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Energy Systems Used in Basketball

Three energy systems -- commonly referred to as

metabolic pathways -- are responsible for the chemical
reactions within cells and tissues during exercise and
sports. These energy systems include the ATP-PC system,
Lactic Acid system and Aerobic system. For a basketball
player, all three of these energy systems are essential
during competition. Understanding all of the energy
systems and how they work together is important for
basketball training and overall performance on the court.


The ATP-PC System and Lactic Acid pathways are

considered "anaerobic" (without oxygen) while the
Aerobic system uses oxygen. During a basketball game,
about 75 percent of the athlete's energy comes from the
ATP-PC system, followed by about 15 percent from the
Lactic Acid system, and approximately 10% from the
Aerobic System. The ATP-PC System dominates high-
powered plays while the Lactic Acid system is responsible
for moderate-powered activities, and the Aerobic system
is responsible for low-powered plays.

ATP-PC System (75%)

For basketball plays lasting between 10 and 30 seconds,

the ATP-PC system uses adenosine triphosphate -
creatine phosphate for energy. The ATP-CP provides
quick bursts of immediate energy. Sample plays include:
accelerating and running up and down the court;
changing directions; rebounding; jump shots and playing
defense. This energy system requires about 30 to 90
seconds of rest for a moderate recovery due to the
absence of oxygen during the delivery of energy.

Lactic Acid System (15%)

Plays lasting between 30 and 60 seconds require the

glycolytic system to supply energy. During this energy
production, the body uses anaerobic glycolysis to release
ATP and produce lactic acid. The energy source can be
used for moderate-intensity activities but requires about
60 to 240 seconds for a moderate recovery. Sample plays
using the glycolytic energy system include fast breaks,
full-court defensive pressure or offensive plays.

Aerobic System (10%)

The Aerobic energy system may not be the predominant

energy system used during a game; however it is one of
the most important for basketball success. The aerobic
system is essential for continuous play during the course
of an entire game. While the ATP-PC and Lactic Acid
systems are releasing ATP and lactic acid, the Aerobic
system is replenishing these energy stores that improve
the recovery times for those energy systems.

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