, it’s dark and chilly out here. Why are they seated there?

Thandi is even crying.

“Thandi, you love crying! What the hell? No man, how much tears do you
have? You might as well open your own tap,” I say, totally pissed.

“We don’t have a place to stay,” she says and I ask, “What happened?”

“The real owners of the job came by. Why did you guys lie?” Sindi asks.

“Eish,” I say and Sindi says to Mthulisi, “Mthunzi, can they stay with us until
they figure something out?”
Sindi really has a good heart.

“Stop crying, Thandi,” I say.

“How can I stop crying when we are homeless and jobless, Mondli? This is all
your fault!”

“I have been taking care of you since day 1. Why would I stop taking care of
you now?” I say to her as I squat before her.
I realise Mthulisi and Sindi are holding each other looking at us, smiling.

“What the hell is the problem with the both of you?” I ask them as they are
widely smiling, like the cats that got all the cream.

“You guys make this love thing so real and beautiful. The ‘Through thick and
thin’ kind of a relationship.”
We both look at them in confusion.

What love? They are crazy!

I pick up the plastics.

“Let’s go,” I say to Thandi and we all go to the family house, as I now know
the way to.
Before I explain anything to Thandi, Mthulisi has already explained everything
to his wife; this man is too forward, but I am grateful to him.
When we get there, we find the grandparents sitting in the living room with
food already prepared and waiting for us.

“Mthunzi, thank you very much for bringing my grandchildren home.”

They thank Mthulisi, and he and Sindi leave.

“Makoti, welcome home,” they say to Thandi, and I don’t even bother
correcting them.

We eat, and after, they unlock my father’s house for us.

“Nobody sleeps here. I just open and clean once in a while,” Gogo says and
leaves us there, it’s the two of us now.

There is a bit of dust here and there, but it’s so beautiful.

It’s a three-roomed house, with two bedrooms and a sitting room.

“We used to sleep in the other room, and he slept in here,” I say to Thandi.

“So, I will sleep in the other one, and you will sleep here,” she says and walks

I climb on the bed and I suddenly miss watching her sleeping on the floor.

I keep tossing and turning, thinking about her. I hate what I am feeling these
days. I hate this shit!
‘She is a witch and a bitch; remember, Mondli.’
My mind says something, but my heart says something else.

I get up from the bed and see her sleeping on the floor outside my door.

“Thandi, what the hell?”

“After what happened last time, I am scared of sleeping alone,” she says and I
understand her.
She’s taken blankets and spread them in the living room, just close to my

“Do you want me to…?”

“Yes,” she answers before I finish talking.

I get down to the floor, and lay next to her.

“What the hell are you doing, Mondli!?” she shouts, and I jump.

“You said ‘Yes’, mos!”

“Yes, I want you to leave the door open!” she shouts, turns away from me,
and covers her self with her blankets, then falls asleep instantly.

I laugh at how she easily falls asleep.

I don’t know why I feel like with all the money, the big houses, and the big,
successful company, I never felt as happy as I feel whenever I fight with her.

It’s so crazy!

[07/23, 12:17 pm] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I hear a knock on the door. Goodness gracious, this is so embarrassing,
waking up so late at the in-laws; on my first night, at that!

“Nxumalo, can I come in?”

That’s the grandmother’s voice.

“Mondli!” I whisper-shout his name, and he wakes up.

“Your grandmother wants to come in here,” I say, and he says, “Come to the
“What!? Are you crazy?”

“Just a minute, Gogo,” Mondli says loud enough for his grandma to hear him,
and jumps out of the bed, picks me up from the floor – blankets and all – and
throws me on the bed, then he makes himself comfortable next to me.
I am still confused.
“It will look improper in anyone else’s eyes for us to be sleeping separately,”
he says to me.

“Ngena [Come in], Gogo [Grandma].”

She walks in with a tray. She left the door unlocked yesterday?

This old woman, why is she being so romantic?

“Good morning, my beautiful children. This is how your grandfather woke me

up when we first slept in this house,” she says with a megawatt smile on her
face, and Mondli takes the tray without any shame at all.

“I am so embarrassed. I should have woken up first; before you,” I say and

she holds my cheeks in the warm palms of her hands and says, “This is not
your in-laws’ house, but your grandparents’. Just enjoy your breakfast and
sleep as long as you want. Your grandfather and I are going to the mountain
to pray,” she says, smiling and walks out.

“Your grandmother is so romantic,” I say and look back at Mondli, who has
now finished his cup of tea and is about to finish mine.

“What the hell is wrong with you, Mondli!?” I shout.

“The tea is so delicious! She added lots of milk,” he says while stuffing his
face with the sweet potatoes.

“You are so unfair, Mondli!” I say, and he stops eating and looks at me.

“Take the tray, Thandi, because you just might start crying for ukudla
kwemzini [your in-laws’food].”

He gives me the tray, and gets out of bed.

He is wearing his boxer shorts only; he is disrespectful. I look away, then at

him again.

Ever since he came to this village, he looks so physically strong. He looks so

strong, with the popping veins at the back of his hands; he even has butt
dimples. I guess it’s the hard work he does.
I laugh at that and he looks back at me, his dick-print just out there for
everyone to see.

I stop laughing promptly, and freeze, with my eyes still on him.

“You are staring,” he says and I immediately look away, totally embarrassed.

I hate what is happening!

This thing of pretending to be husband and wife has to end; it really needs to


One of Kizito’s friends is always standing near the shower when I am bathing,
making me feel a little bit safe, which is why Boss and his friends aren’t
abusing me anymore.
I can finally sit in the canteen and eat my food in perfect peace.

Kizito and his friends joined a Bible study. That’s how he is able to get parole.

I am joining them too today, even though I am illegally detained.

I can’t even hear what this pastor is saying, busy asking these guys to sing.

Kizito is busy laughing, while the others are singing.

He is so clean, unlike Boss. He has clean white All Stars on, and his orange
overall fits him perfectly. His hair is well-trimmed, and he looks very tidy.

Boss, on the other hand, is the reason why I have nightmares every night. I
hate that man! If there is one person I wish to kill, it’s him; I want him dead!
He has ruined my life.
I hate all these men sleeping with other men; these same-sex relationships
really piss me off. Call me homophobic, or whatever, but I hate that shit!

After the service, we remain behind; apparently, we are confessing all our sins
to the pastor.

I just want to ask him for help, so I also remain behind with him.

“Please help me, I was illegally arrested. And I haven’t seen a lawyer or a
visitor ever since I got here. I need to contact my father, sister or brother; just
anyone. Please help,” I say, rambling as quickly as I can, and I notice that he
smells just like my father.

“I am fixing all of this, son. I am so sorry, but don’t worry, I am working on

getting you out of here. Be patient, my boy.”
It IS my damn father.
I just let them tears flow like a river.

“You did this to me!” I say, emotions getting the better of me.
“Don’t shout.”
He is unrecognizable. Jesus Christ! Who is this man? He disguised himself as
a pastor.

“You don’t know the pain you have put me through, Nxumalo. Ng’yakuzonda
[I hate you], damnit!”

“I am fixing this. I have asked someone to protect you in the meantime,” he

says and the guard says, “Go back to your cell.”
I wipe my tears that just keep on flowing, as the guard pulls me away.

“Stop being a little spoiled brat. The reason why they take advantage of you
is because you are a yellow-bone. Try being dark,” the guard says, and he
even has the audacity to laugh after spewing that shit!
He pushes me into the cell, and I find them playing cards, while others
Apparently, there are different sections.

There is Section A, which is for the good ones, occupied with studying and
are well-behaved in order to get parole.

Section B is for the almost-qualified to be in Section A, people with light

sentences – 5 to 10 years. Which is where I am.

Section C is for the people with heavier sentences, 15 to 25 years in prison.

That’s where I was at, Boss’ section.

Section D, I have never seen those in that section. I heard it has the serial
killers and the life-in-prison criminals.
Apparently, there is a dead body discovered in there every single day.I get to
my bed and lie down.

I am really pissed! Seeing my father brought up a lot of things; anger, to be


I hate him! I got raped because of him.

I can’t sleep, and it’s because of him.
I am illegally locked up in here because of him!
“Dude, Donald is going to get you out of here. He is a good lawyer.”
“I just hope to get this parole tomorrow, man,” Kizito says and I feel my fears
creaping in again.

This guy has been protecting me, and if he leaves, then it’s back to Square

Damn it!

[07/26, 7:26 pm] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I can’t take away the picture of that woman dragging my niece into that house
a few weeks back.

I screamed her name and she screamed for me too but David drove away
ignoring our cry for each other.

It hit me hard that I was and still am actually kidnapped and so is my niece.

David never loved me.

He used me to get back at my father and like the fool that I am, I didn’t use
protection so I got pregnant. I thought I was starting a family of my own not
knowing that I was fooled.

I am pregnant, kidnapped and stressed.

At least if he brought my niece to me. I would feel a little bit better but now I
am realy stressed and it’s affecting my baby.

Nana is too young to go through all this.

A lot of things are going through my mind as the doctor checks up on me.

David moved me from Durban to another house. I don’t know where we are
exactly because he drove for hours until we got here.

“If you continue like this you are going to have a C section sweetie” the
doctor says bringing me back from my thoughts. ‘dad where are you?’

“Neriah come-on baby” I cant believe he still calls me ‘baby’ after everything
he has done.

“This man kidnapped me call the police” I say to the female doctor who
removes her gloves totally ignoring me. She is even chewing a gum.
“Neriah stop it” David says to me and I scream “He kidnapped me please
help!” the doctor packs up her things unshaken, unmoved and unfazed . Is
this what the world has come to?

Another woman ignoring another woman’s cry for help?

“Dave… Keep your dog on a leash”

“don’t call her a dog!”

“yeah whatever man.” She says and walks away. I have been kidnapped.

“Daddy please find me!” .

“Your damn father killed my father Neriah!” he is shouting.

“He killed my father first I was trying to avenge my father’s murder!” he says
with teary eyes and I am literally crying.

“What? My father is not a killer” I defend my dad. He is not a killer, he is not.

“Neriah wake up! This is the real world you can’t be living a lavish lifestyle,
not knowing where the money comes from”

“Your father is a hitman and he has killed many people for you to live the life
you are living, who buys a Lamborghini for a 24 year old kid?” he shouts at
me, Triggering more tears…

“My dad has a company”

“What? A Retail company Neriah?” he says to me looking all angry and

worked up.

“Baby I love you so much. I love you Neriah this is not about revenge or
anything, it was just a coincidence that I fell in love with the daughter of my
enemy, but it doesn’t mean that I hate you. I am a victim in all this too. He
killed my father and he wanted to kill me” he says kneeling before me, almost
sounding believable.
His brother walks in. He is wearing a suit. He stays here as well. He is a
lawyer but his brother kidnapped me and he doesn’t see anything wrong with

“David you need to stop stressing this woman” he says.

“My father killed your father what is that?” I ask David.

“I don’t want to get involved in all that but My dad wasn’t a saint after all”
Donald says

“My father is not a killer” I say.

“Who is your father? You don’t mean Nxumalo right? ” his brother asks

“Donald just don’t get involved”

“David I have a court case tomorrow. I don’t want any drama please” he says

“and David you have to move man. The owner of the house is getting parole

“Wow” I say and sigh.

“Donald…. Come-on this is the safest place for me. Can’t you take your
boyfriend elsewhere?” boyfriend? I wonder.

“This is his house……He is coming to his house David”

“Damn it!” David exclaims.

“You can take me back to my father David” I say in between tears and he
walks away obviously frustrated.

“Girl how are you and David even in a relationship? You look stressed, fat,
hungry and a bit ugly babe “ wow! Did he just call me ugly?

“I thought he loved me but turns out he kidnapped me”

“He loves you though. I mean he is here risking it all for you and your baby”

“help me call my dad. I need to know if—”

“No No girlfriend. I can’t do that” he says and shifts his attention to his
I stand up and go stand by the window…. Looking outside…. Hoping to see
my father.

I wish I had my phone with me.


I am with Senzo in the house at the City. Apparently my father owns a house
in Pumula North, Bulawayo.

I didn’t know all that untill I found his family in the village.

I sit down on the chair and start googling about our case. There is nothing on
the internet about us. It’s as if we were never on the news.

We got to the city and bought a phone and a sim card.

I call my office number in SA and Bongi answers.


“Mondli is that you?” she asks then sighs

“Bongi what’s going on there?”

“Where are you Mondli? What’s going on where is Thandi?” She is panicking.
There is so much panic in her voice instead of excitement.

“Bongi did my father show up there? Where is Mgcini and—”

“Give me your location Mondli where are you?”

I immediately hang up.

What the fuck is going on with her?

I have already tried calling Mgcini and it’s not going through. I gather up
some courage and call Nxumalo. It rings and he answers immediately.

“ yebo[yes] ” that’s how he answers his calls.

I don’t know if I should be relived that he is alive or I should be angry that
we are in this mess because of him.

“Nxumalo” I say and I can literally hear him sighing at the end of the line.

“Mondli where are you? Are you okay son?”

“Are you not in jail?” I ask him and he says “No. Someone is after my family
but I will get to the bottom of it. Wait… Are you in Zimbabwe?”

“yes with the grandparents”

“Are you alright son?” he asks me and I ask if Mgcini and Neriah are alright.

“I am doing everything in my power to clean up the mess. I swear we will be

fine” he ignores my question.
“Dad are my siblings okay? What about uNana?”

“Nana is with Lloyd’s mother. She is fine”

“ooh thank goodness. Thandi is going to be happy”

“How is she?” he asks

“She is fine”

“I will ask someone to bring you back home. There is no case… You are not
Wanted criminals. It was a trap” he says to me and I wonder what kind of
criminals he messed with.

“Son… You need to have a phone with you always. I will send someone to
bring you guys back and everything will go back to normal. I promise. Bring
makoti back home” he says and I sigh.

I should be relieved but do I want things to go back to normal? No I don’t.

“Dad fix your mess. For now just send me some money please” I say and he
says “Why don’t you come back home and - -”

“No Nxumalo send the money. I will send you Senzo’s details via WhatsApp.
Send money via Mukuru. We will communicate” I say and he agrees to send
money but insists on us coming back. We talk for a while and I hang up.

I am so relieved.

It’s like I have been holding in a breath for weeks.

We are not wanted criminals.

We can go back to SA but I don’t want to.

Is it selfish for me to prefere staying here than going back?

[07/27, 10:03 am] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“I wish we stayed at the farm.

At least at the farm I didn’t work this hard” I say to Sindi who is helping me
wash the dishes.

“UmaNdebele is crazy why is she making you do everything alone? ”

MaNdebele is Senzo’s wife…

“It’s worse when Mondli isn’t here” I complain to my new best friend Sindi.

This woman is really pissing me off. She makes me do all the chores alone
and I am really tired. It’s getting late so I accompany Sindi to her house and I
come back home and cook dinner.

I swear I hate being here right now.

After cooking, I dish for everyone then I go to our house and sit on the bed.
Massaging my feet.
Mondli walks in after a while, carrying plastic bags.

I don’t know if it’s alright to say I am relieved to see him. It was hard sleeping
alone without him in the room. I was really scared.
“Mondli did you get a phone? Did you get in touch with anyone?” I ask
before greeting because I obviously don’t have enough patience for that.

“I have good news and bad news”

“is my daughter okay?” I am at the verge of crying but he looks fine and
happy for some reason.

“that’s the good news… Unana is with Lloyd’s mother and she is perfectly

“Why isn’t she with my sister?”

“She is safe there. Lloyd’s mum is a sweet woman, there is a crèche across
their street so she is fine” he assures me and I calm down but still I miss my
daughter. I want her next to me.

“The bad news is, We are still the most wanted criminals and people suggest
that we stay hidden for a while, until everything is solved” I feel weak in the
knees. Stay here much longer?

I can’t do this anymore……

I want to leave!

“Thandi…. Stop crying. Nana is fine everyone is fine”

“I don’t want to stay here Mondli”

“We can go and stay in the city” he says to me and I just feel down. I don’t
want to be without my family.
Why are we the most wanted criminals anyway?

I didn’t do anything.

I am sleeping on the bed minding my own business when I hear commotion.
Then soon after the commotion I hear a guard shouting
“SBOSHWA [PRISONER] COME WITH ME! ” it’s late at night.

I keep quiet.

The lights are switched back on and I am so nervous while lying on the bed,
because I know Sboshwa [Prisoner] is me.

My name is irrelevant to them obviously.

The guard comes to my bed and pulls me up.

“hey hey you aren’t taking him anywhere” Kizito comes to my defence.

“Don’t get involved Kizito. Boss wants him” at the mention of Boss’s name, I
suddenly get high blood pressure or what ever it is that I am feeling but it’s
high. Its not normal or is it anxiety? I don’t know but I am feeling nervous.

“No no please” I beg as the guard pulls my hand.

Kizito comes in-between the guard and I, separating my hand from his.

“You aren’t taking him anywhere!”

“Kizito don’t get involved. You are supposed to get parole tomorrow” his
friend Mlindo says to him and they all advise him to let me go. I see myself
dying this time at the hands of that rapist.


I should be feeling bad about lying but I don’t. My family is fine and I must
admit that I have never been happy the way I have been happy with Thandi in
these past weeks. Watching her sleeping, watching her talking to Sindi and
laughing does something to me.
I am so crazy for wanting to continue looking at her everyday. It’s like
everything I do, I do it for her.

My father sent me money and I asked the tenants to give us two rooms in
that house. It’s a 4 roomed house.

I am planning on taking her to the city and live there for some time and see
where life takes us.

This is the craziest thing I have ever sat down and taken into consideration..

“Kizito just listen to your friends man” the guard says and Kizito pushes the
guard away and punches him in the face.

“KIZITO WHAT ARE YOU DOING! ” His friend Themba shouts and Pulls Kizito

shouts and the guard rings a bell. They start whistling, they all run into the
ward and manhandle all of us.

“What happened?” the warden asks as soon as he walks in.

“He punched me” the guard says and I just feel like peeing on myself. I am so
damn nervous.

“He is lying. I did it” Kizito’s friend says and the other one says “No I did it”
the whole cell says they did it, taking the fall for Kizito until the guards let’s
us go and walks away.

“Thank you” I say to Kizito who looks pissed.

“WHY ARE YOU EVEN ARRESTED DAMN IT!” He shouts and I startle.

“Don’t shout at me!” I shout back.

“You almost ruined your chances of getting parole because of a boy you
hardly know Kizito!”

I lie on my bed feeling a little bit relieved but what will happen tomorrow
when he leaves?

“Fuck Kizito you have been in your best behavior for a long time and you are
going to let Boss and his bitch ruin it for you!” I guess I am the bitch.

They continue shouting at him for saving my ass, risking his chances of
getting parole but I am grateful.

I have never had a better night like this one since I got to Zim. I slept better
knowing that my daughter is safe and alive even though she is not with my

The weather is so unfair, it gets cold when it’s time to wake up. The blankets
get more friendly, so I pull up the blanket and cover my face instead of
waking up, but there goes my beautiful sleep when Senzo’s wife bangs on the

“What the hell!” I hear Mondli cursing under his blankets.

Honestly she is banging loudly and it’s irritating.

I wake up and open the door.

It’s still a bit dark outside for fucks sakes. Why is she even awake?

“MaNcube wake up and start making the fire. The grandparents will wake up
and want tea soon” she orders and I say “but it’s still dark outside”

“So what? People need to eat. Stop being lazy sisi” she doesn’t even know
me but the disrespect she dishes out to me is on another level.
I am sulking right now.

“Hey hey…… who was making tea before Thandi came here?” I had not
realized Mondli was standing behind me….

“I did” MaNdebele says and Mondli says “So do it… Thandi is going back to
bed. Go and make tea” Mondli says and MaNdebele looks irritated.. “it’s fine I
will go” I say.

“No. Go back to sleep” Mondli says with a stern voice and I am surprised
honestly. When did he start defending me?, caring about me?

He hasn’t insulted me in weeks.

He has changed. He is not the same arrogant brother in law I know.

I pick up my blankets from the floor and I go and throw myself on the bed in
the next room.

I swear that woman is going to drive me crazy!

I fall asleep and I am woken up by a heavy weight on the bed. I open my eyes
and see Mondli in my room, sitting on my bed.
“Goodmorning” he says and I respond “morning”
“uhm, I bought you somethings yesterday” he says giving me the plastic bags.
I open the first one and see a box of chicken inn. It’s cold but it’s been long
since I ate something good.
“Thank you” I say and he nods.
I open another plastic and see a pair of underwear and a bra. I freeze on the
He sees the shock on my face and walks away. This guy?
I know I have been wearing the same underwear for weeks but like really?
What is wrong with him? Buying me underwears?
I look at them again and it’s my size.
I open the other plastics and I see dresses, I am not surprised there but
I eat the chicken Inn and walk outside after a while and I find him at the Kraal
with Mthulisi…I greet Mthulisi.
“Uhm Thank you for the parcel”
“Do they fit you?” he asks and I freeze again. I am done! This man is crazy!

[07/27, 2:45 pm] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



We wake up in the morning, and do the daily routine, which is to shower.

As we are in the showers, Boss confronts Kizito, but the confrontation does
not go any further because Kizito isn’t fighting.
We go back to the cells, and the guard comes and takes him to court.

“If he doesn’t get this parole, because of what happened last night, you will
wish you had stayed in Boss’ cell,” his friend threatens me.

Boss comes back after a few hours, wearing a suit, looking all sad.

“I didn’t get parole,” he says, sullen, and the guys look sad and they
shoulder-bump him, saying ‘Hade’ which means ‘Sorry’.

I know it’s very selfish of me to be happy that he didn’t get parole, but I am
happy that he will be staying here and protecting me.

“Themba, you can take the bed; Mlindo, you can take the All Stars, because
you’ve always wanted them,” he says, and the guys start laughing, then I
realise he was joking when he said he didn’t get parole.

I feel numb and weak.

He is leaving, and it’s back to square one for me!


I don’t know why I feel bad about leaving this guy behind. I mean, I have been
here for a long time and I should be happy that I am going out there, but he
is staying behind, even though he is innocent.

Everyone is happy for me, Themba and Mlindo are also in line for parole, so
they will be out soon.
The other guys are going to finish their sentences soon, so yeah, we are all
good, but this Nxumalo kid, he is not a criminal – he didn’t do anything
His father sent lawyers to the prison, but the warden hid him, meaning
whoever is behind his being here is very powerful.

“Hey, I asked them to take care of you; so they will protect you,” I say to him
and he looks really sad.

“Please contact my father out there. Please,” he says to me and I tap his

I am not taking anything, I am leaving everything for my friends.

They sing for me, they are happy that I am leaving, they are even dancing,
and all that, and I say my goodbyes to them, then pull Themba to the side.

“Themba, mfethu [brother], please look after him; he is one of us.”

“Don’t worry, go out there and prepare the world for us,” he says to me, and
they continue singing as I walk away.

I walk out of prison, and it all just feels like a dream.

I get to the gate, and find my lawyer leaning against his car.

I walk to him and he is smiling ear-to-ear.

“Babe!” he says to me, and I smile, hugging him.

“I can’t believe I am out,” I say.

“Kizington, no fraud schemes anymore. No scamming people, and no car

hijackings, please,” he says to me and I say, mockingly saluting, “Yes, Sir!”

We get into the car and he drives away.

“I love you so much, Ria, I wouldn’t hurt you in anyway. You and my baby
mean the world to me,” he says as he’s kneeling before me.

I love him too, and he sounds convincing.

“Your father tried to kill me many times. He almost killed Mgcini, thinking he
was me.”

“That day, at the Zimbali home, your father didn’t know you were there. He
didn’t come there to rescue you, but he was there to kill me.”

“Why does he want to kill you?”

“I don’t know, MaNxumalo. I don’t know,” he says, sounding defeated.

“Why was my niece in that house? Who was that woman?”

“That’s Sindi, the President’s daughter. She is the one who warned me about
your father.”


“Yes. If it wasn’t for her, I would be dead, MaNxumalo. I am sorry I hid all this
from you.”

He is crying, hugging my feet. I don’t know what to believe, but at this stage,
I really feel like he is being honest – my father is a killer.

“I am sorry, MaNxumalo. I don’t want you to hate me, and leave me.”

“It’s okay, Baby,” I say, hugging him back.

“Here is your phone, but if you tell your dad where we are, just know that he
will definitely kill me,” he says, giving me back my phone.

I switch it back on and find a lot of messages on WhatsApp.

The number that catches my eye is the +263 7174 1758 1 number.
It has about 4 long recordings.

As I am still scrolling through my phone, Donald walks in with a gentleman.

The guy is really cute, he is very good-looking. He has tattoos here and there.

“Hi,” he greets me.


“Hi, David.”

“Sure,” David greets back, and it was cold!

“You go and take a shower, and I will order something for you to eat,”
Donald says.

“Okay, Babe,” the good-looking guy says, and kisses him then walks away. I
am floored!

“’Babe’? You are gay, Donald?” I ask him totally shocked.

I mean, that guy is sexy. Why would he? Yoh! My day couldn’t get any worse,

“Baby, please charge my phone,” the guy shouts from the shower.

“Okay,” Donald responds.

“He just came back from prison; he needs his house to himself, David,”
Donald says to David, totally ignoring my question about his sexuality, which
is none of my business.

“Where do you want us to go?” David asks.

“I don’t know, David.”

“Why don’t we exchange houses? Go to my house in Durban, please Donald.”

“What? He doesn’t want to live in Durban and neither do I; I have a job here.”

“Donald, this is about my safety,” David begs.

“Okay, can you at least be invisible? Like, go to your room, or something, but
please don’t let him feel uncomfortable in his house,” he says with so much
concern, while ordering food on his phone. Did he just order salads for that
hunk that just got out of prison?

“You are so in love, Donald,” I say to him with a smile plastered on my face.
Wow, he is really in love.

“Yes, I love him,” he smiles back at me.

“Let’s go, Baby,” David helps me up, and we walk to our bedroom, he hugs
me as soon as we get in.

“I love you, Riah, please don’t hate me for this.”

“It’s okay, my love.”

He kneels down and kisses my belly.

“He is going to be a footballer, just like Daddy.”

“It’s a ‘She’.”

“She is going to play for Banyana Banyana, then” he says and I laugh.

I feel a bit relieved.


“BANZI, DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS?” Belinda asks and I say, “Now
more than ever.”
We are preparing for a prison break tonight.

“Okay, let’s go and get Kizito then,” Belinda says and I drive to Kizito’s house
in Tembisa.

He got out on parole, and since he is out, there is no one to protect my son; I
have been planning this for weeks, and today is the day.

I get to his house and knock.

A young man opens, and he looks at me as if he just saw a ghost.

“Wha… What are you doing here?” he asks, looking all scared and shit.

“Where is Kizington?” I ask him, and he just stares at me.

“Are you looking for Kizington?” he asks me, and I am getting impatient.

Kizington walks to the door, and he is happy to see me.

“The pastor, himself!” he laughs while shoulder-bumping me.

“Who is this one?” I ask.

“He is my lawyer,” he says and an UberEATS car parks at the gate; the guy
walks in and gives him the food.

“I am really hungry,” he says, and I laugh as he opens the take-away, and

finds chips and salads.

“You can’t be eating salads when you just got out of prison, Kizington, let’s
go and eat real food,” I say and he laughs.

“Donald, I will be back,” he takes his phone from the charger and follows me
to the car.

We get to a pub and order some meat. I tell him about my prison break plan.
“I will help you,” he says and I ask, “Seriously?”

“Yes, I will help you to just get two prison-guard uniforms.”

“Belinda, get on it,” I say to Belinda, who starts making a few phone calls
right away.

“Thank you for this,” I say.

“Don’t bring too many guys, just wait for us with a car at the side of the road
in the North,” he says and I sigh.

The only thing left is for me to kill David Zondo…

[07/28, 11:01 am] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“I have done a lot of bad things in my life, Riah, but I love you so much, and I
have the rest of my life to prove that to you,” he says, and like the lovesick
puppy that I am, I believe him and lay on his chest.

Donald barges into our bedroom without even so much as a tap on the door.
He is sweating, looks like he just saw a ghost.

“Donald, wassup?” David asks while gently moving my head from his chest.
He stands up and goes on to hold his brother’s shoulders, making eye
contact with him.

“What’s wrong, Donald?” he asks again.

“Come, David,” he says and David walks out of the room with him.
I am still surprised about what’s happening with Donald. Is he having a fight
with his boyfriend, or what?

Instead of eavesdropping, I go through my phone and send Dad a message:-

|Dad, Nana is with Sindi. Sindi, the First Daughter. Please find her. And oh, I
am fine.|
I send.

|Is it true you killed David’s father?|

I send again

|I hope that everything I’ve heard isn’t true, Dad.|

The messages all have one tick.

Mgcini’s last seen is not visible.

|Broe, I miss you. Where are you? I hope you are fine.|
I send to him.

Mondli’s last seen is around the same time as the time David took my phone.

I miss them all. I miss my brothers, I miss Zithelo, too; I still can’t accept it in
my heart that I will never see him again.
Zithelo was the coolest, and he didn’t mind breaking the rules and going out
to have fun.
I scroll down my photo gallery and view his pictures, then choose one and
make it my profile picture.

I miss him more. But he is with my mum now, resting.


I am not fine.

I am really scared.
I am even shaking as though I am cold.

“Yellow-bone!” Boss says in my ear.

I don’t even know how he got in here, but I swear, today, I would rather die
defending myself than let this man violate me again.

I am sweating, and shaking in my boots while lying on the bed; I’m really

“Leave me alone,” I shout as he roughly pulls away the blanket.

“LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Themba shouts and Boss lets out a loud, irritating

“YOUR STUPID FRIEND IS GONE!” He says while his other friend pins Themba
to the wall.

Why the hell are the prison guards allowing this to happen!?

“YOU ARE MINE! MINE!” he says while holding my neck and choking the life
out of me.
He is tall and dark; the irritating, ugly devil.
I hate him with every breath I take!
“LEAVE THIS CELL, YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Themba shouts, but Boss has this
all planned out; that’s why the lights are still on.

He brings his tongue closer to mine, but I spit on his face.

He slaps me so hard, the next thing I spit out is blood.

“Don’t do that again! You thought you would hide forever?”

“Leave. Me. Alone!” I shout feeling so much pain in my gums.

“I am paid handsomely to make your life miserable in here, and that fool
made my job hard by protecting you!”

“Who is paying you?” I ask and he says, “That’s romantic, Baby Boy,” he
whispers in my ear.

Themba starts fighting with Boss’ friend, so does Mlindo. A fight breaks out
between Boss’ squad and Kizito’s friends. Everything is just a mess as people
start making noise from their cells, and the lights suddenly go off.
Instead of Boss fighting alongside his friends, he takes advantage of the
darkness, finds my ass and grabs it.

“Please, don’t do this!” I beg him, but he is hearing none of it.

I gather enough strength to push him off of me. It’s dark, but it’s not dark-
dark, so I can see him, and I can also see people fighting. He takes out a knife
from his pocket, and attempts to stab my thigh, but a hand grabs his hand.

“Don’t do that, man.”

It’s a guard.

“You son of a bitch!” Boss says while trying to stand up, but I grab the knife
from him and stab him all over his body. He groans in pain, but I continue
stabbing him as I keep on getting flashbacks of how he violated me. The
more the flashbacks come, the angrier I get, and the harder I stab him, until I
can’t hear him groaning anymore.
I feel hands grabbing me from behind; I panic and open my eyes to a lot of
blood on the floor in front of me.

People are now quiet, and they are just standing there, shocked, and so am I.

“Did I kill him?” I ask through my tears.

The guard pushes me out of the cell, with people still making noise.

There is something about this guard, he is gentle.

He pushes me to the kitchen, but I am just out of it, so everything is
happening in slow-mo, like I’m watching everything happen around me.

“Mgcini, look at me,” he says and I oblige. It’s Kizito, and he’s in a guard’s

“Wha…? Wha…? What?”

“Shhh… wear this, and help me help you get out of here.”
I am just lost, still in that scene that happened in that cell.

“I just killed a person…”

“Snap out of it, and wear this!” he says while helping me wear the uniform.


I am with Belinda on the side of the road, waiting for Kizington, as he said we
I can’t believe I am trusting him with my son’s life.

I am so anxious. I wish I had done this on my own; I mean, I shouldn’t have

trusted somebody else with my son’s safety.

I open the car door and climb out of the car. I have two guys waiting on the
other side of the road, just in case.
“Banzi, don’t get out of the car,” Belinda says, but I can’t just keep calm and
pretend as if I am not scared that something might go wrong in there.

“Banzi!” she shouts.

“Belinda, please wait.”

“I trust Kizington. He knows the ins and outs of that prison like the back of
his hand.”

“I know, but that’s my son in there, in the hands of Kizington.”

“Yeah, your favourite son,” she says to me while getting out of the car and
coming to my side.

“I don’t have a favourite son; I love all my sons equally.”

“Truly speaking, Banzi, if it were Mondli who’s in there, you wouldn’t be this

“Belinda, don’t do that, not now.”

“Yeah, whatever,” she says and goes back into the car.

People always assume that Mondli is my least favourite child, but that’s not
true; I love all my children equally.

It’s been an hour since Kizington went in there, and I am hoping for the best.


“Why did you come back here?” I ask and he walks in front of me, opening
doors and I am just following him.
We get to the other door and hear the siren going off, then we walk faster
until we get outside.

When the siren rings, it indicates that there is an emergency.

The guards are running to our cell, no one is paying attention to us, especially
in our fake-guard uniform, and it’s all just a mess. We get past the other gates
without a hassle.
I can’t believe I am getting out of here.

We get to the last gate, and a guard says, “ID, please.”

“Hade [Sorry], mf’ethu [bro]. No hard feelings, neh?” Kizito says, and shoots
the guard, but the gun makes a minimal sound because he’s using a silencer.

“Mdletshe, is everything okay there?” Another guard asks while walking

towards us.
“Shit!” Kizito curses, and shoots at the other guard, then we run away.

They start shooting at us, and we run.

I have never run this fast in my entire life! But it’s either I die running, or I run
until I am out of their sight, because I am not going back in there.

I can hear the dogs barking from behind us, and I can hear the gun shots, but
I am just running to anywhere in this bush; I don’t know which way to run, so
I look back but there’s no sign of Kizito.

“Which way, Kizito?” I ask and he does not respond.

“Run,” I hear his voice, and it’s faint.

I look back and see him on the ground; he is laying on the ground, and the
dogs are getting closer and closer.
I go back to him and realize that he has been shot.

“Run to the north, your father is there,” he says and I can’t hold my tears.

“Stand up, and let’s go,” I say to him, but he insists that I leave him behind.
I don’t know what to do.
I ask myself if I should run and leave him here, or should I stay then we get
caught and are taken back to prison.

“Nxumalo, I hate you!”

That’s what I manage to say.

[07/29, 4:37 pm] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*

As I am still confused about what to do next, I hear that the dogs are still
barking, and they are now much closer to us.

I help him up and he leans on my shoulder.

“Come, let’s run. We can’t go back to jail,” I say, but he is so slow, dragging
his feet.

“Come on, Kizito!” I say.

“Kizington,” he says and chuckles, I just can’t find any humour in his lame
joke – this is a matter of life and death!

A voice shouts and I see myself right back in prison, for murder, this time
around – real murder!


I am in a deep slumber when I felt her mouth around my penis; I immediately

come to and gradually start moaning.

I open my eyes and chuckle when she stops to look at me.

“Baby, what are you doing?”

She continues giving me a blowjob in the wee hours of this morning.

“My… ladyyy…!” I moan.

It feels so hot; it’s just everything a man needs in a blowjob.

It’s nothing I have ever felt before!

Thandi didn’t like giving blowjobs, so this, for me, is out of this world!

I continue to moan my pleasure.

She gags, turning me on even more.

“Oh, shit! I love you,” the words slip out my mouth, making her go even

“I am cumming, Baby!” I say, but she holds onto me.

“Daddy?” I hear Nana’s voice, and I quickly remove my dick from Sindi’s

“Daddy?” Nana says, knocking on the door.

“Nana? What’s wrong, Baby?”

“I miss my mummm!”
What the hell!

“Daddy, I can’t sleep.”

I look at Sindi she looks really bored; irritated, even. Or is it ‘Angry’? I don’t
know, but all I know is that she’s upset. She is fuming, but doesn’t want to
show it.

I quickly get up, with my erect penis proudly dangling to whichever direction
it wants, pull my boxer shorts up and walk to the door.

“Daddy, I want to sleep with you,” she nags as soon as I open the door.

Why did it have to be now? I am turned on, for Pete’s sake!

I am horny, damnit!

“Nana, come on, go to bed,” I say, defeated.

“Okay,” she says and walks past me, straight to my bed.

“I meant YOUR bed.”

I look at Sindi, who looks rather pissed, and covers herself with a sheet, gets
off the bed, and walks to the bathroom.

I try to follow her, but Nana says, “Daddy, make me sleep.”

How do I make a kid sleep, again? Bedtime stories?

I hear Sindi throwing things in the bathroom. She is angry and frustrated, and
so am I. But that is my daughter, what else can I do? Nothing!

“Daddy?” she calls me once again and I say, “Nana, sleep! Come on, Child,” I
snap, then walk to the bathroom, where I find Sharon sitting on the toilet

She is angry.

Being Cinderella’s stepmother is very hard…

“I am sorry, Baby,” I say and help her stand.

“Why does she have to do this? I have tried to be the perfect person, but she
keeps on coming for me!”

“She is just a child, she’s not doing it intentionally,” I say, and she lets me pull
her up at last, dropping the sheet to the floor, standing before me, in all her
naked glory.

Sindi, unlike Thandi, is a melanin goddess; she’s maybe a size 36, while
Thandi is size 32.
She is a totally different version from Thandi. She is so calculated, and just
demands respect, and having her in front of me in her stark nakedness makes
me hornier than I was before; it’s like eating the cake you were told not to. I
have always loved breaking rules here and there, so this is awesome!
She sucks on my nipples, and a moan escapes my mouth; that’s a complete
turn on!

“Sindi, my daughter is –”
She shuts me up with a kiss.

I gently turn her around, and bend her over.

“Daddy!” Nana screams.

“I am coming, Baby.”

“Don’t stop,” Sindi says, and holds my dick, massaging it while I fuck her.


“Oh, Zee…” she moans.

“Don’t.” I cover her mouth, preventing her from moaning too loud.

I turn her around and put her leg on my shoulder, and we fuck while she
kisses me.

I can feel her orgasm, and fuck her through it.

We are at it for 3 rounds, until she says, “I am tired, Zee.”

She takes a shower and when I open the bathroom door, Nana falls on me.
She was leaning against the door.

I feel my heartbeat accelerating.

Was she listening in while we were having sex?

I pick her up and walk with her to my bed.

“Baby, why are you… Why are you crying?”

“You were crying, and I thought you were in pain. Was she beating you,

I feel so bad.

Why was she even at the door?


“I don’t like her, Daddy,” she says as she holds onto me for dear life.
What the hell is wrong with me? Why would I have sex 10 meters away from
my daughter!

“It’s okay, Princess. Sleep,” I say and she says, correcting me, “Cinderella.”

“Yes, Cinderella. Sleep.”

We are sleeping on the bed when Sindi comes out of the bathroom, smiling;
she looks at Nana, then at me.

“What’s going on?” she whispers.

“Daddy, I don’t want to sleep next to her,” ‘Cinderella’ says while sucking on
her thumb.

Goodness gracious! This child!

Sindi makes me forget a lot of things; she is like a drug to me,

But I feel bad that my daughter heard me having sex, and assumed that I was

This is bad.
Sindi is making me break a lot of rules!
[08/01, 11:08 am] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


We raise our hands in surrender.

“I don’t want to go back to prison!” I shout, then hear gun shots, and within a
minute, the dogs are quiet. I look behind me, and all I see are dead dogs and
guards lying on the ground.

We are in a bush, kilometres away from prison. Who could have shot these
people? This question comes to mind.

I cover my mouth with my hands; I am confused and terribly shocked by the

scene before of me.

I hear Kizito chuckling, even though he is in pain, then he says, “Nxumalo, my

man!” Well, it’s more like he’s praising and rejoicing over the death of the
men on duty; which is not what I wanted.

I stand there, completely lost.

“Son, are you hurt? Kizington? Are you okay?”

“Mgcini?” a woman says, shaking me vigorously, then snaps her fingers in my

face when she sees that her shaking me doesn’t seem to be working.

“Mgcini!” she shouts, and that seems to work, because I snap out of my
trance instantly.

I see a man who looks like my father helping Kizito up, and the woman pulls
my hand, then we run to the car with me crying the whole way there.

This man, the one who’s assisting Kizito, looks like my father, but that can’t
be, because I no longer have a father; he is dead to me.

I never knew I would cry this much after crying for my mum, but the man
who’s supposed to be my hero has made me shed enough tears to fill a dried
up and deserted ocean!

We get into the car and the man drives away.

He drives for a long time, making calls on the way.

Kizito is groaning painfully, but he can’t stop singing Nxumalo’s praises for
shooting 5 men and 5 dogs within a minute.

I don’t know when he counted them, but their deaths amuses him, but to me,
it’s not funny at all; it could be because my mind is still at the crime scene.

He drives into a house, and they help Kizito out of the car and into the house.
I follow, but before I can even get into the house, I just vomit the beans I had
for dinner; I can’t get those bodies out of my mind.
After a while, I get into the house, and find them tending to Kizito’s wound,
pressing on it, to slow the blood outflow.

Belinda gets a first-aid kit, and they remove a bullet from his thigh while he
groans in pain, making me feel even more guilty.

After cleaning the wound with antiseptic liquid, Belinda starts stitching it up,
and I’m still just standing there with my hands folded.

They clean and stitch, and clean and stitch his wound some more, and after a
few hours, they bandage him up.

I am a crying mess; my heart is sore.

Everything is just crazy!

Yes, I am out of prison, but at what cost? Other people’s lives? I have blood
in my hands, for goodness’ sake!

Nxumalo hugs me, but I don’t hug him back.

I have been violated, I have killed, and there are dead people and dogs, and
it’s all because of him!

He has killed my soul; I am just an empty vessel.

Who is he? He can’t be my father, because my father is dead to me!

“I am sorry for everything that you went through, Son, I really am. I promise, I
will fix this,” he apologises, but I ignore his apologies, and ask,

“At the racetrack, there was a sniper aimed at me while I was driving David
Zondo’s car. Was that you?”
But he just stands there with his arms folded, without a word.


Nxumalo really knows how to aim; he wiped out those guards within a

He is a real G.O.A.T!

I have been shot twice before, but the pain is something I will never get used

“Are you in a lot of pain?” Belinda asks.

“Big time,” I say, which comes out as a groan. Damn, it’s painful!

“You risked your life to save Mgcini’s life, Banzi will definitely reward you for
this. Thank you, Kizington,” Belinda says and I nod.

“I just hope my guys won’t get in trouble in there, because Mgcini killed


“That man deserved it,” I say then I hear Mgcini shouting, ‘WAS IT YOU

Did he just call his own father by his first name?

‘Calm down, Son. We will talk about this some—’

THROUGH IN THERE!’ He shouts, and I can tell he’s crying, because his voice
is breaking.

Mgcini doesn’t know how fortunate he is to have a father like Nxumalo; a man
who will risk any and every thing just to save his son’s ass.

‘I am sorry, Son,’ Nxumalo apologizes, but Mgcini is hearing none of it.

‘”Sorry” won’t fix my soul, Banzi! ‘Sorry’ won’t bring back my dignity; ‘sorry’
won’t fix anything. YOU ARE DEAD TO ME!’ he shouts, and Nxumalo tries to
touch him, but Mgcini yanks his hand away.


HIM!” Belinda defends her man.

Then a shouting match erupts between them, until Mgcini crumbles and
breaks down, bawling.

He walks away, I guess to one of the rooms in the house.

“I don’t blame him that much, though, he has been through shit – for real,” I
throw my two cents opinion.



Did he just say David Zondo?

“Nxumalo, whose fault did you just say it is?” I ask.

“That damn soccer player. He came to my house and started shooting at my

family, then burned down the house. He destroyed my family! I want him dead
– him and his dogs!”

I don’t know what to say; really, I don’t.

“Banzi, don’t get worked up! One problem at a time. Isn’t it that we just got
uMgcini back? Now, let’s work on getting Neriah from Zondo, then we can
move on to the next problem, and so on. Just one problem at a time, please.”

“Who is Neriah?” I ask.

“His daughter,” Belinda responds.

“She was kidnapped by David Zondo,” Belinda continues to shed some light.

“David kidnapped your daughter?” I ask Banzi.

David Zondo, a soccer player? The guy is a football star.

He is Donald’s brother, and he is currently in my house with his pregnant


I mean, I walked to the house and found David with that woman, and she
didn’t look kidnapped to me; she even had her feet on my sofa, all relaxed.

“I am going to kill him!” he shouts loud enough to bring me back from my


“Do you have a picture of your daughter?” I ask, because I am confused.

Belinda takes out her phone, and shows me a photo of the woman that I saw
in my house earlier.

At this moment, I don’t know if talking will put Donald in danger, or what; this
is just insane!

“Your daughter didn’t look kidnapped to me the last I saw her,” I say
carefully, because I don’t know how they’ll react, and they both look at me
with questioning eyes.

“What do you mean?”

“My lawyer, Donald, is David’s brother, and David was there, in my house,
with his girlfriend when you came to pick me up. She is pregnant, and she
didn’t look like she was kidnapped.”

“David was in your house yesterday?” Nxumalo asks.


“No wonder the boy looked at me like that!” he says with a light coming to
life in his eyes, while wearing his jacket then walks out of the house with
Belinda behind him.

“Nxumalo, don’t kill--!” I shout, but it’s useless, because he has already left.

“Damn it!”

I am in so much pain, but I manage to limp and get into a bedroom where I
find Mgcini curled up into a ball, crying.

How old is this boy again?

“Hey, don’t cry,” I say, and sit next to him.

“Ouch!” I express the pain I feel as I sit.

“I am sorry. And, thank you for saving my life,” he says.

His face looks red; he has been crying too hard, for too long.

I hug him for a few seconds, then he abruptly pushes me away hard, and I
hurt my leg as I try to balance.

“I don’t fuck men! Don’t get close to me like that, ever again!”

I have never been humiliated like that, ever in my life!

[08/01, 5:01 pm] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“I left my boyfriend before I could even spend some time with him. I haven’t
seen my sister and my mother yet, but I risked my life to come and rescue you
and then you give me that crap? Do you think I want to sleep with you? Don’t
you know Donald? I have a boyfriend already so fuck you! “ I say and stand

Using the wall for balance, I limp to the living room.

The damn leg is so fucken painful!

He is so ungrateful.

I want an uber but I don’t even know where the fuck I am. I don’t even have a

Donald must be worried and angry!


I drive to Kizington’s house and there is no sign of my daughter. I am getting

frustrated by all this.
My son’s anger towards me makes it worse. I don’t want him to hate me.

I sit down on the floor thinking hard about my next move. I will never rest
until I have all of my kids under one roof.

I am getting pissed and impatient.

I call my guys asking if they have seen Zondo and the answer is no. The most
irritating answer that I have heard in these past weeks.

“It’s going to be alright Banzi” Belinda comforts me. I look at her and say to
my self – Wait a minute-

She has to get me in contact with the President, she has always been the one
to pass my messages to him.. She is the one who brought David Zondo to

“let’s get out of here. He probably knows where you are now, and he might
ambush you” Belinda says and I just miss having my family around.

My children are my everything. I acquired all this wealth for them! What’s the
point of having it all, if they are not here to enjoy it?

I want them together under one roof.

“Belinda you need to go back to work and help me talk to that man. I need
his help right now”

“Banzi are you sure? I mean leaving you alone?” she asks while cupping my
face into her hands and before I respond she kisses me and I stop her.

“Are you thinking about sex when the situation is like this? Really Belinda?” I
ask her obviously irritated.

“You are frustrated and exhausted, so I figured that maybe you could use

“some what?” I ask her, standing up walking to the car.

She is crazy! Sex in Kizington’s house? I can’t believe she is using her vagina
to think.
I leave Belinda behind and I drive to Hillbrow Esibayeni. There are my guys
there who drive to Tsholotsho in Zim.

I know them because they are from home.

I talk to them and pay them handsomely to go home and bring My son and

They have to come Home. I will think better when they are around.

I think Nana is still traumatized by not being able to see any of us.

I have people watching me from a distance, so Zondo isn’t going to succeed

in trying anything stupid again before I catch him.

He caught me off guard last time but I am more than prepared to face him
this time.

I Just need to put a bullet straight to his head then everything will go back to

“I will miss you friend. Just write down your number for me then I will call you
when I get a phone neh?” I say to Sindi because Mondli said, a day after
tomorrow we are going to The City of Bulawayo.

“I will miss you too friend” Sindi says and hugs me. She has been a good
friend honestly. I like her very much.

We were having this ‘couple’s supper’ in their house. So they accompany us

home and they leave us half way and go back.
They are so in love. I wish them all the best in their marriage. They remind me
of my own late Husband.

We were really close.

He was a loving, Kind guy who defended me against his bully brother Mondli.
I feel emotional and sad when I think about everything that has happened
since his death.

Why did he have to die though! Why did he have to leave me?

“Mthulisi is a good person. I am going to miss him” Mondli says to me and I

control my tears then clear my throat and say “yeah I am going to miss Sindi

It’s dark outside so I am not paying attention on the way until I trip and
almost fall.

Mondli holds my hand and we walk home.

I am confused about the holding of my hand though.

He has really changed and he is so caring.

People are in their huts as we get home, so we unlock our house, and get
He walks to his room and I walk to mine
And I lie on the bed.

I miss my daughter and I don’t have anything that reminds me of her. I miss
Zithelo, I miss my brothers and sisters. I find myself crying.

The tears flow down my face to my pillow.

The first thing I will do when I get to the city, is to find a phone and call any
number that I know by head. I will call my sister and brother. I will ask them
to look for Lloyd and take Nana.


I hear her sniffing in her room and I feel like shouting but no. I walk to her
room instead.

I find her on the bed.

She is crying.

I put the candle on the floor and I sit next to her.

“Thandi why are you crying?” I ask her. Maybe someone said something bad
to her. If it’s Senzo’s wife, I swear I am going to make her give birth

“I miss my daughter” she says in between tears.

We can go back to SA and see the family but I don’t want to go.

She is my brother’s wife for Fucks sakes.

Why do I feel like this?

I hate it!
I hate feeling like touching her, holding her, promising her that everything is
going to be alright. I want to comfort her but, No, she is not mine to comfort.


BACK TO SA!” He suddenly shouts at me.

Why is he shouting at me?

What did I do?

I didn’t bring myself here.

I didn’t ask his brother to die and leave me.

I thought we were good. It’s been long since he shouted at me. I thought he
had changed. I am human too. I get emotional and I cry even more.


I am supposed to feel better after shouting at her but No! She is crying even
more and I am not feeling any better.

I slowly put my hands on her back and she jumps a bit and sits up straight.

“Why do you hate me so much?” she asks in between tears.

I wouldn’t have saved your damn life if I hated you damnit! I say to myself.

She keeps on asking why I said this and that, why I always do this and that.

I watch her lips moving, asking questions while crying.

And I use my thumb to wipe away her tears.

She is so beautiful.

My heart accelerates a bit, it suddenly beats so fast and my mind stops

thinking and my heart takes control.

I move my mouth closer to her face and I kiss her. Her lips are so sweet.

Fuck these emotions!

I stop and look at her.

She didn’t stop me. My dick is so hard.

“Fuck Thandi you are a bitch! You want to kill me too” I say and walk away!

[08/03, 5:39 pm] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



We are alone in this house, and it’s now late in the evening.
This house is so small, and it’s suffocating; I just want to leave.

I haven’t said a word to Kizington since he gave me his peace of mind, drank
sleeping pills then fell asleep on the sofa.

He is lying on the couch, snoring lightly, when Belinda walks into the house,
and I am trying to find something to eat. I haven’t eaten anything since I left
prison; and it’s been a very long day.

As soon as she walks in, the smell of pizza hits my nostrils.

That’s definitely Chicken Peri-Peri, my favourite.
“Hey, are you okay?” she asks and I just shrug; I am obviously not fine.

“Belinda, take me to my house,” Kizington says.

Belinda gives me a box of pizza and I eat it like there is no tomorrow; she
takes another box and gives it to Kizington, who winces in pain as he tries to
sit up straight.

“How are you feeling, Mr Hero?” Belinda asks him as she occupies the empty
space next to him on the couch.

“Unfortunately, some people don’t see me as a hero,” he says, taking a jab at

me, and I ignore him.

I go through Belinda’s plastic bags and find a bottle of Coke, to which I help
myself, because I am really hungry.

“Kizington, you did a wonderful job, seriously. Thank you once again,” Belinda

“Please call an Uber for me, Belz. I hope you didn’t kill anyone in my house.”

“No, we didn’t find them.”

“Are you seriously still going around killing people? The ones that have
already died are not enough?” I ask, and Kizington looks irritated by my
outburst, so I keep quiet.

Belinda calls an Uber for him.

I continue eating, but lose my appetite as soon as Banzi walks in; he just
pisses me off.
I hate Nxumalo!

“Nxumalo,” Kizington says and stands up, even though he is in pain.

I don’t understand the respect he gives my father, because Kizington was
feared in the Lion’s Den; so, he shouldn’t bow to my father like this…

“I have transferred something into your bank account. I am really grateful for
what you have done for me and my son.”
“Thank you, Nxumalo. But you still owe me one.”
“Yes. Yes, definitely. Can you please help me locate David? He has vanished
into thin air.”

“With all due respect, Nxumalo, I can’t help with that one for personal
reasons. Sorry.”

“It’s okay, I understand,” Banzi says.

“Your Uber is here,” Belinda says to Kizito and I say to him, “Can I leave with

Nxumalo looks at me and says, “Son, it’s dangerous for you out there –”

“I don’t want to be anywhere near you. Take me to Mondli, Neriah, Thandi and
Nana, then we will talk, Banzi!”

“Don’t talk to your father like that!” Kizington reprimands me and I ask again,
“Can I leave with you?”

My father looks angry, so does Belinda, but I walk out of the house and get
into the Uber with Kizington behind me with Belinda’s help, because he is

Belinda pays the guy. “Take them where you picked me up from,” she says to
the driver.

“Your father is trying; cut him some slack, Mgcini.”

“Please drive,” I say to the driver and he drives off.

I am in tears.

I hate Nxumalo!
I hate him!

I can still hear Boss’ laugh in my ears, and when I close my eyes, I see his
I don’t want to be in the dark; I don’t want to be in the light. I don’t want
I am hurting.

I look outside the window and realize that we are in Tembisa.

Just as long as I am far away from Nxumalo, I am good.


“Fuck, Thandi! You are a bitch! You want to kill me too!” I say and walk away.

She cries even more. I feel bad after saying that, and her tears aren’t helping
matters. I used to feel better after insulting her, but today, it’s different. I hate
what I just said to her.

I swallow my pride and go back in there to… ap… apolo… apologize. Yuck!
That leaves a sick taste in my mouth; I never apologize!
She is sniffing. Sigh! Thandi cries, a lot!
“I met you before he did,” I say and she ignores me, continuing with her
crying act.
“Thandi,” I try to get her to look at me, but she ignores me, and goes on
“Wha… What. Have. I. Ever. Done. To. Youuu?” she asks me, and I actually
feel very bad for calling her a bitch after being the one to initiate the kiss.
“Why. Didn’t. You. Just. Leave. Me. There?” she asks as she cries, she even
has hiccups now.
“You. Should’ve. Just let me die!” she wails, then stops to say, “I don’t have
anyone else, but you. I only. Have. You. But. You… You keep. On. Hurting.
She is crying, and I feel really bad.
She is saying all this while laying on the bed, facing the wall with her back to
I get on the bed, too, and lay behind her with my hand on her arm.
“Why? Why!?” she asks, her voice getting louder.
“I love you,” I say and she instantly stops crying, and her body stiffens.
I do the most unthinkable thing; Zithelo will just have to forgive me for this,
but I intimately hold his wife and she keeps quiet, letting me hold her.


“I have always loved you, and I thought that by hurting you, maybe I will get
over my feelings for you, but ever since we got here, everything has been
different, and I keep on falling in love with you each and every day. I love

I can’t believe what I am hearing!

He is hugging me from behind; holding me like it’s the most natural thing in
the world.
He is telling ME about love, after EVERYTHING he’s done to me? He wants to
tell me about love? Now!?
I push him off of me and he falls to the floor with a huge thump.

“I am ‘a bitch’, and I will ‘kill you’!” I hit him with his own words, then pull the
blanket over my face and try to sleep, not wanting to hear anything else from

[08/04, 6:09 pm] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


That was so close.

He almost caught me placing a hit on his sister. That was really close and I
had to come up with a quick lie.

“daddy, can we go to a park or a mall. I want to do my hair” Nana says boring

me to the core. I only had Lloyd bring her here, because I wanted the three of
us to be a family, I didn’t know she was a spoiled brat. Had, I known I
wouldn’t have told Lloyd to bring her here.

She is the only person who makes my life difficult.

“Ask Aunty Sindi, baby.” Zee says and Nana looks at me anticipating, whether
to ask or not. God knows how many things I have to do, but here I am, trying
to build a family yet this spoiled brat keeps tormenting me.

What did I expect from Thandi’s womb though!

“Talk to me Princess” I say trying by all means to act like a cool step-mum.

“Please call me Cinderella” she says and I try my level best to smile.

“okay Cinderella. I will look for a hairdresser, who will come and plait you
here at home while you are watching Masha and The Bear”

“But, I said, I want to go to the park or to the Mall” Today I am in no mood

for this.
I have a lot of things to deal with, my little sister is planning her 21st birthday
party that I have to attend, David is being a weakling, Nxumalo is a pain in
the arse and Lloyd is putting his nose in my business but No; I am not
attending to that, I am here begging a little spoiled brat to like me, so that
her dad can love me and even consider marrying me.

This is stupid!

“okay baby I will make a plan” I say and she continues watching TV. The TV is
hers, we can’t watch anything except cartoons and Zee, doesn’t have a
problem with that at all.

I want to know if David is dead. If David is dead then Nxumalo will leave us
alone. He won’t know who started all this, so David has to die. He isn’t
helping anymore. He has become a liability!


“David we can apologise to my father. I can talk to him for you baby. There
will be no need for us to hide anymore please” I say to him because I am tired
of staying in the car. I am heavily pregnant and inyawo zami zidumbile.

“I am even hungry. I want papa and Chicken. David please”

“I don’t know what to do. I have missed training and I have a game
tomorrow” he hits the steering wheel. We are parked around a corner.

“I am hungry David” I know, I am not helping but I am really hungry.

“let’s go and get something to eat then”

He drives to a small shop where they cook pap. I suddenly want soil.

He gets out of the car and buys pap.

I follow him.

“No. Riah stay in the car” He says but I insist on sitting on the bench. He
looks frustrated, as he keeps, telling me to go back to the car, but I really
need to stretch my legs.

My father won’t kill me. He must relax.


I am at a joint eating.
Belinda loves Pizza, King Burgers and all those fast foods. When she cooks,
her food doesn’t taste like Thandi’s. I miss Thandi’s food. So eating from a
joint is better than eating Pizza.

I am eating with two employees working at the Company.

I can’t go to the company. I am still not sure whether, I can go there. I don’t
want to risk it so they are updating me.

“The sells are very low. There has been Five percent profits in the last two

“You guys are stealing from me, but it’s fine. Mondli will be back and make
sure you resign before---” My phone rings as I am still talking.

It’s my guys that are looking for Zondo.

|We have seen Zondo. He is with your daughter|

“don’t do anything to my daughter. Send me the location. I am coming”

I literally run to my car and I drive to the location.

The lady dishes pap for me and the smell of chicken suddenly makes me

“don’t give me chicken anymore. Please Give me spinach” I say and she
laughs. My mum would be this old if she were still alive.

“Okay my daughter” she gives me spinach and I eat.

This feels like heaven…..

“finish up Riah” David is so un-easy”

“Let me feed you then” he says taking my plate and attempting to feed me,
but some school kids scream “Are you not David Zondo?” and I hear him
muttering a curse under his breath “shit”

Yeah this is a wrong time.

“It’s David Zondo guys! Yeeey” the school kids scream and hug him. “okay
boys see you tomorrow at the stadium. Let’s go baby” he pays and we get
into the car.
He drives away, with the kids screaming his name in excitement until we can’t
hear them anymore

“Mr Celebrity” I say much to his annoyance.

As we get to this quiet neighbourhood a car hits us from behind.

“What the hell?” I shout.

“WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY!” David shouts as the guy hits our car

David drives fast and gets to the main road, I look at the rear-view mirror and
the black SUV is still following us. But now there are two cars following us.
The other one is behind and the other one is on the side of the road next to

“Neriah” a voice calls for me, in a car next to ours and I realise it’s my dad
calling for me.
“Shit. It’s Nxumalo!” David shouts and tries to overtake him but the SUV hits
us again, and David loses control and drives out of the road, with me

“Dad” I scream as our car starts rolling out of the road. I cry and scream for
David, who is trying by all means to control the car but…. Why would my own
father kill me because of David.

The car rolls and I try to protect my baby but my head hits something.
“daddy why?”

[08/07, 11:52 am] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I woke up this morning, and made breakfast for the family.

I served them all including Senzo and his wife, even though they hate me, for
absolutely no reason.

Mondli was still sleeping when I woke up, he spent the whole night
apologizing to me until I fell asleep, something that he never does.
After doing my chores, I walk into the bedroom and take out my dirty clothes
and his.

It would be embarrassing to go with him wearing dirty clothes, so I am not

doing it for him, I am doing it for myself.

“good morning” he greets and I keep quiet. I silently take the clothes and
walk away.

“MaNcube” grandma calls for me as I walk out of the house.

“gogo[grandma] ” I put down my laundry and walk to her. She is sitting under
a tree with grandpa

“sthandwa sami [my love] if you want your clothes to be very clean go and
wash at the river” she says to me and I say “Okay, grandma thank you” as I
am still talking to grandma, Mondli walks up to us “good morning gogo” he
greets while grabbing a chair and sits on it.

“good morning mkhulu [grandpa] ”

“Good morning Zwide. A man doesn’t sleep untill this late” grandpa says and
I make a mental note, to laugh at this later.
“I am not feeling well” he is lying.

“I am sorry son what’s wrong? ” he hasn’t washed his face and his hair is a
mess. I don’t know why he doesn’t cut it. It suits him perfectly though, maybe
that’s why he keeps it.

“MaNcube. I am very hungry” he says trying to act all innocent In front of the

“shame poor soul” gogo says and I stand up, wear my shoes and carry my
laundry to the River.

I am embarrassed.

She just ignored me.

“what’s going on son?” grandpa asks with a mischievous smile on his face.

“She is angry with him. She usually serves him before he asks” grandma says
with a smile. They are an old nosey couple these ones but I love them.

“Go and apologise son” grandpa says again.

“No. He can’t apologize without a gift” grandma says.

“I have biscuits that I took from the shop. They are her favourites” grandpa
says referring to grandma and she smiles.

Grandpa stands up and walks to their room, he comes back with a packet of

“Follow her to the River and give them to her. Apologise son, you don’t want
to travel with an angry woman tomorrow, I promise you it’s going to be a
very long journey” grandpa says with a smile. This man is being romantic!

“Your grandfather is right” gogo says and I take the biscuits and put them in
a plastic and walk to the river…..

I can’t believe I am doing this….. I find my self laughing alone.

I have never felt this way, I am sure this feeling comes once in a lifetime and
it’s my time now.

She makes me happy and I want to make her happy too.


I am at the River.
It’s quiet and the sun is out. People probably washed in the morning and here
I am around 10am washing. There are a few people at the far side of the river
though. It makes me feel a bit safe.

Ever since that man tried to rape me, I am scared of being alone.

There is no day that passes by without me not missing my daughter or

praying to God to re-unite me with her.

I don’t know how I am going to carry these clothes back home. I start
washing and as I am washing, I hear some shuffling in the bush and I become
un easy.

It becomes quiet.

Maybe it was a goat or a cow.

I continue washing.


HER, SO I DECIDED TO HURT HER INSTEAD” He says from behind me and I
stop washing.

says it with a different tone, that is filled with a lot of guilt and regret, I find
myself crying.

No man has ever hurt me, the way Mondli has, and him apologizing right now
means a lot, but what if he is making a fool out of me again?

“NGYAXOLISA MANCUBE, NGYAKUCELA [I am sorry MaNcube. I beg you]

FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS” he says and I swallow the hard lump, that is in my
throat, and drop whatever that I was holding into the bucket. I try to wipe
away my tears but they keep rolling down my face.



I look behind me and I see him kneeling on the ground carrying a box of

I smile in-between my tears. It’s a really rare, funny, but romantic sight. I have
never seen this side of him.
“This is my apology gift. I don’t know what to call it but, it’s for making you
cry yesterday. I am sorry. I didn’t have anything better to apologize with. If I
had the means, I would have taken you to a dinner for two in a helicopter or
something romantic but this is all I have now” he says to me and I instantly
feel like forgiving him, that’s how naïve I am.

I laugh at all this.

“I see a smile there” he says then chuckles.

I take the red choice biscuits. I can’t believe he brought me these biscuits.

“Stand up now, the cattle and the goats are shocked to see a man kneeling
down” I say and he laughs.

“Thank you” he says.

“What has changed? What guarantee do I have that you won’t bully me

“As long as I am alive, I will protect you from anything maNcube I promise
you” he says to me as he stands up and pulls me in for a hug.
I hug him back.

“I am sorry” he says.

“it will take time for me to forget and smile”

“like I said, I will spend the rest of my life begging for your forgiveness” he
says looking straight into my eyes, He bends his face down and reaches for
my lips. He kisses me.

It feels different, it feels like there are a lot of feelings attached to his kiss.

I close my eyes and return the kiss. I am sorry Zithelo. I say to myself as I kiss
his brother.

He breaks the kiss and my heart accelerates. Here comes an insult.

“I am enjoying this kiss MaNcube” he says instead of insulting me and I smile.

“Can I continue with my washing?” I ask and he kisses me again. He holds my

cheeks and places his lips on my lips and kisses me. I swear this feels good
even though there is a little bit of guilt in me.
He hugs me after kissing me and I look away. I can’t believe, I am so shy right

“hey hey don’t feel guilty. Traditionally, what we just did is not wrong. You
know that right? ”

I keep quiet.

I am still trying to process what he means.

“I love you” he says to me and I don’t know what to say. He is being all
romantic and it’s not how I know him. I know the heartless Mondli not this
cute one with beautiful things to say.

I free myself from the hug but he picks me up and makes me sit on a rock.

“What are you doing?” I ask and he looks at me and says “I don’t want to see
you cry ever again, except when you cry tears of joy”

This feel surreal.

It’s all so beautiful and too good to be true.

“Let me do the washing for you” he says and I eat the biscuits as I watch him
wash the clothes. Lucky enough there are no dirty undies in there.

He finishes up and picks me up from the rock and says “let’s swim”

“No. Mondli come on” I scream and he takes away the biscuits and places
them on the rock.

“There is no one here” he says and pulls me into the river “No No Noo!” I
scream as he jumps into the river with me.

“This is crazy” I scream and he laughs.

“I love you so much and I mean it” he says to me then kisses me.

I feel like this is a dream and I will wake up to the reality that he hates me but
no, this kiss feels real and I feel like I am a little bitch for liking it.

It’s too good to be true but he is smiling and he looks so handsome when he
is smiling.

Can he stay like this forever?

[08/07, 8:58 pm] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



Belinda comes running to the Hospital.

“what happened Banzi? What happened? All this blood? Are you hurt?” she
asks and I just pull her closer to me and hug her. I really need a hug right
now because this is all crazy.

My daughter!

I don’t know what I will do if she dies in there. This is all my fault, but my
children shouldn’t die for my sins.

Bo Zwide [ancestors] please protect one of your own.

She frees herself from my hold and says “Banzi get it together and talk to me
baby what’s wrong?” did she just call me baby? How many times must I tell
her not to call me that? But I am not there.

“The car rolled In front of me Belinda, and my daughter was inside. It rolled
and rolled and damn it Belinda I couldn’t do anything. I am angry, I want to
kill someone. Is there a job for me? ”

“You know you have three jobs pending, and you said you needed a break, to
sort out your family mess before getting the jobs done.”

“I want to do the job tonight if it’s possible. Because I am angry, and the only
way I can quench my rage, is by spilling blood, unfortunately I can’t spill
David Zondo’s, because the little weakling is in there fighting for his damn
life, but he couldn’t save my daughter from danger”

“calm down Banzi. She is not dead right? She is going to be fine”

“She is pregnant Belz and she didn’t tell me. I sent her to school and she
decided to get pregnant and hide it from me”

“We are not there now my love. Calm down, don’t be angry not now Banzi”

‘baby’ ‘my love’


“I am not angry, I am just hurt that she didn’t tell me about it. I want her to
live Belz. Is the house ready?”

“Yeah, it’s fixed just the way you wanted” I bought another house as soon as I
got back my ID. I need my family back, under one roof and it’s only a matter
of days before Thandi and Mondli come back. I hope Mondli didn’t torture the
poor woman.

“I don’t like his attitude babe, he just came into the Kitchen and made food
for himself as if he owns everything in this house, I bought those groceries”

“calm down Donald. He is just a child”

“did you just say child?”

“yes he is a child. He is going through a lot”

“I was a child too when you started fucking me! “

“you were never a child come-on, you were too naughty ” I say and he laughs
a bit and then gets serious all over again.

“whatever, but babe please I don’t want him in this house. I don’t want to
hurt him if you ever look at him anyhow”
“Donald come-on his dad is my friend and he trusts me to look after him”

“I don’t care Donald, it’s either you want to be with me or him period” he
says standing up, fixing himself then says “Excuse me, some of us have to
work” he is upset.

“Don’t get upset over lame things Donald” I say.

“bye” he says and walks away.

“Nice ass” I shout and he Bangs the door on his way out.

Damn he is really angry, he doesn’t like the boy at all.

I call my sister, I need her to come and pick me up and take me to my mother,
I miss her very much.

As I am still talking to my sister, Mgcini walks into the living room and says
“he finally left. I thought he was glued to the couch” I raise my eyebrow after
hanging up.

“What?” he says and snatches the remote from me.

“You are rude do you know that?”

“I am not rude, I just don’t like your boyfriend, he pisses me off”

He changes from the news channel, to a cartoons one and adds a reminder of
Masha and the Bear. What the hell? How old is this boy again?

He stands up and walks to the kitchen, he pours Donald’s favorite juice, into
Donald’s favorite cup and sits on the couch next to me. What the heck?

The doctor said I should stay at home for a few days but I want to leave.

I want to go see my mum and meet some old friends and maybe get myself a
piece job. I can’t stay in this house forever.

“You have to respect Donald. He stays here too and he is my partner”

“I don’t like your girlfriend period!”

“Stop being homophobic” I say to him and he just stares at the TV. I take the
remote and change to the News Channel. I can’t watch cartoons at my age,
besides that, he is just homophobic.
*“Main Road accident. David Zondo the football star, and his girlfriend were
involved in a car accident”*

There is a picture of him on screen.

“oooh shit!” I exclaim.

“Serves him right, that son of a bitch almost killed all of us. He destroyed my
family. He was shooting not caring whether there were innocent people in
that house. My niece was in that house too. I hate him, I can’t believe my
brother used to be his number 1 fan”

“That is Donald’s Brother, have a heart” I say and he doesn’t look concerned
at all. I look at him and he says “WHAT? HE SHOT AT MY FAMILY AND

“The girlfriend that they mentioned there….is your sister Neriah” I break the
news to him.


“Yes. Your sister was involved in that accident too”

“No No No. Not her what? How did she date him? When? How?”
“calm down” I say.

“Which Hospital? Where is She?” he gets up from the couch, wears his shoes
and walks out the door.

“hey hey who are you?” Karen, my sister asks him, as they bump into each
other by the door.

“Mgcini wait” I say limping to the door.

“Hey Tony what’s going on?” they call me Tony at home.

“Sis, where is that boy?” I walk past her and find Mgcini pacing up and down
at the gate.

“Tony, you are limping what is going on?”

“Wait sis. Mgcini” I call him.

“Please take me to her I beg you” he says with his eyes ready to drop tears.
He loves crying.
I take my phone from my pocket and call Nxumalo and he confirms the news.

“Sis can you drive us to the Hospital please”

“sure” she says and she locks the door to the house. I managed to get it

We get into her car and she drives us to the Hospital.

We get there and Mgcini runs like a headless chicken to his father who is with
Belinda and a few body guards who are standing a bit far from them.

“Tony who is this boy and why are you limping?” Karen asks.

“I will explain it later sis” I say to her.

Mgcini asks Belinda “ what happened?”

Just then, the doctor comes.

“Neriah’s family?” the doctor asks.

“yes I am her father”

“please follow me” the doctor says and we follow him to his office.

“How is my sister doing Doc?” Mgcini asks.

“I will get straight to the point because this is an emergency”

“Okay go-on” Belinda says.

“We Can only save one, it’s either we save the mother or the baby” the doctor

Mgcini and Nxumalo speak at the same time.

“Obviously save my daughter”-Nxumalo

“Can’t you save them both please”-Mgcini.

“did you just order the doctor to kill your own grandchild? I knew you were
evil but this deep? Kill my unborn niece or nephew really Banzi? What is
wrong with you?” he is being disrespectful again and he is pissing me off.
Does he know how much people respect his father? And he gets to call him
by his name in public at that?
“ Son. Please not now. We have to save your sister’s life”

“Save them both” Mgcini disputes.

“We can only save one” the doctor says and Mgcini asks “Can’t we see her
first? Can we hear from her please. Banzi can’t make that decision on his

“is she awake?” Nxumalo asks and the doctor says “yes she is, but she is very

“Can we see her?”

“just for a few minutes but I will allow the two of you only”

They walk away with the doctor and I walk away with Karen. Who keeps on
asking me about this family.

Banzi and I walk into the ICU and see my sister sleeping on the bed. She
looks really bad.

I can’t believe we all have to go through shit because of this man. I thought I
was the only one who went through hell, but seeing my sister right now, I
really pity her.

She has scars and she is pregnant.

“MaNxumalo” Banzi calls her and she cries. The tears roll down her face and
she just cries even more as her eyes land on us.
“Neriah. We are here now everything is going to be alright. Yes. Calm down
don’t cry ma Nxumalo ”

“Your. Father…. Tried. To… Kill.. Me” she says stuttering and I look at

“Neriah what did you just say?” I ask her.

“but dad why? What… did. My unborn baby do to you? Why daddy why?”
she cries so much, I feel my own tears flowing down my face. What is wrong
with this man?

“What? No no baby. I didn’t do it. I promise. I—” I look at him as he tries to

deny but damn! This man is horrible! What the hell is wrong with him?

Neriah gets upset and she starts shaking uncontrollable.

“Please leave” the doctor says and they push us out of the ICU.

“YOU TRIED TO KILL HER!” I shout at Banzi.

“I didn’t do it son. I can explain”

“Explain what Banzi? Explain what!”


walk away from the hospital.

What kind of a father is he? I hate him!

[08/08, 9:37 am] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*

and walks away. I remain standing on the passage defeated.

Karma knows everyone’s address and it has finally found my own. My kids
hate me. What wrong have I done to them?

All I ever did was to provide for them, take them to private schools and be
there for them as a father.

I have never missed any of their special days, I have always been there but
just one hard blow and they are acting up.

“Doctor. Please save both my daughter and her Child. I will make It worth
your while. I promise” I say to another doctor, who is walking into the Theatre

“we will do our best sir” he says and I walk away to Belinda.

“You look horrible and Mgcini looked worse what happened?”

“She thinks I tried to Kill her”

“that’s insane”
“yeah. I know but Mgcini believes her”

“I am so sorry”

“Give me the details about the job. I need to work tonight. I really need to
work or else I will breakdown” I say to her and she nods.

“let’s go”


While I was having a chart with Karen, Mgcini walked out of the hospital
looking like a real mess. He walked straight to me and threw himself into my
arms and he let out a heart wrenching sob.
“bring the car closer Karen” I said and she did. We got into the car and drove

“is his sister dead?” Karen asks soon after Mgcini walks to the spare
bedroom, and I say “sis, please don’t ”

“Okay. I will make something for you to eat”

I follow him to the spare bedroom and I find him hugging a pillow.

“What happened in there?” I ask as I sit on the bed next to him.

“She said Banzi tried to kill her”

“Your father would never try to kill his only daughter.”

“He did okay. He is evil. Why the hell do you always—”

“don’t use that tone with me” I say and he keeps quiet.

I sit on the bed and hug him.

“I am sorry about your sister. I hope she will be fine”

“I hate Banzi” I take a deep breath before saying anything further. He is really
tasting my patience.

“don’t call him by his first name. He is your father”

“I hate him. He has destroyed this family and he is selfish. He is a very selfish
son of a---” he shouts and I push him off of me.


“please don’t leave” he says and follows me to the door. He pulls my hand
and says “I am sorry but don’t leave me alone. I don’t want to be alone”

“Don’t disrespect your father in front of me again, and I mean it.”

“Okay. Okay fine but don’t leave” he says and I pull him in for a hug. I don’t
know why I am doing this, with this kid. Damn Kizington. What the hell?
“I just want my family back. Everything is a mess. I don’t have anything to my
name. I am scared of being alone. Every time I close my eyes I see that man ”
he says in between tears wetting my shirt in the process.

“You will be fine. I promise” I say and someone claps their hands from behind.
I let go of Mgcini and look behind me. I see Donald standing there with
Karen. He looks really angry.

“That was so romantic” he says.

“No. No. Donald it’s not what you think” I say and attempt to walk to him but
he steps back.

“My brother was involved in an accident and you didn’t even call me, you
went to the Hospital with him to see his sister, but you didn’t even think
about me. You didn’t even call me Kizington!” he shouts and I feel guilty. I
totally forgot about him.

“baby, I can explain”

“Explain what? I saw everything Kizington! I might as well send you back to
jail! When last did you see your Parole officer?” he shouts and walks away.
Did he just threaten to send me back to jail?
“Donald please wait” I call out to him but he walks away.

I look back and I can’t see Mgcini. He probably didn’t give a fuck and went to

“Tony are you cheating on Donald again?”

“Karen not now please”

“After everything he has done for you? Do You know he bought groceries for
mum, when you weren’t here? He took mum from and to church on Sundays.
He checked up on mum Kizington, and you are just going to let him go
because of that boy?”

“I am not cheating and besides he bought all those groceries using my

money. I sent him.”

“it doesn’t matter but he loves you Tony, and you just stood there and let him
leave. You didn’t run after him. You just want to go in there and be with that
boy…. I see it in your eyes”

Ooh fuck Kizington what have you done!

[08/09, 9:54 am] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*

We are in the kitchen having our last supper with the family.

Thandi cooked and today I got a thigh and a drumstick. This woman! I find
myself laughing at how she gave me a neck the first time she cooked at the

“Haibo Zwide are we funny to you?” Grandpa asks and I realize that I was
laughing alone.

I look at Thandi and she is holding in a laugh. I look like a fool right now.

“It’s nothing mkhulu [grandpa] ” I say and he laughs at me. This Old man!
Soon after we finish eating Senzo walks away and a few seconds after; his
wife follows. She is running away from washing the dishes.

Thandi picks up the dishes.

“I will help you wash them” I say and The grandparents grin amiably at me.

Thandi walks out of the kitchen with the dishes.

“The biscuits worked a magic son. There is a spark in your eyes that I have
never seen before”

“She forgave me but not fully”

“Work hard and earn her forgiveness son. I trust you, you can do it” grandpa
says and grandma smiles.

I walk outside and find her washing the dishes.

I take another bucket and help her wash the dishes. This is crazy but I am
enjoying every moment.
“What are you doing?” she asks and I laugh.

“I want to help you, so that we can go to our house.” The old couple loves
prying on us. I take the washed dishes and place them in a bucket and take
them To the Kitchen.

“ Why are you in such a hurry son? “ grandpa asks with a naughty smile. This
man is going to be the death of me.

She walks in with the remaining dishes and pots. I sit down as she places
them in the small cupboard.

I can’t keep my eyes off of her suddenly, and it’s so crazy.

I am so sorry Thandi for making you cry.

I make a promise to myself, that I will never hurt her again.

I just want to move with her to Bulawayo, and see what life has in store for
us….. I will call my father and ask him to send Lloyd with Nana. I know she
will be happy.
I just want to be far away from everything that will remind her of our past. We
will be fine in Zimbabwe with Nana.
She is done.

“Come and sit here” she sits down next to me.

“Gogo no Mkhulu [grandma and grandpa] we would like to thank You for the
warm welcome you gave us. We will be leaving tomorrow morning, to the City
and maybe from there we will manage to talk to my father, and go back to
South Africa but I promise we will call you” I say to them and they bless us.

“I love umakoti. [The daughter-in-law ] She is the right woman for you. I pray
that God blesses you both with beautiful children and a beautiful warm home.
I bless you my children, love each other and forever respect each other. I
know Umakoti has a lot of respect and treat her well Zwide please “ grandma
says and my heart just gets filled with joy. Had I known they are this sweet, I
would have came to the village sooner.

“ Thank you very much gogo no Mkhulu [grandma and grandpa] ” Thandi says
and we say goodnight to them and walk out of the kitchen.

We overhear MaNdebele shouting at Senzo. “You have never helped me with

anything. He helped her wash clothes, now he was helping her with dishes.
You are useless Senzo!” she shouts and Thandi giggles.

“Udlisiwe loyamuntu awumboni yini wena! [he was given a love portion can’t
you see?] ” Senzo defends himself by lying. Really?
“have you fed me a love portion already?” I ask Thandi and she laughs.

“let’s go ” she pulls my hand and we walk to our house slowly. I put my hand
on her shoulders.

“I love you so much MaNcube” I say and she keeps quiet.

“I don’t expect you to say it back but one day you will” I say and we walk to
the house and sleep.


“I said kill him not injure him you fool!” I whisper shout.

“go to the Hospital and - - -”

“Who are you talking to Sindi?” Zithelo asks and I immediately hang up the
Why is he so creepy and sneaky. I didn’t hear him walking in….

“Zee. You need to knock” I say calmly.

“since when?” he asks.

“Baby listen. This is just a language that we use to communicate and—”

“don’t make me a fool Sindi” he is suddenly worked up. He snatches my

phone from my hand and calls Lloyd.
“Lloyd it’s me please come here. I need to see you”

|ooh man are You both okay?|

“yes we are fine. Whay did you just abandon me Lloyd? What’s going on?
Where is my sister? Where is Mgcini? What’s happening man? I have been
waiting… ” ooh no!
“Zee give me my phone” I say trying to take it from him but he gently pushes
me back.

|a lot is happening Zithelo. I have been coming there but that bitch, won’t let
me see you. I told you not to trust her man. Something is off with her| did he
just call me a bitch?

“What? What do you mean?” Zee asks.

|I am coming to see you now and if I don’t come in there, know that she is
behind it| Lloyd says and I feel weak.
I placed the hit on a wrong guy.
I should have killed Lloyd.
He is destroying my relationship! That thin fool!

