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With the Compliments
of the
Board of Directors
Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited

32Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfv

¯’vb : Awdmvm© K¬ve XvKv, 26 †eBjx †ivW,
igbv, XvKv-1000
ZvwiL: 24 wW‡m¤^i 2013/10 †cŠl 1420

32nd Annual General Meeting

Venue: Officers’ Club Dhaka, 26 Baily Road
Ramna, Dhaka-1000
Date: 24 December 2013/10 Poush 1420

Registered Office

Titas Gas Bhaban

105 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue
Kawran Bazar C/A
Corporate Information
Name of the Company : Titas Gas Transmission & Distribution Company Limited (TGTDCL)
Date of Incorporation : November 20, 1964
Registered Office : Titas Gas Bhaban, 105 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue,
Kawran Bazar Commercial Area, Dhaka-1215
Corporation : Bangladesh Oil,Gas & Mineral Corportaion (Petrobangla)
Administrative Ministry : Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources
Titas Franchise Area : Greater Dhaka and Greater Mymensingh
First Constructed Pipeline : Brahmanbaria to Demra 14” DN X100 PSIG X 58 Miles
First Gas Supply : April 28, 1968 to Siddhirganj Thermal Power Station
Authorised Capital : Tk. 2,000.00 crore
Paid up Capital (As on June 30, 2013 : TK. 989.22 crore
Gas sales (FY 2012-13) : 14,236.42 MMCM
Sales Revenue (FY 2012-13) : TK. 7,395.12 crore
Payment to the National Exchequer : TK. 716.34 crore
Number of Customers (As on June 30, 2013) : Total 15,65,802
Power (Govt.)-09
Power (Private)-25
Captive Power-1,058
Commercial –10,908
Constructed Pipeline (As on June 30, 2013) : 12,253.22 km
Market Share in Sales : 63%
Source of Gas supply (Fields) : Titas, Habiganj, Narsingdi, Kailashtila, Bibiyana ,Moulvi Bazar &
Bangura Gas Fields.
Manpower (As on June 30, 2013) : 2,479
Officer : 1,098
Staff : 1,381
Chief Executive : Engr. Md. Nowshad Islam
Listed with DSE : June 9, 2008
Listed with CSE : June 19, 2008

4 Titas Franchise Area

5 Value Added Statement

6 Shareholder’s Position

6 Audit Committee

6 Name of Bankers

6 Legal Advisors

7 Pattern of Shareholding

8 Compliance Report on BSEC Notification

17 Notice of the 32nd AGM

18 Board of Directors

21 Picture of the 31st AGM

22 Message

23 Directors’ Report in Bangla

40 Graphs

43 Directors’ Report in English

60 Events

64 Audit Committee Report

65 Auditor’s Report

93 World Gas Reserve

96 Natural Gas Reserve in Bangladesh

97 Bangladesh Gas Act, 2010, Salient Features

98 Success of Titas Gas in five years of present Govt.

100 Publication Committee

101 Proxy Form


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Value Added Statement (In Crore Taka)

FY 2012-2013 FY 2011-2012

Sales and Other Income 7,946.82 7,563.50

Cost of Sales 6,303.91 5,981.31

Value Added 1,642.91 1,582.19

National Exchequer Payment 576.58 557.27

Dividend to Public Shareholders 86.55 82.43
Employees Salaries & Others Benefits 154.13 126.08
Administrative & Other Expenses 194.13 186.18
Interest Cost 6.79 8.69
WPPF 61.33 60.06
Earning Retained By The Company 563.40 561.48

Value Distribution 1,642.91 1,582.19

Distribution of Value Addition 2012-13

(In Crore Taka)

Distribution of Value Addition 2011-12

576.58 (In Crore Taka)

6.79 561.48
194.13 154.13

National Exchequer Payment Interest Cost

Dividend to Public Shareholders WPPF
Employees Salaries & other Benefits Earning Retained by the Company
60.06 82.43
Adminstrative & other expenses 8.69 126.08
National Exchequer Payment Interest Cost
Dividend to Public Shareholders WPPF
Employees Salaries & other Benefits Earning Retained by the Company
Adminstrative & other expenses

Shareholders’ Position
Shareholders’ Position as on 30 June 2013 is as follows:

Sl.No. Range of Holdings No.of Shareholders Total Share Holding % of Holding

1 Up to 5,000 Shares 19,625 1,95,93,113 1.98

2 5,001 to 50,000 Shares 2,736 3,52,44,220 3.56

3 50,001 to 1,00,000 Shares 165 1,15,78,499 1.17

4 1,00,001 to 2,00,000 Shares 105 1,45,36,137 1.47

5 2,00,001 to 3,00,000 Shares 35 83,03,726 0.84

6 3,00,001 to 4,00,000 Shares 20 67,54,699 0.68

7 4,00,001 to 5,00,000 Shares 11 48,42,155 0.49

8 5,00,001 to 10,00,000 Shares 41 2,80,21,552 2.83

9 10,00,001 to 1,00,00,000 Shares 36 9,52,65,324 9.63

10 1,00,000,01 to 2,00,00,000 Shares - - -

11 2,00,000,01 to 3,00,00,000 Shares 1 2,31,66,035 2.34

12 Over 3,00,00,000 Shares 1 74,19,16,371 75

TOTAL 22,776 98,92,21,831 100

Audit Committee
Mr. Md. Golam Mostofa - Chairman
Mr. Akhter Hossain - Member
Mr. Md. Sabur Khan - Member

Name of Bankers
• Agrani Bank Ltd. • Mercantile Bank Ltd.
• AB Bank Ltd. • National Bank Ltd.
• Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) • National Credit & Commerce Bank Ltd.
• Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd. (BDBL) • One Bank Ltd.
• The City Bank Ltd. • Prime Bank Ltd.
• Dhaka Bank Ltd. • Pubali Bank Ltd.
• Dutch- Bangla Bank Ltd (DBBL) • Rupali Bank Ltd.
• Eastern Bank Ltd. • Sonali Bank Ltd.
• Exim Bank Ltd. • South East Bank Ltd.
• Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) • Standard Chartered Bank
• International Finance Investment & Commerce Bank Ltd.(IFIC) • United Commercial Bank Ltd (UCBL)
• Janata Bank Ltd. • Uttara Bank Ltd.

Legal Advisors
Sheikh & Chowdhury
Barristers & Advocates
Banglar Bani Bhaban (2nd Floor)
81 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000

Pattern of Shareholding
# Parent/Subsidiary/Associated Companies and other related parties: Nil
# Directors, Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director, Company Secretary,
Chief Financial Officer/Director (Finance), Head of Internal Audit :

SL. Name Shares Held

1. Directors :

Mr. Md. Mozammel Haque Khan None

Mr. Abdul Malek None

Mr. Md. Golam Mostofa None

Prof. Dr. Md. Hussain Monsur 1 (One)

Mr. Md. Munsur Ali Sikder ndc None

Mr. Md. Abdul Wahab Khan None

Mr. Akhter Hossain None

Mr. Md. Sabur Khan None

Engr.Md. Nowshad Islam None

2. Company Secretary :

Mr. Mustaque Ahmed None

3. Director (Finance) :

Mr. Abdul Kayum Khan 3150*

4. Head of Internal Audit :

Mr. Sankar Kumar Dash None

Top 5 Salaried Executives :

1. Mr. S M Faruque, General Manager (Administration) None

2. Engr. Md. Ashab Uddin, General Manager (MDMD-North) None

3. Engr. Mojibul Hoque, General Manager None

4. Engr. Md. Khalequzzaman, General Manager None

5. Engr. Shahinur Alam, General Manager None

*Bought personally from capital market.

Compliance Report on BSEC Notification
for the Year 2012-13
Status of compliance with the conditions imposed by the Commission’s Notification No.SEC/ CMRRCD/2006-158/134/
Admin/44 dated 7th August, 2012 issued under Section-2CC of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969:

Compliance Status Explanation for

Title Not- non compliance
No. Complied
Complied with the condition
Board’s Size : members should not be less than
1.1 √
5(five) and more than 20(twenty).
1.2 Independent Directors :
1.2 (i) Number of Independent Director. √
1.2 (ii) Independent director means :
Non holding of any share in the company or holds
(a) less than one percent(1%) shares of the total paid-up √
shares of the company ;
Non sponsor of the company and non connection
with the company’s any sponsor or director or
(b) shareholder who holds one percent(1%) or more √
shares of the total paid-up share of the company on
the basis of family relationship ;
Non relationship, whether pecuniary or otherwise,
(c) with the company or its subsidiary/associated √
companies ;
Non member, director or officer of any stock
(d) √
exchange ;
Non shareholder, director or officer of any member
(e) of stock exchange or an intermediary of the capital √
market ;
Non partner or an executive or was not a Partner or
(f) an executive during in preceding 3(three) years of the √
concerned company’s statutory audit firm ;
Not to be an independent director in more than
(g) √
3(three) listed companies ;
Non conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction
(h) as a defaulter in payment of any loan to a bank or a √
Non-Bank Financial Institution ;
Non conviction for a criminal offence involving moral
(i) √
Appointed by the board of directors and approved by
1.2 (iii) √
the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting ;

Compliance Status Explanation for
Title Not- non compliance
No. Complied
Complied with the condition
Non vacancy of the post for more than 90(ninety)
1.2 (iv) √
days ;
Code of conduct of all Board member and recording
1.2 (v) √
the annual compliance of the code ;
The tenure of office of an independent director’s
1.2 (vi) √
1.3 Qualification of Independent Director(ID) :
Knowledgeable with having ability to ensure
(i) compliance with financial, regulatory and corporate √
laws and making meaningful contribution to business ;
Professional qualification and experience of
(ii) √
Independent Directors ;
In special cases the above qualifications may be
(iii) Not Applicable
relaxed subject to prior approval of the Commission.
Individual Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive
1.4 √
officer, clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
1.5 The Director’s Report to shareholders on :
Industry outlook and possible future developments in
(i) √
the industry ;
(ii) Segment-wise or product-wise performance ; √
(iii) Risks and concerns ; √
A discussion on Cost of Goods sold, Gross Profit
(iv) √
Margin and Net Profit Margin ;
Discussion on continuity of any Extra-Ordinary gain
(v) √
or loss ;
Disclosing the basis for related party transactions in
(vi) √
the annual report ;
Utilization of proceeds from public issues, rights
(vii) Not Applicable
issues and/or through any other’s instruments ;
An explanation if the financial results deteriorate after
the company goes for Initial Public Offering(IPO),
(viii) Not Applicable
Repeat Public Offering(RPO). Rights Offer, Direct
Listing, etc ;
Significant variance between Quarterly financial No such matter to
Performance and Annual Financial Statements ; report on
Remuneration to directors including independent
(x) √
directors ;

Compliance Status Explanation for
Title Not- non compliance
No. Complied
Complied with the condition
The financial statements present fairly its state of
(xi) affairs, the result of its operations, cash flows and √
changes in equity ;
(xii) Proper books of account maintained ; √
Appropriate accounting policies consistently applied
in preparation of the financial statements and
(xiii) √
accounting estimates are based on reasonable and
prudent judgment ;
International Accounting Standards(IAS)/Bangladesh
Accounting Standards(BAS)/International Financial
Reporting Standards(IFRS)/Bangladesh Financial
(xiv) √
Reporting Standards(BFRS), as applicable in
Bangladesh, followed in preparation of the financial
statements and any departure adequately disclosed ;
The system of internal control is sound in design and
(xv) √
effectively implemented and monitored ;
Significant doubts upon its ability to continue as a
(xvi) √
going concern ;
Significant deviations from the last year’s operating
(xvii) √
results ;
Key operating and financial data of at least preceding
(xviii) √
5(five) years ;
(xix) Reason for non declaration of dividend ; Not Applicable
Disclosing the number of Board meeting and
(xx) √
attendance by each director ;
(xxi) Disclosing pattern of shareholding :
Parent/Subsidiary/Associated Companies and other
(a) √
related parties ;
Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Company
(b) Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, Head of Internal √
Audit and their spouses and minor children ;
(c) Executives ; √
Shareholders holding ten percent(10%) or more
(d) √
voting interest in the company ;
Directors are
Disclosing the following information to the
nominated by Energy
(xxii) shareholder in case of the appointment/
& Mineral Resources
reappointment of a director :
(a) a brief resume of director ; √

Compliance Status Explanation for
Title Not- non compliance
No. Complied
Complied with the condition
nature of his/her expertise in specific functional
(b) √
areas ;
names of companies in which the person also holds
(c) the directorship and the membership of committees √
of the board.
Chief Financial Officer(CFO), Head of Internal
Audit and Company Secretary(CS) :
Appointment of CFO, Head of Internal Audit &
2.1 Company Secretary and defining their respective √
roles, responsibilities and duties.
Attendance of Company Secretary, Chief Financial
2.2 √
Officer(CFO) at Board of Directors Meetings
3.0 Audit Committee :
Having an Audit Committee as a sub-committee of
(i) √
the Board Directors ;
Assistance of the Audit Committee to the Directors
in ensuring the reflection of the true and fair view
(ii) √
of the state of affairs of the company and a good
monitoring system within the business ;
Responsibilities to the Board of Directors and the
(iii) duties of the Audit Committee clearly set forth in √
3.1 Constitution of the Audit Committee : √
3.1 (i) Number of members of audit committee 3(Three)
(ii) Constitution of the Audit Committee. √
(iii) Qualification of Audit Committee. √
(iv) Filling of casual vacancy in committee. √
The company secretary acting as the secretary of the
(v) √
The quorum of the Audit Committee meeting shall
(vi) not constitute without at least 1(one) independent √
3.2 Chairman of the Audit Committee :
Chairman of the Audit Committee, who shall be an
(i) √ Under process
independent director.
Attendance of the Chairman of the Audit Committee
(ii) √
in the Annual General Meeting.

Compliance Status Explanation for
Title Not- non compliance
No. Complied
Complied with the condition
Role of the Audit committee :
Role of audit committee including the following :
(i) Overseeing the financial reporting process ; √
Monitoring choice of accounting policies and
(ii) √
principles ;
Monitoring Internal Control Risk management
(iii) √
process ;
Overseeing hiring and performance of external
(iv) √
auditors ;
Reviewing along with the management, the annual
(v) financial statements before submission to the board √
for approval ;
Reviewing along with the management, the
(vi) quarterly and half yearly financial statements before √
submission to the board for approval ;
(vii) Reviewing the adequacy of internal audit function ; √
Reviewing statement of significant related party
(viii) √
transactions submitted by the management ;
Reviewing Management Letters/Letter of Internal
(ix) √
Control weakness issued by statutory auditors ;
Disclosing to the Audit Committee about the
application of fund by major category raising through
(x) Not Applicable
IPO/RPO/Right issued and preparing a statement of
fund utilized by the company.
3.4 Reporting of the Audit Committee :

3.4.1 Reporting to the Board of Directors :

Reporting by the Audit Committee on its activities to
(i) √
the Board of Director ;
(ii) Reporting to the Board by the Audit Committee on :
No such matter to
(a) conflicts of interests ;
report on
suspected or presumed fraud or irregularity or
(b) Not Applicable
material defect in the internal control system ;
suspected infringement of laws, including securities
(c) Not Applicable
related laws, rules and regulations ;
(d) any other matter. Not Applicable

Compliance Status Explanation for
Title Not- non compliance
No. Complied
Complied with the condition
No such matter to
3.4.2 Reporting to the Authorities.
report on
3.5 Reporting to the Shareholders and General Investors. √
External/Statutory Auditors :
Statutory auditors not engaged in :
(i) Appraisal or valuation services or fairness opinions ; √
Financial information systems design and
(ii) √
implementation ;
Book-keeping or other services related to the
(iii) √
accounting records or financial statements ;
(iv) Broker-dealer services ; √
(v) Actuarial services ; √
(vi) Internal audit services ; √
Any other service that the Audit Committee
(vii) √
determines ;
No partner or employees of the external audit firms
(viii) possessing share of the company during the tenure √
of their audit assignment of that company.
Audit/certification services on compliance of
(ix) √
corporate governance.
5.0 Subsidiary Company : Not applicable
(i) Composition of the Board of Directors.
Independent director of the holding company on the
Board of Directors of the subsidiary company.
Placement of the minutes of the Board meeting at
the following Board meeting of the holding company.
Reviewing of the affairs of the subsidiary company
(iv) stating in the minutes of the respective Board
meeting of the holding company.
Reviewing the financial statements by the Audit
(v) Committee of the holding company, in particular the
investments made by the subsidiary company.
Duties of Chief Executive Officer(CEO) and Chief
6.0 Financial Officer(CFO):
The CEO and CFO shall certify to the Board that :
They have reviewed financial statements for the year
(i) √
and that to the best of their knowledge and belief :

Compliance Status Explanation for
Title Not- non compliance
No. Complied
Complied with the condition
These statements do not contain any materially
(a) untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain √
statements that might be misleading ;
These statements together present a true and fair
view of the company’s affairs and are in compliance
(b) √
with existing accounting standards and applicable
There are, to the best of knowledge and belief, no
transactions entered into by the company during the
(ii) √
year which are fraudulent, illegal or violation of the
company’s code of conduct.
Reporting and Compliance of Corporate
Governance :
Certificate regarding compliance of conditions of
Corporate Governance Guidelines of the Commission
(i) √
and sending to the shareholders along with the
Annual Report on a yearly basis.
Statement of the directors regarding compliance of
(ii) the above conditions by the company in accordance √
with the Annexure attached in the directors report.

Compliance Report on BSEC Notification for the Year 2012-13
Compliance of Section 1.4 (j)
Attendance of Directors in the Board meetings held during 2012-2013:

Number of Meeting
Composition of the Board 2012-2013
Held Attended
6 6

Note : Directors who could not attend meetings were granted leave of absence by the Board.
*Presiding as Chairman from 14-02-2013 till date.

Key Executives :

1. Engr. Md. Ashab Uddin, General Manager (MDMD-North)

2. Engr. Mir Mashiur Rahman, Director (Operation)
3. Engr. Md. Shafiqur Rahman, General Manager (MDMD-South)
4. Mr. Mustaque Ahmed, Company Secretary/ General Manager
5. Md.Abdul Latif Miah, General Manager (Administration)
6. Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam, General Manager (MDRD)
7. Engr.Md.Abdul Wahed, General Manager (RMD-Gazipur)
8. Engr. Md. Nur Hossain, General Manager (ESD)
9. Engr. Md. Shamsuzzaman, General Manager (RMD-Narayanganj), Additional Charge
10. Mr. Abdul Kayum Khan, In-charge, Finance Division
11. Dr.Azizur Rahman, General Manager (General Services),Current Charge
12. Engr. Md.Aminul Haque, General Manager (RMD-Mymensingh), Additional Charge

Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited
(A Company of Petrobangla)
Titas Gas Bhaban, 105 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Kawran Bazar Commercial Area, Dhaka-1215

Ref. No. Co.Affairs/Share/15/1238 Date : 28.11.2013

Notice of the
32 Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given to all Shareholders of Titas Gas Transmission & Distribution Company Ltd. that the 32nd Annual General Meeting
of the Shareholders of the Company will be held on Tuesday, December 24, 2013 at 10:00 A.M. at Officers’ Club Dhaka, 26 Baily Road,
Dhaka to transact the following business and adopt necessary resolutions :

1. To receive, consider and adopt the Income Statement of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2013 and the Balance Sheet
as on that date together with Reports of the Auditors and Directors thereon;
2. Declaration of Dividend for the year ended June 30, 2013 as recommended by the Board of Directors;
3. Election of Directors in place of those who shall retire in accordance with the provision of the Company’s Act, 1994 and the
Articles of Association of the Company ; and
4. Appointment of Auditors of the Company for the year 2013-14 and fix their remuneration.

By Order of the Board

(Mustaque Ahmed)
Company Secretary

1. The “Record Date” fixed on Tuesday, November 05, 2013. The Shareholders’ names appearing in the Register of Shareholders of
the Company in the Depository on the Record Date will be eligible to attend the AGM and to receive the Dividend.
2. Any Shareholder of the Company eligible to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and
vote on his/her behalf. The proxy form duly filled in and signed by the Shareholder and stamped (Tk.20.00) must be submitted
at the Registered Office (Titas Gas Bhaban, 105, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Kawran Bazar C/A, Dhaka-1215) of the Company at
least 72 hours before the meeting.
3. Admission to the Meeting Room will be strictly maintained on production of the attendance slips sent with the Notice.
4. Shareholders are requested to submit to the Company’s Share Section on or before 31 December, 2013, their written option
to receive dividend. In case of non-submission of such option with the stipulated time, the dividend will be paid of as deemed
appropriate by the Company.

m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„‡›`i m`q AeMwZi Rb¨ Rvbv‡bv hv‡”Q †h, weGmBwm-Gi mvK©yjvi bs- GmBwm/
wmGgAviAviwmwW/2009-193/154 ZvwiL 24/10/2013-Gi †cÖwÿ‡Z evwl©K mvaviY mfvq †Kvb cÖKvi Dcnvi/
Lvevi/†Kvb ai‡bi Kzcb cÖ`v‡bi e¨e¯’v _vK‡e bv|

Board of Directors

Md. Mozammel Haque Khan

Energy & Mineral Resources Division

Abdul Malek
Private Secretary-1
to Hon’ble Prime Minister

Prof.Dr.Md.Hussain Monsur
Chairman, Petrobangla

Board of Directors

Md. Golam Mostofa

Additional Secretary (Admin/Operation)
Energy & Mineral Resources Division

Md. Munsur Ali Sikder ndc

Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation

Md. Abdul Wahab Khan

Sustainable & Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA)

Board of Directors

Akhter Hossain

Md. Sabur Khan

President, DCCI

Engr. Md. Nowshad Islam

Managing Director (Additional Charge)
Titas Gas T&D Co. Ltd.

31st Annual General Meeting of Titas Gas T&D Company Ltd. was held on December 30, 2012 at Officers’ Club Dhaka, 26 Baily
Road, Dhaka-1000. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Mohammad Mejbahuddin, former Secretary of the Energy & Mineral
Resources Division & Chairman, Titas Board. Chairman, Petrobangla, Shareholders & Directors of the Board also attended the

One of the esteemed Shareholders speaking at the 31st Annual General Meeting of Titas Gas T&D Company Ltd. was held on
December 30, 2012 at Officers’ Club Dhaka, 26 Baily Road, Dhaka-1000.

Energy & Mineral Resources Division
Board of Directors
Titas Gas T&D Company Limited

I feel privileged to present the Annual Report of Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited (TGTDCL) for
the FY 2012-13 on the occasion of its 32nd Annual General Meeting. This Annual Report contains all pertinent information
regarding company’s development as well as financial and operational activities.
More than four years have elapsed since the company got itself enlisted with the Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges
under direct listing method and offloaded 25% of its share. I am pleased to place the Directors’ Report together with
the Auditor’s Report for the financial year 2012-13 for approval of the respected shareholders in this Annual General
TGTDCL is the largest company operating in the energy sector of Bangladesh, which is engaged in gas distribution for
over four decades. It has been playing a major role in meeting about 63% of the country’s gas requirement. Despite
constraint of gas supply in recent years, the company’s achievement in respect of revenue collection, system loss
reduction and contribution to the national exchequer is indeed laudable. I am very pleased to inform you all that instead of
system loss TGTDCL is enjoying system gain of 1.22%, taking into account the gas consumption of the confessed illegal
domestic customers, in its gas marketing business. I would like to assure our respected shareholders that the Company
will strive hard to uphold its reputation in efficient operation, sound business expansion and good customer services in
the days to come.
I feel happy to inform you that the Company is now focused on ensuring the efficiency, transparency and accountability in
its gas marketing business and associated activities. Hence TGTDCL is undertaking rigorous initiatives to set up advanced
and hi-tech metering system like Turbine & Rotary Meters equipped with the EVC and Remote Metering System for large
industrial customers. An expert team of Titas is working dedicatedly on boilers and generators of industrial customers to
introduce cogeneration. This will help reduce misuse of gas leading to energy conservation with salutary effect on the
environment. And the fact that the Company is regularly arranging many training programmes in home and abroad with
a view to imparting necessary knowledge and skill in its human resource, which is crucially important for its smooth and
efficient operation, is also worth appreciating.
I would like to inform that gas supply is expected to rise in 2014 and TGTDCL will get the lion’s share of it. The Company
is going to undertake a good number of pipeline construction projects to distribute the additional gas to its valued
customers. Eventually TFA will exhibit a significant improvement in gas supply / pressure scenario in its network.
The success that TGTDCL has achieved would not have been possible without the guidance and help from the Ministry
of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources, Ministry of Finance, Planning Commission, National Board of Revenue, Securities
and Exchange Commission, Petrobangla, the Stock Exchanges, our development partners, BERC and above all our
valued shareholders, customers and well wishers. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to extend sincere
thanks to all concerned whose co-operation has made TGTDCL the exemplary public sector enterprise that it is.

(Md. Mozammel Haque Khan)

wZZvm M¨vm UªvÝwgmb GÛ wWwóªweDkb †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW
32Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfv
†kqvi‡nvìviM‡Yi D‡Ï‡k¨ cwiPvjKgÐjxi cÖwZ‡e`b

wemwgjøvwni ivngvwbi ivwng

m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`,
Avmmvjvgy AvjvBKzg,

wZZvm M¨vm UªvÝwgmb GÛ wWwóªweDkb †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW (wUwRwUwWwmGj)-Gi 32Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq Avcbv‡`i mKj‡K
AvšÍwiKfv‡e ¯^vMZ Rvbvw”Q| G Dcj‡ÿ Avwg wZZvm M¨vm UªvÝwgmb GÛ wWwóªweDkb †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW-Gi 30 Ryb 2013
Zvwi‡L mgvß A_©eQ‡ii wbixw¶Z Avw_©K cÖwZ‡e`bmn cwiPvjKgÐjxi cÖwZ‡e`b Avcbv‡`i mgx‡c Dc¯’vcb KiwQ|

m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`,
1962 mv‡j eªvþYevwoqvq wZZvm b`xi Zx‡i weivU M¨vm †¶Î Avwe®‹…Z nIqvi ci 1964 mv‡ji 20 b‡f¤^i wZZvm M¨vm
UªvÝwgmb GÛ wWwóªweDkb †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW cÖwZwôZ nq| ZrKvjxb miKvwi cÖwZôvb wkí Dbœqb ms¯’v KZ©„K 14” e¨vm m¤úbœ
58 gvBj `xN© wZZvm-†Wgiv mÂvjb cvBcjvBb wbg©v‡Yi ci 1968 mv‡ji 28 GwcÖj wmw×iMÄ Zvc we`¨yr †K‡›`ª M¨vm
mieiv‡ni gva¨‡g †Kv¤úvbx evwYwR¨K Kvh©µg ïiæ K‡i| †Kv¤úvbx MV‡bi ïiæ †_‡K 90% †kqv‡ii gvwjK wQj ZrKvjxb
miKvi Ges 10%-Gi gvwjK wQj †kj A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx| 1972 mv‡ji Nationalization Order e‡j miKvwi gvwjKvbvaxb
DwjøwLZ cwigvY †kqv‡ii gvwjKvbv ¯^Z¡ evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii Dci b¨¯Í nq| Aewkó 10% †kqvi 9 AvM÷, 1975 Zvwi‡L
†kj A‡qj †Kv¤úvbxi m‡½ evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii Pzw³ Abyhvqx 1.00 (GK jÿ) cvDÛ-÷vwj©s cwi‡kv‡ai wewbg‡q †c‡Uªvevsjvi
gva¨‡g miKvwi gvwjKvbvq ¯’vbvšÍwiZ nq| 1971 mv‡j ¯^vaxbZv AR©‡bi ci G †Kv¤úvbx ïiæ‡Z 1.78 †KvwU UvKv Aby‡gvw`Z
I cwi‡kvwaZ g~jab mn‡hv‡M ivóªxq ms¯’v †c‡Uªvevsjvi AvIZvq GKwU cvewjK wjwg‡UW ‡Kv¤úvbx‡Z iƒcvšÍwiZ nq| eZ©gv‡b
†Kv¤úvbxi Aby‡gvw`Z I cwi‡kvwaZ g~jab h_vµ‡g 2,000.00 †KvwU I 989.22 †KvwU UvKv |

†Kv¤úvbxi g~j D‡Ïk¨ n‡”Q wZZvm Awafz³ GjvKvq Aew¯’Z wewfbœ †kªYxi MÖvnK‡`i g‡a¨ cÖvK…wZK M¨vm weZiY Kiv| G
D‡Ï‡k¨ M¨vm cwienb I weZi‡Yi Rb¨ cvBcjvBbmn Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K M¨vm ¯’vcbv wbg©vY, cwiPvjb I i¶Yv‡e¶Y Kvh©vejx
G †Kv¤úvbxi `vwqZ¡| wZZvm M¨vm eZ©gv‡b XvKv, bvivqYMÄ, biwms`x, gywÝMÄ, gvwbKMÄ, MvRxcyi, Uv½vBj, gqgbwmsn,
Rvgvjcyi, †kicyi, †b·Kvbv I wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvq M¨vm mieiv‡ni `vwq‡Z¡ wb‡qvwRZ|

m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`,
Avwg Av‡MB D‡jøL K‡iwQ 1968 mv‡j wmw×iMÄ Zvc we`y¨r †K‡›`ª M¨vm miiiv‡ni gva¨‡g wZZvm M¨vm evwYwR¨K Kvh©µg ïiæ
K‡i| Gici †_‡K weMZ Pvi `k‡K †Kv¤úvbxi Kvh©-cwiwai e¨vcK we¯Í…wZ N‡U‡Q Ges G hveZKvj †Kv¤úvbx wbiew”Qbœfv‡e
MÖvnK‡`i Pvwn`vbyhvqx M¨vm mieivn K‡i AvmwQj| wKš‘ mv¤úªwZK mg‡q Pvwn`vi Zzjbvq M¨vm mieiv‡ni NvUwZi Kvi‡Y wZZvm
Awafz³ KwZcq GjvKvq ¯^íPvc mgm¨v weivRgvb _vKvq MÖvnK †mev wKQzUv wewNœZ n‡”Q| eZ©gv‡b †Kv¤úvbx 12,253.22
wK.wg. cvBcjvB‡bi gva¨‡g MÖvnK †mev cÖ`vb Ki‡Q, hvi g‡a¨ 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i wbwg©Z 45.84 wK.wg. cvBcjvBb AšÍf©y³|
†Kv¤úvbxi evé MÖvnK‡`i g‡a¨ 3wU mvi KviLvbv, 9 wU miKvwi Ges 25wU †emiKvwi we`y¨r †K›`ª AšÍf©y³|

weMZ cuvP eQ‡i wZZvm M¨v‡mi MÖvnK msL¨vi GKwU cwimsL¨vb wb‡Pi mviYx‡Z cÖ`vb Kiv nj:

