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Class 6th Iqbal Test 2 English unit (1)

Name _________________________ Father’s name__________________ Roll number _____

Mobile Number__________________________ Signature _____________ Date____________

Q 1: Answer the following questions.

 What did Maysarah report about Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) to Hazrat Why did Hazrat
Khadija (RA)?
 What did Abu Sufiyan testify about Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?

Q 2: Write the definition of “Noun” and give five examples?

Q 3: Write the definitions of “transitive and intransitive verbs”.

Q 4 : Fill in the blanks using correct word.

 Who ___________ my pancakes? ) ate/eight)

 The air _____________of Turkey is very high. (Fare/Fair)

Q 4: tick the correct option.

 I always speak truth. “truth” is noun

a) Concrete b) Countable c) Abstract d) Common.
 The man in blue shirt is my neighbor. Example of “post modifier” in this sentence is?
a) man b) neighbor c) blue shirt d) none of these
 Example of collective noun is?
a) Arrow b) Herd c) Tiger d) Bird
 “They run” is the example of?
a) Transitive verb b) Intransitive verb c) Verb d) Adverb
 I am writing a letter to my friend. “Am” in this sentence is?
a) Main verb b) subject c) helping verb d) object

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