Zithelo looks so angry.

“okay see you” Zithelo says and drops the call.

I am trained for this and lying is my middle name. I can act too and I won’t
allow Lloyd to bury me, not without fighting for my man.

“WHY? WHY? WHY SINDI! WHY?” he shouts at me holding both my arms and
I scream. “you are hurting me!”
My guards come into the bedroom running, pointing their Guns at him.

“No. no get out” I shout.

“are you sure ma’am?”


“does the sparrow need a hawk?” they are asking if they should shoot or

“No. Get out now!” I shout and they reluctantly leave.

“we will be outside maam”

“Why would you do this? What are you up to? Who are you killing? Why is
Lloyd not allowed to visit me? What are you up to Sindi?” he shouts at me.
“What’s going on with you?” he asks again and takes my phone. He attempts
to go through my messages and if he does that I am screwed. There is a lot
of evidence in there that can destroy my relationship with him.

“I am pregnant” I say and he looks at me.

“what did you say?” he asks again.

“I am pregnant” I say with a smile.

I am sure this will change his mood. He let’s go of me.

“Why are you smiling?” he asks me and I am confused really. This is supposed
to cheer him Up.

“Are you not on a pill? Or injection? ”

“What? Are you asking me that?”

“Sindi I am married, I love my wife. Lloyd is going to fix this mess and I will
go back to my family, what will I do with your kid?” he says to me with
disgust on his face and I literally walk to the mirror to see the horror on my

Did he just say that to me?

Does he know how many men would die to have a kid with me? He just
insulted me….. He just insulted me.

He walks to me and holds my shoulders from behind. Okay maybe he was

shocked and confused and now he is collected and yeah.

“Baby listen to me.” He says and I sigh and pay attention.

“You are the first daughter, you can get the best doctors to remove that
bastard from you. You are beautiful, you can’t let a child ruin your life. Your
body is perfect without that… that thing. Ooh Sindi! ” he says to me and I
have never heard something so horrible being said to me, in my entire life.
Especially coming from someone I love with all my heart.

I never cry.

I was trained not to just cry, but right now I don’t know how to feel. My
emotions are all over the place.

“excuse me” I excuse myself and walk to the bathroom. I lock myself in there
and cry.
I get hurt too.
Did he just call our child a bastard?
[08/10, 12:33 pm] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



I feel like a little bitch, jumping from one brother to the other but I am
enjoying it. There must be something wrong with me.

There is fear in me though, what if Mondli is playing me? What if he wakes up

one day and turns on me again. This man is unpredictable.

We are finally sharing the same bed.

He is lying on the bed shirtless and I am wearing my dress. One thing about
the Nxumalos they love working out except for Mgcini.
“I can’t wait for us to stay in the City” he says to me and I feel somehow “it
would feel better if we were going back To SA you know”

“Nana is safe don’t worry”

“When you took Nana to your house, Michelle abused her Mondli. She
slapped her. I can’t be here while my daughter is being abused somewhere. ”
I say to him.

“Lloyd’s mother is a good woman. I know her personally. I wouldn’t be this

relaxed, if I knew she wasn’t safe, besides Nxumalo is there. He will look after
her. Stop worrying”

“what about Mgcini what happened to him? How is he?”

“everyone is fine stop worrying. You have always been selfless putting other
people first MaNcube. Let’s put you first for a change. ” he says to me and I

“I miss them Mondli”

“They will come to Zimbabwe when everything is alright”

He looks like he has made up His mind, that we will stay here forever. He
looks so happy. I can’t deal with this. There is no electricity, the water tastes
bad, the sun and everything. I want to go back home.

“I have hurt you so much and I will always—”

“shhh” I say to him and kiss him.

“I can live like this being kissed randomly. I am going to gain weight” he

“Mondli do you think the rest of the family will agree to This?”

“I will burn incense and talk to my brother, as for the rest of the family I don’t
care. I only care about Zithelo” he says and I sleep next to him with him
telling me all the sweet things I need to hear. I haven’t felt this alive in a

He is so good with words. I giggle all night long with him telling me stories.

“I love you so much and I promise I won’t hurt you in anyway. Trust me with
your heart” I hope I won’t live to regret this.

“Please borrow me your car keys” I say to my sister Karen.

“drop me at home first” she says and l limp to my bedroom and change my
clothes. It feels so good to wear my clothes again. I think Orange is now my
worst colour.

I walk to the spare bedroom.

“hey. I will be right back” I say to Mgcini.

“No. Please don’t leave me alone. It’s dark outside and it’s too light in here
please don’t leave” he begs me and I don’t know what to do really.
Donald has been there for me, he is my boyfriend and his brother is fighting
for his life. I have to be there for him but my heart wants to go into that bed
and cuddle with my friend’s son. This is crazy!

“Tony come-on” Karen shouts from the door.

“I will be back in a few minutes. I promise” I say to him and he really looks
scared. He is not pretending, he is really scared.

“Please don’t leave” he walks to me and begs me.

“okay let me talk to my sister” I say and walk to the door. He follows me and
takes his plate and sits on the chair. Karen cooked.

“Karen. I can’t go to Donald’s. Mgcini is scared of being alone”

“What? Is he 10? Tony please don’t play around with me, let’s go”

“He has been through some traumatic experiences.”

“Donald is going through the most right now. David is his only brother
Kizington. It’s fine I will stay here with the new born baby, but go to Donald”
she says and I look back at the house. He is nowhere in the kitchen.

“look after him don’t leave him alone. If anything happens call me” I say and
take her car keys and sneak out of the compound, less the ‘new born baby’
sees me.

I drive to Donald’s apartment in Florida. I pay the security guard to let me in.

I get to his door and knock. He opens immediately.

He has bathed and changed into a jean, shirt and a jacket. It looks like he is
about to go out.

“what are you doing here Kizington?”

“ooh I am Kizington now?”

“I am leaving, I am going to the hospital to see my brother, who has been in

accident of which was possibly caused by that boy’s father. The same boy that
you were hugging and comforting” he looks really upset.

“I am not having an affair” I say.

“Yeah great. Can I leave now?”

“baby listen you can’t drive in this state. You are angry Donald”


“I am not cheating on you Donald.”

“After everything I have done for you? Is this how you thank me? I could have
lost my license, but I risked a lot for you and this is the thanks I get?”

“wow. So you did everything for me so that I can owe you?”

“You know that’s not what I am trying to say and you are twisting my words.
Don’t play mind games with me Kizington”

“I am not having an affair. He is not even gay”

“I want to go and see my brother” he says and takes his bag and walks past
me. He pushes me to the side and locks the door.
“Donald please baby” I shout but he walks away after locking his apartment.

I painfully run after him, hurting myself in the process and block his way.

“baby. My love listen. Don’t do this to us. We have been through a lot, to get
here, please baby come-on”

“Ask him to leave your house then, you and I will be fine” he says to me.

“Kizington you have a lot of male friends and you have never heard me
complaining about them. I know a threat when I see one and that boy is one”

“I love you Donald come-on”

“if you love me Kizington you will make him leave, or you and I are done” he
gives me an ultimatum and walks away.

I drive back home and find Karen in the living room.

“That was too soon Tony” she sounds disappointed.

“is he alright?”


“Listen I have to go home, see you tomorrow” she says and hugs me.

“I love you sis”

“I am angry with you, fix things with Donald”

“sometimes I think you love Donald more than you love me” I say to. My

“Whatever man” I walk her, to her car “will you be able to drive to Orange
farm so late at night? Sleep over Karen” I say to her.

“hell No! and hear you cheating on Donald the whole night? Never broe.. ”
she says and I laugh. “bye” she says and I watch her as she drives away.

Karen is my big sister, she is my day one. I love her so much. I have two big
brothers, then Karen, Me and my little sister. Our mother is white but she
speaks Zulu like no-one’s business.
Karen on the other hand, married a white man that’s why her Zulu is bad.
Even when she speaks English it has an Afrikaans accent. I don’t speak
Afrikaans except when I am pissed.

It’s 11pm now and I am getting ready to do my job. I want to kill someone
tonight or else I will go crazy. Some people prefer sex, gym, running, fighting,
car racing, drinking or smoking when they are stressed but I prefer doing my
job. Which is to kill.

“Belinda fill me in”

“Okay This is Her, Karen Anelisa- - -”

“don’t give me all those useless details, just give me her location and I will do
my job perfectly”

“You need her description Banzi or else you might kill the wrong target”

“okay fine.”
“She is married and she lives with her husband in Orange Farm. You need to
make it look like a robbery gone wrong. Beat up the husband and kill her”

“Okay cool give me the address” I say and she gives it to me.

“You aren’t asking why her husband wants her dead or the security system.
You are going to mess up Banzi let me come with you”

“No Belinda. Do you own job, which is to connect me with the President will
you do that?” I say and take my gun and drive to Orange Farm.

[08/11, 2:38 pm] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“daddy make me sleep” it’s past 11pm and that’s her bed time.

“okay baby come” I pick her up and take her to her bedroom. I put her in bed
and tell her the Cinderella story that she loves wholeheartedly.

“ daddy will you buy me Cinderella’s dress? Grandpa had bought me one, but
it got burnt in our house” she says as she gets sleepy.

“I will buy it for you princess”

“and the shoes too”

“yes my love”

“I miss mummy and grandpa. I miss my uncles too. I miss my friends and my
cousins….I. Miss. Mummy” she says and falls asleep. I kiss her forehead and
say “goodnight princess”

I cover her with her blanket and as I walk out of the room. I see Sindi by the
door. She was watching us all along.

I slowly close the bedroom door, making sure not to wake my daughter up.

I am not a fool.

I heard her talking about killing and it’s the second time now. Why would they
choose the word ‘kill’ in their active vocabulary?
I faked my own death because my father wanted to kill me. Now Sindi is using
the word ‘kill’ often and I am supposed to chill? No I can’t do that.

It’s nice sleeping with the President’s daughter but bringing a child into the
picture? No. No. I can’t.

I don’t want to be involved in politics, next thing she will be talking about

I don’t want that life. Where I will be monitored in everything I do.

Nana is my only child, I don’t want another Child when I am supposed to be


“Where is Lloyd? It’s midnight now. ” I ask her.

“I couldn’t let him in”


“You called our Child a bastard?” she says with a sad voice and I know I
shouldn’t have used that word but…..

“Sindi come on, we are both adults who had sex. We didn’t plan to have a
baby” I am hiding, and I can’t have a baby. What will Thandi say? No! I don’t
want that child. I don’t feel attached to it at all.

“I spoke to my dad and he confirmed that he never placed a hit on you. It was
your father who wanted to cover his tracks. My dad is even proud that I am
dating you”

I raise my eyebrows. I must be the most foolish guy to believe what she just

“you say what?” I ask.

“We can go and see him, maybe you will change your mind about the baby
after. ” she wants to kill me.
“The President wants to see me?” I ask.

“ yes love. I will bring a stylist to style you and Cinderella tomorrow morning.”
She says and kisses me then pulls my hand to the bedroom.

The president wants to see me?

That corrupt old man?

There are xenophobic attacks, there are problems with electricity, the petrol
prices are going up, the last time I checked the condom prices were going up
as well but he wants to see me?

This is a trap! I am dying for getting this woman pregnant tomorrow.

I am dying for sure this time around. What was I doing sleeping with the
President’s daughter in the first place?



I feel like killing David himself.

It’s 2am in the morning as I get to the address in Orange Groove.

I park my car at a distance.. There is no security system in the yard but there
is a dog.

I fix my silencer to the end of my gun and shoot the dog. Then I jump the wall
and look for cameras And I don’t see any so I walk to the door.

It’s not locked.

This man has this all figured out. He is making my job easier.

I didn’t want anything easy, but this will do for today.

I walk into the house and I find myself in the kitchen. I walk around the house
opening doors, until I open the master bedroom; where I see a man and a
woman sleeping.

This must be her right?

I cock my gun to shoot, but then I remember what Belinda said.

She said, I should beat the man and make it look like a robbery.

So I cock my gun and place it on his head.

He wakes up and looks at me.

“oooh no!” he screams like a little bitch.

The wife immediately wakes up and runs to the living room screaming. That
was too quick.

I place the gun on his head and walk with him to the living room.

“if you scream one more time. I will kill this son of a bitch!” I say to the wife.

“Please. Please. Don’t kill my husband” she begs me.

If only, she knew that the husband, wants to be a widower when the sun
rises, she wouldn’t be begging for his life.
I kick the man down, and beat the hell out of him, until he can’t move
anymore. He is a weakling. Just a few punches and he is unconscious.

I point my gun at the woman, and she kneels down, begging for her life then
she starts praying “Father. Please protect my children, my mother----” I give
her a chance to finish praying, as I look around for something to take so that,
it can look like a robbery, but my eyes land on a wedding picture on the wall
and a face looks familiar.

That’s KIZINGTON next to the bride. I look at my target and she is the woman
in the picture.

She is Kizington’s relative?

Belinda what the hell! She continues praying and I sneak out and run back to
my car.

Fuck Belinda! That woman is related to Kizington! I can’t do it.


I am excited about moving to Bulawayo with Thandi.

I wake up early in the morning, and pack our clothes, into a bag that we
found here. I leave a dress for Thandi to wear when she wakes up.

The bus leaves at 8am exactly so when she wakes up. I want her to bath and
eat then we leave.
I do the packing then I walk to the kitchen and cook pap, while boiling
bathing water.

I never knew how to cook using fire but now I am a professional.

I cook pap and dried vegetables; which by the way, I have grown to like.

I then take a bath and wake Thandi up.

“good morning” I greet her.

“Why are you waking me up so early Mondli” she is still drowsy.

“The bus leaves at 8 sweetie wake Up”

“did you just call me ‘sweetie’” she asks and then smiles.

“Wake up ‘sweetie’. Your bathing water is boiling. Go and bathe, you will find
your food in here”

“okay” she is smiling. She wakes up and walks away. I make the bed.

Mitchell never witnessed this side of me. I didn’t know it existed seriously….
Thandi is turning me into a gentleman.

“well goodbye house. I am going away with my beautiful Queen” I am really

excited about this whole thing.

I will treat her well. I will make her happy then Nxumalo will send Lloyd with

I am very excited.

She comes back and I hear her talking to someone outside.

She walks in with Sindi and Mthulisi.

I have always been lucky to have good friends in my life, but it’s my first time
having genuine friends like Sindi and Mthulisi, who loved us when we had
nothing, well we still have nothing in their eyes.

They have a special place in my heart.

“Nxumalo the day is finally here” Mthulisi says to me.

“yebo mfethu [yes brother]. I will definitely call you when I get to Bulawayo,
and when I start a small business you will be the first person to know” I say
to him and he nods his head repeatedly.

I hear Thandi giggling in the bedroom with Sindi, then she comes out wearing
a dress. I bought it for her knowing very well that it will suit her.

“you look beautiful MaNcube” I say to her.

“ngyabonga Zwide ka Nxumalo [Thank you. Totems]” she says to me and I

give her a hug.

“Wow. You guys make this love thing look so beautiful ”Sindi says and goes
on to hug Mthulisi. She loves that quote.

“the bus will leave you guys let’s go” Mthulisi says then gogo knocks and
prays for us. We say goodbye to them.

Mthulisi drives us to the bus station using Senzo’s truck.

We come across a Quantum with a South African number plate and Thandi
can’t stop looking at it. She even stretches her neck and looks at it, as it
drives away.

She so badly wants to cry..

“Are you okay?” I ask

“Yeah. I am fine”

“just take your time before returning the truck and take Sindi to the river” I
say to Mthulisi as we get to the bus stop and he laughs.
There are so many kids at the bus station. Apparently schools are closed so
kids are traveling to the city.

We wait for the bus while charting a bit.

“We are going to be happy I promise you. Don’t stress, there is electricity and
running water where we are going. I will take you to the salon and shopping,
you will be happy I promise” I say to her and Sindi says “Ncoooow” once
again. Thandi laughs a bit.

“I am happy Mondli, stop being nervous” she says to me and we see the bus

I take $20 and give to Mthulisi without Sindi noticing.

I now know, how it feels to be a broke man, while you have a woman who
depends on you, to make a plan.


“Bye friend” I hug Sindi as the bus stops.

I have never seen Mondli so excited about anything, like he is about moving
to Bulawayo.

He is so happy.

He has a beautiful glow, on his face when he smiles. I swear I have never seen
him this excited before.
I see that quantum coming back.

I saw the GP number plates, and I made a wish, to one day go back to

We say our goodbyes to our friends, for the millionth time, as we queue for
the bus ticket. The bus is so full, it’s like it’s going to fall any minute from

This is suicide I swear.

There are even goats on the bus.

Is this even legal? Nothing surprises me anymore here.

I see Mthulisi and Sindi speaking to the quantum guys as we board the bus.

We find three empty seats and we sit next to each other…. I put my head on
his shoulder.

“I love you” he says to me.

This place has really changed this man. He is so different. The bus leaves and
I look back at Sindi and Mthulisi.

They are pointing at the bus shouting.

It’s like they are saying something, but I can’t hear them because of the noise,
made by the bus and by the people inside the bus, who are playing music
and chatting to each other. They are so loud!

“Mondli look at Sindi and Mthulisi they are saying something. Tell the driver
to stop.” I say but Mondli says “I guess I forgot my money. You know how
loyal they are. Let them keep it” he says to me and I see the Quantum
following us.
Someone is probably going to South Africa and I am going to Bulawayo. I feel
sad but I try to share Mondli’s excitement even though I wish I can get into
that quantum instead.

My heart is in there not in this bus.

[08/12, 9:52 pm] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I wake up early in the morning and l take a bath.

I hardly slept last night , the nightmares kept me awake. I went to watch TV
and tried to fall asleep, but the nightmares of me stabbing that man woke me

I neither have clothes nor a phone! I don’t have my own lotions and a soup.
Let alone a bathing towel!

I am just a hot mess!

This whole situation is forcing me to ask money from Nxumalo.

I can’t do that…l refuse to stoop to that level!

Kizito just came out of prison he is probably broke too.

What am l going to do!

I walk to the living room, so that I can make something to eat, but I find him
working out.

“morning” I greet.

“the nightmares?” he asks me because I probably look like hell.

“yeah they are worse” I say with a sigh of frustration.


“can you borrow me something to wear” l say changing the topic…enough

about nightmares!

“go to my wardrobe and try a few but they will be baggy” he says.

I walk to his room and There are pictures of him and Donald all over the
room. This is insane!
I try a few jeans but I end up wearing a drop and a sweater. They are really
baggy, no lie.

“can You take me to the Hospital?” l ask him.

“I will call an Uber for you”

He says then his phone rings.

He sounds shocked and angry while speaking on the phone.

I wonder who he is speaking to?

“did that person hurt you? Where are you now?” he asks who ever he is
talking to over the phone.

He is panicking.

“okay I am coming sis. Stay strong”

He walks past me and straight to the wardrobe without taking a bath; he

wears a jean and a shirt.

“what’s going on” I ask.

“there was a robbery at my sister’s” he says rushing to the door.

I follow him.

He locks the door and we both walk to a taxi…. We ride it to town and get
into another one to Orange farm.

“I don’t know who would disrespect me so much as to touch my sister. My

own sister! “ he is very angry as he walks into the yard.

He gets in there and I follow him but I see cops and I feel uneasy. What if I
get arrested again?

“KIZINGTON the Police!” I say and he stops on his tracks.

“go straight into the house” he says and I do as he says, feeling sweaty and

I get in and find Karen in the living room being asked questions by another
officer and I get scared and decide to turn back but it’s too late!



““Mondli look at Sindi and Mthulisi they are saying something. Tell the driver
to stop.” She says to me but I make an excuse about Mthulisi having my
money and wanting to pay back. My heart is beating out of my chest.

I am so pissed and nervous. I just wish I can tell the bus driver to drive faster.
I wish I can pay him to just drive, and never stop until we reach Bulawayo, but
this is real life I can’t do that!

She has her head on my shoulder and I wish we can stay like this forever but
how can Nxumalo do this to me?
I can see the Quantum following us hooting. I know he sent those men to
fetch us.

“I think the Quantum driver wants to speak to you” another passenger says to
the driver in Ndebele.

“Just go driver, don’t mind them” I also try to speak in Ndebele. Speaking
Zulu makes them look at me funny.

“Just hear them out” another guy says to the driver and the bus stops.

I feel numb!

I just hope they are not here for us.

The bus stops and the Quantum driver talks to the bus conductor.

“Mondli Nxumalo” the conductor says and Thandi raises up her head and
immediately stands up as if she is Mondli. Wow!

I just remain seated on the chair. Quietly.

“Do you know him?” the conductor asks Thandi.

“Yes. What do you want bhudi? [brother] “ Thandi asks.

“Are you Thandi?” the quantum driver asks.

“yes I am Thandi”

“oooh finally please come. Your father sent me” just by saying those words
my heart drops to the floor.

I don’t want to even look at Thandi’s face right now because I know she is
excited about going to SA but what about me? I also need a chance to be
with her and prove myself.

“Mondli you heard that let’s go.” She says to me taking our bag and walking
out of the bus.
“haaa ndoda mina angeke ngisaku bisela iimali [man, I am afraid l won’t be
able to return your money back to you]” the bus conductor says to me and I
ignore him as I climb out of the bus.

“No no don’t worry keep it. Let’s go Mondli”

“Hie bhudi. This is Mondli Nxumalo and I am Thandi Nxumalo. You said you
were sent to pick us up?” Thandi is so happy and I look at the bus driving
away and we remain standing in the middle of the road with two Men next to
us and a Quantum that has passengers inside.

“ Yes sisi. Nxumalo sent me to pick you up and sidliwa yi skhathi manje
asambeni [time is not on our side, let’s go”

The guy says and I look at Thandi she is so happy. She is going back to her
life and what am I going back to do? I don’t want to go back to SA.

What if she gets there and changes her mind about me?

What if she agreed to this relationship because she was feeling helpless. I am
afraid of the truth slapping me on the face!

The other guy says “Nxumalo paid us handsomely to bring these people back.
Just speak to them nicely” the other guy whispers to the other one but I hear

I am not happy.

I see Mthulisi and Sindi driving to us…..

“deep down I knew these people were coming for us. But I had hoped they
weren’t but then again here we are” Thandi is suddenly so talkative.

She is talking to these guys as if she knows them, asking about how we are
going to cross the boarder and all that.

“Hey guys finally they caught you. I am so happy for you. These Men were
looking for the two of you meaning you are going back to your home” Sindi is
happy and she is hugging Thandi tightly. Mthulisi is the only one who notices
that I am not fine.

“Can we go. We will talk on the way” the guy says picking up our bag.

“CAN YOU LEAVE THAT BAG?” I say and he drops it to the ground.

“Mondli what’s wrong?” Thandi asks and I pull her to the side.

“sweetie, what if these people are sent here to kill and kidnap us?”

“No no ways” she says and goes back to the guy and says “hey can I get a
confirmation that Nxumalo sent you” the guy takes out his phone and calls
Nxumalo and Thandi speaks to him. She has never smiled this much before.

“baba can I ask for a favour” she says but I can’t hear Nxumalo’s response.

“There are two friends who really took good care of us when we had nobody.
Can we come with them? I promise I will pay these guys when I fix my cards

“Thank you so much father. Kiss nana for me please”

“okay father. Thank you”

“ Yes, he is here”

“Mondli. Father wants to speak to you”

I take the phone and hang up before talking to him.

Fuck this shit!

He calls again and speaks to the driver this time.

“okay he said we can come with the 4 of you. Please let’s go”

Thandi screams excitedly and l groan in anger. I am upset!

“Sindi and Mthulisi will you come with us to SA?” she asks them not paying
any attention to me.

“What? Just like that?” Sindi asks

“yes just like that. Let’s go”

“what about Senzo’s truck and our clothes?” Mthulisi asks.

“we will buy airtime and call him on the way. Please let’s go” the Quantum
driver says

“Lets go guys” the driver says pissing me off.

They all excitedly climb the Quantum and I remain standing there.

“Mondli come” Thandi says as the driver turns on the ignition.

“I don’t want to go” I say to Thandi and she laughs a bit then realizes that I
am serious…

By now the driver is upset, the passengers are complaining and I don’t care. I
don’t want to go! I don’t!

The driver turns off the ignition once again. Nxumalo must have paid him a lot
to be this patient.

But I really don’t want to go and that’s it.

[08/15, 1:08 pm] Sammy Sammie: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*
The driver is livid, vexed to be exact and not to mention the passengers,
they are complaining but I don’t give a damn!

The driver turns off the ignition once again. Nxumalo must have paid him a
lot, for him to be this patient.

Thandi climbs out of the car and walks to me.

She holds both my hands and looks at me. I hope she is not about to shit on
me right now because my heart won’t take it.

“I know that you probably think if we get home, I will change, I won’t do it. I
am the one who is supposed to be scared of change not you. I won’t change.
I promise. We will take baby steps, until l am sure that you have really
changed into this good man that I have grown to admire” she says to me.

“Thandi I - - -“ I try to speak but she stops me.

“This man standing before me right now has been protecting me. I enjoy his
presence, even though he doesn’t want to cut his hair” she laughs a bit and
says “I admire the man who made sure that I ate before he did, the man who
apologized to me at the river and kissed me passionately; the man who
watched me until I fell asleep everyday, and protected me from all the bad
things that could have happened to me.” She says to me with a smile and my
heart just falls in love with her all over again. I love her. L really do.

“you noticed that I watched you while you were sleeping?” I ask her with a
smile on my face.

“yes I did, so let’s go back home and see what life throws at us, let’s go
before these people eat us alive” she says to me and I feel assured and a bit

I kiss her in the middle of the road; while the angry drivers and passengers
are watching. I don’t give a damn about them. They can go ahead and leave
us if they want.

“Ncooow” Sindi and drama!

After a little while,we break the kiss.

“let’s go” I say to Thandi and follow her to the car.

“Mondli are you guys sure about taking us with you?” Mthulisi asks me. He
looks so nervous.
“yes we are sure. I have a house. That’s if I still have it” I mumble that.

I look inside the Quantum and the seats left are a bit far from the other.
Meaning, I won’t sit next to Thandi.


“Hey” A police officer calls me and I stop on my tracks. I don’t know if these
baggy clothes are the ones making me sweaty all of a sudden but I am really
scared right now.

I suddenly see myself in that cell being violeted again. I am just standing here
finding it hard to breathe.
“hey hey” Kizito says to me but I am suddenly out of words.

My throat has dried up!

“what’s wrong with him Tony?” his sister asks. They are all surrounding me,
asking me questions and the Police officer is standing there too. He is making
it worse.

“Sir, can you please step outside. You are done here right? “ Kizito says and
the Police officer walks away.

“bring him a cup of water” Kizito says.

As soon as the police officer leaves, I take the water and drink it at one go
and finally get my breathing pattern back to normal.

“Mgcini are you okay?” Kizito asks me.

“I want to leave” I say.

“I know what just happened. Calm down, they won’t take you. You are safe
with me” he says to me and I nod and sit back on the sofa. What kind of a
house is this anyway. It looks like a museum.

“I am scared” I whisper to him.

“when have I ever let you down?” he asks me

“never” I say and he says “Let me talk to my sister and then we will go to the
Hospital okay?”

“okay I am fine” I say trying to act tough but deep down I am really scared of
going back to prison.

What l experienced there was just…l…l can’t go back there, l can’t!

“Sis how are you?” he greets his sister.

“After everything that I have been through you had to bring him here to
create more drama Tony?” Karen says to Kizington and I just feel
embarrassed. She doesn’t like me at all.

“maybe I should leave” I say and he says “No”

“Karen what happened? Talk to me did you see the person?”

“he was wearing a balaclava and he came into the bedroom and---” she
explains what happened to them and I feel sorry for them.

That’s sad.

“I am so sorry sis. Did he take anything?”

“surprisingly he didn’t. He had his gun on my head and then I started praying
asking God to protect my family members, and when I opened my eyes he
was gone. Just like that. It was so scary Kizington. I swear God saved my life.
It was a miracle” she says and then cries. Why does she even bother speaking
English because she sounds like she is speaking Afrikaans…

“I will find whoever did this to you and I will make them pay”

“He killed Boity, Tony” she breaks down and cries.

“Boity was pregnant. She was pregnant and the guy didn’t have messy on
her. He shot her Tony” some people are heartless honestly.
“It’s okay sis. You will be fine” Kizington says as Karen wails.

“I need to lie down a bit. I am not feeling well” she says and a woman walks
away with her.

“Let’s go” Kizington says and I walk out of the yard fast avoiding the police.

“I am so sorry about all this man. People are so heartless” I give him my
condolences as we are walking to the road to catch a taxi and he says “Yeah
Boity was special to her man. She was beautiful with her white fur, but atleast
no one was hurt”


“Yeah she found her at the side of the road when she was just a new born
puppy” he says to me and I stand in the middle of the road holding my waist.

“Boity was a dog? She cried that much for a mare dog? A dog Kizito? No
guys come on!” I say and he just looks at me like I am crazy and we both
burst into laughter and I somehow manage to forget about my problems.

If anyone ever told me that, I will leave Tsholotsho not to Bulawayo but to
South Africa, I wouldn’t have believed them.

“I want to sit by the Window” Mondli says but there are people occupying
those seats already.

“Hayibo bhudi phezu kokusilindisa okungaka subuya uzostshela okokwenza

[after making us wait this long you are coming to tell us, what to do and
where to sit?] “ a passanger says rudely.

“My brother what’s your name?” Mondli asks the driver who is irritated but
tries so hard to act normal.

“Bongani igama lami [my name is Bongani]” the driver responds.

“I want the back seats for the 4 of us,” he says but the back seats are already

“Mondli, it’s fine” Thandi tries to calm him down.

“No. It’s not fine. I am not going to sit by the door all the way to Joburg” Well
I wouldn’t mind even sitting in the trolley as long as I am going to South

“Bongani just do it man” the other driver says impatiently.

“Okay bazali bengcela lehlise umoya [okay my fellow passengers please calm
down]. Can you please move from the back seats” Bongani says to the
passengers who are complaining.

“lathi sibhadele phela[we also paid] “ they complain but they end up getting
out of the car and we sit at the back.

The seat is so comfortable. I must admit this is my first time sitting in this
type of a car.

The other passangers complain while occupying the other seats but Mondli
doesn’t give them any of his attention.

The driver, drives away and it feels better than a bus. I can’t believe we just
left Senzo’s truck by the road..

I am nervous but I am looking forward to going to South Africa. We don’t

even have clothes to change, Atleast we Have our documents in my purse.
“are you okay mama?” Mthulisi asks me.

“I am fine, but nervous and you?” I ask him.

“There is no need for you to be nervous you will be fine my love” Thandi says
squeezing my hand.


God I see you.

This is you!



I thank God for Thandi. Being a good person really has a reward.

They could have taken their relative Senzo, but they took us instead.

It’s a sin to look at another man, while you are married and say he is
handsome but Mondli is really good looking.

I look at Thandi next to me. She has her head on Mondli’s chest and he has
his hand around her. They look so beautiful and I love their marriage. It’s so

One thing about life it can surprise you and take you out of TSHOLOTSHO



I am falling in love with this guy everyday.

I just left my sister, I don’t even know where Donald is but here I am
accompanying this guy to see his own sister.

Even the gents are calling me none stop, but I am here walking with Mgcini
who doesn’t even give a damn about me

He is wearing my oversized clothes, if he found out that, Donald used to wear

them too, he would probably choose to be naked.

“I need a phone” he says as soon as we get inside a taxi.

“Let’s go and get one before we head to the hospital ” I say.

“You have money?” he asks me and I wish to tell him that his father paid me
handsomely for rescuing him, but that’s none of his business.

“I have a few rands” I say and we get off the taxi at the mall then we go to a
pep store.

“Just buy me a phone to use for calls only” he says and I buy him a 150rands
phone that has an MTN Sim card already

“Thank You” he says and we take another taxi to the hospital.

We get there and Neriah’s doctor tells us that Neriah gave birth to a baby

“What? Wow. Can we see her?” Mgcini asks. He is excited, he probably loves

“yes come” the doctor leads us to a ward.


I had a C section and I received my baby boy last night. I was in so much pain
and I wished that someone could tell me how David was. I haven’t seen or
heard anything from him since the accident.

I am worried. I have bruises all over my face and stomach. My baby couldn’t
have made it but God saved him.

I am on the bed feeling pain and drowning in a pool of my own tears, how
can my own father attempt to kill me?

“Sis” Mgcini calls for me and I look at the door. I see him with a guy.

Wait. His face looks familiar.

“Mgcini” I call him and he rushes to my bed. He holds my hand.

“Sis how are you? How are you feeling?” he asks me.

“have you heard anything about David?”

“That son of a bitch is the one who shot at us that day at home. He burnt our
house . He was shooting not caring whether there was a baby or not. Nana
was there and he almost killed her”

“He is the father of your nephew” I say to him and he let’s go of my hand and
says “I don’t care. That baby is a Nxumalo not a Zondo”

“No. Mgcini you don’t understand. Dad killed Donald’s parents”

“I don’t care what Banzi did, but we didn’t kill Donald’s parents why did he
try to kill us? I went through a lot Riah. I don’t want to talk about that son of
a bitch!” he shouts and my heart aches.

I love David and I must be a disappointment in my family for getting pregnant

for the enemy. The hate in Mgcini’s eyes is evident. He hates him with all his

“ Mgcini calm down” the guy says and I remember his face from the house.

“Aren’t you Donald’s boyfriend ?” I ask him and he nods “yes I am” I look at
Mgcini “Where is my nephew?” he asks me and the doctor takes him away to
see the baby. He is in an incubator because he is weak.

I look at the guy.

“hey do you have an idea of David’s whereabouts?” I ask him and he says
“no. But you will be fine. Don’t stress” I look away and cry for David. I want
him to see his son…

“This house is beautiful Belinda” I say after taking a good look at it.

Well, I bought another house in Morning Side since David burnt my other
house to the ground.

It will take months for the Insurance company, to sort out the paperwork. So
Belinda chose this one and I did the paperwork before viewing it.

It’s my first time seeing it today because tomorrow morning Thandi and
Mondli will be in South Africa, then Neriah will be discharged from the
hospital with her son. She gave birth but she refused to see me. I saw my
grandson this morning though, and I fell in love with him. I have a few of my
guys looking after them at the hospital.

David ran away from the Hospital and for his own sake, I hope he hides very
well because if I find him, I will kill him!

“Thank you for always having my back Belz. I know I am an arse sometimes”

“Not sometimes but all the time” she says with a smile. Unfortunately I can’t
love her, I don’t love her. Even if I try to force myself, but I just can’t.

“Should I look for the interior designer?” she asks and I say “No. Thandi will
do all that”

“Ooh” she sounds offended but I don’t care.


“okay fine. Will you tell Kizington about his brother in law?”


“Okay. The guy is angry he wants his money back”

“Don’t give it to him. Why does he want his wife dead anyway?”

“He wants the life insurance money”


“yep apparently she is covered for 1,5 million rands”

“Ooh I am not surprised there, but unfortunately he chose the wrong guy for
the job because I am going to tell Kizington”

I call Kizington and ask him to bring Mgcini to the house and I send him the

“You look a bit happy today” Belinda says.

“yeah Belz my family will finally come together” I sit on the bed. She bought 3
beds only. For my bedroom, Mgcini’s and Mondli’s. Thandi will buy a bed of
her own. Women have different tastes.

“Let me call Lloyd and ask her to bring Nana. I want Thandi to find her here” I
say and she says “Can we make love on this bed before your children come?”

“that’s so tempting but Let me call Lloyd first”

“Come-on Banzi you will call him later” she says pushing me to the bed. She
gets on top of me and kisses me.

“Belz wait. Let me call Lloyd first” I gently push her to the side. I am horny
but I need to sort out the family issue first before fucking her.

“I have always been there for you. When your wife died, when your son died,
when they tried to kill your family, when they tried to kill you. I came running
and nursed you back to health. I have always been here for you but you have
never looked at me with love. You use me for sex and then you cast me to the
side. You slap me when you want and you sexually have your way with me
even when I don’t want to….” She is saying all this sitting on the bed and I
feel really bad. I have been unfair on Belinda for years
“Let me make a call first and then we will talk about that Belz. I promise” I call
Lloyd and he picks up on the first ring.

“Lloyd I need to see you man. I will be coming to your mother’s house, to get
Nana and thank you guys for---”

|Nxumalo you will have to forgive me after, but there are a lot of things we
need to talk about. I screwed up big time,Nana is…..| Belinda snatches away
my phone and drops the call while Lloyd is still talking.

“Belinda what are you doing?”

“ Fuck you Banzi! I am tired of your shit!” she shouts and I look at her in

Lloyd was about to say something and she snatched the phone just like that.
My phone rings and she walks out of the room with it. She is thinking about
sex when I am having a serious conversation about my granddaughter….

“Belinda! Lloyd was about to say something serious” I say following her
down the passage but she walks away with my ringing phone.

What is wrong with this woman!

“Belinda! ” I shout but she keeps on walking, infuriating me even more!

Kizington took me from the hospital to this house in Morning Side. The house
is big and just white.

“This is beautiful” Kizington says.

“dude this house looks like a church” I say to him and he laughs.

“Whose house is it anyway?” I ask him. He ignores my question and just

places his hands in his jean pockets as we walk into the yard.

There is a corolla parked in the yard.

“Wait, is this Banzi’s house?” I ask him and stop on my tracks.

“Mgcini, he begged me to bring you here,”

“Don’t you want me in your house anymore?” I ask him.

“Come-on just see the house and we will go back home if you don’t like it”

“I will stay here, only if he brings all my family members into this house”

“don’t disrespect your father Infront of me please. Just listen to him and hear
what he has to say” he says and we walk into the house. As soon as he opens
the door,I see my father manhandling Belinda.

He looks like he was beating her up!

“What are you doing? On top of everything you abuse women too?” I ask him
and he says “No no. This isn’t how it looks. I swear” he says letting go of her
and Belinda runs out of the house with a ringing phone.

Banzi runs after her but I block his way until Belinda gets into the corolla and
drives away.

“Shit!” he curses. This man doesn’t cease to shock me!

*TO BE CONTINUED*[08/16, 9:44 am] 00263717417581: *ONE THING



Something about what Belinda just did makes me livid. How can she refuse to
let me talk to Lloyd because she was horny?

Lloyd had something important to say. I could hear it in his voice.

“You abuse woman too?” Mgcini asks. He is about to get on my last nerve
but he is my son, so I will be patient with him.

“I didn’t abuse her, we had a misunderstanding and she ran away with my
phone. Did you see me hitting her?”

“But it looked like you were beating her up”

“I didn’t beat her. Do you have a car?” I ask Kizington and he says “Donald
uses it”

“Donald is your lawyer right? Why does your lawyer drive your car? Anyway I
need to go to Lloyd’s house and fetch Nana. Can you call a cab?” I ask him
and he says “sure”

“Son. One day you will understand why I do what I do”

“I don’t want to understand, I want to leave this place. I don’t want to be in

the same house as you” he says and I sigh.

“Your brother and Thandi are coming tomorrow”


“This is your new home”

“As long as they are all here I will stay. It’s not bad inside anyway” he says
looking around. I knew he wasn’t going to survive leaving in Tembisa.

“We will fix your IDs once Mondli and Thandi get here, so that we can fix your
account too and buy clothes” I say and he looks at me bored. He walks away,
I am sure he is picking a bedroom.

Atleast he isn’t refusing to pick one. I know him, he was probably tired of
sleeping in a spare bedroom in Kizington’s house.

“I have called an Uber” Kizington says.

“I don’t know how to Thank you Kizington. Once everything is settled I

promise I will pay you for all this. You have been an amazing friend to him.”

“You are an amazing man Nxumalo. I am glad to help you just talk to me if
you need anything” he says and right now I need to get my granddaughter
first, before I sit down and tell him about his brother in-law.

I open my wallet and give him money but he refuses to take it.
“Can you call Uber eats and order something and please don’t leave. Make
sure he sleeps over. There are blankets somewhere here, Belinda ordered
them but I haven’t seen them. I will be back” I say and he nods. I take an Uber
to Lloyd’s home. He stays in Tsutsumani in Alexander.

I get there and get off.

I find his mother and I expect to see Nana running to me but it’s so quiet in
the house there are no signs of kids. I greet her.

“Nxumalo linjani baba [Nxumalo how are you?] ”

“I am fine mama. I am so sorry for coming un-unnounced”

“It’s okay son. I know you are probably looking for Lloyd, a woman came here
an hour ago looking for him too. Lloyd is never home. You can call him
though” she says to me.

“a woman? How did she look?”

“She was slim, wearing black clothes”

Damn Belinda!

“Did she take my grand-daughter with her?”

“Your grand-daughter?” she sounds surprised

“Yes. I am here to take my granddaughter, her mother is coming home

tomorrow. Thank you for taking care of her mama” I say opening my wallet
and taking a few Hundred rands and placing them on the table.

“uthetha ngantoni? [what are you talking about?]”

“my granddaughter”

“I have never seen your granddaughter in this house ” she says to me and I
am confused.

“Lloyd said my granddaughter is in this house” I say and she denies ever
seeing her. I ask for her phone and call Lloyd. He tells me to meet him in
Mondli’s house! What the hell is going on!
I am waiting in the living room for a turn to talk to my father while I am
talking to my mother and little sister.

“Rumours are saying you are living in Midrand Sindi” mum says.

“Mum not now” I know the rumor is spread by my aunt.


“Have you chose your dress for My birthday Sindi? Because you have to be
there.” My little sister asks.

“choose for me and guess what? I will be bringing someone to your party”

“Your friends are welcome they bring life to the party, I invited Noxolo and
Nadia because I want to trend”
“ma’am your father wants to see you” I walk to Dad’s office.

“hey beautiful” dad says as he moves from the table and sits on the couch
and I sit next to him.

“Hie dad”

“When you move out you move out in peace. You talk to both your parents
and tell them that you are moving out. You are old enough Sindi we won’t
stop you my love. Not this hide and seek, that you are playing”

“I know dad and I am sorry. There is someone I want to introduce to you


“Okay. That someone better be the one and only. That someone better be an
honest young man who knows what he wants in life. I don’t want a fool to
come and play with your feelings” he says to me and I smile.

“yes he is dad”

“okay you will check with your mum and bring him over for dinner ”
“He is in the car”



“okay I think I have 30 minutes. Bring him in” he says and I smile and walk
away. I walk to my mother and sister first.

“I am bringing my boyfriend to meet all of you please behave, don’t

intimidate him. Make him feel at home and I promise. I will return the favor” I
say to them and they both nod. My little sister screams in excitement “The
one and only Sindi has a boyfriend? A whole boyfriend! I can’t wait to see the
most patient man in the whole world” she says and mum laughs.

“behave” I say and walk to the car. I open the door for Zithelo. He looks

“Relax dad won’t kill you. Just don’t say anything about your father. Pretend
as if you don’t know that they know each other” I say and he nods.

He looks good in this suit. Zithelo is very handsome, my family will be

“I don’t feel good about leaving my daughter with a stranger in that house”
he says. And I mentally role my eyes. I couldn’t bring that brat here, she was
going to ruin things for me.

“it’s fine baby let’s go” I walk hand in hand with him to the house.

“Ma’am his identity please” the secret service asks.

“Don’t disrespect my visitor” I say and walk in with Zithelo after they
thoroughly search him.

I walk to the dining and find my dad, mum and little sister standing there
smiling. They are impressed.

“Good day Sir. Good day ma’am, good day beautiful” he greets them and they
all smile. I am impressed….

“Good day son how are you?” my dad asks. Zithelo is so stiff, I can feel him.

“I am fine sir. Thank you for having me, it’s such an honor to be in your
presence” he says and we sit down around the table. I hope this will make
him fall in love with me and marry me.
They serve us late lunch and my dad speaks a bit with Zithelo telling him to
take care of me and all that and then he walks away. We remain at the table
with my mum and sister.

“Shame son. I am sorry about your mum” my mum says to Zithelo after telling
them that he has no mother.

“it’s okay. It’s been years” Zee says.

“you are really cute brother in-law. I am sorry I can’t keep it to myself” My
little sister says and Zithelo blushes.

“Come on Tshego” I reprimand her.

“I am sorry but have you tried modeling or anything along those lines?”

“I did modeling a few years ago before I got—” I cut him. He wanted to say
before he got married.

“Don’t mind Tshego, baby she is nosey” I say and he chuckles. We sit there
talking until my aunt Belinda walks in.

I thought it was an ambush or something but her family seems to be nice. I

can’t believe I was sitting with the President of South Africa. It was so easy to
sit and talk to him.

I am having a conversation with The first Lady and The little sister, Who are
lovely people by the way. Then the little sister gets up from her chair and
goes on to hug Belinda.
I know Belinda. She is my father’s bitch. After doing a lot of digging, I found
out she was the one giving my father the hit lists. She is the one who brought
my name to my father that night.

“Aunty Belz I missed you. Where have you been? Don’t dissappear like that!”
Belinda stands there looking at me, as if she has seen a ghost. Yes she just
saw one and she is going to tell Nxumalo about all this and I will be screwed.

What is this? Did Sindi bring me here so that they can kill me? I stand up
from my chair ready to defend myself.

“Sindi what the hell is she doing here?” I whisper to her. She isn’t moving
from her chair. Looks like she is shocked tooo.

What the hell is going on here! Am I going to die for real this time?
[08/16, 1:38 pm] 00263717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



What is aunty Belinda doing here?

Everything was going very well until she came in!

Zithelo is so un-easy right now, he probably knows her. Tshego just made
things worse by hugging her, and showing so much affection to someone,
who is supposed to be our maid.

“excuse me” Belinda says and walks away with Tshego on her tail.

“Come and meet Sindi’s boyfriend” mum says making it all worse. Belinda
ignores her and walks away.

“Never mind her my boy. It was nice meeting you. Have a beautiful day” mum
says and Zithelo says “Thank you ma’am “ Mum walks away and leaves us

“What is she doing here? What is going on here Sindi?” he asks me


“I will explain later. The walls have ears. Let’s go” I walk with him away and as
we get to the passage Tshego, comes running to Zithelo and says “heey Zee
can you come to my birthday celebration on the 19 th of August pretty please”
she says and Zee looks at me.

“yes he will come” I say.

“okay bye Zee” she says and hugs him.

“bye” she walks away.

As we leave the house to the car, a guard comes and whispers to me “Your
aunt wants to see you now”

“Zee, they will drive you home” I say And he says “No. I will drive on my own”
hell will freeze before I allow him to drive on his own.

“No. it’s not safe Zee they will drive you home. My dad wants to talk to me. I
will see you later my love” he walks away without giving me a hug or
anything. I am so embarrassed. The security officials are probably laughing
while watching this footage.

The house is beautiful inside, I laugh alone remembering how Zithelo and
Mondli used to fight for the biggest bedroom everytime we went on a
vacation, or when dad bought a new house. This time I am the one who will
pick the bedroom first.

It’s a double storey house.

Are we renting or he bought it? I wonder.

There are three bedrooms downstairs and it seems like he has picked the
master bedroom already because there is a bed and his clothes in there.

I climb up the stairs and get to the floor. The first bedroom has an en suite
bathroom, the second room is a master bedroom that has a balcony. I think
this is the second biggest bedroom in the house. What makes it more
beautiful is that it has a balcony. This one will be for Thandi and Nana.

After that bedroom there is an open space which will probably be a mini-
living room. Then on the other side facing the living room, there are three
bedrooms. Two of those are small bedrooms and the third one has a small
balcony. It’s dark like Mondli so it will be his room.

I love the interior walls of the house. It was made for a big family like ours.
Then there is a bathroom and a toilet because those two bedrooms have no
en suite bathrooms.

There are two beds in the mini living room. I guess one is mine. The house
has no furniture. I sit on the bed until I hear footsteps.

I hope it’s not Banzi. I don’t want to talk to him.

I sigh in relief when I realise It’s Kizington. He comes and sits on the bed.

“I don’t know what would have happened to me, if you were not there
Kizington” I say as he lies on the bed next to me…..

I really don’t know what I would have done if it wasn’t for him.

“You have been there for me, you protected me, you allowed me into your
house and even borrowed me your clothes. You even got shot because of
me” he says to me and it’s my first time hearing him being grateful.

“Thank you” did those words really leave his mouth?

“Well you are welcome I guess” I say.

“Can we go back to your house now. I will come back when Thandi and
Mondli are here.” He says and I say “Well I had already ordered some food,
and I was hoping that I can also sleep in a mansion for the first time in my
life” I say and he laughs.

“serious? Well we can move the bed to that bedroom, and this one to this

“ This bed is very comfortable” I say and he chuckles. He doesn’t know what’s
going through my mind right now. We move the bed to what he says, it’s
going to be his bedroom. It’s bigger than my living room.

I knew Nxumalo was rich but wow. This house is big.

“Why don’t you put the bed by the window. It’s too hot in here” I suggest and
he says “No ways. When someone shoots at us this time I better be prepared”

“Okay place it here then, so that you can put your TV there” I say and he

“okay sir let’s do what you want” he says and then someone knocks

“I will be right back” I go and collect the food. I take the chicken Peri Peri
pizza and the juice to him.

I find him lying on the bed shirt less. I stand by the door looking at him.

-Damn! He is so sexxy-

“Wow! How did you know that’s my favorite pizza?” he asks. And I bring
myself together and take the pizza to him. I sit on the bed next to him.

He is saying something, but I can’t hear him. He is saying all the right words
and doing all the right things.
I kiss him but he stops me.

“Kizington what are you doing?” I don’t regret what I just did.

“I am sorry” I say and move back.

“Kizington I told you that I am not gay. I am not gay dude” he says looking

“Yeah I know, but I can’t hold myself anymore. I am sorry. I guess I have to
leave. I can’t do this” I say and walk away.

“No no Kizington wait. You can’t leave me alone here” he says and I say
“There is a guy following us everywhere we go, incase you haven’t noticed.
He is outside so you are safe. Let me go and look for my boyfriend that I have
abandoned because of you. I am sorry” I say and walk away.

I have been so stupid ever since I got out of prison. I have been weak.
Fooling around with a kid. I take my phone and call Michael and ask him to
meet me at my mother’s. I try to call Donald once again and it takes me
straight to voice mail.

Damn! I need to work.


I drove to Mondli’s house and I asked the guys to check if it wasn’t a trap
before I got in here because I can’t trust anyone anymore.

The house is a mess! It looks like they came to look for me here, after burning
my house. There is no furniture.

I am sure it’s Mitchell’s family that came and took everything.

I sit for about an hour until Lloyd walks in through the back door. He looks
like a hobbo.

“Wait. I saw you on my way here outside in the streets, I thought you were
one of those Nyaope Boys” I say to him.
“They want to kill me that’s why I am dressed like this” he says to me and
before anything I punch him in the face for lying about my granddaughter’s

“I deserve that” he says holding his cheek. He looks like a mess!

“Where is my granddaughter?” I ask him.

“Nxumalo you will have to forgive me for what I am about to say. I did it
because Zithelo is my friend, but now, I see that everything was just a lie” he
says to me with tears in his eyes.

This boy was friends with my sons for years. I treat him like my own.

“Lloyd what’s going on?”

“One day Zithelo came to my home in the middle of the night. Pacing up and
down; Scared and shocked. He told me that he found a lot of money in your
business accounts. He spoke about a lot of millions. He started digging, and
he found out that you were receiving money from High profile people,
including the President himself. He found an IT guy who traced your phone
calls with Belinda and found out that The President was sending hits to you,
through Belinda. That’s how he found out that you Killed the Vice President
Daniel Zondo. “ I am finished. I sit down on the floor.

“That was not it all. He also found out that you…. ” He keeps quiet.

“I what?” I ask him. He keeps quiet for a while and says “he found out that
You killed Thandi’s parents” he drops a bomb shell on me! That one is the
worst piece of information, that they could have ever dug! I thought Belinda
covered all my tracks!

“Lloyd. Zithelo knew all that?”

“yes sir”

“You are the best IT guy I know. You helped him?” I ask him and he looks
away “I am so sorry. I now regret doing that” he says to me.

I feel weak.

“Where is my granddaughter?” I ask him.

“Sir” he says to me.

“Who else knows about this besides you?”

“No-one sir” he says and I take my gun and shoot at him.

[08/17, 1:19 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I am all alone in this empty house and I am so petrified right now. I am not
gay, Kizington got me wrong!

Maybe I am to blame!
L must have given him the wrong signals because there is no way that he
would have thought l was gay!....the thought alone is just repulsive!

I am so disgusted….

I am not gay for Fucks sakes! This is Nxumalo’s fault. He mixed me up with
homosexuals and now they think I am one of their own Yeses!

I walk out of the house and see a guy standing by the door. He is guarding
the house but still I am scared.

I gather courage and put my pride aside then call Banzi but Belinda answers

|”Mgcini are you okay”? |she asks as soon as she answers the call.

“I am all alone in this house. I am scared to death Belinda.” I confess and she
asks |“Where is your father”|

“I don’t know but I am scared of being alone Belinda, what if they take me to
prison again? What if they kill me Belinda? What if---”I am a shivering mess
right now.

|“Where is Kizington?”|she asks

“He left” I say.

|“okay I am coming, don’t be scared. I am coming okay?|she assures me.

“okay” I sit on the steps waiting for her.

I see a lot of lights after crossing the boarder. I am surprised we didn’t get
inside the Limpopo river that people always talk about.

The passengers, including the drivers left the car with their passports and the
four of us remained behind.

“I wish we stepped out too. I wanted to see the River” Thandi says as soon as
they all get back and drives away.

“it’s okay baby one day we will take a road trip just to see the grandparents”
Mondli replies and I am feeling cold but the excitement makes me forget the

The car gets stopped by a lot of Police officers who are speaking a different
language from ours, this happens until we get to the road.

The road is no longer bumpy. There are no potholes anymore and there are
lights, shining so bright everywhere.

Ooh my goodness this is SOUTH Africa. I have finally seen South Africa.

God is good!!

The driver, drives for an hour or so until we get to a garage where it’s written
KFC, STEERS, KING BURGER. It’s such a beautiful place to be no lie.
“30 minutes recess ” the driver says. As I am still trying to figure out what he
means by recess people climb out of the car.

“Let’s get some fresh air guys” Thandi says. We climb out too and Thandi
says “let’s go to the toilet” she pulls my hand to a shop and then we take a
few steps into what she calls a toilet. This is so beautiful. It even smells good.
I can even cook and eat in here!

Ooooh my gooodness!! The toilet seats, are just on air, there are no news
papers, I can’t do number two because I can’t see the Flushing handle; but I
hear Thandi Flushing next door. This is so weird!

I walk out of the toilet and stand there waiting for Thandi.

She comes out of the toilet and places her hands under the tap and the water
comes out. She didn’t even press anything.

Everything is so confusing.

This must be black magic!

“how did you do that?” I ask her and she places her hands under something
too and there is too much noise until her hands are dry.
“you just place your hands my love” she says and walks away.

Well South Africa will definitely make me see things. I think I should do what
Thandi does, it’s simple that way.

We get out of the bathroom and walk into a shop. We See Mondli in a queue.

“Baby” he calls Thandi and we both walk to him.

“Nxumalo gave the driver some money for food” he says to Thandi. Nxumalo
must be his father.

“Okay you know I would die to eat Steers fresh Chips and a Burger right? A
milkshake too” Thandi says and Mondli laughs.

He is carrying yoghuts, biscuits and Simba chips, waiting to pay.

“I already ordered those for you, here is the receipt go and collect” he hands
over the receipt to Thandi.
“Mthulisi is outside ask him what he wants. Sindi tell Thandi what you want to
eat she will buy it for you” he gives her R400. So much money just for food?

This is just a waste of money.

Back in Tsholotsho you can buy a whole goat with that money!

“okay” Thandi takes the money and we walk into KFC. Well I only know
Chicken lnn that I once went into when I was about 12 years visiting my aunt
in Bulawayo and I have never been to one ever since.

Instead of embarrassing Mthulisi and I, asking what we want, she goes on to

KFC and buys a bucket of KFC and buns then she goes to steers and takes
her order.

We walk to the car and find people inside already, only Mondli and the drivers
are standing outside talking. I am surprised to see them talking together and
laughing. Wasn’t he rude to them earlier?

They give him a phone and he speaks to his father.

He is happy now.

He is smiling. It’s rare to see Mondli’s smile when he is not talking to Thandi.

He gets into the car and Thandi follows, I follow too.

Mondli gives us a 2 litres of coke and two cups. Two Litres of coke just for
me and Mthulisi? Wow.

We only drink Coke during Christmas and it will be for the ten people not just

Then Thandi gives us a bucket that has many pieces of chicken.

I pray and we eat.


So this is South Africa!

L doubt….this must heaven!


After Zithelo departed. I walked to my dad’s office and didn’t find aunt
Belinda. Aunty Belinda is my father’s sister. She is the one who made my dad
the man he is today. She is the mastermind behind everything.

My dad and Thandi’s dad were friends from way back. Thandi and I grew up
together as best friends but she always stole the spotlight from me that’s why
I distanced myself.

Her parents found some dangerous information that could have destroyed my
dad, That’s when my aunt Belinda brought Nxumalo to the picture. My dad
refused to kill his friend but my aunt, gave Nxumalo the permission to kill
Thandi’s parents.
Daniel Zondo the Vice president found out and my aunt gave Nxumalo an
order to kill him too.

My dad had an affair with a woman and she started blackmailing him my aunt
gave an order to have her killed.

My aunt is the brains behind my father’s presidency but people don’t know

Nxumalo does not know It too. He thinks my aunt is a maid who takes orders
from The president.

Nxumalo is a heartless bastard, he kills without asking questions.

I go to my aunt’s bedroom and I find her in a call with Mgcini. Mgcini is

Zithelo’s brother whom I sent to prison without my aunt’s permission and she
almost killed me for doing that.

“I called you here 30 minutes ago where were you?” she asks after dropping
the call.

“I was talking to dad”

“Lloyd is somewhere out there looking for Nxumalo ready to tell him
everything! What have you done Sindi?” she asks me.

“what do you mean everything?” l ask in bewilderment.

“You were busy running after David instead of fixing the loose end which is
Lloyd and what was Zithelo doing here?”

“I love him” l say looking at her straight in the eyes.

“Sindi you are ruining things. I swear you are ruining things!” she says pacing
up and down.

“I will send my guys to look for Lloyd” I say.

“I have sent the guys to look for him, just pray and hope that they find him,
before Banzi does, because hell will break loose if Lloyd starts spilling the
beans we will lose all this. We will lose everything” she says and walks away.

“Where are you going?” I ask her.

“Mgcini is all alone in that house and he is scared”

“but aunty you just said we need to fix this”

“fix it Sindi, I am leaving” she says and walks away. How am I going to find
Lloyd! Tshego walks into my room and starts telling me about her party of
which I don’t give a damn about!

I don’t get why my aunt cares so much about that Mgcini boy. I swear she
almost killed me when she found out I sent him to prison after helping David
shoot everyone in that house.

I haven’t touched the food. I am rocking myself back and fourth. I keep on
calling Belinda until I hear the car driving in. She walks into the house and I
hug her.

“hey son what’s wrong? “she says touching me all over my face.

“I don’t want to be alone Belinda please take me to Kizington’s house. I beg

you” l say in a pleasing manner.

“Calm down. I am here now.” She says but l shake my head vigorously…l
don’t want to be in this house.

“I am so afraid, being in prison really messed me up. I never minded being

alone, I was fine until that man did that to me. I am now a scared little fool
Belinda” I say to her and she pulls me to her chest and hugs me. I feel safe in
her arms. I never felt this warm Embrace since my mum died. She holds me so
dearly and all the anxiety goes away.

“I love you so much” she says to me.

“I love you too Belinda” I stay in her arms.

“I will protect you” she says and I stay in her arms.

[08/20, 7:35 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“Come on let’s get you something to eat and make your bedroom” she says
after a few minutes packed with emotions and tears.

“Belinda is my father hitting you?” l ask randomly and She clears her throat
and swallows hard

“No. Your dad would never hit me. We were just having an argument and I
chose to leave” she says assuring me.

I look her straight in the eyes and she mantains eye contact…maybe l got my
wires crossed!

“Is my father an evil man Belinda?”

“No he is not”

“Of course you will say that because you love him. You are obviously
defending him”l say.

“Let’s not talk about my love life. Let’s talk about you”
“There is nothing to talk about really except that I miss my family. I miss
seeing them here. I miss my friends and school. I miss my old life but it will
take time to have that back”l say sadly.

We then converse while having pizza.

After that we go to Banzi’ s bedroom and find a lot of blankets, pillows and

“take your blankets and let’s make your room a bedroom” she says to me and
I take two blankets “don’t tell me you are the one who ordered white
blankets” I ask her and she laughs.

“you hate white?”

“They get dirty easily”

“Your dad will get you a maid soon” she says and we take two pillows and
sheets. She walks upstairs and I follow her. She walks past my room to the
master bedroom.

“No that’s not my room”

“Why not? Your dad took the one downstairs you can occupy this one here”

“No, that one belongs to Thandi and Nana” I say

“oooh okay. I see”

“so you prefer this one. Why not that one?” she asks pointing at the one I
chose for Mondli.

“That one is dark like Mondli. It will suit him perfectly”

She laughs and says “Ya’ll should leave Mondli alone, he took your father’s
complexion” she says and walks into my room and says “okay is the bed okay

“yes it’s fine there. I will put my TV here”

“how about we do your bed and order the things you need for your bedroom

“We can do that?” I ask.

“yes we can” she does the bed and we sit there and order things online.

It’s past 11pm and I wonder what Kizington is doing in his house. Why am I
even thinking about him?

“32 inch Smart TV will do for the bedroom” I say to her.

“your bed is far from the wall take 52 inches it’s on special”

“That will be too expensive, remember Banzi still has to buy furniture, he
won’t agree to buy me expensive things, ” I say.

“Who said anything about Banzi”

“You are paying for all this?” I ask her.

“Just pick what you want” she says to me and I smile.

“Well a phone and a laptop”

“Nop let’s leave MacBook for Mondli and Thandi. I want a simple one. This
one will do” I choose my sumsung laptop and I go overboad and choose an
iPhone 13.

“Belinda are you sure this is not too much? All this is more expensive than
the corolla you and dad are driving” I ask her and she laughs.

“don’t worry. The headboard goes along with the dressing table” she says
and I choose everything I want, for my bedroom. After choosing the furniture
we start choosing my clothes until I fall asleep. I feel safe when someone is
around me.

I shot at him because I saw the bullet proof. He fell down and groaned in
pain.A bullet proof vest hinders the bullet from penetrating your skin but you
can still feel pain.

He told me everything from how they faked Zithelo’s death and how Sindi the
president’s daughter helped Zithelo.

This is some fucked up shit!

We are both sitting in this empty house as he explains everything to me step

by step. He tells me all the details about How they did everything.

“Lloyd look at me” I say to him.

“Do I look like I would kill my own son?” I ask him and he isn’t sure. He
doesn’t trust me.

“I didn’t know that Zithelo knew all those things. The president wouldn’t have
asked me to kill my son. I don’t know what Zithelo saw but it wasn’t a hit list”
I say to Lloyd.
“Now the problem is that Sindi doesn’t want me to see Zithelo, she doesn’t
want me to see Nana. She is not the Sindi that I used to know” he says and I
am so confused. What does Belinda know about all this?

“Where are they?”

“They live in Midrand”

“I don’t have a car and I need to talk to Belinda. I am sure she isn’t aware of
any of this as well. I need her, to help me organize a rescue team so that we
can go there and rescue my son”

“I can’t believe Zithelo is alive! I can’t” I say.

“My car is parked in a garage two streets from here. Let’s go” he says and we
walk there. We take his car and he drives to midrand. The house is heavily
guarded by the national security. It’s close to impossible to get in there!

I drive Lloyd to his house and he borrows me his car and I drive back to my
house. I find the Corolla parked outside meaning Belinda is here. I walk into
the house and I find boxes of pizza. I help myself, I am hungry. I then walk to
my bedroom and there is no sign of her. I open the bedroom doors and she
isnt here.
I walk upstairs and I open the first door. I find Mgcini sleeping on the bed and
Belinda going through her phone sitting on the bed. Mgcini has his head on a
pillow and he is hugging Belinda like he doesn’t want her to go.

What the hell is going on here? Is Belinda sleeping with my son?

[08/23, 4:13 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“Banzi what the hell are you doing?” I can hear Belinda’s voice but it sounds
a bit distant!

I fidget on the bed….her voice is disturbing my sleep.

“What are you doing with my son?” that’s Banzi’s voice. I know it very
well…he is my father after all!
“What do you mean?” her voice continues…but it’s getting nearer and nearer
by the minute. I turn and face her direction.

“Put the gun down Banzi, you will wake him up!” Belinda says in frustration,
and at the mention of a gun, I open my eyes!

My vision is a bit blurry though, so l rub my eyes and l glare at her for a
while. She looks annoyed.

“Belinda what’s going on?” I ask in bewilderment. It’s late at night, I am trying
to sleep here….is that too much to ask?

“You see you have woken him up” Belinda says and I look at the door….the
heck! I see Banzi carrying a gun, pointing it at Belinda! A flippen gun!

What is wrong with my father? Why is he carrying a weapon?

“What is going on here?” I ask in astonishment. This man is traumatizing me, I

just escaped from prison where guns were fired at us, and he is pointing a
gun at Belinda right now, and to make matters worse, I am right here!

This must be one bad dream….maybe I am still sleeping!

“did she force you to do anything?” he asks me, while still pointing the gun at
Belinda. Is he insane?

He is being delusional right now!

“Stop being rediculous Banzi!” Belinda says getting out of bed.

“What are you talking about?” I ask him. He is being so creepy right now, and
it’s not even funny! What can Belinda possibly do to me?

I was having a good sleep, until he started talking. I haven’t been able to
sleep since I got out of prison, because I have always been scared, but now
that Belinda is helping me sleep, Banzi does this?

How convenient!

“Belinda come here” he says putting his gun away.

Belinda walks away and he follows her. I get out of bed and l follow them, I
stand by the steps and I hear my dad shouting at Belinda, I can’t make up
what they are talking about, but I hear the mention of Zithelo and Lloyd.

I then hear Belinda shouting, soon after that someone Bangs the door.
I run down the stairs.

“Belinda” I call her as I get to the door, but she drives away.

“What did you say to her? What did you do?” l shout.

Belinda is the only person who gets me! What is wrong with this man?

“You won’t understand son” he says dismissively.

I groan in annoyance.

“Belinda and I were just fine. You ruin everything for me. What is wrong with
you? Belinda loves you, that’s why she loves me, can’t you see that? I called
her and she came running but you chased her away. I don’t want to be alone
Banzi! “ I say and walk back to my room. It’s past 2am and I feel unsafe in this

I don’t want to be alone!

I call Belinda but this time the phone rings downstairs. Meaning my father has
it. Damn it!
I call Kizington but he is not picking up. L need him right now! I walk to my
father and ask for Belinda’s number, but he asks me numerous questions and
I am not keen on replying any of them!

Better yet…l grab his car keys and walk out of the house!

If I can’t be with Belinda then I can’t be in this house with this man.

I would rather be with Kizington in his tiny house.


I promised myself, my God and Donald that I wouldn’t steal again, but I did
steal a car a few hours ago and damn it feels good!
The rush, the thrill…it’s just amazing! I can’t learn new tricks, I can’t do a 9-5
job and get paid 3000-5000rands monthly. I can’t do that.

I really need Donald right now, or else, I will burst. He made me get used to
having sex all the time. He used to visit me in prison, and we would have sex
and now that I am out of prison, he is mad at me.

Michael is making it worse by having sex with a woman in the spare bedroom.
The noise in the passage is too much.

They are so loud, you’d swear they are acting porn! I decide to call Donald
using Michael’s phone since he blocked my number. He answers immediately.

|”Michael wassup?”| he says and I keep quiet. I am still thinking of what to


|”Michael. Is Kizington okay?”| he sounds worried now. He is a workaholic, I

know, he is probably working right now!

I drop the call and send a text immediately.

|Come to Kizington’s place he is hurt. He is in pain| I send and he calls

nonstop soon after that, but I ignore the calls. I sit by the living room. The sex
sounds are better this side.

I hear Mgcini driving out, and I just let him be. He is being rebellious and he
is getting worse by each passing day. With the problems we are facing, he is
driving away at this hour? All because he can’t be alone.

He is too sensitive!

I call Belinda.

|What Banzi?| she sounds upset as soon as she answers.

“Mgcini just drove away, I don’t know if he is following you “

|You should have stayed with him. He is scared of being alone| she says and
hangs up. She is also mad at me, for accusing her of sleeping with my son. I
don’t blame her though, It was a crazy assumption for sure. She is old enough
to be his mother. I shouldn’t have said that.

I smile as I hear a knock at the door because I know it’s Donald.

I knew he was going to come, hence I lied and pretended to be Michael. I go

on, to open the door,, and I find him standing there in his tracksuit. He looks
so good. I had gotten used to, seeing him in a suit. I had forgotten how good
looking he really is, in different clothes.

“Michael said you are sick” he says as soon as he sees me. He cares, he has
always been caring but he doesn’t want to show it.

“baby” I call him and pull him into the house, and close the door. He leans
against the door and looks at me with eyes full of sadness.

“Michael said you are hurt” he says again.

“baby, I miss you,” I say to him and he attempts to turn back, and walk away
from me, but I stop him. He has figured out my lie.

“I lied because I missed you. I wanted to see you. Stop this drama Donald,
and talk to me. Come on baby” l plead but he just stares at me emotionless.

“I don’t want to talk to you” he says and looks away.

I grab his chin and l force him to look at me and he does. L look straight into
his eyes, he always melts when l do that!

“I am horny Donald. What do you want me to do?” I say to him.

“Did he leave your house?” he is talking about Mgcini,l know for a fact!

“yes baby. He left” he sighs and walks to the bedroom, but hears Michael
snoring in the spare room and stops. I know he thinks it’s Mgcini.

“He is still here Kizington! Why the hell would you lie?” he asks, mad as hell!

I rub my temples in frustration.

“that’s Michael, open the door and see” just when I thought he wouldn’t open
the door. He does!

“you see” I say kissing him. He reluctantly kisses me back, but ends up kissing
me very hard. We walk to our bedroom kissing and touching each other. It
feels so good.

I lie on the bed as Donald works his magic on me. One thing about him, he
knows which buttons to press, to get me hot and yearning for more! He rides
on me. Damn this is so good! So fucken good!

It’s impossible for Donald to have sex and shut up, he just woke Michael up,
by his loud moans, I can hear him walking out of the bedroom.

Donald kisses me and I flip over and I begin to fuck him, he moans so loud
and our moans keep going, I keep thrusting and panting until he says “I am
going to cum” he moans one last time and he cums on the sheets. He frees
himself from my hold and lies on the bed facing the roof.

“damn somebody was really horny” I laugh at him and he hits me lightly.

I make him touch my cock and I say “look I am still hard baby” I say and lie
on the bed and he sucks me so good, l groan in pleasure!

As I am about to cum too , I hear someone speaking in the living room.

“is he here or not?” that’s Mgcini’s voice. It’s past 3 in the morning for fucks

What is he doing here??

Donald stops giving me head.

“baby please don’t stop. I am so close” I plead, trying so hard to ignore the
voice in the living room.

“Why is he here? At this hour?” Donald asks. L shrug my shoulders.

“He is with Donald” Michael says from the living room.

“okay” Mgcini says and I hear quiteness as the kitchen door closes. It means
he is gone.

“he is gone baby, continue,” I say as I bob his head up and down my cock,
then I hear the TV playing cartoons. What the fuck?

That’s typical of Mgcini!

Donald stops giving me head and wipes himself, then wears his clothes. He is

I am still hard as ever. I haven’t had sex in days! I am in so much pain right
“Donald!” I try to stop him from leaving.

“What? Why did you call me here? Don’t hurt me intentionally Kizington. I am
going through a lot already! I don’t need you to add more stress into my life.
Leave me alone!” he says a mouthful, and walks away. I wear my shorts and
follow him. I find Mgcini lying on the couch watching TV. He is so
comfortable, you’d swear he didn’t just make my boyfriend leave right now!

Donald gets into his car and drives away. It looks like Michael left as well.

I go back to the living room, with the intention of shouting at Mgcini but I
don’t. I just leave him there and take my phone. I call an escort. I am really
horny and I need a serious steamy session. The guy says he will be here in 30
minutes. I can’t believe, I had to call a sex worker because of Nxumalo’s son.

I go back to the bedroom and tidy up a bit. I take a quick shower and as I
leave the bathroom, I hear Mgcini speaking to someone outside.

“It’s a wrong address. Why do you look like that anyway? Geez man that’s
disgusting” he sounds irritated.

I quickly dash to the door and find my guest already irritated by Mgcini’s
homophobic questions.
My guest is a cross dresser. He is wearing a weave, and a dress. He has
makeup and Mgcini looks disgusted to the core! The guy looks really cute in
those things, Mgcini is just crazy.

“If you brought me here just to mock me. I am leaving” the guy says and
Mgcini says “Leave. It’s a wrong address ” and then closes the door on his

“You chased Donald away and you chased this one away. Are you going to let
me fuck you?” I ask him and he says “Find a woman, stop acting like you are
possesed Kizington”

When did we get to a point where he disrespects me? Nobody talks to me

like that! Not my friends nor my family members, they know, that we don’t
talk about my sexual preferences, but he just speaks to me anyhow, and the
worst part is, I always let him get away with it.


I go to my room and wear comfortable clothes. I am going to the club,

because I am not sleeping without having sex.

“Where are you going?” he asks me.

“I am going to a club to find a man, because I can’t fuck women” I say to him
and he stops me.
“Please don’t leave me alone” he is touching me! What is wrong with this
guy? I am reaching a point where he is irritating me and I am not loving it!
This is not cute at all!

One minute he is all homophobic, the next he needs me, what the fuck is
wrong with him?

[08/24, 5:11 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


In times like these, I miss my mother more than anything or anyone.

An Unplanned pregnancy, unplanned baby, a missing baby daddy and being

in a hospital without a phone or anyone for that matter is stressful.

It’s getting worse because I haven’t heard anything from David since the
accident. I am sitting on the hospital bed and it’s so quiet. It’s in the wee
hours of the morning , my tiny baby is finally asleep.

The door opens and my dad walks in.

I can’t believe my first love would hurt me this much. I can’t believe he would
try to kill me, I don’t have the energy to argue with him so I keep quiet as he
walks in.

“MaNxu” he says as soon as he walks in and the tears just roll down my face.

“I would never try to kill you Manxumalo” he says to me and I just look at
him. He looks like he is telling the truth.
“David said you killed his father. I was there when You wanted to burn his
house, remember? And you were there when we had an accident, dad, what’s
going on?” I ask him and he pulls a chair and sits next to the bed.

He tells me about how David came to the house and started shooting at
everyone and killed Mitchell my brother’s wife, lucky enough everyone else
managed to escape, before he could burn the house down. I am in tears as
he tells me the story. I don’t know who to believe, my dad or David, because
so far they are both Liars.

I feel so un-easy and so uncomfortable right now. I am sure Belinda went to
tell my father that I am still alive. The only way I can remain protected is by
staying with Sindi or else that man is going to kill me.

He is going to kill me.

I suddenly have insomnia, I can’t sleep at all. It’s worse because Sindi is not
here. I didn’t know I needed that woman this much.

The only solution that comes to my mind is staying with Sindi! I just have to
learn to love her.

As we approach Pretoria I feel nervous.

I squeeze her tightly. I don’t know what South Africa has in store for us. I am
so scared of change.

I enjoyed taking care of her though, but now that we are back at home, she
won’t need me.

This whole thing is making me nervous.

“So are we going to my house?” I ask her and she shakes her head “No”
multiple times at that.


“I want my daughter first and then everything else will follow” she says and
leans on my shoulder.

Kizington, was talking about going to a club, but I stopped him.

“please don’t leave me alone” I said and he kept quiet for a while, then took
my father’s car keys and pulled me out of the house. People in the
neighborhood were probably sleeping but we were busy arguing, until we got
into the car.

I didn’t want him to go anywhere. I wanted us to stay in the house, and

maybe talk. I really need to talk to someone.

We got inside the car and he drove away. As he was driving I realized that he
was taking me to my father’s house. “Kizington” I called his name but he kept
quiet. He looked quite angry for some reason.

I thought he was driving to the club but he took me back to my father’s


The disappointment in my face was unmatched!

We didn’t find Nxumalo home so he stayed in the living room with me.
He was quiet, until it wasn’t dark anymore and he left, without saying a word.
He looked so irritated by my presence, for a moment there, I saw the Kizito
that I met in prison, the feared Kizito who didn’t laugh like a clown, the one
who demanded respect without asking for it, but became soft when it came to
me, and I somehow took advantage and thought we were friends.

I am lying on my bed, when I hear people talking downstairs. I walk there

and I see people moving furniture into the house.

I realise that, those are the things Belinda and I ordered online yesterday.

“Goodmorning Sir. Where can we place these?” they ask and I lead them to
my room.

There is everything we ordered; the headboard, dressing table, kist, my

clothes and the Laptop and IPhone except the TV.

Damn Belinda!

I am so excited.

Her number is on the Iphone box.

I immediately call her using my small phone.

|hey son| she answers.

“ Belz thank you so much” I say and she chuckles.

|I didn’t know, it took furniture for you to call me Belz| she says and I laugh.

“Seriously Belinda thank you. I love these” I say.

|go on and charge your phone and mingle. Call your girlfriend and stop
stressing, okay?| she says and I laugh.

“I am on it” I say and hang up.

I quickly run to the bedroom and watch as they decorate my bedroom, soon
after that they leave and I fit my clothes. Damn these are the best.

I then take a shower and wear a denim short, a grey T-shirt and sneakers. I
feel rejuvenated after topping my swag with a perfume. I walk downstairs and
bump into Banzi walking into the house.
“What was happening here? I saw a truck leaving” he asks.

“Belinda bought me Bedroom furniture and clothes” I say to him.

“What?” he asks.

“yep. I needed those” I say to him and he asks “what did she buy for you?”

“go and see my room” I say and he walks upstairs, I follow him. He stands by
the door, looking around my room. It’s beautiful. I know.

“did she do something to you? Why did she buy all these things for you?
What did you give her in return?”

“what are you talking about?” I am confused.

“never mind,” he says but he looks like he still wants to say something.

“She just bought all these for you?” here we go again.

“Yes she did. She would have told you, had you not shouted at her yesterday.
Maybe you should stop treating her badly. Stop shouting at her and accusing
her of the things that she didn’t do. You are the bad guy in this story. I have
been through a lot because of you. I was - - you know what? I don’t want to
argue right now” I say and he walks into the other rooms and finds nothing.

“she bought everything for you only?” he asks.

“Are you jealous?” I ask him and he says “ Neriah might be discharged soon
and her room is empty.”

“I totally forgot about Neriah” I say and he says “I am going to pick up

Thandi and Mondli do you want to come along?”

“yes” I say and ask about Nana. He tells me some weird story. We get into the
car and he drives away.

This feels like a dream. Not even a dream because I would have never dreamt
this far.

I have never seen so many people in my life.

The buildings are so tall, there are many cars and everything is just so

“So you leave around here Thandi?” I ask her but Mondli replies instead “I
used to stay here when I was a bit rebellious. This is Joburg CBD. That is a
taxi rank” he says pointing to a place where it’s written MTN taxi rank. There
are a lot of quantums here.

We pass the robots and I see KFC, then after that I see a park.
“That is Joubert Park. If you come here they will take you back to Tsholotsho”
Mondli says and everyone in the car laughs, which means, that’s a no go area,
for me, I don’t want to go back to Tsholotsho.

“These days they are deporting ” they start talking about deportation but I am
concentrating on my surroundings. I am never going back to Zimbabwe. This
place is beautiful.

We get to another place and they park the car. People start getting off and
saying goodbye to each other.

“Are we going to the toilet again?” I ask Thandi.

“No. We are in Hillbrow, so we are waiting for someone to come and pick us

Wow South Africa is really different. It has very tall buildings, a lot of people
selling different things and too much noise.

Our fellow passengers walk away with their small bags and We remain
Mondli and Thandi are having a serious conversation, when a car drives
towards us. This particular car, is different from the one we were in. It’s a
white car.

A young man comes out of the car and says “Thandi!” he runs and hugs her.
They hug for a few minutes then the young man hugs Mondli.

He is so happy to see them.

Then a real man with grey short hair, grey beards, Wearing short trousers;
has muscular arms, has a tight shirt that hugs his arms beautifully, comes out
of the car.

He fixes his sunglasses, he is wearing black tackies that are designed

differently, he is chewing something. He smiles and meets Thandi and Mondli
half way.

He hugs Mondli so tight and they both become emotional. He then hugs
Thandi too.

I know Mondli is handsome but why does this man have to look like this? I
can’t keep my eyes off him.

Wow! He is so handsome. I get lost in what he is wearing and I can’t hear

what they are talking about.
He is an older version of Mondli and this version is so strong and fit.

I have never met a grey haired man, who looks so handsome.

I look at him as he laughs with Mondli, and lightly punches his stomach. The
young man can’t stop hugging Thandi and kissing her cheek. Wow these men
are so handsome. I even forgot about mine, who is standing next to me!
Everything is just in slow motion.

[08/24, 9:39 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*

I know Mondli he is my son after all! And in all those years that l have known
him, he has never smiled this much in a situation like this.

He looks and sounds so ecstatic! His smile is so wide and broad…l actually
thought he would be angry with me, I guess l was wrong! The Mondli I know
wouldn’t be laughing with me this much after what we all went through. He
would be throwing tantrums like Mgcini but No, he is actually happy.

That’s a good thing though.

They all walk to the car and I pay the guys a handsome amount for bringing
them back safely.

Thandi looks a bit dark and slim however she is still beautiful! She has been
through a lot and it’s all my fault.
I will fix it.

I will make it up to her even if it’s the last thing l do!

They all sit at the back seat and I sit with Mondli at the front.

We talk about Senzo and the grandparents until we get to Morning side.

“You bought a new house or you are renting?” Mondli asks. Honestly, I am
too stressed to even think properly. Zithelo is alive? And he thinks I want to
kill him?

Why would he think that? He is my flesh and blood.

What will I tell Thandi about Nana?

We walk into the empty house where there are no seats.

“hayi Nxumalo and then?” Mondli says ,his eyes wondering around the empty
“We were waiting for Makoti to decorate the house” I say and she gives me a

“She will do an incredible job” Mondli says and both me and Mgcini stare at
him in shock! Mondli said what?

Did he just compliment Thandi? That’s a first.

The Young Man whose name I have heard is Mgcini says “I am still waiting for
the introductions”

“oooh yes. Nxumalo these are our friends Mthulisi and His wife Sindi. Guys
this is my father uNxumalo and this is the last born Mgcini” he says lightly
hitting Mgcini’s head and he ducks.

“We are glad to know you sir” Mthulisi finally says something. He is so quiet

“Same here.” Nxumalo says and walks away. Wow. Just like that. He left my
hand hanging, waiting for a handshake. He is so Rude but he is still the most
handsome grey haired man l have ever seen!

