P Prasad

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Quantification of UM For Gradation in glass beads Mu

UM ID at 850 micron
S No ObservatioX bar x2 bar
1 3.35 0.002 4E-06
2 3.37 -0.018 0.000324
3 3.36 -0.008 6.4E-05
4 3.34 0.012 0.000144
5 3.34 0.012 0.000144
Mean 3.352 SUM 0.00068
Std dev 0.013038

Table-2 Sources of Uncertainity

Source UM of souType Distribution Std. UM Meas. At % UM(Rel.Eqp ID
from sieve 5.5 Normal 1.375 400 0.34375 31
From digital balance 0.0048 B Normal 0.0012 400 0.0003 45
resolution of digital 0.01 B Rectangular 0.005774 400 0.001443 45
Source 0.013038 A Normal 0.005831 3.352 0.173954
Table-3 Combined & Expanded uncertainity
Combined Uncertainity 0.173960658872627

Expanded U (%) 0.482914789030413 Or g %% 0.016187303728299 at 3.352 %

Using the student's t- distribution chart (Coverage factor K=2.776 at 95% confidence level
Veff (UR)4+(Ub1)4+(Ub2)4+(Ub3)4+(Ub4)4+(Ub5)4+……..
Va Vb1 Vb2 Vb3 Vb4

Veff 0.00092 8.1E-15 4.3E-12
4 infinity infinity

at 3.352 %
Quantification of UM For Gradation in glass beads Mu
UM ID at 600 micron
S No ObservatiX bar x2 bar
1 8.94 0.001 1E-06
2 8.943 -0.002 4E-06
3 8.942 -0.001 1E-06
4 8.939 0.002 4E-06
5 8.941 0 0
Mean 8.941 SUM 1E-05
Std dev 0.00158113883

Table-2 Sources of Uncertainity

Source UM of soType Distribution Std. UM Meas. At
from sieve 5.5 Normal 1.375 400
From digital balanc0.0048 B Normal 0.0012 400
resolution of digital 0.01 B Rectangular 0.00577 400
Source 0.001581 A Normal 0.00071 8.941
Table-3 Combined & Expanded uncertainity
Combined Uncertainity 0.00804481726136049

Expanded U (%) 0.0223324127175367 Or g % 0.0019967410211

Using the student's t- distribution chart (Coverage factor K=2.776 at 95% confidence level
Veff (UR)4+(Ub1)4+(Ub2)4+(Ub3)4+(Ub4)4+(Ub5)4+……..
Va Vb1 Vb2 Vb3 Vb4 Vb5…………

Veff 3.91E-09 8.1E-15 4.3402778E-12
4 infinity infinity

% UM(RelEqp ID
0.34375 40
0.0003 45
0.00144 45

0.0019967410211 at 8.941%
95% confidence level
Quantification of UM For Gradation in glass beads Mu
UM ID at 300 micron
S No ObservatiX bar x2 bar
1 68.47 -0.028 0.000784
2 68.58 -0.138 0.019044
3 68.42 0.022 0.000484
4 68.42 0.022 0.000484
5 68.32 0.122 0.014884
Mean 68.442 SUM 0.03568
Std dev 0.094445751625

Table-2 Sources of Uncertainity

Source UM of soType Distribution Std. UM Meas. At
from sieve 5.5 Normal 1.375 400
From digital balanc0.0032 B Normal 0.0008 400
resolution of digital 0.01 B Rectangular 0.00577 400
Source 0.094446 A Normal 0.04224 68.442
Table-3 Combined & Expanded uncertainity
Combined Uncertainity 0.0617299273129109

Expanded U (%) 0.171362278220641 Or g % 0.1172837704598

Using the student's t- distribution chart (Coverage factor K=2.776 at 95% confidence level
Veff (UR)4+(Ub1)4+(Ub2)4+(Ub3)4+(Ub4)4+(Ub5)4+……..
Va Vb1 Vb2 Vb3 Vb4 Vb5…………

