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Detailed Lesson plan In Algebra for Grade 8

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
A. Illustrates a system of linear equation.
B. Determine if given ordered pair is a solution to a system of linear equation
in two variables; and
C. Illustrate a word problem as a system of linear equations.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Introduction to systems of linear equation
B. Reference: Grade 8 Mathematics Learner’s Manual
C. Materials: Power point presentation, activity sheets, laptop, and marker.
D. Strategy: 4A’s (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and Application)
III. Procedure
Teachers Hint Teachers Activity Students Activity
1. Preliminaries Activity
a. Prayer May I request to everyone to (the students stand up for
stand up for the prayer. the prayer)
Zyra, lead the prayer.
Zyra: Let us bow our
head and put our
presence to God, let us
pray. In the name of the
Father the Son the Holy
Spirit Amen. Our Father,
Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy
will be done, on earth as
it is in Heaven.
Give us this daily bread.
And forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive
those who trespasses
against us. And lead us
not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil.

b. Greetings Good morning class!

Good morning Ma’am
Okay class, before you take your
sit kindly pick up the pieces of the
paper under your chair.
Are you done?
Yes Ma’am
You may now take your sits.
Thank you Ma’am
(student will say present)
Let me check your attendance.
c. Checking the Attendance Say present as I call your Name.

Classroom rules:
d. Classroom Management Come on class in time.
Be ready to Learn.
Raise your hand to speak.
Be respectful to others.
Work hard and have fun.

(ma’am, ma’am, ma’am)

e. Review Lets review our topic yesterday.
Who among you here
remembered our last topic Sorry po Ma’am
Remembered the class rule #3 if
you’re going to answer just raise
your hand. Maria: Our last topic was
all about the rectangular
Okay Maria, what is our last topic coordinate system.

Very good Maria. (student raising their

What was the rectangular
coordinate system all about? Renalyn: rectangular
coordinate system known
Yes Renalyn. as Cartesian Coordinate
System named after Rene
Descartes. And also
rectangular coordinate
system consists of two
real number lines that
intersect at a right
triangle. The horizontal
number line is called the
x axis and the vertical
line is called the y axis.
The plane also divides
into four sections called
quadrants, these are
quadrant I, II, III, and IV.

Very good Renalyn.

What is the sign of the four ( student raise their hand)
Danna: Quadrant I is
Yes Danna. both positive, quadrant II
is negative and positive,
while quadrant III is both
negative, and quadrant IV
are positive and negative.

Very Good Danna.

Now we are all clear in the Yes Ma’am!

rectangular coordinate system?

Before we proceed to our lesson,

we will have an activity. I have
here a problem that we will solve
f. Motivation orally.

In economics, there is a certain

law called law of supply and
demand. The law of supply states
that as the price increases, the
production of the goods and
services of the suppliers also

Lets prove this theory with this


Mangoes are sold per piece by a

reseller. If a piece of mango is
sold for 7 pesos. How much will
you pay for 2 pcs.? 3pcs? 4pcs?

To solve the solution, we can use

the table of values.

Pieces of
mangoes 2 3 4 6
(x) (Student raising their
Cost (y) hand)

Let the pieces of mangoes as x

and the cost as y.

To solve the cost of mangoes,

what are we going to do?

Yes Lara.
Lara: Ma’am lets
multiply 7 pesos by the
number of mangoes.
Okay correct.

For 2 pieces of mangoes, what are

the total cost?

Yes Niscel.

Correct. Niscel: 14 Ma’am

How about for 3 pieces of


Yes Leolaine.

Correct. Ma’am 21.

How about 4 pieces of mangoes?

Yes Shane.

Correct. Ma’am 28.

How about the last one, 6 pieces

of mangoes?

Yes Cherry Lyn.

Okay very good! Ma’am 42.

Pieces of
mangoe 2 3 4 6
s (x)
Cost (y) 14 21 28 42

This is now the result.

One example is love. This love is

a bond of two different person
with the same feelings towards
2. Lesson proper each other. That difference acts as
the two equations and the same
feelings that they feel is the
solution that satisfies them both
and that relates to our for today,
that is Introduction to the system
of Linear equation.

For us to be guided with our

lesson, we have here the
following objectives that we need
to achieve the discussion of the
Can anyone please read these

( A student raises a hand,

was called and
recognized, then read the
Yes Althea.
At the end of the lesson,
the student are expected
1.Illustrates a system of
linear equation in two
2.Determine if a given
ordered pair is a solution
to a system of linear
equations in two
variables; and
3.Illustrate a word
Thank you! problem as a system of
linear equation in two
For us to understand the things variables.
that we will discuss today, we
need to first unlock the following
Systems of linear equations is a
set or collection of equations that
you deal with all together at once.
Linear equation (ones that graph
as straight line) are simpler that
non-linear equations, and the
simplest linear system is one with
two equations and two variables.

Before we discuss anything about

our new lesson, let us have and

Food Monkey Delivery Service

3. Activity

1.The task you all need to do is
help the delivery man to deliver
all the foods to the right houses.
2. You will be grouped in to four.
3. From your group choose a
reporter and one who will write
your answer in a manila paper.
4. Each group will have two
different families that they need
to deliver the food.
5. Check if the given set of
ordered pairs will satisfy both of
the equation.
6. Each ordered pair has the items
ordered by each of the family.
7. You only have 5, minutes to
finish this activity.

Now, please start counting.