“Okay guys should we order something or what?” Mgcini asks us as Mondli

walks around the house. He has dissappeard into the bedrooms.

“Where is Nana?” Thandi asks Mgcini who says “Nxumalo said they went on a
creche trip”
“I am exhausted” Thandi says and Mgcini pulls her hand upstairs. They are
too close for a brother and sister in law.

“Come this side” Mondli says to us as he takes us to an empty room.

“Our last house got burnt and my father bought this one. It’s still empty. I am
sure we will figure out something. We still have time” he says to us. Where
did these people come from with so much help? Taking us from Tsholotsho to
such a big beautiful house? He just gave us a big room and he is apologetic
because there is no property.They really are heaven sent!

“No. don’t worry Mondli. We will be fine” Mthulisi says and Mondli taps his

“You will be fine I promise” he says and tells us to come upstairs with him.

He climbs the steps easily but we take a step by step until we reach the top.
It’s so beautiful. We get to the first room and find Thandi and Mgcini in bed.
Mgcini showing Thandi his phone, they are concetrating on the phone. They
are talking about Facebook and stuff but I am lost in this bedroom.

It’s so beautiful.

It’s green.
I have no words to describe this but it’s beautiful.

Mondli asks “so you only bought furniture for your room?”

“No Belinda did” he says and Mondli gives us chairs and he says he is taking
a shower.

“Mgcini go and talk to your dad we are hungry” Mondli shouts from the
bathroom but Thandi says “it’s okay let me go and talk to him” she walks

I can’t wait to see my daughter….God knows l miss her!

I get to baba’s room and I knock.

“Come in” he says and he hangs up the call as l enter.

“Baba” I say to him and he gives me a smile. It’s been long since I saw him
and it looks like he spent his time at the gym or something and I just feel
dirty next to him.

“Did Mondli treat you well? I am so sorry about everything that happened. I
promise I will fix everything. Here take my card and Lloyd’s car is outside. I
will ask someone to drive you so that you can buy anything you need for
today. I am sorry the house is empty there is nothing” he says a lot of things
at the same time.
This man barely talks, but right now, he is apologizing left right and center
and everything that happened just comes back to my mind.

Almost getting killed, Being in a foreign country, almost getting raped, almost
dying because of an allergy. Missing my daughter everyday, everything just
comes to mind and I cry.

“Did Mondli hurt you?” he asks as he soon as he sees my tears.

I shake my head “No”

“I am sorry” he says getting closer to me and ends up hugging me.

This is so inappropriate but I hug him back.

I stay in his arms as he pats my back.

“I am so sorry. I promise everything is going to be fine” he says to me and I

believe him. I know he will make everything happen.

I just got to my girlfriend’s apartment, and I find her friend Donald sleeping
on the couch. It’s past 1pm. What the hell?

Isn’t he supposed to be at work?

Donald is my girlfriend’s best friend.

His brother recently got involved in an accident so he has been stressed

lately. To top it off, he got into a lot of debt, while helping his boyfriend who
was in prison.
I am tired hence, I decided to come here, but the likes of Donald, really don’t
like peace.

“hey baby” she says to me.

“Avo, what’s wrong with your friend today?” I call her Avo, in short of
Avocado. She is Venda and Vendas love Avocados. She hates her nickname
though, but I love it.

“I am fine” he responds, waking up from the sofa. His eyes are so red. He
must have been crying.

“Are you sure you are fine?” I ask him and he nods but his face sells him out.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“Kizington is cheating on him, with a boy he was with, in prison” Madikana

says and I feel like I am the one who is being cheated on.

“What?” I ask.
“the very same boyfriend you sold your car for, so that he can get out of
prison?” I ask again.

“Can you imagine baby? After all that, he has the nerve to bring another guy
into his house. Kizington, is a son of a bitch! He is a manwhore!” Madikana

“I am in so much debt because of him but it’s fine. I will be fine” Donald says
he is fine, but his face tells a different story.

“Does the other guy know, that Kizington is in a relationship?” I ask.

“He knows me very well hey. He came in, while we were having sex and he
switched on the TV.”

“The nerve” Madikana says.

“What?” I exclaim.

“I am sorry hey” I say.

“yeah. I am behind with my Bills and I don’t want David to know, that I took a
loan just to get Kizington out of prison. Can you guys borrow me something
to cover this month’s bills?” Donald asks and they both look at me, waiting
for an answer.

“I don’t have any money,” I say and excuse myself to the loo. As I walk back
to the living room , I overhear their conversation.

“How can someone related to the President be so poor? Didn’t you say his
mother is the President’s sister?” Donald asks.

“Shhhh that’s a secret. Don’t say that out loud Donald” Madikana says.

“He was probably fooling around” Donald says and I stand there, swallowing
the bitter pill.

I am Mengezi and that’s how it is, my mother doesn’t give a rat ass about me.
She doesn’t remember my birthday, she doesn’t care about anything that has
to do with me

I am even ashamed to tell people that Sindi is my cousin.

I got invited to her little sister Tshego’s 21st birthday, and I don’t have
anything to wear but I am related to them. The President is my uncle and I am
just living on an allowance, I receive from my attachments.
I clear my throat and make my presence known in the living room.

“I hate that boy” Donald says.

“Do you want to rough him up, a little?” Madikana suggests to Donald and I
just look at her in disagreement.

“Baby how can you even suggest that?” I ask.

“Actually yes. I want to take out my anger on him. I never liked that guy from
day one. He acts like he owns the world. He has too much pride. I just want
to teach him a lesson or two, “ he says and I also feel his anger.

I am also angry for being taken to a boarding school from grade 1 to grade
12 without receiving any visit from my mother.!

I am angry for having a president for an uncle, but never get to sit down and
talk to him!

I am angry for not having a father!

I am angry for having an absent mother!

I am actually angry for being born! And I am angry for being born into that

“Are you in baby?” she asks.

“what place and what time?” I ask as I sit back on the sofa.

Even if I behave, my selfish mother Belinda doesn’t give a damn, so why not
beat someone up, for hurting a friend?
This room is so nice.

Mondli gets out of the shower and calls Mthulisi. He shows him how to use
the shower and all that..

His brother is sitting on his bed glaring at his phone.

“did you get a new ID?” Mondli asks him as he sits on the bed next to him.

“Nop. Banzi was waiting for you, ” the brother responds, still glaring at his

“what? When did you start calling him by his first name?” Mondli asks Mgcini
but Mgcini glares at his phone, smiling!

“Can you go downstairs and tell Thandi to look for another shower down
there” he says to me and I walk away.
I am sure he wants to change his clothes.

This house is beautiful. I swear I didn’t know these people were so rich.

I walk down the stairs looking for Thandi and I open the first door and see
her hugging her father in-law so tightly.

Who hugs a father in law like this? Thandi?

Back home this would be considered an abomination. In fact it’s an

abomination even here!

I stand by the door and I hear him asking “Do you need anything? Should I
drive you personally?” he asks her and I can’t hear her response.

Mondli loves her so much and she does this? I knew that man was too young
for his age meaning he is too good to be true! Jesus Christ, I have never seen
anything like this!

I see Mondli coming towards the room. I don’t know what to do. I just got to
South Africa and I don’t want any drama that will send me back to Zimbabwe!
[08/26, 11:58 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“Hey Thandi.” I call out to her because I don’t want Mondli to find her in that
compromising position that she is in with her father in-law.

“Hey” Thandi says, walking to the door. She was weeping! L can tell because,
she is wiping her tears.

“Hey did you perhaps order something to eat?” Mondli inquires.

“ l didn’t, but we are on our way to the shops.” Thandi says.

“Have you been crying?” Mondli asks in a low voice. He sounds worried and
his forehead is furrowed in confusion. The way his voice is so low, you would
swear that he doesn’t want his father to hear him and l wonder why?
He pulls her hand away and they walk to another room.

I slowly follow them and peep through the small space at the door.

He cups her face and asks “Why were you crying baby?”

“I miss my daughter Mondli. I thought I would see her when I got here, but
she is not here” Thandi says and Mondli hugs her tight and rubs her back in
circular motion.

“I love you. You know that right? I don’t want to lose you baby. Stop crying”
Mondli says to her and hugs her even tighter.

What in Jesus’s name is Thandi doing? She is getting hugged left, right and

“Makoti [daughter in-law]” his father in-law calls her and they both come out
of the room, and meet the father in-law, in the empty living room.

“You smell better” the father mocks Mondli.

“I need to check on my house, I need to go and check how things are going
at work” Mondli says.

“We only have Lloyd’s car, just call an Uber” His father says.
“I don’t have money. I need to fix my cards ” he says looking down.

His father takes his wallet and gives him money.

“I will pay you back” Mondli says and his father chuckles and says “I will
remember that”

“Can you call the Uber for me” Mondli says and his father calls someone on
the phone.

“Let me take a quick bath” Thandi says and walks away. Something doesn’t
add up here. They don’t hug or call each other baby Infront of their family

Mondli just walked away without giving Thandi a hug, something that he
rarely does.

“Come Sindi” Thandi says and I follow her upstairs to Mgcini’s bedroom, who
is still glued to his phone and Mthulisi is just sitting on the chair.

He just finished bathing.

“Let me show you another shower” Mgcini says to me and walks with me to
another bathroom. He smells so good.
He is so glued to his phone.

I don’t know if what Donald is doing is okay? Matter of fact scrap that!...
whatever he is doing is just not good at all! I am not known for causing

Madikana sent this Mgcini guy a friendship request on Facebook and Mgcini
replied immediately.

Apparently the plan is for them to meet and then Madikana, has to lure him
somewhere and then we beat him up.

I feel sorry for the guy.

But he shouldn’t take other people’s Men. He wouldn’t have to go through

this, had he just stayed away from another man’s territory!

“He says we can meet even today” Madikana says.

“That was too quick don’t you think?” I ask and they don’t pay any attention
to me. They continue exchanging texts with him. Donald is the one typing

Someone sends you a friendship request on Facebook, you accept same day,
you start chatting and you decide to meet same day? This guy is so gullible!

I take an Uber straight to my house and l enter… It looks like a dumpster!

The doors are unlocked. My other car is not here, I walk in and the house is
empty there is nothing. I walk to the kitchen there isn’t even a teaspoon.

I sigh in frustration.

My bedroom is empty not even my clothes are here. I am wearing Nxumalo’s

track pant and T-shirt because I don’t have clothes of my own but this is

Mitchell’s family did this. They took everything including my clothes!

Those hungry bastards!

I walk around the house in total surprise, as my eyes wonder around this
emptyness! I never imagined that I would find it like this.

I decide to go back to the Uber and direct him to the Company. I just hope
they didn’t screw me over because I am back! And this time l am going no
where. Everyone who must have decided to steal from us will pay.

I just finished taking a shower and the clothes that I have are not so good. I
wear a dress that Mondli bought for me and as I walk out of the bathroom to
Mgcini’s room. He looks at me and laughs.

“What’s funny?” I ask him.

“was Zimbabwe that bad?” he asks looking at my dress.

I look at it and chuckle… “is it really that bad?” I ask him and he chuckles

“I don’t have clothes dude” I say to him.

“okay it’s not that bad though” he says looking back at his phone. He is
smiling widely, while typing on that phone.

“You look very occupied there wassup?”

“I am talking to this girl and the conversation is flawless. She is a risk taker
and I want to meet her”

“Hummmm. We are going to get a few things. I thought you were going to
stay with our guests behind” I say to him and he says “Hell To the No! I am
going to meet this hun” he says getting up from his bed and walking

Mondli already gave Sindi and Mthulisi a room. I saw a bed in another room
and a blanket. I tell them to sleep there, until we come back with something
to eat.

Hunger will kill them unfortunately, there is no food in this house. We get into
the car and Mgcini says his Facebook “hun” said they will meet in Pan Africa.

His father ends up giving him money for an Uber because we can’t drive to
Alex. It’s a bit far from where we are going.

We drop him off and drive away. His father didn’t want him to go and meet
this so called “hun” but Mgcini is suddenly disrespectful towards his father
and I don’t know why.

I get to work and I start by checking the warehouse. Everything is in order,

people are working normally. It’s like I never left.

I expected everything to be a mess because l was not around but they look
just fine without me!

“Ohh! Nxumalo I am so happy to see you. Where have you been?” Ngcobo
says putting down the box he was carrying. He is one of the drivers.

“I am fine. How is everything?” I ask him.

“Things have been hard in the last few months, but ever since Bongi took
your position things are back to normal” he says to me and I nod walking
Bongi took my position?

I slowly walk to the company and I find them working. Everyone is working

I am surprised really.

I didn’t expect this.

They stand up as they see me.

I just put out my hand. Motioning for them to sit down. I am not here
officially. I just wanted to check if there are snakes in here but I am surprised.

I really am surprised.

I greet a few employees and I walk to my office.

I find Bongi sitting behind my desk.

She is working.

I stand by the door and she looks at me for a while before saying anything.

Tears flow down her face. She has lost a lot of weight. Her cheek bones are

“hey” I say to her and she stands up from her chair. I am surprised to see her
big belly.

She is pregnant.

“Wow. You are pregnant…. ” I say to her and she attacks me with a hug.

I let her hug me.

“I was happy when you called Mondli. I thought my husband had killed you.
When I heard about the massacre that happened in your father’s house. I
thought he had killed you” she drops a bomb shell on me.

“Kill me?”
“He went crazy when he found out I was pregnant with your Child. He took
his gun and ordered his friends to find you an - - - ”

“wait! Wait! Bongi you are pregnant with whose Child?” I am so confused
right now!

“I am pregnant with your Child Mondli” she says to me and I look at her.

“How far off is the pregnancy?”

“6 months” she says to me and I stand there looking at her. I wasn’t

expecting to hear this from her. Pregnancy? I am going to be a father?


[08/27, 10:59 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


Bongi’s husband is a harmless fool! He doesn’t scare me one bit!

“The child is mine?” I ask her once again and she nods repeatedly. We stole
many moments in the office and had sex. I wasn’t expecting to hear this from
her though. I mean she had sex with her husband too, how is she sure the
baby is mine?

“I need to process this. Can you please organize a meeting with everyone for
tomorrow. I want to work. Balance everything and present it to me tomorrow”
I say and walk away.

“What do you need for today?” Father asks me.

“a few blankets and groceries” I say to him and he takes me to Trueworths

and I buy a few things for myself and Sindi.

“Tell me about your friends” he asks about Mthulisi and Sindi and I chuckle a
bit, then I tell him the story of how we got lost and stayed at the farm. He
feels very sorry for us.

“I am sorry for everything you went through” father says as we get back to
the car.

We bought a lot of junk food. There are no pots and plates in that house, so
we will stick to junk for now, besides I missed the junk food. I always ate pap
at the village…..

I am tired after the shopping.

Just when I thought he would drive me home, He drives me straight to my
parent’s house, where my sister stays.

As we get there we find a few cars parked outside.

“I will wait for you in the car” he says to me.

“I won’t take too long” I say to him and walk into the yard with a smile on my
face. My mother’s daughter will be happy to see me.

As I get to the veranda, and take one step into the living room, I see the sofas
moved to the side and there are people praying in the living room. There is a
candle and two pictures in the middle.

I feel my tears wetting my eyes and I stand there waiting for them to finish


I had girls left, right and center back at school. I have a lot of girls in my
Facebook account, but there is this particular dark beauty, that sent me a
friend request on Facebook.
She said she knows me From UNISA in Durban and she was shy to talk to me
back then, so she decided to risk it and send me a friend request. We started
chatting and wow.

She is intelligent.

She didn’t mind meeting up with me today. She said she lives In Tsutsumani,
Alexander, so we chose to meet at the Mall.

I get there and wait.

I feel like having sex. Maybe that will take away the nightmares, of me getting
violated in prison.

I wait for her, for half an hour, untill she stands right Infront of me. She is
dark, and maybe a size 32, she has bubbly cheeks and has a round face.

I hug her then greet. “hey” and she greets back with a smile. “Hie”

“It’s nice to see you this close” she says to me and I smile. “Same here”

“So Madikana what would you like to eat?”

“Actually I cooked at home. I don’t like eating in restaurants” she says to me

and I smile. She is for keeps.

“Is that an invitation to your home?” I ask her and she nods.

“if you don’t mind”

“No. I don’t” I say.

We catch a taxi to Tsutsumani. We get to a house and we walk to the back


I am going to have sex. I punch the air as I walk behind her.

We get into a room at the back. There is everything in one room. The bed, the
fridge, a stove and a wardrobe.
“Nice room” I say obviously lying, Kizington’s room, is better than this one.
This room even smells bad, but I will just chow her and then leave.

“Can I steal a kiss from you?” I ask her and she looks away shyly.

“Come on” I say to her and she looks at me and I kiss her. She returns the
kiss and as I am kissing her; I feel something hitting me from the back. I get
hit again and I look back and get a punch on my face.

“What the fuck dude!” I shout and the guy continues to hit me. I look at the
Madikana girl she doesn’t look shocked.

“Fuck you bitch you set me up with this fool!” I shout as I see Donald’s face.

I scream but they continue hitting me so badly.

I manage to fish out my phone and dial the first number I come across. I hope
I am calling Kizington because this is his fault.

I am in too much pain. I feel like I am in prison again. Why do I have to be

taken back to that dark place.

|Son wasup| it’s Belinda. I scream “HELP!”

Madikana snatches my phone and drops the call.

“Boy is rich. He is using an IPhone 12 -13” she says and laughs.

“Stay away from Kizington!” Donald shouts.

Another guy picks me up from the floor and holds my hands from behind. I
already feel powerless as they kick me on my stomach. The door gets kicked
and the guy who is always guarding at home walks in. It’s too late because I
already feel weak and sleepy.

I see a picture of me and Nana on the floor. My sister called her church
people to pray for us so that we can be found. It brings so much tears to my
eyes as they finish praying and see me standing there by the door.

The joy in their eyes is priceless. She jumps on me with tears rolling down her

“Mntaka ma [my mother’s Child] What happened to You? Where is Nana?” she
asks looking behind me.

“Nana is okay sisi. A lot happened, I will tell you all about it” I say to her and
she makes me sit down and explain everything to them, while my father in
law patiently waits for me in the car.

“I will come back tomorrow” I say to her and she can’t let go of me, but she
ends up letting go, and I leave them praying once again. Thanking God for
bringing me back home safely.

I find Father in-law leaning against his car. Talking to someone in his phone.

“What? Where is he? And where are the Boys?”

“okay I will be right there” he hangs up.

“is everything okay?” I ask and he looks at me contemplating on whether to
tell me or not. This man has too many secrets and they are none of my
business but if they will endanger our lives like last time. He has to tell us.

He opens the door for me and I climb into the car.

“ I need to go to Tsutsumani. I will drop you off at home and - -“

“No no Mgcini went to Tsutsumani what happened there?” I ask him because
he looks worried.

“He was attacked by a Bunch of losers” he says to me rubbing his beards.

“I am going with you” I say.

“You are - -“ he tries to speak but I speak before he finishes his sentence.

“with all due respect baba. I am coming with you” I say and he drives to


Madikana brought the guy to her parent’s house and we were waiting behind
the door.

They got inside the room and he started kissing her, I couldn’t hold myself.
He kisses both men and women….
Why is he selfish? Can’t he date one gender per lifetime?

Donald and I started hitting him.

Donald was very brutal. He went for his face as I went for the whole body. He
couldn’t even fight back that’s how weak he is. But then as we were kicking
his arse, a man just kicked the door open and pinned us down. He cuffed the
3 of us. That’s how strong he was.

Mgcini is unconscious on the floor right now and the guy keeps making calls.
We are cuffed and sitting on the bed. Madikana’s parents live in Venda. This
house has tenants and there is one guy that rents this backroom that we are
in. He would be shocked to walk in and find us here.

“We are screwed” Madikana says. She is now scared. We didn’t know this guy
had a bodyguard.

“They won’t do anything to us” Donald says and I keep quiet. The first time I
choose to get into trouble, I get caught. Wow!

“I guess for the first time in a long time, I will have to call my family for help” I
say and Madikana agrees more.

“Call your mother” she says to me but how? Because my hands are literally
tied. We sit there until I get the surprise of my life.

My mother walks in.

How did she know I was in trouble?

I have never been happy to see her, like I am right now, because God knows
what this man was going to do to us.

She walks in and rushes to Mgcini on the floor. Maybe she is worried that we
killed a person.

“Mgcini” she gently taps his face multiple times.

“Bring the first aid kit” she says to another guy who she came in here with.
Mgcini starts coughing. He wasn’t unconscious after all.

My mother looks really worried.

“We didn’t kill him. Can you uncuff me please” I say and she looks at me. She
is shocked.


She didn’t realise that I was here did she?

“Mengezi what are you doing here?” oooh yeah. She didn’t realise that I was
here! Then why is she here?

Mgcini coughs and says “Belinda. I. Am. In pain” and Belinda says “okay your
dad is coming” she looks at Mgcini and gently brushes his hair backwards.
She looks at him with care and love. She has never looked at me like this.

I broke my leg during sports in primary school. I was admitted at the hospital
and they called her. She sent a guard to check on me. She didn’t come. If only
she came and looked at me the way she is looking at this guy. I would have
been a happy soul.

She places his head on her laps. She then takes a clothe from the first aid kit
box and starts wiping the blood off his face.

“WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO HIM?” She shouts and we keep quiet.

“is she not your mother?” Madikana whispers and I feel hurt. I think the pain I
am feeling emotionally is worse than Mgcini’s physical pain. Watching my
mother taking care of someone this way hurts. She has never held me like
that. Ever!

I now hate this Mgcini guy more, even though I don’t know him. Who is he to
her anyway?
[09/01, 9:05 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


There is a guard that follows Mgcini everywhere and I don’t think he knows.

The guard called me, saying Mgcini is in a house in Tsutsumani, since he had
said he was meeting with a girl, I thought he was probably having sex in that
house but, Belinda called saying Mgcini Called her asking for help.

That was Alarming, so I called the guard and told him to get in there and see
what was going on. He told me that there were Boys beating my son. I asked
him to send Belinda and I the location.

Thandi refused to go home so I had to bring her here with me.

What the hell was Mgcini thinking coming to this place? I park behind
Belinda’s corolla and climb out of the car. Thandi opens her door.

“Makoti stay in the car” I say to her.

“No. I am coming with” she says and follows me into the house. We find
Mgcini on the floor with his head on Belinda’s lap. His face is swollen.

“Take him to the car” I say to the guards and they take him away and Thandi
follows them. As soon as they leave. I punch the two guys that are cuffed.

I punch their faces repeatedly. I don’t care what happened, but if a man has a
grudge, with someone, they come face to face with their opponent, not gang
up on him. That shows cowardice and weakness!

“Okay Banzi stop” Belinda says to me and I think I recognize the slim young
“Are you not Kizington’s lawyer?” I ask him and he spits blood on my face. I
press my gun on his crotch and use his shirt to wipe the spit. The girl let’s out
a scream.

“Your son is a bitch!” he says to me.

“You cheated on your boyfriends with my son?” I ask the girl who looks too
scared to talk.

The other guy can’t keep his eyes Off Belinda.

“Are you going to let him continue beating me up? Aren’t you going to
defend me?” he asks Belinda.

“Do you know him?” I ask Belinda.

“He is a friend’s son” Belinda says and the boy looks down chuckling. This
must be funny to him!

“So you ganged up on my son because of a girl?” I ask them and the guy
chuckles again then says “Because of a girl? No. It’s because of a man. Your
son is a two faced fool! He is sleeping with Kizington. Donald’s boyfriend! He
is rude and disrespectful, that’s why we beat his ass up! ” the guy says letting
out a mocking laugh. I stand there confused!

Sleeping with Kizington?

No! He is lying.

Is that why he always wants to go to Kizington’s house ever since he got out
of prison?

I walk to the car and find Thandi talking to him.


I can’t believe I fell into a trap. I am lying on Thandi’s lap at the backseat of
the car, when Banzi furiously opens the door.
“Why did those guys beat you up?” he asks suddenly. Why didn’t he ask

“I don’t know” I lie. Donald is crazy. How can he assume that I am sleeping
with Kizington? What will my family say when they hear something like that?

“I am going to kill Kizington” he says to me and I suddenly feel physically fine.

I wake up and sit up straight.

“Kill who? For what?” I ask him.

He is suddenly up and talking. He is suddenly energetic, but when we got
here, he was close to unconsciousness.

“Kill who? For what?” he asks me as I turn on the ignition and drive away.

“Dad please. I am not doing anything with Kizington,”

“So now I am ‘dad’? I am not longer Banzi?” I ask him and he keeps quiet.

“What did Kizington do to You? I paid him to look after you and what did he

“Dad please. He didn’t do anything. Donald is crazy” He is calling me dad?


I am dreading going back to Midrand. Zithelo left here unhappy. He was so
unhappy about Belinda seeing him here. I am a good liar but Zithelo is too
difficult to be lied to.

“Soon we will be preparing your wedding to your hunk!” Tshego says and I
smile. I can imagine myself getting married to Zee.

We are two days away from Tshego’s 21st birthday and she is all over the

“Your hunk is coming right?” she asks me as she fits on her dress. I am not in
the mood. I am afraid of going to the house after Belinda’s saga what will I
say to Zee?

“Sindi you have to come to my birthday please. I beg you” she says.

“Who said I am not coming?”

“You are glued to your phone and not concentrating” she says.
I receive a message saying: |Belinda didn’t find Lloyd|

That upsets me more than anything, because the real threat here is not
Belinda, it’s that fool Lloyd!

He has probably told Nxumalo everything, and everything that I have built will
probably get destroyed. Not on my watch though!

I assure Tshego that we will be at her birthday and I go to Midrand. As soon

as I get there, Zithelo walks out of the house and opens the door for me.

That’s a first!

“baby” he calls me baby to my surprise. Aren’t we supposed to be fighting or


“Hey love” I say.

“let’s get out of here” he is panicking.


“Belinda probably told my father that I am alive” he looks worried the way he
was, when I found him at the Hotel.
“I will protect you my love. Your father won’t do anything to you” I assure him
and he hugs me.

“How is my baby?” he asks touching my tummy. I stand there surprised.

He called my baby a bastard, now he is touching my tummy and kissing it.

A smile escapes my lips.


“un cuff them” Belinda says to the guard and he removes the cuffs.

“Who is he to you?” I ask her and she gives me a mother of all slaps.
“I told You to never get in trouble! What is wrong with you?” she shouts at
me and then she looks at Donald.

“Does your brother know that you go around fighting for Men?” Donald looks

“What would your boss say, if he found out that you go around harassing
young men?”

“Please don’t do that” Donald says.

“Why not?”

“I am sorry” Donald really loves his job.

“Stop this trash about Mgcini and Kizington. Use your common sense, if
Mgcini was sleeping with Kizington, why would he come in here to meet this
girl with a very big forehead?” she says using her finger to poke Madikana’s
forehead and there is nothing I can do. Even though I hate everything that
just happened here!

She called me a friend’s son. That’s not the first time she says that though,
but it still stings!

I have no power over her!

She walks away and Donald sighs. We all let out a huge sigh. Madikana cups
my face. That man did a number on me.


We get home and I am surprised to see Mgcini climbing out of the car, and
walking on his own. He is badly wounded though…

He walks towards the house and stands by the door as Mondli comes to the

“What happened to him?” Mondli asks. I shrug.

He then calls Mthulisi and Sandra and they help me offload things from the
car. Soon after that, Father in law looks at Mgcini and drives away without
saying a word. He looks really upset.

“Dad please” Mgcini pleads but his dad is already gone.

That guy is crazy how can he accuse Mgcini of being a homosexual?

This guy is always around girls, there is no way that he can be gay.

Mondli walks him upstairs.

“What happened to You? Who did this to You?” Mondli asks him.

Mgcini tells us the story of how he got arrested, and was taken to prison and
how Kizington protected him from a certain Boss in there.

Here I was thinking we had the worst experience in Tsholotsho but what he
went through is worse!

“Now Donald, his boyfriend, thinks that I am sleeping with Kizington.”

“Why would Donald think that?” Mondli asks.

“I don’t know, but I am not sleeping with him and dad might harm Kizington.
Please stop him” Mgcini is worried about this Kizington guy. He is very

I am chilling at home with the gents watching Manchester vs Liverpool.

My friend Themba got out of prison this morning. So we bought braai meat
and a few beers and decided to chill at home.

Nxumalo walks in without Knocking.

The guys stand up. I also stand up. He doesn’t look happy.

“Boss how are you?” Michael greets him.

“Sho guys sho” he responds.

“Can I talk to you for a minute” he says to me and I wear my slippers and
follow him outside.

“Come with me” he says and I follow him into his car.

“is everything okay?” I ask him and he nods. He drives to his house in silence.

Why is he taking me to his house? He doesn’t look happy at all.

What happened? He looks really upset.

[09/05, 10:44 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I had a Caesarean Section because my body was weak, hence my baby was
born prematurely.

The operation left a scar and it’s painful; my breasts are leaking and sore. A
lot is going on in my body and it’s all worth it, because my son is the most
precious thing I have ever seen in my entire life. He is just a few days old, but
he already looks like my dad. How can a son look like his maternal
grandfather this way? Isn’t he supposed to look like his father?

I really miss David. I am just thinking about how I was over the moon when he
asked me out. The feeling of being asked out by a soccer star? It was

Back then I didn’t mind being a one night stand honestly, because it was and
it’s still believed that soccer stars love women. They change women more
than they change their socks. But when he made me sleep over in his house,
and introduced me to his best friend Lorch and Natasha Thahane. Wow I was
happy, that’s when I gave my heart away.

It hurts a lot to realise that I was probably in love with him but he wasn’t in
love with me.

Who claims to love you then goes behind your back and attempts to kill your
whole family? I might be angry with my dad, but I love him so much. I can’t
imagine myself burying him. I have already lost one parent and one brother, I
can’t imagine the pain of losing the rest of my family. I would have a mental

I sit on my bed for hours then my father’s guard brings me lunch, I eat and
sleep. I wish Mgcini can visit me more often.

I get my operation wound cleaned up, I wake up and sit, try to walk a bit,
then go back to bed. I do that routine for hours, until I see the door opening.

I thought it was a nurse or a doctor, but I am surprised to see David walking

in. It feels like a dream, tears leave my eyes and stream down my face. It’s not
intentional, I wouldn’t give him the benefit of seeing, how badly his absence
affects me.

He looks stronger than I am, he looks physically fit. He has scratches on his
face though, but he looks fine.

He is wearing a dark brown tracksuit and a hoodie.

“David” I call out to him and he says “Hie Riah” he comes to me and hugs me.

“stop crying my love. I have been trying to get close to you, but your father
has guards, guarding this place, and looking for me everywhere”

He cups my face then kisses me. He goes on to look at our baby. He is now in
the same ward as me.
“He is so handsome” he says to me.

“is it true you tried to kill my whole family?” I ask him and he stops looking at
the baby and looks at me.

“I love you Neriah. If I didn’t love you, I was going to kill you as well.” He
says, then sits next to me on the bed, as if he didn’t say something hurtful to
me right now.

“So It’s true? ” I ask him and he looks at me and says nothing! He is not
denying anything.

“Your father tried to kill me, so I was avenging myself Neriah” he says after a
minute of silence.

“Baby please, let’s not let that man break us apart” he says again.

“David you almost killed my whole family” I say to him but it looks like he
doesn’t understand the impact of what he almost did to me.

“Let’s get out of here. Let’s leave the country. I have enough money. I know
where I can get more, but let’s leave the country and go to Lesotho or
Swaziland. Let’s go Riah” he says to me.
“I don’t know David. I don’t trust you anymore”

“Give me a chance baby. Let me take care of you and our son”

“I need to take all this in. It’s too much” I say and he hugs me.

“ouch” I wince.

“You are in pain?”

“yes operation”

“Thank you. Thank you For giving me a handsome boy. I promise, I will spend
the rest of my life making up, for all this mess my love. I love you so much”
he says and my heart just yearns for him. Through it all, I still love him.

He gives me a small phone with his number.

“We will communicate using this phone. For safety reasons.” He says to me
and looks at our son.
“have you named him yet?” he asks me.

“we were waiting for you” I say to him and he says “His name is
Nqobimpiongayazi Zondo” I look at him. He is serious.

“No David what kind of a name is that?”

“You saw the circumstances of which he was born under. This war between
me and your father won’t end well” he says and I feel my heart being torn

“I don’t want this war David please! He is my father, you are my baby’s father.
I want you people to make peace, for our son’s sake! Please”

“Even if I manage to forgive him but will he forgive me? ” He says looking at
my son. He is giving my son a huge burden and it hurts! Can’t my father put
his pride aside, and forgive David, so that we can all live peacefully for my
son’s sake? I love David and my son needs his father.

“I really don’t feel comfortable about all this” Mthulisi says.

Mthulisi keeps saying he is uncomfortable, He wants to work, he doesn’t want

to crowd people in their house, he doesn’t want the fancy food. He is
complaining about everything!

He Is not comfortable with the clothes that Mondli gave him. Mondli gave him
his clothes that he was wearing at the village. They gave us a bedroom with a
comfortable bed upstairs but my husband is not comfortable. What does he
really want?

“Mthunzi [totem] stop being stiff, relax. These are good people we just got
here today” I say to him as I indulge in my cooked rice and chicken from
Nandos. We are in the kitchen while Thandi and his men are upstairs, having a
serious conversation about how Mgcini went to jail and what he went
through. I overheard them.

“We didn’t call anyone back at home. We left Senzo’s truck on the road. Our
children must be worried” he says and It dawns on me that I have children, a
mother, a father and siblings back at home that are probably worried about
our whereabouts. I swear, I Forgot! It totally slipped my mind. Getting here
was my number one priority.
“We will call them as soon as Thandi gets a phone, stop worrying and eat” I
say to him and we eat as it’s already dark. The kitchen has beautiful fitted

Soon after eating I pack the groceries into the cupboards

Mthulisi is helping me. He wants to be hands on, even when it’s unnecessary.
Thandi bought a lot of food. I swear I just want to eat but my stomach is
saying no…..

As we are still packing; Thandi’s father in-law walks in. His scent just
announces his presence before his body does.

He walks in, followed by a very buffy man. The man looks very serious. He has
too many tattoos, and he looks like he can beat the hell out of someone.

He has visible veins all over his arms. This man! The tattoos! We can see them
from the kitchen but they can’t see us, because they are just walking up the
stairs. Is he related to them?

I wonder!

But Wow! The men in this house, I swear they are - - - ooh my God forgive
me. I shouldn’t think that way. I am married.

We get home and as we get to the stairs, I let him walk in front of me and he
asks “Where are we going?”

“To see Mgcini” I say to him and he just opens Mgcini’s bedroom door
without knocking.

He walks in and sees Mgcini on the bed with his swollen face and body. He is
sitting on the bed with Thandi while Mondli is leaning against the wall with
his arms folded.

“What happened? What happened to you?” Kizington asks.

“Kizington you shouldn’t have---” Mgcini tries to speak but Kizington keeps
asking “Who did this to you?”

“It’s Donald” Mgcini says and Kizington looks upset.


“yeah. He set a trap for me, and they ganged up on me. I swear I will kill that

“Why?” he clears his throat and asks again “Why did he do this?”

“he thinks that we are in a relationship” Mgcini says eyeing me.

Nothing surprises me anymore with these children. They all are, full of
surprises. I wonder what went wrong, the first born fakes his own death, the
second one is better these days, I sent the third born to study in Durban but
she comes back with a baby, an enemy’s baby at that, the last born is a weak
confused child! He is even confused about his own sexuality!

I just walk away and leave them there.

Mgcini is having a serious conversation with this Kizington guy. I swear they
are too close for father in law’s liking.

I pull Mondli away to my room.

It’s been a long day. A lot happened in just one day.

“I bought sheets and pillows can you bring them for me?” I ask him and he
walks downstairs and comes back with a lot of blankets. Mthulisi brings more

Father in law bought white blankets.

“goodnight Mthulisi, tell Sindi I said goodnight” I say to Mthulisi and he walks
away. “Mthulisi is suddenly a quiet soul but he wouldn’t stop talking in the
village” I say to Mondli as soon as we are alone.

He looks worried and deep in thought about something. I don’t have a bed
yet, that’s why, I am sleeping on a lot of blankets.

I lock the door and remove my clothes in front of him. Zithelo will have to
forgive me, but I am so horny.

For the first time, I want to initiate a kiss and allow myself to be happy.

I kiss him “I love you” he says to me in-between kisses.

“you have beautiful lips” I say as I kiss him and he makes me lie on top of
him. The kissing pattern changes as he is now getting more intimate.

He flips over and gets on top of me. We have never reached this stage, but
the little whore in me is enjoying it. He finds my boob and touches it. I am so
wet down there, I can’t believe I am about to do this. My cookie bounces in

His hand finds it’s way into my panties, and plays with my cookie. Damn I am
so wet. I can feel his penis pocking through his pants. He is lightly groaning,
but he is taking too long to make love to me.
“Come on Mondli” I say trying to fish out his hard cock, but his hand is just
holding his trousers. He is kissing me so hard but doesn’t want to remove his

“Mondlii” I say trying to remove his hands from his trousers, but it’s a fight
for the trousers down there. Our hands are just fighting, I am trying to
remove his trouser but he is holding it so tight while kissing me.

What the hell is wrong with him? He is holding his trouser so tight like I am
trying to rape him or something.


I can see the confusion all over her face. I am so horny, she is sexy and hot, I
am really tempted to make love to her but I don’t want to die!

[09/06, 8:01 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I love her so much, and there is nothing I want more than making love to her
right now, but the fact that, every man, that she sleeps with dies just turned
me off.

She gave herself to me, I should be proud and happy but, I don’t want to die.
“Mondli” she brings me back from my thoughts.
“Please leave my room” she says to me and I ask “Can we cuddle?”

“Are you serious right now?” she asks, looking at my sleeping penis, that is
supposed to be fully erect right now.

“I am sorry baby it’s been a while since I had sex and—” I try to come up with
an excuse but this has never happened before, so I have zero excuse.

“Mondli just leave” she says and I leave, I really feel bad, but I honestly don’t
want to die.

I walk out of her room. Sindi and Mthulisi are sleeping in my room for tonight,
since their room doesn’t have a bed yet. So I decide to sleep with Mgcini.

My boy went through a lot in prison. He told us how he got arrested; how he
was harassed in prison, and how Kizington saved his life. Nxumalo is just
misinformed, my boy is not gay, and neither is the Kizington guy. He looks

I feel bad for what just happened in Thandi’s room, on the other hand Bongi
might be carrying my child.

My head is going to explode. I turn the door handle and before I walk in, I
overhear Mgcini saying “Don’t leave”
“This won’t work. We are not in a relationship. You can’t just use me
whenever you feel scared. Just ask your brother to sleep in here with you. I
am leaving. “ Kizington says.

“Nobody understands me the way you do.”

“I am sorry for what Donald did to you. He won’t do it again. I will make sure,
but for now, I am leaving” Kizington says and I walk in as Mgcini pulls his
hand and my heart drops to the floor. What the hell is this boy doing begging
a man to sleep over?

He let’s go of his hand as soon as he sees me.

“I am leaving” Kizington says and Mgcini looks sad.

He doesn’t want him to go.

Kizington walks towards the door and I say “Don’t leave”

“excuse me?” he says to me.

“Don’t leave now. Just leave early in the morning before Nxumalo sees you” I
say to him and close the door on my way out. I don’t know what’s going on,
and I don’t know why I did what I just did, but Mgcini is so confused.


“Did your brother just?”

“I am as surprised as you are” Mgcini says to me.

“Why the hell would you beg me to sleep in here when your brother can
guard you the whole night? The house is no longer lonely like before. Your
whole family is here now” I ask him.
“I have scars because of you” he says chuckling.

Donald is just crazy. This is not the first time he beats someone for sleeping
with me…. This time he was wrong though. This one is just playing hard to
get and he is using me. The worst part is that I allow him to use me.

“You understand me better. I have nightmares” he says getting up from the

bed and taking his laptop. He gently throws it to the bed.

“I am sleeping naked” I say to him and he stares at me as I remove my shirt

and lock the door.

“Your family just budges in here”

“Yeah “ I remove my trousers and remain with a BVD. He has a nice room. He
is such a spoiled brat. The house is still empty but his room has everything!

He wants Kizington to sleep with him, and his father picks up Kizington from
his house and brings him here without his consent! Then his brother tells
Kizington not to leave now but leave early in the morning. He gets what he

He takes his laptop and plays a movie called Skyscraper.

We sit on the bed watching a movie. He looks happy that I am here, but he
claims to be straight.


Mondli walks into my room and says “I have no place to sleep”

“There are many rooms here” I say to him.

“there are only 3 beds” he says as he removes his shoes, and throws himself
on my bed.

I am thinking about a lot of things. I have to take nana from that house in
Midrand. I have to do it soon before everyone starts asking about her.
I also need to see Zithelo, and hear his side of this stupid story! Why would it
even cross his mind that I would try to kill him?

Mondli looks like he is thinking hard too. He is quiet.

“I am sorry about Mitchell” I say to him and he makes a face “What? Michelle?
I don’t give a damn about that bitch!” he says to my surprise. “you were
married to that bitch”

“Bongi is pregnant for me” he says and I am not surprised. “is the baby really

“I will wait until the baby is born and do the DNA tests” he says and then
asks “Nxumalo who tried to kill us that day?”

It’s midnight when I decide to come clean to my son. I tell him everything.
From how I met Belinda a few years after I came to South Africa, and how she
introduced me to killing. I tell him how I started having an affair with her, how
she got a job years later at the President’s house and how I started killing
people for the President, I tell him how I killed the vice President; David
Zondo’s father and how I was supposed to kill David Zondo himself, but
everything went wrong.

“Are you telling me a Tale, a movie or a story you read somewhere?” he asks
“It’s a true story. Your father’s story. I am telling you this because, I can see
that you are now mature and you will understand” I say to him and he just
looks at me. Mondli is collected, if it was Mgcini he would be screaming right

“Nxumalo this is too much” he says to me, shifting from the bed and pacing
up and down the room.

“That’s the least of it” I say and he stops on his tracks and asks “What do you
mean?” he then sits down again.


It’s now 2am when my father tells me his story. I swear this man is something
else. We have been living with a killer all these years? I am not judging him
though but damn! Working for the president? That explains the 40 million.

Killing people? How does he live with himself after killing a person?
As I am still trying to process what he said to me, he then says “A few days
ago, Lloyd told me that; Zithelo found out what I was doing, he dug
information and found dangerous information about the president, then he
faked his own death thinking that I wanted to kill him” he says to me and I

“That’s a nice joke. I would have believed it, if Lloyd and I, didn’t choose a
suit to bury him in. I saw him and buried him. There is no way” I say to him
and he says “Sindi the President’s daughter helped him and they have Nana”
he says and I just feel like I am still in Tsholotsho having a dream, the cattle
and the roosters will wake me up!

He assures me that Zithelo Is alive. We even call Lloyd who answers

immediately for someone who is supposed to be sleeping. He confirms

I can’t believe Lloyd my own friend would do this to me? He would Watch me
cry for my brother, watch me bury my brother knowing very well that it’s fake!

“I want to see the empty grave with my own eyes” I say to Nxumalo.

“Let’s go” he says and he changes his clothes from the shorts he was
wearing, into a dark tracksuit.

He really is a hit man, that explains the many dark clothes that he has. We all
lost our clothes in the fire, but he already has dark clothes.
We drive to Lloyd’s, who gives us picks and shovels. We then drive to the
cemetery. I still know his grave like the back of my hand. Lloyd digs up and I
dig up too. Indeed the coffin is empty. I am hurt. I feel betrayed. How can my
own brother do this to me? To us?

I was hurt when he died. I blamed Thandi for his death!

I give Lloyd a punch and he falls to the ground. I give him a second one, then
my father pulls me back!

“Fuck you Lloyd you also chose Zithelo over me?”

“Everyone chose him over me but you?” I feel hurt. Everyone chose Zithelo
over me, my parents, our relatives, girls, now even Lloyd! Even the universe
favoured Zithelo more than me! Now he has to come back and do what? Take
Thandi back?

“I am sorry” Lloyd says and I just walk back to the car. They talk about Nana’s
rescue and what not but my mind is not there. I am hurt.

It’s always Zithelo this Zithelo that! And now what?

“I found out that tomorrow the President’s youngest daughter has a 21 st
birthday celebration. I am sure Sindi and half of her guards won’t be in
Midrand. That’s the right time to get into that house and fetch Zithelo and
Nana” Lloyd says and I just want to take Thandi away again!

When they are busy rescuing Zithelo, I will be taking Thandi away from that

[09/06, 6:48 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



“baby boy come and sleep on this bed”

“Don’t resist. That’s why it hurts when you do. Just be still”

“Come” they pull me to bosses bed and remove my trousers and I scream

“No No please stop” I beg them to stop but he hurts me so badly. I let out a
heart wrenching scream.
“Mgcini, wake up. Wake up” I hear Kizington waking me up. I know I just had
a Nightmare. I go through that everyday.

I was crying in my sleep.

“You had a Nightmare” he says as I wake up and sit up straight. I don’t switch
off the lights when sleeping.

“did I wake you up?” I ask him and he says “No I can’t sleep with the lights

“That’s why the lights were always switched off in your cell?” I ask him.

“let’s not talk about the place that gives you nightmares.” He says.

“What time is it?” I ask him.

“4am” he says and looks at me “YOU need to see a therapist or whatever

they are called”

He looks fresh, like he didn’t sleep at all, I on the other hand is scared,
panicking, shivering and sweating.
“hey hey come here” he says and pulls me in for a hug. I calm down and
realize that His hug is a bit too much. No no. How can he pull me to his chest
like I am some girlfriend.

“I am sorry for everything you went through” he says still holding me. I free
myself from his hold and I say “Kizington I am not gay. Don’t hold me like
that” I say to him and he gets irritated and stands up from the bed. He wears
his clothes and walks away. I am not going to beg him to stay, I am not gay.
How can he hold me like that?


My brothers came to see me yesterday. I was so happy to see them and today
I am going home. I am feeling a little bit better. I am packing up our few
belongings. Mondli and Mgcini said they will be coming to pick us up.

David walks in and I smile.

“My babies. You are leaving today” he says kissing me and holding his tiny
baby. He is tiny but strong. Just a few days after birth he is allowed to go
home. Other prematurely born babies stay in the hospital for weeks.
“Riah I love you” he says to me.

“I love you too David”

He shows me passports.

“We can leave the country” he says to me and I don’t know. I just don’t know.
I have a family here.

“I will talk to my brothers and ask my dad for forgiveness” I say and he hugs

“I don’t want to never see you guys again you are my family Neriah” he says
hugging me tight and I feel his tears wetting my dress.

This guy is hurting and exhausted. He is tired of running and hiding from my
father. My father really needs to stop doing this.

“Please call me when you change your mind about leaving” he says and
kisses his son.
“We love you David” I say to him and he walks away wiping his tears.

I wipe my own.

“How long are you going to ignore me?” I ask Thandi. She is so moody. She
spends her time decorating the house and not talking to me. She bought
herself and Sindi clothes. It’s been long since I saw her in a jean and I must
say she really looks hot. Sindi and Mthulisi moved into the bedroom
downstairs and I stayed in my own room. It’s so lonely and boring to sleep

Ever since I found out about Zithelo’s truth two day ago. I am just nervous. I
don’t want to lose her. I am all over the place.

I let her be and drive to home affairs. I need to get my ID and deliver a Police
clearance form. Turns out we were never even wanted by the Police. It was
just a stupid thing done by Nxumalo’s enemies.

It worked In my favour though, because I managed to express my feelings to


I am moping the floor and tidying the house. The house now looks like
heaven. The lights that Thandi call a chandelier take my breathe away, every
time I walk into the living room. They are so beautiful. I had never seen
something so beautiful.
Mgcini is just sitting on the sofa playing a game on TV. Mthulisi asked to be
given garden supplies. He is fixing the loan and the swimming pool outside
and I can’t stop myself from cleaning this house. It’s really beautiful now.
There is even a big stove in the kitchen.

The fridge has a lot of food. The fridge is like a cupboard; it has two doors.
And Thandi promised that today, we are going to cook a hot heavy dinner.
Her words not mine. The thought of it makes me chuckle a bit. I can’t wait to
use the pots that she just bought now now. I didn’t know people can buy
things using a phone, and they can be delivered to their door steps.

South Africa has opened my eyes to a lot of things.

Thandi walks down the stairs and goes straight to her father in law’s
bedroom, who just finished taking a shower. I know he just finished taking a
shower because I went in there to fix his bed and I heard him showering. She
knocks and then walks in. I take my mop and go mop In front of that door.
Just to eavesdrop. I know it’s a sin but I am just moping.

“What’s wrong?” he asks her.

“I want my daughter” Thandi says and Father in law says “I promise today I
will bring her to you”

“Where is she? I am going with you”

“No Thandi. No no. You aren’t coming with”

“I am coming with”

“Thandi No”

“Please baba” she insists.

Wow Thandi is suddenly stubborn. There are two different Thandis, the Thandi
that we all know and Thandi her father in law’s Makoti who is a cry baby to
her father In law. My friend is too close to this man.

I figured that giving Sindi what she wants; which is love and attention, will
definitely guarantee my safety and my daughter’s.

She brought a stylist to style Nana, we are dressed up and Nana is styled up
too. She is so happy.

“daddy I look like Cinderella right?” she asks while gently pulling her braids.
“yes Princess” I say to her.

“Are there people my age at the party daddy?” she asks and I say “I don’t
know ask Aunty Sindi” she just keeps quiet and makes a face. She still doesn’t
like Sindi. She doesn’t like her at all, no matter what good Sindi does.

“How do I look?” Sindi asks as she walks in, wearing a beautiful burgundy

“You look pretty my love” I say and kiss her.

“Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the prettiest of them all?” Nana says
standing next to Sindi. What the hell is she doing?

“Mirror who is beautiful?” she asks me. Apparently I am the mirror. I want to
laugh but I hold in the laugh because Sindi is definitely irritated but tries
dismally to hide it.

“The Queen and the Princess are both beautiful” I say to her and she drops
her head in disappointment. “I am beautiful like my mom”

Did she really have to say that?

I pull her outside to the veranda.

“Baby be respectful to aunt Sindi. Please. We are going to her family. I beg
you be good to her. Don’t say mean things”

“but dad mum said I shouldn’t pretend. It’s a sin” ooh my goodness!

“Aunt Sindi is pregnant with your little sibling. If you stress her she will lose
the baby” I say to her and she smiles.

“daaaaaaad you mean I am going to be a big sister? I will have a little sister?
We will have a small baby?” she asks me with a smile.

“yes Princess. The baby is in Aunt Sindi’s belly. It’s growing in there, so we
have to love her both of us. We have to take care of her”

She is now smiling widely.

“Beautiful people are you gossiping?” Sindi asks us and Nana runs to her and
hugs her. Wow. This is a surprise. Sindi is surprised too.

“Is it true you are carrying my baby sister?”

“yes my love” Sindi says still surprised.

“Wow” Nana says looking straight at Sindi’s belly and smiling. Finally
Cinderella is smiling at her stepmother.

I guess we will enjoy the 21st birthday party.


My brother walks in.

“Little one” he says to me and hugs me. He picks up his nephew and holds
him in his arms.

“What’s his name?” he asks me and I am ashamed to say “Nqobimpiongayazi”

but I say it anyway and he laughs.

“be serious ma Nxumalo. I have never heard that name before”

“Just say it’s Mondli Junior” he says and I chuckle “Never! So that my son can
be stubborn like his uncle who smiles once in a blue moon yooh angeke
[never] “ I say to him and he laughs. We make small conversations as we get
into a taxi and it drives us to a different house.

“I almost forgot that our home doesn’t exit anymore” I say to him as we get
to Morning Side. The houses are beautiful too around this area.

“Yeah. Nxumalo bought another one and it’s homely and more beautiful than
the last one” he says as we park at a white house.

I get out of the car carrying my son and embarrassment washes all over me.
Instead of a PhD I have a baby in my arms. Mondli carries my few belongings
into the house and as we get in. Wow.

I am mesmerized by the interior décor, it’s decorated in emerald and white.

There are white couches, emerald cushions, emerald carpet and vases, the
tiles are white, looks like nobody walks into the house with any dust.

The huge curved plasma on the wall. A lot of money was spent on this

“Welcome home sweetheart” Thandi says hugging me. She is wearing a Jean
and a vest. She has a doek around her head though and she doesn’t have
nails but she still looks good. You’d swear this is her house. Why is she even
I am still holding my baby as I look around the house. I see a different face. A
woman wiping the invisible dust in the kitchen, I guess she is a maid.

Then Mgcini stands up from the couch after 5 minutes of me standing here.
He comes and hugs me. He attempts to take the baby but he cries, so he
leaves him.

“welcome home sis” he says and goes back to play his game on the couch.

“Please Take her to her room Thandi. I am going out” Mondli says and kisses
me goodbye. He walks away. Mgcini is playing a game on TV and the volume
is on 100. My baby is tired and when Mgcini hits a car the noise just makes
my baby cry even louder.

Thandi takes my bags and walks me into a room downstairs. The room has a
bed and a fitted wardrobe, it also has a cradle. It’s not that bad but why a
room downstairs? It’s even small.

“How are you?” she asks me and I just say “I am fine” the noise in the living
room is heard all the way here. My baby is crying none stop! I leave him on
the bed and walk to the living room and switch off the TV. I am so frustrated.

“Mgcini you are making noise your nephew is trying to sleep!” I say and walk
back to the bedroom and find him now sleeping in Thandi’s arms.
I take my baby away from her and put him on the bed.

I then walk around the house opening doors. The master bedroom looks like
my father’s. The second bedroom that is the same size as mine looks like that
maid’s room. I walk up the stairs and open the door and the noise in there is
too much. I close the door again and there is no noise. The room is probably
sound proofed. Looks like Mgcini came to play the game in his room.

I open the door again and ask “Can you reduce the volume?” he pauses his
game. His bedroom is so beautiful. It has everything, the TV, the dressing
table, head board, a fan, a rug, wow. I close the door and open the next and
it’s Thandi’s, I can tell by the decoration. It has a balcony. It’s the biggest
room in the house. It belongs to Thandi? How come? I walk out and see a
mini living room that has green couches and a TV. The other bedroom
belongs to Mondli. It’s just too dark.

I feel hurt. They didn’t think about me. They chose and decorated their rooms
and gave me a room next to a maid’s room downstairs at that?

I go back to Mgcini’s room and ask “Why did you give me a room

“because you have a baby Riah. You can’t be walking up and down the stairs
with a baby” he says and I close his door and walk back to the living room.

I find Thandi cooking with the maid. She is giving her orders and I just feel
out of place. I have a baby and I just don’t fit in. I text David and tell him that
we can leave. It looks like my family had already forgotten about me so yeah.
I might as well leave……
[09/07, 11:10 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


Neriah looks upset. She has never liked me, we aren’t close at all and her
behaviour doesn’t surprise me a bit.
She looks slim, she looks tired, in pain and bored.

I know how it feels to be a new mum but I don’t know how it feels to not
have anyone by your side.

I had my husband who was very helpful and I also had my older sister
Thembi but Neriah is just alone and confused, I didn’t see the baby’s dish and
bucket. She just has pumpers, I didn’t see a baby lotion or powder or
anything. Does she even know what to do with the umbilical cord?

She is just lost. But she doesn’t want any help especially from me. I wish I can
help though.

I am still upset with Mondli. He doesn’t know what he wants. He is reminding

me of the past. He is reminding me of how badly, he treated me when Zithelo
died. How he is the reason why Neriah hates me so much. He just pisses me
off these days, but I think I am falling for him. He is so beautiful in my eyes,
but he is always on the road and I hardly see him. Maybe it’s because when
he talks to me I ignore him.

I am preparing dinner with Sindi.

“You and your father in law are very close hantsho [isn’t?] “

“He is a good person who loves everyone” I say to her.

“Yeah I see” she says cutting the potatoes. We are making potato wedges for
Nana. She loves them. Father In law said he is bringing her home today. I am
so happy and looking forward to see my baby.

My heart will finally be at peace. A smile escapes my lips as I imagine her

jumping on me.

Neriah just closed herself in her bedroom.

“Let me go and help your sister In law” Sindi says and walks to Neriah’s
room. I sit in the living room and switch on the TV but reduce the volume.

Mgcini tip toes downstairs.

“And then why are you tip Toeing?”

“I am hungry and I don’t want to wake the baby up” he says and I give him
something to eat then we sit in the living room. He logs into my Facebook
account and I reply a lot of messages.

I even received a message from Bongi. How I miss her.

I reply her and she gives me her number. I call her Using Mgcini’s phone. She
asks for my address and promises to visit soon. Then as we are still sitting, I
order baby things using Mgcini’s phone, then Mondli walks in with my
beautiful sister.

I scream and hug her.

“I am so happy to see you” I say to her and she hugs me and moves with me
to the couch.

“I am surprised your heartless brother-in-law brought me here. I thought he

was going to kill me or something. He just came home and said you need to
see me” she whispers to me and I look at Mondli and I smile.

I am so happy to see her. This is a nice surprise.


As I am eating in the couch, I see the way Mondli looks at Thandi. It’s so
different. It’s different from how he used to look at her. Mondli couldn’t stand
Thandi. He wouldn’t be standing in the same room as Thandi, but suddenly he
brought Thandi’s sister here as a surprise, just to make Thandi happy.

“Wow I guess the fire changed a lot of things” I say to him and put my plate
in the sink. He is leaning against the fridge.

“Wash your plate” he says to me and I do it without disputing. I don’t want to

argue. Kizington walks into the living room without knocking. I guess he took
the “feel at home” saying literally. And he thinks we share the same father
and this is his home too.
Mondli and I walk to the living room and Kizington shoulder bumps Mondli
then greets Thandi and Her sister. He says “Can I borrow him for a few
hours?” he asks Mondli. By “him” he is referring to me.

“Wait. You need Mondli’s permission to go with me?”

“Where are you taking him?”

“just to sort out a misunderstanding” Kizington replies Mondli, completely

ignoring my own question.

“His guard will be following you” Mondli says and walks upstairs.

“let’s go” Kizington says and I don’t ask where. I just run upstairs and change.
Then we walk out, leaving Thandi and her sister talking in the living room. We
walk outside and get into a car. I swear we now have the best garden in the
neighbourhood. Mthulisi can’t stop trimming the loan and the trees.

I am in my apartment with Madikana. It’s Tshego’s 21st birthday and she is

calling nonstop asking me where I am.

“You are family you are supposed to be here before anyone else” she said
and I said “I am sick”

She hung up. She Is probably angry wherever she is.

I am sitting with Donald and Madikana. Well Kizington made me call Donald
here. This morning Kizington spoke to Madikana and I, and made us realize,
what we did was wrong and we both realised that it was really wrong
honestly. If that stupid guy is gay, he wouldn’t have fallen into our trap. Even
though I don’t like him, we were wrong. So Kizington said he wanted to clear
the air between him, and Donald so, he asked me to call Donald here since he
isn’t talking to him. Now Donald thinks he is here to chill but Kizington is
probably the one knocking at the door.

“whose place is this?” I ask Kizington as we get to a dodgy flat. I hate dodgy
places after being trapped by those fools.

“Just behave.” this guy probably thinks I am his son.

He knocks and he must be kidding me.

The guy who beat me up opens the door.

“Kizington” I call him and the guy says “come in” He walks in and I remain
standing outside, he comes back and pulls me inside.

If it’s not for the fact that, he risked his life to get me out of prison, I would
have turned back and left, but I trust him; so I follow him and stand In front of
these 3 mother fuckers. I laugh and fold my arms.

“Why did you bring him here?” Donald asks.

“Baby I am not sleeping with him. What you did was wrong” Kizington says.
Here we go again with this “baby” shit!

“No. Kizington. I hate this guy, Mengezi were you a part of this?”
“We were wrong Donald” Mengezi says and Madikana says “sorry for lying to
you Donald, but Kizington assured us that he isn’t gay.” at the mention of
“gay” I just feel disgusted.

I can’t imagine my hole being fucked again! Noo!

“I hate this guy” Donald says and walks away. This guy bought his law
degree, there is no way he would go to a law school and come out so

“baby” Kizington calls him and runs after him. Mengezi throws himself on the
couch and sighs.

I remain standing there totally pissed. Baby, baby my foot!

“I hope you aren’t going to pour boiling water on me” I say and the girl

“We are truly sorry” Madikana says and the Mengezi guy doesn’t really like
me. The feeling is mutual.

“How do you know Belinda?” he asks me.

“She is my father’s girlfriend” I say and he nodes. Then out of the blue. Men in
suit just crowd the room and a girl walks in.

“Tshego what are you doing here?” Mengezi asks her.

“I don’t want trouble.” I say as I attempt to leave but the guard pulls me back.

“You look cute” the girl says touching my biceps not that I have any though.

She doesn’t look that bad. She is just a snob.

“You shouldn’t have come here Tshego.” Mengezi says and this Tshego looks
like a very important person. Having these types of guard on her tail says a
lot about her.

“I am here to fetch you. Let’s go”

“You can bring your sexy friend with” she says referring to me.

“Where?” I ask.
“to my 21st birthday today. You are the same size as Mengezi and I ordered
two suits for him. You will take the one he doesn’t like” she says flirting with
me and I nod.

“Is that your guard outside?” she asks me.


“he can come along if you are scared” she says to me and I look at Mengezi
“She is my cousin and she won’t take no for an answer” he says.

“ What about Kizington?” I ask Mengezi and he says “he is probably having
makeup sex with Donald. Let’s go.” Mengezi says and we leave Madikana
behind, because she is apparently “sick”

I am going to a party and Nxumalo will probably kill me, but who will tell
him? Cause I won’t.

Oooh that guard but at least he trusts Kizington so Banzi won’t kill me.

We get Into a limousine and drive away. I am not surprised that she is in a
limo, she looks like she loves the high life. She has makeup all over her face
and she blinks quite a lot because of the eye lashes. It’s now 4pm. I wonder
when the party starts.
Mengezi is in the front seat and I am at the back of a limousine with this girl.
She is so forward. I wonder who she is. I am sure she is a politician’s
daughter. I am just not into politics, I am not even sure who the current
president is. (sarcasm)

“yes darling talk to Nox. She is organizing everything chiao” she says in a call
and I can’t even see where we are going.

“You are really cute” she says to me touching me all over. She is seducing me.
What the fuck? She touches my balls.

She is touching me all over. She puts her hand under my shirt and kisses me.
She takes out my penis and gives me a blow job.

“Wait wait” I say to her and she says “are you a coward?” “No I am not but—”
“then kiss me” She says kissing me and everything is happening so fast, next
thing, I am on top of her, she is under me. My pants are down in the car and I
am inside her.

I just can’t do it. She pushes me in and I just cum inside her and pull my
trousers up. That was less than 2 minutes.
“That’s all you’ve got?” she asks me and I just feel weird. I am having an
embarrassment attack. Embarrassment washes all over me. I want to go

“All this cuteness and you last for 2 minutes?” she laughs at me.

“wait that wasn’t even two minutes. That was 80 seconds.” She laughs out

I have never felt so embarrassed in my entire life!

[09/07, 4:41 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*

“I love you Donald. You don’t have to go around doing all those crazy things,
pulling all those crazy stunts” I say after making love to him in his apartment.

“I was jealous” he says.

“you don’t need to be” I say and kiss him. I have been very unfair on him. I
sent Mengezi a text asking him to call an Uber for Mgcini and pay. I will pay
him back.

I just wanted to spend some time with my man here. Appreciate him and
make everyone happy. By everyone I mean his friends, Karen and my mum
because they are always on my case about Donald. Everyone loves him.

He Is cool and I just drive him crazy a little.

“I am in debt Kizington” he blurts out.

“What debt?” I ask.

“The visits to prison, you getting parole, I took a loan and bribed a lot of
people to get you out. Everything was just too much I even sold my car” he
says and I feel bad.

“why didn’t you tell me Donald?” I ask him because he doesn’t look broke to

“I didn’t want you to go back to crime Kizington. I will figure this out don’t
worry. I just told you because Mengezi and Madikana said I should” he says
to me and I take my phone and transfer R80 000 Into his account. We stole a
car and sold it. We got a 100k each. I already spent 20k at home, helping my
family out.

“That’s all I have for now” I say.

“Where did you get this money?” he has started. Donald wants to live the
movie life, a fairy-tale, this is real life and he must face it and understand who
I truly am.

“I am a thief Donald. You knew it before you fell in love with me. I am a thief, I
steal cars, I sell it to different people. I won’t get caught and you won’t have
to worry about me” I say to him. I am tired of trying to change. I don’t want
“but Kizington.—”

“baby just don’t think about it. We will pay that debt off” I say and kiss him.
He cuddles with me. I owe him a lot. He goes to the kitchen and makes
something for us to eat. He calls me after what feels like forever and I walk to
his living room and I find a lot of goodies on the rag. It’s a beautiful sight.

“I love you” he says to me and my phone indicates that there is a message.

His brother is there, his sister in law, his father is there. He even has a guard
but he decided to text me. I am trying so hard to get him out of my mind but
what does he do? He keeps taking me few steps back and it bores me to

I forward the text to Belinda and I switch off my phone and spend my time
with someone who truly loves me.

I bought condoms. I am willing to take the risk, if she didn’t kill Zithelo I
won’t die too. I am just standing at the balcony in her bedroom, looking at
the bed.

I think this is the longest time I have stayed without having sex. I want to do
it with her, I want to make love to her. I want to make up for the other night.

So I just walk to the living room and find her in the kitchen cooking, while her
sister is sitting on the chair.

I walk into Neriah’s bedroom and I wish I knocked because I find Sindi
cleaning her operation wound. That kind of looks disgusting and very
uncomfortable for me. Is it supposed to be opened like that? I mean. No!

Damn! I close the door immediately and walk away and throw myself on
Thandi’s bed. She walks in after a few minutes.
“Thank you for bringing my sister here” she says to me.

“I love you” I say attacking her with a kiss. I gently push her to her bed. “I am
sorry for what I did the other day” I say in between deep kisses, she gives me
her tongue and I love her sweet moans.

I help her out of her vest and she remains with a bra. I am an expect of
removing bras so I easily remove hers and her breasts are exposed.

We separate our lips and I move mine to her nipples. I suck on them, she
moans lightly as she kisses my neck.

“My sister” she says and I say “we will be fast baby” I say removing my own
clothes. She stares at me.

I take her hand and make her touch me, just to make her feel comfortable.
There is no-one I want, more than her.

I make her touch my cock. She uses her other hand to close her eyes and I
chuckle. I open a condom and wear it, she doesn’t want to look at me, so I
remove her jeans and pick her up. I carry her and she puts her arms around
my neck.

She kisses me. My lips are tight against hers.

“pin your legs behind me” I say and she does. I look straight into her eyes as
I enter her. “aah” she moans and I kiss her. Trying to stop her from moaning
but I can’t help myself, I moan too. She is so warm, I love being inside her.

I make love to her for the first time, she is grinding on my dick and I have her
boobs in my mouth. I feel an instant connection. I have had sex with a number
of women but this feels like home. The fact that my brother was here doesn’t
matter. I love her.

“I love you so much” I say as she holds on to me and kisses me for dear life.
She cums all over my dick and I smile.

“Mancube” I place her on the bed and fuck her through her orgasm until I
cum too.

After our session, I am expecting a cuddle but she wipes herself and wears
her clothes then runs away with a smile on her face. I laugh at her as I feel
good about myself. This feels really good.

I take a shower in her room and dispose of the condom.

After showering I walk back to the living room. I find her alone in the kitchen.

I hug her from behind and she jumps a little. “Mondli anyone might walk in on
us” she is smiling none stop.
“Where is your sister?” I whisper.

“she and Sindi are helping Neriah with the baby”

“I love you baby and I love your cookie even more. I enjoyed making love to
you. I wish we can do it right here again” I say and she laughs a bit and says
“I can’t believe just one round of sex is making me feel this way about you”
she says and a smile involuntarily escapes my lips.

“You feel something for me?”

“don’t be cocky “she says and I kiss her.

“I love you so much and I mean it. I will never ever hurt you again. Allow me
to stay in your heart since you already own mine. ”

“ngyavuma Zwide [I agree] ” she says and my world is now complete.

Ngiphelele Uma nginaye. Ngaze ngajabula boo! [I am content when I am with
her. I am so happy]

“One last question”

“yes” she is smiling again.

“How was sex?”

“No Mondli” she laughs. She doesn’t want to look at me. “leave” she says
and pushes me away laughing. I stand in the living room with my hands in my
pockets looking at her in the kitchen smiling at me, I am smiling back at her
it’s a battle of stares and smiles.

[09/08, 12:03 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*

I can’t stop smiling. My hormones are going wild, while I am standing here in
the kitchen.

What he did to me in that bedroom can not be undone.


I am impressed. I don’t want to compare between two brothers. Just the

thought of it makes me feel like a little bitch.

Do I feel guilty for sleeping with Mondli? Yes, but a little, let’s say just 5%.
Why not 100%? Because Zithelo is dead, and he is not coming back. I am
sure he wants me to be happy wherever he is. May his soul continue to rest in
perfect peace.

I feel like it’s all the same whether I do it now after 5-6 months since he died,
or I do it 1 year later, it’s all the same, because at the end of the day I will still
do it.

Mondli is driving me crazy after that session.

I definitely want more.

He is standing in the living room, with his hands in his pockets and the only
picture stuck in my mind, is of him carrying me, making sweet love to me;
while walking around with me in the bedroom. That was insane!

I am a huge fan of Tyler Perry’s and he said before you marry someone, you
should see them in four seasons; when they are hurt, happy, broke and
stable. And I have seen an Angry Mondli, a broke Mondli, a stable Mondli and
I love the happy Mondli even more. Not that I am saying I want to get
married, but one round of sex is giving me many ideas.

I decide to push the Mondli that hurt me a lot, to the back of my mind and
appreciate the Mondli who is doing all these small things just to make me

I am done cooking, and I am not doing anything, other than undressing

Mondli with my eyes. He keeps on eyeing me motioning me to go upstairs. I
want to go back upstairs. I am so tempted because what happened up there
was the best.

He looks back at Neriah's door. It’s closed. I wonder what they are doing in

He walks up to me and pulls me into a corner that is just behind the fridge.
He kisses the living hormones out of me, and I instantly get wet. I can’t
control my moans. He is kissing me down my neck, his hand is under my vest,
twisting my nipples; his other hand is inside my jean, and it finds it’s way into
my cookie. He uses his finger to fuck me, while his other hand plays with my
nipples and his lips occupy my mouth.

“aaah Mondli”

“yes baby” he says kissing my earlobe and that’s when I lose it. His finger is
hitting the right spot. I am cuming,

“Let’s go and sleep at a Lodge or hotel. Somewhere private” he says

breathing fast.

“Nana is coming home today”

“ooh yeah.” He says then kisses me deeper and deeper, more deeper, until I
hear Sindi talking to my sister Thembi; right then and there, I cum all over his
finger. He smiles at me and shows me his finger. Damn that’s so Gross. I
cover my mouth preventing myself from laughing.

“Mondli and Thandi are a nice couple” we overhear Sindi saying and I just
continue covering my mouth looking at Mondli. Sindi has spilled the secret to
my sister who laughs and says-:
“No way. They are not a couple sweetheart. Thandi was married to a nice
respectful young man called Zithelo, who was Mondli’s older brother. I swear
my love. I go to church every Sunday, and I pray almost daily; asking God to
give me a heart to forgive Mondli because, he is cruel and heartless. No man
has ever hurt my little sister the way Mondli has. I hate to say this, but I don’t
like that man. He is so disrespectful and he doesn’t have a heart…. “ this is
so awkward.

I look at Mondli, he looks down and I pull his chin up and whisper “I am

He kisses me and walks to the table, grabs a dish towel, wipes his hands then
tosses it in the bin.

I walk out of the corner too, and things become more awkward. My sister
stares at Mondli as he walks up the stairs then stares at me. I clear my throat.

She is so confused and I am embarrassed. The dish towel situation? Makes it


I got a small phone to use until I get my documents, and get a Sim
replacement. I call Nxumalo because I need to be up to date about the Zithelo
situation. I am so nervous about this whole thing…… I have fallen in love
with his wife. That is a huge problem for me.
I am trying so hard not to think about what Thandi’s sister said.

Nxumalo tells me that he is in Midrand; so I change my clothes and walk out

of the room. For me to go out of the house, I have to walk to the living room
first. That’s where the staircase leads. So I have no choice, I have to face
Thandi’s sister.

There is an elevator that leads to the back of the house but it’s locked. It has
never been used.

“I am going out” I feel like announcing to Thandi. She nods.

I walk out of the house and close the door. As I wait for the Uber Thandi
announces her presence behind me.


“yes cookie”

“you have a delicious cookie” she laughs a bit and says “ Mondli stop it… “

“I want to apologize for what my sister said”

“I don’t expect her to believe that I have changed overnight. I want to prove
to her that I have changed and that I love you” I say.

“Where are you going?” she asks.

“to get some air”

“You don’t like sitting around the house do you?”

“Not yet cookie. I need to fix my documents, get my house in order and go
back to work. I am broke” I say to her and she says “okay bye” she walks
back to the house and the taxi arrives.

The driver takes me to Midrand. Nxumalo is in a quantum, with a number of

Men. Whom I have never seen in my entire life.

They are using binoculars to look at a certain house. I take the binoculars
and see guards pacing up and down.
They are heavily armed. The security is very tight. As I am still looking I see a
guy in a brown tracksuit at the gate.

Just then Nxumalo’s phone rings.

He puts it on loudspeaker-:

|Boss. David Zondo is at the gate| the guy says over the phone and
Nxumalo snatches the binoculars from me and looks at the gate.


all cock their Guns.

I am the only one who doesn’t have a gun and it looks like, shit is about to
hit the fan. Or however that saying goes, but In the midst of everything, I
manage to say “Don’t kill people. Dad please”

“You are carrying my little sis” Nana said to me, with her mouth agape.
“yes” I said. She jumped in excitement.

“Will you let me play with her?”


“Thank you” she smiled at me and hugged me. I got so emotional. She smiled
at me. She hugged me. That’s all I have ever wanted; for Mondli to see his
daughter smiling at me.

We took a lot of pictures, with her hugging me and kissing my cheek. This
pregnancy announcement instantly made her fall in love with me. She even
said my dress was extremely beautiful?

I was really surprised.

I had to do my makeup all over again, because I was in tears. She is so sweet
when she wants to. I had to fake tears here and there so that I could impress

“Do you love aunt Sindi Now?” Zee asks her as we finally leave the house to
the party. We have to get there before the party starts. Tshego’s orders.

“I love my little sister that she is carrying” she says kissing my tummy.
“okay let’s go and have fun” I say.

My man looks yummy, I look sexy, nana looks like a princess.

We look like a perfect family.

We walk out of the house and Nana wants to be taken pictures with her dad
and the tummy again.

We get into the car and as we drive out of the gate; Nana says “Daaaad open
the door” he opens the door and before I say anything she screams “There is
David, there is David your favourite soccer player dad” she climbs out of the
car and runs to David in excitement and before I know it, there are gunshots
everywhere. I watch as David gets shot multiple times and Nana let’s out a
heart wrenching scream; then Zithelo attempts to get out of the car, but I use
every energy in me, to pull him back into the car and close the door.

“DRIVE!” I scream.

“Nanaa. Nooo. NO my daughter” Zithelo screams but the driver follows my

instructions and drives away……..!
[09/09, 7:23 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*

“TURN THE DAMN CAR AROUND SINDI!” He shouts and when I keep a
straight face, he strangleholds me. The driver attempts to stop the car.

“Don’t-Don’t” I say to the driver. Because I know that I am screwed. Nxumalo

found us and he won’t shoot at his son, but he won’t hesitate to shoot me.
He is a very good sniper; I give him that.


my guard says, he is sitting in the passenger seat. “Zee- let- go- of – me” I
say and he does. He leaves me gasping for air.

“WHY DID YOU OPEN THE DOOR? “ he shouts at me, but he is the one who
opened the door for his spoilt brat!

He is hurting, he is shouting at me. He is going crazy attempting to open the

door of a moving car.


COME BACK ALIVE?” I shout back and he keeps quiet for a while, wiping his
tears, scratching his head and cursing under his breath.

“Who was that?” he asks.

“obviously it’s your father”

“he really killed my daughter?” No he wouldn’t.

“He is heartless Zee. Nxumalo has no heart at all”

“My princess is dead? That’s my daughter damn it! My other half! ”

He removes his tie and the jacket. He is in a state of shock. I let him be, but I
know Nana isn’t dead. Nxumalo wouldn’t kill his own blood.

Actually this is working in my favour.

Nana will go and tell her mother that her dad is alive and he is living with
aunty Sindi. – Aunty Sindi is pregnant with my little sister mummy.- I can
already imagine her saying that.


I pull my man to my chest and hug him with a smile.

Thank you Nxumalo.

Thank you swine in-law.


My baby is crying a lot. He is crying so much that Thandi and her sister,
decided to crowd my room trying to help me calm him down.

“Shhhh” I say to him but he isn’t keeping quiet. I feel like crying too. There is
something in me that hurts a lot when he cries so loud.

Thembi takes him from me, and tries to calm him down, but my boy cries so
His diaper is not wet, he is warm, he doesn’t want to be fed. I don’t know
what he wants honestly.

I end up walking out of the room and leave them with the baby. I walk
outside and sit by the garden and cry.

I am crying because David isn’t answering my calls…. I am crying because

everything is just too much. Motherhood is hard. I miss my dad but I am
angry at him.

I call David once again and he is still not answering.

|David please come and fetch us your son is restless| I send a message.

I walk back to the house and find him still crying.

“Call him by his clan names” Thembi says and I do. He slowly calms down and
ends up falling asleep.

“Please excuse me” I say to them and they walk away leaving me with my
baby and my tears.
I pack my baby’s staff. I don’t own much. I think I would rather be with David
than be in this house. My dad didn’t even bother welcoming us in his house. I
will wait for David to come and pick us up.


After laughing at my 80 seconds performance. She started calling her people

asking them how far they are. I was so uncomfortable. I wanted to vanish.

We then got to a beautiful mansion. There are a lot of cars, your

Lamborghinis, Ferraris , Bugattis, and they are pink, red, blue, green, purple
in colour; meaning they belong to Kids.
I am so uncomfortable right now as we are standing outside her limousine. I
try calling Kizington but he switched off his phone.

There is so much noise and it doesn’t help that it’s getting dark. I am so
anxious. I want to go home.

A lady comes to us and the snob says “Please take my cousin and 80
seconds to the guest room and dress them up immediately. The party is
about to start” she just called me 80 seconds?


“80 seconds?” Mengezi asks and I ignore him. They take us to a room where
we change. I feel so uncomfortable in this damn three piece suit.

I can’t call my father. He will scold me again.

I don’t have any of my friend’s numbers yet. I don’t have any money to call an

I don’t even know where I am.

I send Kizington my location even though he isn’t replying me.

|please come and get me| I send a message again. He is not responding. He
is probably screwing Donald. That’s why I hate that Donald guy!

Tshego walks into the room. I can hear noise meaning the party has started.

“You look handsome cuz. It was going to be boring without you” she says to
Mengezi and then she says to a guard-: “Can you take my cousin to his seat
please” Mengezi leaves the room with the guard.

I am left alone with her.

“80 sec” she calls me.

“stop calling me that” I say.

“Fix your mistake then” she says and my phone starts ringing. It’s Belinda.

The girl looks at me with seductive eyes. She wants to sleep with me again
and I don’t want to embarrass myself yet again; but I want to prove to her
that, I am not 80 seconds.

I am a man. I can have normal sex with a girl.

I send Belinda my location instead of answering her call In front of this snob.
Next thing she will be calling me a chicken because I want to go home.

She kisses me, and pushes me to the bed. She kisses me for a while, touching
me all over my body. She then grabs my dick and says “Dude you are still not
erect? What the hell?” she says and I just can’t deal with this. She is too

“Now tell me what was that with Mondli?” she looks irritated.

“Your friend said something about you and Mondli being a perfect couple and
jiki jiki[suddenly] Mondli is picking me up; he is smiling at you and staring at
you, then both of you hide behind the fridge and he comes out hiding an
erection” Thembi says and I so badly want to laugh at the erection part but
she is serious right now. She is not joking.

“Mondli and I are in a relationship” I say truthfully.

“GOD FORBID!” Thembi shouts.


“Is he forcing you Thandi? What’s going on? Why are you even here staying
with him? ” She asks and just then, Mondli walks in with blood all over his
clothes and hands.

“Mondli what happened?” I ask him. And he looks at me.

“Mondli are you okay?” I ask again……and he just stares at me.

[09/11, 11:24 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*

Donald drank too much wine and it always leaves him tipsy. He was snoring
when I left.

No matter how much I try to ignore Mgcini, I end up going against my own

He sent me his location. I took Donald’s car and drove to Pretoria. I am

surprised that he is in a house, that has a lot of secret service agents.

I can’t get in.

Damn! I call him but he isn't answering. I curse.

This guy is driving me nuts!

I see Belinda coming out of a car wearing a dress.

Belinda in a dress? That’s a first. I run to her and she says “Thank God you
are here. Listen I want you to take Mgcini out of here now!”

“I can’t get in”

“He is with me” she says to the guards, and they let me in, after searching me

As I walk in. I see a lot of expensive cars, and my mind shifts to business.
These Kids will probably be drunk at night and this is a great business
opportunity for my gents and I.

Belinda and I, get into the house through the back door. I peep through a
corner and I see where the party is at. It’s a 21st birthday party and there are
rich Kids only.

I just need to come back here and do business.

I follow Belinda and she sees a guard and says to him “I am looking for this
guy” he shows the guard a photo of Mgcini and the guard says “He is in here
with madam”

“Tshego?” Belinda asks and the guard nods.

“No No No No No” Belinda shouts as she opens the door and we find Mgcini
having sex with a girl.

I feel like I am being cheated on. I drove all the way from Florida to Pretoria
just to see this shit?
“What?” I say as he pulls up his trousers.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” Belinda shouts and covers her mouth with her
hand. Within a blink of an eye she slaps the girl twice.

“Aunt Belinda I am sorry” the girl apologises and I am so upset.

“Kizington take him out of here” she says not looking at Mgcini directly.

I pull him out of the room and ask him. “you called me all the way here, so
that I can see this nonsense really?”

“Kizington not now please. I want to go home” he says as we walk out

through the back door as per Belinda’s instructions. As we walk through the
gate we see cameras flashing at a car.

I am so ashamed to say that I was raped, and this time by a girl younger than
me. She kept emotionally blackmailing me, she forced me to have sex with
her, she made me fuck her and it was so uncomfortable.

She kept saying “Push it in,” her pussy was so wide, but she said I was the
one with a small dick. My self esteem went down the drainage. I wanted to
cry so badly, but I felt like I was being weak; so I forced myself to have sex
with her; then, Belinda and Kizington walked in. Instead of being
embarrassed; I was relieved. Kizington is upset right now and I just want to
go home. He keeps on scolding me as if I owe him anything.
As we get to the gate we see cameras flashing at the parking lot. It’s dark
already but the cameras keep flashing. And I must be really depressed to see
my late brother in the parking lot. I must be missing him a lot.