Veff 1.45E-05 1.6E-15 4.3402778E-12
4 infinity infinity

% UM(RelEqp ID
0.34375 40
0.0002 45
0.00144 45

0.1172837704598 at 68.442 %
95% confidence level
Quantification of UM For Gradation in glass beads Mu
UM ID at 180 micron
S No ObservatioX bar x2 bar
1 10.81 -0.008 6.4E-05
2 10.82 -0.018 0.000324
3 10.81 -0.008 6.4E-05
4 10.79 0.012 0.000144
5 10.78 0.022 0.000484
Mean 10.802 SUM 0.00108
Std dev 0.016432

Table-2 Sources of Uncertainity

Source UM of souType Distribution Std. UM Meas. At % UM(Rel.Eqp ID
from sieve 5.5 Normal 1.375 400 0.34375 40
From digital balance 0.0048 B Normal 0.0012 400 0.0003 45
resolution of digital 0.01 B Rectangular 0.005774 400 0.001443 45
Source 0.016432 A Normal 0.007348 10.802 0.068029
Table-3 Combined & Expanded uncertainity
Combined Uncertainity 0.068044755576785

Expanded U (%) 0.188892241481156 % 0.020404139924794 at10.802%

Using the student's t- distribution chart (Coverage factor K=2.776 at 95% confidence level
Veff (UR)4+(Ub1)4+(Ub2)4+(Ub3)4+(Ub4)4+(Ub5)4+……..
Va Vb1 Vb2 Vb3 Vb4

Veff 2.1E-05 8.1E-15 4.3E-12
4 infinity infinity

Quantification of UM For Roundness % in glass beads Mu
UM ID at Roundness %
S No ObservatioX bar x2 bar
1 72.58 -0.058 0.003364
2 72.46 0.062 0.003844
3 72.54 -0.018 0.000324
4 72.42 0.102 0.010404
5 72.61 -0.088 0.007744
Mean 72.522 SUM 0.02568
Std dev 0.080125

Table-2 Sources of Uncertainity

Source UM of souType Distribution Std. UM Meas. At % UM(Rel.Eqp ID
From digital balance 0.0048 B Normal 0.0012 100 0.0012 45
resolution of digital 0.01 B Rectangular 0.005774 100 0.005774 45
Source 0.080125 A Normal 0.035833 72.522 0.04941
Table-3 Combined & Expanded uncertainity
Combined Uncertainity 0.04976040253388

Expanded U (%) 0.138134877434051 Or g % 0.100178175812722 at 72.522 g

Using the student's t- distribution chart (Coverage factor K=2.776 at 95% confidence level
Veff (UR)4+(Ub1)4+(Ub2)4+(Ub3)4+(Ub4)4+(Ub5)4+……..
Va Vb1 Vb2 Vb3 Vb4

Veff 6E-06 2.1E-12 1.1E-09
4 infinity infinity

at 72.522 g
Quantification of UM For Binder % Mu
UM ID Binder %
S No ObservatioX bar x2 bar
1 19.1 -0.4 0.16
2 18.9 -0.2 0.04
3 18 0.7 0.49
4 18.8 -0.1 0.01
5 18.7 0 0
Mean 18.7 SUM 0.7
Std dev 0.41833

Table-2 Sources of Uncertainity

Source UM of souType Distribution Std. UM Meas. At % UM(Rel.Eqp ID
from muffel furnace 1.02 Normal 0.255 500 0.051 8
From digital balance 0.0005 B Normal 0.000125 20 0.000625 44
resolution of furace 1 B Rectangular 0.57735 500 0.11547 8
resolution of digital 0.001 B Rectangular 0.000577 20 0.002887 44
Source 0.41833 A Normal 0.187083 18.7 1.000443
Table-3 Combined & Expanded uncertainity
Combined Uncertainity 1.00044751158134

Expanded U (%) 2.7772422921498 Or g % 0.519344308632012 at 18.7 g

Using the student's t- distribution chart (Coverage factor K=2.776 at 95% confidence level
Veff (UR)4+(Ub1)4+(Ub2)4+(Ub3)4+(Ub4)4+(Ub5)4+……..
Va Vb1 Vb2 Vb3 Vb4