MÖvnK msL¨v
MÖvnK ‡kªYx
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
we`y¨r 31 34 40 33 34
mvi 4 4 4 3 3
wkí 4,446 4,557 4,558 4,535 4,571
K¨vcwUf cvIqvi 943 1,043 1,043 1,043 1,058
wmGbwR 277 329 345 324 330
evwYwR¨K 10,493 10,893 10,901 10,530 10,908
AvevwmK 14,42,537 15,39,691 15,46,394 15,19,124 15,48,886
†gvU 14,58,743 15,56,563 15,63,297 15,35,592 15,65,802*

* 12wU †gŠmygx MÖvnKmn|

Dbœqb Kvh©µg I cÖKí
m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`,
Avwg GLb Dbœqb Kvh©µ‡gi GKwU msw¶ß weeiY Avcbv‡`i m¤§y‡L Dc¯’vcb KiwQ:
Dbœqb Kg©m~Px :
Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡i †Kv¤úvbx bZzb bZzb cvBcjvBb ¯’vc‡bi gva¨‡g M¨vm †bUIqvK© m¤úÖmviY K‡i‡Q| †bUIqvK© m¤úÖmviY,
mvwf©m ms‡hvM I cvBcjvBb gwWwd‡Kkb/ms¯‹vig~jK Kvh©µ‡g 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i †Kv¤úvbxi wbR¯^ A_©vq‡b me©‡gvU
29.36 †KvwU UvKv e¨‡q wbwg©Z 45.84 †gvU cvBcjvB‡bi ˆ`N©¨ 12,253.22 wK.wg.| †Kv¤úvbxi weMZ cuvP eQ‡ii
cvBcjvBb wbg©vY cwimsL¨vb wbgœiƒc:

Pipeline Construction (In Km)











Accumulated Transmission Distribution

Accumulated Distribution Total

ev¯ÍevwqZ Dbœqb Kvh©µg I cÖKí
wm‡÷g jm n«vmKiY Kvh©µg :
cÖkvmwbK KZ©„c‡ÿi wb‡`©kbv Ges wZZvm e¨e¯’vcbv KZ…©c‡¶i HKvwšÍK cÖ‡Póvq wm‡÷g jm n«vmKiY Kvh©µ‡gi D‡jøL‡hvM¨
AMÖMwZ AwR©Z n‡q‡Q| G mKj Kvh©µ‡gi AvIZvq MÖvnK Avw½bv wbqwgZfv‡e cwi`k©bKiZt Amvay MÖvnK‡`i M¨vm ms‡hvM
wew”QbœKi‡Yi gva¨‡g †Kv¤úvbxi wm‡÷g jm Kgv‡bvi j‡ÿ¨ ‡Kv¤úvbx KZ©„K cwiPvwjZ we‡kl Awfhv‡bi gva¨‡g wewfbœ
†kÖYxi 3,263wU MÖvnK Avw½bv cwi`k©b Kiv nq Ges bvbvwea Awbqg/Am½wZ cÖvwßi Kvi‡Y 40wU M¨vm ms‡hvM wew”Qbœ Kiv
nq| 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i †Kv¤úvbxi wm‡÷g j‡mi cwigvY 0.03%| Z‡e B‡Zvg‡a¨ MÖvnK KZ©„K ¯^xK…Z 1,64,803wU A‰ea
AvevwmK ms‡hvM/Pzjvi wecix‡Z 1 eQ‡ii M¨vm e¨env‡ii cwigvY we‡ePbvq ‡bqv n‡j 0.03% wm‡÷g j‡mi cwie‡Z© wm‡÷g
†MBb `uvov‡e 1.22%|

2007-08 n‡Z 2012-13 A_©eQi ch©šÍ †Kv¤úvbxi wm‡÷g jm/wm‡÷g †MBb m¤úwK©Z Z_¨ wb‡gœ cÖ`Ë nj:

wm‡÷g jm/(†MBb)
cwigvY (GgGgwmGg) kZKiv nvi
2007-08 430.09 3.39
2008-09 109.36 0.81
2009-10 (313.26) (2.14)
2010-11 (267.46) (1.82)
2011-12 (186.43) (1.39)
4.12 0.03
(173.94) * (1.22) *

* ¯^xK…Z 1,64,803wU A‰ea AvevwmK ms‡hvM/Pzjvi wecix‡Z 1 eQ‡ii M¨vm e¨env‡ii cwigvY we‡ePbvq|

A‰ea ms‡hvM ˆeaKiY msµvšÍ Z_¨ :

miKvi KZ©„K AvevwmK Lv‡Z bZzb M¨vm ms‡hvM Db¥~³Ki‡Yi †Nvlbvi ci A‰ea ms‡hvM ˆeaKi‡Yi j‡ÿ¨ KZ©„cÿ KZ©„K
†NvwlZ 20 Ryb 2013 ZvwiL ch©šÍ 1,64,803wU Pzjvq M¨vm ms‡hvM ˆeaKi‡Yi Rb¨ Av‡e`b cvIqv hvq| cÖvß Av‡e`‡bi
g‡a¨ (1) we`¨gvb ms‡hvM n‡Z nvDR jvBb ewa©Z K‡i A‰eafv‡e Pzjv e„w× Ges (2) †Kv¤úvbx KZ©„K ivBRvi D‡Ëvjb Kiv
n‡qwQj wKš‘ ms‡hvM †`qv nqwb G iKg ivBRvi n‡Z A‰eafv‡e ms‡hvM MÖnY Kiv n‡q‡Q Ggb `yÕ†kªYxi Av‡e`bKvixi
A‰ea M¨vm ms‡hvM KwZcq kZ© cÖwZcvjbmn Rwigvbv, wej, RvgvbZ BZ¨vw` Av`vq mv‡c‡ÿ ˆeaKi‡Yi KvR B‡Zvg‡a¨
ïiæ Kiv n‡q‡Q|

cvBcjvBb wbg©vY I Dbœqb Kvh©µg :

‰fie ‡cŠimfvi Aaxb wewfbœ GjvKvq 5.15 ‡KvwU UvKv e¨‡q 2” - 4” e¨vm x 50 wcGmAvBwR x 9.42 wK. wg. M¨vm
cvBcjvBb m¤úªmviY Kiv n‡q‡Q|

XvKv kni I cvk¦©eZ©x GjvKvq M¨vm mieivn/Pvc e„w×K‡í ‡Kv¤úvbxi wbR¯^/MÖvnK A_©vq‡b wb¤œewY©Z cvBcjvBb wbwg©Z n‡q‡Q :

 MÖvnK A_©vq‡b 2.75 †KvwU UvKv e¨‡q Avïwjqv wmwRGm †_‡K Avïwjqv wUweGm n‡q mvfvi wWBwc‡RW ch©šÍ 16” e¨vm
x 140 wcGmAvBwR x 13 wK. wg. weZiY jvBb ¯’vcb ;

 ‡Kv¤úvbxi A_©vq‡b XvKv kn‡ii ‡MvjvcevM,
wUKvUzwj, gMevRvi, hvÎvevox, RyivBb,
gvwbKbMi, ZuvwZevRvi, ‡k‡Li †UK,
KuvVvjevMvb, KjvevMvb, avbgwÐ, myÎvcyi,
gvZzqvBj, jvjevM, bqvevRvi, bvwRg DwÏb
†ivW, ‡nvmwb `vjvb †ivW, Lv‡R †`Iqvb
†jb, gvwbKw`, kvwšÍbMi, wm‡×k¦ix, kvwšÍevM,
wmcvnxevM, ivgcyiv, cjøex, gwbcyi, wgicyi,
k¨vgjx, Kj¨vYcyi, Kvdiæj, fvlvY‡UK,
†ZRZzwievRvi, ‡mvenvbevMmn wewfbœ GjvKvq
we`¨gvb †bUIqvK© cwieZ©b/cwiea©b/†givgZmn
wewfbœ e¨v‡mi (1”- 8”e¨vm x 50 wcGmAvBwR)
cÖvq 23 wK. wg. cvBcjvBb ¯’vcb ; Ges DEPZ DRS Gi Af¨šÍ‡i Modification I Tie-in Kvh©µg ch©‡eÿY Ki‡Qb
†Kv¤úvbxi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK cÖ‡KŠ. †gv. bIkv` Bmjvg
 MÖvnK A_©vq‡b Kzwoj wek¦‡ivW I Z`&msjMœ
GjvKvq wbg©vYvaxb d¬vBIfvi eivei 16” e¨vm x 150 wcGmAvBwR, 12”e¨vm x 150 wcGmAvBwR, 4” e¨vm x 50
wcGmAvBwR, 3” e¨vm x 50 wcGmAvBwR, 2”e¨vm x 50 wcGmAvBwR †gvU 800 wgUvi cvBcjvBb ¯’vbvšÍi/cybwb©g©vY
Kiv n‡q‡Q|

we`y¨r †K‡›`ª M¨vm mieivn Kvh©µg :

2012-13 A_©eQ‡i B‡jKwU&ªwmwU †Rbv‡ikb †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW nwicyi 412 †gMvIqvU cøv›U-G 2013 n‡Z M¨vm mieivn ïiæ
Kiv n‡q‡Q|

c~Z© Kvh©µgmg~n :
†Wgiv wmwRGm GjvKvq Aew¯’Z mxgvbv †`qvj cybwb©g©vY, wgicyi gvRvi †iv‡W Aew¯’Z †Kv¤úvbxi cwienb Awdm n‡Z
wWAviGm I Avbmvi †mW ch©šÍ IqvKI‡q wbg©vY, Mvox cvwK©s-Gi Rb¨ B‡Ui mwjsmn n¨vwis‡evb eÐ I Mvox cvwK©s †kW wbg©vY
Ges Rq‡`ecyi (wmwRGm) I `xwNeive (wUweGm)-G IqvUvi ev_ wnUv‡ii †eBR wbg©vY KvRmg~n ‡kl Kiv n‡q‡Q|

GbvwR© Gwdwm‡qwÝ welqK Kvh©µg :

‡`‡ki fwel¨r R¡vjvbx wbivcËvi ¯^v‡_© cÖvK…
wZK M¨v‡mi `ÿ e¨envi wbwðZ K‡i Gi
AcPq †iva Kiv Avgv‡`i g~j¨evb bvMwiK
`vwqZ¡| R¡vjvbx AcP‡qi KviYmg~n wPwýZ
K‡i M¨vm e¨envh© ¯’vcbvi Zvcxq `ÿZv
Dbœq‡b MÖvnK cÖwZ ¯^Zš¿fv‡e Dchy³
ms¯‹vi I iƒcvšÍ‡ii cÖ‡qvRbxq civgk©
cÖ`v‡bi j‡ÿ¨ Ryb 2011 gv‡m †Kv¤úvbx
KZ©„K ÔGbvwR© Gwdwm‡qwÝ wUgÕ MVb Kiv
nq| GbvwR© Gwdwm‡qwÝ wU‡gi m`m¨‡`i
mÿgZv e„w×i j‡ÿ¨ wZZvm M¨vm I
RvZxq R¡vjvbx wbivcËv w`em Dcj‡ÿ Av‡qvwRZ †mwgbv‡i e³e¨ ivL‡Qb †c‡Uªvevsjvi
†Pqvig¨vb Aa¨vcK W. †gv. †nv‡mb gbmyi GIZ, Bangladesh-Gi †hŠ_ D‡`¨v‡M G
†Kv¤úvbxi †gvU 25 Rb Kg©KZ©v‡K wkí

KviLvbvi eqjvi I dv‡b©‡mi Zvcxq `ÿZv Dbœq‡bi Dci 5 mßvne¨vcx m‡iRwg‡b cÖwkÿY cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q| †Kv¤úvbxi
wbR¯^ e¨‡q AIT Thailand-G 20 Rb Kg©KZ©v‡K †UKmB R¡vjvbx Ges M¨vm mieivn I weZiY e¨e¯’vq ‡Kv-‡Rbv‡ikb cÖhyw³
wel‡q `yÕmßvne¨vcx cÖwkÿY cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

MÖvnK Avw½bvq we`¨gvb M¨vm ¯’vcbvi `ÿZv hvPvB I cÖK…Z Ae¯’v wbiƒc‡Y d¬z-M¨vm GbvjvBRvi, _v‡gv©Kvcj, j¨vcUcmn
cÖ‡qvRbxq R¡vjvbx wbixÿY hš¿cvwZ ‡Kv¤úvbx KZ…©K µq Kiv n‡q‡Q| MÖvnK Avw½bvq ¯’vwcZ M¨vm ¯’vcbv, cÖ‡hvR¨ †ÿ‡Î ÷xg
jvBb, wPgwb cÖf…wZi Ae¯’vi Rwic Kvh©µg m¤úbœ K‡i Zvc AcP‡qi KviYmg~n wPwýZ Kiv I Zvcxq `ÿZv e„w×i j‡ÿ¨ 2011-
2012 A_©eQ‡i 16wU I 2012-2013 A_©eQ‡i 27wU me©‡gvU 43wU MÖvnK cÖwZôv‡bi R¡vjvbx `ÿZv Dbœq‡bi mycvwik cÖ`vb
Kiv nq| D³ 43wU cÖwZôv‡bi g‡a¨ wKQz wKQz cÖwZôvb Zvcxq ¯^í I `xN© †gqv`x `ÿZv e„w×K‡í †cÖwiZ mycvwik Abyhvqx †ek
wKQz e¨e¯’v MªnY K‡i‡Q, hv cieZ©x‡Z wUg KZ©„K cwi`k©b K‡i wbwðZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| cwi`k©bK…Z Aewkó cÖwZôvbmg~nI wU‡gi
mycvwik ev¯Íevq‡bi D‡`¨vM MªnY K‡i‡Q|

ev¯Íevqbvaxb Dbœqb Kvh©µg I cÖKí

cvBcjvBb wbg©vY Kvh©µg :
Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡i XvKv kni I cvk¦©eZ©x GjvKvq M¨vm mieivn/Pvc e„w×K‡í ev¯Íevqbvaxb cvBcjvBb wbg©vY Kvh©µgmg~n
wb¤œiƒc :
 hvÎvevox, RyivBb, gvZzqvBj, wgicyi, Kvdiæj, fvlvY‡UK, †MÐvwiqv, AvMviMuvImn wewfbœ GjvKvq 18 wK‡jvwgUvi
cvBcjvBb ¯’vcb Kvh©µg cÖwµqvaxb i‡q‡Q ;
 ebvbx †ij-Ifvi cvm I ‡gv. wRjøyi ingvb d¬vBIfvi (wgicyi-Gqvi‡cvU© d¬vBIfvi) cÖKí GjvKvq 16” e¨vm x 140
wcGmAvBwR x 264 wgUvi cvBcjvBb ¯’vcb Kvh©µg cÖwµqvaxb i‡q‡Q ;
 gywÝMÄ †Rjvi U½xevox Dc‡Rjvi †eZKv, Avãyjøvncyi I AvDUkvnx GjvKvq wewfbœ e¨v‡mi 2” - 4”e¨vm x 50
wcGmAvBwR x 5.32 wK.wg. cvBcjvBb ¯’vcb Kv‡Ri `icÎ Avnevb cÖwµqvaxb i‡q‡Q;
 wmw×iMÄ n‡Z †Mv`bvBj wUweGm ch©šÍ 16”e¨vm x 300 wcGmAvBwR x 6 wK. wg. Ges †Mv`bvBj wUweGm n‡Z cÂewU
wWAviGm ch©šÍ 12”e¨vm x 150 wcGmAvBwR x 8 wK. wg. cvBcjvBb wbg©vY Kv‡Ri `icÎ Avnev‡bi KvR Pjgvb
Av‡Q ; Ges
 wLjMvuI d¬vBIfv‡ii mvq`vev` cÖv‡šÍ cÖ¯ÍvweZ bZzb jyc eivei 10”e¨vm x 50 wcGmAvBwR x 500 wgUvi cvBcjvBb
¯’vbvšÍi/cybe©vmb Kv‡Ri `icÎ Avnev‡bi KvR Pjgvb Av‡Q|

ev¯Íevqbvaxb c~Z© Kvh©µgmg~n :

wÎkvj GgGÛAvi †÷k‡b mxgvbv †`Iqvj wbg©vY I gvwU fivUmn Avbylw½K KvR, †Mv`bvBj wWAviGm GjvKvi Rwg‡Z gvwU
fivU KvRmn Avbylw½K KvR Ges wgicyi gvRvi †iv‡W ‡Kv¤úvbxi cwienb cy‡ji Rb¨ Kvi Iqvwks i¨v¤ú wbg©vY Kvh©µg
ev¯Íevqbvaxb i‡q‡Q| †Wgiv GjvKvq Aew¯’Z wZZvm M¨vm Av`k© D”P we`¨vjq-Gi 2q Zjv feb‡K 4_© Zjvq DbœxZKiY Ges
gywÝMÄ AvÂwjK weZiY Kvh©vjq-Gi 1Zjv feb‡K 2q Zjvq DbœxZKi‡Yi Rb¨ Kvh©v‡`k cÖ`vb cÖwµqvaxb i‡q‡Q|

Supply Efficiency Improvement cÖKí :

fwel¨r M¨vm wbivcËvi ¯^v‡_© Energy Efficiency Improvement AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| AwaKvsk wkí, K¨vcwUf, evwYwR¨K I AvevwmK
MÖvnKMY M¨v‡mi m‡ev©Ëg e¨envi m¤ú‡K© mg¨K AeMZ bb| †Kv¤úvbxi AvevwmK MÖvnKMY eZ©gv‡b M¨vm e¨env‡ii cwigv‡Yi
cwie‡Z© Pzjv wfwËK GKwU wbw`©ó nv‡i wej cÖ`vb K‡ib| wgUvi bv _vKvq M¨vm e¨env‡ii cwigvY wbav©iY Kiv m¤¢e n‡”Q bv|
†Kvb †Kvb Amvay MÖvnK M¨vm Pzwi Ges Abby‡gvw`Z miÄv‡gi gva¨‡g A‰eafv‡e M¨vm e¨envi Ki‡Q| G‡Z M¨vm AcPqmn

wm‡÷g jm e„w× cv‡”Q| GQvovI wkí KviLvbvq wewfbœ †kªYxi eqjvi, †Rbv‡iUi, wi-‡ivwjs dv‡Y©m, µzwmej dv‡Y©m BZ¨vw`
M¨vm miÄvg Ges AvevwmK I evwYwR¨K †kªYxi MÖvnK KZ©„K e¨eüZ wewfbœ ai‡Yi M¨vm evY©v‡ii gva¨‡g mwVK c×wZ‡Z M¨vm
e¨envi bv Kivi d‡j M¨v‡mi cÖPzi AcPq n‡”Q| Aciw`‡K Am¤c~Y© M¨vm `n‡bi d‡j Kve©b I Kve©b g‡bv·vBW Drcbœ nq, hv
cwi‡ekMZ fvimvg¨ webó Ki‡Q| mvwe©K we‡ePbvq Gwkq Dbœqb e¨vsK (GwWwe) Ges MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi (wRIwe)-
Gi Avw_©K mnvqZvq G †Kv¤úvbxi Aax‡b “Supply Efficiency Improvement of TGTDCL” kxl©K GKwU cÖKí ev¯ÍevwqZ n‡”Q|
G cÖK‡íi †gqv` Rvbyqvwi 2010 n‡Z wW‡m¤^i 2013 ch©šÍ wba©viY Kiv n‡q‡Q| cÖK‡íi g~j j¶¨ I D‡Ïk¨ n‡”Q †Kv¤cvbxi
weZiY wm‡÷‡gi mvcøvB `¶Zv e„w×, M¨v‡mi m‡e©vËg e¨envi wbwðZKi‡Yi gva¨‡g M¨vm m¤c‡`i msi¶Y, cwi‡e‡ki Dci
weiƒc cÖwZwµqv †iva Ges wm‡÷g jm n«vmKiY| cÖK‡íi AvIZvq wbgœwjwLZ Kvh©µg ev¯Íevqbvaxb i‡q‡Q :

 UvY©-Kx wfwˇZ 8,600wU AvevwmK MÖvn‡Ki Avw½bvq wcÖ-‡cBW wgUvi ¯’vc‡bi gva¨‡g MÖvnK †mevi gvb Dbœqb Ges
M¨vm AcPq †iva Kivi j‡ÿ¨ AvnevbK…Z `ic‡Îi wecix‡Z cÖvß 5wU `ic‡Îi KvwiMwi g~j¨vqb cÖwZ‡e`b GwWwe-
Gi Aby‡gv`‡bi Rb¨ ‡cÖiY Kiv n‡q‡Q ;

 UvY©-Kx wfwˇZ 680wU †jvW Bb‡UwÝf wkí MÖvnK‡K wi‡gvU wgUvwis wm‡÷‡gi AvIZvq Avbvi j‡ÿ¨ AvnŸvbK…Z
AvšÍR©vwZK `ic‡Îi wecix‡Z cÖvß 2wU `ic‡Îi KvwiMwi g~j¨vqb cÖwµqvaxb ;

 ˆe‡`wkK Dc‡`óv wb‡qv‡Mi gva¨‡g †Kv¤cvbxi wewfbœ K¨vUvMixi MÖvnK KZ©„K e¨eüZ M¨vm miÄvg
Standardization KiZt fwel¨‡Z Energy Efficiency Improvement-Gi welq we‡ePbv K‡i Portfolio of Projects cÖYqb
Ges cÖKí ev¯Zevq‡bi †¶‡Î mvwe©K mnvqZv cÖ`vb Kivi j‡ÿ¨ B‡Zvg‡a¨ ˆe‡`wkK Dc‡`óv cÖwZôvb Pegasus
International (UK) Ltd.-‡K wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q| wb‡qvwRZ ˆe‡`wkK Dc‡`óv cÖwZôvb cÖKí Kvh©µ‡gi wewfbœ wi‡cvU©
`vwLj K‡i‡Q ;

 ¯’vbxq cÖwk¶Y cÖ`v‡bi j‡ÿ¨ evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg BÝwUwUDU (wewcAvB)-‡K g‡bvbxZ Kiv n‡q‡Q I ˆe‡`wkK cÖwk¶Y
wel‡q TOR Ges EOI GwWweÕi Aby‡gv`‡bi Rb¨ †cÖiY Kiv n‡q‡Q ; Ges

 †jvW Bb‡UwÝf wkí MÖvnK Avw½bvq wi‡gvU wgUvwis wm‡÷gmn Bwfwmhy³ UvievBb wgUvi ¯’vcb cieZ©x AviGgGm
myiÿvi j‡ÿ¨ D¤§y³ `icÎ AvnŸv‡bi gva¨‡g 525wU AviGgGm óxj K¨vwe‡bU, 100 ‡KwR wmwjs (†Kvì I‡qwìs)
g¨v‡Uwiqvj Ges 680wU wgUvi cÖ‡U±i µq Kiv n‡q‡Q|

fwel¨r Dbœqb Kvh©µg

m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`,
Avwg GLb fwel¨‡Z ev¯Íevq‡bi Rb¨ †h mKj cÖKí/Kvh©µg nv‡Z †bqv n‡q‡Q Zvi msw¶ß weeiY Avcbv‡`i AeMwZi Rb¨
Dc¯’vcb KiwQ :

cÖ¯ÍvweZ we`y¨r †K‡›`ª M¨vm mieivn Kvh©µg :

 wi‡R›U cvIqvi, †Nvovkvj 108 †gMvIqvU we`y¨r †K‡›`ª A‡±vei 2013 n‡Z M¨vm Kwgkwbs/mieivn Kvh©µg ïiæ Kiv n‡e|

 2013-14 A_©eQ‡i B‡jKwU&ªwmwU †Rbv‡ikb †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW wmw×iMÄ 335 †gMvIqvU cøv›U-G M¨vm mieiv‡ni
cwiKíbv i‡q‡Q |

cvBcjvBb wbgv©Y Kvh©µg :

 ‡Kv¤úvbxi we`¨gvb †bUIqv‡K© chv©ß M¨vm mieivn Kivi j‡ÿ¨ abyqv Mvivivb n‡Z Rq‡`ecyi (wmwRGm) ch©šÍ 20”
e¨vm x 1000 wcGmAvBwR x 30.0 wK.wg. mÂvjb jvBb wbg©v‡Yi wWwcwc Aby‡gv`b I cieZ©x Kvh©µg MÖnY |

 b›`xcvov wUweGm n‡Z 12”e¨vm x 150 wcGmAvBwR x 4.8 wK.wg cvBcjvBb Ges ivgcyiv ebkªx cÖK‡í wWAviGm
wbg©v‡Yi gva¨‡g ebkÖx, `wÿY ebkÖx, gnvbMi-gvqvKzÄ cÖKí GjvKvq 12”e¨vm x 200 wg, 10”e¨vm x 2.3 wK.wg,
8”e¨vm x 15 wK.wg Ges 4”e¨vm x 84 wg. I 3”e¨vm x 6 wg. x 50 wcGmAvBwR cvBcjvBb ¯’vc‡bi gva¨‡g mswkøó
GjvKvmg~‡n weZiY e¨e¯’v Dbœqb|

 XvKv kni I Z`&msjMœ wewfbœ GjvKvq ¯^íPvc mgm¨v mgvav‡bi Rb¨ 1” n‡Z 8”e¨vm-Gi cvBcjvBb ¯’vcb|

c~Z© I Af¨šÍixY mvRm¾v Kvh©µg :

‡Kv¤úvbxi cÖavb Kvh©vjq fe‡bi wfAvBwc †d¬vimn wewfbœ Zjvi Af¨šÍixY mvRm¾vi KvR, †Wgivi †K›`ªxq fvÐv‡ii Rb¨
K‡¤úvwRU ÷xj ÷ªvKPvi Ges fvÐvi msjMœ Awdm feb wbg©vY, Rq‡`ecyi¯’ Awdm feb wbg©vY, wgicyi gvRvi †iv‡W Awdm
feb wbg©vY Ges wZZvm Awafz³ wewfbœ GjvKvq †Kv¤úvbxi wbR¯^ Rwg‡Z mxgvbv cÖvPxi wbg©vY I gvwU fivU KvRmg~n ev¯Íevqb
Kiv n‡e|

Certified Emission Reductions (CER) cÖKí :

Rjevqy cwieZ©b msµvšÍ Kyoto Protocol-Gi AvIZvq

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) n‡”Q Green
House Gas (GHG) wbtmiY n«vm Kivi GKwU AvšÍR©vwZK
cÖhyw³| G cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g DbœZ †`kmg~n Dbœqbkxj
†`kmg~n n‡Z Certified Emission Reductions (CER)
BDwbU µq K‡i _v‡K| ‡Wbgv‡K©i Nordysk Elhandel
(NE) Climate A/S †Kv¤úvbx Av‡jvP¨ cÖKí ev¯Íevq‡b
wZZvm M¨vm †Kv¤úvbx‡K Avw_©K mnvqZv cÖ`vb Ki‡Q|
G cÖK‡íi gva¨‡g wZZvm M¨v‡mi f~-Dcwifv‡M
¯’vwcZ ¯’vcbvmg~n (MÖvnK AviGgGm I ivBRvi,
wmwRGm, wWAviGm BZ¨vw`) n‡Z GHG (wg‡_b I Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) cÖhyw³i AvIZvq Certified Emission
Ab¨vb¨) wbtmiY n«vm Kiv m¤¢e n‡e| G‡Z †Kv¤úvbx Reductions (CER) cÖKí AšÍfz©w³i j‡ÿ¨ Av‡qvwRZ ’Stakeholder’s Consultation’
M¨vm wj‡KR n«v‡mi gva¨‡g Rjevqy cwieZ©b msµvšÍ Abyôv‡b e³e¨ ivL‡Qb †Kv¤úvbxi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK cÖ‡KŠ. †gv. bIkv` Bmjvg
AvšÍR©vwZK gvb AR©‡b mÿgZv AR©b Ki‡e|
weMZ 6 wW‡m¤^i 2012 Zvwi‡L NE Climate A/S-Gi m‡½ †Kv¤úvbxi GKwU ÒCERs Project InvestmentÓ Pzw³cÎ m¤úvw`Z
n‡q‡Q| weMZ 12-02-2013 n‡Z 20-02-2013 ZvwiL ch©šÍ m¤úvw`Z Feasibility Study †gvZv‡eK cÖKíwU AvevwmK
†kÖYxfy³ MªvnK‡`i Rb¨ Feasible e‡j cÖZxqgvb nq| cÖKíwUi Project Design Document (PDD) cÖYq‡bi KvR cÖwµqvaxb