MC shouts and I look closely as they walk away from the parking lot.

“Where are you going?” Kizington asks me as I follow them.

“I must be crazy” I think out loud. I follow Ms Sindi and her partner all the
way to the door. And when Miss Sindi’s partner is about to take a step further
I pull his arm.

He turns back and looks at me.

“Zithelo?” I say.

“Zee listen to me. Pull yourself together, and let’s go to that party and
pretend as if nothing happened, so that my father can protect you”

“How do I pretend as if I didn’t watch my father kill my only daughter?”

“You can do it Zee come-on” she says fixing my tie and my jacket. We drive
into this house and park the car.

She wipes my face as we climb out of the car. I try to collect myself but my
heart is shuttered. I don’t get why we are being taken pictures right now. I
guess by tomorrow my whole family will know that I am alive.

walk hand in hand and as I am trying to act normal someone pulls me back. I
look behind me and I see Mgcini. He looks at me like he has seen a ghost. He
has seen one actually.

Intwana yami. [My boy]

I get so emotional.

I blink quite a lot trying to fight the tears. I just want to hug him. I miss my
family more than anything. My daughter.

“Hey hey move back” the guard says to Mgcini.

“wait he is my—” I try to speak but Sindi cuts me off.

“Zithelo No. Not now” Sindi says.

“Sindi!” I say.

“look at all these journalists out here”

“hey hey…. Don’t touch me that’s my brother!” Mgcini shouts as the guard
pushes him away from us.

“Sindi that’s my little brother!” I whisper shout as the guard manhandles

Mgcini and drags him away.
“hey don’t hold him like that, he can walk on his own” his friend speaks for
him. Sindi pulls me to the damn party and people clap hands as we walk In.

What? What just happened? I am so confused right now. What have I chosen
exactly? What just happened? What is going on? I want to go back out there
but she is holding my hand like her life depends on it.

Nothing makes sense about today. Nothing at all!





“That’s my brother damn it!” Mgcini shouts and I pull him away. He is
probably confused.

“get in the car” I say to him and he does. I drive away.

He is annoying me right now. I am already pissed by the fact that he called

me here, so that I can see him fucking a bitch.

But all the irritation goes away when I see him crying all the way. He is crying
so much and it doesn’t sit well with me.

He calls his father and his father picks up immediately, but Mgcini cries until
he hangs up the phone.

I park the car, at the side of the road with the intention of hugging him, but
he pushes me away, and gives me the same lecture “I AM NOT GAY,DON’T - -
“ I let him be, and drive him to his house while calling Michael and the gents
telling them to get ready we have a job tonight. Hopefully no-one has marked
the place.

How did Mgcini get here? How? How did everything go so terrible wrong?
Why didn’t aunt Belinda call me? Why didn’t she warn me about any of this?

“I need some air” Zithelo says. This is my family home. It’s not the
government’s property. It’s our private home.

My aunt, dad’s older sister is giving a speech and I take advantage of that
and walk Zithelo to a bedroom. So that I can calm him down. He is sweating,
panicking; he is just not in order.

As we pass by the guest room I hear my aunt shouting and I open the door.

“You go around sleeping with people that you don’t know?”

“I don’t know what came over me I swear” Tshego defends herself.

“Tshego what did you do?” I ask her.

She looks at Zee and asks “Hey. you don’t look okay. Are you alright?” she
ignores my question and asks Zithelo that stupid question. Obviously he is
not fine. He thinks his father killed his daughter so he is not okay.

Aunt Belinda back slaps her. “Aunty,” Tshego says holding her cheek.


Aunty Belz takes her phone, and calls the parents. She tells them that the
party is cancelled.
“Aunty No No. please don’t embarrass me” Tshego begs her but Aunty
Belinda stops the party anyway.

She is right. It’s one hell of a day and I need some peace. There is too much
noise here.

“what is it that you did, that got her so upset?” I ask Tshego.

“She caught me having sex with this stupid prude and she is angry..”

“What? Why would you even have sex today of all days?”

“He wasn’t even worth it” she says and I just sigh.

Mengezi walks into the room.

“You had sex with Mgcini? Are you crazy? You had sex with someone you
met hours ago?” Mengezi looks angry too. Wait did he say Mgcini?

“That guy meets girls online, and sleeps with them. We aren’t even sure about
his sexuality yet, he might even be gay and you just- - ” before he finishes
talking Zithelo unexpectedly throws a punch at him.

“ My brother is not gay!” he shouts.

“ What? 80 seconds is your brother? “ Tshego asks and looks at Zithelo’s

crotch. I pull Zithelo away to another bedroom and give him sleeping pills.

How am I going to fix this?


“Mondli what happened?” I ask him. And he looks at me.

“Mondli are you okay?” I ask again……and he just stares at me

“Thandi. I- -I - -” he just stutters. I then hear a scream from outside.

I push Mondli to the side because he is not helping at all by keeping

quiet……. As I take a few steps towards the door; Father in-law walks in,
carrying my daughter who is screaming and kicking….. She has blood all over
her dress and hands.

Her cries are just so painful. They are so painful, my heart can’t handle them.

“What happened? What’s going on?” I rush to him and take my daughter
“mummy” she calls my name while crying.

She has tears and snots all over her face. She screams so much that I end up
putting her down. I keep asking everyone about what happened, but Nana is
making it impossible for us to hear each other…..

I had set the table, placed a beautiful tablecloth and placed dinner plates on
it. I prepared a feast and placed the food on the table. I placed the wine
glasses, water glasses and everything.

Nana pulls the tablecloth and everything falls to the floor, she picks up dinner
plates and throws them at her grandfather.

“I hate you grandpa. I hate you!” she screams so loud and everything is a
mess. I feel hurt.

She is so hurt. I have never seen her behaving like this. She loves her
grandfather more than anything. “What happened to my daughter?” I am
feeling helpless right now. I just stand there crying.
“Nana stop it” my sister says and holds her. She is uncontrollable as she kicks
and screams at her grandfather.

“Mondli what happened to my daughter?” I ask him and he hugs me but I

push him away.

“tell me what happened?”




“EVERYONE TAKE YOUR POSITIONS” my father says and I say “Nxumalo don’t
kill people” I say as I am getting uncomfortable by all this.


“I WANT TO KILL” one of his men says.



“DRIVE!” He says to the driver and the driver drives in total speeds, and as
we get to that house, I see a car driving out, it’s an SUV with tinted windows.
It suddenly stops at the gate and my father cocks his gun; and aims at David

The door of the SUV opens and surprisingly Nana comes out of it running.

“ it’s David Zondo dad” she says running in her small heels.

“DON’T SHOOOT” I shout as soon as I see my niece, but Nxumalo shoots at

David more than 20 times In front of her. He is exchanging Guns as if he is
changing TV channels.

My niece screams as the blood gets spilled all over her face, and by the time
Nxumalo realises what he has done, the guards in that house start shooting
at us.
My niece is hugging David’s body screaming as they exchange bullets and the
SUV drives away.

“STOP SHOOTING!” I shout as I realise how they are endangering the life of
my niece. Nxumalo gets out of the car carrying two Guns, shooting at those
men without any fear of getting shot at all.

I can’t believe my father is killing without fear, or remorse. He has no mercy at


He shoots at them and I can’t think about myself at all, I just climb out of the
car, run to Nana and shield her until I hear no gun shots at all.
Nxumalo then tries to pick nana up, but she screams.

“You. Killed. David” she says slowly. She is shivering, she is traumatized, she
is shocked and she isn’t letting go of David’s hand. There is blood all over,
and the sight is not nice at all.

“daddy” she says looking behind, I guess she is looking for the SUV but she
doesn’t see any.

“baby. Come here” Nxumalo says and she screams as my father picks her up.
She screams, and kicks until she removes my dad’s balaclava.

“GRANDPA YOU?” she is very shocked to see the man behind the mask.


“ NO. NO. NOT YOU” She shakes her head vigorously then she looks at the
gun in my father’s hand and looks at him with hate. She is just six years old
and the hate I see in her eyes is too much.


[09/17, 7:47 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“Mondli will you talk already!” I shout at him in total frustration!

All this is so annoying, on the other hand Nana is throwing tantrums and now
Mondli has suddenly gone mute!

If not for the respect I have for father in-law, l would be giving him a piece of
my mind right now. He is also mute, but obviously my daughter’s behaviour,
has something to do with his actions.

“Thandi calm down. Just breath okay! You can’t be having a screaming
competition with a child,” he furiously rubs his face and brushes his hair
backwards and says to Nana “DON’T THROW THINGS AT GRANDPA AND

Nana keeps quiet immediately. Then all of a sudden, she urinates on herself.

I give Mondli a very angry look and he looks away.

“MOVE!" I push him away. I pick up my daughter and walk with her upstairs.

She now has hiccups due to crying. Whatever happened really traumatized my
I can't help but feel like a bad mother for not being able to protect her, from
whatever happened.

Thembi walks into the bedroom and says “bathe her” I do so and change her
clothes, after checking her thoroughly. I don’t trust anyone with my daughter

Her other hand is turned into a little fist. To avoid anymore drama I let her be.

“I told you to leave these people Thandi. What you came here for is gone.
Your husband is dead. Leave these people and come home!” she says a
mouthful and this time around she is right.

“dad is not dead, ” Nana says slowly, barely audible.

“what are you saying baby?” l didn't quite get her, her voice was too low.

“Dad, Aunt Sindi and me, were going to a party” Thembi and I, kneel next to
the bed and listen to her. She is now a bit calm after the bathe. She is talking
in-between hiccups though, but I can hear her.

“You and who sweetheart?” Thembi asks.

“Dad, Aunt Sindi and me, were going to a party” shame my poor baby
probably misses her dad, to a point of her hallucinating about him!

“Which dad princess? Lloyd?” I ask her.

“No mummy! My dad is not in heaven. He is in the car, he left me” she
hysterically bursts into tears and I wipe away my own...good heavens what is
wrong with my baby?

“I was running to David. Then I heard noise.”

"I saw David falling down.”

“ I ran to him and touched him and he gave me this” there is something that
she has been holding in her hand. She stretches her arm.

“Give it to me” I say and she tries to open her little hand but it’s stuck. She
can’t open her hand.

“Princess come-on” I say to her. She tries to open her hand but it’s stuck, her
little fingers are stuck to the palm of her hand.

“mummy I can’t open my hand” she says and my heart just sinks to the pit of
my stomach!

“okay baby try and get some sleep” I say to her and cover her with a blanket.

“Thembi what is this? What is she saying what is happening?”


“I really don’t understand what’s wrong with you and dad. Mondli”

“Neriah. Please”

“You just stood there and said nothing about why Nana was behaving that
way. Dad even had the guts to leave without saying a word… ”

“I need to talk to you” that’s all he manages to say after all this drama.
My father left soon after Thandi and Nana went upstairs. He didn’t even talk
to me. I really needed to ask him to forgive David.
Sindi keeps stealing glances at us, as she cleans the mess Nana made.

“Come. Let’s talk” Mondli pulls me to my bedroom.

I keep trying David’s phone, but it continues to ring unanswered. I am getting

angry now.

We get to the bedroom and he asks. “why haven’t you unpacked?” my bag is
on the bed.

“I am leaving with David” I respond.

He looks down and starts scratching his head. He seems to be doing that a
lot today.

“maybe you should cut your hair” I say teasing him but he isn’t laughing.
okay that was a bad joke. He loves his hair more than life it's self. It will be a
cold day in hell the day he cuts it.
“Neriah. You need to be strong sis” he says looking serious....l look at him,
strong for what? For who?

“trust me I can’t believe that I am 26 years old. I feel like I am 40 because of

the strength I have” I say and he looks at me. He occupies the space on the
bed next to me and he holds both my hands.

“okay Mondli. Talk. What’s going on?” I am getting worried now.

“Nxumalo is a hitman. He never let’s a grudge go. David tried to kill his family
so David had to die” I chuckle a bit.

“You are joking right?” yes this must be a sick joke!

“No. I am not joking” he looks serious.

“This blood, the blood on Nana’s clothes. it’s David’s blood. He is dead, I
wanted you to hear it from me, not from TV” he says and I let go of his hands
and move back.
“No! No! He can't be dead… Don’t say that! No! You are not a killer Mondli!"

“I didn’t do it. Nxumalo did” he tells me how everything went down, how they
killed my baby’s father in cold blood. I can’t believe tears are not coming out.
I push him out of my room, and I continue trying to call him. I will call him
until he answers.

He can't be dead! Mondli is joking! Not the father of my child.

No. l refuse!
He will answer his phone, I will wait.

We will leave this place and go wherever he wants us to go. l will do anything
for him. I will go wherever.


Neriah pushes me out of her room then Thandi comes down the stairs literally

“What is my daughter talking about?” she asks.

“She is losing it! Mondli what did you do?”

“I wanted to tell you first. I also found out a few days ago and I was still
trying to process it” l say.

“What?” she asks looking confused.

“Yeah Zithelo played us all”

“What?” she looks even more confused.

“Thandi what were you talking about?” I am now the confused one. I thought
she knew!

“Zithelo is alive?” she asks.

“I thought Nana- - - ” she cuts me off and asks “you found out days ago?”

“Thandi listen” I hold her hands.

“I am listening” she says taking in deep breaths.

“sit down” I say to her and then Mgcini walks in.

“Mondli where is Nxumalo?” he asks throwing a jacket on the couch.

“I don’t know”

“David Zondo is dead. I heard it on the news. Do you think Nxumalo is

behind it?” he asks pacing up and down the lounge.

“Mgcini sit down. You are giving me a headache”

“Today has been one hell of a day. Can you believe I saw someone who looks
exactly like Zithelo? I saw him with Sindi. They looked so much alike. I tried to

“Wait you saw what?” Thandi asks.

“I swear I thought that was him. It felt like it was him. I called him and---”

“Mgcini you are driving me crazy. Nana just said her dad is not in heaven,
Mondli said Zithelo played us all, you are saying you saw….. You know what
Mondli? I am fed up with you keeping quiet about all this. Will you talk?”


LOT OF THINGS AND---” l go mute as soon as l realise that l have said too

“Zithelo is alive?” she starts crying.

“So I saw him?” Mgcini.

“he found out some things about Nxumalo and he faked his death, thinking
Nxumalo was going to kill him”

“That sounds crazy. That sounds like a movie or a tale. Mondli, that is insane!”
Thandi says lightly hitting my chest.

“so Nxumalo is behind everything once again?” Mgcini asks and Thandi runs
up the stairs crying.

We both follow her as she misses a few steps and almost falls down.

“you will hurt yourself MaNcube” I say to her.

She walks into her room and we both follow her. Thembi is sitting on the
chair. She instantly stands up and Thandi attacks her with a hug. They
embrace each other as Thandi weeps…….my heart clenches!

“Nana” Mgcini calls Nana and sits next to her on the bed.

“I can’t open my hand uncle” she says and I look at her hand. It’s stuck
around a flat piece of metal…..

It’s past midnight. We can’t call a doctor…. I don’t even have his numbers
anymore. Worst part we can’t go to a hospital.

It never rains it pours!!


I hate leaving loose ends. I don’t want anybody taking any form of revenge in
the long run. So since I killed David, I might as well kill his younger brother,
and finish with the Zondo clan….. When I left home, my men were already
guarding outside his younger brother’s house……

“He is alone boss” they say and I get into the complex, straight into his
apartment and open the door.

He is sleeping, with a bottle of wine next to the bed. He probably hasn’t

heard about his brother’s death…..I prefer doing my job on my own… So I
shoot him dead and l close the Zondo chapter once and for all.

No one messes with my family and gets away with it!

[09/17, 10:47 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


After assassinating the last Zondo.

I walk out of the apartment and go to the river for cleansing. I have a bag,
that I keep just close to where I usually cleanse myself. It has a change of
clothes, because when I cleanse myself, I have to leave everything in the river
and change clothes.

I am done with the Zondo clan and I can finally breath. I drive to Mondli’s
house after spending hours in the river.

That’s Lloyd’s hideout ever since he felt his life was in danger…..

“You can now go home and live a normal life. I have wiped away every
Zondo, that I know of” I say to him.
“did you see Zithelo?” he asks.

“I can’t believe I have a son, who can drive away and leave his daughter in
danger. Such a coward? He has proven so many times that he is a real

“Sindi is pulling him by the nose”

“that’s not an excuse.”

“We need to rescue him Nxumalo”

“Lloyd. Wear normal clothes and let’s go, help me choose a car. I am tired of
driving your car” I say and he chuckles. I am not going to look for Zithelo, not
after what he did to his own daughter.

“Remind me never to cross you like the Zondo Boys did”


He removes his dirty clothes and wears a jean and a shirt.

We then go and buy myself a car.

I buy it under the company’s name.

We part ways after that, and I drive to Naledi in Soweto. There is a friend of
mine who lives there. It’s now past 1 in the afternoon.

I take him to a pub for drinks and the news of David Zondo’s assassination is
everywhere. I have never been so connected to a target In so many ways than
one, like I am to this Zondo case.

Everyone is talking about it.

“I know you did it” Ngcobo, my friend says.

“He was getting too comfortable” I respond.

“almost killing your family, sending your son to jail and impregnating your
daughter after kidnapping her. I think you were patient enough”
“He deserved it” I say.

“You did well”

“Thank you”

“but there is one more Zondo in your house”

“That one is a Nxumalo”

“He is a Zondo. He has a Zondo blood running through his veins”

“Ngcobo. I won’t kill my grandson”

“I was just saying”

“Is that why you are here with me, instead of going home to your family? I
can see you are dreading going home”

“By now all of them know that Zithelo is alive and that I killed David Zondo”

“you have to go and address the matter especially to your daughter about

“I know”

“go” he says.
I find myself slowly driving to my house. Belinda is blowing up my phone
nonstop. She sends messages too and I ignore her.

She is probably angry at the fact that, I did a job without informing her. I had
to listen to my gut about this one. I needed to do it on my own.
She has always been fast when it came to giving me hit lists from the
President, but when it was time for her to ask the president to help me, she
couldn’t do it.

I get home and find all of them standing in the living room waiting for me, I
I am not shocked. I expected to find them bickering.

Mgcini walks past me and peeks outside.

“You are driving a new car? After everything that has happened?”

“Dad you really killed David?” Neriah asks.

“Baba did Zithelo really fake his own death because of you?” Thandi asks.

“I tried explaining to them but this really needs you.” Mondli says.

“MaNxumalo. David passed away. I think you need Therapy” I say to Neriah,
who looks rather different. She looks really old. What is she wearing? Her hair
is a mess and she still looks pregnant. That’s why Zondo had to die honestly.
She was messing with my daughter’s head.

“baba you killed him?” she starts crying.

“I understand that David had to die, but did you have to do it In front of
Nana?” Mgcini asks.

“He had to die? I see, you are concerned about your niece, but what about
your nephew? Look at him? He has to grow up without a father. Why dad?
David was willing to forgive you”

“Neriah. David tried to kill all of us.” Mondli comes to my defence.

“So Zithelo faked his own death because of you?” Mgcini asks again.

“I am leaving this house with my sister. I need to think” Thandi says. She can’t
leave. This is her house too. It’s not a home without her.

“Thandi please don’t leave” Mondli says.

“No. I am leaving”

“Thandi please”

“I want to go to David’s funeral” Neriah says and Mgcini chuckles.

“what’s funny?” Neriah asks him.

“awuyi lapho[ you aren’t going there]” Mgcini says to Neriah.

I stand by the door, watching them arguing. What were they doing all along?
Why weren’t they arguing all this time?
Why now?

“mummy my hand is now painful” Nana says walking down the stairs with her

“I need to take Nana to the clinic. I have to go” Thandi says.

“No. I said you can’t take Nana to the clinic. She will start telling nurses things
that shouldn’t be said” I am glad to see the maturity in Mondli.

“what happened to her hand?” I ask Mondli.

“it seems like, when David was taking his last breath, he gave nana
something and it got stuck in her hand”

“WHAT?” Neriah exclaims and she places the baby on the couch, she rushes
to Nana then tries to forcefully open her hand and Nana screams.

“aunty leave me” She screams.

“Neriah stop!” Thandi shouts and pushes her away from Nana.

“What did he say to you?” Neriah asks Nana.

Nana cries and her aunt picks her up.

“That’s it. We are leaving” Thandi says, then picks up a bag.

“you all can leave but my granddaughter stays” I say calling the doctor.

I walk outside and explain the situation to the doctor via a call. He says, Nana
needs to talk to someone, about her trauma. That’s if what she is holding
doesn’t have glue.
I walk back to the house and I find Neriah carrying her baby, and I see a bag
next to her.

“Nobody loves me in this house, but I won’t dwell into that now. You killed
my baby’s father. You killed him. I trusted you. I thought you loved me dad,”

“I love you so much. You are my daughter and you aren’t going anywhere”

“I wish I had somewhere to go too” Mgcini mumbles. Thandi has a bag next
to her and Thembi is carrying Nana.

These Kids are weak. Just one blow and they are all packing up.

“Dad. I think you are the one who should leave. Neriah and Thandi can’t leave
the house with these Kids” Mondli says.

“Yeah. I think it’s best you leave Nxumalo” Mgcini agrees with him.

“You can’t chase him out of his own house. Thandi will come home with me”
Thembi says.

They go back and forth arguing about who should leave……I think it’s best
for me to leave. As long as my family will be under one roof, I will be fine.

The enemy is dead. So they are all safe. Neriah needs a therapist, she will be
fine too. Zithelo will come back when he feels safe. I won’t run after him. He
is grown.

I have played my part in their lives, and I have fixed my mistakes.

The doctor knocks and I open the door for him.

“Nxumalo how are you?” he greets as he walks in with a woman.

“Who are these people?” Mgcini asks.

“Your colleague, knows that, this is confidential right?” I ask the doctor.

“I work with her closely don’t worry”

“Can I talk to the child privately? In a, clean, good, colourful and safe room

“This is the doctor, who will help Nana with the hand issue” I say to them,
since they are all staring at me.

“Can we do that at my sister’s place?” Thandi asks. I really don’t expect this
behaviour from her.

“Where does your sister live?” the doctor asks.

“Does that matter?” Thembi asks.

“Makoti. Can you take them to your room please” I say and they walk
upstairs…….Neriah is so heartbroken. She is holding on to her son for dear

I kneel before her.

“Everything I did, I did it for your own good. That man wasn’t the right man
for you. Trust me maNxumalo. ”

“Banzi you are so selfish and manipulative. Tell us about Zithelo. What did
you do to him, for him to fake his own death?”

“Don’t call him by his first name uyahlanya yini ekhanda lakho? [Are you
crazy?]” Mondli asks him and pushes him away.

“The disrespect that you are showing me? One day you will miss me” I say to
him and he looks away. Neriah cries so much, and it breaks my heart.

David had to die. He ruined my family.

The doctor comes down with Nana and Thandi after an hour.

“I need some serious time with her but she managed to open her hand.”

“What was in her hand?” Neriah asks and the doctor takes out a metal,
shaped like a medal, from a plastic.
Mgcini takes it from the doctor before Neriah does.

“NQOBIMPIONGAYAZI ZONDO” Mgcini reads out loud.

“Who is that?” he asks.

“That’s my son’s name” Neriah says looking at me….

“What does that even mean?” Mgcini asks.

“Makoti stay and I will leave” I say to Thandi.

“MaNxumalo this is your house don’t leave” I say to Neriah and just then,
there is a knock at the door……..

Mgcini opens the door and the police crowds my house….. They pin me
against the wall, without reading my rights to me, as if I am resisting.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“ What are you doing?” Mondli asks and Nana starts crying.


“What?” I exclaim.

The police officer whispers to me “someone called the police from this

Who could have betrayed me?

[09/19, 12:29 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


The news about David Zondo’s death is everywhere. I just feel very sorry for

He was very close to his brother.

He isn’t answering his phone…..he is probably crying and hurt.

Madikana and I, decide to go to his apartment, we knock and there is no sign

of anyone.

We call a few friends and we decide to go to the Morgue, where David’s body
was taken, but we don’t find him there. There are no family members there
yet. Just a lot of journalists and David’s close friends.
“Where could he be at?” Madikana asks me.

“I don’t know. Maybe he locked himself in his office?”

“naah his boss would have broke the door open” we go to his work place
anyway, and they are also devastated by the loss of David but they haven’t
seen Donald.

We are both getting worried now. He shouldn’t be alone during this time.

We decide to go back to his apartment and knock. After turning the door
handle in frustration, Madikana realizes that the door isn’t locked.

I walk in first and I hear his phone ringing in the bedroom. There are roses
and somethings on the rag, in the living room. It’s like they were having a
romantic dinner last night.

“Donald” Madikana calls his name. I am surprised he is in his bedroom at this

time…..We all have different ways of mourning.

I open his bedroom door and I am met by a pool of blood on the tiles. The
bed is soaked with blood.

I stand by the bedroom door shocked.

There is a bullet wound on his forehead. I stand there frozen for minutes. His
eyes are wide open.

This is so scary and it will probably haunt me for the rest of my life.

“Mengezi is he crying?” Madikana asks as she walks to me.

“You don’t want to see this” I say pushing her back to the lounge.

I pull myself together and call the Police.

“Mengezi you are scaring me what’s going on?” Madikana asks after I call the
I push her out of the apartment.


Last night I got pissed at Mgcini and I said “you know what? I am calling an
Uber for you”

He kept quiet. I called an Uber for him and then I dropped him half way.

The Uber picked him up from where I left him. I went on to pick up my friends
and I drove back to Pretoria with them.

When we got there, people were driving out. It looked like the party was over,
or cancelled. I didn’t get the memo.

We took a risk and stole 3 cars.

It was easy though.

We went in there and came out driving the cars as if we owned them. We
stole the cars under the heavy security official’s noses.
We drove the cars all the way to North West. Police roadblocks were
everywhere so we drove through the forest until we got to our destination.

They took the cars and gave us cash. We took different busses back to Joburg
for safety reasons. I took a bus to Pretoria. I was sleeping all the way. I am
exhausted and my phone’s battery is dead.

I had left Donald’s car at a car park in Pretoria North. So here I am now,
taking the car and driving to Joburg.

I will pay Donald’s debt and he will be stress free.

Poor guy got into debt because of me.

The sex last night was so good, I know Donald doesn’t cheat, that’s why the
sex is always on steroids. He expressed a lot of emotions, asking me not to
cheat, telling me how much he loves me. I enjoyed every moment of it, but
still I chose to leave and go to Mgcini. I know, I am in deep shit right now. He
is fuming wherever he is.

I pass by a floral shop and get him flowers and I sit in the car before driving
into his complex.

He once showed me a Bunch of flowers, decorated with money in a very

attractive way. I try doing that too. I use 200rand notes, to decorate the

He will be happy, but he will start by throwing tantrums first before accepting
the money….. I take my time and decorate the roses. I owe him that much.

I am tired though, that’s undeniable. I just hope he is at work, so that I can

catch some sleep.

He is so girly, he loves flowers and chocolates. He even loves wearing make-

up in private. The road seems to be busy today. There are so many cars
driving into his complex.

After decorating the flowers with money. I drive into his complex and as I
drive in, I see Police Cars and Journalists…
I immediately turn back the car.

I was involved in a crime last night. I can’t get any closer to the police. I won’t
go back to jail. Never!

As I make a U turn, the security guard comes to my car instead of opening the
gate for me.

“Hey Mr. I know how much you were close to the young Mr. Zondo. I am so
sorry about what happened. It really shocked us all”

“excuse me?”

“I mean him and his brother dying at the same time”

“Who died at the same time as his brother?”

“I know you might be shocked”

“Hey wena [you]. Who died at the same time?”

“You haven’t heard?”

“heard what?”

“Mr David was shot in Midrand and Mr Donald was shot too last night” he

“What are you talking about?”

“I am sorry sir”

I turn off the ignition just In front of the gate, and literally run to Donald’s

As I get there I see people taking out a body from Donald’s apartment.

“what, what is going on here?” I ask standing In front of them.

“Kizington” Mengezi calls me.

“Mengezi, what’s happening, whose body is this?” I ask pointing at the body,
that is covered with a blanket on the stretcher.

“Kizington. I am sorry” Mengezi says. His eyes are red. Madikana is crying

I open the blanket and I see Donald. He has a hole in his forehead.


“When I kill someone. I don’t shoot anywhere else, before I shoot the
forehead” Nxumalo says while helping Belinda remove a bullet from my thigh.

“You always aim for the forehead. That’s your sign, I know you” Belinda says
while stitching me up.

“Execution style.” I say while trying to ignore the pain.

“Forehead phaaa” Belinda says and we laugh.


I look at him. He has his eyes closed, he doesn’t look like he is sleeping. He
looks really dead.

I rub my face and try to wipe away my tears, but they drop on to his face.

I feel my chest closing in. I don’t know how to explain this feeling. But I am
really hurt.
“Who are you?” the officer asks me.

“don’t piss me off - - - ”

“He is a close friend of the deceased” Mengezi interjects.

“I am sorry” the officer says.

“Who did this to him?” I ask and they all just shake their heads in pity.

everywhere. How did I not know?

He loved me so much and I never had the chance to return the love back. He
brought me everything I wanted in prison, he loved me, he was my best
friend. His jealousy was on another level, that he went beating everyone I
slept with, I understood that he did all that because he loved me…..

I stole those cars yesterday because I wanted to help him pay his debt, be a
good guy to him, I wanted to give him a home that he has always wanted.

I didn’t want to be the reason why he was stressed.

He is dead?

“Who killed him?” I ask again.

“I suspect that the same people, who killed his brother are the same people
who killed him”

It’s Nxumalo. I know for a fact that it’s him.

I look at his body.

He still has love bites, as evidence of the sex we had last night…. This feels

I never got the chance, to show him how much I loved him. All I did was chase
after Mgcini.
If I didn’t follow Mgcini yesterday, if I stayed with Donald.. He would probably
be alive today….. Looking at him right now, brings so much anger and regret
into my heart.

And I can only blame Nxumalo and his son!

What if they planned this? What if Mgcini was sent to distract me, while his
father was killing Donald?
“I will find whoever did this to you, my love and I will make them pay”

[09/20, 3:46 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



I get into my car, and drive away. Looking at the flowers next to me, my heart
just breaks. My mind is so messed up right now, I don’t know what to do, or
say but what I know is, I hate Nxumalo and his son right now.

Donald didn’t do any wrong to Nxumalo.

Nxumalo’s enemy was David not Donald. Donald didn’t wrong him in anyway,
but he killed him. I drive to Morning Side. I leave my car a few houses from
his. I take the flowers and I walk to Nxumalo’s residency.

There were many guards in his house. I guess after killing David he
subtracted them, because there are just a few guards here and there. The
houses here don’t have gates or walls. They are big houses with trees and

I know the house like the back of my hand. So I walk to the backyard.

There is a storeroom at the back of the house. It’s wide open, because there
is a guy who is always doing the garden.

I take the ladder and climb up the balcony.

I find myself in a dark bedroom. That doesn’t have much. It only has a bed, a
wardrobe and just clothes all over.

I walk out of that room and as I walk to Mgcini’s room. I overhear a




DOC: You are so beautiful. Who do you think you look like?
NANA: My dad says I look like him.

DOC: who do you think you look like?

NANA: I look like Cinderella.

DOC: Okay. You will tell me why you look like Cinderella neh. But for now, tell
me what happened to your hand?

NANA: David Zondo. Gave me something and I saw him crying and then he
couldn’t talk anymore… I- - -

DOC: Breath baby.

THANDI: don’t cry my love.

DOC: Let her cry. Cry Cinderella, it’s therapeutic and you know what?
Cinderella is strong. She will recall everything that happened and tell us, so
that she can be able to open her hand.

NANA: I saw a man shooting David. That man was cruel. David was crying, - -
b-but he shot him. I held on to David and he held my hand and gave me

DOC: okay baby remember when David gave it to you and try to open your
hand so that he can give you again. Close your eyes.

NANA: He gave it to me and my uncle came and hugged me. I cried a lot. (she

DOC: It’s okay Cinderella then what happened Princess?

NANA: then the cruel man picked me up. I thought he was going to kill me.
(cries again)

THANDI: Don’t cry my love.

NANA: I thought I was going to die mummy.

DOC: and what happened?

NANA: While trying to scratch his face, I removed his mask and I saw
grandpa. I cried mummy. Grandpa is evil mummy. I h-hate- - gra-grandpa…


He shot David In front of his grand-daughter? To think I respected that man. I

walk to Mgcini’s bedroom and I find his phone and laptop on the bed. I lie on
the bed and face the ceiling.

I so badly want to cry but that won’t bring justice to the man who loved me
so much.

I take his phone and put in the pin. I have seen him putting it a couple of

I call the police.




“what?” dad exclaims.

“Mondli why are they arresting him?” a question leaves my mouth as the
policeman cuffs my father.

I hate him for what he made me go through, but I don’t want him to go to jail.


“No no no. You can’t take him to jail” I say, trying to get them off my father,
but they push me away.

Nana cries and it becomes chaotic in the house. Neriah is hugging her baby.

“Neriah you had dad arrested?” she ignores me and rocks her baby back and
forth. She is out of it.

“Thandi you did this?” I ask her and she says “Don’t disrespect me”

“Mondli?” I ask him and he ignores my question and shouts “WHERE IS THE

“That’s for the judge to decide” they push my dad away.

“Dad. I am calling Belinda!” I shout as they take him away.

I run up the stairs to get my phone, and as I open my bedroom door. I find
Kizington, lying on the bed, shirt less, he has a bouquet of roses next to him.
There are 200rand notes too.

‘what is he doing here?’ my mind is conflicted with questions.

“How… How?” I clear my throat as it suddenly feels uncomfortable to see

him like this. ‘Half naked’

“How did you get in here?”

He wakes up from the bed. He is so serious, he looks sad if I may add, he

looks angry and his face is so different, it’s displaying different emotions. He
looks like the Kizington I met in prison. The feared one, not the one I am used
to now.
“Wear your shirt man jeez. Why would you stand here half naked,! “ I shout
and toss his shirt at him.

I turn my back against him, then I pick up my phone, with the intention of
calling Belinda; but I hear him breathing next to my ear.

He puts his arm around my waist, and I hate what he is doing.

I immediately turn around and face him.

lips land on mine…….and the world stops for a minute.

They are cold, a bit tasty, he infiltrates my mouth, he holds my lips captive. I
close my eyes, nothing at all can match what I am feeling right now…..

His tongue is in my mouth, I mean I never…..just then he stops and let’s go of


I feel embarrassed.

I should have been the one to stop him.

“I am sorry for doing that. I forgot that you aren’t gay” he says sarcastically,
looking at my crotch. I am aroused.

“I am not gay”



“Dad I am going to call Belinda” Mgcini runs up the stairs as they push
Nxumalo out of the house. I walk to my father….

“who should I call?” I ask.

“Someone in this house called the police on me. Find out who it is” he says
as they put him in a van and drive away.

I walk back into the house. I am furious and confused. Who would call the
cops on dad?

“You called the Police on my father?” I ask Thandi’s sister. I take all their
phones. The doctor’s and Neriah’s.

I go through their phones and there is no evidence that they called the police.

Whoever did probably deleted.

“Nobody is leaving this house before Lloyd gets here.” Lloyd is an IT

specialist, he will tell me who called the police. I try calling him but I don’t
have airtime. Mgcini is taking too long to call Belinda.

I lock the doors and run upstairs.

“I told you about this family. What is this? Why is he taking my phone and
locking the doors?” I overhear Thandi’s sister speaking to Thandi as I walk

I open Mgcini’s bedroom door and I see him in a very compromising position
with a man.

Dad is arrested and he is thinking about sex? He doesn’t care about anything.

I close the door and stand outside.

It all makes sense now.

He is the one who called the police so that he can get rid of ubaba and do his

I open the door again and I see him standing there. This boy is really gay!

I walk past him and take his phone from the bed.

“Password please” I say and he just looks embarrassed. The other guys says
“Ola [Hie] “ I nod and he wears his shirt. There are roses on the bed and

The guy walks out of the bedroom.

Mgcini puts the pin for me and I go to his call log.


Is the last dialled number.

That was about an hour and a half ago.

He called the Police on dad.

He walks out of his room.

I follow him downstairs.

“MGCINI!” I call him and he stops by the living room door. The door is locked.

“Did you guys see - -” he asks and I cut him off because I am angry!

I walk over to him and give him my best punch.

“Mondli why? What?”


“YOU CALLED THE COPS ON DAD! “ he shouts at me and Mthulisi holds him

“Mgcini you did what?” Thandi asks.

They all look at me with judging eyes including Thandi’s friends. Everyone is
looking at me with disappointment.

“You are such a disgrace to this family!” Mondli shouts.

“You are an excuse of a son Mgcini! The disrespect you showed dad, now the
cops?” Mondli shouts at me again.

“I can’t believe you are my brother!”

“I would never get my father arrested even if he was the most wanted criminal
in Tsholots---I mean in the world” Sindi, Thandi’s friend also throws in her
own opinion.

“Honestly speaking, I am also, disappointed in you Mgcini” Thandi says and

Mondli throws my phone at me. I take it and see the call log.
I am so confused.
I didn’t call the Police.
Why am I being blamed for something, I didn’t do?
[09/22, 12:49 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



Lloyd comes and confirms that I called the Police on dad. I swear this is
confusing me. I mean the proof is there but I didn’t make the call.

“I swear Mgcini. If you put Nxumalo’s life in danger, I will forget that you are
my brother. He is our father damn it! How could you do that to him” Mondli
shouts at me.

“Mondli” Thandi calls him and he responds “yes mama”

“the doctors” Thandi says.
“you can leave” Mondli says to the doctors and they leave.
“Can’t you talk to Neriah?”

“Riah” Mondli calls Neriah. He goes on to kneel before her. She has been
seated on the couch for hours. She hasn’t said a thing.

“MaNxumalo. Try and snap out of it. Cry if you want to, but don’t just keep

“Mondli the baby hasn’t bathed since - -“

“Can you please mind your own business Thandi?” Neriah says to Thandi. She
then stands up and walks to her bedroom.

“I am going to see how we can help dad. I will be back.” Mondli gives Thandi
a pack on the lips and walks away.
As he gets to the door Thandi says “You won’t find me here, when you come

He kissed her on the lips?

“Dad has been arrested MaNcube. You can’t leave us. Who are you leaving us
with? You aren’t going anywhere. The child has been through a lot already.
Just stay at home and take care of her. I will call an Uber for sis Thembi”
Mondli says to Thandi and it looks like he means every word he said. He then
walks out of the house after Lloyd.
As soon as the door shuts, I let out a long deep breath, that I was holding in.

“Yazi I can’t believe that you are sleeping with your late husband’s brother?
This is so embarrassing. I am not waiting for any Uber. I am leaving. I will
come and see Nana tomorrow.” Thembi says and hugs Nana then leaves. She
looked and sounded disappointed.

What is going on? Thandi and Mondli are really sleeping together?

I also walk up to my bedroom, and call Belinda. I tell her everything that just
happened. I can’t be blamed for something I didn’t do.


“Belinda it’s been Four days ngilana. What’s going on? What’s stopping you
from bribing whoever needs to be bribed?”

“You shot a soccer star in the clear light of the day, for everyone to see.
Not only did you do that, you shot him In front of the president’s property.
Banzi. Every judge is eager to hear this case. Every District Attorney wants it.
It’s crazy”

“My own son betrayed me!”

“He is adamant that he didn’t make the call Banzi. And I believe him”

“The number was there. Mondli and Lloyd confirmed it, besides that, he has
been disrespectful.. .. That boy betrayed me Belinda!”

“Forget about Mgcini. Tomorrow it’s the Zondo’s burial. Your enemies are
gone but you are in here”

“How is my daughter handling all this?”

“I don’t know about your daughter, but Mgcini and Mondli aren’t taking your
being arrested very well” I look at her confused.
“Belinda. I know this is not the right time for all this, but this doesn’t sit well
with me. Are you flirting with my son?”

“We have spoken about this on a number of occasions. I have known Mgcini
since he was a kid. How can you ask me that?”

“Why do you care for Mgcini more than any of my children? Neriah is the one
who needs support right now, but you are telling me about Mgcini. The one
who betrayed me!”

“Banzi. Mgcini was sexually violated in prison. He killed a person and he saw
people dying. He went through so much and he needs all the love and care
he can get.”

“They all need love and care Belinda. All of them”

“My granddaughter needs an electroshock therapy. I can’t handle being hated

by her”

She chuckles a bit and says “They all need electro shock therapy. I tell you”

“You might be right, but for now; make sure they see the Therapist everyday.”
I say and she assures me that she will get me out, but, by the looks of it. I am
screwed. I am in, too deep.


I got my ID, then did a sim replacement and Mondli bought me a new phone
yesterday. It’s been charging since he gave it to me.
I just finished bathing Nana and she is sleeping now. She is a lot of work but I
enjoy every bit of it. I missed her. I feel complete when she is with me.

My heart is in shambles though. Why did Zithelo hide the fact that his life was
threatened? If he wanted to hide, why didn’t he go into hiding with me?

Nana has been telling me a lot of things, even though half of the things she
said didn’t make sense, but some of the things she said made sense.

Zithelo was my husband. We were very much in love, him and I, were best
friends. It hurts a lot to know, that he faked his own death but on the other
hand. I wish to see him again, so that he can explain to me. Why he did what
he did.

I switch on my phone and download WhatsApp. I try to act normal but I just
can’t. I need answers to a lot of questions. The only person who can answer
me is father in-law or Zithelo. And right now I don’t know where Zithelo is so
father in law is my only option.

I feel so bad that I slept with his brother. I mean I didn’t know that he was
alive but still, I betrayed him.

I change my clothes and ask Sindi to look After Nana for a few hours. While I
drive baba’s car to the Jail.

He bought himself a new car before he was arrested, Mondli said I can drive

I need to talk to my father in-law. I need some answers. Neriah refused to see
the Therapist. She is always in her room with her son. I am afraid she is not
mentally okay. I drive to jail to ask father in law a lot of questions, hopefully I
will get some answers.

“Nxumalo are you okay?” an officer asks me.


“Someone is here to see you” they cuff me and take me to the interrogation
room. I sit there waiting for the ‘someone’. I guess it’s Mondli since Belinda
just left.

As I am sitting. I see Zithelo walking in with Sindi. I remain seated. I am


I am not going to pretend as if I am shocked or happy to see him. I won’t

display any emotions. Since he guessed that I wanted to kill him, he might as
well guess how I am feeling right now. I hate a coward.

I keep quiet and look at him. I must have done something terrible in my past
life, to be given weak children in this lifetime.

Mondli is the only one who seems to be sensible. And he is the only one, I
expected this unruly behaviour from.

Sindi and I walk into the interrogation room to see Nxumalo. It takes a lot of
strength in me to look at him and not strangle him.

He isn’t shocked to see me. It’s like he expected me to be here.

“You wanted me dead” I say to him.

“You are such a coward. You are half a man.” He says to me, making me more
angry! He isn’t regretting anything.

“I told you it was a bad idea coming here” Sindi says.

“Uyislima yazi [you are a fool]” he insults me.

“You aren’t regretting anything?” I ask.

“How do you sleep, at night, knowing that you left your daughter to die?”

“You don’t get to ask me that, while you killed your very own
granddaughter.” he laughs at me. He shakes his head in disappointment,
many times. This is not the reaction I expected from him.

“Go home and take care of your family stop playing Makoti sbali. Uyislima yazi
Zithelo.[you are a fool] Why would I kill my own son? Use your common

“let’s go Zithelo” Sindi grabs my arm.

“Ma’am hurry up. He has another visitor” an officer says.

“just in case you want to know. I hate you Nxumalo” I say.

“Your little brother says that everyday. I am even starting to hate myself too,
but at least I never abandoned my wife and daughter” he says and Sindi pulls
my arm.
I look at him in the eyes and all I see is pity. He has no hate for me at all. This
whole thing of wanting to kill me seems like a façade. I am very confused
right now.

Sindi pulls my hand but I want to sit down and ask him a lot of questions. I
want to know why? Why my name was in the envelope?

I want to sit down but Sindi is pulling my hand.

“let’s go baby” she says.

“a full grown baby, with a wife and a kid at home” Nxumalo says and it hurts

He doesn’t have an ounce of guilt on his face. I look like the foolish one here.

He isn’t moving an inch. He has his arms folded.

“I would never try to kill you. I am in here now, you should be protecting your
family out there, but you are busy being called ‘baby’” Sindi pulls my hand
outside and as she takes a step outside she pushes me back into the room
and closes the door on my face.

“Sindi” I call her but she closed the door on my face. My father looks at me
and laughs at me like I am some kind of a fool!
Why did Sindi close the door on my face? She is making me look like a real

[09/23, 5:54 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



I am in my bedroom, sitting at the edge of my bed, looking at the dead

flowers that Kizington brought the other day.
Why did he bring me flowers? Why did he use a ladder to get into the house?
Mthulisi found the ladder outside that day, so I assumed that Kizito used it,
because he didn’t leave through the door since it was locked…
A lot, of things are running through my mind right now. I am hated in this
house for something that I didn’t do, which is getting my dad arrested. I mean
it’s too much. Mondli isn’t talking to me anymore, Thandi is just moody, even
her friend looks at me with judging eyes.
Nobody talks to me except for Nana and Mthulisi.
I have a lot of questions, I can’t stop thinking about what Kizington did that
day, I haven’t seen him since. I slowly take a bathe, moisturize my skin, wear
my jeans and my carvela boots.

There is no one in the lounge it’s quiet, Neriah is always in her room. I don’t
know where Sindi is. Mthulisi is probably cleaning the yard or something.
Belinda gave me her car, she said it’s an old car but wow, it doesn’t look a
day old. I get into the car and drive to Kizington’s.


“Are you ready broe?” my friend Michael asks as he walks into my bedroom. I
am standing in front of the mirror.

“Who can be ready for this?” I ask him.

I am in my bedroom, getting ready to go to kwaMhlabuyalingana. That’s

where David and Donald come from. They lost their parents and
grandparents; they are only left with their father’s brother, who lives there in
the village.
That’s where they will be buried tomorrow.

“ it’s like Donald will come and tell me not to wear this and wear that, you

“yeah. He was a nice guy joo. He made us eat KFC in prison while other
inmates where farting beans broe” Michael says and I laugh a bit.

“My heart is very heavy right now”

“Come. Let’s go and lay him to rest. Everyone is waiting”

“he won’t rest in peace. You know that right?”

“We will talk about that some other time. Walls have ears” Michael says.

My friends Michael and Mlindo; my sisters Karen and Karol; Donald’s friends
Mengezi and Madikana, with other two of Donald’s friends are here. We are
all traveling to KwaMhlaba. They hired a mini-bus to take us there.
I walk to the living room and find them all standing, ready to leave. Mlindo
has already started drinking.

“ooh my poor Tonnie. I bought a suit for you, because I know Donald will be
happy to see you in a suit tomorrow.” Karen says.

“ Who is going to randomly send me airtime? ” Karol is my younger sister.

Everyone in my family was very close to Donald.

“I don’t know where I am going to find a loyal friend like Donald honestly”
Madikana says….

“We mustn’t get into trouble, because we don’t have a lawyer anymore”
Mlindo says… They all talk about how Donald helped them and I have a lot to
say, but I can’t talk. I betrayed my feelings for him.

I took him for granted. I cheated on him a lot of times. He caught me and I
apologized. But still, I continued to cheat.

I feel really bad.

“let’s go guys” Mlindo says and Karen says “let’s all pray first” we hold hands
and she prays.

After the prayer, I raise up my head only to see Mgcini by the door. What is
he doing here? What does he want? He didn’t even knock.

“Are you coming with us?” Karol asks him.

“No. Uhm. I would like to have a word with Kizington.”


I get to Kizington’s house, and I find them praying. It’s a full house, I find his
jail friends, his sisters, Mengezi and his girlfriend. His older sister hates me so
much, the look that she is giving me right now says it all, you’d swear I am
responsible for her boring accent.

“ We will wait for you in the car Kizito” Michael says and he greets me as he
walks out the door. Mlindo greets too, “You look better man” he says as he
walks past me.

“Hey” Mengezi greets and I respond. Karen walks past me without greeting.

“hey nice meeting you. I am Karol” Kizito’s little sister shakes my hand.

“Nice knowing you” I say and she walks away. I take a few steps into the
house. Kizington is standing all alone in the living room.

He is wearing a black jean and a black sweater. He walks to his bedroom, I

follow him and stand by the door. He opens his drawer and takes out a watch
and wears it.

He attempts to leave but I block his way.

“Hie” I greet him. He looks, different, he isn’t smiling, he isn’t showing me any
emotions, like being surprised that I am here, he hasn’t even asked why I am

“sho” he is so cold.
“how are you?” I ask him and he says “I am fine”
What happened the other day comes flashing into my mind and I just want to
feel that way again. I take a few steps closer to him.

It takes a lot in me to close my eyes and kiss him. He isn’t returning the kiss.
He has his hands in his pockets. I open my eyes and I find him staring at me
not moved. I feel so embarrassed.

I step back.

“Don’t you ever do that again. You aren’t gay. You and I, aren’t that close.
Don’t disrespect me like this.” He says with a stern voice.
Saying that I am embarrassed, is an understatement right now.

“Now excuse me. I am going to bury my boyfriend” he says and I leave. I walk
away without saying a word.

I get into the car and drive away. Why am I crying? Why?

I am not gay!

I drive for a while and I see a boy wearing make-up and women’s clothes,
waiting for transport just after the robots.

I park my car just next to him and he asks “Mall of Africa?” I nod. He gets into
the passenger sit and I drive. He is wearing make-up, a wig, he has lipstick,
earrings and he is wearing a mini skirt. He is even carrying a handbag. To top
it off he is chewing a gum. He infuriates me even more.

Before I get to the Mall, I drive through the dust road into a bush..

He is concentrating on his phone, not paying much attention to the road. I

park in the middle of the bush and his eyes pop out as he realizes where we

“why are you wearing women’s clothes?” I ask him.

“haibo, bhuti, ungazondiqhela kakbi tyini [brother don’t disrespect me]”

“sifuna ntoni apha? [what are we doing here?]”

“I am asking you again sifuna ntoni apha? [what are we doing here?] ” he
asks again and I climb out of the car and walk to his side, I get him out of the
car and I punch him.

“Why? Who sent you?” he screams and I remove his wig. My mind goes back
to everything that I have been through, all the nights I spent wishing
Kizington was next to me, the kiss that he gave me and how he treated me
like dirt today.
How I couldn’t fuck a girl, she made fun of me! She made fun of my man
“I hate homosexuals,” I scream while kicking him and he irritates me. “I hate
gay people!” I shout and I get into my car and leave him crying for help in the

“Why do they want men when there are so many women out there!” I scream
and drive away! I am feeling bad, as I see him through the rear view mirror,
he is on the ground, crying for help.

[09/24, 1:28 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*.



I got lucky because when I got to the parking lot, I bumped into baba’s
lawyer, who walked into the police station with me. I just hate the procedure
of being asked questions before seeing a prisoner.
“how are the kids? ” He makes a small conversation with me as we walk
through the hallway.

“we are coping”

“good good” We are told that he has a visitor. So we wait there for a few
minutes. As we are still waiting, the door opens, and I see Sindi. I am really
surprised to bump into the rich and famous.

“Hey” she greets, shock visible all over her face. I just hope I am not looking
that bad, for her to look at me this way, and stand by the door.

“Hie” I am not about to play friends. We aren’t friends anymore. Besides that,
Nana said a lot of confusing things about a certain Sindi. I just hope it’s not

“ma’am can you move away from the door. I need to see my client.” the
lawyer says and Sindi just remains glued to the door.


“Mgcini went through a lot, Neriah too, angsakhulumi ngomakoti [not

forgetting to mention daughter in-law] who went as far as Zimbabwe trying
to hide; Nana was dodging bullets at her age, she even got shot, and what
did you do?” he asks me and I feel really bad. If it’s his plan to make me feel
like shit. It’s working.

“ SINDI OPEN THE FUCKEN DOOR! ” I shout and my father laughs at me.

“You ran away, like you are running now”


I have never ran out of plans like I have now. Zee can’t see Thandi. It will be a
disaster. That’s why I didn’t want him to come here in the first place, but love
makes us do stupid things sometimes.

“ Can you move from the door ma’am” the Officer says once again, and I am
sweating….. No no.

“Can we grab something to eat for old time’s sakes?” I say to Thandi, who
rejects my offer by saying “Some other time maybe. For now. I need to see
someone important ” Nxumalo must just die in prison. There is nothing
important about him. “Ma’am please”

“OPEN THE DOOR! ” Zithelo shouts and Bangs the door! I end up moving
from the door and the officer opens for him.

“That man is crazy!” he shouts as soon as he is out.

“why would you just stand by the door Sindi!” he shouts then says “Nxumalo
is driving - -“ he stops talking as soon as his eyes land on Thandi.
“Thandi” he calls her name and Thandi looks at him and starts crying. Oooh
jeez spare me the drama.

Zithelo takes a few steps closer to her and holds her.

“Senhliziyo yami [of my heart] ” wow.

“You are alive?” Thandi asks Zithelo. I never ever wanted this to happen. Not
in this life time! Not this way at least.

“Ma’am are you going In or not?” the officer asks Thandi.

“Why? Why?” Thandi asks and starts crying.

“She is going in and he is going out let’s go Zee” I say and pull his hand. He
Yanks my hand and cups Thandi’s face.


Did he just do that to me?

“Zee let’s go now” I say to him and he seems to be suddenly deaf.

“Can you please talk outside?” the officer says to them. Zithelo hugs Thandi
and they walk outside.

Am I dreaming or something?

Thandi is crying.

They walk outside with me following behind. I feel so embarrassed.

“Why did you leave me? Why did you leave us?” Thandi asks in-between fake
tears. I feel my heart boiling.

“I was protecting you and Nana. I was- - -”

“From what?” she asks and Zithelo pulls her in for a hug. I roll my eyes for
the millionth time.

I am sitting in the car next to Karen.

“Tonnie. I don’t like that boy. Just because Donald is gone it - -“

“He is cute though. I like him. He is straight Karen don’t worry” Karol my
younger sister says.

“We are going to a funeral will you guys stop?” I ask and they keep quiet.

I dial Donald’s number and it goes straight to voice mail.

I put on my earphones and I listen to his voice notes.

| I skip that one.

|I love you Tonnie.|

I look at his pictures. He was wearing makeup in this particular one…. He

was so cute.

I feel my eyes wetting up. My heart is sore.

Nxumalo really did me bad.

I wish I used every chance I had to show him how much I loved him. Now he
is gone…..and all I am left with are memories.

I just got out of a board meeting. Addressing a few issues regarding my

father. Since he got arrested and everything is in the papers. I had to address
that matter. Bongi is doing a good job so far, but she has lost a lot of weight.
After the meeting I talk to most of the employees and then I walk to my office
and I find Bongi in there.

She walks up to me and attacks me with a hug.

“Bongi stop” I gently push her away

“I know you are stressed, and when you are stressed, you want sex”

“Bongi I am in a relationship with someone. We can’t play the hide and seek
games anymore. Let’s be professionals”

“Michelle is dead”

“but I am not”

“I love you Mondli”

“ I don’t want to cheat. Let’s be professionals. Email me the documents. I will

go through them tonight” I say and walk away. I have a serious headache.

It’s caused by stress.

My father is in prison, my sister doesn’t want to leave her bedroom, my dead
brother is alive and my little brother is a traitor. I am just going through a lot
of shit. I just need Thandi.

I drive to where my father is being held. I get to the parking lot and the first
person I see is Zithelo.

Yes I heard he is alive. The mind already knew but the heart hadn’t accepted.
After parking the car, I take a few steps towards them.

I see Sindi. She is the president’s daughter.

I then see Zithelo standing In front of Thandi, explaining something. Thandi is


I am supposed to be happy to see my brother but…. I don’t want to say this,

let alone think about it. I am not happy.

“Even though! You shouldn’t have left me Zithelo! I needed you” Thandi cries.
And Zithelo pulls her in for a hug.

He hugs her and pats her back. He touches her and I swear that hurts a lot!

“I am so sorry” Zithelo apologizes. Why am I hurting? Why! Why!

Have I lost her kanjalo nje? [just like that?] She is allowing him to hug her.
Thandi is too naïve!

[09/24, 9:13 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*

I got so lost in the moment, and I forgot about Sindi. I thought she would be
more understanding and leave me with my wife for a while, but she is still

I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but I just need sometime with my wife. I
can’t exactly tell her that ,because I still need her protection, what if Nxumalo
is lying and he still wants me dead.
Even though I saw a different story in his eyes, one can never trust a murder,
a hit man at that. Killing two brothers same day!

I turn back and look at Sindi then I see Mondli. The joy in my heart is

“Mondli” I call him and let go of Thandi. I go on to hug him.. “you don’t know
how much I have missed you broe” I say to him. I hope he has been taking his

“We need to leave!” Sindi is now more furious. I am now caught in-between a
furious woman and a hurt wife.

Never have I thought I would meet him this way. I mean, he didn’t come to
me. I bumped into him…… He looks very much alive. He isn’t dead. He looks
like he never left.
My life is a movie honestly.

“Come home. Nana is always crying because you left her. ” I say to Zithelo
because I really need to sit down with him, and have him explain everything
to me.

“I can’t believe she is alive. I want to see her. I thought Nxumalo had killed my

“You can’t see her today” Sindi butts in.

“Sindi protected you?” I ask Zithelo because she is too much.

“ye-yeah. Yeah. (clears throat) She protected me from my own father. She is
my friend.”
“you don’t need protection now” I say.
“Father would never try to kill you Zithelo we need to talk about this. There is
a misunderstanding somewhere.” Mondli says. And I see sadness in his eyes
as Zithelo hugs me.

He looks the same and he smells just the same.

“let’s go home” I say to him.

“Can I talk to you for a second?” Sindi says to him and he says “Sure”

They move away for a second and Mondli remains standing a few steps away
from me.

He isn't saying anything. I don’t know what to say either. We just have a
staring competition.

Zithelo comes back after a while with an angry Sindi. Something seems offish
“We will go in

“We will follow you behind in our own car”

“Okay” I say. There is no need for that though, why can’t Zithelo drive home
with me?

He hugs me again. “let’s go Queen” he says to me and I nod even though it

bothers me so much that he is driving with Sindi.
He walks away to an SUV followed by bodyguards, who open the door for

Mondli walks away without saying a word to me.

“Mondli” I call him and he stops on his tracks.


“ how are you?” I ask.

“I am going to see dad. Did you see him?”

“No I was about to see him then Zithelo came out of the room and I was
surprised. I mean, I knew he wasn’t dead. But seeing him in flesh”

“I love you” he says to me and I freeze.

“Mondli - -“

“it’s okay you don’t have to say it back” he walks away. I walk to the car and
drive to morning side. With them on my tail.

My heart is heavy . It’s like I am having a bad heartburn. I walk into the
interrogation room. I find my dad with his lawyer. He stands up and hugs me.

“Nxumalo how are you?”

“I should be asking you that dad”

“I am fine. I am more worried about your sister. Please make sure she sees
the therapist daily. Check up on her more often” he says and I feel guilty
because I left her alone, in her bedroom.

“I bought everyone phones in the house and I now regret giving her the
phone. She will see more news about David”

“You shouldn’t have given her a smart phone Mondli”

“She was getting depressed in her room. I thought talking to her friend’s
would help”

“David’s burial is tomorrow. Look after her” the lawyer says and I nod.

“Okay so how is it going? When is he coming out?”

“unfortunately they have strong evidence and in this case. We can’t win

“what do you mean?”

“They have strong evidence that pins him to the crime scene”


“I was there too and I wasn’t wearing a mask”

“that’s why that evidence has to disappear”

“Don’t worry Belinda will do that” Nxumalo seems to trust Belinda.

“You trust Belinda neh?” I ask dad.

“ Yes?”

“Why is she showing so much affection to Mgcini all of a sudden? She gave
him a car. With everything that’s going on she gave him a car. Not just any
car a Mercedes-Benz. She comes home and spends a lot of time in Mgcini’s
room. I don’t like that” I say to Nxumalo and he says “This is not the time for
jealousy. Remember we have enemies, that will use my being in prison as an
advantage to harm you guys.… Just wear your suits and go to work. Don’t
worry about me. Take care of the family”

I am not liking Zithelo’s coming back one bit!


I don’t get why we had to Bring Sindi along. She is not even faking a smile. I
park the car and they come out of their SUV as well.

Zithelo walks to me.

“Why did you bring Sindi along?” I ask because her presence annoys me.

“She protected me my love. She helped me. I missed you. I swear I missed
you everyday I was in hiding” he says to me.

“I love you so much” he squeezes me in a hug. He has been working out a

lot. It’s visible.

We walk into the house and find Nana sitting on the couch watching cartoons.

“Daddy” she screams and runs to hug her father. Her smile is priceless.

Zithelo kneels down and welcomes a hug from his daughter. Ooh God what
are you doing? I never thought I would see this delightful scene ever again.

“baby are you okay Princess? You aren’t hurt?”

“daddy you left me”

“I didn’t leave you Princess. I am sorry” he hugs her and she starts crying.

“grandpa shot David and---"

“baby we said we aren’t going to talk about that right?” she nods.

Sindi walks into the house and looks around. She looks like she is disgusted
by everything.

Nana looks at her.

“Did the baby die?” Nana asks Sindi.

“No. The baby misses you so much” Sindi says rubbing her tummy.

Nana frees herself from her father and she goes on to hug Sindi’s belly. I am
so confused.

“I love you little sis” Nana says embracing Sindi’s belly. Nana is too forward.

“What is Nana talking about?”

Nana starts blubbering “yes mummy I am going to be a big sister” she kisses
Sindi’s belly and my eyes just drop to the floor. It’s like Nana was brought to
this world to screw up my relationships for me.

When it was time to love Sindi, she was hating her every second, now she is
the first person to tell her mother that I was screwing Sindi.

Thandi looks at me with disappointment. She walks upstairs and I follow her.

She gets Into a bedroom and sits on a chair.

“Were you hiding from your father or you just faked your death so that you
can cheat?”

“No No. I swear Sindi was a mistake. I was stressed, missed my family and
lonely. A lot of things were going on. I swear it only happened once. You own
my heart. I am so sorry Ndlovukazi [Queen] ”

“I also slept with Mondli” she says and I let out a chuckle. The way Mondli
hates Thandi. I am sure she even wrote a diary of how he has been abusing

“You chose the wrong brother to lie about. I love you Thandi” I kneel before
her and kiss her.

“I love you my wife. I love you so much and I am sorry. I knew my father
wasn’t going to kill you and Nana. I had to protect myself.. I know I was
selfish but I am sorry” she stands up from the chair and I realise she was
sitting on a man’s shirt.

I pick. It up.

“whose shirt is this?” my heart is accelerating.

“Whose shirt is this Thandi?”

“It belongs to Mondli. I was supposed to do Laundry and I think it dropped or

something” I breath a sigh of relief. I thought she had cheated on me and I
almost lost it.

I sit with her on the bed and hug her. I missed my wife. I missed her so much
and the thought of another man sleeping with her is something else. I would
kill for her.

[09/25, 1:47 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


Someone might confuse me for a person who loves indaba zabantu kodwa
[gossip but] what does one call this?

I mean what do I call this? It’s true when they say you can never fully know a
person. I have learnt that with Thandi.

I have seen the men in this family. Mondli is a black handsome man, who has
beautiful hair and a beautiful body, but when I saw the father and the little
brother hummm, I knew it ran in the family.
Then I saw that guy that had too many tattoos, Mgcini’s friend and I
concluded that South African men are not only handsome but they are
beautiful aswell. Then minutes ago Thandi suddenly walked in with a man,
who obviously stepped out of a magazine. The man is light in complexion,
very light, he lit up the entire lounge. He was wearing a suit and it looked
like it was tailor made for him. His hair was neatly cut. He smelled so good.
Then Nana ran to him and called him daddy. As if that wasn’t enough a
woman followed wearing the most highest heal, I’d ever seen someone
wearing. She was walking normally and it made sounds as she walked….. She
is dark and beautiful. She looks rich. I can tell. I don’t know how but I can tell.

Thandi ran up the stairs and the Fanta man followed her. Now Nana is sitting
on this lady’s lap on the lounge.

“When is the baby coming out?”

“Let’s say 6 months from now”
She doesn’t look pregnant to me. Not at all.

Nana has her hand around the lady’s neck. They seem to be close.

“I love my baby sis. I want to see her everyday, I want to dress her up, like
how Sofia the first used to dress Andrea her little sister and watch her when
her mother attended the Royal meetings, You know I - - -“ she talks about a
lot of people and I walk to them.

“ Hie ma’am can I offer you something to drink?” I ask with a smile.

“ She is the president’s daughter. She doesn’t eat food from anyone isn’t Aunt
Sindi? “ I muffle a laugh. President’s daughter? In Thandi's house? No way!

“Please don’t get any closer” The man wearing a suit pushes me to the side.

Mondli walks into the house and I swear this is drama straight. Thandi is
upstairs with a man, then Mondli is here….

“Sir please step aside let me search you first.” The man in suit says to Mondli
and Mondli raises up his hands and they search him. He looks irritated.

After that he walks to the madam and says “Please step outside and wait for
him outside, because I won’t be searched in my own house” the lady stands
up and gives her hand to Mondli with a smile.

“Hie. I am so sorry they are just following Protocol. I am Sindi. I guess you are
Mondli. I heard a lot about you. Your face looks very familiar though and your
Did she just say her name is Sindi?

Thandi’s evil ex best friend? I take back every good thing I said about her.

Her dress isn’t nice at all.

“Tell your guards not to disrespect us in our own house.”


She doesn’t amuse me at all. I don’t like her. I shake her hand out of respect
because if I don’t, these guys might shoot me. She mustn't get used to me, I
don't know her and she doesn't know me.

“Where is your mum?” I ask Nana.

“upstairs with dad”

My heart just sinks. I decide to go and have a talk with my little sister.

I knock on her bedroom door but she keeps quiet. She is probably ignoring

“I am coming in” I say and open the door.

Her beg that is always on the bed isn’t there. I open the wardrobe there is

“Riah” I call her name but dololo.

I open all the bedroom doors looking for her.

“Sindi where is Neriah?”

“I didn’t see her”

I run outside. “Mthulisi did you see my sister?”


I walk back to the house and open Mgcini’s bedroom. I find him sleeping.

“Did you see Neriah?”


“She is missing. She left”

I open Thandi’s bedroom door and I find her and Zithelo kissing. My heart
literally stops beating for a second and I feel sharp pain piecing through my

Just 2 seconds of Zithelo coming back and they are already kissing.

“Zithelo?” Mgcini calls him from behind me.

“Ntwana” he let’s go of Thandi and walks over to the door and hugs Mgcini.

I stand by the door looking at Thandi. She looks at me and looks down.

“Did you see Neriah?” I ask.


“She left” I say and Zithelo says “What? Where did she go?”
“Get the woman downstairs, out of this house” I say and walk away.

“What is wrong with him?” I hear him asking Mgcini. “You know him. His
mood changes”


“Ma’am you have an interview in an hour” my assistant says and I can’t leave
Zithelo here.

Am I losing him?

What’s going on. Why is he taking so long to come down. His brother is rude.
His brother comes running down the stairs he looks rather upset…..

“Neriah is missing Sindi” their maid has the same name as me. Wow. Thandi
must have done that purposely just to spite me.

Then Mgcini comes down the stairs too.

“Where could she have gone?” Mgcini asks.

“Can you go upstairs and fetch Zee. Tell him we have to go” I say to my
guard and as he walks up. Mondli stops him.
“Please ma’am don’t disrespect us” he says to me and I keep quiet. His voice
is so familiar. I don't know where I know it from, but it just sends chills down
my spine.

“Cinderella go and tell your dad that we have to leave” I ask politely.

“No no daddy isn’t leaving. You can visit us though, so that I can spend time
with my sister when I am not busy. “ this spoilt brat!

I can’t leave Zithelo here. I can’t lose him just like that.

I overhear Mondli calling Lloyd.

“---Can you track her phone. Please Lloyd. Come here soon mfethu” his voice!


Lloyd can’t find me here.

“ZEE” I shout his name.

And they all stop talking and look at me.


I am so confused. I don’t know exactly what to do.

“Are you in a relationship with my ex best friend Zithelo?”

“It was a mistake” I try to explain myself to my wife then Sindi starts calling
me. “ZEE”

“You know what 'Zee'? Neriah is missing. We have enough drama as it is.
Take your Sindi out of here and give us a break please. “ Thandi says and she
looks so beautiful.

My wife.

Now more than ever, I don’t want to leave but Sindi is probably upset.

I am screwed. Mondli comes back and says “broe. I don’t understand why you
faked your own death but what I know is, all the drama started when you left,
so please take that woman who is downstairs and leave. Come back without
her, because she is making us all feel uncomfortable with her guards invading
our personal space as if we are in a zoo.”

“ why does it look like you are not happy to see me? “ I ask him because he
is obviously not happy. He hasn’t smiled a little bit since he saw me.

“ My father is in jail, my sister is missing. What’s there to be happy about? “

“ And all that is my fault?”

“I don’t have time for this. I am going to look for my sister. Take your bitch
and leave!” he shouts and a punch lands on his cheek. Yeah I punched him.
What's he going to do.?

“Zithelo what are you doing?” Thandi shouts and walks past me to Mondli.
She holds his cheek and gently rubs it. “Did he hurt you?” Thandi asks
Mondli, who stands still and looks at her emotionless. Thandi looks at him
too. They have a staring competition and it’s like they just froze and nothing
else matters in the world.

I doubt he has been taking his medication! This is not Mondli!

[09/26, 1:04 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



Mondli would never let Thandi touch him this way.

“did he hurt you?”

“Zee” Sindi calls me and Thandi gives me a bored facial expression. I leave
them there, and walk downstairs since Sindi is acting crazy. This is so unlike

“Let’s go”
“I think there is no danger anymore. I want to stay behind. I want to spend
some time with my family”
“Zee. My father wants to talk to you let’s go!” she says and Nana holds on to
me tightly.

“daddy don’t leave”

“Baby. I will come back soon okay?”

“No. daddy don’t leave please” she starts crying then Sindi rubs her tummy
looking at me. Why is she emotionally blackmailing me?

“Broe you can’t leave in a situation like this. Who knows where Neriah is? Or
what she is up to. Dad has been arrested. We need you. Besides all that, you
need to explain a lot of things.” Mgcini says.

“are you going to keep the president waiting?” Sindi asks and I say “I will be
back soon.” and Nana holds me tightly. Mgcini takes her from me.

“daddy” Nana cries.

“I will be back Princess. I love you” I say as Sindi pulls my hand to the car.
She loves pulling my hand.

“what was that about? That long conversation with Thandi?”

“She is my wife Sindi”.

“What am I?”

“Don’t play games with me Zithelo. Don’t!” she is so serious and angry.

I keep quiet. I am confused. I miss my wife. I wanted to spend time with her.
And on the other hand Sindi!

I stare at him and he stares back at me. He walks away, he looks hurt. He
walks down the stairs and I follow him as I hear Nana crying.

“Why are you crying?” Mondli takes her from Mgcini.

“Zithelo left just like that” Mgcini says to Mondli who doesn’t seem to care.

Something is different with Zithelo. He kissed me like he was back for good,
but he just left again. Everything seems like one big nightmare. I mean
everything happened so fast. I bumped into him, brought him home, he
kissed me, lied to me and punched Mondli, then left. What is wrong with him?

“Zithelo was here?” Lloyd asks as he walks in.

“yes with Sindi the famous daughter” Mondli says pulling out a chair for

“Dude be careful. Multiply the guards. I don’t trust that woman” Lloyd says
and I don’t trust her either.

“Go and watch cartoons Princess. Go on. Go and sit on the couch and watch
cartoons” she goes on to the couch and puts the volume on blast and the
whole house is filled with the noise of Sofia the first. [name of the cartoons]

Lloyd sits on the dining chair. Mondli and Mgcini stand next to him looking at
his laptop.

I go to my bedroom and lie down. I am emotionally exhausted. One minute I

am a widow and the next I am not.

We are alone in the kitchen. Just Lloyd and I. He gives me a bottle of water
and a pill.

“You must have finished the other bottle” he says as he places the bottle of
pills on the table and I nod.

“alright let’s see. Where are you Neriah?” he says and concentrates on his
laptop. I go to the sink and throw the pill in there and drink water.

“Look at this. The phone is somewhere here in the house”

“you must be kidding me”

“I kid you not” we stand up and locate her phone to the laundry room! This is
a dead end!
How else are we going to track her?

Sindi knocks and walks into my bedroom.

“Friend just explain to me What is going on?”

“ Sindi my life is one mess I tell you”

“Who is that handsome man who came here? Yooh that man is handsome.”
Trust Sindi to exaggerate.

“that’s my husband”

“So it’s true that Mondli isn’t your husband?”


“So Thandi, you are telling me that you are sleeping with the whole family?”

My eyes just pop out and I laugh. It’s not funny but whaaat?

“ Sindi you are exaggerating. I thought my husband was dead, and things
happened with his younger brother. Not with the whole family,” I explain.

“What about his father?”

“No Sindi come-on”

“So the lady with the bodyguards is Sindi your ex bestie?”

“the way she was talking and holding your husband, something fishy is going
on there”

“she is pregnant with his Child”



“Friend what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know. I just don’t know. Things are too much and I - - ” as we are still
talking Mondli walks in.

“Can you please prepare the table Nana is hungry” Mondli says to Sindi who
nods and walks away. I am also hungry and it’s way past dinner time. So we
wanted to look for a maid but Sindi said she wants to work for us. So we
reached an agreement, that they will take care of the house and they will get
paid monthly. Sindi is a hard worker. She works without complaining. Mthulisi
is worse. I have never seen him lazing around.


“I love you. And seeing you with him was very painful. I don’t think I will be
able to handle it”

“Mondli we have to put an end to this” I say and he chuckles.

“Did you see what happened? Sindi is pulling him by the nose. You are
willing to share him?”

“He is my husband Mondli. We will sort things out”

“So what are you saying to me?”

“This never happened. We were both weak and we thought he was dead”

“just like that?”

“What do you want me to say?”

He walks away and closes the door gently. He is too calm. Very calm. Wow.
He is so mature about all this.


We are seated around the fire as David and Donald’s uncles, tell us about
their late nephews.
It’s so painful. I swear it hurts a lot. They have good things to say about them.

“David was a breadwinner. You see this big house? He helped me build it. I
wasn’t blessed with kids unfortunately, but God gave me David and Donald.”

He has a very big house. It has many rooms and it’s empty. Way too big.

“yes we lost two sons. What will become of us now?” says the youngest

The older uncle looks ruthless. The things he is determined to do, to the man
who killed his nephews. I don’t know how to explain them.

“I want to tear his balls apart.” I see Michael becoming sober.

“People think they can spill the Zondo blood and live to tell the story. That
will never happen! ” the youngest uncle says.

“My boys will not rest in peace, until whoever killed them pays the price.”
“Do you perhaps know who killed them?” I ask and the uncle stands up and
says “Whoever killed my nephews will feel the Zondo wrath. The kids in that
family will pay for the sins of their parents. There will be great wailing and
gnashing of teeth when the Zondos come out to play.” the uncle says.
This is war!

“You see these Boys. They are David’s sons. He left a wife and two sons
behind. Even though he never said anything about them to the public but he
had them. Now they will grow up without a father” he says pointing at two
boys who look around 8-10years of age. How can he talk about revenge In
front of young Kids? He is planting a wrong seed in their minds.

The women are singing in the house. Both coffins are in there.
As we are still listening to the stories, a woman walks through the gate. It’s
past 10pm. She is accompanied by a group of young boys.

“Uncle. This woman was lost. She has been looking for the Zondo

“Who are you sisi?” uncle inquires.

“This man is going to kill us all. We should take turns falling asleep. One
should be on guard” Michael whispers to me and I chuckle a bit.

“stop being a coward swine!”

“The network in this area is bad. Which network do you guys use?” Karol has
already made friends in this yard. I hear her asking someone from afar.

“My name is Neriah Nxumalo. David was my partner” My jaw drops to the
ground. They all become quiet. Neriah as in Nxumalo’s daughter? What is she
doing here? Does she want to die?

They start murmuring and the uncle says “okay. take her to a room and let
her rest she must be tired” the uncle is too calm for my liking. They take her

I searched through my father’s clothes. He doesn’t like using a wallet, so there

is always money in his pockets. I searched and I found R800. Then I went to
Mgcini’s bedroom.
I found dead flowers and money. I stole another 800rands and I took my
baby and my bag.
I left the phone that Mondli gave me in the laundry room. I didn’t want them
calling me and looking for me.
I snuck out of the house, and found my way to KwaMhlaba.

I wanted to see him for the last time. I wanted it to happen and I was nervous.
I didn’t know how his family was going to re-act. I got lost but finally made it.
His uncle welcomed me with warm hands.

As if they knew that I was famished, they brought me food.

They are singing in the house and I am in this empty room with my son.

“This is your father’s home. Nqoba” I say to my son, then someone slowly
opens the door as if they are sneaking in.

I then realise it’s Donald’s boyfriend.

“hey” I greet.

“listen to me and listen good. Take your baby and run” he whispers.

“Take your baby and run Neriah! This has nothing to do with you”
“I don’t understand - -“

“you don’t have to understand. Take your baby and run” he says to me once
again; then, the uncle opens the door. “Fuck!” Donald’s boyfriend curses
under his breath.

“Can you excuse us” the uncle says to the guy and he reluctantly leaves. I am
now scared what was that about?
As the uncle stands before me, It dawns on me that he probably knows that
my father killed David.
“But that wasn’t me” I blurt it out.
It wasn’t me though,

[09/27, 6:09 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



"Child who are you?"

"I am Neriah. David and I were in a relationship. This baby is the result of that.
" I already told him who I was when I got here.
He takes out passports, from his pocket and shows them to me.
"He was planning to go to Lesotho with you"
"yes sir"
"I am so sorry my daughter. What happened to him was so unfortunate. We all
lost a great man."
I start crying.
"Cry my child. What happened is really painful."
"he didn't deserve to die"
"nobody deserves to die my child, but we are all going to die one way or the
other. "
My son starts crying too.
"Zondo." Uncle takes him from me and holds him.
"Welcome home Zondo. You are welcome home son." he says to my son who
instantly stops crying and starts sucking his thumb.
"He is hungry" he says and gives him back to me.
"Feel at home. The funeral is tomorrow morning 10am. " he says and walks
away. What was Donald's boyfriend talking about?
I wonder, because this man is kind.


"Baby this place looks like it's haunted. Who would build such a big house in
a village?" Madikana says and I laugh "Haunted? Come-on Avo."
"Honestly babe, did you see that old man? He looks like he just rose from the
dead." I laugh.
"He was in the Military so he has to look like that. I guess."
“hummm dude. I am not going to hang out there with you guys. I am going to
sleep. I am burying my best friend tomorrow. I am not fine at all.”
"Let me walk you" I walk her to the room given to us, I am sure Karol is
already sleeping there.
As we pass by another room we hear a baby crying.
We knock "come in" we walk in and find a woman with a baby.
Madikana says "ooh shame poor soul. He isn't used to the dark I guess"
"yeah the change of environment is getting to him" The mother says and I
leave Madikana there and walk back outside.
People are singing, some are crying, it's dark and the mosquitoes aren't
favouring anyone. It’s not even funny.... I just walk to the far end of the house
for a piss, as I unzip my trouser, I hear shuffling. I muffle a laugh, because I
think some people are probably having sex.
I sneak and peek but No. Someone has pinned Kizington against the wall.
let's go of him and I hear him walking away. Then Kizington starts coughing.
I rush to him.
" Kizington what is he talking about? " he coughs uncontrollably and I am
scared already.
“it’s nothing”
" he threatened you broe"
"Man. Shit is about to go down." he says and stands up. This is crazy!


We get home and find her sister, and aunt in the living room watching TV. I
had to wait for her to finish her meeting which by the way took almost two
As soon as we get in. She starts shouting.
"Don't disrespect me like that ever again! Don't you dare!"
"Sindi your voice?" I say as I realise her family is staring.
"You made a fool out of me today." she shouts.
"Sindi. Do you think this is the right place to talk?" I ask and she walks away
totally pissed…..I guess it’s the damn hormones.
"Hey hunk. What did you do to her?" Tshego asks.
"Good evening" I greet them both and the aunt stands up and says " If you
know what’s good for you, don’t you dare hurt my brother's daughter.
Goodnight!" she then walks away. We are staying in Pretoria in her father’s
I throw myself on the sofa and think.
I have to go back to my family. Nxumalo is in jail. My whole family now knows
the truth. If anything happens to me at least my family knows.
" Hey. Are you okay? " Tshego occupies the seat next to me.
"Your sister is driving me crazy." I confess.
"You are too cute to beg a woman. Women should crawl to you, not the other
way round. You get me?" she says unbuttoning my shirt.
"ooh excuse me." I stand up and walk to the bedroom. I open the Door and
find Sindi crying.
I have to start begging. I am exhausted! I remove my clothes and take a
shower. I even wear pyjamas now. Sindi has turned me into a doll.
I wear the damn pyjama and I walk out the door. I get to the bar and drink
Thandi loves wine.
She lives in my head rent free, since I saw her this afternoon. I think about her
a lot. "hey, you are stiff. Relax." Tshego says massaging me.
She is flirting with me.
"stop what you are doing" I say and she touches my dick
"I have always wanted to touch this" she moans a bit and then she starts
kissing me. What is wrong with her? I try resisting but she is so persistent. I
end up fucking her in the bar. I regret it soon after and I walk back to the
bedroom and apologise to Sindi.
"I am sorry about how I treated you. But Thandi is my wife and you have to
respect that"
"Zee. I am not going to share you. It's my way or the high way"
"okay I choose the high way then"
"okay Sindi what do you want me to do? I am confused okay? Nxumalo
doesn't look like he wants me dead. My family needs me, but I am still scared!
What do you want from me?"
"Make love to me"
"You must be kidding me" I just fucked her sister!
"You had sex with Thandi?"
"what? No!"
"I was downstairs while you were having sex with her upstairs?"
"I didn't have sex with Thandi!"
"then let's do this" she gets on top of me and rides me like crazy, she gets up
from the bed and takes ice cubes. I am fully at her mercy, as she runs an ice
cube down my chest, bringing an invigorating feeling, to all the heat we are
"You won't leave me right?" she asks and I say "and miss all this? No baby"


I am lying on my bed watching a movie. Trying so hard to escape the reality

of what's happening in my family. My friends have a party today but I just
couldn't attend.

I feel very bad about what I did to that boy today. It's all Kizington's fault.
He rejected me today because he was going to Donald's funeral. My phone
rings and I check the caller ID. It's him.
What does he want? He embarrassed me and made me feel like a fool. He
made me beat that boy.
No matter how much I try to ignore the call but he isn’t giving up.
I end up answering.
"What do you want?"
|listen and listen carefully. Run and give your brother this phone|
"you aren't going to call me and---"
|This is a matter of life and death|
"So now that you are in trouble--"
|damn it Mgcini! I am not in trouble. Give your brother the damn phone. Your
|I warned you not to do this! | I hear a voice saying in his background and
then the call drops.
What the fuck was this call about? Kizington is really messing with my head.