Veff 1.00177 1.5E-13 6.9E-11
4 infinity infinity

Quantification of UM For glass beads Content Mu
UM ID Glass Bead content
S No ObservatioX bar x2 bar
1 31.54 0.55 0.3025
2 32.35 -0.26 0.0676
3 32.24 -0.15 0.0225
4 32.13 -0.04 0.0016
5 32.19 -0.1 0.01
Mean 32.09 SUM 0.4042
Std dev 0.317884

Table-2 Sources of Uncertainity

Source UM of souType Distribution Std. UM Meas. At % UM(Rel.Eqp ID
From digital balance 0.0032 B Normal 0.0008 40 0.002 44
resolution of digital 0.01 B Rectangular 0.005774 40 0.014434 44
Source 0.317884 A Normal 0.142162 32.09 0.44301
Table-3 Combined & Expanded uncertainity
Combined Uncertainity 0.443249491988211

Expanded U (%) 1.23046058975927 Or g % 0.394854803253751 at 32.09%

Using the student's t- distribution chart (Coverage factor K=2.776 at 95% confidence level
Veff (UR)4+(Ub1)4+(Ub2)4+(Ub3)4+(Ub4)4+(Ub5)4+……..
Va Vb1 Vb2 Vb3 Vb4

Veff 0.03852 1.6E-11 4.3E-08
4 infinity infinity

at 32.09%
Quantification of UM For CaCO3 Mu
S No ObservatioX bar x2 bar
1 14.2 -0.08 0.0064
2 14 0.12 0.0144
3 14.1 0.02 0.0004
4 14.3 -0.18 0.0324
5 14 0.12 0.0144
Mean 14.12 SUM 0.068
Std dev 0.130384

Table-2 Sources of Uncertainity

Source UM of souType Distribution Std. UM Meas. At % UM(Rel.Eqp ID
From Buret 0.0004 B Normal 0.0001 40 0.00025 2
resolution of Buret 0.1 B Rectangular 0.057735 40 0.144338 2
Source 0.130384 A Normal 0.05831 14.12 0.412957
Table-3 Combined & Expanded uncertainity
Combined Uncertainity 0.437454939848533

Expanded U (%) 1.21437491301953 Or % 14.12

Using the student's t- distribution chart (Coverage factor K=2.776 at 95% confidence level
Veff (UR)4+(Ub1)4+(Ub2)4+(Ub3)4+(Ub4)4+(Ub5)4+……..
Va Vb1 Vb2 Vb3 Vb4

Veff 0.02908 3.9E-15 0.00043
4 infinity infinity

Quantification of UM For Softening Point Mu
UM ID Softening Point
S No ObservatioX bar x2 bar
1 98 -0.4 0.16
2 98 -0.4 0.16
3 97 0.6 0.36
4 97 0.6 0.36
5 98 -0.4 0.16
Mean 97.6 SUM 1.2
Std dev 0.547723

Table-2 Sources of Uncertainity

Source UM of souType Distribution Std. UM Meas. At % UM(Rel.Eqp ID
From Digital Sensor 0.63 B Normal 0.1575 40 0.39375 2
resolution of Sensor 0.1 B Rectangular 0.057735 40 0.144338 2
Source 0.547723 A Normal 0.244949 97.6 0.250972
Table-3 Combined & Expanded uncertainity
Combined Uncertainity 0.488732540430043

Expanded U (%) 1.3567215322338 Or °C 1.32416021546019 at 97.6 °C

Using the student's t- distribution chart (Coverage factor K=2.776 at 95% confidence level
Veff (UR)4+(Ub1)4+(Ub2)4+(Ub3)4+(Ub4)4+(Ub5)4+……..
Va Vb1 Vb2 Vb3 Vb4

Veff 0.00397 0.02404 0.00043
4 infinity infinity


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