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Marketing Finals reviewer

TOPIC: Formulating and Implementing the Marketing Plan Marketing Process Steps
and Budget
The five steps of the marketing process include:
Marketing Audit 1. Understanding customers and the market,
• is a full exploration and analysis of the entire 2. Creating a customer-driven marketing strategy,
marketing environment of a business, assessing 3. Creating an integrated marketing plan,
everything from strategies and targets to specific 4. Fostering long-term sustainable customer
marketing activities. relationships,
• This process is intended to provide a full overview of 5. Capturing value from customers.
the tools and competencies at an organization’s
disposal, to help identify areas of weakness and to put 1. Understanding Customers and Markets
in place ways of improving outcomes in the future. The first step of the strategist marketing process includes
understanding customers and markets. The foundations of this
Allocation step include understanding customer wants and need.
• is the process of shifting overhead costs to cost o A customer need is something an individual needs in
objects, using a rational basis of allotment. terms of survival. These include basic necessities
• Allocations are most commonly used to assign costs such as food, water, shelter, or clothing.
to produced goods, which then appear in the financial o A customer want is something that an individual
statements of a business in either the cost of goods desires. For instance, an individual needs food to
Sold or the inventory asset. If financial statements survive; however, the individual might want different
are not to be distributed outside of an entity, then types of food, such as soup, pizza, or rice
there is less need to use allocations.
Customer wants and needs are what create demand in a
Details of Preparing a Marketing Plan and Format market. The market is where customers and businesses can
• A Marketing Plan is used to outline strategies for engage in exchange relationships. In turn, demand is fulfilled
marketing and operations. The plan may include by the market, specifically market offerings. Market offerings
developing a marketing message, identifying the are the different types of goods and services businesses create
target market, and creating strategies for promotion of to satisfy customer demand.
the business’ products or services.
Beyond just meeting demand requirements, marketers must
The creation of the marketing plan is understated as a strategic ensure that a good or service creates customer value. Creating
process, where this is based on information and activities. The value can lead to satisfied customers who stay loyal to the
result is the marketing plan, which is realized and monitored in brand. As a result, it is also crucial for building long-term
connections with the results achieved. customer relationships.

2. Creating a Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy

o The following step involves creating a customer-
driven marketing strategy focusing on deciding which
Marketing Process customers and markets to serve.
o Creating a marketing strategy involves market
segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP). The
STP model helps marketers decide which customers
to target and how.
o Once marketers have selected a target customer
group, it is essential to position and differentiate the
product. Positioning and differentiation allow the
product or service to stand out from competitors by
highlighting the value it brings customers, thus,
satisfying customer needs.

