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FULL NAME Trần Nguyễn Ánh Dương



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Question Transcript

Good afternoon and thanks for joining
us in the Little UK News. I’m Trần
Nguyễn Ánh Dương and today, I will
provide you some hot news.
January 14, 2022.
How can we become “frogmen”, for
example, in Taiwan?
The Taiwan’s frogmen military are
practicing very hard, when
neighbouring China claims self-ruled
Taiwan as its own, and has stepped up
military and political pressure on the
island. Should a war break out,
Taiwan's frogmen could be spirited
across the strait in the middle of the
night to scout enemy locations and
call in attacks. For hours at a time,
frogman hopefuls have to endure
everything from treading water in full
combat gear, to taxing physical
exercises. Some fade in and out of
consciousness. They're driven to train
up for the unit out of patriotism and a
desire to push their personal limits.
"The first three days (of Hell Week)
are very exhausting, but during the
last few days it will get better after
your body gets used to it. But of
course you have to rely on your
willpower and determination." Life as
a frogman isn't for the faint of heart.
Drill Sergeant Chen Shou-lih says
there is a method to the madness.
"The main reason for being so harsh
on them is to train their will power.
Because our unit belongs to the
special forces, in times of war we need
to have stronger willpower and be
more physically capable than other
Question 1:
Dr. Tomoaki Kato has dedicated his
whole life as a doctor, and after facing
the near-death experience, it has
brought his career and his goals into a
“sharper focus”. At first, everyone
scared that he might never be able to
perform surgery again. But it’s a
motivation of Kato, to overcome his
illness, and achieve his goals life, to
bring liver transplants to children in
Latin America.
Question 2:
There’s much to be learned from Dr.
Tomoaki Kato’s story, and I think the
most important lesson from him is
about his motivation to get back to
work, after facing that dangerous
experience. He doesn’t scare about the
illness, otherwise, he still choose his
work as a surgeon doctor to continue
his career.

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