788DT Tec Basics Elearning Quick Review

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Name __________________________________

Tec Basics eLearning

Quick Review Answer Sheet
Directions: Choose the best answer from the choices provided.
1. Tec divers use a standardized technical equipment 7. Technical divers always dive with at least _____ cutting tools.
configuration because it helps to (choose all that apply)  one
 reduce confusion and procedural errors.  two
 optimize teamwork.  three
 reduce redundancy.  four
 ensure streamlining.
8. Any equipment that will be exposed to a gas with more than
2. The minimum amount of lift your wing/BCD should provide 40 percent oxygen, or pure oxygen, at any time (including
is sufficient lift to allow you to float _____ when wearing all during blending) must be rated for oxygen service.
your equipment with full cylinders.  True
 just below the surface  False.
 with your head out of the water
 with your shoulders out of the water 9. You should never tec dive with gear in anything but top
 at eye level shape and only use equipment within its design parameters.
 True
3. At all times when technical diving, you need to have at least  False
_____ fully independent regulators.
 one 10. The method most commonly used by technical divers to
 two conduct a predive check to look for loose or missing gear is
 three  a memory tool.
 four  head-to-toe matching with your team mates.
4. A ______ cylinder contains bottom gas required for  a self-directed gear check.
redundancy and a ______ cylinder contains gas intended for
decompression. 11. What are the primary hazards associated with being too
 deco, bailout buoyant during the dive? (Choose all that apply.)
 aluminum, bailout  Buddy separation
 bailout, deco  Rapid ascent
 steel, deco  Running out of gas
 Inability to stay at a decompression stop
5. Dry suits offer the best protection for long duration dives and
provide more warmth in colder water, but you must master 12. As a technical diver, you weight yourself so you can stay at
dry suit diving as a recreational diver before using a dry suit your safety/decompression stop with near empty cylinders
for technical dives. and no deco/bailout cylinders.
 True  True
 False  False

6. Tec divers often carry sufficient non-droppable weight to 13. During a descent check, the dive team should
reasonably restore buoyancy and some droppable weight to (choose all that apply)
reduce the risk of accidental loss and a runaway ascent.
 look for loose equipment and correct configuration.
 True  check that everyone is breathing the correct gas.
 False  check that dive computers/timers are set and providing
correct information.
 confirm the bubble check – no leaks.
788DT Version 1.0 © PADI 2023
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14. Generally, the ideal trim or body position for moving around
underwater is horizontal. eLearner Statement: Any questions I answered incorrectly
 True I’ve had explained to me and I understand what I missed.
 False
Signature ________________________________________
15. The ______ is the most popular propulsion technique for tec
divers because it provides maximum propulsion with minimal Date _______________
 back kick
 flutter kick
 side kick
 frog kick

16. The most important skill when it comes to ascents and safety
stops is
 precision buoyancy control.
 team work.
 equipment familiarity.
 proper propulsion technique.

17. The proper ascent rate for your dive is

 5 metres/15 feet per minute.
 9 metres/30 feet per minute.
 18 metres/60 feet per minute.
 dictated by your dive computer and/or dive plan.

18. One of the most preventable causes of technical diver deaths

is switching to the wrong gas for the depth.
 True
 False

19. What is your first response if the regulator you are breathing
from begins to free flow?
 close the valve to the free flowing regulator and breathe
from the unaffected regulator.
 take the regulator out of your mouth and “sip” from it
to breathe.
 signal your buddy and head for the surface.
 get your buddy’s primary long hose.

20. ______ is a safety drill during which you and your team
mates practice gas sharing and/or other emergency
 A NO TOX procedure
 An S-drill
 A descent check
 An isolator manifold shutdown

Tec Basics eLearning Quick Review

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Tec Basics eLearning
Quick Review Answer Key
1. Tec divers use a standardized technical equipment 7. Technical divers always dive with at least _____ cutting tools.
configuration because it helps to (choose all that apply)  one
■ reduce confusion and procedural errors. ■ two
■ optimize teamwork.  three
 reduce redundancy.  four
■ ensure streamlining.
8. Any equipment that will be exposed to a gas with more than
2. The minimum amount of lift your wing/BCD should provide 40 percent oxygen, or pure oxygen, at any time (including
is sufficient lift to allow you to float _____ when wearing all during blending) must be rated for oxygen service.
your equipment with full cylinders. ■ True
 just below the surface  False.
■ with your head out of the water
 with your shoulders out of the water 9. You should never tec dive with gear in anything but top
 at eye level shape and only use equipment within its design parameters.
■ True
3. At all times when technical diving, you need to have at least  False
_____ fully independent regulators.
10. The method most commonly used by technical divers to
 one
conduct a predive check to look for loose or missing gear is.
■ two
 a memory tool.
 three
■ head-to-toe matching with your team mates.
 four
4. A ______ cylinder contains bottom gas required for  a self-directed gear check.
redundancy and a ______ cylinder contains gas intended for
11. What are the primary hazards associated with being too
buoyant during the dive? (Choose all that apply.)
 deco, bailout
 Buddy separation
 aluminum, bailout
■ Rapid ascent
■ bailout, deco
 Running out of gas
 steel, deco
■ Inability to stay at a decompression stop
5. Dry suits offer the best protection for long duration dives and 12. As a technical diver, you weight yourself so you can stay at
provide more warmth in colder water, but you must master your safety/decompression stop with near empty cylinders
dry suit diving as a recreational diver before using a dry suit and no deco/bailout cylinders.
for technical dives. ■ True
■ True  False
 False
13. During a descent check, the dive team should
6. Tec divers often carry sufficient non-droppable weight to (choose all that apply)
reasonably restore buoyancy and some droppable weight to ■ look for loose equipment and correct
reduce the risk of accidental loss and a runaway ascent. configuration.
 True ■ check that everyone is breathing the correct
■ False gas.
■ check that dive computers/timers are set and
providing correct information.
■ confirm the bubble check – no leaks.

788DT Version 1.0 © PADI 2023

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14. Generally, the ideal trim or body position for moving around
underwater is horizontal.
■ True
 False

15. The ______ is the most popular propulsion technique for tec
divers because it provides maximum propulsion with minimal
 back kick
 flutter kick
 side kick
■ frog kick

15. The most important skill when it comes to ascents and safety
stops is
■ precision buoyancy control.
 team work.
 equipment familiarity.
 proper propulsion technique.

17. The proper ascent rate for your dive is

 5 metres/15 feet per minute.
 9 metres/30 feet per minute.
 18 metres/60 feet per minute.
■ dictated by your dive computer and/or dive

18. One of the most preventable causes of technical diver deaths

is switching to the wrong gas for the depth.
■ True
 False

19. What is your first response if the regulator you are breathing
from begins to free flow?
■ close the valve to the free flowing regulator
and breathe from the unaffected regulator.
 take the regulator out of your mouth and “sip” from it
to breathe.
 signal your buddy and head for the surface.
 get your buddy’s primary long hose.

20. ______ is a safety drill during which you and your team
mates practice gas sharing and/or other emergency
 A NO TOX procedure
■ An S-drill
 A descent check
 An isolator manifold shutdown

Tec Basics eLearning Quick Review

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