[10/01, 10:44 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“I warned you not to do this!” The uncle creeps on me. This man!
"I can’t make calls?"
"don't test me boy" he threatens and then proceeds to wherever he was
going. I curse! Mgcini is too much sometimes. Not sometimes, all the time!
I sent Nxumalo to prison because he betrayed me. He killed the man I loved,
but I am beginning to regret my decision, because this man is going to finish
his whole family.
I give up and continue sitting outside with the guys. Waiting for the funeral
Karen and Karol went to sleep.
It’s now past 8 in the morning. The gents and I, are used to taking a dry
wash. So we dry wash, after helping to set up a tent, and helping with a lot of
things here and there. I sense that the old man sent this boy here to spy on
me. He introduced him as David's son.
He is following us around, showing us where to bathe etc.
"What’s your name?" I ask because he seems like a smart boy. The things our
sisters make us do. I was asked to wear this black suit.
"Daniel Junior"
"How old are you?"
"I am 8 years old, my brother is 10"
"so what do you want to be when you grow up?" I am trying to distract him.
"I want to be a Surgeon but grandpa wants us to join the army, so there goes
my dream" I chuckle a bit. I was right, he is smart.
"You have to convince grandpa"
"I know you and my uncle were in love"
"how do you know?"
"He showed us your pictures in his phone" a weak smile escapes my lips.
"I am sorry that he is dead" he says and I say “I am sorry about your father
"You are a good kid" I add.
"thank you"
“When you need anything just call me. Here is my number.” I note it down for


There is a white woman called Karen, then there is Karol and Madikana. We
slept together. They are here because of Donald. I can't believe my own father
murdered two brothers same day.
We take turns taking a bath. It's embarrassing that I don't have decent
clothes. I left all my clothes at Zimbali in David's house. Then after that, David
bought me maternity clothes of which, I don't fit in anymore. I don't have a
decent black dress.
I am not here for fashion anyway. I wear my dress and change my son. These
three, are wearing black dresses and heels. You'd swear they are attending a
wedding especially Karol, she is even wearing make-up.
We walk to the tent, after being forced to take pictures by Karol. There are
indeed two coffins. My David is really dead.
The tears flow down on their own. And a girl offers to hold my baby.
I give him to her and I cry.
"I am sorry my love" Karen comforts me, as people start singing. She holds
me closer to her chest and I cry. They start the sermon, talking about the both
of them. My body is here but my mind is far away.
"He was 37 years old and he left two sons and a wife----"
"WHAT?" I exclaim.
"No sorry. He had one son and we were not yet married" I voice out and
everyone looks at me like I am crazy.
"who is she?" a woman asks.
"I am---"
"Neriah. No. This is not the right time" Karen says to me and I sit down. What
do they mean he had a wife?
They go on talking and talking until that woman takes the stage.
"He wasn't a perfect husband. He had his own flows, but at the end of the day
he knew he had a family. David loved family and football. I won't lie and say
he will rest in peace. No, he won't rest, not until those who killed him are
brought to justice!" I feel like dying. He lied to me.


"you couldn't wait before I got out?"

"Well I saw an opportunity and I grabbed it"
"I hate this. I hate being here" she came for a conjugal visit. Belinda is crazy.
"Who am I?" she asks.
"what do you mean?"
"I have always managed to get you out of trouble. What will stop me from
doing that now?"
"Belinda. My children can't be alone during this time"
"They are not alone. I am keeping an eye on them"
"Is Neriah getting along with the Therapist?" she keeps quiet.
"Mgcini is seeing one and so is Nana. They are doing great"
"I am asking about Neriah. Belinda! Is she getting treatment?"
"I don't know Banzi." she wears her clothes.
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"I am working on getting you out. I have my men looking into that evidence.
We will get--"
"Belinda please. If you really love me the way you say you do. Can you please
love all my children equally? You can't have favourites. You can't give Mgcini
a Mercedes Benz, but fail to check up on Neriah; who fell in love with the
enemy, had a child with him and then he died soon after. Come on Belz! "
" okay okay Banzi. Let me go and check up on her. I love you." she leaves.
I am feeling so un easy. I hate trusting someone with my kids. Mgcini can't be
driving a car right now, Thandi must be confused about Zithelo, Neriah is
depressed and my granddaughter needs an Electroshock Therapy as soon as
I am worried about them. I have to make a plan and be at home tonight, even
if it’s just for an hour. Just to check up on them.


I watch as the coffin goes down. I cry my lungs out. I feel my soul leaving my
body. I just wish he didn't die. This is too painful....."Hey you are going to be
alright" A guy comforts me.
"I didn't even know he was married. How was I so stupid?" I ask in between
"You don't have to burden yourself with a lot of questions. You will only
depress yourself. He is not here to answer the questions for you" the man
"But why?"
"come here" he pulls me in for a hug. He reminds me of Mgcini. His body
physique, or I am just delusional because my own family didn't come to
support me?
I just remain seated there on the chair looking at his grave, while others go to
lunch. A lot has happened.
"My name is Mengezi."
"You know, a man can look you straight in the eyes and lie to you?"
"Yeah. That's how some people are"
"He promised me heaven on earth, while he was married. I thought he loved
me. " I cry and he comforts me. After a while my breasts start leaking and I
remember that my baby is probably hungry.
"My son is probably hungry" I stand up and look for that lady. I walk around
looking for her but I can't find her, "hey I am looking for a Lady with my baby"
"No. I didn't see her"
"Hey I am looking for a Lady with my baby" I go around asking people.
"I didn't see any baby"
"Hey Karol, did you see the lady with my baby?"
"Yeah. I saw her going that way" I run around the yard looking for that lady
for hours but I can't find her. I end up crying and everyone is looking at me
like I am crazy.
BABIES?" Donald's boyfriend shouts and everyone just looks at me kneeling
on the ground, crying for my baby.
"We didn’t see any one with a baby"
"Please give me my baby" I cry so much and the uncle comes to me and says
"Come this side. We will find your baby" he gently pulls me up and takes me
to a room. He closes the door and leaves me there.
"I want my baby" I wail miserably. Why is everything bad happening to me?
Daddy why? “let me out of here. I want my babbyyy!” I bang on the door,
crying very loud.
“Daddy come and get me” I kneel down on the floor crying……

[10/02, 4:57 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“We have already done it twice. What is stopping you now? ” Sindi’s sister is
such a horny 21 year old.
“Tshego. No” I say not putting much effort in pushing her away. She kisses
me and opens the door to her room. I was on my way to the gym when she
started flirting. She pushes me to the bed and removes her top. She is left
with a bra. In the midst of the kisses and all, I hear footsteps and voices
outside her door.
“did you set me up?” I whisper as I hear Sindi’s voice.
“No. She isn’t supposed to be home”
“We need to talk” a voice says to Sindi. Tshego opens her eyes widely and
pulls me to the closet. As if she knew, Sindi and Belinda walk into her
bedroom. I can see them from the closet but they can’t see us.


I am on my way out, I want to pass by the gym and say goodbye to Zee. I see
aunt Belinda walking towards my room.
“we need to talk” I look behind me and behind her. Zee is nowhere insight,
so I open Tshego’s bedroom door and we walk inside. It’s the safest place to
talk… Aunty Belinda isn’t supposed to be here in the first place!
"I received a message from Kizington saying Neriah is in trouble. I am going
to KwaMhlaba."
"ha-aah aunty. No. Father has a meeting with the shadow cabinet. You have
to tell him what to say or he will embarrass us."
"But this is Neriah. He is Banzi's daughter. I can't just sit and let - -"
"I don't get why you would sacrifice our lives and this country, simply because
of Banzi. We are your family, choose your brother over your lover! If it's not
Mgcini it's that bitch Neriah. She should have died in that car accident."
"Shut up! Do you want your stupid boyfriend to hear you?"
"don't worry. He is at the gym . But, let Neriah die for all I care. Go and help
dad. Come-on"
"okay okay fine. Rest in peace David.” She says sarcastically.
“ What was she doing in David's funeral anyway. She is too forward."
"You know Nxumalo has foolish kids. The only sane one is Mgcini." I roll my
eyes. May aunt plays stupid sometimes.
"Mgcini is worse. Zithelo is the sane one. He is sexy, hot, cute, very
Intelligent - - -"
"Please Sindi. I don’t want to hear about your nonsense. Let’s go together.
Whoever sent Nxumalo to prison did me a favour, because if I help get him
out, he will owe me for life” I will make sure he doesn’t get out.
“ oooh please. How many favours have you done for him? He has never
thanked you for any of them” we walk out of the bedroom and as I take a
turn to the gym she says “Don’t bore me Sindi. Let’s go”
She pulls my hand to the car. Zithelo will be mad when he realises that, I left
without saying goodbye.


We have been looking for Neriah since yesterday and she is nowhere to be
found. Lloyd said it’s all over the internet, that the Zondo Funeral is today, so
there is a possibility that she went there to embarrass herself.
I am so concerned about her mental health honestly. I know how it feels to be
in a world of your own even though, sometimes I don’t remember how exactly
it feels to have your brains locked somewhere far away. I don’t even want to
think about that. I don’t think about that part of my life at all.


I regret not bringing a gun with me. The problem is, we are on parole, so if it
happens that the police finds us with guns we will go back to prison and this
time around, I don't have a lawyer.
"how can a baby disappear just like that?" Mengezi is also worried. It’s past 4
in the PMs, we are supposed to be on our way back home, but here we are
feeling sorry for Neriah.
I sent Belinda multiple messages. I just hope she will come and help Neriah.
"Kizington. Isn't this woman the one who came with a baby last night?"
Michael asks me. This guy is drunk again.
"Her name is Neriah we slept with her and the baby. The baby’s name is
Nqobi" Karol shows us pictures of the baby. She takes pictures of everything.
I know very well what's going on here and I don't like it one bit.
"Guys go and put everything in the car. We are leaving"
“Okay Tony but---"
"But broe we can't leave that woman without finding her daughter. I mean her
son. We know she had him" Karol interjects.
"Kizington. This isn't right, a child has been kidnapped. Come-on we can't just
leave" Mengezi says.
"They are right. Neriah was crying and the woman offered a helping hand.
Where did she disappear to?" Karen adds.
I hate this.
"Kizito. Man" everyone is just so stubborn because they aren’t seeing what I
am seeing here. The sudden movement in the yard. There are many men than
before and it looks like they are armed.
"Mlindo. You know we aren't armed. What if these people start a war with us.
How will we defend ourselves? "
"Wait Kizito. Do you seriously think I would travel half way across the country
without protection? Especially while traveling with women?”
"Mlindo. You have a gun?" I ask.
"Guns" he whispers to me and I breath deeply before speaking again.
"Okay then. We are leaving with Neriah and her baby" I whisper.
"Mengezi get Madikana, Karol, Karen and stay with them in the car."
"okay you can leave now" The uncle says to us. He is chasing us away. This
man is up to no good.
"We are leaving. We don’t enjoy spending much time in funerals anyway."
Michael responds rudely.
Just then a car drives in. We all look at the gate.
Mondli climbs out of the car. He is Nxumalo’s son. Thank God, this has
nothing to do with me anymore.
I see him talking to the youngest uncle and they seem to be butting heads.
Then he speaks loudly saying "Eh Mkhulu [old man]. We aren't here for much,
we are just here to fetch my sister and nephew, then we will leave, trust me
funeral food is nice but we aren't hungry"
"as you can see, people have left. There is no-one by that name here. Leave!"
the older uncle butts into their conversation and spits lies.
"Just give us my sister and nephew, then we will leave."
COMPOUND! " he shouts and the whole compound gets surrounded by men
carrying guns. All these men that looked like workers are now carrying guns
and I only fear for my sisters lives right now.

[10/04, 9:45 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



Tshego and I walk out of the closet.

"Are you crying hunk?" she asks and I realise that I am too shocked. I mean
Sindi said my sister should just die? Belinda was rejoicing because my father
is in prison? Isn’t she supposed to be his girlfriend? A lot of things aren’t
making sense and I was a fool to trust Sindi.
"Wow! You are really crying"
"Get me out of here" I hold both her hands.
"Where are you going?"
"I don't know but please get me out of here" I beg her.
"Do you want us to run away together?" she thinks this is a game!
"Did you hear what your sister just said?"
"Relax Zee. Sindi is like this, she is doing what's best for the family.
“ baby. Take me out of here. Let’s go together. I promise I will give you the
best sex that you will never forget” she smiles so foolishly.
“Hunk. I have my way of escaping the guards. I will take you out of here. Give
me a few hours to distract everyone”


“Why are they carrying Guns?” Madikana is scared.

“it’s okay baby. Calm down.” I try to comfort her but I am also scared. There
are about 15 men carrying guns, pointing at just 2 guys.
“Okay we are leaving. Fine” The guy surrenders, he gets into his car and
drives away.
The guys put away their guns. It’s a bit dark now and we should go home.
says "YOU AREN’T LEAVING!” He pulls Karol by her hair and drags her to the
Kizington’s friend pulls out a gun and Kizington says “No. Mlindo wait”
Karol screams but uncle pulls her away just like that.
“What the fuck is wrong with this old man!” Michael shouts.
“We are outnumbered. We need to be smart about this” Kizington is right but
no man.
“Kizington. We came here to bury our friend what’s all this?” I ask.
“I also came here to bury my boyfriend and I don’t know what’s going on.”
We just sit next to the car.
“let’s call the police” I whisper.
“You call the police. We go back to jail. We aren’t supposed to leave the City
without informing the authorities”


There are guards everywhere. Even on the top floor. There is a guard at my
balcony, In the living room and every corner. This is not the life that I want.
"ooh mummy. Look at Mashaa ooh my goodness. Masha looks so ugly when
laughing." Nana is busy forcing me to watch cartoons with her. We are in the
lounge watching TV with Mthulisi and Sindi.
"aunt Sindi can I have noodles please. I didn't enjoy the dinner" Nana
complains a lot and lucky enough Sindi doesn't mind. She likes being busy.
"Mthulisi don't you want a cup of tea?" I ask because back at the village, he
wouldn't sleep without drinking tea.
"I do want tea before sleeping"
"Madam while making noodles, can you please make a cup of tea for Mr
It's past 9 in the PMs and Mondli isn’t back. I kind of miss him.
“ooh Mashaaa” Nana makes a sad face when Masha falls down. Mgcini comes
down the stairs wearing Pyjamas
He brings a bucket of ice cream and bowels.
“as if you knew that I was craving for one but was too lazy to open the
“I know you” We sit on the couches and eat the ice cream. He gives Mthulisi
and Sindi the bowels while we both eat from the bucket. And Nana seems to
be enjoying her noodles.
“I love you” Mgcini says and I smile. I have been hard on him because, he sent
baba to jail, but then he is my favourite person what can I do?
I kiss his cheek “I love you more”
“I love you too uncle” Nana kisses him too.
“umona sisi [jealousy] ” I say and she laughs. The shock on Sindi’s face when I
kissed Mgcini was priceless.
“Go and bring a fleece Nana. It’s chilly.”
“Don’t change the channel mum” she runs up the stairs and comes back
within seconds. She flew.
“Good day Ma’am. There is a package for Mr Nxumalo” I look at the guard. It
looks like a cake.
“Put it in the fridge” I say and we continue watching cartoons.
“When are you getting a girlfriend?” I ask Mgcini.
“I want to find a job” he says and I nod. I wouldn’t agree more.
“Please say that again. I want to go back to work too.”
“When Neriah comes back we should all go to a Spa.” Mgcini suggests.
“We have all the groceries in the house. There is no need for you to go to
Spar” Sindi butts in and we burst into laughter. It’s not funny but Sindi is
Then a guard says “Ma’am. There is a Zithelo outside.” I quickly stand up and
walk outside.
He is standing there with a very young girl.
“Zithelo you brought another one?”
“No. Tell them to let me in”
“Let him in” I say and they let them in, after searching them thoroughly. But I
said ‘him’.
“Listen. Where is Mondli? I need to talk to him.”
“What’s going on?” he looks sweaty and agitated. He looks stressed.
“Mondli!” he shouts for him and Mgcini says “what are you doing here?” his
question is directed to the Young Lady.
“2 minutes you live here? Your house isn’t bad”
“Stop. Calling me---”
“Okay somebody explain what’s going on?” I ask.
“daddy” Nana runs to Zithelo… “baby go and watch cartoons” Nana goes
back to the couch. Did he just do that to my daughter?
I call Mondli on the phone and he says he will be here in 5minutes.
“who is she?” I ask.
“Tshego go and sit down” he says to the girl. The girl goes and sits next to
my daughter, she covers herself with my fleece, then eats my ice cream. She
changes the channel and Nana screams.
“noooo. This is my TV”
“Who watches cartoons so late at night?” the Tshego girl asks.
“Tshego. Give her the remote” Zithelo says and I look at the girl. The Tshego I
know was a small baby. Sindi’s sister. She is so grown now and has no
manners at all.
Zithelo paces up and down until Mondli walks in with Lloyd.
“Where is Neriah?” I ask as I realise they didn’t come with her.
“They said she wasn’t at the funeral”
THERE. HER LIFE IS IN DANGER.” Zithelo explains.


“Nxumalo my shift ends at 6am. Be back by 4am. Don’t get me in trouble

“Don’t worry. I am just going to check on my family and I will be back.” He
let’s me go at the back of a truck with his friend. The friend drives me straight
to my house. It’s past 10pm.
I am glad to find more guards but what’s the fuss? The Zondos are dead.
I walk into the house and I find them talking about Neriah. I stand by the door
and listen, then Mgcini notices me.
"Dad" He calls me and hugs me.
"dad. I didn't call the Police on you believe me"
"It's okay son"
"Nxumalo" Mondli smiles too.
"baba" Thandi smiles and hugs me.
"grandpa?" Nana says and stands there looking at me.
"do what the therapist said you should do when you see grandpa" Thandi
says then Nana runs and hugs me. Okay. I don't know what the therapist said
but it worked.
"I am sorry grandpa"
"It's okay my princess. Go and watch TV. Reduce the volume neh"
"Okay grandpa"
"I see you finally came back to your senses" I say to Zithelo.. "I overheard
Sindi and Belinda talking. They were saying that Kizington sent Belinda
messages saying she is in - - -"
"Uncle can I have a cake?" Nana asks Mondli.
"Take. Take and watch TV baby.. What were they saying Zithelo? " our
attention shifts to Zithelo.

"They said Kizington sent messages saying Neriah is in danger at David's

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" Nana screams while looking in the fridge.
There is a chair that she climbs on, to get the things that are out of her reach
in the fridge. She falls down from that chair and she keeps quiet on the floor.
Thandi runs to her, she looks in the fridge too and faints.
Mondli runs to them and looks in the fridge in shock.
"what's going on?" I ask Zithelo who also takes a look in the fridge and
vomits everywhere.
"what's going on?" I stop Mgcini from going to the kitchen.... I walk there and
I see Neriah's head in the fridge. Her eyes are wide open and her tongue is
out there. I freeze on the spot.

[10/05, 1:44 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


They are holding my sister hostage and they are carrying guns. They look like
they are expecting a serious war. My phone’s battery died. I swear if anything
happens to any of us I will kill this uncle myself.
"it's okay baby. We will go home and we will be fine" Mengezi says to
"why are they holding us here? The mosquitoes are even worse today. " I am
glad she is only crying about mosquitoes. At least she isn't agitated.
We are sitting outside.
We have our Guns ready too and Michael is sober now. Any stupid movement.
I will kill any son of a bitch.


I have never seen so much drama in my life. This family is so dramatic.....

When they started talking about their family issues. Mthulisi pulled me to our
bedroom. I swear his actions got me upset. I wanted to hear what they were
talking about.
Then we hear loud screams. I immediately come out of my room and I see
people looking at the fridge shocked, Thandi and Nana are on the floor.. The
little girl that came with Zithelo is looking at the fridge shocked too.
"dad I want to see what's going on?" Bab'Nxumalo hugs Mgcini and prevents
him from seeing what's in the fridge.
I go behind his back and look inside the fridge. I soon regret that, as I find
myself feeling powerless and dizzy. Everything becomes dark and I fall down.


" dad what's going on?" Mgcini cries.

"You don't want to see this son" Mondli picks up Thandi. Zithelo picks up
Nana and the guard picks Thandi's friend.
"Sir. I swear. I don't know how this happened" the useless guard says.
"You are useless" I hug my son.....
"I am sorry sir. Should I call the police?"
"The police for what?"
"I am sorry sir"
"Give me a sedative"
"dad what's going on?" Mgcini asks in between tears. The guard gives me an
injection and I inject Mgcini. He falls unconscious after a while.......
"Take him to his room" I say and they take him upstairs.


I swear in my years of living I have never seen or heard of anything like this.
They did Nxumalo bad. This will scar him for the rest of his life.... "don't
sedate them while they are unconscious" I say to a stubborn Mondli who does
the exact opposite of what I just said, he sedates Thandi and Nana anyway.
Zithelo is crying, I am crying too. This is so painful.
We walk back down stairs. I can't bring myself to look at the fridge. I let it all
out and vomit everything.
"I AM SO SORRY" Tshego hugs Zithelo.
Everyone is emotional but Mondli is not showing any emotions. I spent the
whole day with him, I didn't see him take any medication and his behaviour
right now is alarming.
"did you take your medication?" I ask and he ignores me.
"we need Guns" Nxumalo walks to his room and we follow him. He opens the
closet that leads to a secret room that has every type of a weapon you can
think of.
Zithelo starts explaining his story about what he overheard.
"Sindi said my daughter should have died?" Nxumalo asks.
"A lot of things aren't making sense right now" I say.
"So David's family did this?" I ask once again.
“It’s obvious” Zithelo says and Mondli pays no attention to our conversation.
"Lloyd run to Mgcini's room and get his phone." I do as Nxumalo says.
I get to his bedroom and I find him sleeping soundly on the bed.
Unfortunately it takes time to Crack an iPhone password so nobody has
Kizington's number.
Mondli is too silent for my liking. He is choosing between a knife and a
Nxumalo takes a bag and fills it with guns.
"I have never used a gun" Zithelo says and his father gives him a gun.
"They killed your sister be a man for once in your stupid life!" his father
shouts at him.
We walk out of the secret room armed. We are going to war.
"Child what are you doing here without protection?"
"I came with Zee"
"Who is Belinda to you?"
"She is my aunt"
"As in your nanny?"
"No. She is my dad's little sister. "
"are you sure?"
"yes" he then sedates her when she is busy answering questions. "put her
somewhere." he says to the guards.....
"Guard my family with everything you have. If anything happens. You are all
dead!" Nxumalo shouts.
"yes sir" Mondli is already in the car. We take 7 guards with us and we leave
13 guards behind.... We get into the car and Mondli drives while we plan our


I can't just sit and allow this uncle to hold us hostage.

"I want my sister!" I shout and he shouts back at me "SHUT UP. I WILL KILL
"Kizington. I am scared"
"don't be scared Karen we didn't do anything wrong, we will be fine."
Madikana comforts Karen......There are armed men at the gate and I see them
falling down one by one.
"Iyashaaaaaaa!" a man screams and the battle of the guns begins.
There are people shooting from the gate. They start shooting and I use my
gun to shoot anyone in my way while going to rescue my sister.
"Michael cover me! " I shout as I shoot the two men, guarding my sister. I
shoot them and take her out of the room….... The moon is as bright as day.
These men are wearing balaclavas, they are shooting anyone and everywhere.
Our lives are in danger too.
I drag my sister to our car and I hear a child screaming........ I stop on my
tracks, and I see a man holding David’s son with a knife in his hands.
"No No No. EVERYONE CEASE FIRE. CEASE. FIRE!” The uncle shouts and his
people stop shooting. It becomes quiet, only the cries of David’s son are
Everyone starts begging.
The guy is holding a knife with his hand, while the other hand is holding the
boy’s neck.
At this point the uncle is kneeling down, I am kneeling down, Karen is
kneeling and I don't know why she isn’t hiding in the car. We are all begging
this guy to not kill the boy.
"I beg you please don't kill him” the uncle begs.
“ Give them what they want" I hear one of his men shouting..
I am sure these are Nxumalo’s men, they are here for Neriah.
"Give them the girl and the baby" I say.
"I can't" the uncle refuses and the boy screams loudly "GRANDPA PLEASE
HELP ME!” he is crying so painfully and as we are still begging the guy to let
the boy go; his knife pierces through the boy’s throat and the blood gushes
all over their faces. The uncle stares in horror as the man uses a butcher knife
to separate the boy’s head from it’s body…........The blood quickly flows out
of the body like water gushing out of a pipe……….I don’t have the strength
to wipe away my tears. Who in their right mind would do something so….
Oooh Fuck!

[10/06, 12:31 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



Mondli doesn’t look remorseful for killing that boy in such a brutal way. I feel
my insides turning.
As I am still trying to fathom what my brother just did, the grandfather
screams. Mondli takes out his gun and shoots the old man on the knees. He
groans in pain and my father shoots at these people without any mercy. By
the time I try to cock my gun and be useful everyone is on the ground. There
is no opponent anymore.
grandpa cries while cursing. My father removes his mask and stares at the
"YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER!" my father roars. I realise that I don’t know my
family at all.
someone saying "Madikana wake up. Baby please" Mondli cocks his gun
again. Aiming at the group of people standing near a mini bus.
"don't shoot. It's Kizington" a man says.
" don't shoot" Father says.
"We need an ambulance please" a woman shouts in between tears.
"Where is my grandson?" my father asks the grandfather.
The man spits on my father's face, then Mondli starts cutting the dead
people's throats, like it amuses him. I vomit everything as I feel weak, I fall
down to the ground.
I hear the most loudest, painful groan. I look and I see Mondli digging into
grandpa’s chest with a knife. That is my breaking point. I vomit all over again
and I see the guards looking at Mondli in horror too. I get into the car and
drink water trembling.


"Silence. Silence it’s enough now. Give me the knife" Lloyd says to Mondli and
to say I am shocked is an understatement but I don't want to show.
As a father I don’t want to see my son acting this way. This is inhuman, he
digs a knife into this man’s chest and removes his heart while the man
looks…. He takes the heart, feeds it to the man and the man dies of shock as
he looks at his own heart….....after a while, he reluctantly gives Lloyd the
He is so quiet. I see Kizington, his sisters and a few people standing next to
the mini bus.
"please call an ambulance” someone cries. I walk over to them and I see an
injured young Lady. I check her vitals. She is dead.
"She is dead" I let them know.
"No Madikana Nooo" a young man screams.
"Thanks for the call" I say to Kizington who looks rather shocked by all this......
"Where is my grandson?"
"I don't know"
"Go home" I say to him as we walk around the yard looking for Neriah's body.
I find it in a room full of blood. I also find bits and pieces of a baby. There is
no head. There is an arm and a leg. "I am so sorry MaNxumalo" I let my tears
fall to the ground. I failed my family….. What a painful way to die. I can’t
imagine the pain she felt when she was killed.
No parent should go through this. I pick up her body and place it on my
shoulders, with my other hand, I carry the baby's hand and leg.


"Madikana vukaa [wake up]" Mengezi screams and I feel sorry for him.
I shielded my own sisters and I couldn't protect Madikana. David's other son
was watching when all this was happening. We protected him and Michael
closed his mouth, preventing him from screaming as he watched his brother,
and grandfather being brutally murdered.
As soon as Nxumalo is out of sight. I say "run and never look back" he cries
and runs away.
"I am sorry Mengezi" They comfort him and Michael helps them into the car,
just then I see Nxumalo walking out of the house with a body on his
shoulders. At this moment I don't care about anybody else. I want to take my
family away from here. We get inside the bus and I drive them home myself.

"drink" I give him a sedative but he doesn't want to take. He keeps staring at
his sister's headless body as we drive back home...... I discovered that Mondli
suffered from MPD when he started killing every guy that dated Thandi and
later said Thandi kills every man that she sleeps with.
He suffocated two of them. I don’t know what he did to the 3rd one.
And the next day he would act like nothing happened. Right now, I am not
keeping up with who is in control.
I hate it when he is like this. Because I can't keep up with him. Everything was
okay, when he was taking his medication, until he ran away to Zimbabwe and
stopped taking medication. It seems like he hasn't been taking the pills I gave
him. That's why he is slicing people's throats like he is slicing a steak of
meat......his personalities have names. I know Silence because when he kills
people he doesn't say a word.....Zithelo and his father think he has mental
illness but I know it's not.
I have studied him and I know him very well. He is okay when he is shouting
and bossing people around, but when he is sweet and loving he is very
dangerous. It means he isn't taking medication and anything can trigger his
other personalities. In this situation seeing his sister like that, triggered
everything and it’s so scary.......

[10/12, 10:48 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“How can you kill somebody just like that? How do you kill a child? Don’t you
“FUCK!” Zithelo curses.
“WHAT’S WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU!” he keeps on shouting and nobody is
responding to him. He is nervous, I guess.
We are in a black quantum. He is sitting at the front, with the guard who is
driving; while we are sitting with a dead body at the back.
He opens the window and throws up. Nxumalo and Mondli are quiet, they are
staring at the body. The guards are staring at Mondli; when he looks up they
stare away. Good Lord they are scared of him.
We get to Nxumalo’s residence and he gives me strict instructions about what
to do with the body, while Zithelo walks upstairs.
Mondli and I, take the body where we are told to take it, while Nxumalo goes
back to prison.
Hopefully he isn’t late because it’s past 5am.


I got home after back to back meetings and I was exhausted. I went to bathe
and I stayed in bed until I fell asleep. I wake up now, wanting to cuddle Zee,
only to find the space next me unoccupied. I check the time and it’s past 5am.
I slept till this late? I was really exhausted.
I put on my gown and I walk to the gym, he isn’t there, “Zee” I start calling
his name but he isn’t responding . I walk outside and ask the security guards
if they saw him and they say “We didn’t see him ma’am”
if they didn’t see him, it means he is in the house.
I look around the house opening each and every door, but I can’t find him. I
am in panic mode right now….I call Tshego, she isn’t answering, she probably
went to the parents. “Zee where are you?” I sound crazy right now. Talking to
I ask the security team to look for him and instead of looking, they just stare
at me.
“What’s going on?”
“ma’am you need to see something”
“what is it?”
“come” I follow them to the security room; where they show me a footage. In
that footage, I see Zee walking out of our room then he bumps into Tshego,
she seduces him then, they start kissing.
My heart! I hold my chest as I feel like my heart has stopped working
normally. I gasp for breath as my chest starts heaving.
“aaah” I groan in pain.
“ma’am are you okay?” I ignore him.
Tshego pulls his hand into her room, and he follows willingly at that!
Why am I even asking them?
“ LEAVE!” I shout and they leave me alone.
I playback the footage and I see another one. They were having sex in the
bar. Zithelo was making those facial expressions he makes, when he makes
love to me. He was really enjoying. After that he came to my room.
“Jesus Christ what is this?” I have never felt so betrayed in my entire life.
Tshego? My own sister?
I find myself screaming and these fools crowd the room.
“Find Tshego!” I whisper shout as I drink water. My heart is failing me.


I wake up feeling like shit.

I have a mother of all headaches. I stretch my hand, reaching the bottle of
water and I take a gulp. I still feel like shit even though I am fully awake…… I
try to locate my phone but I can’t find it….
Then I remember what happened yesterday…… People were fainting and
crying. My dad and Zithelo were here…..I walk out of my room. My dad used
to say ‘nobody must come to the living room without taking a shower’ but
today, I am breaking that rule as I walk downstairs, without even brushing my
The house is clean as usual but the TV is off. I spot my phone on the dining
table. I walk to pick it up and I look at the kitchen. There is no fridge…..
“Where is the fridge?” I ask my self because there is no one in the living room
to answer me. I check the time it’s past 9am.
The door to Neriah’s room is slightly open. She is probably back. I walk to her
room only to overhear a conversation between the snob and my brother
“ Whatever Sindi does. She does it for the family, Hunk, don’t take it
“she is so cunning. I wonder what else she is hiding from me”
“I have to go Hunk. Always know that I love you neh?” I hear them kissing
each other. My brother is so disgusting, how can he do this while Thandi is
sleeping upstairs?
“Tshego. Don’t tell her anything that you saw or heard in this house. If you
do, you will lose me for ever”
“I promise Hunk. This will be one of our many secrets. I am sorry about your
sister again. She didn’t deserve to die in such a cruel manner.”
“What did you say. Who died in a cruel manner?” I ask as I stand In front of
her, blocking her way. She was about to leave the room.
“She saw Neriah’s head in the fridge. I was shocked too and I felt weak. I
guess that’s why the fridge is outside and everything in it. Ooh God. Let’s all
pray. That was so scary. Jesus Christ!” Sindi, Thandi’s friend blubbers
“WOMAN SHUT UP!” Zithelo shouts at her and she drops the bucket that she
was carrying because of fear.
“What does she mean Neriah’s head was in the fridge?”
“You shouldn’t have found out like this boy.”
“sorry two minutes. Bye hunk” she walks past me and out of the house.
“Zithelo. What is Sindi saying?”
HOUSE AND MAKING BREAKFAST?” Zithelo shifts his attention to Sindi and
shouts at an already trembling woman, ignoring my questions.
“I. Am. Sorry.”
“Go and clean his bedroom or something. Just disappear!”
I am already hurting, shocked and I feel intense pain in my heart.
“What is she saying?”
“You weren’t supposed to find out like this. That woman is too nosey”
“Where is Neriah?” he moves me to the couch. He makes me sit down.
“Lastie. Neriah and her baby were killed, and the person did a terrible thing.
He brought her head to this house, that’s why Thandi and Nana fainted
yesterday. Listen - - - -“ I can barely hear him. My mind is far away…….
First the sniper, then the shooting in the house, the arson attack, me in jail,
getting violated, me killing a man and now Neriah is dead.
This family is cursed. I can’t stay here anymore.
I run upstairs, take my car keys, get into my car with Zithelo and Lloyd trying
to stop me….
“let him go” I hear Lloyd saying as I drive away.


Mgcini runs out of the house and drives away.

The guy they call Lloyd, tells a guard to drive after Mgcini “be cautious, don’t
make him panic, don’t let him see you” he says and the driver, drives after
I quickly run back into the house and start moping the spilt water.
Thandi’s dead husband walks to me with a very angry facial expression and
says “YOU ARE FIRED! LEAVE THIS HOUSE!” I feel completely lost.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean exactly that. Take your shit and get out of this house”
“I have nowhere to go.”
“That’s none of my business”
“Hey. get into that room, take her shit and make sure she leaves this house”
he says to a guard then walks upstairs.
Just when I thought he was joking, the guard walks into our room and comes
out with our bag, then drags me outside. I scream but he drags me still
screaming “Thandi!” she isn’t responding.
“What are you doing to my wife?” Mthulisi asks.
“You are fired” the guard says to us. They force us into a car and drive away.
This still feels like a dream as they leave us at a road where there are many
cars driving up and down.
“What did you do Sindi?” Mthulisi asks me and I feel powerless…..
My mouth has a life of it’s own and I knew it would surely get me in trouble
one day, but this?
I never imagined!

[10/12, 8:43 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



I am with my parents telling them about what their daughter did. I am fuming.
"That boyfriend of yours took advantage of an innocent Child" my mum says
and if she wasn’t my own mother, I was going to slap her. I swear.
"Mum. She seduced him. Tshego is far from innocent"
"What kind of a man sleeps with sisters? He doesn't deserve to walk scot-
free!" my father retorts. As we are still arguing about this whole thing, aunt
Belinda walks in with a laptop. She looks disturbed.
"You need to see the news" she switches on the TV and the headlines read
23 DEAD|
She then switches off the TV and shows us the images of the dead people
from her laptop. My mother throws up. I hold it in.
"Who did something so disgusting?"
"What is this?" my father asks.
"The late Vice President's sons were killed. Now his entire family has been
wiped out. I am talking about uncles, cousins, cousins of cousins. The whole
Zondo clan is dead!" aunt Belinda looks stressed.
"Who did this?" my father asks again.
"You need to issue a statement. This is the biggest thing right now in the
country. People want justice”
"Nxumalo isn't going to get out of this one" I say.
"You need to go out there and….. " my aunt briefs my father about what to
say. I then receive a call from the security team saying they brought Tshego.
"bring her in" they bring her in and as she walks in. I slap her.
"Why? Why are you slapping me?"
"You slept with my man? What kind of a sister are you huh?"
"Which man are you talking about?" aunt Belinda shifts her attention to us.
"She is sleeping with Zithelo." I slap her again, in the blink of an eye, my aunt
slaps her twice across the face.
"Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Are you sick? Are you mad?" she shouts at
her and the parents keep quiet.
"Aunt Belinda you have no right to---" another slap lands on her face before
she finishes her sentence.
-okay. I didn’t expect this re-action from aunt Belinda-
"Mum, dad are you going to let her?" my parents keep quiet as aunt Belinda
drags her out of the room.
Okay she is behaving weird......
"did you use a condom?" she asks her as she screams and kicks....
"okay what was that about?" I ask the parents who leave the room quietly.
That was weird....

I gave a false statement at the Police station about the people who shot
Madikana. This is insane. We all lied and said we didn’t see the faces of the
Poor Mengezi. I left him there devastated. It was worse when Madikana’s
family came.
She went there to bury her friend but she died’s a sad story.
I just came back to the house with Michael for a change of clothes.
"I hate to say this to you right now, but someone has a job for us" Michael
drops the news to me.
"Michael the guy lost his girlfriend, my sisters are still traumatized at home. I
made them lie and here you are telling me about a job"
"I know you are stressed and you need this job mfethu. You need this to be
able to stay sane"
"You are right.... You know me too well. I need to work. That was tragic, we
almost lost our lives broe" I sigh.
"Let's do this" I say and the door gets wide open. Mgcini walks in without
knocking. He is crying and he is wearing his pyjamas.
"Hey what’s wrong?" I ask him and he hugs me.
"what's wrong?" I ask once again but he keeps on crying.
Michael scratches his head looking at the time.
I told myself that I want nothing to do with the Nxumalos but he is hurting.
"Sit down and talk to me"
"My sister is dead" he says and I hug him. So they killed her.
"I am sorry" I sympathise with him and he just stays in my arms.
"My family is cursed"
"We have to go man" Michael is so impatient right now...
"I can't go man" I whisper to Michael and he looks angry. He bangs the door
on his way out. He is indeed angry.
"Okay calm down. You are safe with me. You will be fine"

"I told you that I wasn't comfortable with coming to South Africa. The things
that are happening in that house. They scare me a lot. I feel like I don't know
Mondli anymore" We are sitting under a shade as people standing with us
ride busses and leave.
This is very strange to me. My heart is broken. Where was Thandi? What
about Mondli? Where were they, when that dead man kicked us out?
"We have to go back home"
"Which home?"
"back to our house and be with our Kids"
"How will we travel back to Zimbabwe, Mthunzi, How?"
"I don't know. but let's go home. South Africa isn't for us. That house has too
many weird things. You can't believe what I saw and heard yesterday"
"don't talk about it. I fainted" as we are still stressed about our situation. A
car stops and a man climbs out.
The man looks like one of those guards, guarding the house.
"Why is he walking to us?" Mthunzi asks. He is scared, he holds our bag
closer to him then he says "let's walk away from here."
"Where will we go? Can’t you see this is a guard?"
"I don't know him." as we are still arguing about what to do. The man says
"Come with me" he speaks English just like those guards in the house, he is
also wearing a black suit and has those earphones that they always wear.
"Maybe Mondli sent him" I whisper to Mthunzi.
"Mondli doesn't have this type of a car" he refuses to go.
"let's go Mthunzi" I force him but he is too stubborn.
"No. I don't want to go. Mondli will come for us here."
"I am going. I will tell him to come and drive you himself. Isn’t that’s what you
want? " I say and he holds my hand, pulling me back, telling me to stay with
him, but I follow the man to the car. I am tired of sitting under the shade
without a plan. We don’t know anyone in this country except for Thandi and
"Sindi! " Mthunzi calls my name but the driver drives away. Why do I feel bad
for leaving him there....?
The guard talks to someone over the phone he says "Yes ma'am. It's her"
"To Pretoria?"
"Okay ma'am"
The man drives for a long time. It's actually longer than the drive we took to
the bus stop.
"Where are we going?" I ask and he keeps quiet.
"Take me back to my husband" I say as it feels uncomfortable to be in this
"TAKE ME BACK!" I shout but he ignores me.
Jesus Christ why am I like this? Why do I always follow my mind?
Thandi where are you? Where is this man taking me?


[10/13, 8:29 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



"baby I am sorry" I apologize to her as she wipes away her tears. My sister
walks out of the house and opens my door.
"Thank God you finally decided to come home"
"Aunty" Nana opens the door and runs to my sister. My sister hugs her.
"Princess did you spill something on your beautiful tracksuit?" she starts
My sister calls my little brother who is almost the same age as Mgcini. He
removes the bags from the boot and takes them into the house without
greeting me....
I climb out of the car. The neighbours are looking at me ....... What if I am here
to visit? Why are they looking at me like this? What's with this place and
nosey neighbours?
I try to pull myself together as I find myself sitting on my sister’s couch. She
has done well with this house. It's beautiful, the living room is nice, I know I
bought her the couches as a birthday gift but what she did with the
decoration. It's amazing.
"Change her." she says to her eldest daughter who takes Nana to the
I am just so lost, everything around me is weird. I am suddenly anxious and I
don't know what to do or say.
What is it that I want? What is going on? Why is my life so complicated? I Just
left the house without my friend?
"Thandi!" my sister shakes me and I realize that I had zoned out
"Excuse me sis Thembi, please look after Nana. I will be back" I run back to
the car. Zithelo is blowing up my phone none stop, I know it's him because
he is using Lloyd's number.
The man pretended to be dead while he was bitching around. Surprisingly
that doesn't hurt me.... It doesn't hurt me at all. What hurts me is the hell that
I am going through, the trauma that my daughter is feeling. She is too young
to experience these tragic events.
I find my self in the Prison waiting for my father in law.
He walks in, in chains.. They remove the chains around his arms . Isn’t he
supposed to be wearing an orange overall?
"Are you okay?" he asks me. He looks at the officer and the officer walks
outside leaving the two of us alone.
"I am scared, my daughter is scared, I am confused, I am hurt. I don't know
what to do or who to talk to without being judged"
He stands there looking at me, and he walks to me then hugs me. It just feels
like Mondli..... The hug is as warm as Mondli’s and I surprisingly feel safe yet,
he is the cause of everything.
"I will fix all this. I hired body guards. If they aren't enough I will add more. I
"Why is all this happening?"
"don't - - please"
"I can’t talk here. Walls have ears"
"When are you getting out?"
"I don't know but even if I am here. I will protect you all"
"How will you protect us when you are in here?"
"I know you left home and went to your sister's. That's how much I am
protecting you"
"I am tired of the lies, the mysteries, the running, the death and the abnormal
life. I want peace and my daughter to go to school like - - -"
"I will fix this. Just give me time"
"allow the therapist to continue seeing Nana" he says.
"You will be fine" he embraces me for a while, when it gets uncomfortable, I
let go and I drive back home feeling a little bit better...... I park the car just
outside the gate and I ring the phone that Mondli bought for Sindi and
Unfortunately Mthulisi answers and tells me how worried he is about Sindi's

I saw worry all over Zee's face when Thandi left. He was so worried that he
tried to stop her. I tried blackmailing him into coming back to me but he told
me word for word about my conversation with aunt Belinda.
I started faking tears. I can fake a lot of things but my tears are far fetched.
They don't easily come. He didn't buy it.
He was angry!
"Why did you sleep with Tshego?" I asked again but he plainly denied it. He
denied what I had in my phone. I showed him the video but he still denied.
Who created men? Who dines something that is in front of him?
"LEAVE!" he said and I left.
Yes I left the love of my life. I left my other half. I cried all the way to Pretoria.
This time tears fell down on their own not fetched.
He denied sleeping with my sister and I denied having that maid too.


Having a crazy friend was never a part of the plan. I didn't choose him we
crossed paths and I cared for him.... As much as he is bossy and too
controlling. He has a good heart.
There is beauty in doing good without anyone knowing. He bought my
mother groceries in secret when I was down and out. Mondli and Zithelo
were and are still cheese boys. I doubt they know the taste of poverty. While
Zithelo was flashy, Mondli was the humble guy, he would eat what I ate,
wouldn't mind sleeping in a tiny room at home. I don’t mind helping him but I
hope that he manages to control his demons.
After taking Neriah's body to the crematorium, I sedated him and tied him to
the bed. Then called a doctor who usually prescribes his medication, to check
up on him. He has been sleeping through all the drama..... At least I know
Mgcini is safe with that guy... But Thandi?


I have been sitting in this house for hours and I don’t have the energy to even
compliment it, because I am so uncomfortable...... I have cried, prayed on this
sofa and I have regretted a lot of things, I regret opening my mouth to
Thandi's husband this morning.... What am I doing here?
I hear footsteps. Then Thandi's ex best friend walks in.
"What do you want from me?" she let's out an evil laugh.
"Straight to the point. I like that" she says faking a smile.
"Listen. Thandi left the house with her daughter. She didn't bother to look for
you... What kind of a friend is she?"
"Thandi is a good friend. She will look for me" I defend my friend.
"How many kids do you have in Zimbabwe?"
"I can bring them to South Africa, find a school for them, give you and your
husband work permits and on top of that I can give you a house"
"What do you want?" I ask her and she smiles.
"Write down your address and everything, I will bring your Kids to South
Africa" this is too good to be true.
I am confused. Very confused.
“go-on write your address.” She gives me a pen and a paper.

[10/13, 8:41 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


"baby I am sorry" I apologize to her as she wipes away her tears. My sister
walks out of the house and opens my door.
"Thank God you finally decided to come home"
"Aunty" Nana opens the door and runs to my sister. My sister hugs her.
"Princess did you spill something on your beautiful tracksuit?" she starts
My sister calls my little brother who is almost the same age as Mgcini. He
removes the bags from the boot and takes them into the house without
greeting me....
I climb out of the car. The neighbours are looking at me ....... What if I am here
to visit? Why are they looking at me like this? What's with this place and
nosey neighbours?
I try to pull myself together, as I find myself sitting on my sister’s couch.
She has done well with this house. It's beautiful and the living room is nice. I
know I bought her the couches as a birthday gift, but what she did with the
decoration? It's amazing.
"Change her." she says to her eldest daughter who takes Nana to the
I am just so lost, everything around me is weird. I am suddenly anxious and I
don't know what to do or say.
What is it that I want? What is going on? Why is my life so complicated? I Just
left the house without my friend.
Where is she?
"Thandi!" my sister shakes me and I realize that I had zoned out
"Excuse me sis Thembi, please look after Nana. I will be back" I run back to
the car. Zithelo is blowing up my phone none stop, I know it's him because
he is using Lloyd's number.
The man pretended to be dead while he was bitching around. Surprisingly
that doesn't hurt me.... It doesn't hurt me at all. What hurts me is the hell that
I am going through, the trauma that my daughter is feeling. She is too young
to experience these tragic events.
I find my self in Prison, waiting for my father in-law.
He walks in, in chains……. They remove the chains. Isn’t he supposed to be
wearing an orange overall?
"Are you okay?" he asks me. He looks at the officer and the officer walks
outside leaving the two of us alone.
"I am scared, my daughter is scared, I am confused, I am hurt. I don't know
what to do or who to talk to without being judged"
He stands there looking at me, and he walks to me then hugs me. It just feels
like Mondli..... The hug is as warm as Mondli’s and I surprisingly feel safe yet,
he is the cause of everything.
"I will fix all this. I hired body guards. If they aren't enough I will add more. I
"Why is all this happening?"
"don't - - please"
"I can’t talk here. Walls have ears"
"When are you getting out?"
"I don't know but you are all protected."
"How will you protect us when you are in here?"
"I know you left home and went to your sister's. That's how much I am
protecting you"
"I am tired of the lies, the mysteries, the running, the deaths and the
abnormal life. I want peace and my daughter to go to school like - - -"
"I will fix this. Just give me time"
"allow the therapist to continue seeing Nana" he says.
"You will be fine" he embraces me for a while, when it gets uncomfortable, I
let go and I drive back home feeling a little bit better...... I park the car just
outside the gate and I ring the phone that Mondli bought for Sindi and
Unfortunately Mthulisi answers and tells me how worried he is about Sindi's

I saw worry all over Zee's face when Thandi left.

He was so worried that he tried to stop her. I tried blackmailing him into
coming back to me, but he told me word for word, about my conversation
with aunt Belinda.
I started faking tears. I can fake a lot of things but my tears are far fetched.
They don't easily come. He didn't buy it.
He was angry!
"Why did you sleep with Tshego?" I asked again but he plainly denied it. He
denied what I had in my phone. I showed him the clip but he still denied. Who
created men? Who denies something that is in front of him?
"LEAVE!" he said and I left.
Yes I left the love of my life. I left my other half. I cried all the way to Pretoria.
This time tears fell down on their own not fetched.
He denied sleeping with my sister and I denied having that maid too.


Having a crazy friend was never an option. I didn't choose him we crossed
paths and I cared for him.... As much as he is bossy and too controlling. He
has a good heart.
There is beauty in doing good without anyone knowing. He bought my
mother groceries in secret when I was down and out. Mondli and Zithelo
were and are still cheese boys. I doubt they know the taste of poverty. While
Zithelo was flashy, Mondli was the humble guy, he would eat what I ate,
wouldn't mind sleeping in a tiny room at home. I don’t mind helping him but I
hope that he manages to control his demons.
After taking Neriah's body to the crematorium, I sedated him and tied him to
the bed. Then called a doctor who usually prescribes his medication, to check
up on him. He has been sleeping through all the drama..... At least I know
Mgcini is safe with that guy... But Thandi?


I have been sitting in this house for hours and I don’t have the energy to even
compliment it, because I am so uncomfortable...... I have cried, prayed on this
sofa and I have regretted a lot of things, I regret opening my mouth to
Thandi's husband this morning.... What am I doing here?
I hear footsteps. Then Thandi's ex best friend walks in.
"What do you want from me?" she let's out an evil laugh.
"Straight to the point. I like that" she says faking a smile.
"Listen. Thandi left the house with her daughter. She didn't bother to look for
you... What kind of a friend is she?"
"Thandi is a good friend. She will look for me" I defend my friend.
"How many kids do you have in Zimbabwe?"
"I can bring them to South Africa, find a school for them, give you and your
husband work permits and on top of that I can give you a house"
"What do you want?" I ask her and she smiles.
"Write down your address and everything, I will bring your Kids to South
Africa" this is too good to be true.
I am confused. Very confused.
“go-on write your address.” She gives me a pen and a paper.

[10/15, 5:31 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I wake up from a beautiful dream of Thandi and I, moving into a mansion in


My happiest days were in Zim. I open my eyes and I see Lloyd dosing off on a
chair. My hands are tied to the bed.

“Am I in some kind of a 50 shades of grey scene?” he opens his eyes.

I have a splitting headache.

“hey you are awake?” he asks the most dumbest question right now.

“Why did you tie me up?” I am confused.

“Let me loose!” I shout and he does. I have red marks on my wrists.

“What happened? Why did you tie me up?”

“Don’t ask me any questions please. I want to go home and sleep. I am tired.”

“Lloyd you have to tell me why, I sometimes wake up tied to a bed. You
always do this. You ignore me when I ask.”

“What do you remember?” he asks. I try remembering and I wish I didn’t try
harder, as a scene flashes through my mind….

“Did it really happen? Is my sister dead?”

“What do you remember?” he asks again, impatiently this time.

“I remember the Fridge”

“and then?”

“I remember my dream. Thandi and I bought a house in a nice neighbourhood

in Zimbabwe. We found a good school for Nana and Mgcini still didn’t want
to work but - - -“

“Mondli be serious! ”

“So my sister is really dead?”

“Yes. I am sorry. Her body is being cremated as we speak, and Nxumalo took
care of the people who killed her, so you can mourn in peace” I feel pain in
my heart. Months ago I buried my brother and it turns out he isn’t dead, but
the case is different with Neriah. She isn’t going to come back.

“Another thing Thandi and Nana left”

“What do you mean Thandi left?”

“She had a heated argument with her husband and left. I am also leaving” he
says packing up a few things and I quickly dash to Thandi’s room. She isn’t

I run downstairs.
I find Zithelo lying on the couch staring at the Chandelier.

“Where is Thandi and Nana?”

“She packed her bags and left.”

“and you let her leave just like that?” he doesn’t look concerned. He is just
lying on the couch shirt less.

“don’t worry. She will be back in a few days. Nana won’t survive in that
environment. She won’t eat food cooked for a bunch of people”

“Even though, you shouldn’t have let her leave” I say and I see Mthulisi sitting
on a chair. That’s unlike him.

“Mthunzi are you sick?”

“Sindi is nowhere to be found” he says in a low voice.

“What do you mean?”

“Did she leave with Thandi?”

“No…………” he tells me everything that happened and after listening to the

whole story, I feel like punching Zithelo.

“If you weren’t my older brother, I would have kicked your ass Zithelo.”

“Just like you killed an innocent child. Mondli you are sick! You need help…”
he is now standing on his two feet.

“what child? Your stupid girlfriend kidnapped Sindi and you are telling me
about children?”

“Mondli you are sick! Take your medication or else you will have to be
admitted” I keep quiet as he walks past me.

What have I done now? We never talk about my medication In front of people.
He knows it embarrasses me.
“He is right take your damn medication Mondli.” Lloyd had to say that too
before leaving. I feel fine without the meds. They don’t understand how my
life changed for the better, ever since I stopped taking them. They don’t get


“don’t leave me alone” he says as I try to sneak out. He took a bathe and we
cuddled in bed. I have a job which Michael will be upset about, if I don’t
participate in. He left here angry already.

“Mgcini I will be back” I say as I free myself from his hold.

“Don’t leave me” he begs.

“Please don’t leave me” he begs again.

“Okay. I am not leaving” I let him hold me. Whenever he calls, I drop
everything and be with him. It’s crazy that I dropped a job because he wants
to cuddle. I know his sister died but a job is a job. That’s what the gents and I
agreed on.

It’s now past 5pm. We should be planning things now. I never sleep during
the day, I don’t do that. ‘That’s for women’, I always tell myself, but here I am,
in bed with this boy. This is crazy.

I hear the kitchen door opening…..

“Let me see who is in the house.” I leave him and walk to the living room. I
find the whole crew in the living room. All five of them.

“ Since you couldn’t come we brought the job to you. Here is the detailed
plan. You can change it if you like, but we’ve worked on it. “ Mlindo places
the paper on the table.

I still don’t know how to tell them that I can’t join them, without disappointing

Michael switches on the TV and I say “reduce the volume” he doesn’t. He is

pissed off. He knows why I am asking him to reduce the volume.

Kelvin dishes the pap and braai meat they brought.

They settle on the sofas, eating while watching TV and discussing about the

I see Mgcini coming to the living room and I wish I can push him back inside.

“The noise” he says rubbing his eyes for a clear vision.

“mfana ka Nxumalo” my friend greets…..they know him from prison. Michael

is the only one who knows how much I mess up because of Mgcini, hence he
is giving him an uncomfortable look.

“hey guys how are you?”

“sho sho” he looks at the guns on the table. Michael intentionally placed
them there. Mgcini looks at them for a long time and I quickly put them in a
“What are the Guns for?” he asks and the gents look at me. I gently push him
back to the bedroom.

“What are the Guns for?”

“for protection” I say.

“okay. So why did you push me in here?” a knock from the door saves me
from the interrogation.

“KIZITO. We are waiting for you” Michael is really on my case.

“I. Am. Coming” I shoot back.

“You aren’t leaving the house right?” Mgcini asks pulling my face and making
me look at him.

“I have to go” I say

“I am coming with you”

“No. You aren’t”

“Kizington you can’t leave me here”

“I can drive you back to your father’s house”

“Yeah. I shouldn’t be running to you whenever I can’t pull myself together. I

shouldn’t do this. It’s just that I feel like I am going crazy. I hate my life. The
nightmares won’t stop and - - -“

“KIZITO!” Michael shouts again.

Jesus Christ!

“wait here” I leave Mgcini in the room and walk back to the gents bumping
into Michael by the door.

“Gents. I can’t do the job tonight. I am sorry”

“excuse me? Haha funny” Mlindo says sarcastically.

“I. Can’t do it today but Michael will - -“

“you are joking right Kizito?” Kelvin asks “You are serious?” he answers

“I am sorry gents”

“I wish I can tell you to go to hell! YOU KNOW THOSE PORTUGUESE WON’T

“I will call them” I say.

“We might as well call off the job.” Kelvin says and they all look at me in
disappointment. They can’t tell me off. They respect me but I can see they
have a lot to say.

“THEY WON’T AGREE KIZITO AND YOU KNOW IT” Mlindo packs the staff in a
bag and walks away.

“You should have told us sooner. We wouldn’t have dropped everything”

Kelvin says walking past me. They all walk away and I feel like a
disappointment. Michael walks back into the house and says “I hope you are
happy about all this. I mean dropping everyone because of a boy? Donald’s
body isn’t even cold yet. Don’t you feel a little bit guilty? Well, I hope he is
worth all the sacrifice” he walks away.

He touched a nerve when he mentioned Donald. I have never allowed anyone

to come in-between me and my friends. Is this boy really worth it?
[10/15, 6:39 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



I can’t get the pain in my heart to stop. Mondli is calling none stop. I keep
ignoring his calls. Thandi called me too. Telling me that she left home and her
friend is nowhere to be found.
She wasn’t supposed to leave home though, but who I am to judge?
I am sleeping on Kizington’s bed. Looking at all these pictures of him and
Donald on the wall. I remove the pictures and put them in a box in the spare
bedroom. I hear less noise in the living room, I walk in there, and I find him
sitting on a chair; with his hands balancing his head and tapping the tiles
with his left foot.
He looks worried.
“hey where are your people?”
“they are not my people they are my friends. And you will respect them” he
“what’s with the attitude these days? What did I do to you?”
“I love you. Can’t you see that? Isn’t it obvious? You call me, I run to your aid
and leave everything. I just dropped my friends so that I can be with you, but
all you can say is that ‘I am not gay’. ‘I am not gay’” okay that’s deep.
“My sister is dead. They killed her.” I say and he just looks at me with the ‘like
really eyes?’ maybe it’s because I don’t know what to say.
“I need some air” he goes into the room and changes his clothes. I am
wearing pyjamas. I change into his oversized tracksuit too. It’s actually big.
Really big.
I follow him to the car and he drives off. “It doesn’t sit well with me that, I am
in Donald’s car”
“It was my car and it still is” He drives for a while and I realise he is taking me
“Why are you taking me home?”
“You need to wear your clothes. People will think you are crazy”
I walk into the house and I find my brother Zithelo.
“Lastie” he loves that stupid name.
“You shouldn’t have left like that”
“I need some air Zithelo” I walk upstairs and pack my clothes and walk back
to the car…. I settle in and Kizito drives away.
“Can you take me somewhere first?”
“Okay” I direct him to Thandi’s home.


I am sitting on the couch with the family. Nana is already asleep. She is really
not feeling well. She isn’t the type to sleep at 7 pm. The house is full. It’s my
sister, her husband, my little brother, my sister’s three children and my older
brother’s two children. All in all we are 10. It’s therapeutic to be around
people even though I feel suffocated. They are watching a show called House
of Zwide on ETV. It’s actually my first time watching it.
They are engaging in it, and they seem to be enjoying it; but I don’t see
anything fascinating about drama, maybe it’s because I have my own
“Molefe is crazy” my brother in law says and they all laugh out loud. I am not
following at all.
There is a knock on the door. My sister’s daughter goes on to open the door.
She is 13 years old, the second born is 8 and the last born is 4 years old. My
older brother’s daughter is 16 years old and the second one is 12 if I am not
They have grown since I last saw them. I think, they think that, I am that aunt
who comes home, only when she has problems.
I wish I had the time to take them out as girls, but I am stuck in my own life
and I don’t know how to fix my own problems.
“Hie. Is Thandi home?” that’s Mgcini’s voice.
“yes come in” he walks in with his friend.
They sit on the couch.
“sanibonani [Greetings]” the friend greets and the whole family greets them
with respect. I introduce them to everyone and my family is welcoming
especially my brother in law.
My sister offers to give them food but they lie saying they are full. My sister
insists and she gives them pap with beef mixed with potatoes. Mgcini would
never. I laugh as he tries to eat but he just swallows two potatoes and says
“thank you” father in law spoiled these Kids. Nana plainly refused to eat
‘starch only’ that’s what she said.
“Princess is sleeping so early” Mgcini says and my sister responds “Yes she
isn’t feeling well.” They converse for a while and they start talking about
things happening in this country. The worst topic ever ‘Politics’.
“The President reduced the grant money. He is turning the country up side
down.” My brother in law says and Kizington Mgcini’s friend replies him. They
talk as if they’ve known each other for years. They end up saying their
goodbyes after 2 hours.
I walk them out.
“My love. I wanted to check up on you. You shouldn’t have left home though”
Mgcini says as we reach their car.
“I was getting suffocated in that house”
“Aunty. I brought you a jersey” my niece says as she follows me outside. I can
see the way she has been looking at the guys here, and I don’t know whom
she is eying. She is 16 years old. I am sure she has started dating and right
now she is flirting.
“My name is Awande.” She introduces herself again.
“Nice to meet you Awande” Mgcini says and she says “it’s a pleasure.”
“so where are you going now?” I ask.
“We are going to Kizington’s house and---”
“ No. We are going to a club. I had a rough week” Kizington interjects.
“We didn’t agree on that” they start arguing a bit and finally Mgcini says
“okay go and change let’s go to the club. We need it, I am not taking no for
an answer. Remember we wanted to go to one before Neriah went missing”
“Mgcini. Neriah just died—”
“that’s the more reason we need to hit the club”
“I am bored anyway. Give me 10 minutes. My clothes are packed away”
“Wear that leather skirt from Shein” he says and I walk back to the house with
“Aunty can I come along? Please I beg you. Don’t tell your sister that we are
going to a club. Just lie and say we are getting a few things from your house.
I beg you”
“Awande you are only 16”
“Aunty I don’t look 16 besides I have a fake ID”
“aunty please.”
“Okay fine.” We get into the house and change. I am not this type of a person
I swear, but I am too stressed and I can use some air.
I wear a jean, ankle boots and a baggie T shirt. Awande comes out wearing a
long baggy dress. I am surprised. Do people wear that to a club?
“No auntie. Mgcini said you have a mini skirt. Remove that”
“look who is talking” I remove the jean and wear the short leather skirt.
As we get to the car she removes the baggy dress, she is left with a short and
a crop top. My license of being an aunt will be revoked when her father sees
her like this.
“You both look stunningly beautiful” Kizington says.
“Thanks Kizington.” I say and he drives into the club that is packed.
“ooooh my my my my” Awande screams as we walk in. The music is loud, it’s
crowded. We find a corner and sit there. We find our selves drinking and I
start feeling comfortable after a while.
“dance with me” Mgcini says as Awande is dancing the night away with
Kizington. It’s actually nice.
There is a woman who starts buying me drinks and dancing with me.
I come to realize that it’s a gay bar as everyone is minding their own business
when two women start kissing each other. I start seeing double, no I am
seeing triple.
“I think I am drunk” I confess as I start laughing at my own imagination. I
imagine myself asking those women why they would hate a dick so much?
The disco lights are making it worse.
This woman is muscular. “You are soooo sexxy” I say to her and she smiles in
the midst of the noise.
I am wearing a very short leather skirt…. I start dancing with the woman and I
fall in her arms she picks me up and I giggle.
I start talking too much…. I try to control it but I am blubbering none stop.
They make a circle and I dance while they hype me up. They clap hands “Go
baby, go baby Wooooooo…. Go baby.. Go baby go baby” as the crowd hypes
me up. I feel like a Zulu Beyoncé. I am having the best time of my life. Then I
feel hands grabbing me. I laugh.
The person drags me away and I scream as he drags me out of the club. I am
drunk oh God I can barely walk.
“Leave me alooone. I am the police” I say then burst into laughter.
“my father is a soldier” I say and laugh at my own craziness. This person is
dragging me away and I can barely see. “What happens in a club stays in a
club” I say in between giggles.


I thought Kizington was taking us to a normal club only for him to bring us to
a gay club, where all these cross dressed bitches are looking at him like a
They are flirting with him and he is dancing with them…he is drunk and I am
sober. I am looking at his every move. He is now sitting at the bar with these
two guys who are wearing make-up. I feel my insides turning. I walk to him
and as I get there. He kisses one of them.
I furiously pull his hand out of the club to the car park.
“Stop pulling my hand. If you want to go, call a cab. I am not going home
now.” he says and he has lipstick on his shirt.
“FUCK you Kizington! ”I snap.
“why were you kissing them?”
“because I am horny. Leave me alone” he attempts to go back, but I pull his
hand, he turns back and faces me.
He kisses me and my world stops. He kisses the living shit out of me and I
can’t hear anything else, except for the sweet melodies made by our lips.
“don’t push me away” he says and continues to kiss me. He pushes me
against the wall and kisses me hard.
“don’t go back in there” I say and we take a few steps to the car. He opens
the door and gently pushes me into the back seat of his car. He makes me lie
on the seat. “Wait wait stop” I say but he kisses me. I am instantly erect. I am
enjoying this more than anything in the world…… “Stop” I say and he stops
“No No don’t stop”….. I don’t care if it’s a demon or what but he shouldn’t

[10/16, 9:22 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



I wish I can engrave this day somewhere. 14 October 2022. The day he finally
gave in and kissed me without any regrets. Without pushing me away.
I kiss him for dear life, I then hear a woman screaming. I am drunk, but I know
when a woman is crying for help.
"Wait in the car" I say to Mgcini who says “No. Where are you going?”
“ a woman is screaming” I say and follow the noise to a black quantum.
"Leave me alone. Take me back in there. I want to drink. I want to get drunk.
What’s the name of that song. It says athi ngiksete ngiku Sete… ayi hay no
no…” she then bursts into laughter.
"That's Thandi" Mgcini says from behind me. We then hear a man saying
“without you Mondli??” Mgcini asks them and his brother says "Okay enough.
We are going home" he closes the door and the woman starts shouting “open
the door”
“Mondli you’ve been sleeping with Thandi?”
"We are all going home. Get in the car.’’ He pulls Mgcini’s hand.
"No I am not Going home. "
“I am not asking you. Our sister died and you are---” he starts to raise his
voice at him and I decide to intervene. “I will drive him”
“You also get into the car. You are drunk" I know I am drunk, but he can’t
drive Mgcini into depression by taking him back to their house.
"No. Let's go back inside. Please my love. Let's go back inside" Thandi says
and the man opens the door for her.
"One round of tequila then we leave" she says and I couldn't agree more "yes
one round only ‘her love’ " Mgcini says and his brother reluctantly agrees.
“They are sleeping together” he says opening his mouth wide in shock.
We walk back into the club and Thandi is having the time of her life. She is
forcing Mondli to dance with her. I get myself drunk and so does Mgcini…
we get into the car, I black out.

I wake up with a headache. I am sure it’s 6am. Prison time. My body is used
to waking up at 6am, no matter how tired I am.
I open my eyes, and I see myself in Mgcini’s room.
As I am still gathering my thoughts, he walks in with a tray of food.
"The coffee smells nice, but I need a bottle of alcohol first. "
"You are such a disappointment. I swear" he says and gives me the tray.
"Thank you for the breakfast in bed."
"Last night was crazyyy" he says with a smile plastered on his face..
"I do that once in a blue moon" I lie.
"You are lying. You are a regular in that club. I saw how those people were
looking at you. You even kissed them”
I place the tray on something that looks like a Kist. I pull his face to mine.
“ Why can’t you admit that you love me?” he looks away. I make him look at
me. “What’s going on, in your heart and mind?”
“Kizington you don’t like peace” he says.
“People might look at us as if we are crazy and judge us, but you are not the
first person to fall in love with a man. I love you. I know you do too. Why do
you feel ashamed to admit that you love me?”
“Why does one man love another man? How did I feel so much hate for
Donald because I wanted to be him? I wanted to be the one who kissed you,
slept with you, wore your clothes and have my pictures in your room. I hated
him because I wanted to be him, but I can’t be gay. That’s disgusting”
“You are so confused. Have you discussed this with your therapist?”
“How can I tell her that? She will tell my father.”
“You have to talk to her about your feelings. I will be here waiting for you.
She isn’t telling your father anything.”
"Can I do this?" I pull his face to mine. I kiss him and he stops me. "you have
a bad breathe" I laugh.
"okay sir. Can I have a toothbrush?" I ask moving away from him.. I am
wearing boxer shorts only......He stands up from the bed and pulls me in for a
kiss. Seems like my bad breathe isn’t a bother anymore….


to open my eyes....
"Open them" Mondli’s voice.
"huh? Am I dreaming?"
"NO." I slowly open my eyes and I see a gorgeous man sitting on the chair,
staring at me….. I wonder why I even thought Zithelo and I, would get back
together and be fine again. He doesn’t make me happy the way Mondli does.
"What are you doing here? My head ooh" I am in pain.
He holds my hand and forces alcohol down my throat. "stop" I say and he
stops. He gives me a pill.
I am in his room?
What happened?
I remember what happened last night and I close my eyes.
"Stop doing that. You are awake" he says.
"Mondli huh-uh" I feel very embarrassed.
"You went to a club half naked without me. Those women had their hands all
over you" his voice makes me laugh "No. I didn't go to a club"
"Baby don’t drive me crazy" did he just call me ‘baby?’ this guy!
"Where is Zithelo?" I ask.
"He is sleeping in your room" he looks guilty so I change the topic.
"Where is Awande? Please tell her to cook pap for me I am hungry"
"Who is Awande?"
"My niece".
"Like I said you are at home in our house. Wake the fuck up baby" he picks
me up and takes me to the bathroom. He opens the cold shower. “Don't go
to clubs wearing mini skirts without me. What if they raped you?" he asks.
"Mondli the water is cold" I am shivering.
"Mondli!" I shout.
"apologize baby"
"I. Am. Sorry"
"for what?"
"Mondli" I start crying.
"Why are you crying did I send you to a club?"
"okay I am sorry"
"for what?"
"for going to the club without you" I say and pull him into the shower. "YOU
ARE A PIG!" I scream and laugh at the shock on his face, as his clothes get
drenched in water.
"Seriously now?" he says turning me around. Making me use the shower for
balance. He fucks me so good, "Mondli" I moan. I am such a whore.
"Will you go to a club without me?"
"Yes" I say and he goes in harder.
"What?" he asks again.
"yes" I say, he laughs and pulls out.
“No. Don’t stop please” I beg.
“will you go to the club without me again?”
“No. I won’t” he turns me around and kisses me under the shower. I help him
out of his clothes.
He fucks me so good then takes me back to bed.
"I was trying to give you punishment sex, but you madam, kept saying ‘yes’
instead of NO"
"I am going back to that club so that you can chase me around. I love the
attention." I say and he smiles.
"I love you so much. I will fix our family problems, we will tell Zithelo the truth
and - - "
"I have made up my mind. I don't want anything to do with Zithelo"
"I know. That's why you kept screaming my name in the shower"
"don't do this to me" I say and he smiles. His perfect teeth and his beautiful
smile, makes me miss life, when it was just the two of us, in that house in the
"You have a beautiful smile. You should smile more often" I throw in a
"You make me smile. You are so beautiful, perfect, you are an Angel. That
skirt drove me crazy last night. Please wear it for my eyes only" he says. I
hear Zithelo talking outside the room.
"Bring that woman back to this house Sindi," he is speaking over the phone. I
can hear Mondli’s heart beating fast. He looks nervous. His heart might drop
to the floor any minute from now.
It dawns on me that we are stealing each other. I am his brother’s wife. He
loves his brother. He doesn’t want to hurt him.
"Mondli. You look nervous." I say and he wears his clothes.
“I will take him downstairs, you will come and have breakfast with us. We
need to talk about Neriah’s ashes, we also need to go and support dad in
court today.” he is hiding me.
"Are you hiding me?" I ask.
"No. It's just respect. I want to do things the right way. We can’t just ignore
the fact that you are my brother’s wife"
“I love you” he kisses me.
“Mondli. I am sorry about Neriah” I say and he nodes then walks away. It
makes me wonder if Zithelo was having an affair while we were married.
On the other hand. I want a second round so bad.


I walk out of the room and find Zithelo outside my door speaking on the
He drops the call.
“Did you take your medication?” Thandi might hear him.
“Goodmorning to you too. What is your girlfriend saying about Sindi?”
“Who were you speaking to in the wee hours of the morning?” he asks.
“Ooh it was Mgcini”
“he is back” he says walking to his room and opening the door without
knocking. We find Mgcini in a compromising position with Kizington.
“What is going on here? Who are you? What are you doing? Why are you.. ?
What kind of shit is this?” Zithelo snaps.
“Zithelo give them a minute to get dressed” I whisper.
“Fuck! Get dressed for what? What are you doing with a naked man? Were
you on his chest? Are you gay? That boy was right, you are gay?” within a
blank of an eye. A punch lands on Mgcini’s face. Before I hold Zithelo back.
Kizington sends him flying across the room. I help Zithelo up as they put on
their clothes.
“I didn’t mean to be disrespectful but don’t hit him” Kizington says shielding
Mgcini from Zithelo.
“Are you gay?” Zithelo asks Mgcini.
“No. I am not. He is my friend” Mgcini shocks me to death.
“Mgcini - -“ I try to tell him not to be ashamed. I don’t have a problem with
him being gay. He has never had a stable girlfriend anyway. If this guy makes
him happy he shouldn’t deny it. I saw them kissing in the club yesterday.
“No. Mondli. I am not gay. I was—” Kizington looks upset. He wears his shoes
and walks past us. He walks away.
“You can’t be a fucken homosexual. I know you aren’t. Don’t get close to men
like that. Jesus! “ Zithelo says pacing up and down. I look at Mgcini. What’s
wrong with this boy?
“I am not gay. You got it all wrong”
“I am sorry for hitting you. It’s just that a lot is going on. We got Neriah’s
ashes so we need to do a little ceremony for her and her baby. Maybe scatter
her ashes somewhere.”
“We must keep the ashes until Nxumalo comes back” I say.
“okay. I am going to get your friend today. I want nothing to do with Sindi. I
want to make it work with my family. I want my wife and daughter. Mgcini you
are coming back home. You can’t be sleeping in people’s houses.” He says his
“Mgcini you are coming back home, isn’t? “ Zithelo asks.
“yes. Yeah” why is Mgcini behaving so foolishly?
“okay. Take your pills please” he says to me and walks past me. Zithelo has
always been bossy but he shouldn’t intimidate us. He is crazy.
“Why did you deny Kizington? He loves you Mgcini” I ask.
“I am not gay. Please leave me alone” he looks really sad. He then picks up
his phone and starts dialling a number


I walk downstairs and find Thandi standing next to the TV charging her
phone. She is wearing a black leather mini skirt and her beautiful thighs are
exposed. She looks so sexy. I have never seen her wearing something so sexy
in a long time. I sneak, stand behind her and hold her waist. I plant a kiss on
her neck and she giggles.
“Your brother might find you kissing me. I don’t want you getting more
nervous. Or maybe We can go back upstairs and give me another round
before I go bac—”she says slowly turning around and she sees my face then
drops her phone to the floor.
“Will you slowly repeat what you just said?”
“you are hurting me” I tighten the grip around her arm……


[10/17, 10:11 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



"being gay is not a disease " Mondli is lecturing me and I am trying to call
Kizington but he isn't picking up.
My father instructed the guards to take my bedroom door keys, because the
Therapist said so. That’s why my door wasn’t locked.
"He won't pick up. You embarrassed him after defending you" Mondli is like a
bug right now.
"Mondli will you stop please" l say. I am hurting.
Mondli was always moody, grumpy and always on the edge. While Zithelo
was outgoing and always taking me along. I felt like Zithelo loved me more.
I enjoyed going around with him, he used to pick me up from school, my
friends loved him, because he is muscular and handsome so they said.
He took me to his girlfriends, friends, soccer matches and modeling gigs. I
saw how him and his friends treated and hated gay people. I learnt from him
and Lloyd, that being gay is disgusting.
They embarrassed gay people and spoke badly about them.
I don't want him to beat me up...
"Please leave me alone" I say to Mondli who isn’t listening at all.
"Nxumalo. You have to be happy. Look at Neriah she is dead at 25. You are
23 and you have to start acting your age. You are growing up. Put those
qualifications to use, find a job and your real sexuality. Be happy" I keep
calling Kizington.
"Give him time to think. He won't answer your call right now. He is a good
guy. I like him" I thank God for the fire. Mondli is so calm and collective. I
thought he hated gay people too, but he is surprisingly liking Kizington.
"Okay. I hear you"
"Now take that tray downstairs and get yourself ready we are going to court"
He stands up. I text Kizington before taking the tray.
|Please don't ignore me. Not after how you made me feel last night. I felt
whole again. I felt alive.|
"come" Mondli says and I follow him downstairs with a tray.
"Repeat it" Zithelo is holding Thandi's arm.
"I said you are hurting me" Thandi is crying.
"Zithelo what are you doing?" Mondli asks running to them.
Zithelo turns Thandi around and places his arm around her neck, using
another hand to pin her hands to the back.
"Mondli stop there!" Zithelo says and Mondli stops... Did he find out?
"You are sleeping with my wife.?" he asks him and Mondli's face falls down
with guilt.
"Zithelo you are hurting her" I say placing the tray on the table and trying to
get in between them.
" you are hurting her" Mondli says. He tries to get closer but the more he
does, the more Zithelo presses his arm on Thandi's neck.
"We are going to talk. Just me and my wife." he drags her to Neriah's room
and closes the door.
Mondli is pacing up and down sweating. Just then Lloyd walks in wearing
formal clothes.
"Guys we are already late and you haven't changed. Come-on let's leave" he
says to a Mondli who is turning red with anger. Thandi screams from the
room and Mondli makes a fist. He walks towards the room angrily and Lloyd
pulls him back.
"What's wrong with you.?" Lloyd asks and Mondli keeps quiet.
"Mgcini what is going on.? "
"Zithelo found out about their affair" I say.
"Jesus Christ!" Lloyd.
"Silence calm down. You don't want Thandi to see you like this. You don't
want your brother to see you like this" who is Silence?
"Aaaahhh Mondliii! " Thandi screams again and the guards run to the door as
Lloyd tries to inject Mondli but Mondli frees himself and runs to the door.
"STOP HIM!" Lloyd screams and the guards pull him back.. "Sir please don't"
they say to him. He isn't saying anything. Thandi is screaming inside there.
"Zithelo stop!" I shout. This is exactly what I was avoiding when I denied
"I thought you were dead! I thought you were dead, but you knew I was alive
when you slept with Sindi and her sister!"
YOU OF ALL PEOPLE!" He slaps her and Thandi screams.
Mondli frees himself from the guards and kicks down the door. Did he just
kick the door? He drags Zithelo outside the room and strangles him. Zithelo
can barely breathe.
"HE IS YOUR BROTHER!" Lloyd shouts.
"Mondli stop! You are going to kill him." Thandi says but Mondli tightens the
“I love you so much. I love you” Thandi says touching him and Mondli calms
down. The shock on Zithelo’s face is priceless.
Lloyd stabs Mondli with an injection. He stabbed him, because he didn’t inject
him, he stabbed him painfully.
Mondli falls next to Zithelo, then Zithelo punches him repeatedly until Mondli
starts bleeding.
“STOP HIM PLEASEEE! ” Thandi is crying and I hold her.
The guards pull Zithelo back.
"There is no-one I trusted more than you both. You betrayed me!" Zithelo
shouts, his heart broken. "Haaaaaaaaaa!" he groans so loud he scared the
whole neighborhood......
Nobody is saying anything.
Lloyd gets a bottle of water and makes Mondli drink, after forcing a pill down
his throat. He gently places him on the couch.
"Thandi are you hurt?" Lloyd asks a stupid question, of course she is hurt.
She has bruises on her thighs and face. She goes to the couch and places
Mondli’s head on her thighs. Her tears drops to his face.
"I am sorry" she says to an un-conscious Mondli. He defended her, unlike me
who denied Kizington....
Mthulisi brings a dish and a towel. Thandi cleans Mondli’s face. When did they
become so in love? When?


I am in a meeting when I get a call from Zee. He bought himself a phone. He

tells me to come to Pretoria right now. I know he wants Sindi. But I have
better plans for that woman.
I will do anything to get him back.
They drive me to Pretoria and when I get there, I find him pacing up and
down. He has bruises on his face.
"What happened to you?" I ask and he picks me up without replying me. He
takes me to my bedroom and he fucks me hard, without any warning, I am
not wet, he just goes in roughly. His hand is around my neck. I am choking.
"You. Are. Hurting. Me" when I say that ,it seems to give him more energy. He
Fucks me harder. I scream “stop” he uses his hand to close my mouth,
preventing me from screaming. He has never been so rough….this is not nice,
it’s painful. He is twisting my arm.
"I am sorry" is he angry because of the conversation I had with my aunt?
He reaches his orgasm after a whole 15 minutes of rough sex. I almost died.
That wasn’t nice at all.
I cough nonstop and walk to the bathroom. He remains on the bed. Facing
the ceiling.
"Zee what was that?"
"She is sleeping with Mondli"
"Thandi is sleeping with my brother" I just got fucked so badly because of
"I almost killed her"
"Couldn't she do it with anyone else but my brother?"
"You also slept with my own sister" he wakes up and holds my neck tightly.
"I never slept with your sister," he denies it.
"How can she do this?" his tears roll down his face and I am angry. How can
he cry for another woman on my bed?
He finally let’s go and I take a bathe because I am in pain. He bruised me. My
head hit the headboard. I wear makeup and walk to the gate. My pussy is in
They drive in and I see them kids looking lost......
"Hie" I greet them. The boy is a bit older than Nana and the younger one is
Nana’s age. I know Foreigners can do anything for a permanent job in South
Africa, especially when you tell them about their Kids. Sindi gave me an
address 2 days back, then my guys did a wonderful job and brought these
"Salibonani [greetings] " they greet me back. Just one look at them, I can see
they have respect compared to Zee’s spoiled brat.
"How was your flight?" I ask
"It was fine" they speak Ndebele so I cut our conversation short.
"follow me" I take them to the cottage where they meet their surprised
"I kept my promise and brought your Kids. Enjoy their presence while thinking
about my offer" I walk away and leave her with her kids.
I walk back to the bedroom and cuddle with my man…. She brought him back
to me effortlessly. Without me lifting a finger. She doesn’t know how to keep
good things in her life, now her friend has betrayed her.
“Do you have handcuffs?” he asks.
“go and get handcuffs”
“Who do you think I am?”
“Get the cuffs or I am leaving” his eyes are red. He is angry and hurt.
[10/18, 10:20 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



"I was so scared Tony. They kept questioning me and I kept repeating the
"Thanks for doing that baby" I say to my sister Karol. I am at home.
"Why did you want us to lie anyway?"
"because we are not traitors."
"Tony. I am so sorry about Donald. He was a nice young man. He took care of
us" mum says as soon as she sees me. She gives me a hug and a kiss.
“He was such a lovely young man. He did everything that a daughter in law
could do. He even did more than a daughter in law. The respect he had. You
lost a good partner my boy”
"It's okay mum. I just came here to get some air. I am exhausted"
"Go to your room son. It's always ready for you" I take a shower and go to my
room. Mgcini keeps blowing up my phone. I came here to avoid him.
I take a nap then I get a call from a private number. I answer, its Nxumalo. He
is asking me to come to prison.
He killed Donald and he never apologized for it. I sent him to prison.
We are equals now. I drive to the prison. I don’t like this place at all.
"How are your friends?" that’s the first question that comes out of his mouth.
"They are fine"
"I need to get out of here" he says.
"Nxumalo this is a maximum security prison"
"No. I don't want to be a fugitive. I don’t want to break out."
"I need something from someone. Are you up for it?” he asks.
" Depends on how much I am getting "
" Go to my house. There is a man called Lloyd. He will tell you how it goes. "
" sure"
“Kizington” he calls my name as I am about to leave.
“You know how this game goes. No hard feelings.”
“I know” I walk away. We can’t talk a lot, because they are probably listening.
I need to keep myself busy and I need the money.