Z_¨ cÖhyw³ Dbœqb Kvh©µg

IT System-Gi AvaywbKvqb :

eZ©gvb miKvi wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k Movi cÖZ¨‡q Vision-2021 w¯’i K‡i‡Q| †m j‡ÿ¨ wZZvm M¨v‡mi IT System-Gi
AvaywbKvq‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ ‡Kv¤úvbxi wkí, evwYwR¨K, wmGbwR, K¨vcwUf cvIqvi I wgUvihy³ AvevwmK MÖvnK‡`i wewjs wm‡÷g
(nvW©Iqvi I md&UIqvimn) Integrated Accounting System, HR AvaywbKvq‡bi Kvh©µg MÖn‡Yi D‡Ï‡k¨ BUET-†K civgk©K
wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q| ch©vqµ‡g †Kv¤úvbxi mKj AvÂwjK weµq Kvh©vj‡qi mv‡_ cÖavb Kvh©vj‡q ¯’vwcZe¨ mvf©v‡ii ms‡hvM
¯’vc‡bi cwiKíbv Av‡Q| Gi gva¨‡g Online-G wZZvm M¨v‡mi MÖvnK‡`i ¯^ ¯^ wnmve †`Lvi e¨e¯’v MªnY Kiv n‡”Q| Online-G

wZZvm M¨v‡mi wkí, evwYwR¨K, wgUvihy³ AvevwmK, K¨vcwUf cvIqvi, wmGbwR MÖvnKMY Zv‡`i MÖvnK ms‡KZ b¤^i Entry
K‡i e‡Kqv wejmg~‡ni Issue date, Due date, Invoice Amount-mn †gvU e‡Kqvi cwigvY Rvb‡Z cvi‡eb| GQvovI AvevwmK
MÖvnKMY Online-G †µwWU Kv‡W©i gva¨‡g M¨vm wej cwi‡kva Ki‡Z cvi‡eb|

wecYb I Acv‡ikbvj Kvh©µg

m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`,
Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡ii wecYb I Acv‡ikbvj Kvh©µ‡gi GKwU msw¶ß weeiYx Avcbv‡`i AeMwZi Rb¨ Dc¯’vcb KiwQ:

M¨vm µq I weµq :
‡Kv¤úvbxi wecYb e¨e¯’vq M¨v‡mi Pvwn`v _vK‡jI RvZxq ch©v‡q Drcv`b NvUwZ _vKvq ‡c‡Uªvevsjvi eivÏ Abymv‡i 2012-13
A_©eQ‡i M¨vm µq I weµq Df‡qi j¶¨gvÎv 14,404.00 wgwjqb NbwgUvi wba©viY Kiv nq| Gi wecix‡Z cÖK…Z M¨vm µq
I weµ‡qi cwigvY h_vµ‡g 14,247.78 I 14,236.42 wgwjqb NbwgUvi|

weMZ cuvP eQ‡ii MÖvnKwfwËK M¨vm µq-weµ‡qi cwimsL¨vb cÖ`wk©Z nj :


2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

MÖvnK †kªYx
µq weµq µq weµq µq weµq µq weµq µq weµq

we`y¨r (miKvwi) 3,426.43 3,395.68 3,661.78 3,738.42 3,368.99 3,111.93 1,750.62 1,769.37 1,743.98 1,747.94
2,175.23 2,156.17 2,249.02 2,294.46 2,108.08 2,458.64 2,688.20 2,720.77 2,892.48 2,891.92
mvi 1,015.07 1,005.82 998.46 1,016.03 995.69 1,009.61 634.01 643.97 692.70 690.18

wkí 2,442.17 2,421.62 2,712.39 2,769.99 2,857.87 2,905.24 2,942.50 2,982.02 3,174.91 3,169.25

K¨vcwUf cvIqvi 2,284.43 2,265.41 2,633.62 2,690.48 2,876.48 2,924.54 2,926.89 2,967.19 3,239.55 3,235.50

wmGbwR 604.70 599.76 698.50 713.56 706.66 717.88 698.07 707.98 686.78 686.36

evwYwR¨K 136.48 135.36 142.64 145.60 146.34 148.75 144.64 146.57 151.02 150.72

AvevwmK 1,474.46 1,461.94 1,561.97 1,594.39 1,675.21 1,715.90 1,641.34 1663.06 1,666.36 1,664.55

†gvU 13,558.97 13,441.76 14,658.39 14,962.94 14,735.32 14,992.50 13,426.29 13,600.96 14,247.78 14,236.42

M¨vm mieivn Ges mieivn cwiw¯’wZ Dbœq‡b M„nxZ e¨e¯’vw` :

evsjv‡`‡k eZ©gv‡b 5wU M¨vm wecYb †Kv¤úvbx ¯^ ¯^ AvIZvaxb GjvKvq cvBcjvBb †bUIqvK© ¯’vc‡bi gva¨‡g MªvnK‡`i
Avw½bvq M¨vm mieivn K‡i _v‡K| Gi g‡a¨ wZZvm M¨vm †Kv¤úvbx †`‡k Drcvw`Z †gvU M¨v‡mi cÖvq `yB-Z…Zxqvsk wecYb

2012-13 A_©eQ‡i G †Kv¤úvbxi AvIZvaxb wecYb GjvKvq M¨v‡mi ˆ`wbK m‡e©v”P Pvwn`v 1,800 wgwjqb Nbdz‡Ui wecix‡Z
‰`wbK M¨vm cªvwßi cwigvY 1,400-1,450 wgwjqb NbdzU| G‡Z ‰`wbK cÖvq 350-400 wgwjqb NbdzU M¨v‡mi NvUwZ i‡q‡Q|
G Kvi‡Y XvKv knimn wZZvm Awafz³ ‡ek wKQy GjvKvq wewfbœ †kÖYxi MÖvn‡Ki M¨v‡mi ¯^í Pvc mgm¨v cwijwÿZ nq| M¨vm
mieivn cwiw¯’wZ Dbœq‡b wb¤œewY©Z e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kiv n‡q‡Q :

 MÖvnK e¨‡q Avïwjqv wmwRGm †_‡K Avïwjqv wUweGm n‡q mvfvi wWBwc‡RW ch©šÍ 16”e¨v‡mi 13 wK. wg. weZiY jvBb
¯’vcb Kivq mvfvi wWBwc‡RW I Z`&msjMœ GjvKvq M¨vm mieivn e„w× ‡c‡q‡Q|

 XvKv kn‡ii †MvjvcevM, wUKvUzwj, gMevRvi, hvÎvevox, RyivBb, gvwbKbMi, ZuvwZevRvi, ‡k‡Li†UK, KuvVvjevMvb,
KjvevMvb, avbgwÐ, myÎvcyi, gvZzqvBj, jvjevM, bqvevRvi, bvwRg DwÏb †ivW, †nvmwb `vjvb †ivW, Lv‡R †`Iqvb
†jb, gvwbKw`, kvwšÍbMi, wm‡×k¦ix, kvwšÍevM, wmcvnxevM, ivgcyiv, cjøex, gwbcyyi, wgicyi, k¨vgjx, Kj¨vYcyi, Kvdiæj,
fvlvY‡UK, †ZRZzwi evRvi, ‡mvenvbevM, ‡MÐvwiqv, AvMviMuvImn wewfbœ GjvKvq we`¨gvb †bUIqvK© cwieZ©b/
cwiea©b/†givgZmn wewfbœ e¨v‡mi 23 wK. wg. cvBcjvBb ¯’vcb Kivq D³ GjvKvmg~‡n M¨vm mieivn e„w× †c‡q‡Q|

 G QvovI Pjgvb M¨vm msKU †gvKv‡ejvi j‡ÿ¨ weMZ eQ‡ii b¨vq PjwZ A_©eQ‡i mviv‡`‡k Holiday Staggering Kvh©µ‡gi
AvIZvq mßv‡n GK-GK w`b GK-GK GjvKvq Interruptible wkí I K¨vcwUf cvIqvi †kªYxi MªvnK Avw½bvq M¨vm e¨envi
eÜ ivLv n‡q‡Q| wmGbwR †÷kbmg~n cÖwZw`b we‡Kj 5Uv †_‡K ivZ 9Uv ch©šÍ Ges igRvb gv‡m we‡Kj 3Uv †_‡K ivZ
9Uv ch©šÍ eÜ ivLv Ae¨vnZ i‡q‡Q| GQvov Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡i ïay igRvb gv‡mi Rb¨ wi-‡ivwjs I w÷j wgjmg~‡n we‡Kj
5Uv †_‡K ivZ 10Uv ch©šÍ Ges Pyb KviLvbvmg~‡n 3wU fvwÆi g‡a¨ 2wU fvwƇZ M¨vm e¨envi eÜ ivLvq Gi mydj we`y¨rmn
Acivci MÖvnKiv ‡c‡q‡Qb|

Avw_©K Kvh©µg
m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`,
Avwg GLb Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡ii Avw_©K Kg©Kv‡Ði GKwU msw¶ß weeiYx Avcbv‡`i AeMwZi Rb¨ Dc¯’vcb KiwQ:
ivR¯^ I Av`vq :
Avwg Avb‡›`i m‡½ Rvbvw”Q †h, 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i †Kv¤úvbx †gvU 14,236.42 wgwjqb NbwgUvi M¨vm weµq K‡i 7,395.12
†KvwU UvKv Ges wgUvi fvov I my`mn me©‡gvU 7,462.55 †KvwU UvKv ivR¯^ Avq K‡i‡Q| G Av‡qi cwigvY 2011-12 A_©eQ‡i
wQj 7,137.52 †KvwU UvKv| A_©vr ivR¯^ Avq Lv‡Z cÖe„w×i nvi 4.55 kZvsk|
2012-13 A_©eQ‡i 7,462.55 †KvwU UvKv ivR¯^ Av‡qi wecix‡Z e‡Kqv ivR¯^mn 7,224.18 †KvwU UvKv Av`vq n‡q‡Q, hv
eZ©gvb eQ‡ii cvIbvi Zzjbvq 238.37 †KvwU UvKv Kg| MÖvnKwfwËK weµq I Av`v‡qi Z_¨ wb‡¤œ †`Lv‡bv nj :
(†KvwU UvKv)
2012-13 2011-12
MÖvnK ‡kÖYx weµq I weµq I
Av`vq (Kg)/‡ekx Av`vq (Kg)/‡ekx
Ab¨vb¨ cvIbv Ab¨vb¨ cvIbv
we`y¨r (miKvwi) 492.92 409.73 (83.19) 499.66 517.91 18.25
we`y¨r (‡emiKvwi) 884.61 883.61 (1.00) 828.12 817.61 (10.51)
mvi 178.07 201.24 23.17 166.41 211.64 45.23
wkí 1,846.36 1,772.10 (74.26) 1,737.48 1,764.18 26.70
K¨vcwUf cvIqvi 1,323.13 1,244.86 (78.27) 1,207.81 1.191.36 (16.45)
wmGbwR 1,611.12 1,573.18 (37.94) 1,588.79 1,515.30 (73.49)
evwYwR¨K 148.03 141.46 (6.57) 142.17 137.43 (4.74)
AvevwmK 978.31 998.00 19.71 967.08 989.07 21.99
me©‡gvU 7,462.55 7,224.18 (238.37) 7,137.52 7,144.50 6.98

Av‡jvP¨ eQ‡i wkí GjvKvq kÖwgK Am‡šÍv‡li Kvi‡Y e‡Kqv cvIbv A_© Av`v‡q h_vmg‡q Kvh©Kix c`‡ÿc MÖnY Kiv m¤¢e
nqwb| GQvovI miKvwi we`y¨r I mvi KviLvbvi wbKU cvIbvi wecix‡Z D‡jøL‡hvM¨ cwigvY A_© cvIqv hvqwb| d‡j evé
MªvnKmn cÖvq mKj †kÖYxi MÖvn‡Ki e‡Kqv e„w× †c‡q‡Q|

MÖvn‡Ki wbKU †_‡K e‡Kqv A_© Av`v‡qi j‡ÿ¨ 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i 95wU bZzb gvgjv (A_©, †`Iqvbx, ‡dŠR`vix, cÖkvmwbK,
ixU I Ab¨vb¨ gvgjvmg~n) `v‡qi I 111wU gvgjv wb®úwË n‡q‡Q| eZ©gv‡b wePvivaxb gvgjvi msL¨v 1,212wU| 2011-12
A_©eQ‡i wePvivaxb gvgjvi msL¨v wQj 1,290wU| Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡i gvgjvaxb MÖvnKM‡Yi wbKU n‡Z 10.29 †KvwU UvKv Av`vq
n‡q‡Q, hvi cwigvY weMZ eQ‡i wQj 11.84 †KvwU UvKv|

Avw_©K djvdj :
c~e©eZx© A_©eQ‡ii m‡½ Zzjbvg~jK Avw_©K djvdj wb‡gœ Dc¯’vcb Kiv nj :
(‡KvwU UvKv)

weeiY 2012-13 2011-12 (n«vm)/e„w×

cwi‡kvwaZ g~jab 989.22 942.12 47.10

ivR¯^ mwÂwZ 3,280.73 2,368.85 911.88

`xN©‡gqv`x `vq 1,053.09 1,022.64 30.45

PjwZ `vq 2,408.38 2,826.52 (418.14)

`xN©‡gqv`x wewb‡qvM 3,410.89 3,052.30 358.59

¯’vqx m¤ú` 1,104.55 1,170.09 (65.54)

PjwZ m¤ú` 3,521.70 3,243.09 278.61

weµq I Ab¨vb¨ Avq 7,521.27 7,233.99 287.28

wewµZ c‡Y¨i µq g~j¨ 6,303.91 5,981.31 322.60

‡gvU jvf 1,158.64 1,156.21 2.43

cÖkvmwbK LiP 348.25 312.26 35.99

my`Lv‡Z Avq (bxU) 418.76 320.81 97.95

Ki cieZx© gybvdv 909.64 891.21 18.43

‡kqvi cÖwZ Avq (UvKv) 9.20 9.01 0.19

weMZ A_©eQ‡i 5% †evbvm †kqvi Aby‡gv`‡bi †cÖwÿ‡Z cwi‡kvwaZ g~jab 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i 47.10 †KvwU UvKv e„w× †c‡q
989.22 †KvwU UvKvq DbœxZ n‡q‡Q| ‡NvwlZ jf¨vsk eZ©gvb A_©eQ‡i ivR¯^ mwÂwZ n‡Z ¯’vbvšÍi bv Kiv Ges Ki cieZ©x
gybvdv AšÍf©yw³i d‡j 911.88 †KvwU UvKv ivR¯^ mwÂwZ e„w× †c‡q‡Q|

cÖkvmwbK gš¿Yvj‡qi wm×v‡šÍi †cÖwÿ‡Z M¨vm UªvÝwgmb †Kv¤úvbx wjt-†K 277.29 †KvwU UvKv `xN© ‡gqv`x FY cÖ`vb Kiv
n‡q‡Q| Av‡jvP¨ eQ‡i M¨vm ms‡hvM cÖ`vb eÜ _vK‡jI RvZxqfv‡e M¨vm Drcv`b e„w×i cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z weMZ eQ‡ii Zzjbvq
PjwZ A_©eQ‡i weµq e„w×i cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z M¨vm µ‡qi cwigvY e„w× cvq| wKš‘ weMZ eQ‡ii wm‡÷g †MB‡bi cwie‡Z© Av‡jvP¨
eQ‡i wm‡÷g j‡mi d‡j µq LiP Zzjbvg~jKfv‡e e„w× †c‡q‡Q| d‡j ¯’zj gybvdv (Gross Profit) Kvw•LZ cwigvY e„w× cvqwb|
Z‡e e¨vsK my` Lv‡Z Avq weMZ eQ‡ii Zzjbvq 97.95 †KvwU UvKv e„w× †c‡q‡Q | Ab¨ w`‡K bZzb Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix wb‡qvM,
†cbkb Znwe‡j GKKvjxb gÄyix cÖ`v‡bi d‡j ivR¯^ e¨q wKQzUv e„w× cIqvq Ki cieZ©x gybvdv 18.43 †KvwU UvKv e„w×

Ki c~e© I Ki cieZ©x wbU gybvdv :

Avcbviv †R‡b Lywk n‡eb †h, MÖvnK ms‡hvM eÜ, wkí GjvKvq kÖwgK Am‡šÍvl m‡Ë¡I wZZvm M¨vm 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i Avw_©K
wewfbœ †ÿ‡Î D‡jøL‡hvM¨ mvdj¨ AR©b K‡i‡Q| 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i ‡Kv¤úvbxi AwR©Z Ki c~e© I Ki cieZ©x gybvdvi cwigvY
h_vµ‡g 1,226.54 I 909.64 †KvwU UvKv| hvi cwigvY weMZ eQ‡i wQj h_vµ‡g 1,201.17 I 891.21 †KvwU UvKv|
Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡i ‡kqvi cÖwZ Avq 9.20 UvKv hv weMZ eQ‡i wQj 9.01 UvKv (mgš^qK…Z)|

jf¨vsk :
†Kv¤úvbxi 32Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvi Aby‡gv`b mv‡c‡¶ cwiPvjKgÐjx KZ©„K 2012-13 A_©eQ‡ii Rb¨ 10.00 UvKv
g~j¨gv‡bi cÖwZwU †kqv‡ii wecix‡Z 35% bM` jf¨vsk †NvlYvi mycvwik Kiv n‡q‡Q| A_©vr 10.00 UvKv g~j¨gv‡bi cÖwZwU
†kqv‡ii wecix‡Z †NvwlZ jf¨vs‡ki cwigvY 3.50 UvKv|

A¯^vfvweK jvf/ÿwZ :
Av‡jvP¨ eQ‡ii Avw_©K weeiYx‡Z †Kvb A¯^vfvweK jvf/ÿwZ cÖ`wk©Z nqwb|

mswkøó c‡ÿi mv‡_ m¤úvw`Z Kvh©vw` :

evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii AMÖvwaKvig~jK Pjgvb cÖKí ev¯Íevqbv‡_© A_©vq‡bi Rb¨ A_© gš¿Yvj‡qi wm×v‡šÍi cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z
†c‡Uªvevsjv‡K 100.00 †KvwU UvKv my` wenxb ¯^í †gqv`x FY cÖ`vb Kiv nq|

M¨vm UªvÝwgkb †Kv¤úvbx wjt (wRwUwmGj)-Gi Aax‡b 1,650.39 †KvwU UvKv e¨‡q weweqvbv-abyqv 36” e¨v‡mi 138 wK‡jvwgUvi
cvBcjvBb wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ cÖKí MÖnY Kiv n‡q‡Q| cÖK‡íi e¨q wbe©v‡ni Rb¨ wRwUwmGj I †c‡Uªvevsjvmn Dnvi Aaxb¯Í 6wU
†Kv¤úvbxi Znwej n‡Z ms¯’v‡bi Rb¨ miKvi KZ©„K wm×všÍ M„nxZ nq| cÖ‡qvRbxq Znwe‡ji g‡a¨ wZZvm M¨vm †Kv¤úvbx‡K
2% my‡` 378.00 †KvwU UvKv `xN© †gqv‡` FY cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ †c‡Uªvevsjv wb‡`©kbv cÖ`vb K‡i| D³ wb‡`©kbvi Av‡jv‡K Av‡jvP¨
A_©eQ‡i wRwUwmGj-‡K 277.29 †KvwU UvKv FY cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

‰ÎgvwmK I evwl©K Avw_©K weeiYxi g‡a¨ D‡jøL‡hvM¨ cv_©K¨ :

2012-13 A_©eQ‡ii P~ovšÍ wnmve I ˆÎgvwmK wnmvemg~‡ni g‡a¨ D‡jøL‡hvM¨ †Kvb cv_©K¨ †bB|

cwiPvjKgÐjxi m¤§vbxfvZv :
‡Kv¤úvbxi gvbbxq cwiPvjKgÐjxÕ‡K †evW© mfvq Dcw¯’wZi wfwˇZ wbw`©ó nv‡i m¤§vbx cÖ`vb Kiv nq|

miKvwi †KvlvMv‡i A_© cÖ`vb :

wZZvm M¨vm †Kv¤úvbx gybvdv AR©‡bi gva¨‡g jf¨vsk cÖ`vb QvovI miKvwi †KvlvMv‡i wbqwgZ ïé, wWGmGj I Ki cwi‡kva
K‡i RvZxq A_©bxwZ‡Z D‡jøL‡hvM¨ Ae`vb †i‡L hv‡”Q|

weMZ cuvP eQ‡i miKvwi †KvlvMv‡i wZZvm M¨v‡mi Avw_©K Ae`v‡bi cwimsL¨vb wb‡gœ D‡jøL Kiv nj :
(†KvwU UvKv)

LvZ 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

jf¨vsk 106.54 173.44 160.59 211.98 259.67

K‡c©v‡iU AvqKi 159.26 195.25 262.74 312.44 393.01

wWGmGj 56.73 52.67 51.75 44.16 48.11

Avg`vbx ïé I g~mK 15.70 9.10 13.70 6.04 15.55

†gvU 338.23 430.46 488.78 574.62 716.34

MÖvnK‡`i cÖZ¨vqbcÎ cÖ`vb :

MÖvnK nqivwb cwinvi Ges e‡Kqv cvIbvi cwigvY wbwðZKi‡Yi ¯^v‡_© cÖwZ cwÄKveQi †k‡l †Kv¤úvbx n‡Z mKj †kªYxi
MÖvn‡Ki wbKU cÖZ¨vqbcÎ †cÖiY Kiv n‡”Q| †m †gvZv‡eK 31 wW‡m¤^i 2012 ch©šÍ Òe‡Kqv M¨vm we‡ji cwigvYÓ/
Òe‡Kqv cvIbv †bBÓ wfwˇZ cvIbv wn‡me K‡i mKj †kªYxi MÖvn‡Ki wbKU †gvU 6,70,136wU cÖZ¨vqbcÎ Bmy¨ Kiv
n‡q‡Q (100% MÖvnK) |

cÖkvmwbK Kvh©µg
m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`,
†Kv¤úvbxi mvwe©K DbœwZ wbf©i K‡i `„p I myôz cÖkvmwbK e¨e¯’vi Dci| M¨vm †m±‡ii cÖ_g I cÖavb wecYb †Kv¤úvbx
wn‡m‡e wZZvm M¨vm DbœZZi MÖvnK‡mev cÖ`v‡bi ¸iæZ¡ Abyaveb K‡i me©‡kl 2007 mv‡j ms‡kvwaZ mvsMVwbK KvVv‡gv
cÖeZ©b K‡i‡Q| GQvov †Kv¤úvbx‡Z Kg©Pvix PvKzwi cÖweavbgvjv-2008 cÖeZ©b, Kg©KZ©v-Kg©PvixM‡Yi c‡`vbœwZ †hvM¨Zv
g~j¨vq‡bi Rb¨ c‡`vbœwZi gvb`Ð I bxwZgvjv msµvšÍ cwicÎ-2008, ‡Kv¤úvbxi Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix‡`i Kj¨v‡Y FY/
AMÖxg cÖ`vbv‡_© M„n wbg©vY/Rwg µq/d¬¨vU µq FY bxwZgvjv-2010 Ges `vßwiK Kv‡R ågYfvZv cÖ`v‡bi j‡ÿ¨ GgcøqxR
ågYfvZv cÖweavbgvjv-2012 cÖYqb Kiv n‡q‡Q| Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡i †Kv¤úvbxi cÖkvmwbK Kvh©µ‡gi weeiY wb‡gœ
Dc¯’vcb Kiv nj :

Rbkw³ :
†Kv¤úvbxi mvsMVwbK KvVv‡gv-2007 Abyhvqx †gvU Rbej 3,629 R‡bi g‡a¨ Kg©KZ©vi msL¨v 1,181 Rb I Kg©Pvixi
msL¨v 2,448 Rb| Aby‡gvw`Z †gvU Rbe‡ji g‡a¨ 30 Ryb 2013 ch©šÍ 1,098 Rb Kg©KZ©v Ges 1,381 Rb Kg©Pvix
A_©vr ‡gvU 2,479 Rb Kg©iZ wQj| D‡jøL¨ 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i 64 Rb Kg©KZ©v‡K wb‡qvM cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q| GQvovI
Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡i Z…Zxq c‡ÿi (Outsourcing) gva¨‡g †gvU 344 Rb Kg©Pvix Ges ˆ`wbK wfwˇZ 133 Rb Kg©Pvix
wb‡qvwRZ wQ‡jb| Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡i 1 Rb Kg©KZ©v I 2 Rb Kg©Pvix †gvU 3 Rb Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix †¯^”Qvq Aemi MÖnY
K‡ib Ges 3 Rb Kg©KZ©v I 13 Rb Kg©Pvix g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib| 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i 154 Rb Kg©KZ©v‡K wewfbœ c‡`, 33
Rb Kg©Pvix‡K mnKvix Kg©KZ©v c‡` Ges 48 Rb Kg©Pvix‡K cieZx© D”PZi †¯‹‡j/c‡` c‡`vbœwZ cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

weMZ 5 eQ‡ii Kg©KZ©v c‡` wb‡qvM msµvšÍ Z_¨ wb‡¤œ †`qv nj :

1g †kªYxi Kg©KZ©v wb‡qv‡Mi msL¨v 2q †kªYxi Kg©KZ©v wb‡qv‡Mi msL¨v

mb (mnKvix e¨e¯’vcK/mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx) (mnKvix Kg©KZ©v/ Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx)
mvaviY wnmve KvwiMwi mvaviY wnmve KvwiMwi
2008-09 9 8 11 - - - 28
2009-10 1 1 7 - - - 9
2010-11 - - - - - - -
2011-12 11 16 41 10 11 25 114
2012-13 10 10 15 11 8 10 64
†gvU 31 35 74 21 19 35 215

gvbe m¤ú` Dbœqb:

†Kv¤úvbxi Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix‡`i Kg©¶gZvi Dbœqb I Zv‡`i AwfÁZvi myôz cÖ‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î cÖwk¶‡Yi ¸iæZ¡ Acwimxg|
‡Kv¤úvbxi wbR¯^ A_©vq‡b Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡i †`‡ki Af¨šÍ‡i wewfbœ cÖwZôv‡b 65wU ¯’vbxq cÖwk¶Y †Kv‡m© 265 Rb (Kg©KZ©v
254, Kg©Pvix 11) I 9wU ˆe‡`wkK cÖwk¶‡Y 96 Rb Kg©KZ©v Ges 2wU ¯’vbxq †mwgbv‡i 2 Rb Kg©KZ©v AskMÖnY K‡ib| gvbe
m¤ú‡`i mwVK e¨envi wbwðZK‡í eZ©gvb miKv‡ii wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k Movi ¯^cœ ev¯Íevq‡bi Ask wn‡m‡e †Kv¤úvbxi gvbe
m¤ú` Dbœqb wefv‡Mi Kvh©µg AvaywbKxKiY I MwZkxj Kivi D‡Ï‡k¨ 22 Rvbyqvwi 2009 Zvwi‡L Titas Gas Human Resource
Information System (TGHRIS) Pvjy Kiv n‡q‡Q| G wm‡÷g e¨envi K‡i †Kv¤úvbxi Kg©KZ©v‡`i mKj Z_¨vw` msiÿY Kiv

weMZ 5 eQ‡ii ˆe‡`wkK cÖwkÿY msµvšÍ Z_¨ wb‡¤œ †`qv nj :

‰e‡`wkK cÖwkÿY(AskMÖnYKvixi msL¨v)

mb ‡gvU
Av‡gwiKv KvbvWv d«vÝ Bivb _vBj¨vÛ biI‡q fviZ gvj‡qwkqv Rvcvb Pxb BDGB

2008-09 - - - 1 4 - - 1 - - 2 8
2009-10 - - - - 23 1 - 10 - - 19 53
2010-11 5 - - - 87 - - 1 6 4 - 103
2011-12 3 - 3 - 70 - 2 1 - - - 79
2012-13 6 23 - - 63 - - - - 4 - 96
‡gvU 14 23 3 1 247 1 2 13 6 8 21 339

kªwgK e¨e¯’vcbv m¤úK© :

Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡i †Kv¤úvbxi kªwgK e¨e¯’vcbv m¤úK© LyeB m‡šÍvlRbK wQj| †Kv¤úvbx‡Z we`¨gvb 4wU †iwR÷vW© Kg©Pvix
BDwbq‡bi †bZ…e„›` MÖvnK †mevi gvb Dbœqb, wm‡÷g jm n«vmKiY, miKvwi ivR¯^ Av`v‡q ‡Kv¤úvbxi mybvg AÿzYœ ivLvi j‡ÿ¨
e¨e¯’vcbv KZ…©cÿ‡K Ae¨vnZfv‡e mn‡hvwMZv Ki‡Qb Ges fwel¨‡Z GK‡hv‡M KvR Kivi A½xKvi e¨³ K‡ib |

mvgvwRK `vqe×Zv (Corporate Social Responsibility) :
cÖvwZôvwbK mvgvwRK `vqe×Zvi AvIZvq †Kv¤úvbx KZ©„K eªvþYevoxqvq U‡b©‡Wvq ÿwZMÖ¯’‡`i Avw_©K Aby`vb wn‡m‡e 8.00
jÿ UvKv cÖ`vb Kiv nq|
wkÿv Kvh©µg :
1987 mv‡j wZZvm M¨vm wUGÛwW
†Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW-Gi D‡`¨v‡M
XvKvi †Wgivq ÒwZZvm M¨vm Av`k©
D”P we`¨vjqÓ cÖwZwôZ nq| d‡j
†Kv¤úvbxi Kg©KZ©v I Kg©PvixM‡Yi
mšÍvbmn ¯’vbxq Awaevmx‡`i mšÍv‡bivI
gvb m¤úbœ wk¶v jv‡fi my‡hvM cv‡”Q|
cÖwZôvjMœ n‡Z G we`¨vjq 5g I 8g
†kÖYxi e„wË cix¶vmn Gm.Gm.wm.
cix¶vq K…wZZ¡cY~ © djvdj AR©b K‡i
Avm‡Q| we`¨vjqwU mvd‡j¨i mv‡_ G
eQ‡i 25 eQ‡i c`vc©Y K‡i‡Q| 25
eQi c~wZ© Dcj‡¶ MZ 29 wW‡m¤^i
2012 Zvwi‡L we`¨vj‡qi cÖv³b I
eZ©gvb QvÎ-QvÎx, AwffveKGes
Avgwš¿Z Aw_wZe„‡›`i Dcw¯’wZ‡Z wZZvm M¨vm Av`k© D”P we`¨vjq-Gi 25 eQi c~wZ© Dcj‡ÿ Av‡qvwRZ iRZ RqšÍx Abyôvb
ÔiRZ RqšÍxÕ Abyôvb cvjb Kiv nq|
‡Wgiv GjvKvq fvj gv‡bi D”P gva¨wgK we`¨vjq bv _vKvq QvÎQvÎx‡`i Kó K‡i `~‡ii cÖwZôv‡b wM‡q covïbv Ki‡Z nq|
†m w`KwU we‡ePbv K‡i Ges miKvi KZ©„K RvZxq wk¶vbxwZ-2010 ev¯ÍevqbK‡í we`¨gvb gva¨wgK we`¨vjqÕ‡K D”P gva¨wgK
ch©v‡q iƒcvšÍ‡ii cwiKíbv MÖnY Kiv n‡q‡Q|
2013 mv‡j †gvU 80 Rb QvÎ-QvÎx Gm.Gm.wm. cix¶vq AskMÖnY K‡i mK‡jB K…ZKvh© nq| AskMÖnYKvix QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i g‡a¨ 25
Rb ÔG+Õ, 49 Rb ÔGÕ Ges 6 Rb ÔG-Õ †MÖ‡W DËxY© n‡q‡Q| 2012 mv‡ji Rywbqi ¯‹jz mvwU©wd‡KU (†R.Gm.wm) cix¶vq †gvU 90 Rb
QvÎQvÎx AskMÖnY K‡i mK‡jB K…ZKvh© nq| AskMÖnYKvix QvÎQvÎx‡`i g‡a¨ 15 Rb ÔG+Õ, 78 Rb ÔGÕ ‡MÖ‡W DËxY© n‡q‡Q| 2012
mv‡ji cÖvBgvix wk¶v mgvcYx (wc.Gm.wm) cix¶vq 87 Rb QvÎQvÎx AskMÖnY K‡i mK‡jB K…ZKvh© nq| AskMÖnYKvix QvÎQvÎx‡`i
g‡a¨ 22 Rb ÔG+Õ, 54 Rb ÔGÕ, 8 Rb ÔG-Õ, 1 Rb ÔweÕ Ges 2 Rb ÔwmÕ ‡MÖ‡W DËxY© n‡q‡Q| 2012-13 wk¶ve‡l© Gm.Gm.wm. cix¶vq
2 Rb Ges †R.Gm.wm cix¶vq 2 Rb mvaviY †MÖ‡W e„wË jvf K‡i|

Kj¨vYg~jK Kvh©µg :
gvbweK g~j¨‡eva D¾xeb, AvšÍ:e¨w³ m¤úK© Dbœqb, cvi¯úwiK mg‡SvZv, wek¦vm, Av¯’v I AvbyMZ¨ e„w×i j‡¶¨ †Kv¤úvbx
wewfbœ cÖ‡Yv`bvg~jK Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv K‡i _v‡K| 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i †Kv¤úvbx wb‡gœv³ Avw_©K, ag©xq, µxov I we‡bv`bg~jK
Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv K‡i‡Q :
wkÿv e„wË :
†Kv¤úvbx‡Z Kg©iZ Kg©KZ©v I Kg©PvixM‡Yi mšÍvb‡`i g‡a¨ hviv cÖv_wgK, Rywbqi, gva¨wgK, D”P gva¨wgK, ¯œvZK I
¯œvZ‡KvËi ch©v‡q K…wZ‡Z¡i m‡½ DËxY© nq Zv‡`i‡K cÖwZeQi ÒwZZvm M¨vm wkÿv e„wË I Avw_©K mnvqZvÓ Kg©m~Pxi
AvIZvq wkÿv e„wË cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q _v‡K| G Kg©m~Pxi AvIZvq 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i cÂg †kÖYx‡Z 7 Rb, Aóg †kÖYx‡Z
11 Rb, Gm.Gm.wm I mggvb-G 171 Rb, GBP.Gm.wm I mggvb-G 110 Rb, ¯œvZK/¯œvZ‡KvËi (m¤§vb)-G 17 Rb †gvU
316 Rb‡K wewfbœ †MÖ‡W wkÿv e„wË cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

FY cÖ`vb Kg©m~Px :
†Kv¤úvbxi ev‡R‡U Avw_©K ms¯’v‡bi gva¨‡g Kg©KZ©v I Kg©PvixM‡Yi FY cÖ`v‡bi j‡ÿ¨ 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i Rwg µq,
M„n wbg©vY I †gvUi mvB‡Kj µq FY eve` e¨q 14.85 †KvwU UvKv Ges Z_¨ cÖhyw³ m¤úªmvi‡Y Abym…Z miKvwi bxwZ
ev¯Íevq‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ Kw¤úDUvi µ‡qi Rb¨ FY eve` cÖvq 10.80 jÿ UvKv cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|
ag©xq Abyôvb :
†Wgivq †Kv¤úvbxi AvevwmK †KvqvU©vi¯’ gmwR‡` C`-B-wgjv`ybœex (mv.) Dcj‡¶ cÖwZeQ‡ii b¨vq Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡iI
wgjv` gvnwdj AbywôZ nq| GQvov 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i †Kv¤úvbx‡Z Kg©iZ Ae¯’vq g„Zz¨eiYKvix 16 Rb Kg©KZ©v I
Kg©Pvix‡K `vdb/Kvd‡bi Rb¨ cÖ‡Z¨K cwievi‡K 10 nvRvi UvKv nv‡i Avw_©K mnvqZv wn‡m‡e †gvU 1.60 jÿ UvKv cÖ`vb
Kiv n‡q‡Q|

µxov I we‡bv`b :
evsjv‡`k fwjej †dWv‡ikb-Gi ZË¡veav‡b wZZvm
K¬ve ÔcÖ_g wefvM wcÖwgqvi fwjej jxMÕ-G wbqwgZ
AskMÖnY K‡i G ch©šÍ 2 evi ÒP¨vw¤úqbÓ I 4 evi
Òivbvi-AvcÓ n‡q‡Q| 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i ÔXvKv
gnvbMix wcÖwgqvi wefvM fwjej jxM-2013Õ-G
wZZvm K¬ve Òivbvi-AvcÓ nIqvi †MŠie AR©b
K‡i| GQvovI Av‡jvP¨ eQ‡i ÔweRq w`em
fwjejÕ, Ô¯^vaxbZv KvcÕ Ges Ô8g evsjv‡`k
†Mgm fwjej cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq wZZvm K¬ve Òivbvi-
AvcÓ nIqvi †MŠie AR©b K‡i| fvi‡Z AbywôZ
Ô`wÿY w`bvRcyi K¬veÕ, Ôkw³cyi K¬veÕ I Ôiæqvb
bMi K¬veÕ G‡`i g‡a¨ fwjej cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq
wZZvm K¬ve ÒP¨vw¤úqbÓ nIqvi †MŠie AR©b
K‡i| Ô8g evsjv‡`k †MgmÕ-G `jxq B‡f‡›U 8g evsjv‡`k †Mgm fwjej cÖwZ‡hvwMZvÕq ivbvi Avc wZZvm K¬ve fwjej Uxg
wZZvm M¨vm K¬ve `vev `j Ò†eªvÄÓ c`K jvf K‡i| GQvovI 2012 mv‡ji wW‡m¤^i gv‡m mshy³ Avie Avwgiv‡Zi Avj-
AvB‡b AbywôZ ÔIqvì© wmwUm ‡Pm wUgÕ P¨vw¤úqvbkx‡ci Wª Abyôv‡b evsjv‡`‡ki c‡ÿ wZZvm M¨v‡mi Kg©KZ©v D‡jøL‡hvM¨
†¯‹vi Zz‡j‡Qb| wZZvm K¬ve Ges wewfbœ wWwfkb/wefv‡Mi D‡`¨v‡M ‡Kv¤úvbxi Kg©KZ©v I Kg©PvixM‡Yi we‡bv`‡bi Rb¨ Av‡jvP¨
eQ‡i eb‡fvR‡bi Av‡qvRb Kiv nq|
¯^v¯’¨, cwi‡ek I wbivcËv Kvh©µg :
cwi‡ek evÜe R¡vjvbx wn‡m‡e cÖvK…wZK M¨vm Ab¨Zg| A_©‰bwZK Dbœq‡b Ges cwi‡ek msiÿ‡Y cÖvK…wZK M¨vm ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv
†i‡L P‡j‡Q| cÖvK…wZK M¨v‡mi wbivc` e¨envi GKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© welq weavq wm‡÷g cwiPvjbv I i¶Yv‡eÿY Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ
Rbe‡ji ¯^v¯’¨MZ wbivcËv Ges †Kv¤úvbxi M¨vm cvBcjvBb I †÷kb wWRvBbmn wewfbœ ¯’vcbvi wbivcËv I cwi‡ekMZ
Kvh©µg h‡_ó ¸iæZ¡ enb K‡i| ¯^v¯’¨, cwi‡ek I wbivcËvi †¶‡Î wb‡gœv³ e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kiv n‡q‡Q :

¯^v¯’¨ :
wZZvm M¨v‡m Kg©iZ cÖ‡Z¨K Kg©KZv© I Kg©Pvix‡K miKvi wba©vwiZ nv‡i wPwKrmv fvZv cÖ`vb Kiv nq| †Kv¤úvbxi
wbR¯^ wPwKrmKMY Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix I †cvl¨‡`i wPwKrmv †mev cÖ`vb K‡i _v‡Kb| †Kv¤úvbxi m‡½ e½eÜz †kL gywRe
†gwW‡Kj wek¦we`¨vjq nvmcvZvjmn AviI 16wU nvmcvZv‡ji gva¨‡g Pzw³ Abyhvqx Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix I Zv‡`i †cvl¨‡`i
wPwKrmv †mev cÖ`vb Kiv n‡”Q| Av‡jvP¨ eQ‡i Ô†ncvUvBwUm weÕ fvBivm-Gi weiæ‡× m‡PZbZv e„w× I ‡fw·‡bkb
†cÖvMªv‡gi Av‡qvRb Kiv nq| Avcv‡ikb UvB-Bb Kv‡Ri evqy `~lY (wg‡_b M¨vm) I kã `~lY ‡iv‡a MYm‡PZbZvq DØy×
Kiv nq | UvB-Bb (cvBcjvBb wbgv©Y) PjvKvjxb mg‡q Riæix wPwKrmv cÖ`v‡bi j‡ÿ¨ †gwW‡Kj wUg mve©ÿwYK `vwqZ¡
cvjb K‡i _v‡K|

cwi‡ek :
‰ewk¦K DòZv e„wׇZ cÖvK…wZK M¨v‡mi (wg‡_b) cÖfve Kve©b WvB-A·vB‡Wi cÖfv‡ei 21 ¸Y| ‡m w`K we‡ePbvq Ges
M¨v‡mi AcPq †iv‡a wm‡÷g cwiPvjb I iÿYv‡eÿY Kvh©µ‡gi mgq evZv‡m M¨vm wbtmi‡Yi cwigvY b~¨bZg ivLv nq|
mÂvjb I weZiY cÖKí ev¯ÍevqbKv‡j cwi‡e‡ki Dci weiƒc cÖfve cwinv‡ii j‡ÿ¨ cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii wbqg-Kvbyb
h_vh_fv‡e Abym„Z n‡”Q| we`¨gvb evwo-Ni, MvQ-cvjv, gmwR`, gw›`i, Kei¯’vb cÖf…wZi b~¨bZg ¶wZ we‡ePbvq wb‡q
†Kv¤úvbx M¨vm cvBcjvBb wbg©vY K‡i _v‡K| M¨vm †÷kb n‡Z Kb‡Wb‡mU msMÖn I cwienbKv‡j †Kvb w¯ú‡jR hv‡Z
bv N‡U Zv wbwðZ Kivi me©vZœK cÖ‡Póv MÖnY Kiv nq| A‡Wv‡i›U PvR© Kivi mgq †hb evZv‡m wb:miY bv nq Zv wbwðZ
Kiv n‡”Q| †Kv¤úvbxi wbR¯^ ¯’vcbvmg~‡ni Lvwj RvqMvq cwi‡ek msiÿY I †mŠ›`h© ea©‡bi j‡ÿ¨ Mv‡Qi Pviv †ivcY Ges
†ivwcZ PvivMv‡Qi wbqwgZ cwiPh©v Kiv n‡”Q|

wbivcËv :
evsjv‡`k cÖvK…wZK M¨vm wbivcËv wewagvjv I cwi‡ek msµvšÍ wewagvjv cvBcjvBb wbg©vY Ges wm‡÷g cwiPvj‡bi
me©‡¶‡Î K‡Vvifv‡e Abymi‡Yi gva¨‡g wbivcËv wbwðZKi‡Yi Dci ¸iæZ¡ cÖ`vb Kiv nq| d‡j †Kv¤úvbxi Rb¥jMœ
n‡Z G hverKvj cvBcjvBb wm‡÷g wbwe©Nœfv‡e cwiPvwjZ n‡q Avm‡Q| wm‡÷g cy‡iv‡bv e‡j gv‡S g‡a¨ M¨vm wj‡KR
†`Lv w`‡j Zv Zvr¶wYKfv‡e †givgZ Kiv nq| mÂvjb I weZiY cvBcjvB‡bi M¨vm wbwe©Nœ cwiPvjb wbwðZK‡í ‡Kvb
cvBcjvB‡bi ivBU Ad I‡q‡Z †Kvb ai‡Yi ¯’vcbv wbg©vY, M¨vm wj‡KR, Ab¨vb¨ ms¯’vi Dbœqb Kv‡R cvBcjvB‡bi †Kvb
ÿwZ bv nq †m Rb¨ wbqwgZ Un‡ji e¨e¯’v i‡q‡Q| cvBcjvB‡bi K‡ivkb wbeviYK‡í wmwc wm‡÷g ¯’vcb I cwiPvj‡bi
gva¨‡g gvwmK wfwˇZ wmwc ‡÷kb cwi`k©b Ges cÖwZ wZb gvm AšÍi AšÍi wc.Gm.wc. wiwWs MÖnY, we‡k¬lY I gwbUwis
Kiv nq| AwMœ wbe©vcK miÄvg (Kve©b WvB A·vBW/WªvB M¨vm cvDWvi) cÖ‡qvRb ‡gvZv‡eK ¯’vcb I e¨envi Kiv nq|
cÖvK…wZK M¨vm bxwZgvjv j•Nbµ‡g †Kvb MÖvnK KZ©„K A‰ea Kvh©µ‡gi Øviv msNwUZ `yN©Ubvi †¶‡Î mswkøó _vbvq wRwW
Kivmn cÖavb we‡õviK cwi`k©‡Ki `ßi‡K AewnZ Kiv nq| M¨vm `yN©Ubv Gov‡bvi Rb¨ MªvnK m‡PZbZv e„w×i j‡ÿ¨
wewfbœ mg‡q wcÖ›U I B‡jKUªwbK wgwWqvq weÁvcb cÖPv‡ii gva¨‡g AewnZ Kiv nq| wm‡÷g cwiPvjb e¨e¯’vq hv‡Z †Kvb
µwU-wePz¨wZ bv nq ev `yN©Ubv bv N‡U †m j‡ÿ¨ †Kv¤úvbxi D‡`¨v‡M Ges †c‡Uªvevsjvi mvwe©K ZË¡veav‡b cÖwZeQi 1 evi
†Kv¤úvbxi †ewkifvM ¸iæZ¡c~Y© †÷kbmg~‡ni †mdwU AwWwUs Kvh©µg m¤úbœ Kiv nq| GQvovI ‡Kv¤úvbx evwl©K Kg©m~Px
Abyhvqx cÖwZgv‡m ‡÷kbmg~‡ni †mdwU AwWwUs B݇cKkb Ki‡Q|

Riæix Kj msµvšÍ Z_¨vejx :

†Kv¤úvbxi wbqš¿Yvaxb gwZwSj Kvh©vj‡q 24 NÈv wfwˇZ †K›`ªxq Riæix M¨vm wbqš¿Y †K›`ªmn XvKv †mbvwbevm, †cv¯Í‡Mvjv
Ges wgicy‡i Riæix wbqš¿Y †K›`ª i‡q‡Q| m¤¢ve¨ mKj `yN©Ubv †gvKv‡ejv Ges m¤§vwbZ MÖvnK‡`i Avw½bvq wbivc` I myôz M¨vm
mieivn wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨ MÖvn‡Ki mKj K‡j `ªæZ mg‡qi g‡a¨ Dcw¯’Z n‡q cÖ‡qvRbxq KvR m¤úbœ Kiv nq|
2011-12 Ges 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i M„nxZ Riæix K‡ji msL¨v Z_v Riæix `j KZ…©K MÖvnK Avw½bvq Dcw¯’wZi cwimsL¨vb
wbgœiƒc :

K‡ji aiY 2011 - 12 2012 - 13

AwMœ `yN©Ubv 170 159
M¨vm wj‡KR 5,896 4,266
M¨v‡mi ¯^íPvc 88 66
M¨vm †bB 540 627
Ab¨vb¨ 300 244
†gvU 6,994 5,362

DbœZZi ‡mev Kvh©µg :
MÖvnK †mevi gvb Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ XvKv gnvbMix I AvÂwjK weµq wWwfk‡bi AvIZvaxb GjvKvq wefvM/kvLv Kvh©vj‡qi msL¨v
e„w×, m¤§vwbZ MÖvnK‡`i DbœZ †mev cÖ`v‡bi j‡¶¨ †Kv¤úvbx‡Z ZvwjKvfy³ wVKv`vix cÖwZôv‡bi gva¨‡g M¨vm jvBb wbg©v‡Yi
e¨e¯’v MÖnY, MÖvnK †mev Kvh©µg `ªæZZvi m‡½ m¤úbœ Kivi j‡¶¨ cÖwkÿ‡bi e¨e¯’v MªnY, kxZKvjxb M¨vm ¯^í Pvc mgm¨v
`~ixKiY I fwel¨r MÖvnK‡`i‡K cÖ‡qvRb Abyhvqx M¨vm mieivn wbwðZKi‡Y cvBcjvBb ¯’vcb I wmwRGm/wUweGm/wWAviGm
gwWwd‡Kk‡bi e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kiv n‡”Q |

m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`,
†Kv¤úvbxi mvwe©K Dbœq‡b Avcbviv ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ae`vb ivL‡eb e‡j Avwg Avkv †cvlY Kwi| †Kv¤úvbxi evwl©K mvaviY mfvq m`q
Dcw¯’wZi Rb¨ Avcbv‡`i‡K AvšÍwiK K…ZÁZv Rvbvw”Q|

wZZvm †evW©, †c‡Uªvevsjv Ges R¡vjvbx I LwbR m¤ú` wefv‡Mi wb‡`©kbv †gvZv‡eK wZZvm e¨e¯’vcbv KZ©©„c‡ÿi HKvwšÍK
cÖ‡Póvq Av‡jvP¨ A_©eQ‡i wm‡÷g jm k~‡b¨i †KvVvq †b‡g G‡m‡Q|

M¨vm mieiv‡ni ¯^íZvi Kvi‡Y †Kvb †Kvb A‡j M¨v‡mi Pvc ¯^íZvi Rb¨ mieivn weNœ NUvq m¤§vwbZ MÖvnKe„‡›`i wbKU
†Kv¤úvbx AvšÍwiKfv‡e `y:L cÖKvk Ki‡Q|

weMZ w`‡b †Kv¤úvbx‡K ewjô w`K-wb‡`©kbv I mvwe©K mnvqZv cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ cwiPvjKgÐjx, weGmBwm (evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwUR
GÛ GK‡PÄ Kwgkb), †c‡Uªvevsjv, R¡vjvbx I LwbR m¤ú` wefvM, we`y¨r wefvM, A_© wefvM, cwiKíbv Kwgkb, AvBGgBwW,
RvZxq ivR¯^ †evW©mn mswk¬ó mKj miKvwi `ßi‡K AvšÍwiK K…ZÁZv Rvbvw”Q| †Kv¤úvbxi Dbœqb Kvh©µ‡g Mfxi AvMÖn cÖ`k©b
I Dbœqb cÖK‡í A_©vq‡bi Rb¨ mswk¬ó mKj Dbœqb mn‡hvMx ms¯’v‡K ab¨ev` Rvwb‡q AvMvgx‡ZI Zv‡`i mn‡hvwMZv Ae¨vnZ
_vK‡e e‡j Avkv KiwQ|

GKwbô g‡bvfve wb‡q `vwqZ¡ cvj‡bi gva¨‡g †Kv¤úvbxi Dbœq‡b Ae`vb ivLvi Rb¨ Avwg cwiPvjKgÐjxi c¶ n‡Z mKj
ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡K AvšÍwiK Awfb›`b Rvbvw”Q |

cwi‡k‡l, 2012-13 A_©eQ‡ii wbixw¶Z wnmvemn †Kv¤úvbxi cwiPvjKgÐjxi cÖwZ‡e`b m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìviM‡Yi wbKU
Zv‡`i m`q we‡ePbv I Aby‡gv`‡bi Rb¨ DÌvcb Ki‡Z †c‡i Avwg Avbw›`Z |


(‡gv. ‡gvRv‡¤§j nK Lvb)


Market Share of Five Companies
under Petrobangla during 2012-13

On the Basis of Gas Sales On the Basis of Pipeline Construction

(In MMCM) (In Km)




63.01% 4.4


BGDCL 3151.84 JGTDCL 1908.34 JGTDCL 173.27 KGDCL 13.04

KGDCL 2288.09 PGCL 1009.49 PGCL 2.96 TGTDCL 45.84
TGTDCL 14236.42 BGDCL 0.00

Category-wise Gas Consumption of

TGTDCL during 2012-13 (In Percentage)


11.69% 4.8


Power Fertilizer Industrial Captive

CNG Commercial Domestic

Statement of Gas Purchase & Sales
during last five financial years (In MMCM)





2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Gas Purchase Gas Sales

Turnover (In Crore Taka)







Contribution to National Exchequer
(In Crore Taka)


2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Corporate Tax, CD/VAT, Dividend and DSL

Manpower Growth (In Number)








2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Officer Staff Total

Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited
32nd Annual General Meeting
Report of the Board of Directors to the Shareholders

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Respected Shareholders,

Assalamu Alaikum,

Hearty welcome to all of you in the 32nd Annual General Meeting of Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company
Limited (TGTDCL). I would like to take this opportunity to present before you the Report of the Board of Directors including
Audited Financial Report of Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited for the Year ended June 30, 2013.

Respected Shareholders,

Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited (TGTDCL) was established on November 20, 1964 following a
significant gas discovery at Titas Gas Field in 1962. The company began its commercial operation with the commissioning
of gas supply to Siddhirganj Thermal Power Station on April 28, 1968 after construction of 14 inch dia 58 mile long Titas-
Demra gas pipeline by the then East Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation. At the beginning 90% of its shares
belonged to the then Pakistan Government and Pakistan Shell Oil Company owned the rest. Under the Nationalization
Order of 1972, all the Government owned shares of the company were vested in the Government of Bangladesh (GOB).
In accordance with an agreement signed between Shell Oil Company and GOB on August 9, 1975, the ownership of
the remains 10% shares was transferred to the GOB through Petrobangla in exchange for a lump-sum payment of £
1,00,000. After the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, the company started its journey as a company of Petrobangla
with the authorized and paid up capital of TK.1.78 crore. At present, the authorized and the paid up capital of the company
are Tk. 2,000.00 and Tk. 989.22 crore respectively.

Main objective of the company is to supply natural gas to customers of different categories under Titas Franchise
Area, thereby reducing dependency on imported liquid fuel. Towards this end, the company has to construct, operate
and maintain pipelines, stations and associated facilities. Currently the company distributes gas in the districts of
Dhaka, Narayanganj, Narsingdi, Munshiganj, Manikganj, Gazipur, Tangail, Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Sherpur, Netrokona,
and Kishoreganj.

Respected Shareholders,

I have already mentioned that the company began its commercial operation with the supply of gas to Siddhirganj Thermal
Power Station in 1968. Since then the company’s activities have expanded largely over the last four decades and the
company has so far ensured uninterrupted supply of gas to cater for its customer’s demand. But recently customer services
have been hampered to some extent because of low pressure problems prevailing in some parts of Titas Franchise Area
(TFA), which is caused by shortage of gas supply. Presently, company’s total length of pipeline is 12,253.22 km including

45.84 km built during the FY 2012-13. Bulk customers of the company includes 3 fertilizer plants, 9 government and 25
private power stations. Growth of customers over the last five years is presented below:

Customer Number of Customers

Category 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Power 31 34 40 33 34
Fertilizer 4 4 4 3 3
Industrial 4,446 4,557 4,558 4,535 4,571
Captive Power 943 1,043 1,043 1,043 1,058
CNG 277 329 345 324 330
Commercial 10,493 10,893 10,901 10,530 10,908
Domestic 14,42,537 15,39,691 15,46,394 15,19,124 15,48,886
Total 14,58,743 15,56,563 15,63,297 15,35,592 15,65,802*

*Including 12 Seasonal Customer


Respected Shareholders,
Now, I would like to present before you a brief description of the development activities of the company :

Development Programme:
The company has expanded its network through installation of new pipeline. During the year 2012-2013 an amount of
Tk. 29.36 crore has been spent from company’s own source for network expansion, service connections and pipeline
modification/ up-gradation activities. In FY 2012-13 the length of pipeline under TGTDCL stood at 12,253.22 km including
newly constructed 45.84 km pipeline over the year. A statistics of Company’s pipeline status over last five years is
furnished below:

Pipeline Construction (In Km)











Accumulated Transmission Distribution

Accumulated Distribution Total

System Loss Reduction Programme :
In the financial year under review, due to sincere efforts put in place by Titas Management under the direction of Titas
Board, Petrobangla and Ministry, positive results have been achieved in system loss reduction. Under this programme, to
reduce system loss, the company has been conducted special drive to visit regularly to customer premises to disconnect
illegal connection of dishonest customers. Through this special drive 3,263 customer premises have been visited and
40 Gas Connection have been disconnected due to various anomalies/irregularities. The premises of the industrial &
disconnected customers are being inspected by special teams. System loss of the Company has stood 0.03% in 2012-
13. But, If Gas use against 1,64,803 nos. of burners of the confessed illegal domestic customers in a year is taken into
account then the company’s system gain stands to 1.22% instead of its sytem loss of 0.03%.

System Loss/(Gain)
Financial Year
In Volume (MMCM) In Percentage
2007-08 430.09 3.39
2008-09 109.36 0.81
2009-10 (313.26) (2.14)
2010-11 (267.46) (1.82)
2011-12 (186.43) (1.39)
4.12 0.03
(173.94) * (1.22) *

*Considering Gas use against 1,64,803 nos. of confessed illegal domestic customers in 1 year.

Information related to the legalisation of illegal connection:

Following the Govt’s declaration that lifted embargo on domestic gas connection, the company has received 1,64,803
nos. applications for legalising the illegal gas connections by June 20,2013 the official decalred date for such application.
Suject to a few conditions, penalty, bill and security deposit, the legalisation process of the applicants, who fall into the
following two catagories has already started. Firstly, gas connection to the increased number of burners by means of the
extention of house line from the existing gas connections. Secondly, illegal gas connections from the constructed but not
commissioned risers.

Pipeline Network Expansion and Modification:

An amount of Tk. 5.15 crore has been spent for expansion of 2”-4” Dia x 50 PSIG x 9.42 km gas pipeline in different
arrears of Bhairob Municipality .

In order to increase gas supply/pressure to Dhaka city and adjoining areas, following programmes have been implemented
from company’s/customer’s own fund:

 Construction of 16” DN x 140 PSIG x 13.0 km distribution pipeline from Ashulia TBS to Savar DEPZ have been
completed under customer’s own fund.

 Construction work of around 23 km of pipelines of various diameters (1”-8” x 50 PSIG ) including modification/
up-gradation/repair work of the existing network have been completed from from company’s own fund at Golapbag,

Tikatuli, Mogbazar, Jatrabari, Juarine,
Maniknagar, Tati Bazar, Shekertek,
Khtalbagan, Kalabagan, Dhanmondi,
Sutrapur, Matuail, Lalbag, Naya Bazar,
Naziumuddin Road, Hosne Dalan Road,
Khaze Dewan Lane, Manikdi, Shantinagar,
Siddeshwari, Shantibag, Shipahibag,
Rampura, Pallabi, Monipur, Mirpur,
Shamoli, Kalayanpur, Kafrul, Bhasantek,
Tejturibazar, Shobhanbag of Dhaka city.

 Around 800 meter pipelines of various

diameters (16” DN x 150 PSIG, 12” DN x
150 PSIG, 4” DN x 50 PSIG, 3” DN x 50 Engr. Md. Nowshad Islam,Managing Director,Titas Gas, is observing Modification I
Tie-in work inside DEPZ DRS
PSIG, 2” DN x 50 PSIG) along the Fly over
at Kuril Highway and adjoining areas, which is under construction, have been shifted/ reconstructed under finance
from customer’s own fund.