The business must also decide which overarching concept will

lead its marketing strategy. The five key concepts are as
o PRODUCTION CONCEPT follows the idea that
customers will always demand products that are
available on the market. Therefore, companies have
to focus on maximizing production and distribution.
o PRODUCT CONCEPT is the idea that customers
demand high-quality products that have useful
• The marketing process is the series of steps features and numerous benefits. Therefore,
businesses follow to promote their products or companies should focus on product innovation and
services to potential customers. It involves identifying differentiation.
the target audience, creating a marketing strategy, o SELLING CONCEPT argues that customers will not
implementing the plan, and capturing customer value. value or purchase a product unless a brand
Essentially, it's the process of making people aware of specifically targets large promotional campaigns at
what a business offers and convincing them to buy it. them.
o MARKETING CONCEPT follows that companies 1. By creating brand preference within target customers
should create products that satisfy customers' wants and long-term customer relationships, the brand
and needs better than competitors rather than ensures repeat purchases (retention) and customer
focusing on production or selling. Therefore, loyalty.
understanding customers is key. This idea is known as customer equity.
o SOCIAL MARKETING CONCEPT is the most recent 2. The brand can capture value due to increased market
one. This concept argues that organizations should share creating customer value and inducing retention.
satisfy both the short and long-term needs of 3. Higher market share and customer loyalty lead to an
customers and society in general. The focus here is increase in revenue and profit, contributing to the
on maintaining the welfare of the company and company's financial success.
society. Therefore, the focus should be on
sustainability. • As a result, the marketing process allows customers to gain
value from brands and products, while brands can capture
3. Creating an Integrated Marketing Plan value from customer relationships.
o Once a marketing strategy has been established, it is
time to create a marketing plan. Inbound Marketing Process
o The marketing plan outlines how the organization or o Inbound marketing focuses on attracting potential
brand will generate customer value through different customers to a business through valuable content and
mediums. experiences rather than interrupting them with
o The marketing plan broadly relates to the 4Ps of irrelevant ads or messages.
marketing: product, price, promotion, and place. The
brand can deliver value to its target customers The inbound marketing process typically involves the following
through the different elements of the marketing mix. steps:
1. Attract
Marketing Planning Process Attracting potential customers by creating relevant
The marketing planning process allows a company to plan out and valuable content that solves their problems or
the various activities and tasks required to reach overall answers their questions. This could include blog
business goals. posts, social media content, videos, infographics, etc.
2. Convert
Some of the critical elements of the marketing planning Converting website visitors into leads by offering them
process include: something of value in exchange for their contact
o Conducting a market analysis (internal and external), information, such as a free e-book, webinar, or
o Establishing marketing goals and objectives, consultation.
o Establishing the marketing budget, 3. Close
o Implementing marketing tasks required to achieve Nurturing leads through the sales funnel and closing
goals, deals by providing personalized and helpful
o Controlling the marketing process, information addressing their needs and concerns.
o Evaluating marketing outcomes. 4. Delight
Providing exceptional customer service and support to
4. Fostering Long-Term Sustainable Customer turn customers into brand advocates who will refer
Relationships others to the business and continue to engage with
o Once marketers have established an integrated the brand.
marketing plan, they must focus on building customer
relationships. Every brand aims to foster long-term
customer relationships to sustain brand preference
and customer loyalty.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the overall

process of interacting with customer to build long-term
sustainable relationships

The primary goals of customer relationship management are

o Increase customer value perception by highlighting
the benefits and features of products and services,
o Increase customer satisfaction and mitigate customer
o Engage customers through brand management and
marketing communications on various channels,
o Promote customer-generated marketing (e.g., user-
generated content (USG) on social media, customer
reviews, competitions, etc.).
Step 1: Situation Analysis
5. Capturing Value from Customers In order to assess where the bank is at present, detailed
o After ensuring customer value creation, the brand can information concerning both the past state, as well as present
also capture customer value. This ensures that the state is necessary. Costs, revenues and profits achieved are
brand stays profitable in the long run. analyzed over time for the longer-term period.
o There are a few synergies that allow brand capture
value to happen, and they are as follows: Step 2: Setting out Target Segments
Marketing objectives have to be in accordance with business o Social
objectives and must be defined as precisely as possible. o Technological
o Financial
Step 3: Marketing Program o Legal
The aim of marketing programs is to ensure that the practical o Regulatory
realization of the marketing strategies adopted. o Global

The role of the marketing program is to prioritize marketing Competition analysis