"I love you please wake up"

"I love you so much. I didn't know it was him. I thought he was you. I mean--"
"You love crying baby. Ukhalelani? [why are you crying?] " I ask and she
smiles in between tears “Are you okay?" she asks.
"Just keep holding me like this. I will stay like this forever"
"Stop being crazy Mondli" She moves my head from her thighs. She has red
marks on her cheek.
When did Zithelo become a woman beater?
"Did he hurt you?"
"He hurt you more. I am sorry" she hugs me.
"I will fix this" I say and Lloyd just stares at us.
"Dad's court case?" I ask.
"It’s past 2pm Mondli. We can go and see him once we talk"
"Nana must be worried sick about me. I need to go home" Thandi says.
"Please come back home. I beg you"
"I can’t live in the same house as Zithelo."
"My old house will be fixed soon"
"you can't expect me to live in your ex wife's house"
"Okay what do you want to do?"
"I want to go back to work. I will use my savings to rent an apartment for
Nana and I. I will have to talk to Bongi."
"talk to her about what?" I snap.
"About me getting back to work. She is the new boss"
"That is our company. You don't need her permis--"
"Okay I hear you but are you okay? Do you need a doctor?" she is worried
and concerned.
"Please repeat what you said. The three words."
"No Mondli" she looks away.
"Please baby"
"It’s so weird hearing you call her 'baby'" Mgcini says and walks away.
"Say the words. Please maNcue"
"I love you" she says and my heart ❤️.
"I love you too" I kiss her....
"okay okay we hear the love story. Go and take a shower. Thandi I am sure
you need to change too right?" Lloyd says and she runs upstairs.
"You see what's going on? You need those pills or else you are going to kill
your own brother. Control yourself Mondli. I won't be here always" he shows
me a clip on his laptop. Where I was strangling Zithelo.
I close the laptop.
"You have cameras in this house?" I ask.
"Someone entered the house and placed a human head in the fridge of
course this house needs cameras"
"Take your medication for her sake Mondli" he is making sense.
"Lloyd. Those pills, make me shout at her, scream at everyone, I don't want
them. Ever since I stopped taking them, I feel good and happy. I don’t get
angry easily."
"Mondli. Every little thing angers you and--"
"Excuse me sir. There is a Kizington outside. He wants to see Mr Lloyd" a
guard interrupts Lloyd. He actually saved me from a lecture. Sometimes Lloyd
acts like he is Nxumalo Junior.
"You don't have to report when it's him. Just search him and let him in
anytime" I say and the guard nods then walks away.
"Mondli. Do you trust this Kizington? Why would you allow him to come
"He is a good guy. Relax Nxumalo” I tease him but he isn’t laughing.

I walk into Nxumalo’s house, I find Mondli and the Lloyd guy. They are
standing in the living room. Mondli looks bruised but it's none of my
"I heard you want to see me" Lloyd asks.
"Nxumalo said there is a job"
"Okay from now on. We don't discuss things in the living room. We can only
discuss in the spare bedroom" Lloyd says and walks us to the room.
"His court case started today. And they have serious evidence against him.
Lucky enough the little problem is being taken care of as we speak, but the
bigger problem is the footage which shows Nxumalo killing David" I feel
"That's what we need Kizington" Mondli says.
"It's fine give me the details and I will take care of it." I say.
"Okay don't you need our help?" Lloyd asks.
"I might need your help with things like Location, and how many guards are
there. Things like that"
"Okay let me get my laptop" Lloyd walks away.
"Hey. I wanted to talk to you. Can I have your number?” Mondli asks. I give it
to him.
"what do you want to talk about?"
"He is confused about his sexuality and---" he is whispering.
"No. I am not about to talk about my private life with you"
"It's not private if it includes my brother" he is being arrogant right now.
"There is nothing going on between me and him. But there was something
going on between me and Donald before your father killed him."
"My brother was so happy with you yesterday. Even this morning when we
walked in on you. He was happy."
"I don't want to talk about this. I came here for the job”
"Okay excuse me" he walks out of the room and leaves me alone. I sit on the
chair with my hand balancing my head.
Mgcini walks in. I can smell his cologne. It’s all over my bed sheets.
"crap! what is this?" I say attempting to leave, but he stands in front of me
and kisses me.
"Kissing me won't fix your problem" I say not pushing him away though.
"I am trying here"
"trying to do what?"
"I am trying to apologize"
"I came here for a totally different reason so stop doing this."
"I said. I am sorry Kizington. You don’t understand, my brother is - - -“ I leave
him there and walk out. He follows me.
Is this not the same guy who always said he wasn’t gay?


“ I love you so much and I promise I will do everything in my power to make

you happy. You are the apple of my eye, you are my heart desire and - - ”
“You’ve turned into a poet overnight Mondli?” I ask him and he smiles.
“Smile more often. You have a beautiful smile” I say.
“You always say that”
“I am going home now. I am sure Nana is nagging. I don’t want Zithelo to find
me here anyway. ” he walks with me to the living room.
As we reach the last step, we see Mgcini and Zithelo having a small
“I don’t want to argue with kids who don’t know what they want in life.”
“I am not a kid” Mgcini says.
“Yeah? What do you want then?”
“I want to move out of this house, get myself a job and be with you.”
“You really want to be with me?”
“yes. I want to be with you, I am sorry for denying you In front of my brothers.
But Mondli likes you, that should count for something right?” Mgcini is really
gay. He kisses him and Mondli closes my eyes, using his hand.
“Hey remove your hands off my eyes” I say and by the time he does that, they
are both staring at us…. I smile.
“We should go to Victoria falls sometime and—”
“Haibo bhudi I am not going to Zimbabwe” Mgcini says.
“I would love to go to Zimbabwe” Kizington says and I couldn’t agree
“Nana would also love to go there” I say.
“and maybe find a house there and - - “ Mondli is day dreaming.
“Welele inganekwane inganekwane [A dismissive Proverb] ” Mgcini says and I
laugh. I actually see Kizington laughing too. Mondli is confused.
“it’s a tik tok trend you won’t get it” I say to him and he looks at me with
eyes full of love. I actually feel good that the secret is out. Zithelo can get
angry all he wants but I don’t want him anymore.
“Seven teenagers die of drug overdose in a club….. The Zondos deserve
justice. Nxumalo must rot in prison”
“Lloyd stop reading such things out loud.” Mondli says and then drives me
“I am sorry again - - -“
“stop apologizing. Let’s go there and get your clothes. Come back home
“Welele inganekwane” I say and laugh.
“ooh so that’s how we roll now?” he asks and all I do is laugh at him. I am
happy, very happy.

[10/19, 3:28 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



Mondli leaves with Thandi. I remain standing in the living room with this guy
who makes me confused all the time. Lloyd is staring at his laptop.
"Can you come to my bedroom for a sec?" I ask.
"I have to go, I have work to do"
"Come just for 5 minutes" Lloyd gives me a nasty look. Do I care? I don't.
"Come" I pull his hand upstairs, as soon as we get into my room. I kiss him for
dear life. I have been longing for this..... It has become my favourite habit.
I cling on to him like a baby clinging on it’s mother's breast for milk. I put my
hands around his neck. He makes me take few steps backwards, and I land on
the bed. That's when everything gets real.
"Are you going to fuck me?” I ask and he let’s out a chuckle.
" It's called making love. Not fucking. You fuck a whore, or you fuck when you
are angry or - - " I kiss him before he opens a dictionary for me.
"We aren't doing the so-called ‘fucking’ today though" he says chuckling.
"Why not?"
"You haven't healed from what Boss did to you"
"Do you have to bring his name up?" I move away from him.
"You see? I don't want you to look at me and see boss."
"Okay. You can leave now" he just decided to spoil my mood.
"You see yourself? One day you will push me away and I will leave forever. I
am not a toy you can't use me when you are bored."
"Why would you bring up the name of a person who turned me into this?"
"Who turned you into what?"
"This thing, liking you? Kissing another man"
"You are with me because Boss did that to you?" he asks.
"I don't like it when we always argue." I say.
“What is wrong with you?”
"I don't know what's wrong with me either"
"I am leaving"
"You love running away"
“Are you trying to get on my last nerve so that I can hurt you? Is that what
you are trying to do?
Well guess what? I am not Boss. I am not going to hurt you. I am going to
make you feel whole, alive, loved and appreciated. I am going to make you
cum. I love you so much, that I keep coming back, even though you piss me
"I am sorry"
"Stop it Mgcini come-on. It's long overdue"
I kiss him, I am sure his lips are now hurting. I have been abusing them.....
"Wait, wait is that not the club that we were in last night?"
When Belinda bought me the TV, I am sure her intention was never to disturb
my happy moments. I was so close to touching his dick. I have wanted to do
that since last night. He is now staring at the TV.
"The volume… " I mentally roll my eyes.
“I can't find the remote. The bed isn't done yet.”
He walks downstairs. I follow him and switch on the TV for him. The volume is
always on 100 on this TV. Nana’s habit.
"You took us to a club where they do drugs? What the fuck Kizington? Are
you crazy! Why would you even do that?" I ask him.
"Which club doesn't do drugs? Did you see them doing drugs? Did you see
me doing drugs?"
"Look people are dead! You should have researched first what kind of
ignorance is that how can- -"
"uyaqala manje. [you are starting again] The disrespect!"
" I took you out for some fun. I didn't know people were going to die. Are you
also going to blame me for the high prices of alcohol??"
"It's just that we went with Thandi and her niece. What if Thandi got exposed
to drugs?"
"Thandi has bodyguards Mgcini. I was looking after you. Stop blaming me for
things that are out of my control."
"Okay I get you. Can we go back upstairs.?"
"No I am leaving."
"Okay. Can you come back? Will you sleep over?"
"I will think about it"
"I won't talk too much. I promise"
"what else will you do?"
"I am going to respect you"
"Do you guys realise that I am sitting right here?" Lloyd asks and Kizington
walks away.
He is busy on his laptop. I stand there staring at the TV. Lloyd reduces the
"My cousin killed herself" he says.
"because she was a lesbian and we used to beat her, made fun of her, forced
her to date men so she couldn't take it anymore."
"I am not gay Lloyd please don't tell Zithelo"
"What I am trying to tell you is that, If he makes you happy go for it.
Homophobia won't end because you chose to stay away from someone who
makes you happy."
"He is always angry though. He always leaves the house angry. You saw what
he did now? He just left. "
"Can't you see the reason is obvious?"
"You are disrespectful. The way you speak, it's way out of line. He won't stand
your attitude"
"You think I am disrespectful?"
"You lack respect"
"But I respect all of you. I respect my elders Lloyd. My father taught me
respect. Have I ever disrespected you?"
"Respect comes in two different ways. The respect for the family, friends and
community; then the respect for your partner, the person you sleep with. For
example ‘what the fuck Kizington are you crazy?’ what was that about? That
too In front of me? The body guards are people too they hear when you
"you were listening to our conversation?"
"You were standing right here. I wasn’t invisible"
"What I am trying to say is, you can't insult your partner with the same mouth
you will use to kiss him. He took you to the club for some fun, every club sells
drugs by the way, you won’t see it because you won’t be looking for drugs
"You are right"
“So you mean you like Kizington too?”
“Wangphaphela nou [you are being forward now]” I laugh.
| I am sorry about the disrespect. I love you| I send a message to him.
Never in my wildest dreams did I see my self telling a man that I love him…..
This is crazy.
One thing about life?
It’s definitely unpredictable!

Mondli drives-thru MacD getting burgers for the family. He then drives me
home. He is holding my hand and he is smiling too much. As we get home, I
see a police van at the gate.
I wonder what's happening. Nothing good comes with a police car.
Mondli walks into the yard with me. I find my sister crying. My older brother is
standing by the veranda looking at me in anger...... I haven’t seen him in
Sis Thembi slaps me. Okay first it was Zithelo now her? Mondli wants to
interfere. I stop him.
“Don’t” I say to him.
"I trusted you with her Thandi!" sis Thembi says.
"What do you mean?"
"Why did you come back? You came to kill my daughter?" my brother
resembles my father so much and when he speaks it’s like my father just rose
from the dead.
"What happened?" I ask.
"Where is Awande?” my sister asks and she places her hand over her mouth
preventing herself from crying.
“ What happened?” Mondli asks a police officer.
“ She is one of the teenagers who were using drugs at a club last night.”
“WHAT?” I exclaim.
“she left the house with you!” my sister shouts and for the first time, I see my
brother crying and that’s when I realise that I messed up!
“Nxumalo you aren’t welcome here” my brother says to Mondli and Mondli is
- - I just Lost the power to think.
“What happened to Awande?” I ask and my brother walks into the house
ignoring me.
I don’t have any memories of Awande yester night in the club. What

[10/22, 8:22 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER THANDI! “ her brother is taking this thing too
far. Her sister slapped her and her brother is now shouting.

“She is dead?” Thandi asks.

“You are acting surprised now?” her sister snaps “Why are you surprised?
Aren’t you the one who took her there?” She has always defended her, why
can’t she listen to her today?

“Thandi didn’t know the child was taking drugs, besides that, what was she
doing in a no under 18🔞 club?” I jump to her defence like her personal
attorney and they all look at me. “What? Nobody forced her to take whatever
thing that killed her” I say.

“LEAVE WITH YOUR PEOPLE! “ Her brother roars. So I am the ‘people’

“Mondli leave” Thandi says in between tears.

What kind of a man would I be, if I left her here, to be attacked? But what can
I say? This is not my house.
“Please leave” she begs.

I respect her wishes and leave. I stand next to the car by the gate…..After a
while her brother comes out of the yard looking furious. He gets into his old
car and drives away…..

Then the police officers leave too.

I take that opportunity to walk into the house. I stand by the door and listen
to her explaining herself.

“I am still confused. I don’t know what happened. Awande begged to come

with us. I hadn’t seen her in a long time, I thought I was being a good aunt”
she explains herself but her sister is crying uncontrollably, and she isn’t
buying any of Thandi’s story. She stands up and walks away…….

The kids are gawking at Thandi.

“So aunt Thandi you killed my sister?” a little boy asks. She is speechless.

“No. aunt Thandi didn’t kill anyone” I come to her defence again, and they
shift their attention to me.

“She left with Awande last night, and now they say Awande is dead. Everyone
in the streets is saying Awande is dead” the boy cries.

“She is in heaven” I say.

“Will she come back like Nana’s father? Nana’s father went to heaven and
came back right?”

“Go to your rooms. Aphiwe go” Thami, Thandi’s brother says to the kids and
they leave. Thandi breaks down and cries.

“Sbali unjani?[ brother in-law how are you?] “ I greet Thami.

“This is my first time receiving a greeting from you” he says and I stand still. I
haven’t been a good person to Thandi’s family.

“Mondli leave” Thandi pushes me away again.

“I am not leaving you here. You aren’t going to blame yourself.”

“LEAVE MONDLI” she raises her voice at me and I leave.

She is pushing me away. What can I do? Nothing!

I drive home and find Mthulisi looking all sad.


“ncela ulethe unkosikazi wami Mondli. [please bring my wife back]”

“ I am so sorry for allowing this to happen. I promise, if she doesn’t come

back today. Tomorrow morning I will drive you to Pretoria”

He gives me a very low “okay” We brought them here, and I am responsible

for them. I feel bad seeing him like this.

I am sitting in the living room with my brother. After a while, I ask him “Do
you also blame me for Awande’s death?”

“Awande was selling drugs, she had a boyfriend called Michael. He is way
older than her. He made her do all these things.”

“how do you know?”

“I once read her charts and I wish I never did”

“She was selling drugs? Why didn’t you tell the elders?”

“She threatened me”

“With what?”

“I can’t tell you”

These kids have so many secrets at such a young age. Who sells drugs at

I sit on the couch until I hear a knock at the door. My brother goes on to
open. To my surprise it’s Lloyd, he is carrying a sleeping Nana.

“Where did you get her?” I ask.

“He took her early in the morning” my brother says.

“Lloyd where did you take Nana?”

“Her therapist wanted a private long session with her. I heard about your
niece. My deepest condolences” I nod. He places her on the couch next to me.
She is snoring lightly.

“Do you need anything?” he asks me.

“She is dead Lloyd and it’s my fault”

“Teenagers are a lot of work. I am so sorry. Please shout if you need

anything.” He leaves. I take my daughter to the bedroom and we sleep….
A lot is going through my mind and I fall asleep after a while…..

I hear someone shouting outside.

“She killed my daughter!” that’s my sister in-law. She is screaming so loud. I

realise the sun is out.

“No. Masina. This is not the way to handle things” my brother tries to calm
her down, but she opens the bedroom door and starts shouting. I have never
been disrespected this much in my father’s house. My privacy invaded to this

“You and your family used my daughter? You gave my daughter drugs!” she
shouts at me and Nana wakes up crying.

“You are making noise” she says closing her ears.

“Masina. I - -“ I try to speak but she stops me.

“Don’t talk to me! Ncube, If she is here, I swear I will kill her. She killed our

“ I am sorry sthandwa sami” my brother hugs her and they both cry hugging
each other.

“She is gone Ncube. She is gone” she wails painfully.

My brother hugs her wife but his eyes are gawking at me.

“Mummy who did you kill?” Nana asks and I feel powerless. They walk to the
living room and I remain seated on the bed.

“Hey mummy are you crying?”

“Mummy should I call grandpa?”

“Shut up”




“Mama inhle indawo leyi angifuni ukubuyela ekhaya [mother, this place is
beautiful. I don’t want to go back to the village]”

“Mama ungasbiseli ekhaya [mother don’t take us back to the village]” they say
after having a nice breakfast. They slept soundly and beautifully.

My children are very happy to be here but at what cost? Thandi is my friend. I
don’t even know what’s going on. I am very confused.
Sindi wants me to testify against Nxumalo in court. What do I know about

I can’t betray Thandi by staying with her ex-bestie, but Sindi brought my Kids
to South Africa, and she promised us a house and jobs…

Mthulisi and I can raise our family here…..

A guard comes to me and says “There is someone who wants to see you”
they woke up very early today because of excitement.

My kids and I walk into the main house and they smile when they see their

They stand there and greet him “Salibonani baba [greetings father]” Mondli
looks confused and Mthulisi is shocked.

“Are you going to tell him to leave or should I leave?” Zithelo asks Sindi. He
is drunk.

“I don’t want to be accused of kidnapping someone. Let them speak to her.”

Sindi says and Mthulisi asks the kids “Lifike njani laa? [how did you get
here?]” my daughter excitedly replies “Sibuye nge ndege baba [we came by
an aeroplane father]”

“Wenzeni mama? [what did you do my wife?]” Mthulisi asks in

I am also disappointed in myself.

“Thandi and your husband are worried about you. We are here to take you
back home” Mondli says.

I look at Sindi. She smiles.

“Can I talk to my husband privately?” I ask.

“No. There is no privacy between Mondli and I, just like there shouldn’t be
privacy between Thandi and you” Mthulisi isn’t happy to see our Kids. He
doesn’t look happy at all.
I pull his hand outside.

“This woman brought our Kids here, she promised to give us a house and
jobs.” I say as soon as we are out of sight.

“We don’t need all that. Mondli said we will move into his old house. He
promised that when things are alright between him and his family. He will
bring our children here. He has a company. He promised to give us jobs.
What are you still doing here?” Mthulisi is angry.

“What if he doesn’t do all those things? “ we go back and forth arguing until
he walks back into the house.

“Let’s leave Mondli. It’s no use talking to her” he says looking very angry.

Mondli asks me. “Are they blackmailing you? Sindi talk to me. I will help you.”
I say “No”

“Come home then.”

“I can’t”

They leave after failing to convince me.

“did you really betray your friend?” A drunk Zithelo asks me and then laughs.

What have I done?

I walk outside and sit on a bench. Thinking hard.

After a few hours Sindi comes to me and says “I don’t want you to betray
your friend. She is a good person” my heart gets filled with joy.

“Thank you for understanding. I don’t want to say anything bad about
Bab’Nxumalo. I can do anything. I can work for you, iron, clean and even cook
for you but please; don’t make me do anything bad against Thandi and her

“It’s okay my love. That’s why I am going to let my driver drive you, to
Thandi’s home. She is hurting. Her niece just died. She needs her friends.”
“her niece died?” I ask feeling sad on her behalf.

“yes. She needs you to comfort her”

“can I go and see her?”

“yes you can my love. Of course. You only need to take this. Put it in her bag.
She needs it, in this time of sorrow. Just place it in her bag. She will know
what to do” she gives me something and a guard interprets everything word
for word.
I quickly rush to the car and the driver drives for a long time. I then remember
that, I left the kids without telling them where I am going. They must be
worried. And I think we are too far, for me to go back.


I left my marital home because of problems only to run to a bigger problem

here at home.
People have started coming to give their condolences and I hate to be selfish
but I wish I wasn’t here. The more my sister in-law cries the more I feel

“May her soul rest in peace” they say as they walk in after greeting. She is
sitting on a mattress.

I see Sindi by the door and I feel a bit relieved. She walks to me and hugs me.

“I am so sorry about what happened.” She says and I ask “where were you?”

“It’s a long story but I am fine” the church people start singing and as they
are singing; I hear Police sirens….. Minutes later they overcrowd the room.

“Mrs Thandi Nxumalo where are you? ” they ask and people stare at me. Mind
you this is a living room, there are a lot of church women, but the police
officers pass all the ladies and search me.

I see Mondli at the door. My tears are falling and I am wiping them away. But
they betray me.

“Why don’t you search all the women? Why her?” Mondli asks. I am already
embarrassed to say the least.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!” My brother shouts at Mondli.

“I said search all of them. Why her?”

“All of you stand here” the officers shout, they start searching all the women,
and when they search Sindi they find a plastic from her jacket.

The officer calls others. They open the plastic that has white powder.
“ akusikho kwami lokho [That is not mine]” Sindi says in Ndebele and they
can barely understand what she is saying.


“Likhuluma ngani? [what are you talking about?]” she asks as they cuff her.

I am confused……I look at Mondli and he looks away.

[10/22, 4:22 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT----” I don’t understand what they are saying
but they cuff me.

“Sindi…” Thandi calls me.

“Thandi help me” I say as I realize that I am arrested.

“Where did you take them?” she asks.

“Ncube you see what your sister is doing? She is really determined to shame
us? She is even selling the drugs right in this house!” a woman says.

“Sindi what? What? What is this? “ Thandi asks as they take me away. She is
crying and I feel bad.

I have no words.

“are they taking me back home?” I ask Thandi because I didn’t hear anything
said by the officers.

“I don’t want to go back home Thandi. My kids.” they put me in a van and
drive away with me.

“Thandi help me” I shout.

“Shut up kwerekwere you people are destroying our country”


“Yooh Thandi you have embarrassed the family.”

“she has embarrassed her own family. That woman is her friend” I overhear
the church women talking. Is gossiping not part of the 10 commandments?
Do you not gossip, thou shall not gossip.

“What has happened to you? This is not how we raised you Thandi” my
brother says.

“You have disappointed me Thandi” my sister shakes her head in


“How can she do that to her own niece?”

They are throwing insults at me. Blaming me for everything. They aren’t even
asking what happened?

“Come” Mondli pulls me away and I cry on his chest.

He picks me up and takes me to the car. I don’t want to open my eyes. I don’t
want to see my family’s faces, I don’t want to hear what they are saying.

He goes back Inside and comes back with Nana. He then comes back with our
bags. He drives for a long time, until he comes to a halt.

“What’s going on Mondli?” I ask.

“Baby do you want to play games?” he asks Nana and gives her, his phone
and headphones.

“We went to Pretoria. We found her with her kids. Mthulisi begged her to
come, but she didn’t want to. She asked to speak to Mthulisi privately, which
she did.
During that conversation she asked Mthulisi to leave our house because
Sindi promised to buy them a house and staff. Mthulisi refused. I asked her if
she was being blackmailed and she said no.”

“What if she was really threatened? What were her kids doing there?” I ask.

“She had the chance to talk to me, or to tell Mthulisi something. If she was
being blackmailed, she would have said something.”

“Then the drugs Mondli? Drugs? How did she just come home from

“I realized that Sindi and Zithelo were probably up to something. I realized a

lot of things when I was in Pretoria.

I realized that perhaps Sindi made Zithelo believe that Nxumalo wanted to kill
him. I also realized that Sindi was using our Sindi to hurt us. That’s when I
warned the guards to be extra careful with you and Mgcini. I dropped Mthulisi
at home and on my way here, the guards called telling me that Sindi is at the
gate. I asked them to search her and they told me that she had cocaine. As I
got here the police were already at the gate”

“Who called the police?” I ask.

“I don’t know babe. Perhaps the people who brought Sindi to your home, the
same person who gave her the drugs.”

“Why would they give her drugs though?”

“To set you up maybe or to send her to jail just to spite you”

“Why didn’t she set me up then?”

“Where was your bag, or your jacket? ”

“Why would I carry a bag when I am at home?”

“that’s why she couldn’t set you up”

“I thought meeting Sindi was a blessing? I thought God was rectifying his
mistakes by blessing me with her. Why do I have friends who betray me?

“Don’t cry my love. It’s okay”

Nana removes the headphones.

“Uncle who is this pregnant woman?” she asks Mondli.

“It’s just a picture baby. Play games not pictures okay. Add more volume”

“I am so sorry about this. I truly am. Now I believe that your life is in danger.
Sindi is a psychopath.”

“Can you take me somewhere?” I ask.

“home” he says.

“No. I don’t want to see Zithelo”

“Nxumalo bought the house for---”

“No Mondli.”

He drives us to a Lodge. I get there and walk straight to the shower. I sit and
break down into tears.

“Baby are you okay in there?”

“I am fine”

One thing about my life is I am destined to be alone.

My girlfriend just died and I am all alone…... I feel like since Madikana left
me…. I will be a loner for the rest of my life. She brought meaning into my
meaningless life, but now I am alone again… Tomorrow they are taking her to

I am drowning in my sorrows when I hear a knock.

I open the door and see a familiar face. It’s the guy who told us not to say
anything about the shooting. He told us to lie and say we didn’t see the faces
of the shooters….but I saw Nxumalo, my mother’s boyfriend.

“Hey” he greets me. He is wearing casual clothes and shades. It’s past 8pm
and he is wearing shades?


“You are Mengezi?”


“I am so sorry about your girlfriend. May her soul rest in peace” I nod.

“How can I help you?”

“ Listen. I need some information. I am not going to beat around the bush.”
He let’s himself in.

“I am Lloyd.”

“ What do you want?”

“ Belinda is your mother?”

“ yes”

“ Why do you live in a place like this while you are related to the President?”

“ My mother says a man must look after himself”

“ Do you have a close relationship with your mother?”


“What about with Sindi and Tshego?”

“Tshego and I are close”

“Who is your father? ?” he is asking too many questions.

“I don’t know”

“ how old are you?”

“23 “

“Which month and date?” he asks again.

“09 December 1999”

“Where were you born?”

“Why are you asking me so many personal questions?” I ask and he says “I
am sorry for being insensitive. You lost your girlfriend and I shouldn’t be
asking you so many questions. Excuse me” he walks away.

Nobody cares whether I am alive or not. I was involved in a shoot out, my

mother didn’t bother to call and ask if I am fine or not.

It’s past 9pm. I am standing by the door, waiting for Kizington. I see Zithelo
driving the security car. He climbs out of the car and Mthulisi runs to him.

“Where is my wife?” he asks.

“Your wife refused to come with you, why would she agree to come with
me?” Mthulisi looks sad and Zithelo looks drunk.

“it’s no longer my fault. Move from the door” I step aside and let him in.

“Bhudi are you okay?” I ask.

“Your brother is sleeping with my wife did you know?” he burps and throws
himself onto the couch. He then starts snoring. How did he drive in this state?

I am still standing by the door talking to Kizington on WhatsApp then Lloyd

drives in.



“When is your birthday?” he looks like he is in a hurry.



“09 December”

“Are you sure?” he asks.

“Lloyd are you okay?” he is sweating. He runs back to his car.


I am sitting on the floor in prison. Ever since I was born my worst fear, has
always been to be arrested. My worst fear has come to life now.

I don’t know my crime. I don’t know what I did wrong. I have been here for
hours. Thandi didn’t follow me, she left me alone.

I am scared.

I sleep in a cell and wake up. They take me to another room where I see Sindi.

I feel relieved.

“Hey. The thing you gave me yesterday, they searched me and - -“

“If you dare repeat what you just said now. I will take your children away and
you will never see them” his body guard interprets for me and I am shocked.

“But you are the one who gave me that thing. You told me it will help Thandi”

“Listen. I never gave you that thing. I will take care of your Kids. Just admit
that you are selling drugs. The judge will be lenient. You will serve maybe 15-


“or you can tell them that, Thandi gave them to you”

“I can’t lie’
“then decide. 20 years in prison without your husband and Kids, or you lie
and say Thandi gave you the drugs” she leaves me here, crying.

How can I do that to Thandi? How can I lie? Why would I do that?

They take me back to my cell. I regret ever getting into that car, I regret
giving her my home address, I regret a lot of things.

I should have stayed in Zimbabwe. I was poor but I was happy. I shouldn’t
have come to South Africa. They tell me that Thandi is here to see me. I refuse
to see her….

This is my fault, I am embarrassed to face her, I was stupid to think that, her
best friend, had her best interests at heart.

I stay another day in prison, they take me to court and I refuse to say Thandi’s
name. They question me a lot and I zone out.

I hear the judge talking about 15years in prison.…..



I don’t want to think about Sindi or anything that has to do with her……

We’ve been in this lodge for four days..

Surprisingly Nana doesn’t have nightmares anymore.

She isn’t shocked anymore. Her life doesn’t have problems at all. Mondli
bought her a tablet, so she is always playing games and watching cartoons.
She eats what she wants and sleeps when she wants to, while I look like a

Mondli is a God sent. He is my pillar of strength. He is so supportive and he

does it amazingly. He spends a lot of time away but he comes to check up on
us every now and then.

My phone rings nonstop, I have been ignoring it. I end up answering. It’s

|poor thing. I heard about your niece. I am at your home and you aren’t here.
Where are you?|

“I am at a Lodge.”
|should I wait for you here, or should I come there?|

“You can come.”

|hang in there friend. Send me your location|

“okay” I send her my location after hanging up.

Mondli walks into the room. He had gone to run his errands.

“Put your headphones beautiful” he says to Nana and she does.

“baby how are you feeling?”

“I don’t know how to feel”

“do you want me to make love to you?” he asks and I nod.

He removes the headphones from Nana’s ears.

“Ooh No. Uncle I was very close to crushing this mother fuck—”

“who taught you that language?”

“Sorry uncle. I heard it on TV. I won’t repeat it again”

“Go and bathe. If you speak like that. I will take away the tablet”

“Okay” she walks to the bathroom.

“Please fill the tub for me” she says.

“do it yourself, it’s a punishment and don’t come out before I call your name”
“okay” she closes the bathroom door.

He comes to the bed and kisses me…He removes his clothes and makes love
to me, slowly and passionately, but I end up crying.

“am I hurting you?” he is now worried.

“My heart is broken. You are the only person I have in my corner right now.
You are the only thing that makes sense. You and my daughter.”

“I love you and I promise we will be together forever. This too shall pass my
love. I will never leave your side. Remember when we slept at the bus stop in
Zimbabwe? “ he says pumping in and out of me. He muffles a groan.

“remember when you faked an illness?” he says and I smile in- between
pleasure, tears and more pleasure.

“remember when we fought for a piece of chicken?” I kiss him and as we kiss,
images of Awande flashes through my mind and I break the kiss.
“What’s wrong baby?” he was so close to reaching his orgasm.
“I am sorry” I say as I move him away from me.
“it’s okay you will be fine mummy”

“uncle I am done.” Nana screams.

“Stay in there” he puts on his clothes and asks “what do you want to eat?” he
is horny. He is trying to divert his attention.

“Ask Nana”

“What do you want to eat Princess?” he shouts loud enough, for her to hear
him from the bathroom.

“Can I come out now?” she asks.

“yes” she comes out with a towel wrapped around her body and another one
wrapped around her head. She is so dramatic.

“What do you want to eat for lunch Princess?”

“Lasagne for my mum, spaghetti with meatballs for me, dumplings and a
braaiwors for you. Can I come with you?”

“Okay get dressed and let’s go” she wears her dress and walks away, with
Mondli…… Nana comes back into the room, just after closing the door.
“Mummy. Uncle said he loves you” she giggles and closes the door. I smile.

Who would have thought that, the world would turn against me and Mondli
would be the only person standing by my side?

I wake up and take a shower then I hear my phone ringing.

I let it ring until I am done. It’s Bongi. I even forgot about her.

|I almost went back home. Your guards won’t let me through|

“okay I am coming to fetch you”

I do the bed, wear a gown then walk to the door.

She is heavily pregnant. She looks so beautiful, but she lost weight.

“Let her in” I say and they do after searching her thoroughly.

“Friend” she is so calm, even though they searched her.

“I am sorry - -”
“I understand the bodyguards don’t apologize” she chuckles a bit.

She walks into the room and hugs me.

“I am so sorry my friend. I haven’t been exactly supportive. ”

“It’s okay” I lie. It’s not okay. She is the only friend I have left.


She tells me about office gossip.

“Should I plan a baby shower for you? I need to unwind”

“I am broke friend. My husband took our house and kids. I am saving my

salary for my baby’s delivery, then I pay rent and buy petrol. After all that, I
am left with nothing.”

“You are divorced?”


“I am so sorry. I will organize something for you. When are you giving birth?”

“anytime from now”

“Wow. Congrats friend. I am so sorry about the divorce though. I am really


“It’s okay friend. Now that Michele is dead. I know Mondli will marry me as
soon as he sees his son. He will definitely marry me. He was sceptical at first,
but when he sent me rent money, I knew he was coming along”

“which Mondli?” I ask.

“ We are going to be in-laws soon. That’s if you take Zithelo back. I saw the
pictures on the internet—” she goes on blubbering. Is she talking about
Mondli? My Mondli?

“ Why is Mondli paying your rent? “

“ You have always been slow friend. Mondli is the father of my baby”

“You say what?”

“Yes. Remember you once caught us having sex in the office? That was going
for a long time. What a coincidence, we used to come to this very same lodge,
when he wanted to spend the night with me. He is so good friend.” The glow
on her face?
“I love him so much and he is way bigger than my husband. He would leave
me exhausted all the time. He would go for 3-4 rounds” I am so
uncomfortable having this conversation with her. To think that I couldn’t even
make him cum?
“His sex game is on another level. I can’t wait to get that everyday.” He is not
my Mondli after all.

“Wow” I sigh as I feel a headache from afar. Is it a headache or heartache? I

am not sure.
“You remember, you and I used to talk about everything, but I couldn’t tell
you back then; because he was our boss and he was married…. He had this
strong love for sex. In the office, in the car, even at his house sometimes. I
miss those days friend”

“You had a great time neh?” I say trying my best to fake a smile.

“Yes. But honestly friend, I shouldn’t be talking about my self. You have gone
through a lot. Losing your niece? Tell me what happened, because when I got
to your house, those women were talking about you.” I don’t have the energy
to talk.

I feel like, I have bad luck. I have bad luck that is stuck with me. It’s so stuck it
makes me want to scream so badly!

“ Are you crying?” she asks.

“ I… I….’’ words fail me.

“ It’s okay bunny. It’s okay cry. Come here” she hugs me.

“No. I don’t want to cry. Let’s talk about the office gossip” I say freeing myself
from her hug.

“Heee so, Mondli brought this guy to the office a day before yesterday. He
said his name was Mthulisi. The guy was…….” She keeps talking and
laughing but I am not there. My mind is far away.

How can this happen to me? So the universe is taking Mondli away from me
too? After taking Zithelo, My niece and Sindi. Now Mondli is going too? I
don’t have the strength to fight anymore.

The way Bongi speaks of him, she is so in love. I don’t want to take that away
from her……



“Let’s buy wine for mummy”

“okay MaNxumalo” I bend a little so as to reach her level.

“Baby girl. Would you understand if mummy and I, were to get married?”

“Yes. As long as I will be the little bride” she smiles and she is different. She
is a happy soul.

“Princess. If you were to choose between mummy and daddy who would you
“Daddy is in heaven, so I would choose grandpa because he buys me
everything I want, while mummy is always sleeping and crying. But if my
daddy was here, I would choose daddy and mummy.”

“daddy is in heaven?” I ask.

“yes. You told me that daddy went to heaven right? Please don’t take me to
aunt Michele she slapped me” What’s wrong with her?

“okay baby”

“Can you buy me this and that.” She throws things into the trolley.

She is her normal self. She isn’t talking about the head in the fridge, like she
used to.

I text Lloyd |Lloyd. Nana is acting weird|

He responds. |yeah. I wanted to tell you but I was busy doing something|

|tell me what?|

Lloyd:|We will talk. Not via the phone|

I drive back to the lodge.

“Let it goo, let it gooo, I can’t take it anymore…. Let it gooo let it goooo”
she is singing.

“are those the right lyrics sisi?” I ask as she tries to reach the door handle.
“Yepppy” she says as she opens the door.

I see Bongi and Thandi sitting together on the bed. I am surprised to say the
“What are you doing here?” I ask Bongi. I know they are friends but what is
she doing here?

“hey Nxumalo. How are you?” she asks me. I swallow none existent saliva.
Thandi doesn’t know how to hide emotions. I can tell by her facial expression,
that she is faking all the smiles.

“Bongi. What are you doing here?” I snap.

“She is my friend, she came to see me, be nice” Thandi says.

What if Bongi told her that I am responsible for her pregnancy? What if she
said something..? I wanted to tell her on my own.

“Thandi….I - -”

“Come-on Mondli. Don’t be nervous. You are going to be a father soon”

Thandi says and I realise that I am screwed.

“I told her because she is my friend” Bongi justifies her forwardness.

“Shouldn’t you be at work?” I ask.

“It’s Saturday. I am off”

“Ooh the baby is kicking” she stands up, walks to me, takes my hand and
places it on her tummy.
She usually sends me random pictures of her pregnancy…. Now she is
making me touch the belly….. The baby is really kicking, I feel this
unexplainable joy in my heart….I find myself smiling then I remember Thandi
is watching.

“Can I feel that too?” Nana brings me back to reality. Bongi takes her hand
and makes Nana touch the belly.

Thandi walks away to the bathroom. She is going in there to cry. I know.

“Leave” I say to Bongi.


“I said leave. I will call you.”

“You still can’t believe the baby is yours?” she asks me with so much concern.
“We will see after you give birth but for now leave”

“Mondli please don’t shout at Thandi. She is going through a lot. Her eyes are
red. She is pretending to be fine but she isn’t fine. Please don’t shout at her. I
know you don’t like her but please.” she pleads with me and I pull her hand
until we reach her car.

“I will give birth anytime from now” she says and I walk back into the

I stand by the door scratching my head in frustration.

“Why didn’t you tell me that she had a visitor?” I ask the guards.

“You didn’t say we should - -“

“Next time report every one who comes into this room. Everyone!”

“Okay sir”

“Jesus Christ!” I exclaim.

“Is everything okay sir?”

“No. Nothing is fine. Nothing” I scratch my head again before walking into the
room. She comes out of the bathroom.

“Uncle. She is the pregnant woman I saw in your phone” Nana says smiling.

“Put on your headphones and - -“

“don’t put your headphones Princess” Thandi says.

“Baby. I want us to talk” I say.

“There is nothing to talk about. I am tired of talking”

“Mummy we bought you wine”

“place the food on the table baby let’s eat” Thandi says and Nana does as

“Thandi. Let me explain please” I beg.

“why don’t you let him explain mummy? He looks like he is about to cry” we
both look at her in astonishment. She is very observant.

“Let’s eat” we sit at the table and eat. She is playing with food. Why can’t she
let me explain. I love her. Bongi is not about to destroy what I am trying to

“I love you” I say to her and she smiles.

“Let me explain” I whisper.

Nana takes her food and sits on the bed. She wears the headphones and
watches cartoons.

“I was going to tell you. I found out when we came back from Zimbabwe. I
was going to tell you, but I wanted to be sure if the baby was mine or not… I
swear I did”

“You don’t have to explain or feel bad. It happened way before”

“Even though. I should have said something”

“It’s okay”

“You are lying. I know you, and this is not the Thandi I know. It’s not okay.
You don’t look okay Sthandwa sami. I love you and I - -“

“You chose to bring me to a Lodge where you used to bring her?” how much
did Bongi tell her?

“There is this friend of mine from high school. He is the manager of this place
and I just love it”

“it’s okay. I understand”

“Let me make love to you if it’s okay?”
“Mondli No” she says and I gently push her to the bathroom and I make love
to her. I open the shower so as to avoid being heard by Nana if she removes
her headphones.

“I am sorry”

“don’t talk” she responds….. I make her lie down on the floor and I muff her.
She is moaning, I see a little thread in her vagina and I pull it out. She winces
in pain. I know exactly what it is.

I immediately make love to her…….. “stop stop. It’s painful” she says.

I want to get her pregnant. I want to make love to her…..I wish she was the
pregnant one. I wish, to be with her forever.

“baby I won’t hurt you. I promise”

“No. I am in pain” she says.

“Can you please let me?” I ask. I make love to her…..she is crying.

I ejaculate and stop.

“I am in pain” she says. I feel a bit bad.

“I am sorry” I pick her up and place her in the bathtub…..

“I love you.”

“You don’t have to apologize for Bongi’s pregnancy Mondli. I said it’s okay. ”

“What did she tell you?” I ask because she is angry but she doesn’t want to
talk to me.

“You know she talks a lot,”

“Don’t believe her, believe me, trust me. I love you. You are everything I need.
The time I spend with you is everything I want and more. You are my heart. I
love you. When the sun goes down, I think of you. I will never forget the
sound of your voice when you moan my name. You live in my heart and
everywhere I go, I see your face. I don’t know how to show you that I love
you. What do you want me to do?”

“I want to go to the shops. I want to buy something” that’s the only thing she
manages to say.

“What do you want to buy? I will buy it for you. I will buy anything for you.”

“I want sanitary pads”


“You see? let me go”

“No. I will go and buy them for you” I peck her lips and walk to Checkers.

Why Did Bongi come?? Why?

I don’t want it to seem as if, I was hiding things. I removed this pregnancy
prevention from her. I think that’s what makes her think she is having periods.
I get to the shops and I look around for pads. I buy the pads and chocolates.

I walk out of the shop and I buy flowers at a pharmacy. I don’t know what to

I walk back to the lodge.

I see one of the cleaners pushing a trolley out of the gate. Why would she
push a trolley out of the gate? Maybe she is stealing. I walk back into the
room, I open the door and hear the shower running in the bathroom…. Nana
isn’t watching TV and her headphones are on the bed.

Are they bathing together?

“Baby I am back” I say out loud, but there is no response. I wait for about 15
minutes then I open the bathroom door. I find a girl seated on the toilet seat
looking nervous.

“Who are you?”

“The lady told me to sit here and fit her clothes until she calls me out”


“yes she took my uniform”


“No. No. No. Thandi” I walk out of the room and see the guards standing
outside. They didn’t see her leave?
I open the wardrobe and their clothes are gone.

She left me? Why? I didn’t do anything wrong… I tried to explain myself.

“What did Bongi tell her?”

“Bongi! Bongi…. Bongi!” I call her name through gritted teeth. I feel angry!
“Thandi left and you didn’t see her! Find her!” I shout at the guards. I get into
the car and drive to Bongi’s apartment.
Lloyd was right. I should take my medication. I don’t feel good, right now and
I am scared of what I am about to do, to Bongi.


I am in too much pain.. . I ran away from the lodge with my daughter.

I took a taxi to Joburg CBD…. We sat at KFC. I went to the bathroom where I
changed my clothes. I ordered a meal and then I started googling.

I started looking for an apartment online. I found a fully furnished one in

Florida. We took a cab there and we did the payment and moved in.
Everything went smoothly but the pain I am feeling is intense. At first I
thought it was periods, but then it feels like Mondli did a number on me. He
insisted on having sex even though I was in pain.

I need to find myself. I have been in this one hell of a horror movie and I
don’t know, who I am anymore. But I know what I want, I want to be with my
daughter, I want to take her to school and I want to work for myself….

“What are we going to eat?” Nana asks after putting her clothes away.

“We can get a takeaway baby. Chips and chicken maybe”

“I ate spaghetti for lunch. I can’t eat more starch. I had bought pears, plums,
berries and two slices of fruit cake. I had planned that we were going to make
fruit salad for dinner, before we watch a movie, but you brought us here.. To
this tiny tiny place.”

“We can still buy fruits” I say.

“okay let’s go”…. She changes her clothes….

We walk outside and there is a guy selling fruits from a trolley.

“there we go”

“What? Fruits from the streets? No mummy” Nana is too much. I buy the fruits
anyway. We go back to the apartment and I throw myself on the bed.


I walk into Bongi’s apartment and I don’t find her.. She is one lucky bitch! I
drive home and take my medication.

I call the guards and they say they are still looking for Thandi.

What did I do wrong for her to run away? She could have asked for space. I
would have given her that.

I sit on the stairway and Mthulisi walks to me.

“Not that I want to be a problem, but can you please take my children from
that woman?”

“How are you feeling Mthulisi? 15 years is not a joke” I ask. He just got back
from work.

“It hurts. I want to go back home”

“No Mthulisi don’t give up. Just work for your Kids. I promise as soon as my
house is fully furnished, you and your kids will move in there. I will make
things right for you” I promise him.


There is a high possibility that Belinda stole Nxumalo’s child or she swapped
the babies at birth. I don’t know. I am just speculating. I go to prison and find
Nxumalo looking distressed. The court wasn’t good today.

“Kizington didn’t find the evidence from the DA” I break the news to him.

“I am screwed”

“I don’t know if you heard, but Sindi tried to frame Thandi. Thandi almost
went to prison”

“I heard and I am planning to visit the President.”

“Nxumalo that’s risky”

“the Zondos are dead. So obviously someone is trying to take me down. I am
facing a life sentence Lloyd. That man got me into this mess. ”

“Okay should I include Mondli?”



“When are you taking these Kids back to their country?” Zee asks.

“I think taking them to an orphanage would be better”

“Okay madam. How is my baby?” he is suddenly nice.

“He doesn’t want to grow.”

“Will you marry me Sindi?” he kneels down and I would be a fool to believe
that someone can wake up and decide to be nice to me. All of a sudden….

“What are you up to Zee?”

“I have no family, no brother, no wife and I don’t want anything to do with

Nxumalo. Mgcini supports Mondli and Thandi. I need to correct my mistakes
with this child.”

He sounds sincere.

“are you serious?”

“if you don’t want to marry me. It’s fine”

“I will marry you” I say and he kisses me “Thank you baby” The security
disturbs my happy moment by announcing Mondli’s visit.

“What the hell does he want?” Zee is angry.

“Let him in” I say to the guards and he walks in after a few minutes. This guy
is weird does he laugh? Or does he know the use of a comb at least?

“I am here to take the kids” he says.

“Feel free” I say.

“Where are they?”

“Number 1 and 2” I call them and they come running.

“Take your luggage and go with this man” they do as told.

“Why would you send an innocent woman to prison because of a man?” asks
the same man who is sleeping with his brother’s wife..

“Take the kids and leave Mondli” Zee says.

“You will regret this mfethu [brother] ” he warns Zee. Who smirks and asks
“How is she? How is your brother’s wife? Does she have a tight pussy?”
Mondli looks uncomfortable. He ignores the question and leaves with the
kids. What a waste of money. I didn’t achieve anything by bringing those kids

“When are you taking me to your parents for dinner, just to celebrate the

“I have a perfect date”

That is when they sentence Nxumalo to death.


The look on Mthulisi’s face when I brought his kids to him was priceless. He
was happy.
They are in his room talking. He is explaining to them, that their mother made
a bad choice that landed her in prison.

It’s true she messed with the wrong woman. I choose to give Thandi some

I choose to be a better man. I choose to let her make her own decisions.

I wake up early in the morning, I wear my suit and go to work.

It’s been long. I get there before anyone. I sit in my office and Bongi comes in
after 8am.

“Hey babydaddy how are you?”

“Mr Nxumalo to you Bongi. I am in a very bad mood. Don’t step on my toes.
Move your staff. I am back for good. Send someone to brief me about
everything, then we will have a meeting in an hour”

“Why are you being formal?”

“did you hear me?”

“Okay okay fine” she walks away and leaves the door slightly open. I stand by
the door and I hear laughter in the offices. People are working while chatting
about Politics.

I step outside and as soon as, they see me, they keep quiet. Very quiet.

They are scared of me. I was a very unfriendly person, that was until Thandi
made me whole, but she is gone and I am that person again.

Unfortunately I can’t change that.

“Anyone who wants to chat can go home. Thank you” I say and walk back to
my office.

I spend my days concentrating on work and court…..


It’s been two weeks since I went to the doctor because I was in pain. They
told me that something went wrong with my contraceptive. I got a morning
after pill and pain killers.

I felt much better after that.

I found a crèche for my princess. Waking up and taking her to crèche is the
most amazing thing to do as a mum. After taking her to crèche on the first
day, I decided to start looking for a job. I sent out my CV and they didn’t call
A few days ago when I left Nana in crèche , I took a walk and left my CV at a
garage and they called me as soon as I got home. I got employed.

The beauty of It, is that, I leave Nana in creche and pick her up after work.

So now I am on my way to pick her up. I pick her up and we walk to our nest.
She looks upset though.

“Talk to mummy”

“I hate that creche. We don’t watch TV. We spend the whole day sleeping and
playing stupid games. They cook rice. Mummy that creche is boring” she

“Learn to appreciate things Princess. We aren’t living with grandpa anymore. I

don’t have much money to buy you a tablet yet. We still need to buy our own
furniture and - - -“ as I am still talking, she let’s go of my hand and runs to
the apartment. She waits for me to open the door.

I open the door and find an envelope.

“Listen Nana. You don’t storm off when I am still talking, you don’t back chat,
you listen to me until I finish then you reply. I am your mother. You have to
respect me. ”

“are you done speaking now?”

“You are being disrespectful.”

“can I go and change my clothes?”


I open the letter and It’s a reminder that tomorrow, I have to take Nana to
court. How can they ask a 6year old to be a witness.?

This is crazy.

I take a bathe and start cooking while she draws somethings in her book. She
said it’s homework. She is doing all that with a sour face.
The DA comes to our apartment and talks to me. He tells me that if I don’t
bring Nana to court I will be arrested.

I now have to skip work and go to court. Who even gave him my address? As
soon as the DA leaves. I start dishing and then I overhear Nana speaking on
the phone.

“Grandpa come and take me. I hate it here”

“Nana. What are you doing?” she is in the bathroom talking.

“I have to hang up. She is shouting” she opens the door after a while.

I take the phone and realise she dialled her grandfather’s number.



“stop shouting at me mummy” she screams.

“Nana. You are growing up. You have to study. You can’t spend all your life
watching cartoons”

“Grandpa brought a teacher home for me. Why can’t you do the same? I hate
that creche, there are babies. They cry a lot and the teachers are old and

“We will find a better crèche for you as time goes on. For now we have to
save money.” I dish up for her and give her the food. She is overreacting, the
crèche is not that bad.

We eat and go to bed. I am exhausted.

My phone rings and I realise, It’s past 2am.

It’s father in-law calling.

“hello” I answer.
|Open the door| he says.

“What?” I ask getting up.

|the door| I hear a knock while speaking on the phone.

I open the door and I see father in-law. He looks like he was on a vacation in
some Island. He looks good… He looks very good.


Something unholy moves within me whenever he calls me by that name. I hate

feeling like a little whore. I pull down my night dress but it’s an impossible

“Let me get a gown” I say.

“don’t” he stops me by gently pulling my arm.

Heavens please send lightning and strike me to death….this is very improper.

*TO BE CONTINUED*[10/27, 10:46 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT

“how are you?”

“I should be asking you that father. How are you?”

“I am fine. Nana complained and I thought I should come and pay you guys a
visit and see if you are okay”

“we are fine. How is the case going?”

“Very bad” he says leaning against the wall.

“Do you need help with anything?”

“No” the conversation is very odd.

Well I have always been attracted to him but I pushed that thought to the
back of my mind because I was married to his son…… I even had dreams
about him.

“What are you going to do tomorrow since Nana is going to testify?” I ask.

“Don’t worry”


“I am sorry about your friend”

“Yeah. She tried to set me up. Sent by Zithelo’s girlfriend”

“I will take care of that don’t worry”


“You don’t have to worry. Are you comfortable in this house? I bought that
house for you, Nana, Neriah and the boys.”

“No. I want to be on my own. I am fine here”

“You are working overtime in that garage for a mere R3000. ”

“You even know my salary? ”

“I have to protect you. So I have to know everything” he sits on a stool and

looks at me.

“There is no privacy in this family”

“I am not discouraging you, but at least accept Nana’s allowance, my

granddaughter can’t be walking to crèche”

“You are insulting my parenting skills”

“No. I don’t mean any offence. I would never offend you intentionally. ”

We keep quiet for a while.

“So how do you plan on ‘taking care of Sindi?’ ”

“ I am still planning “

“ Do you need my help? “

“ No. I can’t risk your life like that”

“I want to help you get out of prison”

“Why would you do that?”

“So that you can finish all this war. So that we can all be safe. I don’t want my
daughter to go through hell again. I don’t want her to go through - - -“

“Shhh. It’s okay. She won’t go through shit again” he says taking a few steps
closer to me. I attack him with a hug. These are always the warmest.

He hugs me back for a while then we look at each other and the little whore
in me kisses him. His lips press against mine in a soft kiss.

He picks me up and places me on the table.

He kisses me down my neck and down to my belly button. My sinful hands
are helping him out of his clothes, this should happen before I regret it. I
don’t want any foreplay.

He removes his clothes and fucks me. He fucks me so good that I lose all my
morals. Nothing matters at all, at this moment…… We go on and on. The
man, goes in on me for three rounds, and after that I am exhausted and
breathless. It is the best sex I have ever had in my life.

But I regret it as soon as we are done…. I can’t even look at him.

Goodness gracious. I have slept with two sons and the father.
There is definitely something wrong with me.

This is so embarrassing. Very embarrassing.

He comes back with a towel and wipes me. How did he even find it?

“it’s weird isn’t it?” he asks and I let out a nervous chuckle.

He kisses me again…..

“I have to go now. Will you be okay?”

“Yeah. I am fine” he looks at me and slams his lips against mine, pulling me
on to his lap and I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back. Our lips
move together quickly like we are the last thing on earth and our lives
depends on each other’s lips.

His hands run down my sides sending a shiver down my spine and he grasps
my hips pulling them closer.
I still can’t believe how big he is. I sit on his lap, his hands make my hips look
small. I let out a soft whimper against his lips.
I guess he takes that as a sign that I want more, as he runs his hands under
my nightie. He almost growls out as he inserts his member into my pussy, and
holds my waist then I start moving. He groans and throws his head back. We
are both reaching our peaks.

He pulls out once we both have calmed down. And he pulls me to his chest
and I stay there for minutes.
“Teach me how to use a gun” that’s what I manage to say.

“You are not a murderer”

I can’t believe I am looking at him in the eyes and I feel so confident…

“I have to go, call me if you need anything. I mean anything”

“I need to help you with Sindi”

“Are you sure?”

“yes. I am sure”

I help him wear his clothes.

“Okay then. Lloyd will update you”

He walks away and as he reaches for the door handle. He turns back and
slams my lips with a kiss, then quickly walks away…..

I remain standing there smiling like it’s my first time having sex..
Only God can judge me.

[10/27, 11:25 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“I am nervous. What if they charge him with many years. What if they find him

“How many times must I remind you that when going to court you wear

“And then why are you so moody these days?”

“Wear formal clothes and find me in the car or you will drive yourself” I walk
downstairs and I bump into Mthulisi’s kids cleaning the house.

“Livukile [goodmorning]” they greet.

“ Livukile malume [goodmorning uncle] “ the level of respect they have is too

“akulasidingo sokuthi ni cleane la endlini. Ngizothola umuntu ozo cleaner.

Nina beseniya eskoleni [There is no need for you, to clean the house. I will
look for someone to clean then you will go to school]”

“Asilandaba loku cleaner malume. Ubaba uthe singatshoni sihlezi [we don’t
mind cleaning uncle. Father said we shouldn’t lazy around]” I am fighting a
losing battle. I let them be. They are too young to be cleaning after us….

Mgcini comes downstairs and they greet him.

We drive to court and meet Lloyd there. We talk to Nxumalo before the court

“ Hey boys”

“Nxumalo. Don’t worry. We will make a plan. You will get out of this”

“dad. You have to come back home. Neriah died, Thandi and Nana left.
Zithelo went back to his girlfriend. Mondli is never home. That house is empty
all over again. Come back home father” Mgcini says and Nxumalo smiles.

He is smiling? He looks too happy for someone who is charged with murder.

“Don’t worry son. Everything will be fine” here we are stressing about him but
he is in a good mood.

This is hectic.

We find our sits in the court room and they bring him in. In chains. It hurts to
see him like this, being treated like a real criminal.

Mgcini is having an anxiety attack….. He is tapping his foot on the floor

uncontrollably….. He is nervous and he is sweating.

Zithelo walks in with his bitch of a girlfriend what are they doing here?
“do you want water?” I ask Mgcini. I give him water and it seems like he has
suddenly forgot where his mouth is at. He spills water a little.

We sit for a while with him patting his foot, irritably. Then Thandi walks in and
sits at the front just next to the lawyer… Kizington walks in too.

There is no space next to Mgcini. I stand up and go sit with Thandi. I look
back and I see Kizington holding Mgcini’s hand and he isn’t shaking anymore.
I feel relieved.
“You look beautiful” I compliment Thandi…
“Thank you”


It’s a beautiful day today. I woke up next to my fiancé and we dressed up for
court. Today Nxumalo is going down for real.

One thing I love about kids is that they are honest. They are very honest.
Especially Nana she sings like a bird.

“Why are we even here?” Zithelo asks as Thandi walks into the court room.
Wearing a navy blue, slack a white vest and a blazer. Is she showing off?

“To support your father.” He gets more uncomfortable as Mondli sits next to

I walk over to Nxumalo and stand behind him bending a little.

“Father in law. Hie” I greet and he keeps quiet…. “Hie friend” I greet Thandi
as I walk back to my seat.

“What was that about?” Zee asks.

“I was greeting my new family members” I hold his hand and we sit back
waiting for the shit to go down.

Nana is too forward and she will sing like a bird. I trust her.


I am so nervous. Very nervous. Nana will talk about everything. She is too
talkative and she will talk. Ooh God.

This is bad.

“calm down my love” Mondli holds my hand and I pull mine away.

“How are you?” he asks.

“I really don’t want to talk.”

“Okay. I respect that” he keeps quiet.
“I will wait for you. Until you forgive me”
Will you forgive me for sleeping with your father?


“Are you okay?”

“I was having an anxiety attack. I can’t watch them crucify my father”

“He will find a way out”

“Thank you for coming”

“I told you that I won’t leave you alone” I hold his hand. He is really nervous.
The judge comes in.

I whisper “I love you and you look good in formal wear. Even though I would
prefer you naked” I see a smile on his face. He wants to laugh. He holds it in
and pinches my thigh.

“Kizington stop talking shit” he says in between a beautiful smile.

How do I tell him that I am also a State witness? That will hurt him. Damn
these people.

“ Mgcini. I am also a witness” I blurt it out after they ask us to rise and take
our sits.

“against my father?” I nod.

“Kizington are you kidding me?”

“No. But I know how to answer questions don’t worry. I am telling you so
that you won’t be surprised” he tries to free his hand from my hold.

“don’t let go” I whisper.

The court commences.

DA: We have an eye witness your lordship. She is a minor but under
supervision and the doctor said she is in her right mind to answer some

“A minor?” Mgcini whisper asks me.

JUDGE: bring the witness.

They bring in Nana…. This is all my fault.

“what the fuck?” Mgcini curses and people start murmuring.

“HOW CAN YOU BRING A KID TO COURT?” Zithelo shouts and Nana looks at
him. She says something to him and tries to hug him but they stop her.


“daddy. Grandpa” she let’s go of the Officer’s hand and runs to Nxumalo.

This is so fucked up. They hold her before she reaches the stand.

JUDGE: it’s okay let her hug her grandfather.


What is this? She is not supposed to be so lovey dovey with her grandfather.
She is supposed to be hating him.

She hated him.

They make her sit on a chair and they give her a doll.

JUDGE: Hie little girl


JUDGE: What’s your name?

NANA: I go by the simple and easy name Nana Nxumalo. The court laughs..
What’s funny there?

NANA: but my dad calls me Princess. She smiles at Zithelo and Zithelo smiles

JUDGE: nice name Nana. So do you know why you are here today?

NANA: yes.

JUDGE: Why are you here?

NANA: To answer some questions.

JUDGE: do you swear to tell the truth only?

NANA: Yes. I promise.

JUDGE: Mr Peterson over there will ask you questions and you will reply with
yes or no. Do you understand?

NANA: what if it’s maybe? The court laughs again. I am getting bored with
this chit chat.

Nxumalo’s lawyer starts by asking stupid questions then the DA who will
probably lose his job if he messes this up. Starts asking the questions.

DA: Nana do you know David Zondo?

NANA: Yes. He is my dad’s fav---

DA: reply with yes or No.

NANA: but he is my dad’s favourite soccer star.

DA: okay did you see your grandfather pulling a gun and shooting - -

NXUMALO’S LAWYER: Objection your honour. He is putting words in the poor

child’s mouth…

JUDGE: MR DA. Rephrase your question.

DA: Do you know what happened to David Zondo?


DA: didn’t you see him die?


DA: remember clearly child didn’t you see your grandfather pulling a gun and
shooting David Zondo!!

NANA: my grandfather is not a killer.

I feel like going to that stand and pull the little brat and slap the truth out of
her.. Shit!

DA: remember clearly. Child.



This guy is making things worse.

“You can’t talk to my daughter like that!” Thandi shouts and I leave as they
start arguing about bullshit! Fuck them all!

Fuck! This went wrong!

[10/29, 12:14 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



“Grandpa why were they asking me so many questions and why are we not
staying at home anymore? Grandpa I hate the place where mum and I live. I
hate the crèche even more. They give us samp and make us sleep the whole

I didn’t like that apartment either, but she is trying to be independent. What
can I do?

“You have to listen to mummy and take care of her. Do as she says. Grandpa
will come and fetch you okay?”
“I love you grandpa and I want to stay with you.”

“I will come and take you home”


“yes MaNxumalo?”

“Can you buy me a tablet? I promise I will listen to mummy if you do” she

“Okay MaNxumalo. I will buy you a tablet. If you take care of mummy and
make sure she is always happy neh?”

“Thank you grandpa. I will listen to her and make her happy.” she kisses my
cheek and runs to her mother.

The court took a 15 minutes break and she came to me. I owe Lloyd my
life…… He did a good job with the Electro Shock therapy. She doesn’t
remember anything that happened in the last six months…..


“Mum I saw dad. He is not in heaven. I saw him and he smiled at me. Dad
smiled at me mum.” I am now convinced they did something to my daughter.
Here I was, nervous thinking she was going to say a lot of things, but she
kept her cool.
How can she say Zithelo is not in heaven, after spending months with him?

She is acting weird.

The court is postponed until tomorrow. Kizington was supposed to be the

2nd witness but they said he is not a reliable witness.
“Dad is not in heaven Princess” I say as we exit the court room.
As we walk to catch a taxi Mondli runs to us……

“Hie” he greets. I can’t even look at him in the eye. I am trying so hard to
push what I did this morning, with my father in law to the back of my mind
but I can’t.

“Uncle can you drive us to that house. I hate taxes” Trust Nana to embarrass

Does it come naturally to be forward or it’s hereditary? Because If it’s

hereditary, she didn’t inherit it from me.

“Yes. Yes. I can drive you home” Mondli nods multiple times.

“We can take a taxi it’s not a hassle”

“It’s 4pm. MaNcube. I will just drop you off. I won’t bother you I promise. Here
are the keys go and sit in the car Princess” he gives Nana his car keys
“phone uncle.” He gives her the phone as well.

Mgcini and Kizington walk to us.

“Queen” Mgcini hugs me. I missed him.

“Hie” Kizington greets.

“Hey Kizington how are you? And you, You look skinny what’s going on?” I
ask Mgcini.

“He doesn’t want to eat. Talk to him” Kizington says.

“Please come back home. I beg you. Should I kneel down?” Mgcini bends a
little and I laugh.

“You don’t have to kneel down. I will come one day, for now, I need some
“Okay today I am coming with you. We are eating dinner at your place.
Mthulisi’s kids are afraid of using the gas stove. They made fire yesterday and
the pap was smelling like fire. Besides that, it was very thick. Their father
enjoyed it, but I didn’t” Now I see where my daughter got the spoilt brat

“Mthulisi’s kids?” I ask.

“Yes. We will talk when we get to your place. Kizington and I will follow
behind” they walk to their car. I didn’t even agree.

“Let’s go my love” Mondli opens the door for me. Nana is already seated and
playing games in Mondli’s phone.

“Did I do anything wrong?” he asks instead of driving.

“Mondli. The kid”

“use my ear buds Nana” she does.

“I am sorry if Bongi said something hurtful. I am really sorry but, if that is my

kid. I can’t abandon him or her. And I promise the kid won’t come between
you and our future cubs”

“cubs?” I chuckle.

“That’s what I want. To see you smile”

“Mondli. I just need to be alone. Can we take a break?”

“A break?”

“I really don’t want to talk about this now.”

“Don’t break up with me. I will do anything you want. Anything. What do you
want me to do? Tell me. I will do anything please” This is so hard.

“I beg you baby, don’t crucify me for my past mistakes” he begs.

“You didn’t do anything wrong Mondli. I am the one who has a problem. I
have my own demons to fight, decisions to make. Let’s not talk about this

“Okay. Even though I don’t understand but it’s okay. It’s okay my love. I will

“Do you want to buy anything for dinner?”

“let’s pass by the shops. I need a few things” We pass by the shops and I buy
a few spices and chicken.
Then we drive to the apartment.


We get to the apartment and Thandi starts cooking as we chat about a lot of
things. I am actually feeling a bit better.
I don’t like the apartment though, it’s small.

Mondli is helping her cook.

“Seeing them together is weird. These two in a relationship? It still feels

surreal.” I whisper to Kizington.
“Stop gossiping. Can we leave already?”
“Aren’t you hungry?”
“I am hungry for you”
“Kizington stop being naughty” I am smiling like a fool.
“What does he mean he is hungry for you uncle?” Nana asks out loud and I
“excuse me” Kizington walks outside.
“Not in front of the kid. Are you both crazy?” Mondli asks and Thandi hits me
with a carrot.
“How can someone be hungry for another person?” Nana keeps asking.
“Concentrate on the game” I say to her.

Two men deliver a large bouquet of roses.

“Ma’am these were delivered in the morning. When they came, you had
already left” a man says.

“Is there a note?” Mondli asks, receiving the flowers on behalf of Thandi.

“No sir”

“Ncooow somebody has a secret admire” I say and Thandi looks very

“Who sent you the flowers?” Mondli asks.

“I don’t know” Thandi responds.

“Nana go to your room” Mondli says.

“I don’t have a room. I sleep with mummy”

“Go to the bedroom” she takes Mondli’s phone to the bedroom.

“Who. Sent. You. Roses? These are expensive”

Mondli looks very upset.

“They don’t have a note so they probably belong to a neighbor” Thandi lies.

“Is that why you are asking for a break? Is there someone else?” Mondli is
angry and Thandi is starting to stammer.

He looks very upset and the last time I saw him like this he almost killed

“Answer. Me. Is there someone else?”

“okay enough with the drama. I sent the flowers. She had told me that she
wasn’t feeling well a week ago and she didn’t want to give me the address.
So I asked one of the guards, and they gave me the address. I wanted to
surprise her and let her know that I know where she lives.” I say and Mondli
takes out a bottle of pills and he drinks one pill. He sighs and sits back on a

“I am so sorry. I….I thought”

“It’s okay” Thandi says calmly.

“I am so sorry” Mondli apologizes and walks outside.

“Who bought you the flowers?” I ask Thandi who looks at me in



“It’s none of my business but you owe me. You owe me big time”


We left Thandi’s apartment, after having dinner and Mgcini said he wanted to
see his father.

I pulled a few strings because he is at the same prison where I was. So I

know a few guards who used to let Donald in, anytime…
I don’t know why he wants to see him so late. It’s past 8PM.

“Kizington. Nxumalo” he greets us and we respond.

“Dad. I want to tell you something” he is sitting and I am standing.

“Talk to me son. Is everything okay?”

“yes. Everything is okay. I want to let you know that I am in love” okay I am

“That’s a good thing” Nxumalo nods.

“Promise me you won’t judge me. I already feel guilty that you don’t know”

“You are in love with Kizington, that’s why you run to him every time
something doesn’t go your way. That’s why he spends nights in my house and
that’s why he was holding your hand in court” I am shocked but not more
than Mgcini he is flabbergasted.

“Nxumalo I didn’t mean to disrespect you. It just happened. You asked me to

look after him and I fell in love.” I explain myself.

“Dad you knew already?”

“You are my son. I know you”

“Are you angry? Do I embarrass you?”

“you are my son. You will never embarrass me. I was disappointed at first, but
when I realized that he loves you too. I accepted it”

“Dad are you sure?” Nxumalo stands up and hugs him… Wow.

“I love you no matter what. I just want you to be happy and always be who
you are. Don’t try to be what you are not, cause I love you no matter what.”

“Thank you dad”

“Dad. I am sorry for disrespecting you sometime back. I was traumatized.”

“Never do it again. I almost disowned you”

“Never. I am the only sane child you have.” I am loving this.

“Leave me with Kizington” he says and Mgcini leaves.

“Nxumalo” I break the silence..

“Kizington if you are playing with him, or if you are avenging ‘someone’ just
don’t do it. He is my pride and joy. He owns the biggest space in my heart. If
you break him. I won’t mind spending the rest of my life in prison”

I keep quiet for a while.

“I risked my life for him and I risked my sister’s lives for your daughter. What
else do I need to do to prove myself?”

“Take care of him. He is my last born.”

“I will do that sir”

I leave and find him outside.

“What did he say?” he asks.

“nothing much” we drive to his house. And the house is quiet, so we walk to
his bedroom.

“Thank you for introducing me to your father without a warning”

“He is coming home soon. So I didn’t want you to sneak in and out whenever
he is around”

I kiss him.

“He was in a very good mood did you notice?” he asks.

“hopefully the case will go accordingly tomorrow”

“I love you” he says and I kiss him. “I love you too. Stop getting nervous
about things, control the anxiety don’t let it control you.”

“Okay doctor. Ngisayogeza [I am going to bathe]”

I love him and I am glad he isn’t hiding anymore.

[10/29, 2:05 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*

I almost lost it. I almost went crazy. I told Lloyd these pills aren’t good for me.
I can’t lose my temper with Thandi. I thought she was cheating on me. But
she would never. Thandi is not that type of a woman.
One of the reasons I love her, is because she is a wife material. She is
beautiful and she doesn’t dress anyhow. She dresses like a Lady and carries
herself like one. Cheating is probably not in her vocabulary.

I was crazy thinking that she has a boyfriend.

We ate dinner and Kizington left with Mgcini.

“MaNcue. I want to apologise for overreacting with the flowers thing. Please
forgive me.”

“It’s okay. I don’t blame you”

“You are cool about it?”

“yes. But can you please give me time. I need time. I need to find myself. A lot
is going on. None of my family members are speaking to me. I need to work
for myself and teach my daughter how to take care of herself. Nana is too
spoilt. Can you believe she said she doesn’t eat food from the streets? “

“ She is right. She can’t…. No. She is wrong” I correct myself and she laughs.

“You see, my daughter inherited bad habits from you guys.”

“And she inherited the good manners from you. I love you”


“Can I sleep over?”

“Mondli I just told you that I need space”

“Okay. I am sorry. I am leaving then.” I try to kiss her but she stops me…..
What has changed?

“Mondli please”

“not even a kiss Thandi?” she gives me a look.

“Okay. Okay” I leave with a bruised ego…..I have been ignoring Bongi’s calls
since morning.

I call her back.

“What is it?”

“Your DNA has been born” she says.

“What DNA Bongi?”

“Your son” she responds.

“Where are you?”

“Rosseternville Private Hospital” I drive there like a maniac. I share the news
with Lloyd. Who says he will meet me there.

We meet there and we run around the hospital like headless chickens until we
find to her ward.

I see her laying there with the baby in a cot next to her.

I pick him up.

“You can do the DNA now” Bongi says and Lloyd chuckles. “Really now?”

My heart instantly connects with the baby.

“I have a son Lloyd. I am a father” I say and he rejoices with me. I can’t let go
of my son.

“congratulations Nxumalo” Lloyd says.

“I am a father”

“Call Nxumalo” I say to Lloyd and he does.

“Nxumalo. I am a father to a boy. A boy Nxumalo. I am a father” I say and he

asks |Ngempela? [truly?] Did you do the DNA?|

“ I will do it but he is mine. I can feel it father”

|congratulations Nxumalo. I hope to see him soon|

“Wait let me send you a picture” Lloyd takes a picture and sends.

“Do you see him?” I ask.

“Mubi njengawe[ he is ugly like you] “ he teases me and I laugh.

“I think he is ugly like his grandpa” I shoot back.

|Thank you for making me age more|

“Include him in your will” I say and he laughs then Lloyd hangs up.

Mondli’s call wakes me up.

|You are an uncle again| he says as soon as I answer.

“whose uncle?”

|I am a father. Bring me a fresh shirt to the hospital|

“which hospital?”


“okay sir” he hangs up. Mondli woke me up!

“morning handsome” I wake an already awake Kizington.

“Morning cutie”

“I need to talk to you about something” he says and I throw my leg over his
thighs and place my head on his chest.

“What is it?” I ask.

“I work. I hustle here and there and tonight I am not available even on phone”

“You are kidding me right?”

“No. I am not”

“sleeping alone is boring Kizington.”

“Eeeh bhudi. Bazothi ngiknikezani abantu? [what will people say I gave
you?]” he asks and I laugh.

“What kind of hustling is that? Won’t it put your life in danger or send you
back to prison?”
“ you sound like Donald right now”

“ I will pretend as if I didn’t hear you say that” I say as I wake up. He keeps

“I am going to my house to get fresh clothes. See you in court”

“I don’t want to drive Kizington”

“Cutie. I can’t drive to Tembisa, to Rossetenvile then court. We will be late”

“You will drive fast”



“Okay fine let’s go then” I take a shower and he does too. Then we drive to
his house then to Rossetenvile where I meet Mondli junior.

“Mondli you are a father?” I ask in excitement.

“Yes boy”

“let me think of a name”

“Let’s call him Office” I say and Mondli lightly hits me.

He changes his clothes and we go to court.

We settle down. Zithelo and his girlfriend are already here. She keeps stealing
glances at us and smiling. This woman is weird. Thandi is probably at work

“Are you okay?” Kizington asks.

“I am not a sick puppy broe” I respond.

“Okay but you are a puppy. A very thin puppy “ Mondli is too excited.

“Office’s father” I tease him.

“Okay stop it. At the end of the day I am a father”

“Congratulations once again” Kizington says.

“Can a child be dark from birth?” I mock him and he pushes me a little.

“Sometimes I wonder if you and Zithelo are really Nxumalo’s sons? Nxumalo
is dark. Neriah and I took after him. What about you and Zithelo?”

“ One day you will show me my real father. You seem to be sure that Nxumalo
isn’t my father”

“ I am joking. You are his favourite son anyway.”

“He is joking stop being tense” Kizington says and I was really getting tense. I
hate it when people say I don’t look like my father.


We rise and sit down.

The court commences. They say the case number and all that boring staff.

JUDGE: Bring in the witness.

We all look at the door as Karen, Kizington’s sister walks in.

“What?” I exclaim.

“What is Karen doing here?” I ask Kizington.

“I don’t know. I am surprised as you are”

“Shit” Lloyd curses.

“Lloyd who is she?” Mondli asks.

“His sister”

“What does - -“




“Where were you, when 22 people were murdered at Kwamhlabauyalingana.

During the Zondos burial?”

“I was there.”

“do you mind telling the court who you were with?”

“I was with my brother, his three friends, my little sister and the late Donald’s
four friends and a driver”

“when the heartless murderers came and shot everyone did you recognize
any of those ruthless murderers?”


“Speak loudly Ma’am”

“Yes I recognized one of them.”

“Is he among these people in court today?”


“Can you point at him or her?” she points at my father and my father drops
his head down. Zithelo’s girlfriend looks at me smiling.

“Kizington? What is this?”


“Kizington talk!” I shout and people look at me.

[10/30, 9:14 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


They escort him outside and I follow. I spoke to everyone who was with me
that day. Lloyd even paid them to keep quiet. I personally spoke my sisters,
into keeping quiet about that whole thing. I don’t know how they got to
Karen. She didn’t even tell me that she was testifying.

“ I didn’t know.” I say to Mgcini as I get outside.

“You didn’t know what?” he asks.

“That my sister was testifying”

“Was my father really there?”

“Mgcini. It’s not true”

“Karen is lying?”

“We can’t talk here.”

“Kizington.” He looks upset.

“let’s go” I pull his hand to the car.

I paid these people a lot of money. I paid Kizington to keep his people on a
tight leash. She is singing and she keeps singing.

KAREN: he came out carrying a dead body on his shoulders. I was too scared
to look.

DA: My lord. Mr Nxumalo’s daughter has been missing, since David Zondo’s
funeral. It is said that she was having an affair, with the late David Zondo. Ms
Neriah Nxumalo and her infant went missing, soon after the Zondo Massacre.
My lord even though, we do not have proof, but we believe that the body,
that the accused was seen carrying, at the third crime scene was actually his
daughter’s….Neriah Nxumalo.

This woman just fucked up my life.

I told Kizington to keep them quiet.

As if that’s not enough. After they cross-examine Karen they bring another
witness. Apparently he is the driver who saw my face that night.



DA: My lord. I don’t think the court needs anymore evidence, to prove that,
the accused is an unforgiving maniac murderer. He kills with no conscience.
Who kills a 10 year old boy? Who kills 22 people during a funeral?? My Lord,
justice must be served.

My lawyer wants to speak but I shake my head no.

I know he wants to say I was in prison that day, but that would cause more
problems as they will investigate and find out that I wasn’t there, and it will
put everyone who helped me in jeopardy.
Who knows maybe they have more evidence to prove that, I wasn’t in prison
that night.
I thought I had everything under control, but these two witnesses just messed
things up for me.

“I understand that, it’s not your fault. I am sorry for shouting”

“You do?”

“yes” he let’s out a sigh.

“I am sorry. But I have to leave now”

“Where are you going?”

“don’t you realise what Karen just did? I need to apologize to your father on
her behalf”

“He won’t forgive such a thing. Why would Karen lie though?” he looks away.

“Kizington tell me the truth did my dad do it?” we are now at home in the
living room.

“Kizito. Don’t hide things from me”

“Mgcini. I have to go”

“Do you think my father will survive that?”

“ I don’t know. What I know is that I love you “ he kisses me and leaves.
Was my father really there? Was Kizington’s sister telling the truth?


I am running around like a headless chicken. I drive to Karen’s house and she
is not there.
Her husband says she is in a witness protection program.

I go to my mother’s house and I call the gents. I tell them what happened.

“I don’t trust Nxumalo. What happened in that funeral is proof that, his
enemies don’t live to gloat” Michael says.

“I will gather a few guys who will always be at your house protecting ugogo
and Karol. Karol has to stay at home until things settle down.”- Mlindo.

“Thank you guys.”

“We have a problem Kizito”-Kelvin

“gents please not now please.” I have a severe migraine

“He is right. Leave him alone” Michael dismisses Kelvin.

“Michael is selling drugs” Kelvin blurts it out.

“Not in my house or close to me. If you get caught you are on your own.
Don’t involve me in that shit Michael! Don’t” I snap.

I spend days guarding my mother and Karol.


“I spoke to my father, he said he won’t hurt your family so relax. You are too
tense these days.” I haven’t left my mother and sister in two weeks. So Mgcini
decided to pay me a visit.

“How are you though?” I ask.

“I miss you. I miss you so much” We are standing by the gate and I can spot
his guards.

“I miss you too cutie.”

“You look like you haven’t slept in a while”

“I am just tired”

“Can we go grab something to eat?” Mgcini is naïve he doesn’t see that this
is war. Tomorrow his father might be sentenced to life imprisonment because
of Karen.
I let my gut down a bit and we take a walk. I buy him an ice cream. There is
no privacy in the neighbourhood, everyone is greeting me left, right and
centre to his annoyance.

“Why didn’t we drive?” I chuckle a bit. He is really annoyed.

“walking is healthy” I respond. We walk back home and I open his car door
for him.

“I love you so much. Drive safely.”

“I love you too.” He responds even though he doesn’t look like he wants to

“you don’t look fine Kizington are you okay?” he is worried now.

“a lot is going on, but I will be fine” how do I tell him that his father is a real
murderer? Even though, he said he won’t harm my family, but I just don’t
trust him.
“do you need help with anything?”

“No. Always know that I love you”

“I am so nervous about tomorrow will you come to court?”

“Maybe. I am not sure”
“okay I love you”
“I love you too” he doesn’t want to leave.
“Can you come and sleep over?” he makes a cute sad face, but No will do for
“My love I will see you tomorrow bye” I close his door and he slowly drives

“Why didn’t you let him in?” Karol sneaks up on me and I almost hit her with
my elbow.
“go back to the house!” I snap.
“chill. I am just taking a picture”


I get home and find Lloyd with a bunch of dodgy looking guys in the living
room, going through something that they hide as soon as I walk in. They
move their business to my father’s room.