I will give you the envelope

inside this is the activity sheet,
manila papers, and marker.
You can now start reminder you
only 5 minutes to finish this
activity. ( Student counting 1 to 4)
Group 1. Sable and Samo Family
Group 2: Sandugan and Vidad
Group 3. Durico and Mamac
Family ( student will work the
Group 4. Moncas and Lanquibo activity out)

( Teacher facilitates the activity.

She will roam around to monitor
student’s works)

Time’s up! Please post your work

of the board and present it.

(student will paste their

works on the board.
Excellent outputs class! Let us Every representative
clap our hands for ourselves. presents their works)

Based from your outputs, who

can define a system of linear ( Student clapping and
equations? cheering)

Yes Renalyn

Based from our outputs, I

think system of linear
equation in two variables
is the composition of two
Very Good! equations having the
same solution.
How did you determine if an
ordered pair is a solution to the
system of linear equations in two

Yes Leah Lyn

4. Analysis

We determined it by
Very good! That is one way in substituting the given sets
order to determine if it satisfies of ordered pairs to the set
the system of linear equation of equations.
Another answer!

Yes Kyrelle

We solve it with the use

of graphing and by
Very good! It seems like you are plotting of point in the
all ready for our topic for today. cartesian coordinate
Do you still have any questions
regarding systems of linear
equations in two variables?

None so far Ma’am.

Let us continue our discussion,

Basically, it consists of two linear
equations with one or two
variables each: can be in a form
{Ax + By=C
{Dx + Ey=F
{y=7 {x+2y=6
5. Abstraction {x-1=4 and {y-6=0 are the
systems of linear equations with
either one or two variables.

Does the graph of the system

consist of intersecting lines?

Yes Zyra!
Very good!
That intersection is called the
solution to the system of linear
equation. Yes, Ma’am! It intersects.

Show that ( -1,3) is a solution to

the system {2x + y =1
{3x – 2y = -9
Step 1: First, identify the x and y
in the ordered pair. In (-1,3)
What is the value of x and y?

Yes Maria!

Very good!

Step 2: Substitute the values of x

and y to the both equation and X=-1 and y= 3
check if it will satisfy both
Who wants to substitute the given

Yes Ivan!

Very good!

Step 3: Solve both equations and {2(-1) + (3) =1

check if it satisfies both of them. {3 (-1) -2 (3) = -9

For the first equation, who wants

to try?

Yes Leolaine!

Very good!
For second equation.
Yes Shane! 2x+y =1
2(-1) + 3 = 1
-2 + 3=1
1 =1 true

Very Good! 3x-2y=-9

3(-1)-2(3) = -9
Example 2: what will you do if a -3 - 6 =-9
word problem is given? -9 = -9 True
Class do you have an idea?

There is just three basis steps in

solving this kind problems:
But first kindly read the problem
Leah Lyn. No Ma’am

The sum of two numbers

is 68 while their
difference is 12.
Determine the system of
Thank you! linear equation that
represent the given
Step 1: problem and determine if
Assign values to the variables x (40, 28) is a solution to
and y. Let x be the larger number the problem.
and y be the smallest number.

Step 2: Write the equation of the

system from the given problem.

The statement “the sum of two

numbers is 12” can be translated
to x – y =12

The system, of linear equation the

represents the given problem is
{x + y= 68
{ x – y = 12

Step 3. Determine if (40, 28) is a

solution to the problem.
x + y =68
40 + 28 =68
68=68 true
x – y = 12
40 – 28 = 12
12 = 12 true

Is (40, 28) solution to the


Yes Danna!
Very good!
Since (40,28) satisfy both
equations of the system,
it follows that the two
To test whether you really numbers are 40 and 28.
understand the lesson, you will
need to answer this completely.

Group Practice:
Analyze and solve the word
Russel sold 20 apples at 6 pesos
each and oranges at 5 pesos each.
He earned 105 pesos after selling
all the fruits. Write a system of
6. Application linear equation that models the
situation where x and y represent
the number of apples and oranges
respectively and determine if
(5,15) is a solution to the system.
Mechanics: will be grouped into four.
2.Solve the given word problem
3. Assign who will be the reporter
and one who will write on the
manila paper.
4.When tour finish perform the
cheer that you created.
5.You only have 10 minutes to
finish this activity.

Your timer starts now!

( Teacher facilitate the activity.

She will roam around to monitor
students works)
( The student will work
Time’s up! Please post your the activity out)
works on the board and present it.

( the student will paste

Excellent output class! Let us clap their works on the board.
hands for ourselves. Every representative
presents their works)
Do you still have any questions
regarding to the introduction of
systems of linear equation?
( student clapping and
Excellent class! Now, who can cheering)
relate the concept of the different
types of system of linear None so far Ma’am!
equations into real life?

Yes Lara!

In real life, there will be

people that we will meet
exactly one point of our
lives then they go and we
will never see them
Excellent. anymore.
However, there will be
That was wonderful. Indeed, people that we will meet
system of linear equation can be in our lives who will stay
used in order to relate the people with us forever no matter
that come and pass into our lives. who and what we are.
We can also relate system of
linear equations in our
relationship with other people.

Class, do you still have any


No Ma’am.
Analyze and solve the following systems of linear equation completely.
1. Is ( -5,2) a solution to the system {y=2x + 8
{4x – 7y = -5 ?
2. For what value of a and b is (1,2) a solution to the system { 5x + 2ay = 17
{ -ay = 2x – 4b ?
Analyze and solve the following word problems. (1/2 crosswise)
1. The sum of two numbers is 37, and the larger is 2 less than twice the smaller
number. Let x be the smaller number and y is the larger number. Write a
system of linear equation that represents the problem and determine if ( 24,
13) is a solution to the system.

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