activities, dividing these into important marketing activities, o Main competitors
partial steps and tactical tasks. Part of this is also the o There objectives and efforts
preparation of time plans stipulating the limits for fulfilling key o Behaviour in the market
tasks. It may also be evaluated at regular meetings, for o Market share
example as part of the monthly cycle. o Growth
o Quality of its services
A good level of Precise market Internal marketing o Deployment
internal and research for the support of o Activities and resources
external determining external o Marketing mix strategies
communication customer needs marketing
between all and the quality of activities Analysis of the Bank
subjects involved services in o Our objectives and efforts
in the process of comparison with o Market share
implementing the the competition, o Growth
marketing plan, o Quality of its services
o Deployment
A Marketing Plan Requires: o Activities and resources
MARKETING MARKETING MIX is o Marketing mix strategies
STRATEGIES comprise comprised of service, price,
three elements: means service availability, Formulating Marketing Strategy
(tools), time and plans and promotion, the human o The quality of target plans depends on the marketing
resources necessary for factor, processes and strategy formulated. Marketing objectives and
successfully achieving the customer service strategies define the amount of profit, revenues and
objectives. market shares important from the aspect of fulfilling
the mission and defining the choice of marketing mix
ASSESSMENT OF ALTERNATIVE for achieving objectives in individual market
• The idea of assessing alternative mixes is to find the most
appropriate marketing strategy prior to beginning THE MARKETING STRATEGY IS ELABORATED AT
implementation of the plan. VARIOUS LEVELS:
o In the assessment various analytical approaches can o Level 1 -setting common marketing objectives:
be used or simple methods on the basis of trial and defining long-term profitability and the strategic aims
error. of the bank, which are expectations, strengthening the
o The next step is setting alternative, or back- up plans. communication and motivation of marketing
Since we cannot elaborate an alternative plan for employees.
every case, we should evaluate the influence of o Level 2 -setting objectives for key business areas,
various groups of assumptions and find areas of which are more specific and have a connection to
greatest risk business functions
o Level 3 -setting sectional objectives, or which help in
STRATEGIC CONTEXT achieving common business aims. Marketing
• This includes two strategic tasks: setting the mission and objectives are common statements, whereby the
setting out business aims. The task of defining the mission is marketing strategy is specific and lays down specific
to familiarize all subjects involved with the clear objective and measures.
direction of the business.
Marketing Strategic Objectives in the Field of the Market
This part is composed of three phases: o Current users -the marketing strategy has two key
1. Marketing audit, roles: to maintain current customers and to strengthen
2. Situation analysis and through mutual co-operation the stimulation towards
➢ SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, more frequent purchases,
opportunities and threats) o New users -the marketing strategy has as its role to
➢ helps in strategic decisions concerning address new customers and to evoke a positive
market segments response, or repeat purchase, which leads to in
3. Identification of key requirements in the marketing longer-term co-operation
Allocation of Resources and Monitoring
The marketing audit o This phase of the marketing planning process
includes two fields: marketing programs and
Environment Analysis monitoring, control, evaluation of the fulfilment of the
o Political marketing plan.
o Economic
o In most cases there is drawn up a three-year strategic years of life. Regardless of this, men have a higher
plan and annual action plan. mortality and shorter life expectancy at all ages.

