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i ay ad tay “Chany GCSE Tope oo Sige a aauae Cie Da a 4. wis 227P4t103 ‘This question is about sodium and compounds of sodium. {a) {Describe the boncing in a metalic element such as soci, You may include a dlagram as pat of your answer. a (i Describe how solid sodium conducts electricity. {(b) Some properties of sadlum chiorde are shown: ‘© meting point of 801°C 3 on-conducir of electricity when aol Conductor of elect when molten 1S soluble in wate. ()_ Name the type of bonding n sodium chloride. (i. Explain why sodium chloride conducts electicty when matin, os eee vee ML {@)_Acstudent determines the concentration of a solution of lute sulfuric acl, H,S0, by tration ‘wth aqueous sodium hydroxide, NaOH. ‘step 1. 25.0cmn? of C.200mel/dm? NaOH is transferred into conical ask Step 2 Throe drops of methy| orange indicator are added tothe conical ask. ‘step Aburete is led wth #,S0,. Step 4 The acid inthe burtte is added tothe conical fask unl the indzator changes colour. ‘The volume of aol i recorded This process is known as tration. step 5 The tira s repeated several times until a sultable number atresuits is obtained, (i) Name the piece of apparatus used to measure exacly 25.0cm® of 200ml dm NaOH instop 1. tt) {) State the colour change ofthe methy! orange indicator in step 4. ftom tw vo (1) roisiy GCSE lene wate a tty en ry {Gil State how the sudent decides that a suitaha numberof results have been obtained. — - tt) (lv) 20.0cm of H,S0, reacts with 2.en of 0.200mol/dn? NaOH, ‘The equation forthe reacton is shown, H,SO, + 2NaQH + Na,SO, + 24,0 Calculate the concentration of H,S0, using the following steps, ‘+ Caleulate the number of moles in 25.0 of 0.200mal/am? NaOH, mot ‘+ Determine the number of moles of H,SO, that reat withthe NaOH. ‘mol Calafate the eoncantation of H,S0,. malic? (3) 2. wis 22743108 ‘This question is about copper and is compounds. (a) Describe the bonding n a metalic eloment such as copper. You may induce a ciagram as part of your answer (b) Ametal spoon is electroplated with copper State what s used as the postive eleckode (anode) «. ‘the negative electrode (cathode) the electrolyte, a (6) The formula fr crystals of hydrated copper) sulfate is CUSO,SH,O. Hyarated coppe'(l) sulfate is made by reacting copper) oxide with diute suture acd a) Lchonty GCSE PE TepalWebok ts cen ansenisry ‘The overall equation is shown. CuO + H,S0, + 44,0 -> CuSO, “The crystals are made using the flowing steps: stop 4 50.0cm® of 0.200mol/dm? dite sulfuric acid Is heated in a besker. Powdered Copper) oxide is edéed until the coppertl) oxide Is in excess. Aqueous copper) sulfate is formed. stop2 The excess copper(l) oxide is separated from the aqueous copper(I) suse, Step 3 The aqueous copper) sulfate Is heated unt a satursted soluton i formed. ‘stop 4 The saturated solution is allowed to cool and exysalis. ‘top 5 The cysals are removed and dred. ‘Catulate tne mesimum mass uf opper()suete eryatale, CuSO,SH,0, that ean form using the following stops. ‘© Calculate the number of moles of H,SO, in 0.0cm of 0.200" dH. 80, 5H,0 + Doduce the numberof malas of CS0,5H,0 that can form. 1¢ The M,of CuS0,5H,0 is 250, Caleulate the maximum mass of CuSO,-SH,0 that can form. vn 918) {q) State one observation that inciates the copper(I) oxide isin excess in step 1. nm {e) Step 1 Is repeated without heating the dilute suifutc acid. ‘All other conditions are kept the same. ‘The rate of reaction decreases. Give a reason wiy the rate of rzacton decreases. Explain your answer in tems of partes. (0 Name a suastance, other than copper) oxide, that can be added to diute sure acid to produce copper) sulfate in step 4. : "1 {g) Nerne the process used to separate excess copper) oxide from aqueous copper(I sult in stop 2. 1 Chari 4 Tepe Wontook Ui eaten lay eas ravi Paes (h) Suggest whats meant by the tem saturated solution in step 3. (0) Tho phrase ‘heating to dryness’ means heating until no more water ie given of Explain why aqueous copper) sulfate is nat heated to dryness in stop 3. 3. OIN21PatIa3 ‘This question is about slecrlyss Concentrated hydrochlore acd is electralysad using the apparatus shown. (2) lorie tons are atscnarged at tne anode, (Complete the ionic haltequation for this reaction. LE100) > nef) + (@)_ State whether oxidation or reduction takes place. Explain your answer. 2 tt) (0) Descrive whats seen at the cathode () White te ionic ha-aquaton forthe reaction athe cathode. (6) The pH ofthe elective fs measured troughout te experiment. (0, Suggest the pH of the electrolyte at he begining ofthe experiment {it State how the pH changes, if at al, during the experiment Explain your answer nmi CEP Tope Weise eens Uns Secrest (¢) The electrolysis is repeated using molten lead) bromide, Describe whats seen atthe: = cathode. + anode. 