Gas supply to the Power Stations:

Gas supply has been started to Electricity Generation Company Ltd. Haripur 412 MW Power Plant from May 2013.

Project Implemented by Civil Engineering Department:

The Civil Engineering Department (CED) has implemented different civil works. Some of them are, reconstruction the
boundary wall of Demra CGS Area. Construction of walk-way from transport pool at Majar Road to DRS & Ansar Shed,
construction of herringbone bond with brick ceiling for Vehicle Parking & construction of Vehicle Parking Shed, construction
of water bath heater base at Joydebpur (CGS) and Dighibarob (TBS) have been completed.

Energy efficiency related activities:

To ensure the efficient utilization of natural gas to combat its wastage are a must for the country’s future energy security.
The company has constituted a “Energy efficiency team” under its vigilance division in June 2011 with a view to identifying
causes of energy wastage and providing consultancy services to the individual costomers as to the appropriate modifications
and transformations of the gas appliances
so as to ensure their thermal efficiency.
With a view to building capacity of the
members of the energy team a 5-week
long practical training program on the
thermal efficiency of boiler and furnaces of
the industries has been conducted jointly
by the company and GIZ, Bangladesh, for
25 officers of the company. The company
has already delivered a two-week training
on Sustainable Energy, Gas Transmission
& Distribution Co-generation technology
Prof.Dr.Md.Hussain Monsur, Chairman, Petrobangla, speaking at a seminar on the occasion from its own fund to its 20 officers at AIT,
of National Energy Secrurity Day 2013 Thailand.

Necessary Energy Auditing equipment including Flue Gas Analyzers, Thermocouple, Laptop have been procured for
assessing the efficiency of existing gas appliances at customer’s premises. Recommendations have been made
for improving thermal efficiency of 43 customers of which 16 customers in 2011-12 & 27 customers in 2012-13 by
conducting survey on gas appliances at customer’s premises to identify the causes of thermal wastage. A few of the said
43 customers have implemented some recommendations to improve there thermal efficiency.The remaining inspected
industries are learnt to have taken necessary endeavours to implement the recommendations.


To increase gas supply/pressure to Dhaka city and adjoining areas, following programmes have been under Implementation :

 Construction works of 18.0 km pipeline at Jatrabari, Juraine, Matuail, Mirpur, Kafrul, Vasantek, Gendaria, Agargaon
and different areas are under way;

 Construction of 16” DN x 140 PSIG x 264 meter pipelines at Banani Rail Over Pass and Md.Zillur Rahman Fly-over
(Mirpur-Airport Fly-over) project area are under process;

 Call for tender is under process for construction work of 2”-4” DN x 50 PSIG x 5.32 km pipelines at Betka,
Abdullapur & Outsahi area of Tongi Bari Upazilla under Munshiganj District;

 Construction work of 16” DN x 300 PSIG x 6.0 km pipeline from Shiddhirganj to Godnail and 12” DN x 150 PSIG x
8.0 km pipelines from Godnail to Panchabati is now under process; and

 Pipeline shifting/modification work of 10” DN x 50 PSIG x 500 meter is now under process at proposed Sayedabad
loop line area of Khilgaon Flyover;

Project under implementation by Civil Engineering Department:

A number of projects have been undertaken by the Civil Engineering Dept. Some of them are, construction of Car Washing
Ramp for transport pool at Majar Road, Construction of boundary wall with earth filling at Trishal M&R station, Construction
of earth filling at the land of Godnail DRS area. ‍Notification of Awards are now under process for construction work for
improvement of 2nd storied building to 4th storied building of Titas Gas Adarsha Uchcha Biddyaloya and Improvement of
Munshiganj Regional Sales Office building from 1st storied to 2nd storied.

Supply Efficiency Improvement Project :

Energy efficiency is a vital issue for gas conservation. Most of the industrial, captive, commercial and domestic customers
are not quite aware of the efficient utilization of gas. Domestic customers of TGTDCL use unmetered gas. They pay bill on
a flat rate basis, irrespective of the volume of gas consumed. Some unscrupulous customers also indulge in gas pilferage,
using gas in unauthorized appliances. This is one of the factors which contribute to the wastage of gas resulting in system
loss of this non-renewable resource. Inefficient utilization of natural gas in different boilers, generators, re-roling furnaces,
crucible furnaces and many other gas consuming equipments and inefficient gas burners cause loss of a huge amount
of gas, posing a visible threat to national energy security. Inefficient gas use is an inevitable outcome of incomplete
combustion of gas. These unburnt carbon and carbon monoxide produced this way degrade our environment. With the
financial assistance from Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Bangladesh Government a project titled ‘Supply Efficiency
Improvement of TGTDCL’ has been taken in hand. The project will be implemented from January 2010 to December
2013.The main goal and objective of the project is to improve supply efficiency in the distribution system of TGTDCL. This

improved supply efficiency will be reflected through system loss reduction, improvement in management efficiency, gas
conservation and positive environment impact. Under this project, following activities have been undertaken :

 5 nos. of technical bid evaluation reports have been sent to Asian Development Bank (ADB) for approval against an
International Tender to install 8,600 nos. of meters at domestic customer’s premises on Turn-key basis for improving
customer service and combating wastage of gas;

 Technical evaluation of 2 nos. of bid is now under process against an International Tender to procure remote
metering system for 680 load intensive industries, on Turn-key basis including procurement and installation of
Turbine meter equipped with EVC;

 In order to develop a ‘Portfolio of projects’ related to Energy Efficiency Improvement by means of the standardization
of various gas appliances used by different category of customers, foreign consultant Pegasus International (UK) Ltd
has already been appointed. The Consultant has been submitted different reports on project activities;

 Bangladeshi Petroleum Institute has been selected to impart local training. TOR, EOI for foreign training have been
sent to Asian Development Bank (ADB) for approval; and

 525 nos of RMS steel cabinet, 680 nos of Meter Protector &100 KG sealing (Cold Welding) Material have been
procured through open tender to protect RMS of Turbine meters equipped with EVC.


Respected Shareholders,
I would now like to present before you the projects/activities to be implemented in future for your information:

Gas supply to the proposed Power Stations:

The company will commence gas supply to 108 MW Regent Power, Ghorashal from October 2013 and 335 MW Siddirganj
power plant of Electricity Generation Company Ltd. during 2013-14 FY.

Pipeline Network Expansion :

 In order to ensure adequate gas supply to the existing network, approval of DPP is now under process for construction
work of 20” DN x 1000 PSIG x 30.0 km transmission pipeline from Gayran area of Sreepur to Joydevpur CGS

 Construction of 12” DN x 150 PSIG x 4.8 km pipeline from Nandipara TBS and construction of 12” DN x 200
meter, 10” DN x 2.3 km, 8” DN x 15 km, 4” DN x 84 meter and 3” DN x 6 meter x 50 PSIG pipeline at mahanagar-
mayakunja project area to improve the existing distribution network of that areas; and

 Step would be taken to install of pipelines of various diameters (1”-8” DN) in Dhaka City and adjoining areas to
overcome the prevailing low gas pressure problem.

Civil works and Internal Decoration:

A number of projects that includes Internal decoration of different floors including VIP floor at Head Office Building of the
company, construction of steel structure & office building for Demra Store, construction of Joydebpur Office Building,
construction of office buiding at Majar Road and construction of boundary wall with earth filling at the own land of the
company under Titas Franchise area will be undertaken by the Civil Engineering Dept.

Certified Emission Reductions (CER) project :

The Project aimes at reducing Green House

Gas Emission (GHE) (Methane and other gas)
from the above ground facilities of the TGTDCL
(customer RMS & risers, CGS, DRS etc.) by
means of Clean development Mechanism (CDM)
under Kyoto protocol of climate Change. This is
termed as Certified Emission Reduction (CER).
Developed Countries purchase this CER from
the developing Countries. Nordjysk Elhandel (NE)
climate A/S company of Denmark is financing
this project. By means of arresting leakage the
Company will reach international standard as to Engr. Md. Nowshad Islam, Managing Director, Titas Gas, speaking at ’Stakeholder’s
Consultation’ programme to incorporate Certified Emission Reductions (CER) project
climate change. under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Technolgy

A contract as to “CER’s Project Investment” has been signed between the company and NE climate A/S on December
6, 2012. As per the feasibility study conducted during 12-02-13 to 20-02-13, the project deems to be feasible for the
domestic customer. The Project Design Document (PDD) of the project is under process.

Modernization of IT system:

The present Government has declared its Vision-2021 to build Digital Bangladesh. Taking into this account, BUET has been
appointed as adviser for modernization of Industrial, Commercial, CNG, Captive Power & residential customer’s existing
billing system (including Hardware & Software), Integrated Accounting System and HR System. Gradually all the regional
offices of the company shall be brought under the existing server facility of the Head Office. Customer of titas gas would
be able to check their account ledger online including any outstanding bills, invoice issue date, due date, invoice amount
by entering 14 (fourteen) digit customer code (shown in bill). Besides, residential customers would be able to pay their
bills online using credit card.


Respected Shareholders,

I would like to present before you a brief account of marketing and operational activities of the company during the
financial year under review:

Gas Purchases and Sales:

Based on gas demand and allocation of Petrobangla the targets for both purchase and sale of gas were set at 14,404.00
MMCM for the financial year 2012-13 against of which gas purchase and sale achieved during the year were 14,247.78
MMCM and 14,236.42 MMCM respectively.

The sale and purchase of gas during last five years under Titas Franchise Area is furnished in the following table:

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Purchase Sales Purchase Sales Purchase Sales Purchase Sales Purchase Sales

Power (Govt.) 3,426.43 3,395.68 3,661.78 3,738.42 3,368.99 3,111.93 1,750.62 1,769.37 1,743.98 1,747.94

Power (Private) 2,175.23 2,156.17 2,249.02 2,294.46 2,108.08 2,458.64 2,688.20 2,720.77 2,892.48 2,891.92

Fertilizer 1,015.07 1,005.82 998.46 1,016.03 995.69 1,009.61 634.01 643.97 692.70 690.18

Industry 2,442.17 2,421.62 2,712.39 2,769.99 2,857.87 2,905.24 2,942.50 2,982.02 3,174.91 3,169.25

Captive Power 2,284.43 2,265.41 2,633.62 2,690.48 2,876.48 2,924.54 2,926.89 2,967.19 3,239.55 3,235.50

CNG 604.70 599.76 698.50 713.56 706.66 717.88 698.07 707.98 686.78 686.36

Commercial 136.48 135.36 142.64 145.60 146.34 148.75 144.64 146.57 151.02 150.72

Domestic 1,474.46 1,461.94 1,561.97 1,594.39 1,675.21 1,715.90 1,641.34 1663.06 1,666.36 1,664.55

Total 13,558.97 13,441.76 14,658.39 14,962.94 14,735.32 14,992.50 13,426.29 13,600.96 14,247.78 14,236.42

Present Gas Supply Situation and Measures taken for Improvement of Gas Supply:
At present five gas distribution companies are supplying gas to their customers of respective franchise area through
installation of gas pipeline network. TGTDCL has the lion’s share and presently approximately two-thirds of the total gas
consumed in the country is being distributed by Titas Gas.

At present, the company is receiving 1,400-1,450 MMSCFD gas from different gas fields as against a demand of 1,800
MMSCFD, which makes a deficit of 350-400 MMSCFD. This results low pressure problem at various places within TFA
including Dhaka Metropolitan City. To improve the gas supply situation the following measures have been taken:

 Construction of 16” DN x 140 PSIG x 13.0 km distribution pipeline from Ashulia CGS to Savar DEPZ have been
completed from customer’s own fund. It helped in increasing gas supply at Savar DEPZ and adjoining areas;

 To solve the existing low pressure problem at different areas including Golapbag, Tikatuli, Mogbazar, Jatrabari,
Juarine, Maniknagar, Tati Bazar, Shekertek, Khatalbagan, Kalabagan, Dhanmondi, Sutrapur, Matuail, Lalbag, Naya
Bazar, Naziumuddin Road, Hosne Dalan Road, Khaze Dewan Lane, Manikdi, Shantinagar, Siddeshwari, Shantibag,
Shipahibag, Rampura, Pallabi, Monipur, Mirpur, Shamoli, Kalayanpur, Kafrul, Bhasantek, Tejturibazar, Shobhanbag,
Gendaria, Agargaon of Dhaka city around 23 km of pipelines of various diameters have been installed . It helped in
increasing gas supply at these areas.

Besides above, under the Holiday Staggering Programme gas supply has been shut-off to Interruptible Industry and
Interruptible Captive Power Customers once a day in a week in different areas to solve the on-going gas crisis. Usage of
gas supply has been suspended to CNG Station from 5 PM to 9 PM and from 3 PM to 9 PM during the Holy Ramadan as
well. Apart from this, usage of gas supply has been suspended to Re-rolling & Still mills from 5 PM to 10 PM and to Lime
industries (two bhatties out of three) during the FY under review.

Respected Shareholders,

I would like to present before you a brief account of the financial activities of the company during the financial year for
your kind information:

Revenue & Realization:

I would like to inform you with a great pleasure that during FY 2012-13, a total of 14,236.42 MMCM of gas was sold and
a sales revenue of Tk. 7,395.12 crore was earned and the revenue was Tk. 7,462.55 crore with meter rent & interest.
Compared to previous year’s revenue of Tk. 7,173.52 crore, the growth rate in revenue income for the year under review
was 4.55%.

During FY 2012-13 a revenue of Tk. 7,224.18 crore (Including arrear revenue) was realized against the revenue income
of Tk 7,462.55 Crore which is Tk. 238.37 crore less than previous year. Receivable and received against gas sales and
colllection of revenue is given below:
(In Crore Taka)

2012-13 2011-12
Customer Category Sales & other Sales & other
Realization (Less)/ Excess Realization (Less)/ Excess
receivable receivable

Power (Govt.) 492.92 409.73 (83.19) 499.66 517.91 18.25

Power (Private) 884.61 883.61 (1.00) 828.12 817.61 (10.51)

Fertilizer 178.07 201.24 23.17 166.41 211.64 45.23

Industry 1,846.36 1,772.10 (74.26) 1,737.48 1,764.18 26.70

Captive Power 1,323.13 1,244.86 (78.27) 1,207.81 1.191.36 (16.45)

CNG 1,611.12 1,573.18 (37.94) 1,588.79 1,515.30 (73.49)

Commercial 148.03 141.46 (6.57) 142.17 137.43 (4.74)

Domestic 978.31 998.00 19.71 967.08 989.07 21.99

Total 7,462.55 7,224.18 (238.37) 7,137.52 7,144.50 6.98

Due to labour unrest in industrial area sustained efforts was not possible to collect arrear revenue. Apart from this,
expected collection of arrears was not possible from Govt. Power station and fertilizer factories. As a result arrears of all
types of customers have been increase including bulk customer.

During FY 2012-13, 95 new cases (money suit, title suit, criminal, administrative, writ and others) have been filed, 111 cases have
been settled . At present 1,212 cases are under litigation (as on June 30, 2012). 1,290 cases were under litigation during 2011-12.
During FY under review Tk. 10.29 crore has been realized from the customers under litigation, which was Tk. 11.84 crore in 2011-12.

Financial Results:
Financial Result compared with last year is detailed below :
(In Crore Taka)

Description of Items 2012-13 2011-12 Increase/(Decrease)

Paid-up Capital 989.22 942.12 47.10

Revenue Reserve 3,280.73 2,368.85 911.88

Long-term Liabilities 1,053.09 1,022.64 30.45

Current Liabilities 2,408.38 2,826.52 (418.14)

Long-term Investment 3,410.89 3,052.30 358.59

Fixed Asset 1,104.55 1,170.09 (65.54)

Current Asset 3,521.70 3,243.09 278.61

Sales & other Income 7,521.27 7,233.99 287.28

Cost of Sales 6,303.91 5,981.31 322.60

Gross Profit 1,158.64 1,156.21 2.43

Administrative Cost 348.25 312.26 35.99

Income from Interest (Net) 418.76 320.81 97.95

Net Profit after Tax 909.64 891.21 18.43

Earning Per Share (Taka) 9.20 9.01 0.19

Owing to the approval of 5% bonus share, Paid-up capital now stands at 989.22 core, exhibiting an increase of Tk. 47.10
crore during 2012-13 FY. During the year under review, recommended dividend has not been transferred from capital
reserve and due to inclusion of net profit after tax, revenue reserve has been increased to Tk. 911.88 crore.

With reference to a decision made by the administrative ministry (Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources), Gas
Transmission Company Ltd. has been given a long term loan of Tk. 277.29 crore. Though new gas connections were
not given due to embargo but due to increase in gas production, gas purchase volume has been increased during the
year. Compared to system gain in the previous fiscal year, gross profit has not increased to a desired level because of
the increasing in purchase cost due to system loss this year. But Income from Bank Interest has been increased by Tk.
97.95 crore compared to that in the previous year. And revenue expenditure has been increased to some extent because
of recruitment of new officers employees and one-time subscription to pension fund. Eventually, profit after tax has
increased by Tk. 18.43 crore.

Pre-Tax and Net Profit:

You will be happy to know that, in spite of embargo on new gas connection,labour unrest in industrial area, Titas Gas
achieved significant success in different financial indicators. The Company earned a net profit before tax and net profit
after tax of Tk. 1,226.54 crore & Tk. 909.64 crore respectively during 2012-13 FY. The Company’s net profit before tax
and net profit after tax were Tk. 1201.17 crore & Tk. 891.21 crore respectively during 2011-12 FY. During the financial
year under review, earning per share (EPS) is Tk. 9.20 which was Tk. 9.01 (adjusted) in the year 2011-12.

Dividend :
Subject to the approval of 32nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the company, the Board of Directors of Titas Gas has
recommended 35% cash dividend i.e. recommended dividend is Tk. 3.50 for each share of Tk. 10.

Extra-ordinary gain or loss :

There is no extra-ordinary gain or loss in the financial statements under report.

Related Party Transaction :

Petrobangla has been given Tk.100 crore short term interest free loan as per the decision of Ministry of Finance to
implement preferential current project of GOB.

A project has been undertaken under Gas Transmission Company Ltd (GTCL) for construction of 36” DN x 138.0 km
pipeline from Bibiyana to Donua at a cost of Tk. 1,650.39 crore. Government has decided to finance the project from
the funds of GTCL, Petrobangla and its six subsidiary companies. To finance the project, Petrobangla directed titas gas to
give a total of Tk. 378 crore long term loan with 2% interest rate to Gas Transmission Company Ltd (GTCL). As per the
directive of Petrobangla, during the Financial Year under review, Gas Transmission Company Ltd (GTCL) has been given a
loan of Tk. 277.29 crore by the company.

Significant variance between Quarterly and Annual Financial Statements :

No significant variations have occurred between quarterly and final financial results of the Company during the year
under report.

Remuneration of Directors :
Honorable Directors of the Board have been paid fixed attendance fee on presence of board meeting.

Payment to the National Exchequer :

Titas Gas is not only earning profit, it is also playing an important role in the national economy by contributing significantly
to the National Exchequer through regular payment of CD/VAT, Corporate Tax, Dividend and DSL. Payments to the
Government Exchequer during the last five years are given blow:
( In Crore Taka)

Category 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Dividend 106.54 173.44 160.59 211.98 259.67

Corporate Tax 159.26 195.25 262.74 312.44 393.01
DSL 56.73 52.67 51.75 44.16 48.11
CD/VAT 15.70 9.10 13.70 6.04 15.55
Total 338.23 430.46 488.78 574.62 716.34

Balance Confirmation Certificate:

Balance Confirmation Certificate containing bill payment status of customers are being issued to every customer at the
end of calendar year. Payments received from the customers are posted correctly and accurately in ledger books and after
ensuring balance, each customer is issued with Balance Confirmation Certificate. 6,70,136 (100%) number of such riser
based certificates were issued up to 31 December 2012 covering all categories of customers.

Respected Shareholders,
Company’s overall performance depends upon a strong and efficient administrative system. TGTDCL, as the major gas
marketing company attaches due importance to the need of improved customer service and with this end, a “Revised
Organogram” was introduced in the Company in August 2007. Apart from this, “Service Rule, 2008” has been approved
by TGTDCL Board in June, 2009 and made effective. Also the “Promotion Rules, 2009” has been approved by TGTDCL
Board in September, 2009 and made effective. “House building/Land purchase/flat purchase loan rules, 2010” and
“employees travel allowances rules”-2012 have been introduced. Highlights of the company’s administrative activities
within the financial year are given below:

In the revised organogram, the total approved manpower is 3,629, out of which the no. of officers are 1,181 and no. of
Staffs are 2,448. During the year under review 1,098 officers and 1,381 staffs, i.e. total of 2,479 nos. were in the payroll
of the company. Besides, 133 staff were employed on casual basis and 344 staff were employed through out sourcing.
During the financial year under review, a total of 3 employees (1 officer & 2 staffs) went on voluntary retirement and 3
officer and 13 staffs, i.e. total 20 employees died.

154 officers were promoted to the higher positions and 33 staffs were promoted to the rank of Asst. Officers during the
FY 2012-13. During the year under review 64 officers were recruited.

Number of officers recruited during the last five financial years are given blow:

Number of Recruited Officers (1st Class) Number of Recruited Officers (2nd Class)
Financial Total
(Assistant Manager/Assistant Enginner) (Assistant Officer/Sub-Assistant Engineer)
General Accounts Technical General Accounts Technical

2008-09 9 8 11 - - - 28

2009-10 1 1 7 - - - 9

2010-11 - - - - - - -

2011-12 11 16 41 10 11 25 114

2012-13 10 10 15 11 8 10 64

Total 31 35 74 21 19 35 215

Human Resources Development:

The importance of training for the officers and employees of the company with a view to enhancing their capability and
utilizing their experiences is very important and as such the company regularly arranges training programmes at home and
abroad. 265 employees (officer-254, staff-11) participated in 65 different local training courses, 96 officers participated
in 9 different foreign training programmes and 2 officers participated in 2 local seminar programme during FY 2012-13.
To ensure efficient use of human resources of the company, and to bring dynamism and modernization in the activities of
human resources division, Titas Gas Human Resources Information System (TGHRIS) was introduced on January 22, 2009
as part of present government’s dream of building Digital Bangladesh. Personal Data of the employees of the company is
being recorded by using this system.

Information as to foreign training for the last five financial years are presented below :

Foreign Training (Number of Participants)

Financial Total
Year America Canada France Iran Thailand Norway India Malyasia Japan China UAE

2008-09 - - - 1 4 - - 1 - - 2 8

2009-10 - - - - 23 1 - 10 - - 19 53

2010-11 5 - - - 87 - - 1 6 4 - 103

2011-12 3 - 3 - 70 - 2 1 - - - 79

2012-13 6 23 - - 63 - - - - 4 - 96

Total 14 23 3 1 247 1 2 13 6 8 21 339

Management- Employee Relations:

Management- Employee Relationship was quite satisfactory during the year under review and mutual cooperation was
prevalent. In a meeting held between the leaders of the existing four registered Trade Unions of the company with TGTDCL
management, the trade union leaders vowed to work together for improvement of customer Services, reduction of system
loss and realizing accounts receivables, thereby upholding the reputation of TGTDCL.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

TK. 8.00 lac was donated to the victims of the tornado affected people of Brahmanbaria under Corporate Social
Responsibility Programme of the Company.

In 1987, “Titas Gas Adarsha Uchcha Biddyaloya”
was established at the premises of Titas Gas Office
at Demra. As a result, dependants of the employee’s
of the company, as well as the dependants of local
residents have been getting chance to receive quality
education. From the beginning, the school has been
achieving good results in SSC examination including
Junior and Primary Certificate Examination. Titas Gas
Adarsha Uchcha Biddyaloya has been completed
25 years of educational excellence this year. With
the presence of present & former students, parents,
teachers, staffs and invited guests the school A view of Silver Jubilee programme of Titas Gas Adarsha Uchcha Biddyaloya
celebrates its Silver Jubilee on 29th December, 2012.
The students of Demra area have to go other places to get higher education as there is no good higher secondary Institute
at Demra. Taking the sufferings of the student in to account and to implement National Education Policy-2010, a plan
has been imitated to upgrade the school from secondary to higher secondary level. A total of 80 students appeared in
the SSC examination in 2013 and all the students came out successful. Among the participants 25 obtain Grade A+, 49

obtain Grade A & 6 obtain Grade A-. A total of 87 students participated in the Primary School Certificate (PSC) Examination
2012 and all the students came out successful. Among them 22 obtain Grade A+, 54 obtain Grade A & 8 obtain Grade
A-, 1 obtain Grade B and 2 obtain Grade C. Apart from this, 90 students participated in the Junior School Certificate (JSC)
Examination 2012 and all the students came out successful. Among them 15 obtain Grade A+, 78 obtain Grade A. During
FY 2012-13, 4 students got scholarship including 2 in SSC Examination and 2 in JSC Examination.

Employee Welfare:
The company undertakes various motivational activities to improve human values, mutual understanding, interpersonal
relationship and loyalty among the officers and employees. In the year 2012-13 the company arranged the following
social, cultural, religious and entertainment programmes on regular basis:

Scholarship & Financial Assistance Programme :

Employee’s dependants who come out successful at secondary, higher secondary, graduation and post-graduation
level are granted scholarships under “Titas Gas Education Scholarship & Financial Assistance Programme”. Under
this programme a total of 316 students received scholarships at different levels within the year under review.

In line with government policy for promotion of information technology, loans are granted for the welfare of the
employees as per budget allocation for land purchase, house building, motorcycle purchase in the tune of Tk. 14.85
crore and also for computer purchase in the tune of Tk. 10.80 lacs during FY 2012-13.

Religious Programme:
As in the previous year, Milad Mehfil was also arranged on the occasion of ‘Eid-E-Mildunnabi’ at Demra Residential
Complex Mosque during the year under review. Apart from this, funeral assistance amounting to TK. 10,000.00 per
family was granted to the families of 16 employees who expired while in service of the Company in 2012-13, the total
amount donated was Tk.1.60 lac only.

Entertainment and Sports:

Tiats Club regularly takes part in the Premier
Volley Ball League of Bangladesh Volley Ball
Federation. Titas club won Championship
title twice and Runner-up title for 4 times.
In 2012-13 FY, Titas club participated in the
Dhaka City Premier Volleyball League-2013
and won Runner-up title. Apart from this,Titas
Club participatd in Victory Day Volley Ball,
Independence Cup and 8th Bangaldesh
Games Volley Ball & won Runner-up title.
Titas Club Chess Team clinched bronze
medal in the group event of 8th Bangladesh
Games. One of the Titas Gas officer obtained Titas Club Volley Ball team, winner of runner-up title, in 8th Bangaldesh Games
significant scores at World Cities Chess Volley Ball competition.
Championship Draw held on December 2012 at Al-Ain of United Arab Emirates. Apart from this, Titas Club and
different Divisions/Departments arranged picnic for entertainment of the employees during the year.

Health, Environment and Safety:
Natural gas is an environment friendly energy. It has been playing an important role in the economic development of the
country. Safe use of natural gas is of paramount importance. For this reason, safety of different stations and environmental
activities including the safety of gas pipelines and stations, health and safety of the people who are engaged in system
operation and maintenance are given due importance. The following actions are undertaken in respect of health,
environment and safety:

The employees of the company are given health allowance as per Government rule. The physicians of the company
provide health services to the employees and their dependants. At the cost of the company, the employees and
their dependants are given outdoor treatments and emergency health care at BSMMU under a contract between
the company and BSMMU. Medical services are also being provided in 16 selected hospitals. Hepatitis-B Virus
vaccination programme has been organized During the FY. During Tie-In Programme (Piple line Construction work)
emergency medical services have been given by Medical Department of the company.

Global warming potential of Natural Gas (Methane) is 21 times that potential of carbondioxide. Taking this
fact into consideration and with a view to reducing wastage of natural gas sincere efforts are made to
keep the emission of gas to a minimum level during any operation and maintaenance activities. The rules
and regulations of the Department of Environment are being strictly followed while implementing transmission and
distribution projects of the company. Special care is given so that damage to the environment remains low at the
time of gas route selection. Apart from this, gas venting to the atmosphere are kept at possible lowest level during
emergency and maintenance operations. Efforts are always made to ensure that no spillage of condensate occurs
during collection and handling. To preserve the environmental balance, a large no. of trees were planted at different
installations of the company under “Tree Plantation Programme” during the year under review.

Safety at all levels is given due importance in the construction of pipeline facilities and system operation in strict
compliance with Bangladesh Natural Gas Safety Rules and applicable Environment Regulations. As a result overall
system of the company still remains in safe condition since the birth of the company. Small leakages are repaired
instantly. Pipeline integrity is ensured by regular patrolling of transmission and distribution pipe lines. Preventive
maintenance after certain time period including test of gas leakage from installations and condensate leakage test
is examined. To prevent the corrosion of pipeline and for activation of CP (Catholic Protection) system PSP reading at
every CP point is monitored on regular basis. Necessary actions are taken to test the fire protection equipment (CO2/
Dry Gas Powder) and to set up the fire protection equipment where no equipment is available. General Diary is lodged
with the police and Chief Inspector of Explosives is informed by Emergency Gas Control Section in case of violation of
natural gas safety regulations such as shifting of riser by the customers in illegal way or in case of accident occurred
by any other mean. For avoiding gas accident and to increase awareness among customers advertisement is being
circulated to Electronic and Print Media in different morals. To avoid faults and accidents during the system control
operations, safety auditing of most of the important stations is done once a year, under Petrobangla’s supervision and
company’s initiation. According to the annual programme, safety auditing of stations is being done by the concerned
department, once in a month.