Monitoring, Control and Evaluation o In general, young children and the elderly us
o Monitoring, control and evaluation as results from physician services more often than adolescents and
Kotler's research in 75 firms operating in the services young adults.
fields, many of the control systems are inadequate.
o Age differences in health behaviour cannot be
Outcomes of Monitoring, Control and Evaluation: explained by biological ageing alone.
1. Smaller businesses have in comparison with larger
businesses control and management process of lower o Elderly people have different views on health and
quality. illness, symptoms, healthcare use and drugs.
2. Only fewer than half of all firms know the profitability
of individual products. One third do not have any o There is a danger in labelling all elderly people as
system set for evaluating, or identifying weak products having similar attitudes concerning health issues, but,
and services. as with younger persons, among the elderly there are
3. At least half of all businesses do not make a also a wide variety of views on health and treatment.
breakdown of costs, an evaluation of advertising,
comparison of prices which are the prices of the o Certain ideas are more prevalent among the elderly
competition and do not write reports on business than the young. The differences can partly be
negotiations. explained by so-called cohort effects, meaning people
4. In many businesses there are documents for of the same age have been exposed to the same kind
assessment delivered following a large delay of 4 to 8 of experiences and attitudes in society and therefore
weeks and are often imprecise. are also likely to share certain behavioral
Berkowitz cites as the most frequent reasons for failure of
the marketing plan as: Socioeconomic Position
1. Not taking account of external factors, o Position refers to the indicators that signify a person's
2. Not monitoring client needs - motivation merely on the status is society.Status is most frequently gained
basis of economic challenges there has not have to through the ownership of resources, power, and skills
mean a benefit for the bank, that can be used to accumulate wealth or exert
3. Over-extension of the marketing plan, influence.
4. Non-familiarization of each employee with the
marketing plan. It is not only the elaborator who is o In every society, political, cultural, and institutional
responsible for fulfilling the marketing plan, but also all factors determine the ways in which socioeconomic
who have shared in its creation. status influences health, with the steepest gradients
found in the most unequal societies.
o As a discipline, social epidemiology is founded on the
SOC AD FINALS REVIEWER hypothesis that although the direction and strength of
TOPIC: Culture, Economic Status, Gender and Sexuality in relationships between morbidity and mortality and
Pharmaceutical Care socioeconomic position vary, the underlying
relationship persists.
o The structures of the healthcare systems in different
countries have a lot of similarities but also a lot of o For example, socioeconomic status affects low birth
differences. weight, injuries, asthma, diabetes, depression,
o The system is the sum of historical development, cancer, stroke, and other diseases.
culture and economic factors. o In addition, a gradient occurs whereby children from
o In some countries there are actually several different families of lower socioeconomic status have been
systems in place within the healthcare system. found to be markedly more likely to suffer from
injuries, ear infections, or chronic illness and to be
Demographic Factors less physically active than children from families of
o Several important differences have been reported higher socioeconomic status.
between different age groups and between genders.
However, few reports have been able to validate the Income
reasons for these differences. o Income determine the ways in which socioeconomic
status influences health, with the steepest gradients
o It is well known that women report more symptoms found in the most unequal societies.
and that they have a lower threshold of pain and o For example, a family with high income can afford
discomfort and are more likely to seek care. both health insurance and a physician's copayment
and will seek care immediately if a child has an
o Men are more hesitant than women to admit having asthma attack.
symptoms and to seek medical care for these
symptoms. o A low income family without insurance must pay full
price for medical attention, which may cause them to
o This can be a result of perceived sex-role stereotypes delay seeking help until the child is much sicker.
- men should be tough and independent and ignore or o Income is often difficult to measure in health research
endure pain. Women use physician services more because some people are reluctant to report
than men in all age groups except for the first few household income, regarding it as a private matter or
cause of shame.
has been caused by a curse or spell may begin
Education treatment with prayer, or by seeking advice from a
o Education is an easily measured indicator of spiritualist or traditional healer.
socioeconomic status that most people freely reveal
to health researchers. o In some cases treatment may not be sought at all
o Education is a marker of socioeconomic status even because the condition is considered shameful. For
when individuals are not in the labor force. Education example, mental illness can be considered disgraceful
is also rather stable over the lifespan, whereas in Vietnamese culture, and a patient may be reluctant
income fluctuate based on current employment status. to acknowledge and seek treatment for such
o Occupation is an important indicator of socioeconomic o Allowing the client to discuss his beliefs about an
position because it is the obvious and stable link illness in a non-threatening environment will allow
between individuals and economic processes. incorporation-of his beliefs and practices in to a
o Occupation also forms the link between the measures reasonable and collaborative care plan.
of education and income.
Traditional Medicine and Therapies
o Unfortunately, occupational classification systems o As pharmacists we are especially concerned with
may not capture important nuances such as formal alternative treatments that patients are using. In a
and informal roles, which may relate directly to multicultural population we face even more challenges
benefits and security and the workplace environment. with a patient's use of home remedies that may
o Given the large number of occupation in every include herbs and foods as well as traditional healing
society, type of work may also be hard to organize therapies and rituals.
into meaningful categories. o In addition, a patient's perception of prescribed
Western medicines may also influence his
Cultural Aspects commitment to treatment.
o To avoid making inaccurate generalizations about an
individual's culture, consider the culturally supported o It has become commonplace to ask patients about
boundaries within which an individual makes choices. nonprescription and alternative medicine use. We
o Open discussion with a client about health care have come to recognize commonly used herbal
beliefs will be the most useful approach to include remedies, and can often screen for potential
cultural influences in health care strategies. interactions or problems before they arise.
o When eliciting home remedies or less common herbal
o In order to better understand how an individual's treatments used by some patients, it may be difficult
cultural background will affect pharmaceutical care, to assess their role in therapy.
three general areas will be considered:
➢ health care perspectives and beliefs o Many Asian people have a vast array of herbal
➢ traditional medicines and therapies remedies available to them from their herbalist,
➢ communication patterns. traditional Chinese pharmacist, or brought directly
from their homeland.
Health Perception and Treatment Choices o Often the patient is unable to provide practitioner with
o The role of social structure and family members can an accurate description or English name of the herb
strongly influence one's health care choices. or mixture. Under these circumstances it is important
o Being aware of family members' traditional roles in to gather as much information as possible about the
health care decision-making can help us recognize herb's intended use, its possible action, and potential
patterns and prevent potential conflicts. adverse effects and drug interactions.
o For example, in a some Hispanic families the
grandmother or mother is responsible for making o If a real potential for interaction or adverse effects
health care decisions, whereas the father may be exists, the practitioner may need to convince the
responsible for most other decisions. In some patient to discontinue the herbal remedy for a period
Southeast Asian cultures the oldest male in the family of time.
makes health care decisions o Pharmacists may be less concerned with traditional
therapies that do not include foods or herbs, but they
o Most cultures embrace a standard protocol for need to be acknowledged nonetheless. Acupuncture,
treatment of illnesses.The severity of the illness coining, prayer, and voodoo may not have potential
generally dictates who is sought for treatment. for drug interactions; however, being aware of a
Oftentimes an elder family member is consulted for patient's practices and preferences can improve
minor illnesses. overall understanding of his health care.