They aren’t looking as dodgy as Kizington was today. He looked very dodgy
today and his eyes were wondering around……
I grab something to eat and I stay in my room.
I can’t help but worry about my father. Tomorrow is his last day in court and I
pray that they find him innocent.
I fall asleep and wake up early in the morning then get ready for court. It’s the
most boring thing to do.

Mondli drives us there, I call Kizington on the way and he says he isn’t
“His sister lied about our father in court”
“Mondli. Kizington has nothing to do with that”
“if that stupid testimony gets our father into trouble, you better find someone
else to love.”
“Mondli if you or anyone hurts Kizington - - -“
“Shut up” he dismisses me. He is so rude today.
“Do you need water?” he asks and I keep quiet.
“ukwateleni manje akusadlalwa nawe? [why are you angry? Can’t I joke with
you anymore?]”
No wonder Kizington is so afraid, maybe they are threatening him. I don’t
trust Lloyd at all. I ignore my brother, I know he is harmless.
We get to court and settle down. Thandi joins us.
Zithelo is not here today but his girlfriend is. She is always here. She gives
me bad vibes.







I wish my family didn’t come today.

There are journalists and a lot of shitty people who will make this hard for

I feel my chest closing in. My sons are crying, Thandi is crying, Lloyd is trying
to comfort them but Sindi is looking at me with a mischievous smile.

“No. No. Dad!” Mgcini screams as Lloyd takes him away.

To death?

[11/01, 12:42 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“death penalty is too harsh dad, don’t you think?” Tshego asks her parents
who do not look like they care.

We were watching Nxumalo’s trial on SABC news. He was given a death

sentence and the family seems to be happy about it.

Isn’t he Belinda’s boyfriend?

Speaking of Belinda she surprisingly, called and told me to pack a small bag.
Of which I did, then someone came and drove me here. It’s actually the first
time in years since she invited me somewhere.

My aunt, the first Lady just prepared dinner, apparently Sindi is engaged so
she is bringing her fiancé to meet her family.

We were all watching the trial in fact, the whole country was watching, and a
death sentence? Death? That’s extreme.

“It’s a blessing in disguise. He won’t come after Karen. We can go back to


“Eish mar Nxumalo is a good guy, death penalty by shooting is too harsh. I
can’t imagine what his family must be going through. I can already imagine
them watching their father being shot 22 times for the whole world to see.”-

They are busy talking but my mind is not here. We hear a car horn by the
gate…. We cock our guns ready to shoot, I peep through the windows and
realise it’s Mgcini in a taxi.

“ I will take care of this” I walk to the gate and I open his door.

He is crying. Asking if he is alright, is a waste of time because he is obviously


“How much is it?” I ask the driver.

“R350” I give him R400

He gets out of the car but he can barely stand.

“I am sorry my love” I hug him. I walk him to my car. He gets in and I drive to
my house. He is crying all the way.

How does one comfort a person who is about to lose his father?

“They are going to kill him”

“baby I am sorry” he has snots mixed with tears and his tears have blinded
his eyes.

As we get home, I remove his tie and the jacket.

I pick him up. He is so slim, doesn’t want to eat.

I place him on the bed

“What am I going to do without him?”

“I am sorry baby” I remove his shoes. I pull him to my chest as he cries.

He wails painfully unfortunately I don’t cry. If I could, I would cry with him.

I squeeze him in my arms.


“remember you asked me when we will have dinner with the rents? Well
today is the day. Let’s go and dine with the president.” I force a smile. I
watched the news and I saw my father being sentenced to death.

Sindi is happy. And like the fool that she thinks I am, she thinks I would
celebrate an engagement on a day like this? No matter what he has done,
whether he tried to kill me or not, whether he killed people or not, he is my
father and the good memories I had with him outweigh the bad ones.

“ let’s go baby.”

“let’s change” we change our clothes. She gets into a dust pink dress with
navy stilettos and I, in a navy blue tuxedo.
We drive to the State house. I can never get used to the security here, they
literally held my balls while searching me last time.

“How many entrances are here babe?” I ask as we walk inside.

“7 love”

“they all have soldiers?”

“yes ”

“how do you feel about your father?” she asks.

“I don’t want to talk about it”

“Okay I respect that”

“So how do you open the gate?”

“using the security remote button, that is in the security room.” I can see the

“okay “ we get searched and we walk down the hall.

“so the security room is here?”

“Why are you asking so many questions today??”

“I am nervous” I am really nervous.

“It’s okay hunny” she kisses me then holds my hand and takes me to her
parents. Sitting with the president is always uncomfortable

Tshego can’t look at me in the eye.

I greet them and pull a chair then sit down.

Belinda walks in and manhandles Sindi. She pulls her hand away then
Mengezi follows them.
“You slept with sisters. What kind of a sick man are you? You are a disgusting
- - ” the man is angry. He should use that energy to gain people’s love and
leave me alone. Tshego saves the day by saying “dad please”
Given a chance I would fuck her again, they are both classy whores anyway.


“I said 25 years not a death sentence are you crazy!”

“I am not the one who-g”

“you are lying!” I am secretly listening to a conversation between my mother

and cousin Sindi.

“Sindi. Death sentence? Do you have an idea how hurt Mgcini is right now?”
Mgcini again? The man has a lot of children why does it affect Mgcini alone?

“Leave me alone aunt Belinda! ” I hear Sindi approaching and I walk away. I
am not so shocked…. They are both manipulative, schemers and if only they
knew, what people say about uncle, they would stop scheming and fix the
country, because he will never get my vote let alone the people’s.
He is a joke. He has destroyed the country.

I go back to the dining room. Sindi comes back.

“are you okay hunny?” She asks Zithelo and he nods. Isn’t he a fool? This guy
is weird.

“baby do you want something to eat?”


He is holding on to me. It’s now past 8pm. It’s raining and it’s cold…

“Let me make something for you. You have to eat”



There is a knock at the door.

“Let me get the door” I leave him and open the door. It’s Belinda.

She is wearing the business attire black boots, black jeans, black vest and a
short leather jacket. She looks upset.

“Belinda” I greet.

“Kizington are you alone?”

“No. I am with Mgcini” she walks past me to my bedroom.

“Sonny how are you?” Mgcini sees Belinda and cries even more.

“They are going to kill my father”

“No. I will never let that happen. Kizington and I, are going to rescue your
dad, then daddy, you, Kizington and I will go far away for a while”

“Excuse me?” she just made a decision for me without my knowledge. She
didn’t tell me anything about a rescue mission…. Let alone going far. I am not
leaving my family.

“Really? Thank you Belinda” she hugs him like a baby and wipes his tears.

“don’t cry my boy. Mummy Is here now” ‘mummy?’

“even though you and dad aren’t married, I truly feel like you love me more
than my own mother ever did.” Belinda drops a tear. Women will surprise you.

“ But Belinda can’t you take someone else instead of Kizington? I don’t want
him to get hurt”

“Let me talk to him. I need you to go with my men to your father’s house,
pack a few items for you and dad okay? Then they will take you to a place
where you will wait for us”

“Belinda.” I call her. She pulls my hand to the kitchen.

“I am not doing any illegal shit” she chuckles and says “You stole 12 cars in
the last two weeks. And you are telling me about illegal shit? Your friend sells
drugs, which by the way, killed 6 girls in a night club and you tell me about
illegal shit? Stop playing games with me, you aren’t a saint Kizington ”

“I am doing this so that Nxumalo won’t go after my sister. But I need a

payment. Pay me I won’t risk my life for nothing. ” She speaks to someone
over a radio and that someone brings two bags.

“Relax. Nxumalo won’t do anything to your dumb sister and who said I wasn’t
going to pay you?” She gives me a gun and a bullet proof vest….

“As for leaving the country. I am not leaving” I say as I wear the vest under
my jacket. She gives me a bag full of money as I am still surprised by the
amount Mgcini walks to us.

“Will you be okay?” he asks me.

“I will be fine. Just take care of yourself. Go and wear my hood it’s cold out

“I love you” he kisses me.

“ and I love you Belz. Bring my dad and Kizington back safely”

I walk to my room with the bag. It has a lot of money. I hide it in the
bathroom. I take my favourite jersey, hand knitted by mum and Karen. I give it
to him.

“wear this”

“This smells like you” he says putting it on.

“Go home now. See you later” he leaves.

We get into a car and they drive to the prison while we go through her plan.
This is always a risk.
“Everything is well planned. Here is the key to his cell, the man guarding him
is ours. Just avoid the cameras. It’s going to be tricky but easy.”

I go in there as a jail guard on duty, unfortunately they have him locked up

alone in a cell a bit far.

It’s a special cell where he is waiting for his death day. He will be alone eating
all his favourite meals until the death day….

This prison Warden is very corrupt, making the whole staff corrupt, with
money, you can go in and out as you please.

I find my way in, by paying a lot of people. Now that I think about it, Belinda
planned this whole thing a while ago, because Nxumalo should be in a
Maximum Security Prison.

I see him pacing up and down in the cell.

“Nxumalo. Let’s go” he doesn’t look surprised to see me.

I throw him a guard uniform… He changes quickly and we leave… “hurry up”
the guard who was guarding him leads us through the hallway, we leave with
our heads down..

“Sir nobody is leaving at this hour which section are you from?” the guard at
the gate asks. We are so close, so close to succeed in our mission.

Belinda starts shooting from afar. Noo! Why is she shooting?

Nxumalo takes the gun from the guard and shoots him….. Now they have
alerted everyone…..I hate working with armatures. We run back as everyone
is focused on Belinda and the other guys….I know this prison like the back of
my hand.

We run around and get to a path….which leads us to the bush where Mgcini
and I ran to….

He is coughing none stop.

“shh” I say as we run. We can hear the gun shots from here..

I call Belinda and tell her to leave…

Nxumalo and I escape safely as they diverted their attention to Belinda.

“You are really good at this Kizington” he says as we approach the road, he is

My phone keeps vibrating..

“Nxumalo. I am sorry about what Karen did. I had no idea. ”

“It’s okay let’s get out of here” he runs in front of me.

I check my phone while running.

|I am so sorry about your sister and grandma. What a tragedy| it’s my ex


|Kizito come home now!|- Mlindo

|Kizito hade mfethu|

I stop on my tracks.

I call Michael.

“What’s going on?”

|The same way they slaughtered those people, they slaughtered grams at
home and Karen in that damn witness protection shit! Nxumalo is really evil.
Hade Kizito. We tried----| I remove my phone from my ear, feeling defeated.

After risking my life for him?

[11/01, 9:31 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I am hurt, I feel pain deep in my heart. One thing that I have taught myself is
to never make rational decisions….

Nxumalo calls someone and after a few minutes the black quantum comes to
the road…..

Inside the quantum there are men and I can only recognize Lloyd as he is the
one who climbs down and opens the door for us.

Nxumalo calls Belinda after having a conversation with Lloyd. Belinda comes
with a few guards limping. They are hurt and fewer. The police sirens are
heard from afar.

“Banzi my love are you okay?” Belinda cups his face and hugs him. She is the
hurt one not him.

“okay let’s get out of here and who are these guys?” Belinda asks.

Nxumalo breaks his silence, by fixing a silencer to Lloyd’s gun and shooting
the remaining guards.

“Are there anymore guards Kizington?”

I shake my head no. Belinda is shocked and I am confused. I fix my gun as

well. If I go down, I am taking him with me.

“Your time is up” He turns on Belinda and I am extremely shocked.

They search the dead guards and take away their uniforms, they wear them.
By them I mean Lloyd and 5 other guys.
“What is Zithelo’s location?” Nxumalo asks and Lloyd takes out his laptop
once we get settled in the quantum…. There are 7 of them and I am the
eighth excluding Belinda.

“He is at the State house”

“Banzi? What’s all this?” Belinda looks defeated and confused.

“your brother is going to pee on himself today.”

“What do you mean?” Nxumalo takes away her radio and says “Your little
game is over. Have you ever met a cook who can afford to break someone
out of prison?” they chuckle.

“A cook who tried to kill me, a cook who faked Zithelo’s death. Nxumalo this
cook can do a lot of things.” Lloyd adds while typing somethings in his

“a cook who can’t cook” another man says and they laugh.

“Banzi…” Belinda tries to speak but Nxumalo shuts her up by hitting her.
He hits women too? This man!

“Yes we will have a white wedding only. I don’t want the traditional thing.” It’s
past 12pm. We don’t usually chat till this late, but Zithelo doesn’t want to
sleep. So we are in the lounge with the family talking about my wedding.

“Can I use the bathroom?” Zithelo asks.

“of course baby. Mengezi can you accompany him”

I don’t want him wondering around alone. They leave to the bathroom.

“You finally got rid of Nxumalo. You are the ones who hired him. What if he
decides to sell all of us?”

“relax daddy on Monday he is going to meet his maker”

“and you will marry his son?”


My father shakes his head in disappointment. What he doesn’t realise is that I

have won. I always get what I want.


He looks nervous and I realised he has been checking his watch quite a lot.

“I am sorry about your father” I say.

“Where is the security room?” he asks.

“Down the hallway”

“I want to go in there”


“never mind”

“It’s okay I can help you, by distracting the guards.”

I distract the guard by saying there is no toilet paper. He walks away, while I
talk to the other two, about nothing important just football. Zithelo runs to
the security room….I don’t know what he is going to say to the guards in


Zithelo comes back after a while. I think my mother suffers from insomnia
because she is always the last person to sleep.

“Can I go to bed?” Tshego has been offish since I confronted her about

She slept with my boyfriend and she thinks she will have the easy way out?

“I am going to sleep.” My father walks away.

“night daddy. Let’s go and sleep baby”

“Not yet can’t we watch another movie or something?”

“No. Zee tomorrow I have back to back meetings fiancé. Let’s go to bed”

“just an hour babe” He insists and just after saying that, I hear a voice saying
“What a cosy family. We as a country didn’t know the President wears a
pyjama? A Pyjama really sir?” Nxumalo says pushing my father back to the
lounge and I stand up, my heart pounding.

I pick up my phone.

“there is no network relax” he says chuckling.

“What are you doing here?” I ask and his friends bring food from the kitchen
and they start eating….

“Thank you son for opening the gate, and for playing the recorded video for
the guards, so that they wouldn’t see us coming in.” he hugs Zithelo. I gaze
at him in total amazement.

“No Sindi don’t look at me like that. What did you expect?”

“what’s going on here?” my father asks.

“Zee!” I shout his name and he removes his jacket.

“I hate this suit. I hate that stupid ‘Zee’ name. Most of all, I hate you as a
person but liked you because of the title.“ that must be a joke.

“Can I leave? I don’t stay here anyway” Mengezi says.

“Nobody is leaving.” Lloyd responds.

“Zee what’s going on?” I am trying so hard to believe that, this is a prank.

“So you thought I would sit and celebrate my father’s death sentence with
you?” he asks to my surprise.

Nxumalo shoots my father’s leg and my father groans in pain, mum screams
and Tshego too. My mouth is agape.

“You son of a bitch and your whore of a sister, sold me to the devil. I worked
for you but what did you do?” Nxumalo spits on my father.

SHIT!” my father shouts back.

“leave my father out of this!” I shout and Zee slaps me and for a moment I
see stars.

What’s going on?

“I was tired of your shit! I was so tired! I was damn tired! But my father
begged me to stay. Proposing to you. Kissing you! Fucking you! I fucken hate
your attitude, the way you dressed to court, always smiling when my father
got screwed. This is my father bitch! He is my damn father! Nana is my
daughter and you made her testify, that too against her own grandfather. You
are sick Sindi! “ he snatches a gun from one of their men and points it at me.

I feel my whole world falling apart and there is nothing I can do about it.

I was too stupid to think that he would propose marriage to me. I got played
in my own game!

“Zee you are doing this to me?”

“shut up bitch!” he slaps me again and again but his father isn’t saying

“My aunt will find you and- - - ” Nxumalo lets out a mocking laugh before I
finish speaking.

“Kizington bring her in”

They drag my aunt to the lounge.

Where are the security guards?

“don’t worry help Isn’t coming.” Lloyd says and it actually dawns on me that,
Zee betrayed me.

If they got aunt Belinda then we are fucked.

“start talking Mr President because the next bullet, goes through your wife’s
big head, then your daughter, then your last born after killing your nephew”

“I am not a part of this family. Belinda why did you even invite me here today
of all days?”-Mengezi.

“I wanted your father, your brother and I to go away as a family. But he

betrayed me.” Nxumalo has his foot pressed on her face.

“My father?” Mengezi exclaims and I am surprised too.

“yes he is your father ”

“When were you planning to tell me?” Nxumalo presses his foot harder on her

“FUCK you Banzi you asked me to have an abortion!”

“Lloyd. Start recording” Nxumalo says.

They record my father as he confesses to all the killings.

“I also asked him to kill Thembinkosi Ncube. A war veteran who was---”

“No. Not that one! Lloyd cut”

I laugh.

“because those are the parents of your precious daughter in law right? I
wonder what she will say when she finds out, father in law killed her
parents—” before I finish that statement he shoots my shoulder.

“You. Shot. Me.” I feel intense pain as I look at my shoulder. I look back at
him and he looks very angry..
“Don’t mention The Thembinkosi shit again!” he points his gun at my father
and my mother cries.

“don’t kill my family please” my mother pleads, kneeling down In front of an

armed Nxumalo. I feel extreme pain on my shoulder, I swear I am going to
bomb the whole Nxumalo clan. I will kill them all!


I watch as Nxumalo tortures the President’s family. This is unheard of. In the
movies I agree, but in real life? No.

He is heartless, ruthless, brutal and my heart is aching as I am standing here

holding a gun.

Is this how they tortured my sister before killing her? And my mother?
I thought he was a man of integrity, I thought he was going to deal with me,
man to man. But he couldn’t forgive my sister, he didn’t consider me? What
happened to loyalty?

The family Is in tears. It’s such a painful sight that Zithelo can’t stand either,
that’s why he keeps drinking water.

“Kizington hold the camera for me” Lloyd asks.

I hold the camera.

“Kizington do you know that Nxumalo was hired to kill your sister? Did he
warn you about that? Did he tell you that---” Nxumalo shoots her leg,
shutting her up. There is a pool of blood in the beautifully designed lounge.

“Shut up!” Nxumalo shouts.

I hold the camera… As they make them confess…. I keep quiet. My anger is
building up.
I am a ticking time bomb…….

[11/02, 9:32 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


As I got home last night Mondli walked in as well, with bloody clothes
though. He didn’t say anything to me, he walked past me to his room.

It was past 9pm and It was raining.

I went into my room packed my clothes, my gadgets and went to dad’s room.
Packed his clothes too.

As I was about to leave, Mondli came downstairs wearing his grey sweater,
black track pants, socks and slides. He was folding his sweater when he asked
me “Where are you going with those bags? “

I didn’t know whether to tell him or not. He took out a beef steak from the
fridge. He started marinating it.

“I—” I was still thinking of what to say when he asked “Are you moving in
with Kizington?”

“No” I said.

“good” he responded.

As I took a few steps to the door, he said “take those bags, back upstairs and
come join me for dinner”

“I am not hungry” I said.

“go and sleep then” he was acting weird.

“Mondli. Belinda is rescuing dad, she said we are leaving”

“How old are you?” he asked paying no attention to what I had said.


“I said how old are you!” he hit the table frightening me. “23” I responded.

“You don’t look like dad, you don’t look like mum who do you look like?” he


“don’t use that name when talking to me”

“Mondli what’s wrong with you?”

“I said don’t use that name!”

“What should I call you then?”

“Tragedy. Call me Tragedy. Mondli is too weak” he said. And I wondered who
would call himself Tragedy? What kind of a name is that?

I was confused.

“I am leaving” I said.

“I said you aren’t leaving until you tell me who you look like.” He said
greasing the pan.

“I don’t know who I look like, ask my father or mother. Don’t ask me that
question ever again and stop acting weird. It’s not funny you are scaring me!”
I shouted.

“Go and sleep then” he said switching on the gas stove and placing the steak
in the pan.

He took a pot and added water then took out maize meal.
All this was done while I was still standing with my bags.

Where are Belinda’s guards? I asked myself.

Why are they not saying: ‘let’s go we are late.’

I placed the bags down and stood there.

Our kitchen is an open plan kitchen. The dining table is just opposite the
kitchen counter, where there is a gas stove and a hand wash sink.

I stood opposite him by the kitchen counter.

“it hurts a lot to hear you say things like, I don’t look like our mother or
father. I remember very well on my 8th birthday before mum died. Her sister
kept saying I look nothing like mum or dad. Where do I come from then?” I
asked and he looked at me and said. “Mondli was 13, when I was born” he
didn’t make any sense at all.

“He didn’t go to school that day. He stayed in his room with the girl from next
door. She was an Indian beauty. Her name was Jorda. That was his first time
having sex by the way” he chuckled. Then he chewed a piece of lettuce.

He poured whisky Into his steak.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Why are you in a hurry it’s not like you are going anywhere. You aren’t going
to stay with Kizington so relax” he said.

“You, Neriah and Zithelo were at school.

‘Mondli you hurt me Jorda said.’

‘I will get some ice for you.’ Mondli was proud of his VV breaker.
Do you know what a VV breaker is? Anyway a VV breaker is someone who
breaks your virginity and you break hers” he explained unnecessary stupid
things to me. The worst part was that he kept referring to himself as if, he
was someone else.
“Mondli snuck down the stairs because he didn’t want mummy to see that he
didn’t go to school. When he reached the mid-staircase he heard an argument
that he wasn’t supposed to hear. The argument went like: You cheated on him
first. You lied about Zithelo, you even took my child. You threatened me
bitch!. That was a woman who was having an argument with Mondli’s

He placed the steak on the plate and started making pap.

“Mother replied: I had no choice. He was a better candidate and you are not
going to tell my husband anything. Mondli held his mouth and kept quiet.

‘I want my son you bitch. I want my son! Get pregnant on your own and give
birth. You don’t go around taking other people’s sons. You have no right!’ the
woman screamed in tears.

‘you thought you would sleep with a married man and get pregnant for him? I
lost my baby because of you. He doesn’t sleep at home anymore. He comes
home smelling like you, sometimes with bloody clothes? You decided to get
pregnant for my husband? You are insane. He is my husband and that is our
son. I will raise him like my own. You will fuck off and leave my husband

“Which son was the woman talking about?” I was at the verge of crying when
asking that question.

“obviously the last born, because after that conversation that woman pushed
Mondli’s mother, Mondli’s mother took a knife with the intention of stabbing
her; but the woman got to her first, and she slit her throat. She killed Mondli’s
mother while Mondli was watching.” I am crying as I imagine that.

“ I don’t want to hear anymore” I attempted to walk away but within a second
he was in front of me.

“Sit down and listen. You asked who you look like” he was so scary and the
way he kept holding that knife. It was as if he was going to stab someone.

He gave me the meat.

“Where was I?” he asked as he dished the pap.

“ooh yeah she killed her. She murdered her and Mondli kept quiet. He
covered his mouth as he watched the woman drag his mother to her car. She
came back and cleaned the house as if nothing had happened. Mondli ran
back upstairs. Jorda asked him. ‘What happened what took you so long?’
Mondli couldn’t talk. He couldn’t talk. He was silent. That’s when my brother
was born. Lloyd loves calling him Silence. Hahaha I actually love that name” I
had never been so confused and hurt at the same time. He was behaving like
a Psychopath. That laugh was weird and ugly!

“Jorda went home because Mondli couldn’t talk to her. Mondli stayed in his
room traumatized and shocked.

His father came home from Zithelo’s soccer match with the same woman who
had Killed his mother. And the woman was carrying Mgcini” he stopped
eating and had a hurt expression on his face. I was crying and couldn’t eat
the meat. She was carrying me?

“Zithelo and Mgcini sat around the table and ate lunch, while Mondli watched
his father’s moves. He saw his father taking the very same woman to a room
and doing despicable things to her in the room. Mondli was really hurt and
confused. The woman left and later on, news that his mother was involved in
an accident spread like wild fire….Everyone gathered at home crying for their

‘dad I saw what happened’ Mondli finally managed to speak later that

‘Mondli awume kancane boy [wait a minute boy.]Go and take care of your
siblings.’ His father dismissed him.

‘dad’ Mondli begged him.

‘Go now!’ his father shouted. Mondli was told to take care of his siblings
including his older brother. His father never cared about Mondli. He always
cared about all the others except for Mondli. His father thought Mondli was
strong because he wasn’t crying. He thought he was strong, not knowing he
was traumatized. Mondli left and went to see his girlfriend, his sanctuary
Jorda, only to find Jorda talking to his brother.
‘Give me my money. I broke his virginity and he thought I was a virgin too’

‘my mother just died all you care about is money?’ Zithelo asked Jorda.

‘I slept with your brother dawg, do you know how boring it was to sleep with
a clueless boy? He kept rubbing it in. He didn’t know what he was doing---’

‘ I don’t want to hear the details. Here is your money.’ She took the money
and walked away. Mondli was hurt. He got played.

Days passed by quickly and they had to go to another country to bury their
mother. But Mondli had a grudge.

He jumped the wall and asked Jorda to come to his house.

When everyone had left to the mortuary. Mondli stabbed Jorda the same way
that woman killed his mother. Unfortunately for him when he was cleaning the
house his father found him.

He had killed a person and he couldn’t move the body easily like that woman

‘I saw the person who killed her, dad. She stabbed her and - --' His father
looked at the situation in horror. Mondli had a habit of hiding while others
were going out.

‘ it’s okay son’ he thought his father was helping him, only for his father to
take him to a doctor.

‘ My son saw his friend being murdered in my house. He is traumatized at the

same time, his mother just died. Do something’

‘ I just studied this. Hopefully It will work

It’s called an electro shock therapy. It will wipe away his memory. When he
wakes up, he won’t remember the traumatic experience’ the doctor said.

‘Do it’ his father gave them permission.

That’s when they did the electro shock therapy on him and that’s how, I was

“I want to sleep” I said in between tears.

“go and sleep. Now you know why you don’t look like dad or mum right? You
look like that bitch. The murderer? The killer” he screamed as I was running
up the stairs. I got to my room and cried. I called Kizington, I called Belinda, I
called them and none of them came to my rescue, I was alone, feeling cold,
hurt and scared.

It was hard for me to sleep. I kept hearing his voice. I kept trying to
understand his story. What is wrong with him?

Who is my mother? Why?

Why is he like this?

Why did he say all those hurtful things to me. Why did he behave that way?

[11/03, 8:44 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I miss my father at this moment, I want to tell him everything said by Mondli
last night.
Just thinking about it, gives me a headache.

I walk to the kitchen and find the maid cleaning. Lloyd got us another maid
since Sindi chose prison over friendship.

“morning sir”

“morning” I greet back and drink water after taking pain killers. I sit on the
couch, and go through my phone after switching on the TV.

A lot of people posted the same video on the their WhatsApp status. I don’t
open my school group charts anymore, or my friend’s messages because
everyone is talking about my father…

Out of curiosity, I view one video and I see the President and Belinda
confessing to killing a lot of people including The Zondos.

There are men with Balaclavas behind them… This is happening live on
national TV.
I open the news channel and I see soldiers marching up and down outside
government buildings.


Did they catch my father, Belinda and Kizington?

I don’t know. I am now more stressed than I already was.

I go to my room, take a shower and change my clothes then run outside.

“Sorry sir you can’t leave the house today”

“under whose orders?”

“Your father sir” the house has many body guards than ever before.
“please I need to leave”

“Don’t make my job difficult sir“ he blocks my way. I go back into the house
and I see the little woman sitting on the couch.

“Good morning uncle” she greets while changing the TV channel.

“When did you get here?” I ask.

“They brought mum and I here this morning. Mum was crying a lot so I called
grandpa. Grandpa sent people to bring us here. Whose house is this anyway?
I saw my pictures” I ignore her and run upstairs. I find Thandi hugging her
pillow watching the news from her laptop.

“what’s going on Thandi?” I ask and she shrugs her shoulders.

I feel lost.

What the hell is happening in this country?

“did you see this?” she shows me her laptop.

|Two witnesses that were present at the Kwamhlabuyalingana Massacre, were
brutally murdered last night under the police watch. Mrs Karen Heinekem [37]
and Mr Madimba [33].

“Kizington’s sister is dead?”

“yes and the mother as well”

“it all happened last night?” I ask


“What is happening Thandi. Last night Belinda said she was going to rescue
dad and now all this is happening??” People are all over the streets of
Pretoria and the news.


I never pictured our demise. The whole country coming against us because of
Nxumalo. My parents confessed to everything and now Nxumalo has the
support of the opposing parties. He has the support of the Army.

“We are surrounded” Lloyd says.

My father is about to bleed to death so am I..

“Let’s kill them all” Nxumalo says.

“No. You have the support of everyone. Everyone believes in you. #Mr
President is corrupt. Where is the 5 billion?



People are marching outside. You are trending”

He shows him a clip where people are marching. It’s chaotic outside.

“ Zee I am pregnant” I throw in my last card, as I run out of options.

“You must be the first woman to be pregnant for 6 months and still have a
flat tummy.” He really played a fool and fooled me.

“Did my father really try to kill me?” he asks.

“No he didn’t, my aunt and Sindi planned all that….all the things that your
father did, it was planned by them” Tshego is selling me.

“Why shouldn’t I kill you too right now?” Nxumalo points his gun at her.

“You are a snitch” Nxumalo says again.

“No. NO DON’T KILL HER!” Belinda shouts.

“Why not?”

“Nxumalo we aren’t killing anyone. We are opening the doors now. Let the
National Authorities deal with this.” Lloyd Intercedes.

“Tell them we need a safe passage” Nxumalo orders Lloyd as he is the one
communicating with the authorities.

“I have already told them that and they agreed.”

“You are all going to rot in jail.” A man whom I have come to know is Ngcobo
says to us.

“I didn’t do anything. Zithelo tell them that I am not a part of this thing. ”
Mengezi says.

“You aren’t going anywhere. You are my son. Lloyd did the maths and you
are my son. Belinda is heartless. She separated me from you, but I promise
you, that from today you have a family. You have a father, brothers and a very
intelligent niece.”

“Tshego is your daughter too” my aunt says to my surprise.

“What?” Tshego exclaims.

“How many things did you hide from us Belinda?” I ask.

“The more reason you should die Belinda.” Nxumalo steps on her wound. This

“FUCK you Banzi” she screams.

all scream in excitement.

They open the doors and they push us outside. The soldiers point their guns
at them, while they point theirs at us.

wearing balaclavas.

“Yes. The cars are here. Bullet proofed escorted by few of our men.” The
commander says.

“HOW CAN YOU LET THEM JUST LEAVE!” My father shouts and the army
commander says “Sir Let us do our job.”

They get into the cars and we are escorted to the National Assembly, where
everyone who is supposed to be on our side, has suddenly turned against
their own President.
I never ever in my wildest nightmares, dreamt of this day. I never saw it


What just happened?

Tshego and I, are in the back seat of this car with Kizington and this man that,
I hardly know. They said he is our father. Tshego is crying so bad and so am I.

She said Mgcini and I, are twins. She gave birth to us and Nxumalo’s wife
stole Mgcini at birth. She hated me but loved Mgcini? She hated me and
never cared about me as if she never gave birth to me? She kept me away
from my father and brothers.

Belinda is heartless.

Why does one give birth and hate their own child like Belinda hates me?


I have been hated all my life. I have never been loved by family.

People are everywhere on the road in Pretoria marching against my uncle.

It’s so crowded, it doesn’t help that it’s raining….

Tshego is crying a lot.

“We are going to be alright” I hug her and comfort her.

Kizington drives us to Nxumalo’s house. We get there and there are many

“Get out. Nxumalo and I, are going for a drive” Kizington says. We climb out
of the car.

“What’s going on Mengezi?” this house has more guards and journalists too.
It’s chaotic.

We are permitted into the house after the guards call Lloyd.

“and then what are you doing here?” Mgcini asks Tshego. I look at him. He
really looks like Belinda….maybe that’s why she loves him more.

“I don’t want you in my house” he is referring to Tshego. We are just standing

here like two lost souls. If only he knew what we’ve been through, he would
just give us a place to sleep.

Zithelo and the other guys walk in after a while.

“Where is dad?” Mgcini asks Zithelo.

“Lastie. Dad is okay” Zithelo hugs Mgcini. He calls her ‘Lastie’ I watch them
talking and they have a good relationship, something that I have always
wanted in my life but never had.

He has the latest IPhone, he is wearing labels, he looks like he is the

president’s nephew not me.

Their house is big and cold.

I have never had this privilege.

We are standing here like lost people. We have been standing for half an hour
and it’s cold.

“daddy” a child runs to Zithelo and he picks her up.

“Can you switch on the heater it’s cold” one of their criminal friends says.
“The heater gives Mgcini and Nana headaches, feel free to make coffee” Lloyd
says to my surprise.
“Hey Tshego you can use that bedroom. Go and take a bathe and sleep if you
want. The kitchen is over here if you’re hungry” Lloyd is the only one who
pays attention to us finally. The house is full. Tshego goes to the referred

“Mgcini. Can Mengezi use your bathroom?” Mgcini nods.

“go upstairs first bedroom” I walk there. The house is beautiful, there are
portraits on the wall, just after the staircase.

I open his bedroom door and it’s beautiful. There is a TV, it’s almost as if, I
walked into a male version of Tshego’s bedroom.
It has a lot of expensive and unnecessary things. There is a picture of
Kizington on the wall next to the TV. I would put Boity Thulo or Mohammed
Salah but he chose to look at Kizington’s half naked body everyday.

They are really dating.

I feel so lost.

Why did my own mother hate me? I missed on family and love so much.

I don’t care about all these material stuff but I care about the pictures, the
love and the care.

I take a bathe and walk back downstairs. They are standing there watching
news and they are screaming in excitement as if they are watching soccer.

“Nxumalo has to see this where is he?” Ngcobo says. Ngcobo is an old man,
older than Nxumalo yet he was busy pointing guns at us.

“Kizington said they are going for a ride” I say.

“A ride? What? Ooh Shit!” Lloyd starts panicking.

“is anything the matter?” Mgcini asks.

“Kizington probably thinks Nxumalo had his sister and mother killed”
“No.” Mgcini stands up. Lloyd cocks his gun.
“When you cock your gun like that, who do you want to shoot? Obviously you
won’t shoot dad, who do you want to shoot?” Mgcini asks Lloyd who replies
“This is bigger than you”

This family is more complicated than mine…..

“LISTEN EVERYONE. FIND KIZINGTON NOW!” he speaks over a radio.

Now that I think about it, Kizington was really angry. He never said a word
the whole night, he didn’t laugh at their jokes, he didn’t eat or anything. He
was just responding to what he was asked.

[11/03, 9:42 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



The Removal of the President has spread across the country like wild fire.
Everyone is marching and rooting for the President’s removal.
Belinda feels powerless because the whole family believed in her. She was the
matriarch. But her river has run dry as everyone she knows, has turned their
backs against her....

The country is now in the hands of the Army as the President’s case is still

They remain under the Army’s watch.

While Thandi feels bad and confused about her life, Zithelo has a lot of
regrets and soul searching to do….

Tshego has closed herself in what used to be Neriah’s bedroom…..

She has her hand on her tummy crying.

What goes through her mind is. ‘So he is my brother?’

‘I should have drank that morning after pill. Now I haven’t seen my periods’

‘They aren’t my parents? My aunt is my mother? Why did she lie? Why did
she let another woman raise her daughter for her?’

A lot Is going through a 21 year old Tshego’s mind.

Mthulisi was stopped from going out of the house by the guards. When
everyone was sleeping yester night. He snuck to the kitchen and took 4 litres
of soft drinks, two loaves of bread and a KG of polony.
He took that to his room, where he will be eating with his children. Why?
Because he knows, not to go to the living room when the family is going
through something this big.



*KAROL* [Kizington’s little sister]

“Karol. You have to be strong today you understand? Mum didn’t raise a cry
baby. Be strong” my older brother says.
I have cried my eyes out. Today is my mother and sister’s burial.
Days ago a man came into our house, I will never forget his scent because he
wanted to kill me, but my mother got in the way and he killed her brutally…..I
can still picture that moment as if it happened seconds ago.
We go to the funeral and there is no sign of Kizington. We bury my mother
and sister.
It’s so painful to lose them all at once. My friends from school comfort me but
still it hurts a lot.
“sorry friend” we travel back home and I go to my mum’s room and cry.
Kizington’s friends are always here protecting me…. I go to the toilet and I
hear someone groaning in Kizington’s room, I peep through and I see Michael
sniffing cocaine.
“Come. It helps you know” He is high!
“No. I am fine” I close the door. What if it truly takes the pain away? What if it
really helps?


We are under house arrest at the moment. Since my father can’t be arrested
they are dealing with his removal. So we are all in this room that is bullet
proofed. No way to escape.

It’s me, my parents and my two aunts.

“We are in this predicament because you both decided to fall in love with a
father and son”

My other aunt can’t stop shouting. My shoulder is throbbing even though, a

doctor attended to us. Nobody is coming to our rescue.

I hear noise from the ground.

It’s like someone is digging.

Something like a tunnel from the toilet.

“Someone is here to rescue us” Belinda says.

We help him, by removing the sink and he drills through, until we realise it’s a
tunnel indeed.

But nobody is coming out.

My father goes in and he comes out with a gun pointed at him.

“Shhhhhh” it’s Mondli. He is carrying a gun. And he looks dusty and dirty. He
smells like sewage…shit!

“Hello family my name is Tragedy. I bring Tragedy and if you make noise. I will
kill him.”

“Tie each other up” he throws a rope and I tie them up…

He ties my father and sellotapes our mouths after putting a piece of cloth
deep in our mouths.

Why didn’t I scream when I had the chance? I always knew this guy was
He takes a rope and starts by hanging my aunt, then my mother and lastly my
father. I want to scream but the cloth is in too deep in my mouth. I am
hurting. I am in pain. This is horrible. How can a normal human being do this?

It's only aunt Belinda and I, now.

“Who is next who is next who is next who is next who is next?” he asks

He opens his backpack and takes out a long Needle and a twain, he then
takes out a knife.

I am so scared.

I am very scared.

My parents are hanging from the roof and it’s a scary and heart breaking
sight..... I cry buckets.

He ties both my legs and shoots my thighs.

I try to scream but the cloth prevents me from screaming.

I feel so much pain as he removes the bandage from my arm.

As I am still muffling the pain with tears rolling down my face. He hits me at
the back of my head and I feel extreme pain. He hits me again and again until
I black out.

I wake up feeling un-usual pain in my mouth, I am bleeding and I can’t feel my

tongue. I try to hold my mouth but my hands are nailed to the wall. I wish I
didn’t listen to my father when he said we shouldn’t tell the authorities
anything, until they make a deal with us. Now we will never be able to tell
them who was with Nxumalo that night.

Aunt Belinda is in the same predicament crying.

He has left.
He killed my parents and my aunt.

He cut my tongue and I can’t feel my hands.

I have never felt so much pain in my body…I can’t talk, I can’t write, I can’t

I can only cry.

[11/03, 4:29 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



We are sitting in the living room under the blanket because it’s freezing cold.
I have my head on Thandi’s lap, while Nana is playing games with Mthulisi’s
Mengezi and Tshego are on the other couch. I still don’t get what they are
doing in our house.

Zithelo, Mondli and Lloyd aren’t at home.

Kizington has a Facebook account, that has a picture he took when he was
still in school.

He is one of those people with very old Facebook accounts.

You can never find his pics. I miss him and I hope he didn’t do anything to my
father or my father didn’t do anything to him, cause Lloyd is looking for them
left, right and center. Like I said before, I don’t trust Lloyd.

Mondli disappeared since he told me his Tale, that leaves me scared

whenever I think about it.

Tshego bursts into tears and I raise my head looking at the TV. I see that her
parents made a suicide pact after shooting Belinda and Sindi.

Fortunately Belinda and Sindi survived but they won’t be able to speak or use
their hands.

Mengezi hugs Tshego as she cries. And thinking about what Mondli told me.

Could it be that, Belinda is my mother.?

“I am sorry” I say to Tshego.

That is so sad. I don’t really understand politics, but what I know is my father
is trending for exposing the President, and he is the most wanted man at the
moment….. That makes me very nervous.

It's so crazy that you wake up and your life has suddenly changed..

Mondli walks into the house smelling very bad and dirty.

He runs upstairs without saying a word.

As I see him my heart breaks apart remembering what he said to me.

I want to drive away.

I want to leave this house now but the guards!

Mondli comes down the stairs after an hour. He is wearing a pyjama now

I don’t trust or like him anymore. I don’t want to be near him.

I stand up.

“lastie what’s with the long face?”

“don’t talk to me” I walk past him and go to my room.


“My love are you okay?” he asks Thandi and she nods.
“do you need anything. Have ya’ll had dinner?” he is so energetic than
anyone else.

I shake my head no. Tshego is crying uncontrollably.

“Why are you all so sad?”

Doesn’t he know what’s going on or he is just acting ignorant?

I increase the volume and he sees the news about the President and his

“Is that why there are so many journalists outside our house? The president
killed himself?

Why would he do that to his daughter and sister though? Before killing
himself. I mean it’s crazy” he asks and answers himself.

“Come and eat all of you, sit at the table and eat. Princess” he calls Nana who
comes running.

“Call you friends and eat”

We sit around the table per instruction. There is a guy called Mthulisi, he does
not like being around people. He also sits at the table.

Thandi remains on the couch. Honestly I am hurt a little but those people
never played any important part in my life. Tshego is the only one who cared
about me.

Now I see why. She is my sister. Belinda deserves an extra hot seat in hell.

Why did she separate us?

Why? I still don’t get it.

Mondli runs upstairs and I eat with the kids.

“Eat something Tshego” I force her.

This house has a lot of people.

“Are you now part of our family or you are going to leave?” Nana asks.

“I am your uncle and this is your aunt”

“Okay” she goes on to eat.

“Don’t use your hands use a spoon” she says to the two kids at the table.

I chuckle a bit. She is so dramatic yet lovable.


Mondli walks into my room.

“Nxumalo what’s wrong? Why did you talk to me like that?” he asks while
occupying the space next to me. His hands are bruised.

He doesn't remember or he Is acting dumb?

“You expect me to smile after you scared me that night? You held me captive,
told me the scariest stories. You scared me Mondli”

“I don’t know what you are talking about”

“are you playing stupid or you think I am stupid?”

“don’t talk to me like that! Don’t!” he raises his voice at me and I keep quiet.
“Now tell me what’s going on? Why are you upset?”

“Dad and Kizington are missing”

“We will find them okay? Don’t worry, did you talk to your therapist?”


“Come and have dinner”

“I am coming” he walks away and I am totally shocked. What was that? His
behavior is totally different. What’s wrong with Mondli?


Kizington is nowhere to be found and so is Nxumalo. I haven’t had rest. I am


Where are they?

The news of what happened to the President’s family hit me hard.

Mondli is crazy, he is losing it, he is mad. He is, I don’t know what to say. I am

I get to Nxumalo’s house and I find Thandi lying on the couch. She is just
lying, not on her phone not watching TV.
Nana is the one who is making noise with the two kids playing around the

“I want to leave this house. I can’t look at her and not feel angry.” Zithelo
says to me. He was driving behind me.

“Zithelo wait. Just tell them the truth about Mengezi and Tshego first, and
you will figure out the rest”

“Call them then” he says and I call them one by one to the living room.

Lastly I walk into Mondli’s room.

I find him in the laundry room.

“What are you doing?” he jumps.

“Lloyd something is wrong. I woke up in a sewer system with blood and—”


“Mondli do you take your medication? “

“I do. Look” he shows me the bottle and it has two pills left.

“How many pills should you take?”

“2 per day.”

“and how many do you take per day?”

“Lloyd that’s not the point”

“FUCK Mondli. One day you will kill everyone around you”

“stop talking about killing. That’s some scary shit man” I look at him in total
disappointment. He doesn’t want to hear about killing yet he goes around
killing people without any mercy.

“let’s go downstairs Zithelo has something to tell you all”


I walk downstairs with Lloyd and I find everyone sitting in the living room.

“I am going to get straight to the point. Nxumalo had an affair with Belinda
while mum was still alive. Belinda got pregnant and Nxumalo said she should
have an abortion. Belinda lied and said she had one. Our mother found out,
that our father was having an affair and the woman was pregnant, it
happened that our mother was also pregnant at that time. She lost the baby
while Belinda gave birth to twins.

She stole one twin and kept the twin as her own child.”

“Wait wait. What?” I exclaim.

“To cut the story short. Mengezi is our half brother and Mgcini is the stolen

Mgcini looks at me and starts crying.

I hug him….

“Nothing is going to change Nxumalo” I say to him.

“Another story. Tshego is also Nxumalo and Belinda’s daughter”

“How many more kids does Nxumalo have?”

“you should ask him that not me” Zithelo cuts me off.

Tshego runs to Neriah’s bedroom. I remain hugging Mgcini.

“it’s okay.”

“welcome to the family Mengezi” I say.

Weeks pass by without any sign of Nxumalo, we have been abused by

soldiers coming to search our house day in, day out looking for Nxumalo….. I
decide to go back to work even though things aren’t normal. I juggle between
work, my son, my siblings and the love of my life who has shut me out of her
life completely.

My son is 2 months old today and his name is Mercedes….. Bongi brought
him to the office. She is still on maternity leave.

“hello baby” I take him from her. The smile on my face is definitely caused by
this young man here.

“hie daddy” Bongi greets grabbing a chair. I sit on the table with him. He is a
dark man like me. A real man. I call Mengezi. I asked him to join the company
and work with us. He comes to my office.

“Meet the future CEO of this company Mercedes Nxumalo” I say to Mengezi.

“Hie sisi. And hie Nxumalo” he takes him from me and plays with him.

“My parents said I should ask when are you coming to pay the bride price”
Bongi says and I burst into laughter. I look at her and laugh even louder. I
haven’t laughed this hard in a long time

“Ayi Bongi you just made me laugh Bride price for what? For who?” I
continue laughing.

I moved back to the house since Zithelo moved out. He sent me divorce
papers of which I gladly signed but now he wants the sole custody of Nana.

That’s something that I won’t give him. Never!

Mondli comes home with Mengezi.

“Wow look who is out of her room today” Mondli says.

“Zithelo wants sole custody of Nana” I say.

“You both can share her. He can’t just take her away” Mondli says then kneels
down and asks “How is Mercedes’s sister or brother doing in there?”

“Wait. Are you going to call him/her Polo Vivo? Or Ford Ranger?” Mengezi
asks and Mondli laughs.

“If madam here agrees”

“What are you talking about?” I ask him.

“I have been waiting for you to tell me that we are pregnant but I guess - - - “

“What pregnancy? We haven’t had sex in - -“

“Excuse me” Mengezi clears his throat and walks away.

“What are you talking about?” I ask Mondli.

“You can punish me all you like, ignore me, refuse to kiss or sleep with me,
ignore my calls and my messages but I know you are pregnant and one of
these days you will be running after me for this” he points at his dick and
laughs. He is so happy.
“I am not pregnant” I say and he says “you are the only one who doesn’t see
it, Look at yourself in the mirror darling”

“I love you and one day we will have a beautiful family. I am working hard for
that and I know deep down you want me so bad.” He is very cocky.

“You want me” he says again tickling me.

“Stop Mondli” I run away and he runs after me…….

Mondli pushes too hard not knowing how guilty I feel deep down.

He is so happy about me being pregnant…. I suspected it but never


Four weeks later we are in family court. Zithelo really wants custody of my
sanity, my flower, my only daughter.

He wants her!

“Your Honor. Mr Nxumalo is not fit to be a father, he faked his own death”

“Miss Thandi is not fit to be a mother either. She left the child and went to a
club where six children died of drug abuse. One of those children was under
her care”

Our lawyers argue and argue.

JUDGE: I have been a family judge for years and I have seen how my decision
based on who is a better parent has destroyed some of the kids lives. That’s
why I would love to hear from the child in question who she wants to stay
with. Because a child is the only one who knows who is a better parent
between the two.

Mondli squeezes my hand.

Mengezi walks in with Nana.

“Hie beautiful” the judge greets her.

“Hello” she greets back.

“You know mum and dad are no longer staying together right?”


“Who do you want to spend most of your days with and only visit the other
on weekends and holidays?”

She looks at me and smiles. She then looks at Zithelo and smiles too….

“I want to stay with both of them”

“but you have to choose one beautiful”

“Daddy doesn’t shout that much and mummy is always sad these days” I look
down and control my tears.

“I want to stay with daddy and visit mum on weekends so that we can swim
right mummy?” she says and I cry.

“mummy” she calls me and I feel betrayed. Why would she see Zithelo as a
better parent than me? She is only 6!
She needs me!

[11/04, 1:41 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I am renting a house in Fourways. I did some self introspection and I realised

that, I have been too foolish. I was played by a woman, she planned the
whole thing and I believed her like a fool.

I had to move out of my father’s house and be far away from Mondli and
The fact that my daughter chose me, makes me feel worthy of being her
father. She is my pride and joy.

I drive her to the house, so that she can take her clothes, we find Thandi
sitting on the couch crying.

“Mummy are you crying because I am going to stay with daddy?” Thandi
“I will visit you mummy you are always sad and shouting” I leave them and
walk upstairs to Mgcini’s room, the boy is always sleeping. He is dying of

“Mgcini” I call him.

“lastie” he keeps quiet and looks into space.

“Do you want to come and stay with me?” he keeps quiet.

He is sick.

I walk back downstairs to Tshego’s room. She is crying as well, it doesn’t help
that she is carrying a bastard. I don’t want that child to exist. Everyone in this
house is crying.



“I am now living in Fourways. Do you want to stay here or come with me?” I
don’t know why I am even asking my little sister that I slept with, to come and
live with me.
Maybe I am scared that she might fall into depression like Mgcini.

“I would love to leave this house”

“pack up and let’s go”


I wait for her in the living room. I keep looking at Thandi she looks pregnant.

I don’t really want to say anything to her, she disgusts me. I don’t understand
how she would, sleep with my own brother? They hated each other!

After packing their clothes, I take Nana and Tshego to our new home.
I call Lloyd and tell him to tell Mondli about Mgcini’s condition. The boy will
die in that room.

“My baby is sad because her mother is sad” I say to Nana.

“yes. Maybe I should have stayed with her”

“you will visit her soon. For now you have to start decorating our house. Pick
your bedroom and we will go shopping tomorrow yeah?” I see a smile.


Zithelo took Nana and Tshego. Thandi is sad but Mgcini is worse. He just
doesn’t see what’s going on around him. He is always sad, doesn’t talk,
doesn’t watch TV or even go through his phone.

I call his therapist and she comes to the house early in the morning.

She says he is suffering from depression and anxiety.

She wants to take him away, but I refuse. It’s dangerous out there.

“I can come here on a daily bases. To do excises with him and he is losing
weight. We need a special diet”

“is it that bad?” Mengezi asks.

“unfortunately it is” Damn my boy has been through some real shit.
“I have a suggestion though” she says.

“yes what is it?”

“After a lot of sessions he will be fine, but he will need a new social

“Yes we can buy a new house or move or whatever - - “

“No. I don’t mean that”

“He needs a job. Where he will work with people, friendly faces, volunteer
somewhere, maybe at a factory, supermarket or school”




“hey mummy, Look what I got you,” Mondli says hiding behind a huge teddy
bear. He dances for me. He is making funny moves.
He makes them funny moves until I end up laughing.

“How is my baby doing in there?” he asks kneeling next to the bed.

“Can we not talk about that?”

“Mummy you don’t have to get upset every time we talk about our baby”

“It’s not that Mondli. A lot has happened and---”

“Zithelo left us alone even though he got Nana’s custody. But she visits us
every weekend. Mgcini’s therapy has helped him a lot, I was watching him
teaching kids at school today. He was good and they didn’t bully him or
anything. Your sister apologized to you and you have a handsome man, what
else do you want my love? Tell me I will give it to you”

He is so excited about the baby but I am not. Mondli is a good person, he has
been strong for everyone. He is the glue that sticks the family together, and I
think it will be cruel to let him bond with a child, that is definitely not his.
What an embarrassing thing to even think about.

“Do you want to go and see Mgcini teaching Kids?” he asks.

“No Mondli I don’t want to go outside” I haven’t been to the outside world for
weeks. I only go out when Nana is here…. That too, I just end at the pool.

“Come on, Mgcini will be happy to see you. Besides that, you need some air.”

“I don’t have anything to wear” he goes through my closet and comes out
with a dress.

“You will wear this” he picks me up.

“yooh you are heavy baby. Not heavy heavy neh, but you are heavy” he takes
me to the bathroom and I take a shower. My hair is a mess.

I am 29 weeks pregnant.

I wear the dress and it doesn’t fit me, It’s too tight.
“it’s too tight Mondli”

“here is a plan B” he brings his black track pant and brown shirt. I wear it and
I feel better.

“What about my hair?”

“Wear this” he gives me a hat.

“I am sure I look like a crazy woman”

“No you look sexy. When are we buying baby clothes?”

“Not now Mondli”

“okay okay mama”

He helps me down the stairs.

“it’s not like I am going to fall Mondli”

“I can’t take the risk”

We walk down the stairs.
“Look who finally decided to grace us with her beautiful presence today?”
Mengezi says walking to me. He is such a sweetheart.

“Come and give me a hug” I say and he hugs me.

“Ma’am thank you for deciding to wake up today” Palesa our helper smiles.

“Humm you guys are making it, look like I have been in that room for years.”

“You have been. Look at you now, it looks like you will give birth right now”
Mengezi teases me.

“ihaba [exaggeration]” I hit him lightly and he laughs.

“Nxumalo we are going to pick up Mgcini at school do you want to tag

“Sure why not” the three of us walk to the car and drive to school. Mondli is
happy. I feel like I have been hard on him, and maybe I should give him a
chance. I should live a little and stop dreaming about something that will
never happen.


Well, my therapist suggested that I get a job then Mondli forced me to come
and work as a teacher at this school.

I swear I thought it was a crazy idea but I feel better today. Today was my
first day and I enjoyed it.

“Thank you teacher. Have a great day”

“have a good day sir”

“Thank. You sir” the kids leave the classroom. I haven’t felt so positive about
something in a long time. I leave after everyone has left. I pass by the staff
room and the teachers are very nice.

I am surprised to see the Principal talking to my brothers and sister in-law.

These fools came here, did they think I was going to die?

“Ooh Nxumalo here you are. How was your first day?” the Principal asks.

“it was amazing the students are well mannered, and I enjoyed every minute”

“Thank you Nxumalo enjoy the rest of your day” The principal walks away.

We walk to the car as the kids go home too.

“What are you three doing here?” I ask them and they laugh.

“Hey teacher I lost my pen can you borrow me yours?” Mondli teases me and
Thandi laughs.

“stop it guys” I say.

“Is that Karol?” Mengezi points at someone at the gate. I realise it’s her.

I run after her.

“hey” I pull her hand.

“Sir do you need anything?” she is being formal with me.

“Ooh God Karol. Where is Kizington?” I feel excited and I know very well that I
shouldn’t be.

“I don’t know. He went missing after mum and Karen died” she looks sad.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

“yes” she walks away.

Kizington where are you? Are you dead? It’s been close to 7 months now.

I found out that I am a twin? A whole twin and that Belinda is my mother. She
is in jail, she can’t talk or anything. My father went missing together with
Kizington what if they killed each other? Thinking about all that brings me to

They drive towards me and I climb into the car and sit with Thandi at the

“What did she say?” Mengezi asks.

“The same story, that Kizington is missing”

“Sorry love” Thandi hugs me. The two of us are at the back seat.

“It’s okay” I lie. It’s not okay.

“Let’s go and have dinner. It’s on me” Thandi says.

“it’s on you? Uythathaphi imali? [where did you get the money]?” I ask her.

“What an insult teacher”

We go to spurs and have dinner. Then Thandi pulls Mengezi’s hand and
places it on her tummy.

“The baby is kicking” Mengezi says in excitement. Mondli places his big head
on the pregnancy and smiles widely.

“I am going to be a father for the second time.” He is so happy and I am

happy for them too.

“It’s going to be a girl bheka umuhle kanjani[look how beautiful you are]” I
say to Thandi and we enjoy the rest of the day.
Dad is gone, Kizington is gone but we are trying to be happy. Even though
we are separated. Zithelo, Nana and Tshego don’t live with us anymore.
I hope one day Kizington and dad will return home……and that day I will
stop randomly having panic attacks.

[11/04, 9:42 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



“Is the baby kicking?” Nana asks.

“touch the tummy. He might kick” she places her hand on the tummy and the
baby kicks. She smiles in excitement.

“You were right. Aunty” She just came from school and the first thing she did
was ask about the baby… Nana is my sanity in this world full of deceit, liars,
fake friends and fake relatives.
All my friends and I mean all of them distanced themselves from me after the
news about my family went viral.

One day I woke up and didn’t see anyone’s profile picture on WhatsApp.
None. They had all deleted my number and unfollowed me on Instagram. I
deleted my Twitter account because I was a topic everyday.

I used to be a person who lived for other people, and when those people
turned on me, I felt like dying. The comments about my family were harsh.

The worst part was the pregnancy.

My aunt who turned out to be my mother, made me drink morning after pills
after I slept with Mgcini. She made me drink them too after, I slept with
Zithelo but I didn’t swallow that one.

That’s how I got pregnant.

Only to later find out, that he is my half brother. That’s insane…. I was very
suicidal, until the day he came into my room and said “We didn’t know that
we were siblings when we did that. Don’t blame yourself”

“I am pregnant” I said.

“Whose baby is it?”


“What?” the look on his face.

“Should I book an appointment for you? “

“appointment for what?”

“Abortion obviously you aren’t going to keep that shit”

“I am not having an Abortion” not that I didn’t want to. I was scared.
He left the room angry…… Days passed by, weeks and one day he came to
my room and asked if I wanted to stay with him. I agreed. That’s how we
came to live in this nice house in Fourways… Him, Nana and I.

“Princess what do you want for dinner?” I ask.

“What does the baby want?”

“The baby wants noodles and peanut butter”

“eewww no. let’s not ask what the baby wants because we will vomit” I laugh.

“I want fried chicken strips and thick cut fries”

“Let’s make that for you” we make that and start eating.

“daddy” she runs to her father…..Zithelo is back from work. I attempt to walk
to my room but he stops me.

“Hey” I always hide in my room whenever he is around. How do you face your
brother? I mean we had sex twice and I can’t look at him now. The

“How are you?” he asks.

“I am fine.” I respond.

“we made fries daddy.” Nana says removing his tie. They have a very beautiful
relationship. One that, every child should have with their father.

“Look what I got you”

“What is it?”

“open my bag” she opens his bag and he bought her a laptop.

“Thank you so much daddy”

“welcome princess. But we only use the laptop on weekends, during the week
it’s school work okay?”
“Capish” she runs to her room with the laptop. She is never going to use that
laptop on weekends only.

“How are you?” he asks me.

“I am fine”

We have nothing to talk about really. It’s just odd.

“Do you need anything?”




“I am hungry” he says.

“Nana made chicken strips and fries”

“Can you give me some?”

I give him and he likes them.

“They are nice” he says.

“Are you in touch with the adoptive parents?” there goes my mood.


“Okay” I walk to my room and cry. I don’t want to give my baby up. I have
bonded with her/him and I am in love. The worst part is, I will give birth
anytime from now.

I have been working at the school for two weeks now. Everything is flow less.
One surprising thing is Nxumalo is wanted by the Police but the people love
and praise him a lot.
You’d swear I am Mandela’s son. The way people love Nxumalo. He saved
them from a corrupt President.

“Do you want to go out for lunch?” this other teacher asks me. His name is
“Uhm No. My sister in law cooks a lot, so she packs a lunch tin for me
“Uhmmm, what about dinner?”
“We eat dinner as a family so she will be upset if I don’t eat”
“Okay can I have your number at least Mr Nxumalo” I chuckle.
“Okay fine.” I give it to him.
“I see your brothers always drop you off. Can I give you a lift home?”
“Nop. Look over there. She is already waiting.” I say pointing at Thandi who is
waiting at the car park.
“So she is the sister in law that doesn’t want me to take you out?”
“Yep” he walks to Thandi’s car.
“Wait what?” I follow and as I get there he is already greeting Thandi.
“My name is Butho” he introduces himself.
“Okay Butho, Mgcini once told me a thing or two about you”
“Haa” Thandi just sold me.
“Ooh really” he looks at me.
“Can I steal him for dinner tonight please?”
“Maybe tomorrow, but today his brother might kill us if we don’t make it
home in time”
“Tomorrow don’t give him any lunch tin” he says to Thandi. She laughs a bit
and says “Don’t poison him please”
“I won’t. I promise. Drive safely neh?,”
“Sure” he turns and looks at me.
“Umuhle [you are cute] ” he walks past me.
It’s these school Kids. They always take pictures with me and post them on
social media. Now I have a bunch of fans saying I am the coolest teacher.
I get into the car.
“You are always trending for being the coolest teacher no wonder bekushela
[they are asking you out]” she turns on the ignition.
“Is it not these kids, who are always asking for pics”
“it’s the new wardrobe. You felt like taking the whole shop home”
“if you look good you feel good” I justify my overspending on clothes.
“I am glad to see you smiling again”
“I am glad to see you smiling and driving too”
“Yeah I thought I should pick up my boring little brother.” I feel loved.
“So tell me about Butho”
“He is asking me out and I - - - ‘
“Go” she says.
“Are you sure?”
“yes go.”
“Life is too short. I fell In love with a forbidden person and I wish I met him
sooner maybe things would have turned out differently”
“You and Mondli make love look beautiful. Don’t call it forbidden because you
are both so beautiful together”


I am at work when I receive a call from the maid.

She says Tshego is in labour. I leave everything and drive home.

I get there and take her to the hospital. She is in pain.

They take her to the delivery room.
I wait for a while then I go back home, change my clothes and bring Nana
with me to the hospital.

We wait for hours until we decide to go home and sleep.

We wake up in the morning and drive back to the hospital.


I am crying and I don’t want to look at the baby. What’s the point? The
adoptive parents are coming to pick him up.

“Aunt Tshego. She is sooo beautiful” Nana screams

“it’s a he.” The doctor corrects her.

“daddy look at him”

I look at Zithelo holding the baby.

“He looks like you Princess” he says with a smile.

“ooooh daddy he is such a doll. He is so cute let’s take him home already. I
can’t wait to dress him up”
She is so excited.

“What’s his name daddy?”

“he doesn’t have a name” Zithelo responds.

“let’s call him True”

“What True?”

“All my clothes are [written] labelled True and I like the name”

“There is someone for you Mrs Tshego” the nurse says.

It’s the Adoptive parents. They greet and all that shit. I hate this.

“Hope you didn’t breastfeed her.” The mother says.

“No I didn’t”

“Which baby are they taking aunt Tshego?” Nana asks. I can’t help but cry.

“Ooh he is so cute” the parents look at the baby. They try to hold him but
Zithelo refuses…

“No. The baby has found parents” he lies.


“yes please leave” he pushes them away and I smile in between tears.

“You aren’t---?”

“No. breastfeed him” he gives him to me, I immediately wake up and feed
him. He is really cute, he is light like him and Nana.

I don’t see myself in him though, but I love him with all my heart.

“True Nxumalo” I say

“you like that name too?” Zithelo asks.

“yes” he looks at me, Nana and the baby. He then says “excuse me” he walks
“I love you True.” Nana has found a doll.


“Doc I need a favour”

“I can’t discharge your family today Mr Nxumalo. If that’s what you want” she
is forward. It runs in every woman’s gene anyway.
“I am sure speculation isn’t a part of your job Doc. Anyway I need a DNA test”
she gently pulls down her spectacles and they rest on her nose, then looks at
me like I just said something crazy.
“I don’t want the baby’s DNA. I want mine and the mother’s”
“okay. I can arrange for that” I am praying and hoping that Belinda lied about
Tshego being our sister. She is so good with Nana.

[11/05, 11:43 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


The siren rings, signalling that it’s time to go home. The kids are leaving one
by one saying "have a good day sir" it’s my last class and it’s time to go
I am tired of responding so I place my head on the table. I miss my father, I
miss Kizington.

When things got too much for me, I used to run to him and he would hug,
kiss, hold me like a bear, tell me that he loves me but now he is nowhere to
be find.
I have gone to his house a number of times but I find his friends only. They
don't know where he is either.
The pictures of the people we love that we take; when they walk, talk, eat,
laugh or when they are angry or sometimes happy. They are helpful
I look at those pictures I took of him.
There is this particular one. He was very horny, begging for sex.... "give it up
already baby please look" he said showing me his bulge.
His eyes were red, and he was indeed upset because he was horny. I took a
Now looking at it, I wish I allowed him to make love to me.....I miss him.
"You miss him neh?" Butho startles me and I wipe away my tears. Then lock
my phone.
"don’t sneak up on me like that" I say.
"Let's go. Your sister gave me permission" we walk into his car and I realise
everyone has gone home. I was really daydreaming.
He takes me to Continental Hill. It's a private restaurant.
"So tell me about your self Mr Nxumalo. Who is this person who broke your
heart so much, that you look at your phone and cry" he asks as soon as we
are settled.
"I don't want to talk about it" I say
"Okay. I am Butholezwe and I am 33 years old. I like you"
"ooh straight to the point I see”
"Why not?"
"What do you like about me?" I ask
"The way you chew" he says and I laugh.
"The way you laugh" I laugh even more.
"Don't lie"
"Umuhle[you are cute] honestly. You are kind hearted and you are good with
those kids"
"Thanks" we chat about a few things. He tells me about himself mostly and it's
getting late. Mondli is calling none stop.
"Why do they treat you like a child?" he asks because he overheard the
conversation where Mondli was saying 'I am coming to fetch you now!'
"Well I am sick."
"What's wrong?"
"I am on anxiety and depression meds" I say and he gives me that look.
"Sorry about that"
"It's cool. Take me home now" I get into his car and he drives me home.
"can I get a hug?" he asks as he parks the car outside my house. Mondli
knocks on the window.
"See you tomorrow" I walk out of the car without giving him the hug.
"Why were you out so late? I was worried"
"Mondli it's not like I am dying or I have a disability."
"you can't blame a brother for caring. Who is that guy anyway?”
"He is a colleague" we walk into the house.
"Suyamjolela vele u Kizington? [are you really cheating on Kizington?]" Thandi
asks. But she is the one who said “go, I had a forbidden love interest bluh
"Don't mention that name in this house" Mondli snaps and I look at him.
"The way you hate Kizington now it’s extreme. What did he do to you?"
“I don’t want you going out at night. We no longer have guards but that
doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be extra careful”
“yes father” I say sarcastically as I walk to my room and change my clothes.
One of the therapy rules is spend more time in the living room before going
to bed. So we sit in the lounge watching TV.
|You are really handsome and thank you for going on a date with me. I really
enjoyed that| this guy.
|Since it’s Friday tomorrow can we go on a road trip? I promise it will be
calm and fun|
|I don’t know hey| I reply.
“Tomorrow I am going on a road trip - - -“ before I finish speaking, Mondli
says “it’s fine we will join you.”
How was Mondli created?

I’ve been a mother for 3days now and baby True is amazing. He is such a
healthy baby boy.

I never imagined myself changing nappies and breastfeeding, I mean I had sex
with Zee because I loved sex and I had it with anyone who wanted. Maybe it
was an addiction I don’t know.

It’s now embarrassing when I think about it……

Today we are going home. Baby True doesn’t have much clothes, we never
bought anything….Zithelo comes and takes us home. He bought a car seat, a
dish, bucket and baby clothes.

We get home and he opens the door for us.

“Welcome home little Prince”

“that’s it daddy” Nana jumps from the couch.

“what? “

“ His second name. You called him Prince since you call me Princess”

“You are a very clever big sis” I say.

We go to my room and place True on the bed. Nana watches him while
I walk to the kitchen. I am hungry, I have never felt like my stomach is literally
empty. He follows me to the kitchen.

He gives me a paper that says we aren’t siblings.

“Belinda lied.” I say.

“why did she lie though? What was she going to benefit by doing that?”

“I thought about it, Nxumalo wanted to shoot you, that’s when she said he is
your father. She did it so as to save your life”

“we aren’t siblings. True is- - -“ he kisses me before I finish talking.

“We aren’t siblings.” He says and it feels weird.

“But - - -“

“But nothing we aren’t siblings that’s why the little Prince is normal and
healthy.” I haven’t seen him so excited about something.

“You are so happy”

“Aren’t you?”

“let’s get a second opinion and I will be happy like you” I say.

“Fine but I am positive we aren’t siblings”

Life is so funny sometimes.

I am not allowed to sleep in this room. I am suffering. She doesn’t want sex, I
get kisses here and there.

“I was talking to your sister yesterday” I say as I am getting ready for work.



“Mondli you want to marry my sister. She is already married” I look at her.

“I want to marry you. I want to make you my wife. I am too old for this
girlfriend and boyfriend business.”


“start calling me daddy from now on” I fix my tie.

She laughs. “I am serious. This thing of calling me Mondli, left, right and
centre I don’t like it. It makes me feel like I am your colleague or neighbour ”
she laughs out loud.

“you woke up on the wrong side of the bed I see” she thinks this is a joke.

I kiss her goodbye. I kiss my son as well.

“take care of my son in there and call me if you feel anything funny”

“Bye. Have a great day at work”

“Thank you”

I leave her in bed and drive to work. I get there and start working..….I walk to
Mengezi’s office during lunch. “Nxumalo what are we having for lunch today--

“Jesus Christ Bongi!” I exclaim.

“What did she do?” he stands up.

“she sent a pic” he snatches my phone and stares at it for a long time.

“welele she is so se—” I snatch back my phone and look. She sent me her
picture in the bathtub, naked with our son……she practically sent me her ass.

“heloo” Mengezi snaps his fingers. I was so lost in the picture.

“don’t you have a pregnant woman at home?”

“8 months broe. She has been refusing. Ever since she got pregnant I have
never - - -“

“I think Bongi is trying to use the baby to get to you” he says and Bongi
sends more erotic pictures and I am turned on.

I leave Mengezi and drive home. I am so horny.

I get home and find Thandi in the living room. She is still wearing her gown
and pyjamas. She is heavily pregnant and she is eating.

“Mondli you are home early what’s up? ” here we go with the ‘Mondli’ calling.

“ I am horny” I say honestly.

“Mondli” she doesn’t look like she cares.

I get closer to her.

“Baby you never used to refuse me sex. Ever since you got pregnant you
don’t want me to.”

“Mondli go back to work. I am pregnant, which sex position can we possibly

do?” I am hurt.

“there are many sex positions we can do. Pedal pleasure, the chair lift, full
exposure, the love locker, the----”

“Mondli come-on” she looks bored.

“Okay. Do you need anything?” I ask.


I leave the house and realise Bongi sent a text which reads |Daddy. Mercedes
wants purity. Can you bring it over. He is really hungry| I drive by Checkers.
I buy Purity and diapers for him. I then proceed to their apartment and
knock. She opens the door in a towel. She has her hair and make-up done..

Bongi was very thick, she was chubby but she lost weight during pregnancy.
Now she has gained again. I think she is now a size 38-40. She is fair in
complexion. She looks like, she gave birth years ago. She looks amazing.

“hey daddy” I am still in awe.

“I - -I” I clear my throat. “I brought these”

“Come in” I am sure I look like a lost puppy.

[11/05, 7:14 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


“I came to drop these” I hand over the things to her.

“Nxumalo, are you going to stand by the door and not walk in, to greet your
son?” she asks. I walk into the house.

The boy is sleeping.

I turn back and look at her, she has a very sexxy purple thing going on, under
the towel.

“Bongi---” I swallow hard.

She takes a few steps closer. She holds my penis and asks, “how is Nxumalo
doing in there?” she unzips my trousers and brings out my throbbing dick.

I am very horny and I can’t resist. She puts it in her mouth, all of it, she gags
and that feels like heaven.

I don’t know what to do. I feel weak.

She stops.

“Please don’t stop” she stops anyway.

“Thandi please” I beg and she hits me.


“did you just call me Thandi?”

“No. Bongi continue please”

“The damages crossed my mind and - -“

“I will pay. I will pay for anything” she goes back to sucking my dick. She
does it so perfectly and her mouth is so fucken ooh damn!…. She swallows
all my semen and licks me clean…. I feel guilty soon after pouring all my
sperms into her mouth, very guilty that I can’t even look at her. I never felt
this way after being with her when I was married to Mitchel. It’s different this
“I have to go” I say pulling up my trouser.

“Are you sure,? She massages my dick that instantly becomes hard again.

“ye---yeah” she let’s go.

“Okay Mercedes needs summer clothes and a new Prem.”

“How much is it?” I ask pressing on my phone to do the bank transfer so that
she can continue. She kisses me, and removes my jacket and tie….

“R15 000” she says and I do the bank transfer, she takes my phone and
sends it herself as I use my hands to remove her lingerie……I am so hard,
remove my boxer shorts and my phone rings. She is holding it.

She drops the call and It rings again. “Wait a minute” I say and look at my
phone It’s Thandi….. I panic…what if she is looking or something… mind
goes wild and I wear my clothes.

“Nxumalo where are you going?”

“Bongi. Thandi is my woman. This was a mistake. She is my wife.” I run out of
the apartment and drive home with my phone ringing none stop….. I am too
nervous to answer. I realise my shirt has Bongi’s make-up, I drive to the office
to change my clothes.

Mondli is probably angry about the sex issue that’s why he isn’t answering
the phone.

I should give up the cookie. I am always horny anyway.

“Butho please take care of him neh. Bring him home safely”

“I am not a baby” Mgcini says. He came home to change. They are going on a
road trip and we wanted to ask for Mondli’s permission but he isn’t

“bye sweetie” I kiss his cheek.

“maybe you can come along?” Butho says.

“Nop. I am very lazy, I don’t want to”

“come on it will be fun. You will do with some air” he insists.

“Naah. Mondli will be upset if I go without him”

“Come-on. You will call him”

“Let her be. She is right Mondli will start complaining. I don’t want any stress”
Mgcini saves me.

“I will join you when my baby is 3 months old”


“let’s go outside, let me take a picture of you teacher in shorts. No formal

wear today. ” I say to Mgcini. We walk outside and I take a picture of him.

He takes ugly pictures of me too and they leave.

Mondli comes to the house.

“Baby is everything okay? Are you fine?” he looks very weird.

“daddy breath”

“What happened? why did you call? is the baby alright? I was at the office
and - - ”

“I shouldn’t call you? Anyway Mgcini wanted permission to go on the road


“oooh” he looks relieved.

“cub’s daddy what’s wrong?” I was given a new instruction today, not to call
him by his name.

“Ah nothing mummy. I - -“

“Come here” I pull him to the bedroom upstairs.

“You said which positions can we do?” I ask and he looks surprised.

“Mummy I didn’t mean to put too much pressure on you.”

“You said there is full explosion. Which one is that? Mind teaching me? ” I
unbutton his shirt.

I am totally surprised and stunned by all the kind gesture… I mean…. She
refused hours ago, now she is pulling me to the bedroom…… She kisses me.

“Can I take a shower first baby?” I ask as she strips me naked.

“No. Let’s do it now” I am confused.

She removes her clothes and lies on the bed naked…. Fuck!

Nxumalos are playing with my mind today….. I remove my clothes for the
second time today, I put her legs on my shoulders and fuck her. I don’t mean
to fuck but damn it's been months!
It feels like paradise and hell in here because it’s so fucken hot….. I feel like
crying. I groan very loud as she does this thing with her vagina walls.

Grabbing my dick……….I hear a voice in my head saying go harder. It’s crazy.

There is this excitement going on in my mind.

I groan and make love to her. She cums all over my dick within minutes…… “I
love you” I say to her as I reach my own orgasm….. I wipe her then start
muffin her, she moans and it feels like heaven….. I take her to the bathroom
and we shower together… “Can you hold on to the tap? I will be gentle. I
promise” she does as asked. She is enjoying this more than I thought she
would….. After the shower, I take her to bed, lotion and massage her. My
phone keeps indicating messages.

It's Bongi. I delete them all before reading.

“That was amazing” that’s all I needed to hear. I know I am a man, but when
she says that, it confirms what I already know..

“did you enjoy it?”

“yes I did”
“I love you mummy”

“I love you too daddy” I can never understand women!

One minute she is moody the next she is happy. It’s like she felt that Bongi
almost got to me today. If she didn’t call, I would be regretting a lot of shit
right now.

I give her my tracksuit and take her out for dinner….. As I am paying at the
restaurant I realize I sent Bongi R50 000.


She really got me.


I just knocked off at work. Mondli bought me a car. I am enjoying this family
thing we have going on. I walk to the car park and I see the other workers
getting into the staff bus. I call Mthulisi.

I give him a lift.

“So how is South Africa?” I heard he is from Zimbabwe.

“Better than it was when we got here. Even though, I haven’t been able to
visit my wife in prison my kids are going to school and they are happy.”

“That’s good and the job how is it?”

“It’s the easiest job I have ever done” “really?” it’s interesting to hear
someone saying being a security guard is easy.
I drop him off at Mondli’s house then drive home.

I am happy with my life honestly. Driving home to a family, Mgcini is a cool

guy even though he loves to keep to himself because of his anxieties but I
love him. I feel like I need to take care of him. I feel like an older brother even
though we are twins, then there is Thandi she is such a sweetheart, Mondli is
worse. He welcomed me like he always knew that I was his brother. Zithelo is
cool too, even though I see him once in a while. The people at the office
respect me and I have made a few friends.

I wish Madikana was alive to witness all this, so that I can take her to dinner
dates. So that I can spend money on her.

I started working months ago and I have never spent any of my salary….

I get home and find Mondli with Thandi being lovey dovey on the couch.
“Okay couple goals we see you” …. I am glad he resisted Bongi. Babymamas
are crazy she intentionally sent her arse instead of sending the baby…

“Nxumalo.” I love the sound of that.

“You both look beautiful. Let me take a picture. Give me your phone” Thandi
gives me hers. My picture quality is bad. I have been postponing the issue of
getting a new phone.

I take them pictures.

Thandi sits up straight as I show her the pictures and I see Takie behind
Thandi in this particular picture.

“What is Takie doing in your phone?” I ask her.

“Who is Takie?” she asks.

“Madikana’s brother”

“Madikana’s brother?” I show her the picture.

“No that’s Butho. Mgcini’s colleague” she says.

“Colleague?” Mgcini is a teacher. Takie is a Sangoma [traditional doctor]

“Yep. He came to ask for permission to go with him on a road trip”

“Sis Thandi. This is Takie” I show her the pictures of Takie and Madikana.

“He is nothing close to a teacher. He is a traditional healer. What do you

mean he is Butho?” I ask.

“What are you two talking about? Who is Butho and who is Takie?”

“Jesus Christ!” I exclaim. Why would Madikana’s brother pretend to be a

teacher and why did he befriend Mgcini?
He doesn’t even live in Joburg. I can’t help but feel worried.

[11/06, 11:04 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I am trying to get some sleep but the baby is crying in Tshego’s room. It’s
past 10pm.
I wake up and go to her room. I find her crying as well as the baby. Tshego is
young, she is 21 turning 22 in August. She is slim and fair in complexion.
And being a mother is a whole new story to her, I am sure she knows nothing
about motherhood. She is a totally different girl compared to the one I met
months ago.

“Why are you crying?”

“ the baby is crying and I am in pain.”

“What’s painful?” I ask and she keeps quiet.

The baby is almost sweating. The heater is on, the baby is wearing many
clothes and she wrapped him in a blanket.

“Tshego! Why would you put him in so many clothes and switch on the
heater? ” I switch off the heater. We never used a heater at home anyway, it
always gave Mgcini a headache, and I don’t like it either. The Prince probably
doesn’t like it too.

“did you feed him?” I ask.


“did you bathe him?” she shakes her head no.

I prepare water for him and teach her how to bathe him. He is so tiny.
Thandi was young too when we had Nana. I am sure she was 20 or 21 and
we are 4 years apart…. We didn’t have mothers to teach us how to take care
of the baby. Her sister taught Thandi bits and pieces then she taught me.

“You didn’t bathe him that’s why he was crying and he was feeling hot” I
change him and give him to her. She breastfeeds him and he falls asleep.

“Wow. Where did you learn all that?”

“Nana is turning 7 soon and there is nothing I missed in her life. I have been
there since day 1”


“Boil water, put a towel inside and use it to warm your ‘pain’” I say and she

“My pain?”

“yes your stitches. Use hot water”

She slowly walks to the bathroom and I chuckle. She is such a kid.


“My brother must be worried. I have to go home now”

“Nop your brother is too uptight and you have to loosen up a bit. You know
what? Switch off your phone”

“What? Nop”

“He will ruin the fun for you.”

“No. Switching it off will be extreme. You don’t know him. He will be all over
the place.”

“okay put it on silent then” he does it himself.

He drives to the Zoo.

“Why the Zoo?”

“It’s calm”

“How can a Zoo be calm? Besides it’s late. What if we get chowed?”

“Want to see some fun?” he asks.

“yep” he climbs up the fence and comes out with some smelling shit.

“What is this?”

“Leopard’s poo”

“You are something else” he drives while playing some music.

“Through the sun, through the rain, darling I will be right there. Let them say
what they have to say…..” It’s a song by liquideep called ~Till the time stands

“ You are crying” he says and I wipe away my tears.

“Reminds you of him?”

“yeah” he drives into this BnB.

“Let’s use this car.” We change cars.

“Now tell me about him”

“Where are we going?”

“Road trip to Venda. My mum is sick, so I need to take some medicine to her,
then we will drive back later tomorrow”


“tell me about him? Talking is therapeutic”

“He is mixed race, and he is not too light. He has curly hair but he cuts it all
the time, he wears size 32, he loves working out…. He has a full pack. He is
very cunning but with me, he is gently and sweet. He has a good heart. It’s
funny how I hated gay people but now. I wish he can come, so that I can kiss
him in front of the whole world and tell him how much I love him.”

“He is such a lucky bastard” he drives for a long time looking behind him.

“Why do you keep looking behind?”


“So your family accepted that you are gay? And they accepted him?”

“My older brother is homophobic while Mondli is supportive. My sister in law

goes with the flow”

“What about your father?”

“he said ‘I love you no matter what, I just want you to be happy, and always
be who you are’”

“Wow. Would you say you are your father’s favourite child?” I am no longer
the last born, but I don’t feel like talking much.
“He loves us all equally” I lie. I know I am the favourite child even though
Nxumalo doesn’t say it. I know the old man can die for me. The feeling is
mutual. As I grow older, I realise how much I love and miss him.

He chuckles “It’s just the two of us. Nobody is here. Tell me.”

“I don’t know hey. Maybe you should ask him one day…. ”

“I know you are the last born and the favourite child” I chuckle.

“I need water” he stops the car and walks to the boot…. I see a ring and his

It’s written Takie Mandau. The surname sounds familiar.

He comes back and I put it back.

He gives me water and I drink my pills.

“Are you okay now?” he asks and drives away.

“yes give me my phone”

“oooh no. We forgot it in my other car”

“ I want to call my brother. Give me yours”

“What’s wrong now?” he keeps driving.

I feel my chest closing in.

“You are married and you told me a fake name” I am getting nervous.

“Madikana was my sister and your father killed her” I knew I heard the
surname somewhere. Madikana Mandau.