Emergency Response:

The company has Emergency Gas Control Centres at Dhaka Cantonment, Postogola, Mirpur including the 24 hours central
emergency control room at Motijheel. All the emergency calls were promptly attended to ensure safe and smooth supply of
gas to the customers and to avoid probable accident and loss. Statistics of Emergency calls received and attended during
FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 are presented below :

Category of calls 2011-12 2012-13

Fire 170 159

Leakage 5,896 4,266

Low pressure 88 66

No Gas 540 627

Others 300 244

Total 6,994 5,362

Improved Customer Services:

in order to ensure improved customer services, the number of offices under Dhaka Metropolitan area and Regional
Marketing areas will be increased, measures to be taken for construction of gas pipeline network through the enlisted
contractor of the company. Steps are being taken for installation of pipeline network, installation/modification of CGS/TBS/
DRS for ensuring the future gas demand of the customers and to eradicate the low pressure problem prevailing in different
parts of Dhaka Metropolitan City and adjoining areas, during winter season.

Respected Shareholders,

I hope that as a valued Shareholder you will play an important role for the overall development of the company. I express
my sincerest gratitude to all of you for your kind presence in this Annual General Meeting.

As per instruction given by the Energy & Mineral Resources Division, Titas Board and Petrobangla, and under the able
guidance of Titas management it was possible to brought down the system loss to 0.03%.

Due to shortage of supply from gas-fields, gas supply were disrupted in some areas of TFA, for which company regrets it
with due sincerity.

The company is grateful for the able guidance and co-operation received from the members of the Board of Directors of
the company, Petrobangla, the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, the Economic Relations Division, Finance

Division, the Planning Commission, IMED, SEC, National Board of Revenue, BERC and other Government Agencies. I would
like to put on record our thanks to the donor agencies for their keen interest and financial assistance in the development
activities of the company and wish to get their all out co-operation in future.

I would like to congratulate the officers and staff of the Company of all levels on behalf of the Board of Directors for
shouldering their responsibilities with devotion for the development of the company.

In the end, it is my pleasure now to place the Report of the Board of Directors along with the Audited Accounts for the FY
2012-13 before the respected Shareholders for their kind consideration and acceptance.

With thanks

(Md. Mozammel Haque Khan)

Board of Directors


Prof. Dr. Md. Hussain Monsur,

Chairman, Petrobangla,
interviewing to journalists after
inaugurating of gas supply to
Kuliarchar municipality. Mr.
Nazmul Hassan MP and Engr.
Md. Nowshad Islam, Managing
Director, Titas Gas, were also
present at this occasion.

mme of gas
ew of in au g uration progra
A vi ality
rchar municip
supply to kulia

Modification work of DEPZ DRS

A view of inauguration
of construction work of
Panchabati Gas pipeline.

A view of offe
ring Monajat (P
construction w rayer) Cherishi
ork of Shiddhi ng smooth co
rganj-Godnail- mpletion of th
Panchabati Gas e

Construction Work of 16” DN x 140 PSIG x 13 Km pipeline from

Ashulia TBS to Savar DEPZ


A view of Board meeting of the


ay 2013
ational Energy Security D
A rally of Titas Gas on N

One of the esteemed Shareholders speaking at the 31st Annual General

Meeting of Titas Gas T&D Company Ltd. held on December 30, 2012 at
Officers’ Club Dhaka, 26 Baily Road, Dhaka-1000.

Md. Mozammel Haque Khan,
Secretary, Energy & Mineral
Resources Division, with
newly recruited officers of the
company on the occasion of
Short Foundation Course in
Bangladesh Petroleum Institute
(BPI), Dhaka.

A view of volle
y-ball competit
Border Guard ion between Ti
Bangladesh (B tas Club and
Premier Volley- G B) in Dhaka C
ball League 2 ity
013 .

A view of a Picnic Organized by Finance Division

For the year 2012-13

The Audit Committee of Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited is comprised of three members of the
Board of Directors and Company Secretary of the Company.

The composition of the present Audit Committee is as follows:

1. Mr. Md. Golam Mostofa - Chairman

2. Mr. Akhter Hossain - Member
3. Mr. Md. Sabur Khan - Member
4. Mr. Mustaque Ahmed - Secretary

The scope of Audit Committee:

The terms of reference of the Audit Committee cover all matters specified under Clause-3.3 of the Bangladesh Securities
and Exchange Commission (BSEC) notification dated 7 August 2012. To cover the matters the scope of Audit Committee
was defined as under:

(a) Review and recommend to the Board of Directors to approve the financial statements prepared for statutory
(b) Report to the Board of Directors on internal audit findings from time to time considering the significance of the
(c) Carry on a supervision role to safeguard the systems of governance and independence of statutory auditors; and
(d) Review and consider the internal report and statutory auditors’ observations on internal control.

Activities carried out during the year:

The Committee reviewed, discussed and guided the process of financial year end closing and the procedure and the task
of the internal audit, financial report preparation. The Committee also reviewed the external audit reports to ensure its
consistency in presentation. The Committee noted that required disclosure have been made to present a true and fair
view of the state of affairs of the Company and didn’t find any material deviation, discrepancy or any adverse finding/
observation in the areas of reporting.

(Md. Golam Mostofa)

Audit Committee

Audited Financial Statements
Titas Gas Transmission & Distribution Co. Ltd
For the year ended June 30, 2013

Hoda Vasi
Chowdhury & Co
Independent Correspondent Firm to Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co
Chartered Accountants
Independent Correspondent Firm to Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu


We have audited the accompanying financial statements of TITAS GAS TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION COMPANY
LIMITED, which comprises the statement of financial position as at 30 June, 2013, related statement of comprehensive
income, statement of cash flow and statement of changes in equity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant
accounting policies and other explanatory notes.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with
Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS) & Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS), the Companies Act 1994
and other applicable laws and regulations. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing, and maintaining internal
control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates
that are reasonable in the circumstances.

Auditors’ Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit
in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing (BSA). Those standards require that we comply with ethical
requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free
from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material
misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor
considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order
to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion
on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting
policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Basis for Qualified Opinion

1. Value of Inventory as on 30 June, 2013 has been shown in Inventory Management Software (Tally) as BDT 1,737.40
million and as per general ledger the amount is BDT 1,887.40 million; results a difference of BDT 150.00 million,
has been remained un-reconciled since 2007 as a consequence of error in Inventory Management Software. For
these TGTDCL failed to reflect the true picture in the statement of financial position and overstated the asset by the
same amount as on 30 June, 2013.

2. Customer Security Deposit as on 30 June, 2013 has been shown in the statement of financial position as BDT
7,660.66 million and as per zone ledgers the amount is BDT 7,778.40 million; results a difference of BDT 117.74
million as a consequence of error in recording customer ledger in some of the Dhaka Zonal Offices and cash deposit
for connections despite of Govt. decision to stop further domestic connections in years between 2010-11 and 2011-
12. TGTDCL failed to consider the economic event in accrual basis and understated the liability by the same amount
as on 30 June, 2013.

Qualified Opinion

In our opinion, except for the effects of the matters described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion Paragraphs 1 to 2,
the Financial Statements prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS) & Bangladesh Financial
Reporting Standards (BFRS), give a true and fair view of the state of the company’s affairs as at 30 June, 2013 and of
the results of its operations for the year then ended and comply with the Companies Act 1994 and other applicable laws
and regulations.

Further to our opinion in the above paragraph, we state that:

(i) We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief
were necessary for the purpose of our audit and made due verification thereof;

(ii) in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by TITAS GAS TRANSMISSION
& DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED, so far as it appeared from our examination of those books;

(iii) The company’s Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Cash
Flow and Statement of Changes in Equity dealt with by the report are in agreement with the books of
account and returns.

(iv) The expenditure incurred was for the purpose of the company’s business.


Dated, October 24, 2013 Chartered Accountants

Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd.
Statement of Financial Position
As at 30 June 2013
IAS 1.51(a)
IAS 1.10
IAS 1.51( C)
Notes June 2013 June 2012
IAS 1.54(a) Property, plant & equipment 2 10,911,843,713 10,895,991,726
IAS 1.54(a) Capital work-in-progress 3 133,746,418 804,921,110
IFRS 7.8 (c) Long-term bank deposits and others 4 30,021,009,586 29,365,523,799
IFRS 7.8 (c) Loan to GTCL 5 2,772,900,000 -
IFRS 7.8 (c) Loan to employees 6 1,315,018,659 1,157,574,988
IAS 1.60 Non-current assets 45,154,518,376 42,224,011,623

IAS 1.54(g) Inventories 1,887,403,161 1,725,930,924

IAS 1.54(h) Advances, deposits and prepayments 7 356,018,001 281,820,964
IAS 1.54(b) Trade receivables 8 21,771,490,744 19,387,807,530
IAS 1.54(i) Cash and cash equivalents 9 5,715,123,782 6,521,121,770
IAS 1.77 Other current assets 10 2,258,786,080 2,043,179,799
IAS 1.54(b) Group current accounts 11 3,228,171,321 2,471,097,498
IAS 1.60 Current assets 35,216,993,090 32,430,958,485
Total assets 80,371,511,466 74,654,970,108
IAS 1.54(k) Loans and other borrowings 12 1,339,682,234 1,888,510,414
IAS 1.55 Retirement benefit obligations 13 1,311,674,122 986,579,644
IAS 1.55 Leave pay 14 218,848,577 191,592,887
IAS 1.55 Customers' security deposits 15 7,660,663,770 7,159,758,543
Non-current Liabilities 10,530,868,703 10,226,441,488
IAS 1.54(k) Trade payable 16 13,983,587,910 14,740,202,448
IAS 1.55 Group current accounts 17 441,151,406 432,919,827
IAS 1.54(k) Accruals & provisions 18 8,670,885,836 12,076,132,465
IAS 1.55 Workers' Profit Participation Fund 19 614,780,584 602,763,557
IAS 1.54(k) Current portion of long-term loans 20 373,443,630 413,223,288
IAS 1.60 Current liabilities 24,083,849,366 28,265,241,586
Total liabilities 34,614,718,069 38,491,683,074
Net assets 45,756,793,397 36,163,287,034

Total Shareholders' Equity 21 45,756,793,397 36,163,287,034

Net asset value per share (NAV) 46.26 38.39
The annexed notes 1 to 28 form an integral part of these financial statements

(Abdul Kayum Khan) (Engr. Md. Nowshad Islam) (Md. Mozammel Haque Khan)
Director (Finance), Incharge Managing Director (Additional Charge) Chairman

Signed as per annexed report on even date

Dhaka, October 24, 2013 Chartered Accountants

Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd.
Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year ended 30 June 2013


IAS 1.51(a)

IAS 1.10

IAS 1.51( C)
Notes June 2013 June 2012


IAS 1.82(a) Sales revenue & operational income 22 74,625,523,498 71,375,160,794

IAS 1.99 Cost of sales 23 63,039,095,709 59,813,081,774

IAS 1.85 Gross profit 11,586,427,789 11,562,079,021

IAS 1.99 Administrative & other expenses 24 3,482,513,160 3,122,629,099

Operating profit 8,103,914,630 8,439,449,922

IAS 1.85 Non-operating income 25 4,842,662,444 4,259,777,766

IAS 1.85 Total income 12,946,577,073 12,699,227,688

IAS 1.82(b) Finance costs 26 67,872,380 86,938,225

Net Profit before contribution to WPPF 12,878,704,694 12,612,289,463

IAS 1.99 Worker's Profit Participation Fund 613,271,652 600,585,213

Net profit before tax 12,265,433,042 12,011,704,251

IAS 1.85 Provision for income tax 27 3,169,059,630 3,099,581,128

IAS 1.82(f) Net profit after tax 9,096,373,412 8,912,123,123

IAS 33 Earning Per Share (EPS) 28 9.20 9.01

The annexed notes 1 to 28 form an integral part of these financial statements

(Abdul Kayum Khan) (Engr. Md. Nowshad Islam) (Md. Mozammel Haque Khan)
Director (Finance), Incharge Managing Director (Additional Charge) Chairman

Signed as per annexed report on even date

Dhaka, October 24, 2013 Chartered Accountants

Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd.
Statement of Cash Flow
For the year ended 30 June 2013
IAS 1.51(a)
IAS 1.10
IAS 1.51(c)
June 2013 June 2012
A. Cash flows from operating activities
Receipts from gas sales 72,241,840,284 71,445,045,000
Bank Interest received 4,067,695,547 2,434,966,000
Other Income received 553,651,644 666,916,000
Payment against gas purchase (63,757,996,473) (58,844,350,000)
Payment for salary & other cost (1,804,452,666) (1,484,109,000)
Payment for WPPF (601,254,625) (615,640,000)
Inter-Company account 224,926,297 63,829,000
Interest paid (67,872,380) (86,938,000)
Income tax paid (3,930,064,450) (3,124,560,000)
Advance, Deposits & Prepayments (74,197,038) (39,863,000)
Other Creditors 84,536,331 450,060,000

Net cash from operating activities 6,936,812,470 10,865,356,000

B. Cash flows from investing activities

Fixed deposit (655,485,787) (8,718,838,000)
Security received from customers 500,905,227 216,773,000
Disposal of assets (B.Baria & Ashuganj) 455,940,000 630,270,000
Loan to GTCL (2,772,900,000) -
Loan to Petrobangla (1,000,000,000) -
Other current assets (483,839,271) (158,438,000)
Acquisition of fixed assets (185,058,165) (437,406,000)
Acquisition of stores (70,523,649) (378,343,000)
Employees' loan (157,443,670) (127,421,000)
Gratuity fund (5,396,723) (5,156,000)
Leave pay (3,940,384) (10,779,000)
Pension fund (151,289,389) (192,527,000)
Provident fund (24,940,315) (30,318,000)
Net cash used in investing activities (4,553,972,126) (9,212,183,000)
C. Cash flows from financing activities
Share money received 3,622,991 4,240,000
Loan received 5,434,487 28,154,000
Payment of long-term loan (413,223,238) (354,693,000)
Dividend paid (2,784,672,802) (2,797,293,000)
Net cash used in financing activities (3,188,838,562) (3,119,592,000)
D. Net increase/decrease in cash & cash equivalents (A+B+C) (805,998,218) (1,466,419,000)
E. Cash & cash equivalents at beginning of the year 6,521,122,000 7,987,541,000

Cash & cash equivalents at end of the year (D+E) 5,715,123,782 6,521,122,000

Net Operating Cash Flow Per Share (Taka) 7.01 11.53

(Abdul Kayum Khan) (Engr. Md. Nowshad Islam) (Md. Mozammel Haque Khan)
Director (Finance), Incharge Managing Director (Additional Charge) Chairman

Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd.
Statement of Changes In Equity
For the year ended 30 June 2013

Share Deposit for Capital Revenue

Particulars Total
Capital Share Reserve Reserve

Balance as on July 01, 2012 9,421,160,300 33,512,335 3,020,126,116 23,688,488,283 36,163,287,034

Add: Bonus share issued 471,058,010 - - - 471,058,010

Add: Received from Govt. - 3,622,992 - - 3,622,992

Add: Net profit after tax for the year - - - 9,096,373,413 9,096,373,413

Add: Prior years' adjustments - - - 22,451,948 22,451,948

Balance as on June 30, 2013 9,892,218,310 37,135,327 3,020,126,116 32,807,313,644 45,756,793,397

For the year ended 30 June 2013

Share Deposit for Capital Revenue

Particulars Total
Capital Share Reserve Reserve

Balance as on July 01, 2011 9,421,160,300 29,272,335 754,693,866 18,041,244,659 28,246,371,160

Add: Bonus share issued - - - - -

Add: Received from Govt. - 4,240,000 - - 4,240,000

Add: Net profit after tax for the year - - - 8,912,123,121 8,912,123,121

Add: Prior years' adjustments - - - 32,526,608 32,526,608

Add: Capital gain against disposal of
- - 2,271,040,477 - 2,271,040,477
B.Baria & Ashuganj region
Less: Grants transferred to revenue
- - (5,608,228) - (5,608,228)
Less: Proposed dividend - - - (3,297,406,105) (3,297,406,105)

Balance as on June 30, 2012 9,421,160,300 33,512,335 3,020,126,116 23,688,488,283 36,163,287,033

(Abdul Kayum Khan) (Engr. Md. Nowshad Islam) (Md. Mozammel Haque Khan)
Director (Finance), Incharge Managing Director (Additional Charge) Chairman

Notes on financial statements
For the year ended 30 June 2013
1. Significant Accounting policies
General information

Titas Gas Transmission & Distribution Company Limited (TGTDCL) was established in the year 1964 with the aim and
objective to transmit natural gas from the gas fields to different areas to distribute the same to the consumers in power,
fertilizer, industrial, commercial, captive power, feed gas for CNG, and domestic categories of its franchise area viz. greater
Dhaka & Mymensingh districts. After construction of the 58 miles long original 14” dia gas transmission pipeline from
B.Baria to Demra the Company started its commercial activities in April 1968 supplying gas to Siddirganj Power Station,
the first gas consumer. Thereafter the Company constructed different distribution lines in phases towards Dhaka City area,
Ghorashal and Ashuganj for gas supply to the customers in all categories. Till the liberation of the country in 1971 TGTDCL
had been able to supply gas to two power stations, one fertilizer factory and about 2000 customers in other categories.
After liberation of the country the Company was nationalized under the Presidential Order No. 27/1972 and its overall
activities has been placed under the supervision and control of Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla).

Subsequently, the Company’s Board was vested with full autonomy and exercise all financial powers as per Company’s
act 1994 as stated vide the government gazette notification no. weR¡vLm (cÖvm&y-2)/M¨vm-2/2002 (Ask-2)/787 dated 5
November, 2002. Recently the Company has been listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) on June 09, 2008 and with
Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) on June 19, 2008 under the direct listing rules of Securities & Exchange Commission
to offload 25% of its shares in the stock markets.

TGTDCL since its inception has been developing its activities day by day and at present it has a total customer base of
about 1,565,802 nos. The total customers include 09 power stations of PDB, 25 private power stations and 3 fertilizer
factories in the bulk category.

Shareholders’ Position
Shareholders’ Position as on 30 June 2013 is as follows:

Sl.No. Range of Holdings No. of Shareholders Total Share Holding % of Holding

1 Up to 5,000 Shares 19,625 1,95,93,113 1.98
2 5,001 to 50,000 Shares 2,736 3,52,44,220 3.56
3 50,001 to 1,00,000 Shares 165 1,15,78,499 1.17
4 1,00,001 to 2,00,000 Shares 105 1,45,36,137 1.47
5 2,00,001 to 3,00,000 Shares 35 83,03,726 0.84
6 3,00,001 to 4,00,000 Shares 20 67,54,699 0.68
7 4,00,001 to 5,00,000 Shares 11 48,42,155 0.49
8 5,00,001 to 10,00,000 Shares 41 2,80,21,552 2.83
9 10,00,001 to 1,00,00,000 Shares 36 9,52,65,324 9.63
10 100,00,001 to 2,00,00,000 Shares - - -
11 2,00,00,001 to 3,00,00,000 Shares 1 2,31,66,035 2.34
12 Over 3,00,00,000 Shares 1 74,19,16,371 75.00
Total 22,776 98,92,21,831 100.00

Sl.No. Name of Directors Share Held Status

1 Mr. Md. Mozammel Haque Khan None Government Employee

2 Mr.Md. Abdul Malek None Government Employee
3 Mr.Md. Golam Mostofa 1 (One) Government Employee
4 Prof. Dr. Md. Hussain Monsur None Government Employee
5 Mr.Md. Munsur Ali Sikder None Government Employee
6 Mr.Md. Abdul Wahab Khan None Government Employee
7 Mr.Akhtar Hossain None Non-Govt. Employee
8 Mr. Md. Sabur Khan None Non-Govt. Employee
9 Mr. Md. Nowshad Islam None Government Employee

Basis of preparation
Statement of compliance
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS) and as per
requirements of Securities Exchange Rules 1987 and the Companies Act 1994.
Going concern
The Management considers that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the
foreseeable future. The financial statements are therefore prepared on a going concern basis.
Basis of measurement
The financial statements of the Company are prepared on the historical cost basis. The Management believes the financial
statements present a true and fair view. The financial statements of the Company are presented in Bangladesh Taka (BDT)
and rounded off to the nearest Taka.
Use of estimates and judgments
The preparation of financial statements conforming to BAS requires the use of certain accounting estimates. It also
requires management to exercise judgement in the process of applying the accounting policies. The Management applies
best possible judgements conforming to BAS and accounting principles wherever required.

Accounting policies
Revenue recognition
Revenue is recognized as per BAS 18: Revenue, to the extent that it is probable that economic benefit will flow to the
Company and that the revenue can be reliably measured.

The Company recognizes revenue on consumption basis at the end of month to the consumers (except domestic
consumers) for consumption of gas. The domestic consumers revenue are recognized on fixed rate basis. Other operating
income arising from meter rent, late payment fees, connection and reconnection fees are recognized on billing basis.

Other income arising mainly from Condensate sale, profit on sale of store materials, commissioning fees, penalties, rental
income and others are recognized on billing basis. Interest income arising from interest on fixed deposits is recognized on
accrual basis and STD bank account on cash basis.

Foreign Currencies
Financial statements are presented in Bangladesh Taka (BDT), which is the functional currency of the Company. Foreign
currencies are recorded in the books of accounts at the exchange rate prevailing on the date of transaction. Monetary
assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated at the rate of exchange prevailing on the closing date and the
resulting exchange gains or losses are added with the assets value.
Finance income and costs
Finance income comprises interest receivable on investment of depreciation funds, general funds and security deposits
recognized in the statement of comprehensive income. Finance costs comprise interest payable on borrowings from
local and foreign lenders. Interest on the funding attributable to major capital projects is capitalized during the years of
construction and depreciated as part of the total cost over the useful life of the asset.
Taxation on the profit for the year comprises current and deferred tax. Taxation is recognized in the income statement
unless it relates to items recognized directly in equity, in which case it is recognized in equity. Current tax is the expected
tax payable on the taxable income for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet
date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years. Deferred tax is calculated as per BAS 12: Income
tax, using the income statement method. Under this approach, profit as per books is compared with profit as per tax.
Then, deferred tax is created on all timing differences. Timing differences are the differences between taxable income and
accounting income for a period that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods.
No deferred tax is created on permanent differences.
Property, plant and equipment
Items of property, plant and equipment are stated at historical cost convention in accordance with BAS 16: Property,
Plant and Equipment. The cost of self-constructed assets includes the cost of materials, direct labour and other directly
attributable costs. The purchase price of an asset will include the fair value of the consideration paid to acquire the
asset. Where an item of property, plant and equipment comprises major components having different useful lives, the
components are accounted for as separate items of property, plant and equipment, and depreciated accordingly.
Depreciation has been charged on straight line method. Depreciation is charged on periodical on the assets which is
acquired within first three quarters of the year. But no depreciation is charged on assets acquired in the last quarter of
the year. No depreciation has been charged on Land and Land Development. Depreciation rates on assets considering the
nature of assets are as follows:

Class of Assets Rate of Depreciation

Freehold concrete & brick structure 2.50%
Gas transmission pipelines 3.33%
Gas distribution pipelines 5.00%
Gas transmission & distribution plant 5.00%
Consumer metering including CMS 10.00%
Vehicles 20.00%
Furniture & Fixtures 10.00%
Office equipments 15.00%
Construction Equipments 20.00%
Other assets 2.50% to 30.00%

Inventories consist of materials needed for mainly gas line network infrastructure construction of the Company, which
comprises of about 13,700 different categories of items and are valued at weighted average cost. Stores in transit are
valued at actual cost incurred thereon and retained as store in transit till the date of receiving materials at store.

Employee benefit obligations

a) Pension Fund
The Company has created a pension scheme for its employees who have opted for pension. This fund represents
accumulated amount of company’s contribution and interest earned thereon less payments made to the ex-
employees enjoying pension benefits. This fund has been invested into FDR & ICB Unit Certificate.

b) Contributory Provident Fund

The company also operates a contributory provident fund for its employees who have not opted to join in the
pension scheme. This fund has been entirely invested into FDR.

c) Gratuity Fund
The Company also operates gratuity fund for those employees who have opted for gratuity and not for pension.
But actual liability towards gratuity is ascertained on actual calculation.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash balances and call deposits.
Trade receivables
Trade receivables are valued at their book value less provision for bad & doubtful debts. Provision for Bad & Doubtful
Debts is made at 3% on Non-bulk customers balance appearing at the Balance Sheet date as per Board decision. But no
provision is made on Accounts Receivable of Bulk customers.
Provisions and contingencies
The assessments undertaken in recognising provisions and contingencies have been made in accordance with IAS
37. The evaluation of the likelihood of the contingent events has required best judgement by management regarding
the probability of exposure to potential loss. Should circumstances change following unforeseeable developments, this
likelihood could alter.
All known expenditure have been accounted for in the final accounts irrespective of whether the same is paid or not up
to the closing date.
Earning Per Share
Basic earning per share (EPS) is calculated in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting Standard BAS-33 by dividing the
earnings attributable to the number of shares held by the ordinary shareholders at the end of the year. Previous year’s EPS
adjusted retrospectively as per BAS -33 .
Cash Flow Statement
Cash Flow Statement is prepared in accordance with BAS -7 under direct method as per requirement of securities
exchange rules, 1987.

Borrowing Cost
Interest on borrowed funds is charged as finance expense after completion of project. Till the date, the project remains
under implementation; interest is added with project cost.
Re-arrangement of presentation
Trade receivable shown in gross amount in current year. Accordingly previous year’s presentation of financial statement
has been re arranged, to conform current years financial position.

Related party transactions

Upon demand of the Ministry of Finance, Petrobangla requested vide Letter no. 28.02.0000. dated
29.04.2013 to TGTDCL to make payment of Tk.100.00 crore for financing Govt’s on going preferential projects. As per
the approval of the Board of Directors, company paid this amount to Petrobangla as short term loan without interest.

As per the approval of Govt, a project of Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) named “Bibiyana- Dhanua 36″
diameter 138 kilometer Transmission Pipeline” is being implemented at a cost Tk. 1,650.31 crores for which GTCL
will finance Tk. 300.00 crores from own source and Petrobangla along with its other 6 enterprises will finance the rest
amount of Tk. 1,350.31 croes with an interest of 2% per annum. As such, the Board of Petrobangla decided that TGTDCL
has to pay Tk.378.00 crores. The board of TGTDCL approved it. Accordingly the company has paid Tk.277.29 crores
during the year.

June 2013 June 2012
IAS 1.54 (a) 02 Property, Plant & Equipment
Freehold land 602,223,350 465,150,716
Buildings 796,918,605 775,502,625
Furniture & fixtures 76,720,834 68,294,027
Office equipments 479,646,338 472,800,907
Other equipments 86,997,405 83,022,298
Transmission & distribution lines 19,605,771,565 18,987,014,536
Water services 26,948,623 26,052,016
Vehicles 432,201,345 375,811,845
Other assets 2,588,859 2,127,459
Total Cost 22,110,016,923 21,255,776,429

Less: Accumulated Depreciation

Freehold land - -
Buildings 390,325,754 366,953,121
Furniture & fixtures 51,661,583 47,715,968
Office equipments 449,656,076 437,866,573
Other equipments 80,793,101 78,752,267
Transmission & distribution lines 9,898,621,270 9,143,269,059
Water services 22,766,899 21,320,405
Vehicles 302,328,371 261,929,946
Other assets 2,020,157 1,977,367
Total Accumulated Depreciation 11,198,173,210 10,359,784,703

Book value at the end of the year (Details Shown in Annexure 1) 10,911,843,713 10,895,991,726

IAS 1.54 (a) 03 Capital work-in-progress

Greater Titas Franchise area 21,816,825.81 7,050,199
Service connection project 2,188,018.87 5,515,345
System balancing / improvement project 15,253,382
Supply efficiency improvement project 49,308,925.13 42,728,037
Monohardi-Norshindi loop line project - 676,540,329
Prototype prepaid gas meter project 17,194,448.00 14,770,336
Link line from Gayaran to Joydevpur 1,096,600.25 1,067,407
Domestic prepaid gas meter project 42,141,600.00 41,996,075
Total 133,746,418 804,921,110

IFRS 7.8 (c) 04 Long-term bank deposits and Others

Depreciation fund 8,838,586,026 8,355,709,000
Customers' Security 6,605,972,535 6,874,812,775
Contractors' Security 816,356 570,640
General provident fund 450,980,187 395,980,031
Pension fund 676,788,930 421,626,853
General Fund 13,444,124,552 13,310,589,500
ICB Islamic Bank (Shares) (At Market Value) (Note-04.1) 3,741,000 6,235,000
Total 30,021,009,586 29,365,523,799
IFRS 7.8 (c) 04.1 Investment in Listed Stock:

Name of the Company No. of Shares Face Value Cost Value Market Price Per Market Price at the end of Unrealized
hare the period (Taka) gain/ (loss)
ICB Islamic Bank 623,500 10 6,235,000 6 3,741,000 (2,494,000)
A provision has been made amounting to Tk. 24,94,000 for the difference between the cost price and the market price at the end of the year of
investment in share.

IFRS 7.8 (c) 05 Loan to GTCL

As per the approval of Govt, a project of Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) named “Bibiyana-Dhanua 36” diameter 138
kilometerTransmission Pipeline” is being implemented at a cost Tk. 1,650.31 crores for which GTCL will finance Tk. 300.00 crores from own
source and Petrobangla along with its other 6 enterprises will finance the rest amount of Tk. 1,350.31 croes with an interest of 2% per annum.
As such, the Board of Petrobangla decided that TGTDCL has to pay Tk.378.00 crores. The board of TGTDCL approved it. Accordingly the
company has paid Tk.277.29 crores during the year.