o Once a condition progresses, however, approaches to Communication

treatment diverge among cultures. For many people o Terms such as G.I., anti-inflammatory, b.i.d.,
with strong religious beliefs, a priest or church leader hypopigmentation, and range of motion become a part
may be consulted at any stage in an illness. Prayer of our "everyday" language, often to the detriment of
may be an important part of the healing process, or an our patients. As pharmacists we frequently hear
essential element of health maintenance. patients expressing their frustration with not being
able to understand what the doctor just told them. Yet
o As with conventional medicine, the treatment sought pharmacists often fall into the same trap. Paying
will correspond with what the patient perceives as the attention to the "language" we use when speaking
cause of the illness. The patient who thinks an illness
with patients is a first step to bridging communication

o Communication perhaps the most common, yet least

recognized, communication barrier is that between
medical professionals and lay people. As we are
educated and acculturated into the medical
profession, we spend a substantial amount of time
with others who have similar interests, educational
level, and specialized language.

o Expecting pharmacists to become fluent in all the

languages of the clients they serve is impractical.
However, it may be useful to learn simple phrases in
languages of non-English speaking clients who
commonly visit the pharmacy.

o Learning how to say a typical greeting demonstrates

interest in improving communication and learning
about your clients.
o Non-verbal communication practices are another
barrier to effective communication. Behavioral
scientists have found that 55-95% of a message
communicated may be nonverbal.
o Aspects to consider in nonverbal communication are
eye contact, personal space and touch, and facial

o Anglo Americans typically perceive eye contact as an

expression of interest and sign of honesty. In many
Middle Eastern and Asian cultures, however, eye
contact is considered a sign of disrespect.
o Being aware of cultural influences on eye contact can
help a health care provider avoid judgment about a
client's character.

o Facial expressions have the potential for being

misleading. Nodding and saying yes may seem an
indication of understanding; however, in some
Southeast Asian cultures it simply indicates the
person is paying attention and being polite.
o Requesting that the patient demonstrate
understanding by repeating what has been told can
ensure that the correct message has been received.

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