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1)You sold one Zee Ent Ltd. futures contract at Rs.260 and the lot size is 1,000.

What is your profit or

loss, if you purchase the contract back at Rs.251 ?

2) Mr Dev bought a April Nifty future contract on 10th April which cost him Rs 562000. The initial
margin he had to pay was Rs 55400. On 23rd April he sold the Nifty future at 5710. How much profit
or loss did he make ? ( Nifty lot 100 )

3) An investor purchased one lot of Nifty futures at 6000. The closing price of NIfty on that day was
5967. The margin on Nifty is 10%. What will be the effective margin left in this contract ? Nifty lot is
of 50.

4) Mr. Ganesh thinks that the markets will go down, so he sell 10 lots of index futures at 3500. His
predictions come true and the index falls and Mr. Ganesh buys back the futures contract at 3410.
What is the profit Mr. Ganesh has made if one lot of index is of 50

5) Mr Shetty purchased a future contract of SBI at Rs 2000 on 10 September. That day the spot price
was 1985. On the expiry day, SBI closed at Rs 2033. What will be the approximate spot price ?

6) Investor Mr. X wants to sell 11 contracts of Feb series at Rs.6300 & investor Mr. Y wants to sell 13
contracts of March series at Rs.6450. Lot size is 50 for both these contracts. The initial margin is fixed
at 6%. How much initial margin is required to be collected from both these investors(sum of initial
margin of X and Y) by the broker?

7) A trader sold on ABC Stock Futures Contract at Rs.354 & the lot size is 900. What is your profit or
loss if you purchase the contract back at Rs.341 ?

8) Which of these PUT's are In the Money ?

A. Spot 300 ; Strike Price 300

B. Spot 300 ; Strike Price 280
C. Spot 300 ; Strike Price 320
D. None of the above

9) In the Option segment, if you sell a CALL at a premium of Rs 45 at the Strike Price of Rs 400, lot is
of 200 shares, then the maximum possible Profit is ______

10) What is the intrinsic value of a call option if the spot price is Rs 300 and the strike price is Rs 250

11) In which options is the strike price favourable than the market price and therefore its profitable
to exercise the option ?

12) You buy a PUT option of strike price 400 when the spot price is Rs 380. This option is In the
Money - True or False ?

13) Nifty future is trading at 4850. A trader buys a 4900 current month call at 100. What should be
the closing price of Nifty above which the investor starts to make profits ?

14) Ms. Gayatri buys a call option of strike price Rs. 300 when the spot price is Rs 235. What is the
intrinsic value of this call option?

15) If the lot size of Reliance Industries future contract is 500 shares, what will be the lot size of its
Option contract ?
16) You have bought a call option of XYZ stock of strike price 400 at a premium of Rs 30. The current
spot / market price is Rs 410. At what market price will this call break even ?

17) Mr Ranjan sold a ABC stock put contract of Rs 300 strike price at Rs 28. What will be his profit /
loss if he buys it back at Rs 13. The lot size is 1000 shares

18) Client A has purchased 10 contracts of December series and sold 7 contracts of January series of
the NSE Nifty futures. How many lots will get categorized as regular (non‐spread) open positions?


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