IFRS 7.8 (c) 06 Long-term loans to employees

June 2013 June 2012

LP/HB Computer BDT BDT
MC loan
loan loan
Principal Principal
& Intt.
& Intt. & Intt.
Opening balance 1,095,122,649 60,577,223 1,875,117 1,157,574,989 977,832,025
Add : Additions during the year 348,708,652 25,997,971 1,424,844 376,131,467 369,436,498
Total Loan 1,443,831,301 86,575,194 3,299,960 1,533,706,455 1,347,268,523
Less : Realised during the year 200,084,774 17,657,462 945,561 218,687,797 189,693,535
Closing balance 1,243,746,528 68,917,732 2,354,399 1,315,018,659 1,157,574,988

IAS 1.54(h) 07 Advances, deposits and prepayments

General Advance 63,907,470 50,890,042
Bonus Advance 241,504,588 198,740,998
Total advances 305,412,058 249,631,040

Deposit with Bangladesh Oxygen Limited 24,000 24,000
Deposited to PDB 26,400 26,400
Deposited to T & T Board 158,000 158,000
Deposit with BSMMU (BSMMU & Hospital, Dhaka) 1,000,000 1,000,000
Deposit with ICB securities trading Co. Ltd. 10,000 10,000
Others Security Deposit (Road cutting sec.-City corp. / UP) 36,845,197 21,695,468
Total deposits 38,063,597 22,913,868

Insurance Premium 12,542,346 9,276,056

Total 356,018,001 281,820,964

IAS 1.54(b) 08 Trade Receivables

It represents receivable against gas bills from all category of customers and is stated below. Aging of Trade
Debtors has been shown in Annexure 2.
Power (PDB) 1,677,936,634 845,592,874
Fertilizer 800,783,336 1,032,465,829
Power (Private) 1,299,663,444 1,289,749,176
Bulk 3,778,383,414 3,167,807,879
Industrial 7,186,456,318 6,375,675,775
Captive Power 3,667,715,724 2,982,818,131
Feed Gas for CNG 2,782,462,436 2,346,149,430
Domestic 3,641,281,052 3,872,860,374
Commercial 669,925,338 597,150,280
Seasonal 45,266,462 45,345,662
Non-bulk 17,993,107,330 16,219,999,652

Total 21,771,490,744 19,387,807,530

June 2013 June 2012
IAS 1.54(i) 09 Cash and bank balances

Cash in hand 225,250 123,201

Cash at bank 5,714,014,931 6,520,168,968
Imprest fund 883,600 829,600
Total 5,715,123,782 6,521,121,770
IAS 1.77 10 Other current assets
Interest receivable on investment of GPF 89,648,426 30,773,309
Receivable from income tax authority 20,348,595 20,348,595
Payroll accounts (receivable from employees) 2,193,126 2,901,627
Receivable from ex-employees 228,179 261,967
Other receivables( from Padma Oil Co., UCBL-KB & others) 96,784,622 63,322,902
Compensation receivable from Mohakhali Flyover authority 7,695,400 7,695,400
Store in transit 133,591,053 157,701,672
Interest receivable on FDR 1,763,125,323 1,612,946,645
Receivable from Grameen Phone against bill collection 52,654,134 59,622,517
General Provident Fund loan to employees 92,517,222 87,605,166
Total 2,258,786,080 2,043,179,799

IAS 1.54(b) 11 Group current accounts(receivables)

Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Co. Ltd. 24,173,809 28,186,514
Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production Co. Ltd. - 10,708,532
Bangladesh Gas Fields Co. Ltd. 40,929 40,929
Loan to Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) (Note-11.1) 1,000,000,000 -
Gas Transmission Co. Ltd. 17,764,808 6,771,268
Jalalabad Gas T & D Systems Ltd. 135,260,888 151,076,557
Rupantarita Prakritik Gas Co. Ltd. 215,761 442,260
Pashchimanchol Gas Co. Ltd. 15,930,791 20,742,569
Karnafuli Gas Distribution Co. Ltd. 7,568,489 3,628,773
Maddhapara Granaite Mining Co.Ltd. 348,635 319,045
Sundarban Gas Distribution Co. Ltd. 260,007 -
Bakhrabad Gas Dist. Co.Ltd.(B.Baria & Ashuganj trans.) 1,672,099,838 2,128,116,181
Jalalabad Gas T & D Systems Ltd. (For line rent) 5,001,558 -
Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Co.Ltd. (For line rent) 349,505,807 121,064,871
Total 3,228,171,321 2,471,097,498

11.1 Upon demand of the Ministry of Finance, Petrobangla requested vide Letter no. 28.02.0000. dated 29.04.2013 to
TGTDCL to make payment of Tk.100.00 crore for financing Govt’s on going preferential projects. As per the approval of the Board of Directors,
company paid this amount to Petrobangla as short term loan without interest.

IAS 1.54(k) 12 Loans and Other Borrowing

Loans and Other Borrowing (ADP) (Note-12.1) 14,369,524 8,935,037

Loans and Other Borrowing (Foreign Source) (Note-12.2) 1,325,312,709 1,879,575,377
1,339,682,234 1,888,510,414
IAS 1.54(k) 12.1 Loans and Other Borrowing (ADP)

Opening balance 8,935,037 3,157,130

Add: Addition during the year 5,434,487 5,777,907
Closing balance 14,369,524 8,935,037

The above fund was provided by GOB as ADP loan for implementation of supply efficiency improvement project.

IAS 1.54(k) 12.2 Loans and Other Borrowing (Foreign Source)
It represents Loan received from Asian Development Bank (ADB) & OECF against different development projects. Loan wise foreign unsecured
loans inclusive of exchange rate fluctuation (ERF), which are not yet due, as on 30.06.2013 are shown below:

Amount Repayment Interest June 2013 June 2012

End Year
(in Lakh) period Rate% BDT BDT
ADB loan no. 1293 BAN (SF) 12,711 12 Years 2018-19 5% 753,413,624 951,467,031
ADB loan no. 1943 (BAN) 5,668 15 Years 2021-22 5% 413,160,000 489,159,000
ADB loan no. 2188 & 2189
1,364 15 Years 2025-26 5% 136,363,373 136,363,373
OECF loan no. BD, C - 18 7,265 12 Years 2013-14 5% - 280,210,260
ADB loan no 2623 BAN(SF) 224 15 Years 2025-26 5% 22,375,713 22,375,713
Total 27,109 1,325,312,709 1,879,575,377

Movement of the outstanding foreign loans & ERF (Exchange rate fluctuation) are as follows :
Principal ERF

Opening balance 1,202,505,388 677,069,989 1,879,575,377 2,085,645,123

Add: Additions during the year - (180,819,037) (180,819,037) 207,153,542
Total 1,202,505,388 496,250,952 1,698,756,340 2,292,798,665
Less: Transferred to current part 211,859,888 161,583,743 373,443,630 413,223,288
Closing balance 99,06,45,500 334,667,209 1,325,312,709 1,879,575,377

13 Retirement benefit obligations

Pension fund (Note 13.1) 737,551,220 481,319,843
Gratuity (Note 13.2) 7,845,027 12,145,260
General Provident Fund (Note 13.3) 566,277,874 493,114,540
1,311,674,122 986,579,644

IAS 1.55 13.1 Pension Fund

Opening balance 481,319,843 461,435,829
Add: Company's contribution during the year 357,246,201 172,643,483
A dd: Return on investment 48,994,114 42,767,649
Add: Interest on STD a/c & others 1,280,451 1,947,415
Total 888,840,609 678,794,377
Less: Payment made during the year 151,289,389 197,474,533
Closing balance 737,551,220 481,319,843

IAS 1.55 13.2 Gratuity

Opening balance 12,145,260 15,741,539
Add: Additions during the year 1,096,490 1,538,940
Add:Adjustments during the year - 20,721
Total 13,241,750 17,301,200
Less: Payment made during the year 5,396,722 5,155,940
Closing balance 7,845,027 12,145,260

IAS 1.55 13.3 General Provident Fund

Opening balance 493,114,540 449,426,039
Add: Contribution during the year 40,183,671 40,093,314
Add: Return on investment 57,524,592 33,913,809
Add: Interest on STD a/c & others 395,386 -
Total 591,218,189 523,433,162
Less: Payment during the year 24,940,315 30,318,621
Closing balance 566,277,874 493,114,540

(a) This fund has been accumulated by employees contribution and maintained by a Trustee. A separate account is being maintained by the
(b) The Sum of Tk. 45,09,80,187 has been invested in FDR and ICB unit certificate.

June 2013 June 2012
IAS 1.55 14 Leave Pay BDT BDT
Opening balance 191,592,887 172,582,370
Add: Additions during the year 31,057,344 29,346,087
Add: Adjustment during the year 138,730 443,811
Total 222,788,961 202,372,268
Less: Payment made during the year 3,940,383 10,779,381
Closing balance 218,848,577 191,592,887
IAS 1.55 15 Customer's Security Deposits
This amount represents deposits by the customers as security against gas connection as required under gas supply contracts
are shown as long-term liabilities. Such deposits are not repayable till gas supply to the customers continues. However total
sum of Tk. 6,605,972,535 have been invested in FDR with banks.

Customers category
Domestic 2,185,274,206 2,014,054,693
Commercial 622,963,087 615,123,041
Industrial 3,310,767,904 3,069,838,105
Captive Power 1,106,927,074 1,028,715,153
Feed gas for CNG 184,221,611 182,911,565
Seasonal 132,235 132,235
Power (Private) 250,377,654 248,983,751
Total 7,660,663,770 7,159,758,543

IAS 1.54(k) 16 Trade payable

Liabilities for gas purchases and transmission charges (Note 16.1) 11,265,350,805 11,958,362,314
Liability for PDF & BAPEX margin (Note 16.2) 1,030,321,721 1,042,577,005
Deficit Wellhead Margin Fund for BAPEX (DWMFB) (Note 16.3) 62,824,154 62,469,012
Gas Development Fund (GDF) (Note 16.4) 1,625,091,230 1,676,794,117
13,983,587,910 14,740,202,448

IAS 1.54(k) 16.1 Liabilities for gas purchases and transmission charges
a ) Payable for gas purchase
It represents the amount payable to the gas producing companies against their share of margin i.e. well head
Margin. It also includes the Govt. Margin (55% of end users' price after deducting maximum 2% exemption for
system loss on National Gas) on total gas purchase volume. Outstanding payable thereof as compared to previous
year is as follows :

Opening balance 10,804,936,040 10,173,772,655

Add: payable for the year 49,257,436,752 46,531,297,541
Adjustments (4,325,114) 168,965,843
Total 60,058,047,678 56,874,036,040
Less: paid during the year 49,701,437,300 46,069,100,000
Closing balance 10,356,610,378 10,804,936,040
Company wise break-up is as follows :
Name of company :
Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Ltd. 2,927,871,528 3,472,587,061
Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd. 109,665,229 191,013,585
Jalalabad Gas Field (Occi.), Tallu & Chevron through BOGMC 7,300,179,173 7,141,512,083
Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production Co. Ltd. 18,894,448 (176,689)
Total 10,356,610,378 10,804,936,040

b) Liability for transmission charges :
It represents gas transmission charges (Tk. 0.320/CM payable to Gas Transmission Company Ltd. (GTCL) for gas transmitted to Titas System
through its pipeline. Outstanding payable thereof as compared to previous year is as follows :

June 2013 June 2012

Opening balance 1,153,426,274 1,144,382,939
Add: payable for the year 3,632,914,153 3,235,843,335
Total 4,786,340,427 4,380,226,274
Less: paid during the year 3,877,600,000 3,226,800,000
Closing balance 908,740,427 1,153,426,274

Company wise break-up is as follows :

Name of company:
Bakhrabad Gas Systems Ltd. 1,279,102 1,279,102
Gas Transmission Company Ltd. 907,461,326 1,152,147,173
Total 908,740,427 1,153,426,274
Total liabilities for gas pur. and trans. (a+b) 11,265,350,805 11,958,362,314

IAS 1.54(k) 16.2 Liability for PDF & BAPEX margin

a) Price Deficit Fund(PDF):

Price Deficit Fund (PDF) has been created with effect from 1st December 1998 as per order no. 15-1(Gas)/92(Vol.-2)/330 dated 29.08.1999
of the Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources with a view to cover the possible deficit, if arises, in payment of gas bills in foreign exchange
against cost of gas purchased from International Oil Companies (IOC) under Production Sharing Contract. Calculation has been made
considering maximum 2% exemption for system loss on National gas. Movement of this fund is as follows:

Opening balance 959,396,183 1,288,263,180

Add: payable for the year 3,691,008,250 3,840,004,460
Adjustments (10,967,441) (352,971,456)
Total 4,639,436,992 4,775,296,183
Less: paid during the year 3,688,600,000 3,815,900,000
Closing balance 950,836,992 959,396,183

IAS 1.54(k) b) BAPEX margin:

It represents the contribution to Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production Company Ltd. (BAPEX).The rate is Tk. 0.048/cm on National
gas sales to all categories of customer(except CNG).The rate for gas sales to CNG customer is Tk.@0.11/cm. It has also been mentioned that
such margin has not imposed on gas sales to fertilizer factories. Movement of liability for BAPEX margin is as follows :

Opening balance 83,180,822 109,683,946

Add: payable for the year 245,603,907 240,243,425
Adjustments - (24,646,548)
Total 328,784,729 325,280,822
Less: paid during the year 249,300,000 242,100,000
Closing balance 79,484,729 83,180,822
Total liabilities for PDF & BAPEX margin (a+b) 1,030,321,721 1,042,577,005

IAS 1.54(k) 16.3 Deficit Wellhead Margin Fund for BAPEX (DWMFB)

DWMFB has been Created with effect from 1st July 2008 as per order No. 5{Y/PZH'ExTEHYgF‘ZHZHD $VN 
dt.04.01.2009 of the Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources with a view to make payment for incremental wellhead margin ( Tk. 0.883/cm)
to BAPEX charging BDT. 0.04/cm on all categories of customers(except CNG cutomer) which is payable to BOGMC. As The rate for CNG
customer is Tk 0.200/cm . Calculation has been made considering maximum 2% exemption for system loss on National gas. Movement of
liability for DWMFB is as follows :

June 2013 June 2012


Opening balance 62,469,012 79,539,840

Add: payable for the year 239,264,965 233,197,033
Adjustments (309,823) (22,067,861)
Total 301,424,154 290,669,012
Less: paid during the year 238,600,000 228,200,000
Closing balance 62,824,154 62,469,012

IAS 1.54(k) 16.4 Gas Development Fund (GDF)

Gas Development Fund (GDF) has been created by the order of BERC (Order no.2009/8) with effect from Aug-09 to provide necessary fund
against risky exploration and overall development of Gas Sector. Movement of liability for GDF is as follows:

Opening balance 1,676,794,117 975,827,679

Add: payable for the year 4,805,280,194 4,577,039,436
Adjustments (1,883,081) 125,427,002
Total 6,480,191,230 5,678,294,117
Less: paid during the year 4,855,100,000 4,001,500,000
Closing balance 1,625,091,230 1,676,794,117
IAS 1.55 17 Group current accounts(payables)

Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production Co. Ltd.- current a/c 34,329,565 -
Sylhet Gas Fields Limited 127,800 107,800
Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation- current a/c (Petrobangla) 406,694,041 432,786,027
Sundarban Gas Distribution Company Ltd - 20,000.00
Barapukuria Coal Mines - 6,000.00
Total 441,151,406 432,919,827

IAS 1.54(k) 18 Accruals & provisions

Income tax payable (Note: 18.01) 1,914,723,963 2,668,344,256

Accruals & Provisions 570,884,081 484,874,178
Provision for bad & doubtful debts (Note: 18.02) 5,367,317,740 4,827,524,520
Payable to Govt., customers, contractors & employees 390,753,247 377,273,071
Other creditors 153,362,651 87,004,917
Payable against Jobs for third parties for pipeline construction 149,252,764 270,838,023
Dividend payable 97,361,318 3,353,088,891
Payable against payroll accounts 2,781,274 3,573,090
Payable to other companies against payroll accounts 282,822 185,203
Employee Income tax payable / (excess payment) (2,060,040) (2,060,040)
Payable against Jobs for third parties for replacement pipeline & others 26,100,345 5,480,652
Proceed of Fraction bonus share 121,079 1,116
Disputed dividend warrant clearing account 4,592 4,590
Total 8,670,885,836 12,076,132,466

18.01 Income tax payable: June 2013 June 2012
Tax equalization provision 21,237,711,717 18,257,430,387
Tax equalization provision (deferred tax) 418,555,090 291,870,764
Income tax provision for 2012-13 3,035,694,678 2,972,896,802
Deferred tax provision for 2012-13 133,364,952 126,684,326
Prov. for surcharge payable on income tax 59,998,846 59,998,846
Total liability (a) 24,885,325,282 21,708,881,125

Corporate tax advance payments 4,467,187,423 3,418,578,518

Income tax deducted at source 18,503,413,896 15,621,958,352
Total payment (b) 22,970,601,320 19,040,536,870

Income tax payable( a - b ) 1,914,723,963 2,668,344,256

18.02 Provision for bad & doubtful debts :

Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts is made 3% on Non-bulk customers balance appearing at the Balance Sheet date as per decision taken
in 519th board meeting held on 04-01-2006. But no provision is made on Accounts Receivable of Bulk customers (power & fertilizer).
Calculation of bad & doubtful debts is shown below :
Non-bulk customers category
:Industrial 7,186,456,318 6,375,675,775
Captive Power 3,667,715,724 2,982,818,131
Feed Gas for CNG 2,782,462,436 2,346,149,430
Domestic 3,641,281,052 3,872,860,374
Commercial 669,925,338 597,150,280
Seasonal 45,266,462 45,345,662
Non-bulk debtors 17,993,107,330 16,219,999,652

Provision for bad & doubtful debts (3% on Non-bulk debtors) 539,793,220 486,599,990

Opening balance of Provision for bad & doubtful debts 4,827,524,520 4,340,924,530
Add : Provision for bad & doubtful debts for the year 539,793,220 486,599,990
Closing balance of Provision for bad & doubtful debts 5,367,317,740 4,827,524,520

IAS 1.55 19 Workers Profit Participation Fund

The Company makes a regular allocation of 5% on profit before tax to this fund and payment is made to the workers as per provision of the
Companies profit under labour Law 2006 Chapter -15 and workers' Profit Participation Act 1968. Movement of Workers' Profit Participation
Fund is shown below :

Opening balance 602,763,557 617,818,367

Add : Payable for the year 613,271,652 600,585,213
Add : Received during the year - 80,082,884
Add : Prior years' adjustments 1,491,824 2,161,236
Total 1,217,527,033 1,300,647,700
Less : Paid during the year (602,746,449) (697,884,143)
Closing balance 614,780,584 602,763,557
IAS 1.54(k) 20 Current portion of long-term loans
Principal ERF
Opening balance 211,859,888 201,363,400 413,223,288 354,693,480
Addition during the year 211,859,888 161,583,743 373,443,630 413,223,288
Total payable 42,37,19,775 362,947,143 786,666,918 767,916,767
Less: Paid during the year 211,859,888 201,363,400 413,223,288 354,693,480
Closing balance 21,18,59,888 161,583,743 373,443,630 413,223,288
21 Shareholders' Equity
Share capital (Note 21.1) 9,892,218,310 9,421,160,300
Share Money for Deposit (Note 21.2) 37,135,326 33,512,335
Reserve Fund (Note 21.3) 3,020,126,115 3,020,126,115
Unappropriated Profit (Note 21.4) 32,807,313,646 23,688,488,284
Total Equity 45,756,793,397 36,163,287,034

IAS 1.55 21.1 Share Capital
The authorized share capital amounts to BDT 2000,00,00,000 divided into 200,00,00,000 ordinary shares of BDT 10 each. The issued,
subscribed and paid up share capital amounts to BDT 9,892,218,310 divided into 989,221,831 ordinary shares of BDT 10 each as at 30
June 2013.

IAS 1.55 21.2 Share Money for Deposit

This represents the amount received from the Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh toward Govt. equity from time to time for
development projects. Project wise Deposits for Share money till 30.06.2012 along with the amounts received during the year.

System Loss Dhaka
Efficiency June 2013 June 2012
Reduction Clean Fuel
Project project BDT BDT
Opening balance 28,576,456 655,879 4,280,000 33,512,335 29,272,335
Add: Received during the year - - 3,622,992 3,622,992 4,240,000
Closing balance 28,576,456 655,879 7,902,992 37,135,327 33,512,335

IAS 1.55 21.3 Reserve Fund

21.3.a Hydrocarbon Dev. Fund (Note: 21.3.a) 745,909,725 745,909,725
21.3.b Capital gain against disposal of B.Baria & Ashuganj region (Note: 21.3.b) 2,271,040,477 2,271,040,477
Other Capital Reserve 3,175,913 3,175,913
Total 3,020,126,115 3,020,126,115

21.3.a Hydrocarbon Dev. Fund

Hydrocarbon Development Fund (HDF) made from Sales revenue 2.50% on end user price basis till November 1998 for meeting future
development expenditure of the company and other group operating companies engaged in Gas Transmission, distribution and production.
Contribution to this fund discontinued from 01.12.1998 and onwards. The total amount of Hydrocarbon Development Fund since been utilised
for different development projects by 30.06.2007 as per instruction of Petrobangla.

21.3.b Capital gain against disposal of B.Baria & Ashuganj region

The company transferred its B.Baria & Ashugonj segment as on 1st July 2011 to Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Co.Ltd. as per Govt. decision
with a purchase consideration of Tk. 268,20,00,000. The historical cost of fixed assets of these segment was 41,09,59,522 & written down
value was Tk. 10,01,04,710. As a result capital gain against this said transfer is Tk. 227,10,40,477.

IAS 1.55 21.4 Unappropriated Profit

General Appropriation June 2013 June 2012
Reserve Account BDT BDT
Opening balance 62,648,827 23,625,839,458 23,688,488,285 18,041,244,659
Add : Net profit for the year after tax - 9,096,373,412 9,096,373,412 8,912,123,121
Add : Prior Years' adjustments - 2,2451,948 22,451,948 32,526,608
Less: Proposed Dividend (Note: 20.4.1) - - - (3,297,406,105)
Closing balance 62,648,827 32,744,664,818 32,807,313,646 23,688,488,284
21.4.1 Events after the Reporting Period
Proposed Dividend:

The Board of Directors of the company proposes and recommends for declaration of 35% Cash Dividend (Tk. 3.50 per share) to the
shareholders for the year 2012-2013 in its 681st Board Meeting held on 22-10-2013. This will involve an amount of Tk. 346,22,76,408.50.

June 2013 June 2012
IAS 1.82(a) 22 Sales Revenue BDT BDT

22.1 Gas Sales Revenue 73,951,291,295 70,711,515,388

22.2 Operational Income 674,232,204 663,645,406
74,625,523,498 71,375,160,794

22.1 Gas Sales Revenue (Details Shown in Annexure 3)

Power (PDB) 4,929,186,920 4,996,625,333
Power (Private) 8,830,447,008 8,255,336,553
Fertilizer 1,780,660,881 1,661,451,129
Industrial 18,202,886,673 17,096,871,395
Captive Power 13,108,197,721 11,945,301,917
Feed Gas for CNG 16,006,805,930 15,801,042,291
Domestic 9,639,588,387 9,565,101,242
Commercial 1,453,517,774 1,389,785,526
73,951,291,295 70,711,515,388
22.2 Operational Income
Meter rent 139,704,056 136,167,040
Connection & reconnection charges 7,930,706 12,955,447
Late payment penalties 526,597,442 514,522,919
674,232,204 663,645,406
IAS 1.99 23 Cost of Sales

23.1 Gas Purchase (Note 23.1.1) 50,815,759,990 48,370,509,430

23.2 Gas Transmission Charge (Note 23.2.1) 3,242,178,404 2,826,875,818
23.3 Price Deficit Charge 3,691,008,250 3,486,763,900
23.4 Gas Development Charge 4,805,280,194 4,702,239,962
23.5 BAPEX Margin 245,603,907 215,596,876
23.6 Deficit Wellhead Margin for BAPEX 239,264,965 211,095,788
63,039,095,709 59,813,081,774

23.1.1 Gas Purchase Category (Details Shown in Annexure 4)

Power (PDB) 3,580,191,509 3,552,242,417
Power (Private) 6,324,760,670 5,799,421,203
Fertilizer 1,286,648,053 1,165,169,942
Industrial 12,197,793,922 11,288,248,366
Captive Power 8,775,011,169 7,907,953,494
Feed Gas for CNG 11,715,113,920 11,482,378,854
Domestic 5,980,437,187 5,851,814,773
Commercial 960,128,673 915,603,374
50,820,085,104 47,962,832,423
Adjustments against previous years' (4,325,114) 407,677,008

Total Cost 50,815,759,990 48,370,509,430

23.2.1 Gas Transmission Charge
(a) It represents gas transmission charges payable to Gas Transmission Co. Ltd. (GTCL) BDT 0.32/CM for gas transmitted through GTCL
gas pipeline to TGTDCL system. Transmission charge of GTCL for the year is as follows :

Gas Transmission Company Limited 3,632,914,153 3,235,843,335

(b) It represents the line rent income against gas transmission to distribution network of B.Baria & Ashuganj area under Bakhrabad Gas
Distribution Company Limited and distribution network at Madhobpur area under Jalalabad Gas T & D Systems Ltd.

Bakhrabad Gas Dist. Company Limited & Jalalabad Gas T & D Systems Ltd. 390,735,748 408,967,518

Net Gas Transmission Charge (a - b) 3,242,178,404 2,826,875,818

June 2013 June 2012
IAS 1.99 24 Administrative & other expenses BDT BDT
Personnel costs 1,541,251,642 1,260,780,889
Professional services 16,262,888 14,166,008
Promotional costs 13,165,844 11,722,314
Power costs 25,607,416 22,618,715
Communication costs 6,481,949 5,448,327
Transport costs 116,994,624 99,713,054
Occupancy costs 80,159,028 74,416,213
Administrative costs 83,575,048 54,607,523
Miscellaneous costs 22,079,171 18,594,177
Transmission & distribution costs 68,904,562 83,552,900
Financial charges 6,856,772 2,869,951
Provision for loss on investment in shares 2,494,000 -
Bad & doubtful debts provision 539,793,220 486,599,990
Depreciation charges 838,886,995 877,539,038
Petrobangla Service Charge 120,000,000 110,000,000
3,482,513,160 3,122,629,099
IAS 1.85 25 Non-operating income
25.1 Interest Income (Note 25.1.1) 4,255,489,080 3,294,961,998
Other penalties & fines received 4,610,820 4,700,207
Sale of bill books & application forms 3,398,000 78,300
Income from Consultancy Service 1,755,928 643,806
Transport income 446,898 495,949
Profit on disposal of fixed assets 95,831 311,003,784
Profit from sale of stores 164,223,626 277,616,885
Sale of tender documents 2,358,660 1,319,240
Enlistment & renewal fees 724,725 2,244,360
Forfeiture A\C (Security & Others) - 10,000
Other Liquidated Damage 656,310 -
Other rental income 1,671,646 179,345
Miscellaneous income 45,918,642 30,340,644
House rent income & recoveries 245,640
Office rent income & recoveries 1,542,600 1,542,600
Sale of gas condensate 353,439,520 332,989,373
Gas connection commission fees 6,084,518 1,651,275
4,842,662,444 4,259,777,766
25.1.1 Interest income
Interest income on bank deposits (STD) 467,378,737 438,757,566
Interest income on bank deposits (FDR) 3,715,731,006 2,803,883,176
Interest on land purchase & house building loans 50,364,860 49,297,719
Interest on motor cycle loan 3,232,971 2,894,163
Interest on Computer loan 164,844 129,373
Interest on loan to Gas Transmission Co. Ltd. 18,616,663 -
4,255,489,080 3,294,961,998
IAS 1.82(b) 26 Finance costs
Interest on ADP(LOCAL) loans 526,731 164,473
Interest on foreign(ADB & OECF) loans 67,345,649 86,773,751
67,872,380 86,938,225
IAS 1.85 27 Provision for taxation
Current tax 3,035,694,678 2,972,896,802
Deferred tax 133,364,952 126,684,326
3,169,059,630 3,099,581,128
IAS 33 28 Earning per share (EPS)
Net Profit after Tax 9,096,373,412 8,912,123,123
Number of shares 989,221,831 989,221,831
Earning per share (EPS) 9.20 9.01

(Abdul Kayum Khan) (Engr. Md. Nowshad Islam) (Md. Mozammel Haque Khan)
Director (Finance), Incharge Managing Director (Additional Charge) Chairman

Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd.

