Model Exam - AEI

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Department of Science and Humanities

Model Examination
Semester & Branch: IV / AGRI, EEE, IT Time: 3.00 Hours Date: 21/06/24
Subject Code/Name: GE 3451- Environmental science and Sustainability Max. Marks: 100
CO1 To recognize and understand the function of environment, ecosystem and biodiversity and
their conservation
CO2 To identify the causes, effects of environmental pollution and natural disaster and contribute
to the preventive measures in the society.
CO3 To identify and apply the understanding of renewable and non-renewable resources and
contribute to the sustainable measures to preserve them for future generation.
CO4 To recognize the different goals of sustainable development and apply them for suitable
technological advancement and social development.
CO5 To demonstrate the knowledge of sustainability practices and identify green materials,
energy cycles and the role of sustainable urbanization.

PART A (10x2=20)
Answer all the Questions
1 What do you understand by species biodiversity? Give one example. CO1 K1
2 Write the criteria to determine the hot spot and name the hot spot in India. CO1 K1
3 Mention four points as an individual responsibility in the prevention of pollution. CO2 K1
4 State the significant effects of noise pollution. Name the controls methods adopted. CO2 K1
5 Explain the possible implementation of new energy sources. CO3 K2
6 Outline the removal method of CO2 released by algae fuel. CO3 K2
7 Illustrate the factors affecting development. CO4 K3
8 Define the term sustainability. CO4 K1
9 List out any five various ISO 14000 Series standards. CO5 K1
10 Summarize the various steps to promote sustainable transport. CO5 K2

PART B (5X13=65)
Answer all the Questions

1 a) Outline the In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity with their advantages and CO1 K2
b) Summarize the man wild life conflict in India with cases from recent incidents.(13) CO1 K2

12 a) Write the flow sheet and explain the steps involved in solid waste management.(13) CO2 K1
b) Explain any four air pollutants with their causes, effects and control measures of air CO2 K1
13 a) Illustrate the origin, power plants and applications of GTE.(13) CO3 K3
b) Discuss the energy harnessed based on ocean energy and tidal energy conversion.(13) CO3 K3

14 a) With a suitable case study, elaborate on achievement of sustainable from un- CO4 K3
sustainable level.(13)
b) Make use of suitable case study to explain environment management in industry. (13) CO4 K3

15 a) Analyze the objectives, key elements and benefits of EIA (13) CO5 K4
b) Examine the benefits and various steps involved in carbon cycle with a neat sketch.(13) CO5 K4
PART C (1X15=15)

16 a) Classify the various levels of biodiversity and outline the various threats to CO3 K4
biodiversity. (15)
(OR) CO5 K3
b) Describe about the principle, components and advantages of green building. (15)

LOTS (40%) HOTS (60%)

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Bloom’s Total
(K1) (K2) (K3) (K4) (K5) (K6)
Percentage 22 18 38 22 100


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