“She was only 22. Your father has to feel pain too! ”
“What?” he keeps quiet and continues to drive.

“Where are you taking me?” I am trying to be as calm as possible.

I was just trying to get rid of my sorrows. Looks like one can never trust a
person these days.


“I didn’t want him to go alone. Because of things like these!“ I shout at no-
one in particular.

“Where could he have taken him? Why would he lie?” –Thandi.

I call his body guard.

He says they are at a BnB. They have been in there for hours.

“Book a room and find out if he is okay” I say to the guard, I then call
Nxumalo Junior [Lloyd]

“Please trace Mgcini’s phone and find out who Takie Mandau is”

|What’s going on?|

“Mengezi thinks Madi---. What’s her name?” I ask Mengezi.


“Yeah Madikana. I don’t know who she is, but she died and her brother
befriended Mgcini then took him on a road trip.”
|What? Where are they now?|

“Find out for me Lloyd” I say.

|okay okay don’t hang up| I hear shuffling.

After 5 minutes he says |He is at a BnB just after Pretoria|

“okay that’s what the guard said. I am going to get him now” I say.

|Mondli calm down. I will go with you don’t scare people|

“What do you mean scare people? What if this guy is dangerous? Nxumalo
will die if anything happens to that boy Lloyd!” I hang up.

“You said we don’t have bodyguards anymore”- Thandi

“Mgcini is sick who knows what he might do, that’s why his body guard is still

“This is my fault” she blames her self.

“How were you supposed to know Sis Thandi?” Mengezi comforts her.
She is right, it’s her fault. She shouldn’t have given him permission to leave.
But will I dare tell her that? No. Applying for another 8 months without sex.

“I am going to bring him home”

“I am coming with you” Mengezi says.

“No. look after your sister in-law”

“baby take care” I kiss her and drive to Lloyd’s house.

I am trying very hard to mind my own business in this prison.

I found my home girls in here and we don’t take shit from anyone. We have
pregnant ladies in our cell, and to my surprise they bring a very familiar face.
The face that landed me here in the first place.

“Wuuuuuuuu” the ladies scream as they wheel her in. She is on a wheelchair?

“Who is she?” my home girl asks.

“This is the bitch that brought me here. The bitch that ruined my life! “ I now
know how to use offensive words. Nobody speaks proper language here. If
you do, they don’t take you seriously.

“Prisoners behave!” the warder warns and leaves her in our cell.

“Why are you in a wheelchair? So it’s true that they fucked you up?” I ask and
she keeps quiet.

She is not appealing to the eye especially without her makeup and fancy hair;
worst part she is pregnant and she has the biggest nose.

What happened to her mouth?

I want to make her scrub the floor with her tongue. She made me betray my
only true friend. She also made me leave my husband and kids.

She is going to regret messing with a bitch from Tsholotsho! I will fuck up her
life and I will dedicate the next months, to torturing her until she gives birth
and moves from this cell!

[11/07, 1:02 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


Someone sent me 2million from nowhere and the money is untraceable. I am

confused. Who would send me so much money from nowhere?

“Lloyd. Every time Mondli calls, you jump from the bed. What’s wrong with
you?” my girlfriend asked last night.

“If your sister calls right now and asks for help would you continue sleeping?”

“Mondli is not—”

“Woman go back to sleep or go to your house” I wore my clothes and met

Mondli at the gate. We drove to the BnB and found a rented car with Mgcini’s
phone inside…..

They tricked the guard.

“It’s official someone kidnapped him” I tell Mondli who looks upset.

“Lloyd, the boy is sick. Couldn’t they kidnap someone else?” I look at him
with questioning eyes?

“Watch what you say, especially around your family. Who should have been
kidnapped instead?”

“Anyone else but not him… ” he speaks with no care in the world.

“Mondli!” I reprimand him.

“He is a kid Lloyd. It’s not fair, he has been through a lot. Why him? He didn’t
kill this Madikana woman”

“You killed the Madikana woman Mondli” it’s high time he knows the truth.


“Yes. You have a multiple personality disorder. When you get angry you go
around killing people and you forget”

“Shut Up” he is now very upset.


“SHUT UP LLOYD! SHUT UP!” He shouts.

“okay fine. I am quiet” I rest my case.


I am hyperventilating and my heart is beating fast as we get to this village

that I never thought existed in South Africa. It’s far away from Venda, I am
sure it’s at the end of the world. The place is green and cold.

I should have stayed in my room and died of depression.

“I need my pills” I pant as he pushes me over to this old man.

The man is a bit older than my dad, he has grey hair and beards. He pulls my
hand roughly into the hut where I meet an extremely angry woman.

“Push him over there,” the man pushes me to the corner of the room.

“For the first time in your life you have outdone yourself” the father praises
Butho or Takie I don’t know.

I can’t talk, my chest is closing in.

I need those damn pills.

“Pills” I utter.

Takie walks out and comes back with my pills and water.

I stretch my hand to receive them, but the woman slaps his hand and the
bottle falls to the floor.. I want to cry. I want to cry so bad, but I am far away
from home and my tears don’t matter to anyone here.

YOUR FATHER KILLED HER!” the woman roars and I can’t breath anymore, I
am having a panic attack.

“Let him die!” the father orders.

What wrong did I do? I wasn’t even at the funeral. I don’t know what
happened there…..

“Do what they want you to do Kizington or else you will die here. Aren’t you

“I am not a murderer Nxumalo!”

“better than prison and the pay is good”

I help him down. He was tied to the pole while being thrashed.

“How many people have you killed?”

“I have lost count” I disclose.

“How do you do it? I would never sleep at night” he is in pain.

“so you’d rather get thrashed than do a simple task?”

“Killing a human being is simple Nxumalo?”

“Would you prefer spending the rest of your life in prison?”

Months ago after exposing the President, Kizington was angry. He drove for a
long time and we realised a car was following us.
He tried to turn back but it was too late, we were surrounded by a group of

They forced us into a truck and we found ourselves in a ship. We travelled by

sea for weeks and we landed in this country called Sierra Leone…. We are in
the middle of a jungle, where there are no homes, people, roads or anything.
Nowhere to run.

There were 3 of us from South Africa, and 7 others from different countries.
They called us the perfect candidates for the job.

They wanted prisoners from different countries to take the job of killing of
criminals, who are given death sentences. Apparently nobody wants that job,
people are scared and they go mad after doing that job.
Kizington refuses to listen to them, and they thrash him every time he refuses
to obey an order. He has open wounds all over his body.

I just came from a job. There were 4 people in Congo, who were sentenced to
death by hanging and I hanged them, the best part is, I got paid for it… I
sent the money to Lloyd. I know he will look after my family.

The problem is, one isn’t allowed to talk or see their family members until
they pass all the tests, and I have passed all their tests. So now it’s time to
see my children, but I won’t be able to talk to them.

These people are the most powerful people in Africa. They have records of my
family and all my crimes. For me this is better than a death sentence.

“Nxumalo it’s time to see your family” They can’t even pronounce my
surname. Fuck them!

“How is my family?” Kizington shouts and they ignore him. I get into the
military airplane where I see videos of Nana going to school.

They have all the information about my children.

“she is going to school” I smile.

“What about my sons?”

They show me Mondli and Mengezi.

Then there is another one where Mgcini is teaching school Kids.

“He is a teacher?” I chuckle. My heart is filled with joy.

“wait wait pause” I see Mondli, Thandi and Mengezi at a parking lot. Thandi is
pregnant and Mondli is holding her hand.

Thandi is pregnant?

“Play” he plays the video. It doesn’t have audio though.

He plays another one as they walk into the house.

“Our men can’t get into the house sir”

“Show me more pictures and videos of that woman”

“Your daughter in law Thalitha Thandi Ncube. She is 27 years old. Has 1 Child
and expecting the second one. She comes from a family of 4. Her parents
died in a car accident. She is—”

“Are you gloating or what? I know you know everything about my family,
show me more pictures of her not her biography ”

They show me pictures of her and she is indeed pregnant. She is holding
Mondli’s hand and Mondli kisses her belly.

Is she sleeping with Mondli? Zithelo told me but I wasn’t sure.

She is pregnant by him?

“Show me my son”

“Mondli Darlington Nxumalo. 29 years old. Suffers from an unknown mental

illness. Has an 8 months old son with Bongani Prudent Motaung. He is
expecting the second child from his sister in law”


“Which one Mgcini or Mengezi?”


“Mgcini Beloved Nxumalo. Age- 24. Suffers from Depression and Anxiety. A
temporary school teacher. Relationship status- unknown.

Current location- unknown.”

“What do you mean his current location is unknown?”

“We can’t get hold of our men for today’s update”

“I need to see my son and proof that he is fine. Today!”

“yes sir”



“You don’t want to see more of your family members?”

Thandi is pregnant?? I can’t seem to get that out of my mind.

[11/10, 2:20 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


*KAROL* Kizington’s little sister.

I am so lonely. My older brother and his wife are always at work, their kids
are in boarding school.
They come and leave without saying a word. There is nothing like family time
with them.

I miss Kizington. He cared about me a lot, he valued family time. He would

walk me from school sometimes and when he was in prison, his boyfriend
Donald drove me to school when he was free. My sister Karen, loved cooking
for the whole family especially on Sundays. I miss being the baby of the

Thinking about my mother makes me tear up every time. I pack my staff and
go to her house, it's one of those boring Saturdays.

I walk into my mother’s house and it feels like, I will see her sitting on the

I send my brother a text, telling him that I will sleep at home.

I go to her room and lie on her bed. I look at her pictures.

That man really broke me when he killed my mother. Thinking about it now,
causes sorrow and that sorrow turns into weeps.
I hear someone opening the door. I panic, only to see Michael. I run and hug
him. What a relief!

“Someone said he saw you coming in. Are you okay?” I nod…

“Where is Kizington?”

“I don’t know Karol. He just vanished into thin air” I sit on the sofa as he
walks out of the house and comes back with braai meat and pap after an
hour. We eat and after a while, he takes out cocaine and starts sniffing.

“want to try?” he asks. I nod reluctantly. I try it out, and nothing is changing.
My nose is only itchy.

"Try again, but not too much"

We do it again and after a while. I feel positive that my brother will come
back, my mum and sister are watching over me…….

"I am worried. Madikana came from a weird family. What if they do something
to Mgcini?" Mengezi is worried and he is making me feel worse...
"What do you suggest we do?"
"I have to go and look for him. Staying here isn't helping"
"Where will you look?"
"I don't know, but I have to go"
"Mengezi, I can't let you go. Not you too, call Mondli first."
"I will be back" he leaves. I call Mondli and tell him that Mengezi has left.
Mondli didn’t come home last night, I slept on the couch waiting for news
about Mgcini but there is none.
I sit on the couch worried, watching the news. I don’t know what I am hoping
to see or hear from the news, but I watch anyway.
Zithelo is supposed to bring Nana today but he is late. .... It’s now past 3pm.
I sit for a few hours then I hear a knock at the door.
I open the door with the hope of seeing Nana, but I see Bongi pushing a
Pram. She looks good, very good. She has a very long weave. I am not
familiar with the inches and staff, but it’s long, she has makeup and the nails
are too long for someone who has a baby. She has a cleavage that can attract
all the men if that’s her intention.
"Hey" I don’t know how to act around her.
I haven't seen her since the last time she was pregnant at the Lodge, and now
the baby has grown so much. He looks so much like Mondli, there is no lie
She removes her shades and pushes the pram into the house...
"Friend" I don't know what to say.
"How are you?" I ask.
"I am fine FRIEND how are you?" she keeps emphasising ‘friend’ and it
doesn’t sit well with me. The ‘friend’ doesn’t have the ship in it.
"I am good how is your son?"
"Mondli Jnr is fine. We are looking for his dad" Mondli Jnr?
"Mondli is not home"
"Ooh nice. You are pregnant. I see" she forms a smirk on her lips.
"Who is the father?" she is trying to intimidate me. I sensed that, the minute
she walked in.
"Bongi---" she walks around the lounge and then stands before me.
She gives me a mother of all slaps. I didn’t expect that.
'"Bongi!!" I hold my cheek
"BITCH!" she shouts!
"you heard me! Mondli was busy screaming your name during sex. Is that why
you were at the Lodge with him? You are sleeping with your husband's
brother? YOU. ARE. A. BITCH!" She pulls me by my hair and pushes me to the
“My baby” I bleat feebly.
"Bongi stop!" I try to shout but I feel weak.
“Why? I told you about him and you went to taste? Is the baby his?” she is
"Bongi please stop!"
She hits me so bad. She backslaps me and I spit blood. Even at school, I was
never a part of a fight, I don’t know how to fight….. Not that I don’t know
but….. She slaps me again!
"Bongi!" I push her away and use the little energy I have, to run away. I run up
the stairs and she follows me......

“Your firstborn Son Zithelo Nxumalo age 31. Faked---”

“just show me their current videos. Today’s videos and pictures please. ”

“He shows me pictures of him and Tshego, coming out of the hospital with a

“Whose baby is that?”

“Your fourth grandchild. His name is True Prince Nxumalo.”

“You have 3 living grandchildren. Nana Princess Nxumalo, Mercedes Thabo

Nxumalo and True Prince Nxumalo”

“Tshego has a child? Who is the father?”

“Zithelo is the father”


“They live in Four ways and—”

“Shut up”

“Okay sir”

“It’s just that I love showing people their family members sir. ”

“Show me my son”

“Which one sir?” I keep quiet.

“You have 4 sons sir”

“Fuck you! Show me my son!” I shout.

“Which one sir?” I take a deep breath.

“Show me Mgcini”
“We have bad news sir”

“What news? ”

“your son has been reported missing”

“What do you mean missing? Your people should find my son”

"That's not our job sir"

“Where did he go? Was he kidnapped or he ran away? What's happening with
my son??”

"He was last seen at a BnB with a man"

“Your people must find my son! Or else I won’t do any shit!”

How can Zithelo have a child with his own sister? How?

What’s happening to my son? I don’t like this shitty game at all. Is Belinda
behind this?


|Go home and look after Thandi. I will find Mgcini| Mondli insists. Thandi
probably told Mondli that I left and he is now ordering me to go back home.
"but I want to help"
|Mengezi go home!|
"okay fine. Fine I am going." I hang up the call and drive back to the house. I
find a car that I don't recognize......I don’t have a good feeling about Mgcini, I
want to look for him. He is sick. He shouldn’t be out there.
Mondli said he will send a guard but he hasn't.
I walk into the house and apart from the crying baby, I hear screams, loud
screams, then I see Bongi dragging Thandi down the stairs, she pulls her and
Thandi pushes her back. They both lose balance and come rolling down the
The baby is crying, Thandi and Bongi are both lying on the floor
"Thandi" I call her and realise she is bleeding.
“Thandi wake up” she is bleeding profusely….

[11/11, 5:41 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



“Sis Thandi please wake up” I shake her but she isn’t waking up…. I run
outside and bring the car closer to the door.

The baby is literally screaming.

As I run back into the house another car drives in, and two dodgy looking
men corner me.
They show me Guns. What’s this?

They push me into the house.

“Who are you? What do you want?”

They look at the floor.

“Which one is Thandi?” one of them asks.

“What do you want from her?” one of them cocks his gun. It quickly hits me,
that shit is about to go down, they want to kidnap Thandi as well.

“Do you want to die?” he looks like he isn’t playing any games.

“Thandi” I call her name while shaking Bongi. They push me away and one of
them drags Bongi outside…… Jesus Christ what have I done?

The baby keeps crying and one of them looks at him. He reads out loud.
Mercedes T. Nxumalo. The baby’s name is written on the pram handle.

“This is a bonus!” he picks up the baby.

“No. The baby is the neighbour’s” I lie.

“Your neighbours are Nxumalos?” he looks upset.

“Please take me instead” I beg and he looks at the baby. I try to take my
phone from the couch, but he shoots my hand and I kneel down shocked. The
pain, the blood….

He takes the baby and runs away…


“What the fuck happened to her? Why isn’t she eating by her self?” ladies ask
themselves as I feed Sindi.

My poor niece, she is pregnant and she can’t talk, won’t be able to hold her
baby. I never knew the monster I created, until it practiced it’s monstrous
ways on me.

Mondli, the quietest of them all, gentle and cool. Who could have ever
thought? He told me how he saw me killing his mother, and that caused him
to kill too. He blamed me for his twisted behaviour. He is sick very sick!

Unfortunately he will never know how twisted that bitch called his mother
was…… She was very twisted.

Yes, I was having an affair with her husband but she didn’t have the right to
steal my son……ever since she stole my son, I blamed Mengezi from day 1,
why didn’t he protect his brother? Why didn’t he go instead of him? I know it
was sick of me to blame him but I loved Mgcini more, I felt like he needed me
more than Mengezi ever did.

Then 2 years later I got pregnant with Tshego. I gave her to my sister in law. I
just wanted my stolen son.

Nxumalo never wanted to have kids with me. He forced me to have abortions.
That man owes me. He owes me everything he has, but it’s fine. Life isn’t fair
anyway. He got the last laugh.

Loving someone’s husband was a curse for me. Men always win instead of
women. “Open your mouth and eat by yourself” Sindi, Thandi’s friend, uses
her finger to poke my niece. I don’t know where this girl got the courage
from, but she is being a real bitch.

In order for me to survive I got to play useless. Mondli cut off our tongues
among all the other despicable things he did to us. I had to play paralyzed
and mute too, In order to survive in here.

Poor Sindi, she had to be pregnant in the midst of all this

chaos….unfortunately for her she isn’t faking it.

One of the girls, hits the plate, and the food is all over the floor.

“She doesn’t deserve to eat after what she did” that’s how much they hate
her. She is pregnant for fucks sakes!
“she can lick it, if she wants” they mock her. This is worse than death!


“your mother will be angry Princess, let’s go”

“No, dad I can’t leave True alone. He is used to having me around.”

“Nana you know the rules Princess.”

“dad why are you chasing me away?”

“I am not chasing you away but the court-“

“ dad. I will call mum and tell her that my brother needs me. She will
understand, besides, she is always sleeping in her room”
“ Princess listen to daddy, he will come and pick you up tomorrow. Go and
see mummy” Tshego saves the day.

“okay fine. Bye True” she kisses him and takes her laptop then I drive to her
mother. We get there, only to find an ambulance and Police cars.

“Stay in the car Princess” I lock her in and rush to the ambulance. I realise
there is Thandi in there. They drive away.

“What happened to her? And you?” I ask Mengezi because he is also

bleeding. He gives the Police his statement.

“You are also in pain. Let’s go to the hospital. You can’t be giving statements
in this state.”

“The bullet grazed my hand” we follow the Ambulance to the Hospital, with
Nana asking him questions.

We get there and the doctor attends to him.

“You are a very lucky young man” the doctor bandages his hand, as Mengezi
tells me the whole story.

“So Mgcini is missing and you all didn’t bother telling me? “

“I thought Mondli did”

“you know I am not talking to him”

“Please call him for me. I called the Police and the Ambulance. I panicked and
forgot to call him.”

I give him my phone and he calls him.

I drive Nana back to Tshego then I drive back to the Hospital. It’s past
I find Mondli pacing up and down the passage. He sees me and comes to a
He looks at me. The tension is thick. I never imagined him sleeping with my
wife. Never!

“How are you feeling Mengezi?”

“I am fine, They operated on Thandi and hopefully the baby survives. I hope
Mercedes and Bongi are fine too. I am sorry Mondli. I couldn’t protect them”

“I am going to kill those mother fuckers” he really means it. He is ruthless

killer and I want nothing to do with him.

“If you are fine Mengezi. I am leaving”

“How is True and Tshego?” he asks.

“Did she tell you that we aren’t siblings?”

“Yeah. she told me and congratulations on your son”


“Hopefully you will let us see him one day” Mondli irritates me. Why is he
even talking to me?

“Concentrate on finding your own son” I tell him.

“Mr Nxumalo. The operation was successful. Your son was born prematurely
but he is a fighter. He wouldn’t have survived if he wasn’t. You can come and
see him” Mondli is happy as he follows the doctor. I follow them too and find
Thandi sleeping on the bed. The baby is inside an incubator next to her.

“He doesn’t look like you. Are you sure he is yours?” I mock Mondli but he
doesn’t seem to care. He looks at the baby and smiles.

“Nxumalo, Zwide, Nhlamfuse” he recites all our clan names. I can’t believe
they had sex and got each other pregnant.

“Finally Bentley has been born” Mengezi let’s out a smile. I walk away, this is


It’s past midnight, in the jungle and it’s freezing cold.

Nxumalo is always saying this is better than prison, but I beg to differ; at least
in prison I had visitors and I knew how my family members were. But here, I
know nothing about the outside world, absolutely nothing! It’s as if we are
soldiers, preparing for war. I never wanted to be a soldier, why should I be
forced to live like one?

He comes to my bunker.


“Mgcini is missing” I wake up instantly, ignoring the pain from my broken


“What do you mean he is missing?”

“I have a lot of enemies. Some of them surfaced when the news about The
President and I, went viral. One of those enemies must have kidnapped my

“Go and look for him! What are you still doing here?” I find myself shouting.

“This is prison. How will I leave?”

“Nxumalo they send you to different countries. They can send you to South
Africa, talk to them ask them. What’s the point of all this? What’s the point of
- - ooh Shit! What if he Is being tortured? He can’t handle it”

I am worried now.

“I am now worried about my sister too. What if she is also in trouble? What if
it’s Belinda and Sindi?”

“No. Belinda wouldn’t hurt Mgcini. She loves him.”

“ Nxumalo go and look for him damn!” I shout.

“They can’t let me go, but they can let you go. Do what they ask of you, and
go back there. Search for my son”

“Nxumalo. I can’t” I bleat.

“What if they rape him again?” my heart aches at the thought of that.

“please don’t say that. They shouldn’t dare do that to him”

“Take any job they give you, and look for my son. He is weak, he has anxiety
and depression. He probably thinks we both died.”



I am shaking uncontrollably, I am feeling cold, I am sleeping on a muddy floor

and it seems like there is a dam nearby that’s why it’s so cold. I have no
blanket, I am wearing shorts and I feel really extremely cold.
I haven’t seen Takie since he brought me here. I am sure it’s now Sunday
morning. I hear commotion outside, then they push Bongi in.

“What do you want from me old woman?” she shouts and the woman slaps
her, she slaps her back and two men hold her back then the woman gives her
punches. I look away.

I hear a baby crying outside. My heart races a bit.

Did they kidnap Mercedes too?

“You are the daughter in law right? Unfortunately you got married to a very
despicable family”

“Whose daughter in law? I am not anyone’s daughter in law let me go” she
starts arguing with them and they push her to the floor.

I can’t help but feel really frightened as they bring baby Mercedes in here. He
is just a baby.

The woman drags me outside. She gives me a pick and orders me to start
digging. What do I know about digging? I have never dug anything my whole

“What am I digging?”

“Your grave” the old man replies. I have never met a heartless old couple as
this one. A grave?

Two men start digging next to me and within an hour they have dug a dip
hole, while I am still struggling to dig a small one.

I am going to die and be buried here, where no-one will see me, or visit me
because my father killed a girl in some village.

I hear Bongi shouting and screaming then silence follows. Soon after that,
they drag her lifeless body into the grave….. To say I am scared, shocked,
frightened is an understatement. There is no word I can use to describe what I
am feeling.
[11/11, 8:54 pm] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



|I found his wife. She is in Polokwane and she doesn’t want to talk. What
should I do?|

“I am coming” that was Lloyd.

I got two body guards to look after Thandi. She is still sleeping. She had a C-
section and she is tired.

“I am leaving. I – -“

“Let me come with you. I might have an idea where they took them” Mengezi
really wants to help.
“Let’s go” we take a taxi home then take The Range Rover and hit the road. I
call Thandi’s sister on the way and tell her where Thandi is. She might need a
familiar face when she wakes up.


“Are you saying that if we let him go, you will do his job as well, and you will
completely stop, communication with your family?”


“Nxumalo don’t do this” I try to reason with him.

“Go and protect my son Kizington. I am dead, they are fine without me.”
Something about him has changed.

“Nxumalo don’t do this”

“Go Kizington” he insists.

“You just have to do one last job” they say to me.

“What kind of a job?”

“just in case you decide to open your mouth about this organization. We need
something solid on you”

“What exactly do you need?”

“Kizington!” Nxumalo reprimands me.

“okay okay fine what is it?”

“A baby was born by satanic parents from the satanic church, Nxumalo killed
the parents but the baby is still alive. She has to die.”


“Yes. That or you stay here forever”

“Think about Karol and Mgcini” Nxumalo is insane. Who kills a new born

“The clock is Ticking”


I watch in horror as they bury Bongi. They confused her for Thandi. How it
happened will remain a mystery to me, but this has Mondli written all over it,
he used Mitchell to protect Thandi, I am sure he used Bongi as well. It’s cold,
and they just buried her without a blanket or a coffin. This is cruel. This is a
I have wished to die many times but I realise I was bluffing! I don’t want to
die; at least not like this.

“Rest in Peace Madikana” the mother says hugging the father. These people
are crazy. How will killing an innocent woman make Madikana rest in peace?

The baby can’t stop crying, it’s as if he can feel that his mother is dead.

“Who is next?” on of the men who dug the grave asks.

“Him” the father points at me and I hold my urine.

Takie drives in.

I can’t believe this guy. He is wearing shades in this cold weather and in this

“We have killed their daughter in law.” The mother informs him.

“We need to talk” he states.

“What is it?” they all move aside. All 5 of them.

“They have Matomu” I overhear them.


“yes, they have her and our baby” I guess Matomu is his wife.

“Who are they?”

“His brothers I think”

“Tell them to give us our grandchild and we will give them their son but this
boy dies”

“Mother stop this nonsense!” he shouts. They start arguing about who to save
and whom not to save, they push each other and I start running….. I run and
they realise that I am gone after a while, as I see Takie driving after me.

I find a small path were a car, can’t drive through and I run that way. He stops
the car and runs after me.

I ask my feet to carry me, but I feel guilty. What kind of an uncle am I?
Running and leaving poor Mercedes behind?

I haven’t left this jungle ever since I got here 7months ago. They fly me to this
weird place where there is the demonic baby. I actually don’t believe in this
demonic staff.

I look at the baby, it’s what the doctors call a bouncing baby. She is healthy,
fit and good looking. She is smiling.

How can I kill such a baby?

This is some sick shit.

People are always in their homes not knowing what happens in this world. I
never knew such things existed.

“Can’t I inject her or something? “

“Shoot!” the room is full of soldiers who can’t look at me. I think, they think,
that I am the devil.


He catches up to me and pushes me down, my back lands on the ground. He

gets on top of me and a punch lands on my face.

“Please let me go” I beg.

“I can’t. My parents will kill me. Why did you run away! ”

“Please Takie” I beg.

“We investigated your family for months. You were the weakest link because
you were sick. You and Nana. It was easy seeing you in pictures but when I
saw you face to face. I liked you, the way you dress, speak, smell, eat; I wasn’t
joking when I said I like the way you chew.” He is a damn psychopath!

“You are married”

“Yes because my ancestors picked her for me. But you, you are beautiful. It’s
such a waste that you have to die because of your father’s sins” he drags me
to his car. I can’t fight, I can’t run, I can’t manipulate but they say I am
attractive. I should put that into use….I kiss him…

I probably have a bad breath but I kiss him anyway and he kisses me back.
Son of a bitch!

I hate every second of it but what choice do I have? He holds my head and
pulls me to his face.

“Do I turn you on?” I ask.

He shows me his bulge.


“Let’s go somewhere”

He starts his car without thinking twice. What about Mercedes? I hope I will
find help before they harm him.


The police are useless, they are always useless! We reported the crime but
there is no progress at all.

I am waiting for Mondli with this woman.

She is the kidnapper’s wife, they have a daughter together.

“Please let me go”

“Just tell me where Takie is? That’s all”

“I don’t know where he is, he never tells me anything”

“Where is his home? Where are his parents?”

She keeps quiet.

“At least I am lenient with you. There is a friend of mine who isn’t. He is going
to fuck you up just tell me” she thinks I am joking.

I wait for Mondli. It’s hours to get here from Joburg. And time is what we
don’t have!


Zithelo got home and went straight to bed without saying a word…. It’s
Sunday today and he isn’t working…

He brought Nana back yesterday and she told me about Police and

I make breakfast and take it to his room. He has his own room and I have my

“Hey morning” I greet and open the windows.

“How are you? “

“am good”

“Talk to me what happened yesterday? Is everyone okay?”

“Someone kidnapped Mgcini and Mercedes”

“I am sorry”

“Thandi gave birth to Mondli’s son”

“Ooh is that why you have a sour face?”


“Do you still love her?”

“No. I don’t. It’s just that the betrayal is too much to handle. Mondli and I
were close, he was my best friend, we shared a lot of shit but Thandi was
never one of those things. How did they fall in love? He hated her!”


“I love you, I don’t love her anymore. Don’t worry. I just hope he finds Mgcini”

My wish is for all of us to get along and be happy. I wish to have a

relationship with Thandi and for my son, to have a relationship with his
uncles. But Zithelo keeps distancing himself from all of them….

I think about him and do it. I take the gun and kill an infant……Jesus Christ
forgive me!

Fuck! I have never done something so despicable!

I look away and when I look back, they salute me!

Fuck them all!

“Permission to go home granted,”

“Silence is your life”

“Give this to Nxumalo’s family” they give me a USB. I feel very bad, dirty and
damn! This is extremely evil.


He brought me to this house outside the village.

He kisses me as soon as he closes the door. I don’t want to do this.

“Can I take a bathe first? Haven’t bathed in a while”

“okay this way” he shows me a bathroom. He closes the door and I look
outside the window. I can’t escape. The window is very small.

I bathe slowly and he opens the door, Invading my privacy.

“I want to bathe too” he gets into the shower and I quickly walk out. He
locked the doors but his phone is on the bed…. It isn’t locked.

I quickly grab it and realise that the only numbers I know by heart are
Kizington’s, my father’s and Belinda’s.

I am screwed. Who do I call?

I decide to call my own number.

I then send a text to Kizington.

|Even if I die today. Always know that I loved you. I love you| I send and

He comes back and says “Let’s do it”

Ooh good Lord! I don’t want to do this. No……! Not another prison situation

[11/12, 11:34 am] 0717417581: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*

He kisses me.

“stop” I say and he stops. He moves back a little and says “Madikana knew
who and what I preferred. I once had a thing or two with her friend Donald.
Your father killed her, he killed my sister. She had a promising future.”

“Talk to me” I try to drag the conversation for as long as I can….. “I don’t
want to force you, or to kill you. I just want justice for my sister”

“My father is dead” I lie.

“That’s not true” I try not to argue.

“I knew her, she was a good person. ”

“and your father sent her to an early grave”

“I am sorry”

“my parents used their life savings to put her through varsity. We invested in
her future”

“I have 5 million rands to my name. I can give you half” that gets his

Mondli is not driving, he is flying. We will die here.

I keep quiet, my hand is painful now, the medication has begun to wear

Lloyd sends him a location and we drive to a certain house.

We get there and find Matomu, she is Madikana’s sister in law. Lloyd is busy
in his laptop. It’s now past 5pm.

“did she talk?”

“Mengezi” she recognizes me.

“Sisi. Your husband kidnapped my brother and nephew, please help us. Help
us find them. I beg you”

“I don’t know where---”Mondli holds her by the neck.

What is he doing?

“Start talking” he snaps.

“Plea—please” he is squeezing her throat and Lloyd doesn’t seem to care.

“Where do you think he might have taken them? Think!” I try to help her
because Mondli isn’t letting go.

“Village” she utters and he let’s go.

“let’s go to the village” he drags her to the car with the baby. He is being

Lloyd asks me to drive the other car as he is tracing a certain number that
called Mgcini’s phone.
We drive to Madikana’s village and we don’t find any sign of people, or that
there were people here. We ask around and a guy says, in the middle of the
night a car drove by with a crying baby.

“Listen sisi. Think hard or else he will kill you. The missing people are very
close to his heart. He won’t hesitate to kill you or your daughter. THINK!
Where could they have taken them?” Lloyd persuades her.

“They have a traditional home near the river” she is so scared of Mondli and
so am I, right now.

She directs us and we drive there….

We get to the side of the village, that is different, has green grass, long trees,
mud houses, no-one, it’s freezing cold….. We get out of the car and people
start shooting our way…

“stay in the car” Lloyd says to Matomu but Mondli pulls her out and holds the
babygirl. She screams as he drags her to the shooters without saying a word.

“Mondli no!” I scream.

They stop shooting and Mondli runs to them. He grabs one guy and twists his

“Where is the Boy and the child? Where are they?” Lloyd asks the old couple.

I am still shocked by Mondli’s actions. He kills the second guy without any
mercy, doubt or anything. This is not what I expected, I mean what?

He stops as we hear a baby crying. We follow the sound to the backyard and
he is crying from a grave.
I grab a shovel and start digging… Mondli snatches it from me and digs
himself, only to find the baby buried in a box…. He was buried alive.

I find myself crying. What kind of cruelty is this?

I see another grave and my heart breaks at the thought of finding my brother
buried in there……Lloyd holds the old couple until we hear police sirens…..

“Where is the woman and the boy?” Lloyd asks them and they keep quiet.

I take the shovel and dig the other grave. It’s too deep, not shallow like the

I dig until the Police comes and tells us to freeze and what not.

Two dead bodies. They arrest the grandparents for kidnapping, attempted
murder of an infant, conspiracy and the murder of Bongi. May her soul rest in

“Where is Mgcini?”
We are taken to the Police Station, wasting our time. What if Mgcini is buried
somewhere too?

Mondli didn’t strike me as a murderer…. He is quiet, friendly, respectful,

humble and a very good person but what he did today made me question my
own sanity.

As I am connecting the dots, I now realize that he is the one who was
mercilessly killing people kwaMhlaba and he killed Madikana. It’s now 8pm
still in the Police station.

“a number called Mgcini’s phone and its registered under Takie’s name. I was
tracing it before these motherfuckers brought us here. I was very close to
getting the location” Lloyd informs a quiet Mondli. They keep us in the police
custody the whole night, while the baby is being taken care of by the doctors.

They gave me my belongings back and left me at the airport…..I start by

using a pay phone to call Mgcini’s number since I don’t have airtime.
Hopefully Telkom didn’t block my number. I call and it rings un answered. I
call Karol it rings un answered too. She is probably at school.

I think I need a smoke now. I search my pockets and I only have R100. When
they took us away they took our clothes aswell. I only got this trouser last
night. It had 100rands only.

I buy airtime and call Michael but he isn’t picking up. I call Mlindo who picks
on the first ring. I ask him to come and pick me up at the airport.

He comes after an hour.

“We thought you had died”

A bunch of messages have been coming through since I bought airtime.

“How is Karol ?”

“she is fine. Michael has been looking after her”


“Any idea where Mgcini is?”

“He was kidnapped by a guy from Venda. They arrested the parents last
night, found a dead body but Mgcini wasn’t there. It’s all over the news”

“Take me there” he drives while I go through the messages. He sent me over

100 messages in the last 7 months.
Karol sent many messages as well. I call him again but Lloyd picks up this

He gives me an address, where I am supposed to look for Mgcini.

“drive fast Mlindo” he drives for a long time…..


I have been lying on this bed listening to this guy the whole night.
I fell asleep, woke up today and he gave me bread. We are back at it again,
him telling me his stupid stories and me, playing a psychiatrist.

“They made me marry her. I love her trust me, but I love men too. I have two
ancestors, one wants a wife and the other one wants a husband”

“You can do both”

“hold me” he asks and I hold him….

“Will you let me go?”

“2.5 million you said?”


“let’s go” I can’t believe he is letting me go. Where will I get 2.5 million from?
I lied!

Months ago my little brother opened Awande’s phone [my late niece], her
parents read her charts and realized that I was innocent. They just didn’t
know their daughter. My sister apologized and I forgave her. My brother and
his wife never apologized though.

She is here now smiling none stop at my baby. I thought he was going to die.

Bongi pushed me hard…..

“He is so strong” my sister says.

“He is” I agree.

“named him yet?”

“Mondli and cars. He named him Bentley long before he was born”

The doctor comes and checks up on him.

“His foot is fractured. He needs physiotherapy ”

“What do you mean?”

“When you fell, he broke his foot muscles”

“will he be able to walk?”

“yes but chances are he will be limping”

“he will be handicapped?”

“I am sorry ma’am” my poor son.

[11/14, 8:27 am] Sammy Sammie🇿🇼: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



Mlindo and I, get to the house. It’s empty. No-one is here, but It looks like
there were people not so long ago. I look around, but there is nothing.

“let’s get out of here what if it’s a trap?” he might be right.

As we get out of the house Lloyd drives in, followed by an angry Mondli.

Mondli parks the car and attacks me with a punch..

“Where is my father you bastard!”

I hit him back and Lloyd gets in-between us.

“don’t you dare do that shit again! I am going to re-arrange your face!” I know
my punch hurts like shit. These hands have been in a lot of places. He
shouldn’t provoke me!

“Are you crazy? Fuck you!” I shout.

“Fuck you too!” Lloyd stands in-between us.

“Do you both want to see him dead? Do you want to stand here fighting or
you want to go out there and look for him?”

“Fuck!” I curse.

“Where is my father?”

“Lloyd. Mgcini is not here where is he?” I ignore Mondli. The fact that I want
to fuck his little brother doesn’t give him the right to lay his hands on me.
Fuck him!

Lloyd brings a laptop out of his car and places it, on the car bonnet.

I just want to kick Mondli’s disrespectful arse.

“Let’s go. It’s moving to Joburg” they drive away.

I get into Mlindo’s car pissed. Totally pissed.

“follow them”

He drives to the company. He has a gun pointed to my back as we walk
through the offices.

I walk to Mondli’s office. I don’t even know how I am going to transfer the
money…. I don’t have money.

“So this is your father’s company?” he asks as I get settled on Mondli’s chair.

“Yes” I am hoping that someone at the office saw me, or someone saw
something in the CCTV and called the Police or Mondli. This guy is sick!

“Okay do it” I open Mondli’s laptop. I don’t know the password.

I try guessing but I can’t get it right.

“What’s going on there?” he moves to my side, as I am taking longer to do

the damn transfer.

“is this even your office?” I am fucked!

“Yes it is, but the laptop isn’t mine. Mine is at home”

“so why did you bring me here?” he cocks his gun. He is angry.

“Takie don’t do that” the office phone starts ringing. He points his gun at me.

He couldn’t kill me in his own town, I can’t let him kill me here; not in my
father’s company.


“Takie. I can get you the money”

“do the transfer now” he is angry.

“I can ask my brother to do it”

“you lied to me?” Jesus Christ nobody bothered to call the Police. He hits me
with the back of the gun.
Someone kicks the door down. Takie shoots at the door and Ngcobo kicks
him down….. They start fighting… I am standing in a corner as the security
comes and holds Takie back.

Why did they take so long?

I am sweating and almost pee on myself.

“You set me up you son of a bitch! You hoodwinked me! Me? ” he is very
angry and I can’t feel my body anymore.

I feel weak and dizzy. My body fails me and I fall down……


Mlindo follows Lloyd’s car and it leads us to a private hospital.

We follow them there. We get inside and I see Ngcobo talking to Mondli. He
is saying Mgcini fainted.

“Where is he? I want to see him” I ask Ngcobo.

“You can’t see him. Not until you produce my father”

“You can’t be serious, do you know where I came from just to find him?”

“I don’t care, whether you came from the pits of hell or from the grave but
bring my father here, and we will talk. For now, Security!” he is such an ass.

“Let’s go man. At least he is fine” Mlindo pulls me away.

We leave the hospital and Mlindo drives me home.

I vowed to silence, I can’t exactly tell anyone what happened or where I
was… How am I going to explain that Nxumalo is alive?

“Will you tell me where you have been?”

“Not now Mlindo, I need to see my sister” we walk into the house and find a
few lines of morphine on the table. As I am still trying to understand what’s
going on, I hear moans in my mother’s room.

I slowly walk into my mums bedroom and I find my own friend having sex
with my little sister.

He is supposed to be protecting her.

“Kizito” he jumps from the bed and Karol just lies there naked. I look away.

“Kizito broe, it’s not what you think” he is the closest thing I had to a brother.

“How can you do something like this Michael?” Mlindo hits him…… I walk
away….. Not because I am a coward but fuck!



“Do you want to be fed?” Mengezi is smiling so brightly. Wish I can do the
same. This life is full of shit.
“Did Mondli hire the bodyguards again?”

“Yes there is one outside your door” relief.

“I can’t believe I almost died man”

“But you were brave and you are alive because of that and Takie is dead”


“Yeah he died in the bathroom in High Court two days ago. Nobody knows
how it happened. Come let’s welcome Thandi and Bentley home”

“ooh the baby has been discharged?”

“yep” I wake up and wear my tracksuit, haven’t left this room in two weeks…..
People shouldn’t mind my tracksuit they aren’t here for me. But Takie is

“where is my phone?”

“It’s somewhere in this house. Will find it for you”


“Queen. Sthandwa sami [my love] . Thank you for being strong for our son. I
promise I will love all of you forever. He will never lack anything. His disability
won’t affect him in anyway.”

“I don’t know what I would have done without you” I respond as he walks me
into the house and boom “WELCOME HOME!”
“ncoow you guys” they decided to throw a Lil party for Bentley.

I see Tshego as well, “My princess” Nana runs to me.

“Mummy” she hugs me.

“beautiful, why does it look like you have grown too much? Tshego what are
you giving her?”

“I guess being an older sister has it’s own vitamins” I smile and she hugs me.

“You look beautiful” I kiss her cheek. “thanks sis”

“Ncoow guys. Thank you for this”

“Welcome home sis Thandi” Mengezi gives me a present.

“Thanks my guy”

“Come and give me a hug” I say to Mgcini who is standing there with his
hands in his dark grey tracksuit. He gives me a hug.

“How are you?” I ask.

“Am good can I see Bentley now?” he walks over to Mondli and looks at the

“He is also dark like you. It’s official you father dark babies” Mgcini mocks
Mondli who says “Real men are dark, yellow borns are babies”

“Stop mocking my son”

“Hey sis” my sister Thembi is here as well. Lloyd too. They are all here and
they welcome us nicely. They prepared lunch.

“Sis Thandi welcome to your house” I am so happy to see my little brother


“Thank you for being here Ncube” I hug him, then I hear a baby crying in one
of the bedrooms.
It’s obviously not Bentley because sis Thembi is holding him.

“Who is that?”

“Can I talk to you for a minute mum?” Mondli takes me upstairs.

He kneels down as soon as I sit on my bed. He says “MaNcube you know that
I love and respect you right?”


“Bongi died”

“I am sorry”

“My son doesn’t have a mother anymore. Bongi’s family wants nothing to do
with him. With all due respect, I know it’s going to be hard but please. I know
you love me, can you please be a mother to him? Please” he is begging….


“If you don’t want to, it’s fine, it’s not a force matter baby. I will find a maid
for him,” he stands up.

“What’s yours is mine papi. I will take care of Mercedes, Bentley and Nana.
They are all mine”

“I knew you were the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, the very
first time I saw you .” he hugs me…..

“Before she hit me, she said you screamed my name during sex?”

“I never had sex with her. I told her that you are my woman”

“okay papi” we walk back downstairs…I look at Mercedes, Mengezi is

carrying him.

“Bring him to me.” I hold him.

He is like his father. Who would hate someone who looks like their spouse?

Bongi caused my son to be handicapped and I have to take care of her son
now, how ironic! …….. I will do it with all my heart because she never
betrayed me, she stayed true to me, I am the one who lied to her. I wasn’t
honest to her, about my situationship with Mondli. She was once my friend….

“Say hie to mummy” I whisper to him. Mondli looks at us from the door and

I am sure deep down he is saying ‘I am the man’. Well he is the man.


I don’t want to be with people for a long time, I have become paranoid and
anti social.

“Is there a native name for the baby?” Lloyd asks.

“I want to name him” -Nana

“okay let’s hear you princess” sis Thembi encourages her.

“Uhm, Trouble” I chuckle a bit. Trust Nana to make everyone crack.

“Girl what kind of a name is that?” Tshego asks.

“He is trouble, he has been crying nonstop since he got here, he made
mummy stay in the Hospital for a long time and he makes my dad angry” she
says a mouthful and we all keep quiet.

“Can I name her?” I break the awkwardness.

“let’s hear you Nxumalo naming another Nxumalo”

“Lwandlelubanzi Bentley Nxumalo”

“That’s a nice name” -Tshego.

“Very nice” Lloyd agrees.

“I like it too but is your father not Banzi? Not in a bad way but… “

“sis Thembi” Thami stops her from speaking nonsense about my father.

“What do you think Queen?” Mondli asks Thandi.

“I love it”

“it’s settled then Lwandlelubanzi Bentley Nxumalo”

A guard calls Mondli outside. We remain in the living room….They start

playing music and I want to go to my room.

“Hey can I have a word?” Tshego asks as I take a few steps. I look at her and
nod. They are mingling, Mengezi is talking to Lloyd, Thami to Nana who is
dancing to a Nigerian song called cough by Kiz Daniel. I like it.

“I am so sorry about what happened last year during my birthday. I was

young and stupid.” Yeah mocking my dick size, calling me two minutes and
making me feel stupid.

“It’s okay, forgave you a long time ago….”

I hear commotion outside and Lloyd runs there. I hate noise, makes me more

I run upstairs and stand next to the staircase.

“Just let me see him!” that’s Kizington’s voice…. He breaks through the
guards and walks inside. Mondli pulls him back and hits him…. Kizington hits
him back very hard and Mondli bleeds..
He is really here.

“Both of you stop acting like children!” Thandi shouts.

“Mondli in front of the kids? What’s wrong with you? Kizington, you can’t just
come into another man’s house and start shouting”

“I am sorry, but I need to see Mgcini. Mondli has been refusing to let me see
him for the past two weeks”

I am standing upstairs. He can’t see me but I can see him. He is still tall, has a
few scratches here and there; he has beards, why he didn’t shave is a
question I don’t have an answer to, he is wearing a Jean, black hood and
boots. He looks better than me. I am a size 28 now. That’s how slim I have

He is really here. After almost 8 months?

“You aren’t seeing anyone. Leave this house” Mondli pokes his chest with his

“I want to see him Mondli” I say and he lets him through, after a lot of
convincing from Thandi’s side.

They continue with their baby welcoming ceremony as Kizington runs


He literally runs to me.

“I was worried about you. Are you okay?” he holds both my shoulders.

“Where is my dad?”

“Baby I asked you a question are you okay?” he hugs me.

“yeah I am fine. Where were you?” I let go.

“I was in prison” he places his hands in his jacket pockets.

“had you been here months ago. I wouldn’t have been in and out of hospitals.
I wouldn’t have been kidnapped, I wouldn’t have seen them burying Bongi
after digging my own grave.”

“Baby. You know I wouldn’t have left you if I had a choice” he cups my face.

“I looked for you everywhere, I needed you, I wanted you, they kidnapped me
but you left me”

“This whole time, you were in my mind. I thought about you everyday. I
prayed for this day”

He plants a kiss on my cracked lips.. “I am here now”

“Your man is here and he isn’t leaving you anytime soon”


“yes baby”

“don’t hit my brother again uzomlimaza [you will hurt him]” he laughs.

[11/14, 9:15 am] Sammy Sammie🇿🇼: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*


I pull him to my bedroom.

“You’ve lost a lot of weight,”

“I know” I look at him for a long time and realize that I am not dreaming or
anything. He is really here.

“Kizington I missed you”

“I know baby. Trust me I know” he gently pushes me to the bed and lies on
top of me. He kisses me and If it’s a dream I don’t want to wake up.

“I won’t leave you again”

“where is my dad?” he moves from me and takes out a flash from his back

“He asked me to give all of you, this” he gives me the flash.

“Take me to your house. I want to be with you, talk to you - -“ he kisses me

again and again. Until I feel that he is truly here….
“I read all your messages baby and I love you. I never meant to leave you, I
read them all and I know why you got depressed. Trust me babe, they won’t
understand you the way I do. I am here now and we going to fight this damn
depression right?? I won’t leave you alone” I nod repeatedly. It feels like I
have regained my sanity.
“Don’t leave me here. Take me with you please”
“Your brother is such an ass”
“Yes baby”
“Don’t insult my brother”
“okay baby. I won’t that’s if he doesn’t start with me”
Both of them are stubborn.


“Can I stay with you guys for a few days? You have a nice house” Thami my
little brother asks.

“You don’t have to ask. You can stay with your sis and nephews as long as
you want that’s if your big sister agrees” Mondli opines before I say anything.

“She agrees”

“Then, you can stay broe and help me with your nephews”
“We will find a place for you at UJ”
“Thank you sbali [brother in law]” Mondli is such a sweetheart.
Sis Thembi leaves after a while, Tshego leaves too with my Princess.

We are finally left alone and I am exhausted.

“Fuck what is he doing in that room for so long?” Mondli isn’t giving
Kizington a break.
I go and take a bathe in my room.

Now I think the baby room is really needed. I can’t share my room with three

I change into warm clothes, and walk downstairs since Bentley is crying.

I breastfeed him.

Then Mgcini comes downstairs, fully dressed and carrying a bag. Okay.

“ Kizington gave me this flush. Dad gave it to him”

Lloyd takes it and plays it on his laptop.

“play it on TV” Kizington says and Lloyd does.

|I hope you are all together. I mean all of you, If you aren’t, I need you to
pass the flash to everyone. If you are watching this, it means I am dead|

“YOU KILLED HIM!” Mondli shouts.

“Mondli,” Lloyd reprimands him.

|Well Kizington didn’t kill me, I got the death sentence they gave me. We
both got arrested and I got my sentence. I asked for it to be done privately. I
didn’t want any of you to see me dying. I asked to be cremated|
“Dad is dead” Mgcini holds on to Kizington.

|Okay about the inheritance. I worked hard all my life so that all of you can
have what you guys call ‘soft life’ . I don’t want you or my grandchildren to
lack anything. If you preserve the wealth, you will be rich, generation to
generation. That’s why I don’t want to share anything amongst any of you.
Everything will remain the way it is. Everyone will work in the company for
their own money, the house is open for everyone who is respectful. Anyone
who is rebellious must leave my house.
Our old house, is being renovated as well.

Take care of each other, and respect each other more…. Be each other’s
friends more than anything.
Mondli and Zithelo. Take care of the Legacy, family, your siblings, your
children and yourselves.
Mengezi and Tshego. I am so sorry, I never got the chance to be with the
both of you, but I love you all.

Mgcini. I love you son. Fight depression, you are stronger than that, I hope
you know how much Kizington loves you. I hope you both stay true to each
Thandi. Take care of my grandchildren. The house is yours and theirs.

Lloyd. I don’t have enough words to thank you. I am the anonymous sender.

I love you all. Mgcini don’t cry too much son. Be strong dad will always love

The mood is sombre in the house.

He is really dead.

“I am sorry” Thami hugs me.

This is bad.
“I am going with Kizington” Mgcini leaves…

Weeks pass by and we hold a ceremony for him, Neriah and the baby.

Days turn into weeks and weeks into months. Mercedes is 1 year old

“Happy birthday to you….” We are having a small intimate party for him.
Bentley is 4 months now.

“Give Merce his present beautiful” Nana gives him a present….

I invited Mthulisi’s kids aswell… Nana likes them. Even though they really
don’t want to get rid of Ndebele. It seems like it’s hard for them to adjust to
Zulu and English. I don’t know how they are adjusting at school.

Mondli kneeling down with a ring. A John Legend song plays in the
background “When you walk through the door and you look in my eyes, yeah
it feels yeah it feels like the very first time, I could fall for you, forever I’m
certain cause I still get nervous. When your lips hits my lips and the fireworks
fly, sending sparks through the air……” I am smiling widely. I wake up to that
song, I play it all day long and he realized.

“LUNCH BAR” Mengezi responds for me and I laugh.

“It’s obvious she will say yes why are you nervous like John Legend?” Lloyd
teases him, making Thami and Mengezi crack.


“please my love”

“of course, lunch bar” I say and everyone laughs, he picks me up and turns
me around causing Nana to giggle loudly…..I laugh “Put me down”

“Thank you mama. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Loving you,
kissing you, making mad love to you,” he whispers to my ear.

“I can’t believe I am stuck with your crazy ass forever” I hit him lightly and he
runs after me.

“Hey hey you will both fall” Thami says. He loves it here, he is now going to
UJ while staying with us. I realised I never spent much time with him and he
felt neglected but now he is happy and we are close.

“I am still sore after what we did earlier” I whisper to him.

“I promise, I will be gentle this time”

“Do you think, I can’t take it?”

“Prove me wrong”

“Come here” I pull him to the couch and kiss him… He removes my shirt and
starts kissing on my nipple, drawing it into his mouth, sucking, licking, biting
lightly at my little bud. He pulls my jeans completely off me, ripping it out
from under me, leaving me naked under his hungry gaze.

I had no idea how sensitive my nipples were, until this man right here started
sucking and pulling on them. I enjoy it as it sends a shiver through my
body……..he picks me up without a warning and places me on the bigger

“I promise I will be gentle this time” I nod as he lubes his cock and slides into
me “so good baby” I praise him causing him to move in happily. He continues
with a small pace until I whine at him to speed up “Harder baby”

“are you sure?”

“come-on” he does and I let out a moan. Damn this is all the therapy I needed
all along.

“So good babe, you taking me so good” he says causing me to let out a
groan of pleasure. He slams into me harder, causing me to scream in

We are both reaching our peaks. I reach my orgasm first and I hold on to him
tighter causing him to spill his cum all over my chest.

“damn your sex game is getting hotter every day my love come here” he
kisses me with a satisfied smile on his face.
He walks to the bedroom showing me his black ass and comes back with a
towel and wipes the both of us, then he lies on the couch placing my head on
his chest.

“Feels like heaven” I say.

“I love you”

“Nop I am the one who loves you, all you have to do is say ‘me too’” he

“Look who is talking.”

“How is Karol doing?”

“She is doing much better. The rehab center will be her home for the whole

“Tell me the truth did you kill Michael because he gave Karol drugs?”

“I don’t kill people babe, I don’t do anything against the law anymore. I
promised you right?”

“okay I believe you”


“ma’am there is someone here for you” our helper says and I walk downstairs.
I just finished bathing my boys.
It’s a beautiful Wednesday afternoon. Mondli and Mengezi are at work. Thami
is at school.
I walk downstairs and see my older brother standing there holding his hat. He
has never set his foot in this house.
“Bhudi [brother]”
“mntaka ma [my mother’s Child]”
I take a few steps to him.
“can we talk?” I nod and we sit down.
“I have been trying to write down my apology for months. It was wrong of me
to treat you that way. Awande was---”
“it’s okay bhudi[brother]. I understand”
“forgive me” I hug him.
“I forgive you bhudi [brother] ”
“Can I see my nephew now?” I bring Bentley to him..
“I don’t know why he wants to pay your bride price. The Nxumalos don’t owe
us anything” he is referring to Mondli.
“let him do it bhudi[brother]. He wants to do everything the right way”
“That’s unheard of MaNcube”
“Okay. I will accept it”
“thank you” I am happy to be in good books with my brother again.

[11/14, 9:50 am] Sammy Sammie🇿🇼: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



“This is what I am going to sign up for in the court of law. To be visited by all
of you at work” I say cupping the face of my beautiful wife to be and planting
a kiss on her lips.
“Dad, Your son is getting naughty. He doesn’t want the car seat anymore”
Nana is a very controlling sister… and True better get used to it.

“Princess, how about you push your brother to the reception while your aunt
and I have a small conversation”

“alright dad” she pushes him away and I immediately get lost in Tshego’s thin

“Madam you are losing weight. Am I stressing you?” she starts coughing.

“I don’t know what’s eating me. I feel weak and sometimes I find it hard to

“We will see a doctor, mate” I kiss her. She is what I call my soulmate. She
was created for me…..

“I love you madam. Remember the day we made True, the stolen sex
moments?” she laughs.

“how can I forget that” she removes my tie and bends over the desk.


She gives it to me so good that, I end up leaving work and go with them.

“Dad, can we try some Buffalo chicken stripes?” Nana says as I drive home.

“okay we aren’t cooking today we are eating out.”

“You know I don’t like being in public”

“You came to the office a number of times sweetie, people have probably
forgotten your face come-on” we pass by a restaurant in Mont Casino and
indeed nobody is recognizing her. She is happy and smiling.

“can I have spicy coleslaw and add bacon for me” Nana orders.

“You are beautiful. I love you”

“I love you too aunt Tshego”

Nana is dramatic.

“I love all of you” she responds and Nana suggests a family photo.
“ooh daddy you have a wide smile”



The constant messages, the pictures I get from her, the way she dresses, the
way she takes care of my children and herself. The way she looks and the way
she respects me. Fuck! I feel like a man, a real man. She is a sexxy mama.

Whenever I drown myself with work, it’s because I know I have a wife I need
to support…. I have kids and brothers that I love so much…..

|I need to escape gummy bear. Your children are making noise| I am charting
with my wife.

|How about a trip to Tsholotsho?| I suggest.

|Seconded daddy. I am very horny and your Kids are sleeping. I am in the
bathtub. What should I do? |

|stay in there. Give me 10 minutes|

I leave work and drive home with my dick already twitching.


I find it very difficult to work a 9 to 5 job. I mean the things we do for

love…..I get a call from Mlindo.

|We have a job tonight Kizito|

“ don’t call when I am at home Mlindo. I will meet you at the spot.” I hang up.

I am working at the garage and I fucken hate this job.

My parole officer said I must get a job. I know there is no parole shit.
Nxumalo did this to me….. . He is fucking my life from beyond the fucken

“ Sbali sami [my brother in law]” Mondli drives to the garage in his Bentley.
He is in a good mood.

“Help me escape from this hell hole” I get into his car and he drives away.

“Listen, I am planning a trip to Zim. Karol will do with some air.”


“What for?”

“Just a family trip. My last born is turning 2 this weekend”

“I can’t leave the country. My parole officer-- ”

“Pay him”

“Okay Zim it is. Don’t take me back to work, take me home. I am tired of this
shit” he laughs a bit.

“I told you to come and work with us. Nxumalo and Mgcini would be happy”

“No thank you. I am not about to play Makoti sbali [brother-sister in law]“ he
drops me off at my house.
I find Mgcini sitting in the living room going through some books. He
changed the furniture in my house. Turned it to what he wants, I gave him the
permission. It looks cosy and beautiful.
He went back to varsity. He wants some master degree and what not.

“My person, you’re home early should I call your boss and ask why?”

“I want to have sex so bad” I say.

“I have been waiting the whole day to hear you say that” he removes his
clothes. And I push away his books, kissing him and making love to him.
Making me feel like the world is about to stop and listen to us fucking….

“Ooh babe”

“You know I love you right?”

“Yes not more than I do” he puts on his clothes.

“ but it’s hard to concentrate on my assignments when you are around” he

gets back to his books. He loves books too much, I can’t read a page to save
my life.
“I will go and hang out with the guys”

“No. No you aren’t going anywhere,” let’s talk about being pulled by the

“Baby come-on”

“Nop” I go and take a shower. I cook pap and he is sitting on the couch
concentrating on his books. I switch on the TV and switch to a soccer channel.

“Okay you can go, you are disturbing me” I go without thinking twice….. I
knew soccer was going to irritate him. This is in my genes no matter how
hard I try, stealing is what I do best. I only steal from thieves.

I can’t work the whole month for R5000? Mgcini uses that to buy a pair of

Stealing from thieves is not stealing anyway.


Tshego is dying. She is so sick and it’s getting worse everyday. She doesn’t
want to go to the hospital. She is slimmer than ever before. We got married
exactly 7 months ago and she has been sick ever since.

I end up crying. Fuck! This hurts.

“Hubby stop crying”

“What do you want me to do? You don’t want to go to the hospital Tshego”
she uses her finger that is as slim as Nana’s to wipe my tears.
I call a doctor to come and check on her. She has been bedridden for weeks

“I will be fine Zee”

“Fuck Tshego! True needs you, I need you, we need you. Why are you
selfish?” I shout and walk away. I wait for the doctor by the door.

It’s a Holiday so Nana is with her mother. The doctor comes and checks up on
her. He takes blood samples and promises to get back to us tomorrow.

“ I am sorry I shouted okay?”

“It’s okay husbae. I love you” I kiss her very dry lips.

I pray she doesn’t have cancer… Or any chronic disease. She is my life. She is
my happiness. I finally found someone for me. Someone who makes me happy
and I don’t want to lose her.


My father loved it so much when I studied, so I decided to get a master

degree in Chemical engineering.
When Kizington is around, I don’t study much so he went to his friends so
that I can study. I moved in with him over a year ago, left Mondli and his wife
at home… I finish my assignment and take a bathe, I make food for myself
and text Kizington. He isn’t replying. I call but he isn’t answering either.

Where is he?

It’s past 1am now.

I switch off the lights and wait in the living room. I end up falling asleep.

I feel cold hands hugging me. He just snuck in.

“Where are you coming from?”

“I watched soccer until it got late”

“It’s past 4am now” I stand up and switch on the light.

“Are you back to stealing again?”

“Don’t start baby, come let’s go to bed” he pulls my hand.

“Ngangbhori Kizington [don’t bore me Kizington]”

“Don’t talk to me like that.” He snaps.

“Nawe ungangenzi islima. Ubuyaphi? [don’t make a fool out of me. Where are
you coming from?]”

“Ngisayolala angfuni ukulwa nawe [I am going to sleep. I don’t want to fight

with you]” he walks to the bedroom.

“Do you want to go back to jail and die like my father? DO YOU WANT TO

He turns back and hugs me. I push him away.

“Baby I swear, I wasn’t stealing anything. I was with the guys. You can call
them and ask. I wanted to give you time to study. I promise”

“Are you sure you aren’t back to your old habits?”

“I am sure baby stop worrying. I am not going anywhere. Stop worrying and
come to bed. Come here, come” He picks me up and takes me to bed, he
fucks me so good that I forget I was angry…… but I feel like he is fucken


I can’t breath anymore, my body is weak. I can see the ambulance and
everything. I didn’t want to go to the hospital because I knew I was going to

I can feel my body failing me….

They admit me to the hospital.

“Tshego please be strong” he holds my hand as I am lying on the hospital

“Be happy My love. You have made me happy these past two years. You have
*cough* you gave my life a meaning *cough again*”

“don’t talk like this. You aren’t dying” he cries. Zithelo is a big guy, seeing his
tears means the situation is really bad and it means he has fallen deep in love
with me, but I don’t know what’s killing me.

“Call Thandi for me”

“baby please” he begs.

“record me then”

“Tshego No.”

“please” he takes his phone and records me.

“do I look good?” he nods in between tears.

The doctor takes the phone from him, because he can’t handle it. My heart
cries for him too.


After recording that video. She falls asleep “doctor do something what is
wrong with her?”

He gives me the results. I wipe my tears and read “AIDS?”

“What do you mean she has Aids?”

“She developed full blown Aids after contracting HIV about 2 years ago. I am
so sorry Mr Nxumalo but it’s too late. I suggest you and the baby get tested
too before it's too late” this is heart-rending. I sit butt down. I watch them
disconnecting the machines and covering her face with a blanket.

She is really dead? My mate? Why? Why her? We clicked! More than I ever
did with any woman….. I cry. This shit hurts!

I literally scream….. “TSHEGO WHY?”

[11/14, 10:23 am] Sammy Sammie🇿🇼: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



Michael introduced me to drugs, had sex with me when I was high. He was a
real bastard.
I am glad he is dead because if he wasn’t? I was going to kill him myself.

Anyway we are in this beautiful mansion. Mgcini’s family is rich no lies. Well
my brother has money too, he renovated his house and he buys me anything I
want. He spoils me rotten but these people live in the burbs and they have a
double storey house. They have white neighbours….I am glad I got invited as
well, to a trip to Zimbabwe. I have never been outside South Africa. This will
be my very first time and I am excited.
Posted my passport in my Instagram and them enemies wish to be me right

“Baby come on, come with me. Let’s fly together” Mgcini begs my brother.

“No. I want to drive baby. You will follow tomorrow morning”

“I am not flying either.” Thami says. He is such a cute guy, light in complexion
like his sister.

“Okay let’s do it like this. Who wants to fly?” Mondli asks.

“I want to fly. I have never been in a plane before” I say.

“I want to fly too” Mthulisi says.

“I am definitely flying” Nana.

“It’s simple. Kizington, Mondli, Mengezi, Thami and I will drive. Then all of you
are flying”-Lloyd

“You are taking the luggage with you. Including the baby prams.” Thandi

“okay mummy” He kisses her. I love them. I take a picture of them and post
on my gram. They load our bags in the car.

“call me every minute daddy” she says as she walks Mondli to the car. They
are so beautiful.

I follow them to the car. They have a trolley.

It’s like we are going there forever.
“I promise when you land tomorrow. I will be at the airport” Kizington says to
Mgcini who can’t let go.
I take a picture of them too and post it as well.
I wish to find someone who will love me the way Mondli loves his wife and a
man who will let me cry for no reason like Kizington let’s Mgcini.
He holds his hand everywhere like Kizington will run away. I love that.

Kizington drives away with Lloyd on the passenger seat. While Mondli, Thami
and Mengezi sit at the back.

“Mgcini your family is rich neh?” I ask as we walk into the house. He laughs.

“Nop we are managing”

“That’s not true, you aren’t working but you drive an expensive car” he looks
at me laughing. He wears very expensive clothes, has expensive gadgets and
left this nice house to stay in Tembisa with my brother.

“Karol you are too much” he laughs and walks upstairs. I follow him and get
into his bedroom. “Wow”

He looks at me like I am weird.

I look around the house and it confirms that they are wealthy. I only see these
houses on the socials. The likes of Mamkhize’s houses and the Fergusons.

I stand at the balcony and take the view. It’s beautiful…. I walk back
downstairs and find Thandi with her three children gathered together feeding
each other.

This is the when I grow up I want for myself. This woman is living the life. If I
were her, I would have a soccer team of Kids.

We bought a lot of groceries and the car is loaded. It’s nice being with the
gents….. I am having the time of my life..

We spent a lot of time at the boarder but now we have crossed to Zimbabwe.

“Kizington slow down” he is driving fast…. The guy has been driving since we

“I need a smoke” he stops the car at a garage. It’s written Gwanda.

We get out of the car.

He takes out cigarette from his shoes.

“One day he will find out that you smoke”

“Who will tell him?” he asks lighting the cigarette.

“I didn’t know you smoke” Mondli says.

“Listen guys. This is a secret what happens in this trip stays in this trip.”

“Silence costs money broe” Lloyd says

“The three of you must find women in Zimbabwe what the hell is wrong with
you?” Mondli says.
“trust me, that’s my mission”

Mondli drives for hours in this bumpy road. We get to a nice neighbourhood
and he starts looking at the GPS Until we get to a beautiful house.

“You all said Zimbabwe is a poor country. This neighbourhood has beautiful
houses” Kizington says as we park the car Outside this beautiful mansion….

It's now 10am.

“Whose house is this anyway?” Thami asks.

“It’s our holiday home. The ex owners are supposed to be here”

Thami and I stretch our legs looking at the houses in the area.

“don’t get lost” Lloyd shouts. Then a car comes from the opposite direction, it
parks next to our car. We walk back.

“Hey sorry I am late.” The guy says… and he has a hot lady next to him.

“don’t worry we just got here” Lloyd lies looking at the lady.

“My name is Nyasha and this is Nomakhosi she is an architect and an interior
designer, just in case you want to change anything in the house.”

“Nice to meet you face to face Mr Nyasha.” Mondli greets.

“Nice to know you Miss Nomakhosi” Lloyd shakes her hand and doesn’t let

“She has a ring Lloyd” Kizington whispers.

“ooh shit” he curses under his breath.

“Come this way” the guy leads us and we drive in. The trailer is loaded and
it’s close to impossible to reverse but Kizington does it. This guy knows a lot
about cars.

“is it your first time in Zim?” the guy asks.

“it’s our first time, but he has been here before.” Lloyd is seriously flirting
with a married woman and she isn’t giving him any attention. The guy opens
the house and it’s majestic.

“Guys are you sure this is Zimbabwe?” Thami asks.

“Yep. The house is now yours” he hands over the keys and the papers to

“Thank you very much”

“give me your number so that we can call you when the madam of the house
arrives and wants to change a few things” Lloyd asks the lady Nomakhosi.
She gives him her number.

“Thank you beautiful” she walks away and he can’t help but stare as they
both walk away.

“When I said find a woman in Zim, I didn’t say find a married woman and
stare at her ass” Mondli reprimands him.

The house is beautiful and big. It’s so fucken beautiful.

“What time should we go to the airport?” Kizington hasn’t even walked into
the house yet, but he is already thinking about Mgcini.

“2pm. We have enough time to rest.” We remove the things from the trolley
and pack them inside….. I am tired we spent about 24 hours in the car.

“I think I want to stay here forever” I say.

“that’s what I want too, but your sister in law twerks every time I mention
that” Mondli says and I laugh.
“I can imagine Thandi twerking” Lloyd says and a cushion is thrown his way.
We chill until Mondli and Kizington drive to the airport.

They come back with the fam.

“That was a short trip.” Karol says as soon as she walks in.
“Wow papi. This is beautiful. Are we renting or what?” Thandi asks.

“It’s our holiday home fam. Anyone who wants to unwind is welcome to come
and stay here. I mean anyone”

“I can come with dad and aunt Tshego too?”

“yes Princess”

“I am having the second largest bedroom thank you” Mgcini and bedrooms.

They choose bedrooms and we spend the weekend having braai and chilling
in the house. Yesterday was Bentley’s 2nd birthday. We did a mini thing for
him and it was nice.

It’s quiet and lovely here.


“Thank you for doing this for us daddy. We love it” I place my hand around
his neck.

“I told you that I will do anything for you. You are my Angel. My beautiful
wife. I love you so much”

“I think I am in love with the guy who makes jokes and laughs like crazy then
says ‘Mondli will kill me for this but damn you are a hot piece of meat’ when
fucking me”

“Do I say that?” he acts confused.

“you see? You say somethings and forget”

“What else did I do?”

“That time you came home and took me to the restaurant just the two of us.
You followed me to the ladies and fucked me hard in the toilet” he looks

“You are so fucken wild and crazy when you want to” I kiss him and he looks
hella confused.

“Tragedy” I whisper to him.

“What did you call me?”

“that’s what you said I should call you. No papi don’t act confused.” I close
the door and push him to the bed. I strip naked and I ride him like my life
depends on it.

“This bedroom is so gold. I don’t like it.”

“You can call the interior designer”

“I will call her once we come back from the village”


Today we are going to Tsholotsho, were we apparently come from.

“I didn’t know your ass was a Zimbabwean” Kizington teases me as we get

into the car. We hired two more cars because we couldn’t fit in Mondli’s Rover

Kizington and I, hired our own car. Lloyd and Mengezi hired their own car as
well. Karol is riding with Thandi, Mondli and the kids. While Lloyd is with
Mengezi, Mthulisi and Thami.

Kizington and I, are alone with the groceries.

“My Zimbabwean ass makes you scream and groan like a wounded dog” I
shoot back.

“did you just call me a dog?” he tickles me while driving.

I don’t have daddy issues or anything like that, but fuck! this guy gives me all
that, daddy, big brother, best friend vibes and I fucken love him with all my
heart. He is everything I have ever wanted.
He is my personal therapist especially when he makes love to me. I feel like
nothing else matters except us

“yes baby”

“Ngiyakuthanda [I love you] ” he stops the car, leans to my seat and kisses

“There is something about that Ngiyakuthanda [I love you] it gave me chills”

he drives away.

“dramatic aren’t we?” we follow the lead until we get to the village. We find
an old couple that rejoices as soon as they see us.

They love the things Mondli brought for them. He then drives Mthulisi to his

He comes back late and find us waiting for him with food. We eat while the
old couple tells us stories about our family.

It’s now past midnight and the kids are sleeping uncomfortably.. Thandi and
Karol prepare the rooms for us. There is a 3 roomed house, apparently my
dad built it.

Thandi, Karol and the kids take the bedroom, Kizington and I take the second
room while Mondli and Lloyd sleep in the car. Mengezi and Thami sleep in the
living room.

“Are we going to - -“

“No you aren’t going to do anything. I can hear you” Thandi shouts and I

I wake up late as usual. I am not a morning person…. I always wake up

without Kizington next to me. The guy wakes up before the cock crows.

“Hey you Chocolate. We didn’t wet the bed did we?” Thandi asks Mercedes
who is walking up and down.
“No mummy” he responds.

She is so good with him, I even forgot she didn’t give birth to him.

“morning mummy” I greet.

“Morning lastie”

“Remind me of Zithelo. I miss him”

“Don’t be sad. Take your nephew outside ayobona inkomo [so that he can see
a cow]”

I walk with him outside and we find many people in the yard. Faces I don’t
know and a dead cow.

“Uncle what is this?” Kizington looks at Mondli and bursts into laughter…
Nana chose to ask what testicles are, In front of the whole village.

“Look over there is Mercedes, go and say morning” she runs my way….

They cook a feast and invite people into the yard. Later in the afternoon we
take a walk to a dam.

“This is where I confessed my love to her” Mondli says as he kneels down.

“Mancube will you continue being my beautiful wife?”

“Nxumalo. I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else besides you” They got
married in court a while back, they didn’t throw a party or anything. They
denied us a party.

“Ncooooow” Karol and pictures.

“this is beautiful” I say and we take group pictures.

They go back home and I remain behind.

“What are you thinking about?” Mondli asks.

“This issue of you and Zithelo, I don’t like it. I miss him”

“I have tried talking to him many times but he blocked me. He even works at
another brunch, he wants nothing to do with Thandi and I.”
“do you blame him? “

“No I don’t, but what can I do?”

“Can you try one last time when we go back to SA?”

“I will do it for you”

“do it for dad may his soul rest in peace”

“I will do it”

“Thank you broe”

“Is Kizington treating you well?”

“More than well as you can see I have even gained weight” he chuckles. We
go back home and sleep.

Kizington wakes me up in the morning and takes me outside.

He shows me how to milk a cow. He is so determined to teach me this. “Babe,
you know this isn’t sexy right?” he stops and laughs.
“Do you even know how to kill a chicken at least?”
“Nop. I don’t wanna know”

We spend 3 days in the village and go back to the city of Bulawayo. Thandi
calls an interior designer who comes with a guy…

There is nobody at home. They all went to Matopo. It’s Thandi and I only. I
stayed behind because I had an assignment. Thandi wants to change a few
things in the house..

“I don’t know why you insist on coming with me to this house” I overhear the
two people speaking behind the door.

“Just in case Lyker decides to play ghost on me. I know you will calm her
down” the lady giggles and I open the door for them.
They greet and introduce themselves as Nyasha and Nomakhosi. The guy has
a ring tattoo. I think I like this.

“Hey nice to meet you. I am Thandi”

“Nomakhosi at your service sweetie. Tell me what do you want to change?”

“ooh this is Nyasha. He is the previous owner of the house”

“Nice to know you Nyasha” Thandi says and the guy nods.
“The bedroom is too gold and gold isn’t my thing” Thandi and Nomakhosi
walk around the house and I stand there with the guy.

“I am Mgcini”


“Where did you get that tattoo?”

“somewhere in Cape town”

“it’s nice”


“come in” I say and he remains rooted to the door.

“No thanks”

“Tell me where can I find nice, cosy places for my boyfriend and I here in
Bulawayo?” he looks at me astonished .

“Why are you asking me that?”

“oh sorry. I thought you’d refer me to you and your husband’s favorite places”
I look at his ring tattoo.

“How did you know?” ooh he was hiding.

“sorry excuse me” I walk away. He stops me.

“No offense. Nobody ever guesses things like that. Anyway you and your
boyfriend can come and have dinner with me and my husband tonight if you
want. He is a chef”


“yep and he will direct you better to the place, where we got our tattoos”

“okay that’s cool. Do you live far from here?”

“nop just 8 minutes drive. ”

“You will send me your location and we will come” we instantly click. We
exchange phone numbers. They leave after a while.

The fam comes back all excited and making noise in the quiet neighbourhood.

“How was your day?” I ask Kizington.

“Good. I even forgot that you weren’t there”

“really dude you forgot about me just like that?”

“ngyadlala baby [I am joking baby] it was boring without you”

“Take a shower and change we are going out”

“okay sir”

He agrees just like that and Nyasha sends me the location. Kizington drives to
their house.

“Maybe we should live in Zim what do you think?”

“Uyasangana baby angeke [you are crazy baby never] . We will visit whenever
you like”
They open the gate for us. The house is a beautiful double storey and they
have nice cars.

Whoever said People in Zim were poor had never seen this…

“We didn’t bring anything” I say.

“whose house is this?” he asks as we get out of the car and walk to the

A guy opens for us.. “Hie how are you? Come in”
We walk into the beautiful house.
“I am Bukhosi” he introduces himself. I see the ring tattoo as well. So he is
the husband.

“I am Mgcini, this is Kizington”

“Nice to meet you. Nyasha will be here in few”

“come and sit here” we sit at the table.

“Sorry we didn’t bring anything. This guy here didn’t tell me that we were
invited somewhere”

“it’s okay. You are welcome. I heard it’s your first time in Zimbabwe”

“yep and it’s been a week” I say and Nyasha comes down the stairs.

“Hey” he smiles.

“I am so sorry, was putting our daughter to sleep. I guess this is your

boyfriend. Hie” he greets Kizington.


We sit around the table and start eating.

“wow. This tastes good.” I say as I finish the whole meal.

“Thank you. I am a Chef. When you have weddings and parties hire me”
Bukhosi says and Kizington nods. “definitely. Because this is the best meal I
ate since I got here.”

We chill and chart for a while. We exchange phone numbers and I am

surprised to see Kizington clicking with someone.

He talks with the chef and I talk to Nyasha “So you guys are married?” I ask.


“how is it?”

“the best thing that has ever happened to me”

“You know what? Anytime you want to come to SA for a holiday tell me…
you don’t have to go to a hotel or anything”

“I will definitely call you and when you come to Zim. I am your guy” I smile.

“Thank you for the nice evening” Kizington says as we walk to our car.

They open the car doors for us and we drive away.

“Such a nice couple” I say.

“very nice”

“When are we getting married?”

“soon baby” we drive back home and find a sombre mood. People are
packing up.

“What’s going on?” I ask…

“Tshego is dead”
[11/14, 10:38 am] Sammy Sammie🇿🇼: *ONE THING ABOUT LIFE*



As we fly back home my heart is broken. Tshego was young and from what I
heard from Nana. She and Zithelo were so much in love. How can she just

We get home and wait for Mondli and Lloyd. This time we all came with a
flight except for them.

She died a week ago and Zithelo only told Lloyd yesterday.

He comes to the house looking and smelling bad. He has been drinking his
sorrows away.

“I am so sorry” I have never said a word to him in almost two years.

“She loved me, I loved her” he throws himself on the couch.

“I am sorry broe. Come and take a shower” Mgcini helps him to the shower
and he falls asleep in there.

“mum why is dad like that?”

“Princess sit down”

“Aunt Tshego has gone to heaven like grandpa and aunt Neriah”

“No mummy. I don’t want her to die. Who will take care of me and True?” she
starts crying. I hug her. I find myself crying too. Death is not fair……

We bury Tshego after two days… it’s a painful thing, to see Zithelo crying
this hard.

He truly loved her.

Mengezi is crying too. Shame, her baby is just a few months older that my
Bentley, he doesn’t see what’s going on.

Nana stays with me these days and it’s just not the same. She is so sad.

She loved Tshego.

It’s Monday today and I am preparing her for school. Mondli is having
breakfast when Zithelo walks in with the baby and bags.

Nana runs to him.

“Princess” he hugs her.

“Nxumalo” Mondli stands up. They look at each other and hug each other.

I have always wanted to see this…. Nana reluctantly goes to school.


“I am so sorry mfethu” Thandi takes the baby.

Zithelo gives her a phone. She sits down and watches a video.

|Hie sis Thandi. I know I am not looking so good. I can hear the bell ringing
and I can see my parents calling me…..I have always admired you, I know we
aren’t related but my son is related to your children. Please take care of him.
Make him yours, tell him about me every now and then but treat him like your
own. It’s my last dying wish. I beg you… Make sure Zithelo and Mondli
reunite again. Blood is thicker. *she coughs*
Please take care of my boy. Teach him about God, don’t let him do earthly
things like I did.| The video stops and Thandi cries.

Zithelo wipes his own tears.

“I am sorry broe”

“You both love each other. I give you my blessing to be together.”

“Thank you very much. That means a lot. ”
“Thank you”-Thandi.

“Can you do me a favour?”

“anything Nxumalo”

“Take care of my children. Treat them like yours tell Nana to call you dad…. I
have no reason to stay in South Africa anymore. A friend of mine asked me to
come and work with him in New Zealand.”

“Nxumalo” he is carrying his passport.

“Please Nxumalo. Thandi. If you ever loved me in your life please do this for
me. Take care of my son” she nods repeatedly.
“I will do it. I will take care of him”

“we will take care of him Nxumalo. Just shout if you need any help” he nods
and walks away.

I hug Thandi. And look at the three babies staring at us.

They are just the same age.

“I LOVE YOU SO MUCH” I kiss her. She is a strong woman. And she has a big


I haven’t seen Sindi in 5 years. Life is hard behind these walls. To think that I
used to break people out of prison, now I am stuck with no-one to break me
out. I have been in here for 6 years.

They take me away from prison, put me in a car. I know I am going to get
killed or something.

To my surprise they put me in a ship. I am all alone in this room in the ship.
Food is pushed to me. I count days. It’s exactly two weeks in the sea.

Where are they taking me?

We reach an island where a plane takes me to a deserted place. Then a car
takes me to a house…. It’s more like a farm…. Because the houses are far
from each other….

There is fresh air. I am in a wheelchair.

They drop me at the gate and I wheel myself through the gate…..

I open the door.

“hello” I say to no-one in particular.

“Belz” it’s Banzi. I look back and see him looking as fine as ever.

“You look slim, bad hair but you still look beautiful” he says and I am

“Banzi aren’t you dead?”

“I am a die hard like you” he helps me up. I stand on my own. He walks me to

a bathroom. I guess I smell bad. I take a bathe, a long one. I am not able to
walk properly. I have been confined to a wheelchair for a very long time.

“Banzi what am I doing here?”

“I guess you are the only woman who can tolerate me”

“have you forgiven me?”

“everyone deserves a second chance” I don’t usually cry but damn.

“This is one chance that I will use wisely for the rest of my life.”

“I will make sure you do” he hugs me. One thing about life? It’s full of


I am in a meeting and my phone has been vibrating none stop. I excuse my

self and answer. It’s Bentley’s Principal.
I answer after letting out a huge sigh.

|Mr Nxumalo please come to the school as soon as possible|

“What has he done now?”

|He stabbed a teacher| my heart drops to the floor. This boy is only 16 and
the things he does.
|The teacher is dead Mr Nxumalo| I let go of my phone and it literally drops
to the floor.



Next book is Nqobimpiongayazi. You can find it on Facebook under the page
AUTHOR: Sammy Sammie 🇿🇼
Other books: Tales of Nhloso A Ndebele Princess series.

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