Sehedule of Fixed Assets
As at 30 June 2013

IAS 1.51(a)
IAS 1.10
IAS 1.51( C)

Summaries of the cost of fixed assets, their depreciation and net book value as at 30 June 2013 are as follows :

Cost Depreciation
value value Charged Accumulated Net book Value Net book Value
SL Adjustments Additions Depreciation Adjustments
Nam e of Assets as on as on during the dep. as on as on as on
No during the year during the year as on during the year
01-07-2012 30-06-2013 year 30-06-2013 30-06-2013 30-06-2012
1 2 3 4 5 (2+3+4) 6 7 8 9 (6+7+8) 10 (5+9) 11

1 Land 465,150,716 137,072,634 602,223,350 - - 602,223,350 465,150,716

2 Buildings 775,502,625 (950,000) 22,365,979 796,918,605 366,953,121 - 23,372,633 390,325,754 406,592,851 408,549,505

3 Furniture & fixtures 68,294,027 (754,944) 9,181,751 76,720,834 47,715,968 (467,990) 4,413,605 51,661,583 25,059,251 20,578,059

4 Office equipments 472,800,907 - 6,845,431 479,646,338 437,866,573 - 11,789,504 449,656,076 29,990,262 34,934,334

5 Other equipments 83,022,298 - 3,975,107 86,997,405 78,752,267 - 2,040,834 80,793,101 6,204,304 4,270,032

6 Transmission & distribution lines 18,987,014,536 - 618,757,029 19,605,771,565 9,143,269,059 - 755,352,211 9,898,621,270 9,707,150,295 9,843,745,477

7 Water services 26,052,016 - 896,607 26,948,623 21,320,405 - 1,446,494 22,766,899 4,181,725 4,731,611

8 Vehicles 375,811,845 (30,500) 56,420,000 432,201,345 261,929,946 (30,499) 40,428,924 302,328,371 129,872,974 113,881,899

9 Other assets 2,127,459 - 461,400 2,588,859 1,977,367 - 42,790 2,020,157 568,702 150,092

Total 21,255,776,429 (1,735,444) 855,975,938 22,110,016,923 10,359,784,703 (498,489) 838,886,995 11,198,173,210 10,911,843,713 10,895,991,726
Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd.
Againg of Trade Debtors
As at 30 June 2013
IAS 1.51(a)
IAS 1.10
IAS 1.51( C)
(Figures in Lakh)

Debtors Category Up to June 2011 2011-12 2012-13 Total

Power (PDB) 3,142.98 203.98 13,432.41 16,779.37
Power (Private) 308.05 - 12,688.58 12,996.63
Fertilizer 6,273.72 0.80 1,733.31 8,007.83
Industrial 37,045.28 4,277.78 30,541.50 71,864.56
Captive Power 4,975.39 3,365.42 28,336.35 36,677.16
Feed Gas for CNG 1,143.89 1,960.41 24,720.32 27,824.62
Domestic 17,018.00 3,216.83 16,177.98 36,412.81
Commercial 3,024.32 437.22 3,237.71 6,699.25
Seasonal 452.66 - - 452.66
Total trade debtors 73,384.29 13,462.44 130,868.16 217,714.89

Sector-wise trade debtors are as follows : 689

Government 4,026
Government colonies 31,962
Semi-govt. customer (BCIC, PDB & other Corporations) 140,764
Private (Including Tk. 10,602.03 lakh from customers under injunction) 40,274
Disconnected (Including Tk. 21,605.35 lakh from customers under litigation)

Total 217,715

Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd.

Gas Sales Schedule
As at 30 June 2013

IAS 1.51(a)
IAS 1.10
IAS 1.51( C)

Gas Sales Revenue:

June 2013 June 2012
Customers category
Volume(CM) BDT Volume(CM) BDT

Power (PDB) 1,747,938,200 4,929,186,920 1,769,371,877 4,996,625,333

Power (Private) 2,891,915,520 8,830,447,008 2,720,778,613 8,255,336,553

Fertilizer 690,178,634 1,780,660,881 643,973,306 1,661,451,129

Industrial 3,169,247,101 18,202,886,673 2,982,016,948 17,096,871,395

Captive Power 3,235,499,232 13,108,197,721 2,967,198,754 11,945,301,917

Feed Gas for CNG 686,356,173 16,006,805,930 707,986,485 15,801,042,291

Domestic 1,664,560,065 9,639,588,387 1,663,067,013 9,565,101,242

Commercial 150,722,015 1,453,517,774 146,572,498 1,389,785,526

Total 14,236,416,940 73,951,291,295 13,600,965,494 70,711,515,388

Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd.
Gas Purchase Sehedule
As at 30 June 2013

IAS 1.51(a)
IAS 1.10
IAS 1.51( C)

Gas Purchase :
Gas purchase volume and well-head price during the year were 14,249.98 MMCM and BDT 50,815,759,989 respectively as shown below :

2012-13 2011-12
Purchase Total Cost Purchase
Gas Purchase Category "Operational use” Operational Use Net Through-out Purchase Cost Purchase Cost
Quantity (Well-head Cost) Quantity
1 2 3 4 5 6(2-4) 7 (3-5) 8 9

Power (PDB) 1,745,198,020 3,582,688,621 1,214,731 2,497,112 1,743,983,289 3,580,191,509 1,750,627,775 3,555,095,243
Power (Private) 2,893,309,166 6,326,475,201 833,671 1,714,531 2,892,475,495 6,324,760,670 2,688,201,922 5,801,032,231
Fertilizer 692,776,231 1,286,789,897 76,173 141,844 692,700,058 1,286,648,053 634,014,671 1,165,292,875
Industrial 3,174,917,193 12,197,793,922 - 3,174,917,193 12,197,793,922 2,942,503,337 11,288,248,366
Captive Power 3,239,548,246 8,775,011,169 - 3,239,548,246 8,775,011,169 2,926,896,224 7,907,953,494
Feed Gas for CNG 686,781,826 11,715,113,920 - 686,781,826 11,715,113,920 698,070,332 11,482,378,854
Domestic 1,666,423,388 5,980,666,882 63,853 229,695 1,666,359,535 5,980,437,187 1,641,341,609 5,851,954,011
Commercial 151,024,126 960,128,673 151,024,126 960,128,673 144,640,958 915,603,374

Total 14,249,978,196 50,824,668,286 2,188,428 4,583,182 14,247,789,768 50,820,085,104 13,426,296,828 47,967,558,449

Adjustments against prev. years' (4,325,114) (4,325,114)
Operational Use of Gas - (4,726,026)
Total Cost 50,820,343,171 50,815,759,989 47,962,832,423

Key financial highlights for five years’:
(In Crore Taka)

Particulars 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Key financial figures

1. Authorised Capital 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

2. Paid up capital 856.47 856.47 942.12 942.12 989.22

3. Deposit for share 0.17 0.69 2.93 3.35 3.71

4. Capital Reserve 75.47 75.47 75.47 302.01 302.01

5. Revenue Reserve 731.76 1,167.16 1,804.12 2,368.85 3,280.73

6. Long term loan 254.85 214.87 208.88 188.85 133.97

7. Other long term liabilities 746.38 796.51 809.58 833.79 919.12

8. Current liabilities 1,628.19 1,939.72 2,131.79 2,343.77 2,408.38

9. Fixed Assets 1,173.68 1,127.54 1,123.32 1,089.60 1,091.18

10. Long-term Investments and loans 1,022.27 1,585.01 2,162.45 3,052.31 3,410.89

11. Current assets 2,096.55 2,325.09 2,653.54 2,760.34 3,521.70

12. Net profit before tax 732.82 986.01 1,233.14 1,201.17 1,226.54

13. Net profit after tax 545.35 733.31 917.75 891.21 909.64

14. Financial ratios & others :

a. Current ratio 1.29:1 1.20:1 1.24:1 1.18:1 1.46:1

b. Liquidity ratio 1.33:1 1.24:1 1.29:1 1.11:1 1.14:1

c. Return on Fixed Assets (%) 47.45 64.54 82.27 81.33 84.05

d. Debt equity ratio 14:86 10:90 07:93 05:95 03:97

e. Debt service ratio 11.24:1 15.63:1 23.17:1 19.75:1 22.67:1

f. Return on capital employed (%) 37.88 42.60 40.65 31.57 26.04

g. Earning per share (Taka) * 63.67 85.62 9.74 9.46 9.20

h. Dividend :

Cash (%) 27 25 30 30 35

Stock (%) - 10 - 5 -

* Earning per share for 2008-09 & 2009-10 has been calculated based on Tk. 100 per share.

Natural gas Date of
Rank Country/Region
proven reserves(m³) information
Total World 187,300,000,000,000
1 Iran 33,600,000,000,000 12 June 2013 est.
2 Russia 32,900,000,000,000 12 June 2013 est.
3 Qatar 25,100,000,000,000 12 June 2013 est.
4 Turkmenistan 17,500,000,000,000 12 June 2013 est.
5 United States 8,500,000,000,000 12 June 2013 est.
6 Saudi Arabia 8,200,000,000,000 1 January 2012 est.
7 Venezuela 5,524,500,000,000 19 July 2011
8 Nigeria 5,246,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
9 Algeria 4,502,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
10 Australia 3,825,000,000,000 1 January 2012 est.
11 Iraq 3,600,000,000,000 1 January 2012 est.
12 China 3,100,000,000,000 1 January 2012 est.
13 Indonesia 3,001,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
14 Kazakhstan 1,900,000,000,000 12 June 2013 est.
15 Malaysia 2,350,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
16 Norway 2,313,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
17 United Arab Emirates 2,250,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
18 Uzbekistan 1,841,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
19 Kuwait 1,798,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
20 Canada 1,754,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
21 Egypt 1,656,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
22 Libya 1,539,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
23 Netherlands 1,416,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
24 Ukraine 1,104,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
25 India 1,075,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
26 Oman 849,500,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
27 Azerbaijan 849,500,000,000 1 January 2011 est.
28 Pakistan 840,200,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
29 Lebanon 750,400,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
30 Romania 726,000,000,000 1 January 2013 est.
31 Vietnam 680,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
32 Yemen 478,500,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
33 Trinidad and Tobago 436,100,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
34 Argentina 398,400,000,000 1 January 2010 est.

Natural gas Date of
Rank Country/Region
proven reserves(m³) information
35 Brunei 390,800,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
36 Brazil 364,200,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
37 Mexico 359,700,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
38 Thailand 342,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
39 Peru 334,100,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
40 United Kingdom 292,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
41 Burma 283,200,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
42 Angola 271,800,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
43 Israel 271,000,000,000 1 January 2013 est.
44 Syria 240,700,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
45 Papua New Guinea 226,500,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
46 Timor-Leste 200,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
47 Bangladesh 195,400,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
48 Germany 175,600,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
49 Poland 164,800,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
50 Cameroon 135,100,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
51 Mozambique 127,400,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
52 Colombia 112,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
53 Philippines 108,700,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
54 Chile 97,970,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
55 Bahrain 92,030,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
56 Congo, Republic of the 90,610,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
57 Sudan 84,950,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
58 Cuba 70,790,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
59 Italy 69,830,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
60 Tunisia 65,130,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
61 Namibia 62,290,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
62 Denmark 61,300,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
63 Rwanda 56,630,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
64 Korea, South 50,000,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
65 Afghanistan 49,550,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
66 Serbia 48,140,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
67 Equatorial Guinea 36,810,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
68 New Zealand 33,980,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
69 Croatia 30,580,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
70 Cote d’Ivoire 28,320,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
71 Mauritania 28,320,000,000 1 January 2010 est.

Natural gas Date of
Rank Country/Region
proven reserves(m³) information
72 Gabon 28,320,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
73 Ethiopia 24,920,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
74 Austria 24,800,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
75 Ghana 22,650,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
76 Japan 20,900,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
77 Slovakia 14,160,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
78 Ireland 9,911,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
79 Georgia 8,495,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
80 Hungary 8,098,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
81 Ecuador 7,985,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
82 France 7,079,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
83 Tanzania 6,510,000,000 1 January 2013 est.
84 Taiwan 6,229,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
85 Turkey 6,088,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
86 Jordan 6,031,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
87 Bulgaria 5,663,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
88 Tajikistan 5,663,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
89 Somalia 5,663,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
90 Kyrgyzstan 5,663,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
91 Czech Republic 3,072,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
92 Guatemala 2,960,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
93 Belarus 2,832,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
94 Spain 2,548,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
95 Morocco 1,501,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
96 Benin 1,133,000,000 1 January 2010 est.
97 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 991,100,000 1 January 2010 est.
98 Greece 991,100,000 1 January 2010 est.
99 Albania 849,500,000 1 January 2010 est.
100 Barbados 113,300,000 1 January 2010 est.
101 South Africa 27,160,000 1 January 2006 est.
102 Macau 300,000 1 January 2008 est.

Natural Gas Reserve In Bangladesh
Figure in BCF

Reserve Recov- Recoverable

Recover- Remaining
Year of Estimated By erable Reserve Cumulative
SL. able Reserve Reserve
Fields Discov- GIIP Reserve Proved + Production
No. Proved + w.r.t 2P
ery Company Year Proved Probable+ (Dec'2012)
Probable (2P) (Jan'2013)
(1P) Possible (3P)
A. Producing
1 Titas 1962 RPS Energy 2009 8148.9 5384.0 6367.0 6517.0 3537.54 2829.46
2 Habiganj 1963 RPS Energy 2009 3684.0 2238.0 2633.0 3096.0 1930.25 702.75
3 Bakhrabad 1969 RPS Energy 2009 1701.0 1052.9 1231.5 1339.0 735.13 496.39
4 Kailashtilla 1962 RPS Energy 2009 3610.0 2390.0 2760.0 2760.0 577.15 2182.85
5 Rashidpur 1960 RPS Energy 2009 3650.0 1060.0 2433.0 3113.0 509.83 1923.17
6 Sylhet/Haripur 1955 RPS Energy 2009 370.0 256.5 318.9 332.0 198.87 120.03
7 Meghna 1990 RPS Energy 2009 122.1 52.5 69.9 101.0 44.29 25.61
8 Narshingdi 1990 RPS Energy 2009 369.0 218.0 276.8 299.0 138.47 138.33
9 Beani Bazar 1981 RPS Energy 2009 230.7 150.0 203.0 203.0 73.40 129.60
10 Fenchuganj 1988 RPS Energy 2009 553.0 229.0 381.0 498.0 95.09 285.91
11 Shaldanadi 1996 RPS Energy 2009 379.9 79.0 279.0 327.0 53.99 225.01
12 Shahbazpur 1995 Petrobangla 2011 677.0 322.0 390.0 488.0 7.05 382.95
13 Semutang 1969 RPS Energy 2009 653.8 151.0 317.7 375.1 4.28 313.42
14 Sundulpur Shahzadpur 2011 BAPEX 2012 62.2 - 35.1 43.5 2.64 32.46
15 Srikail 2012 BAPEX 2012 240.0 - 161.0 161.0 0.00 161.00
16 Sangu 1996 Cairn/Shell 2010 899.6 544.4 577.8 638.7 485.78 91.98
17 Jalalabad 1989 D&M 1999 1491.0 823.0 1184.0 1184.0 721.30 462.70
18 Moulavi Bazar 1997 Unocal 2003 1053.0 405.0 428.0 812.0 211.42 216.58
19 Bibiyana 1998 D&M 2008 7427.0 4415.0 5754.0 7084.0 1267.57 4486.43
20 Bangura 2004 Tullow 2011 1198.0 379.0 522.0 941.0 211.30 310.70
Sub-total A: 36520.2 20149.3 26322.7 30312.3 10805.4 15517.34
B. Non-Producing
21 Begumganj 1977 RPS Energy 2009 39.0 17.0 21.0 33.0 21.00
22 Kutubdia 1977 HCU 2003 65.0 45.5 45.50 45.5 45.50
Sub-total B: 104.0 62.5 66.5 78.5 66.50
C. Production Suspended
23 Chattak 1959 HCU 2000 1039.0 265.0 474.0 727.0 26.46 447.54
24 Kamta 1981 Niko/Bapex 2000 71.8 50.3 50.3 50.3 21.1 29.20
25 Feni 1981 Niko/Bapex 2000 185.2 125.0 125.0 175.0 62.4 62.60
Sub-total C: 1296.0 440.3 649.3 952.3 110.0 539.3
Grand Total 37920.2 20652.1 27038.49 31343.1 10915.31 16123.18
(A+B+C) in BCF
Grand Total 37.9 20.7 27.04 31.34 10.92 16.12
(A+B+C) in TCF

Note: Production Started from Srikail Gas Field on March, 2013

Source: Reservoir & Data Management Division, Petrobangla

evsjv‡`k M¨vm AvBb, 2010

evsjv‡`k RvZxq msm` KZ…©K 2010 m‡bi 40 bs AvBb wn‡m‡e Òevsjv‡`k M¨vm AvBb, 2010Ó
Aby‡gv`‡bi ci †M‡RU cÖKv‡ki gva¨‡g AvBbwU Kvh©Ki n‡q‡Q| D³ AvB‡b M¨vm msµvšÍ wewfbœ
weavb D‡jøLmn wbgœ ewY©Z Kvh©Kjv‡ci Rb¨ m‡e©v”P 5(cuvP) eQi Kviv`Ð, A_©`Ð A_ev Dfq`‡Ð
`wÐZ nIqvi weavb i‡q‡Q:

l wgUvi evB-cvm K‡i M¨vm e¨envi;

l wgUv‡i A‰ea n¯Í‡ÿ‡ci gva¨‡g M¨vm e¨envi;
l mieivn jvBb n‡Z A‰ea ms‡hvM ¯’vcb K‡i M¨vm e¨envi;
l M¨vm jvBb wew”QbœKi‡Yi ci Abby‡gvw`Z ev A‰eafv‡e M¨vm e¨envi;
l ¯’vwcZ †i¸‡jUi Abby‡gvw`Zfv‡e ev A‰eafv‡e cybt¯’vcb (re-set) K‡i wba©vwiZ Pv‡ci
AwaK Pv‡c M¨vm e¨envi;
l Aby‡gvw`Z msL¨vi AwZwi³ ev AwZwi³ ÿgZvm¤úbœ, M¨vm miÄvg ¯’vcbc~e©K
M¨vm e¨envi;
l cwiZ¨³ ivBRvi n‡Z Abby‡gvw`Zfv‡e ev A‰eafv‡e M¨vm ms‡hvM ¯’vc‡bi
gva¨‡g M¨vm e¨envi;
l M„n¯’vjx ms‡hvM n‡Z Abby‡gvw`Z ev A‰eafv‡e evwYwR¨K ev wkí cÖwZôv‡b M¨vm
l †Kvb M¨vm weZiY †bUIqvK© n‡Z mswkøó KZ…©c‡ÿi m¤§wZ e¨wZ‡i‡K M¨vm jvBb
¯’vcb ev M¨vm ms‡hvM MÖnY;
l jvB‡mÝ e¨wZ‡i‡K wmGbwR widz‡qwjs †÷kb ev hvbevnb wmGbwR‡Z iƒcvšÍi
KviLvbv ¯’vcb;
l wmGbwR widz‡qwjs †÷kb KZ…©K wba©vwiZ Pv‡ci AwaK Pv‡c wmGbwR weµq;
l bvkKZvg~jK Kvh©;
l M¨vm msµvšÍ miKvwi Kvh©µ‡g cÖwZeÜKZv m„wó;
l cvBcjvBb, wgUvi, †i¸‡jUi BZ¨vw` Pzwi;
l PzwiK…Z mvgMÖx µq-weµq I `L‡j ivLv; Ges
l Aciva msNU‡b mnvqZv I cÖ‡ivPbv BZ¨vw`|

eZ©gvb miKv‡ii cuvP eQ‡i wZZvm M¨v‡mi mvdj¨
cvBcjvBb wbg©vY:
2008-09 n‡Z 2012-13 A_©eQi ch©šÍ †gvU 1,363.48 wK.wg weZiY cvBcjvBb wbg©vY Kiv n‡q‡Q|

M¨vm ms‡hvM
2008-09 n‡Z 2012-13 A_©eQi ch©šÍ †gvU 2,15,620 wU M¨vm ms‡hvM cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

we`y¨r †K‡›`ª M¨vm mieivn

2008-09 n‡Z 2012-13 A_©eQi ch©šÍ †gvU 1,183.50 ‡gMvIqvU ÿgZvm¤úbœ wewfbœ we`y¨r ‡K›`ªmg~‡n M¨vm mieivn Kiv
n‡q‡Q| 2013-14 A_©eQ‡i wi†R›U cvIqvi, †Nvovkvj 108 †gMvIqvU we`y¨r †K‡›`ª M¨vm mieivn ïiæ Kiv n‡q‡Q| GQvov,
B‡jKwU&ªwmwU †Rbv‡ikb †Kv.wj. wmw×iMÄ 335 †gMvIqvU we`y¨r †K‡›`ª M¨vm mieiv‡ni cwiKíbv i‡q‡Q |
Bwfwm wgUvi ¯’vcb
cÖK‡íi AvIZvq †gvU 592wU Bwfwm wgUvi ¯’vcb Kiv n‡q‡Q| d‡j M¨v‡mi cÖK…Z e¨envi Abyhvqx M¨vm wej wba©vwiZ
n‡e Ges M¨v‡mi Pzwi †iva Kiv m¤¢e n‡e |
AbmvBU wgUvi K¨vwj‡eªkb BDwbU ¯’vcb
cÖK‡íi AvIZvq †gvU 5wU AbmvBU wgUvi K¨vwj‡eªkb BDwbU ¯’vcb Kiv n‡q‡Q | d‡j MÖvnK Avw½bvq ¯’vwcZ Ges AcmvwiZ
wgUvi I wgUvi cix¶‡Yi Kvh©µg `ªæZZvi m‡½ I myôzfv‡e m¤úv`b Kiv n‡”Q|
wcÖ-‡cBW wgUvi ¯’vcb
M¨v‡mi AcPq ‡iv‡ai j‡ÿ¨ jvjgvwUqv I †gvnv¤§`cyi GjvKvq 4,500wU wcÖ-†cBW wgUvi ¯’vcb Kiv n‡q‡Q| d‡j M¨v‡mi
cÖK…Z e¨envi Abyhvqx M¨vm wej Av`vq n‡”Q Ges GKBm‡½ M¨v‡mi AcPq eÜ n‡q‡Q|
g‡bvnib`x-biwms`x jycjvBb wbg©vY
g‡bvni`x n‡Z biwms`x fvjf& †÷kb bs-12 ch©šÍ 20” X 1000 wcGmAvBwR X 25.0 wK.wg. `xN© mgvšÍivj/jyc jvBb wbg©vY
KvR †kl n‡q‡Q| Gi d‡j biwms`x, Rq‡`ecyi, †Wgiv, wmw×iMÄ, bvivqYMÄ, gywÝMÄ GjvKvq M¨vm mieivn e„w× †c‡q‡Q|
weµq ivR¯^
2007-08 A_©eQ‡i weµq ivR¯^ wQj 4,410.17 †KvwU UvKv hv 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i `uvovq 7,395.12 †KvwU UvKv| A_©vr
2007-08-Gi Zzjbvq 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i 3,052.38 †KvwU UvKv weµq ivR¯^ e„w× †c‡q‡Q hv 69%|
Kic~e© gybvdv
2007-08 A_©eQ‡i Kic~e© gybvdv wQj 566.18 †KvwU UvKv Gi cwigvY e„w× †c‡q 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-
12 I 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i wQj h_vµ‡g 732.82, 986.01 , 1233.14, 1201.17 I 1,226.54 †KvwU UvKv `vuwo‡q‡Q|
miKvwi †KvlvMv‡i A_© cÖ`vb
2007-08 A_©eQ‡i miKvwi †KvlvMv‡i A_© cÖ`v‡bi cwigvY wQj 285.67 †KvwU UvKv hv µgvš^‡q e„w× †c‡q 2008-09,
2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 Ges 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i wQj h_vµ‡g 338.23, 430.46, 488.78, 574.62 Ges
716.34 †KvwU UvKv| A_©vr weMZ cuvP eQ‡i G †ÿ‡Î cÖe„w×i cwigvY 150.76% |
MÖvnK‡`i wbKU cvIbv
2007-08 A_©eQ‡i e‡Kqvi cwigvY wQj 1,417.62 †KvwU UvKv, hv 3.50 gv‡mi Mo we‡ji mgvb| M¨v‡mi g~j¨ e„w×i
†cÖwÿ‡Z e‡Kqv UvKvi cwigvY e„w× †c‡jI mgZ~j¨ gv‡mi cwigvY n«vm †c‡q‡Q hv 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-

12 I 2012-13 A_© eQ‡ii wQj h_vµ‡g 1,303.61, 1,411.06, 1,525.35, 1,456.03 I 1,640.41 †KvwU UvKv Ges
2.83, 2.56, 2.69, 2.38 I 2.70 gv‡mi Mo we‡ji mgvb|
†kqvi cÖwZ Avq
2007-08 A_©eQ‡i cÖwZwU 100 UvKv g~j¨gv‡bi †kqv‡ii wecix‡Z Avq wQj 49.25 UvKv| 2008-09, 2009-10 Ges
2010-11 A_©eQ‡i cÖwZwU 100 UvKv g~j¨gv‡bi †kqv‡ii wecix‡Z Avq wQj h_vµ‡g 63.67, 85.62 Ges 97.41 UvKv |
2011-12 Ges 2012-13 A_©eQ‡i cÖwZwU 10 UvKv g~j¨gv‡bi †kqv‡ii wecix‡Z Avq n‡q‡Q h_vµ‡g 9.46 Ges 9.20 UvKv|
wm‡÷g jm n«vm Kvh©µg
2007-08 A_©eQ‡i wm‡÷g j‡mi cwigvY wQj 3.39%| 2008-09 A_©eQ‡i wm‡÷g jm n«vm †c‡q `vuovq 0.81%| 2009-
10, 2010-11 Ges 2011-12 A_©eQ‡i wm‡÷g j‡mi cwie‡Z© wm‡÷g †MBb n‡q‡Q h_vµ‡g 2.14%, 1.82% Ges 1.39%|
2012-13 A_©eQ‡i wm‡óg j‡mi cwigvY 0.03%| Z‡e B‡Zvg‡a¨ MÖvnK KZ©„K ¯^xK…Z 1,64,803wU A‰ea AvevwmK ms‡hvM/
Pzjvi wecix‡Z 1 eQ‡ii M¨vm e¨env‡ii cwigvY we‡ePbvq wb‡q 0.03% wm‡÷g j‡mi cwie‡Z© wm‡÷g †MBb `uvovq 1.22%|
cÖkvmwbK Kg©KvÐ
wb‡qvM : 2008-09 n‡Z 2012-13 A_©eQi ch©šÍ cÖ_g †kÖYxi Kg©KZ©v 140 Rb I wØZxq †kÖYxi Kg©KZ©v 75 Rbmn ‡gvU
215 Rb Kg©KZ©v wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q| GQvov 102 Rb Kg©Pvix‡K AvZxœKiY Ges AvDU‡mvwm©s-Gi gva¨‡g 135 Rb Kg©Pvix
wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q|
c‡`vbœwZ : 2008-09 n‡Z 2012-13 A_©eQi ch©šÍ mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx/mnKvix e¨e¯’vcK n‡Z gnve¨e¯’vcK ch©šÍ wewfbœ c‡`
†gvU 762 Rb Kg©KZ©v‡K c‡`vbœwZ ‡`qv n‡q‡Q| Kg©Pvix n‡Z mnKvix Kg©KZ©v/Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx c` ch©šÍ †gvU 184
Rb‡K c‡`vbœwZ †`qv n‡q‡Q|
cÖwkÿY: 2008-09 n‡Z 2012-13 A_©eQi ch©šÍ 339 Rb Kg©KZ©v‡K ‰e‡`wkK cÖwkÿY Ges 1613 Rb Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡K
¯’vbxq cÖwkÿY cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|
gvgjv msµvšÍ t
bZzb gvgjv `v‡qi: 2008-09 n‡Z 2012-13 A_©eQi ch©šÍ †Kv¤úvbxi c‡¶ 135wU Ges wec‡¶ 318wUmn ‡gvU 453wU
bZzb gvgjv `v‡qi n‡q‡Q|
gvgjv wb®úwËi msL¨v: 2008-09 n‡Z 2012-13 A_©eQi ch©šÍ †Kv¤úvbxi c‡¶ 525wU Ges wec‡¶ 14wUmn ‡gvU 539wU
gvgjv wb®úwË n‡q‡Q|
Av`vqK…Z A_©: 2008-09 n‡Z 2012-13 A_©eQi ch©šÍ wb®úwËK…Z 539wU gvgjvi wecix‡Z 41.90 †KvwU UvKv Av`vq

Publication Committee
Convenor Mr. Mustaque Ahmed
Company Secretary
Member Mr. Sankar Kumar Das
Deputy General Manager (Audit)
Member-Secretary Mr. Md. Shahjahan
Manager (Public Relations)
Member Mr. Md. Noor Hossain
Manager (Share)
Member Engr. Md. Anisur Rahman
Manager (Project Planning & Monitoring)
I/We --------------------------------------------- of ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
being a shareholder of Titas Gas Transmission & Distribution Company Limited do hereby appoint Mr./Mrs./Miss
------------------------------------------ of ------------------------------------------------------, as my/our proxy to attend
and vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the 32nd Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Tuesday, 24
December, 2013 at 10:00 A.M. at Officers’ Club Dhaka, 26 Baily Road, Dhaka-1000 and at any adjournment thereof.

As witness my hands this day of -------- December, 2013

(Tk. 20.00)

(Signature of the Proxy) (Signature of the Shareholder)

BO ID No. : ------------------------------ BO ID No. : ------------------------------
Date : ------------------------------ Date : ------------------------------

Note : The Proxy Form should reach the Registered Office of the Company not less than 72 hours before the time fixed for
the meeting.

Signature Verified

Authorized Signatory

Titas Gas Transmission & Distribution Co.Ltd.

I/We hereby record my/our attendance at the 32nd Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Tuesday,
24 December, 2013 at 10:00 A.M. at Officers’ Club Dhaka, 26 Baily Road, Dhaka-1000.

BO ID No : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of the Member/Proxy : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signature : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note : Please present this slip at the Reception Desk .

m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„‡›`i m`q AeMwZi Rb¨ Rvbv‡bv hv‡”Q †h, weGmBwm-Gi mvK©yjvi bs- GmBwm/ wmGgAviAviwmwW/
2009-193/154 ZvwiL 24/10/2013-Gi †cÖwÿ‡Z evwl©K mvaviY mfvq †Kvb cÖKvi Dcnvi/Lvevi/†Kvb ai‡bi Kzcb
cÖ`v‡bi e¨e¯’v _vK‡e bv|


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