2 (9 State two properties of graphite (carbon) which make it sultable for use as an electod 4. QIN 21pasia2 “This question is about elecrlysis. (2) State the mesnina ofthe term electro (0) The table gives information about the electrolysis of tno electrolyes. Carbon (graphite) ‘lotrodes are used in wast experiment 1) Complete the table to show the observations and products of electrolysis postive electrode (anode) | _ negative elecrode (cathode) Geciivie [observations | name of product] observations | name of product aqueous colouress copper) sulfate | bubbles ‘oncenirated aqueous] ‘colouress ‘sodium bromide bubbles | "™@ro90n 5 (ll) Hydrogen Is produced at the napative electrode (cathode) during the elecrlyss of concentrated aqueous sodium bromide, Wirt the nic hal-oquation for this reaction a (li) Stat two reasons why carbon (graphite) i suitable to use as an electrode, 1 2 . = ee (iv) Name the particle responsible forthe conduction of electricity inthe meta wires used in & creut. m Chen BCSE Tepe Wont ease ranatns Us Ey hay 5 wu 24104 ‘A stidentcartis ou an electrolysis experiment using the apparatus shown. , V sie *; = eathon electrodes : dite aqueous sodum enoride ‘The student uses dilute aqueous sodium chloride, (2) State the name given to any solution which undergoes electrohes, isaac a A (6) Hycroxice ions are discharged atthe anod! (@) Complete the onc half-equation fortis reaction, ees OH(G9) enn + O¥g) + de a {) Explain now the ionic hal-equation shows the hydroxide lors are being oxded, son om (6) Describe what the student observes at the cathode. su iO} (4) White the ionic hal-equation forthe reaction al the cathode. ee ca] (6) The student repeats the experiment using concentrated aqueous sodium chloride. {) Describe what the student observes at © mecamose 2 t8e.aN0Me, enn : 12 (li) The student added litmus to the soluton after the ele:rlyss of concentrated aqueous sodium chloro. ‘State the colour seen inthe solution, Give a reason foryour answer colour of slution Comm IcS 4 Lpel Wotook nn rey ata (f) Carbon electrodes are used because they ae inert. ‘State another element that can be used instead of carbon. sv “1 ‘6. yy 244103 Potassium reacts with chlorine to form potassium chloride, KCL (a) Write « chemical equation for this reaction. (@) Potassium chloride isan ionic compound. ‘Compete the diagram to show the electron arrangement in the outers ‘in potesium chloride. {Give the charges on both ons. (6) Molten potassium chloride undergoes electrolysis. () Stato what is meant by the torm electrolysis. a oe = eee i) Name the products formed a the positive electrode (anode) and nagative electrode (cathode) when molten potassium chloride undergoes electrolysis OE nnn NOE nnn ee (@) Concentrated aqueous potassium chlosde undergoes electrolysis. (i) Waite anionic ha-equation forthe reaction al the negative electrode cathode). (i) Nam the predict formed athe postive electrode (anode). ot) (it) Name the potacelum compound tht remains inthe sluton after elecrohss. a 0) ©) Complete the dotand-cross aiagam to show the elecron arrangement in a molecule of chlorine, Ct, Cheriy GCSE PA ei oak tence UE Denti andy ‘Show the outer electrons only. cr m (0) The molting points and boing points of chiorine and potassium chloride are shown, ‘meling point | baling point re re chlorine 108 35 otassium chionde | __770 500 (0) Deducs the physical state of chorine at 75°C. Use the daa in the table to explain your physical state . explanation . ee : senses (2) (@) Explain, in tems of structure and bonding, why potassium chloride has a much Fisher ‘meting point than chiorne, Your answer should rer tothe: ‘ypes of particle held together by the forces of attraction © ypes of forces of atvaction between particles * Felative strength of te forces of traction. wi 21pasia3 ‘Sodium reacts with fuorine to form sodium furide, NaF. (2) We @ chemical equation fortis reaction, () Sodium fuorde is an lie compound, Complete the diagram to show the electon arrangement in the outer shells ofthe ions present in sodium frie. Give the charges on both ions. yb © ‘1 crn 2086 Pa Top Won aa, ets arco eae (e) Aqueous sodium fluoride undergoes electrolysis. (State what fs meant by the term electrolysis 7 2 ‘positive electrode (anode) and the negative elecrode (i) Name the products formes at the {cathode} wien ete aqueous sodium forge undergoes electroysis, anode athe nnn a {€) Molten sodium fore undergoes electrolysis. {) Nome the products formed atthe postive electro (anode) and the negative electrode {Gatnode) when molten sodhum fuonce undergoes wie alysis, anode — ee 1) (0) ete the ionic halt-oquation forthe reaction atthe negative electrode (cathode. cathode : = fee {e) Complete te dokendcross elagram to show the electon arangement in a melecle of huorno, Fe ‘Show the outer electrons only. "1 {9 The meting points and bling points of frie and sodium fuori ae shown. meting point [bolting point re re ‘urine —z20) 188) ‘edium fluoride 988 "1695 10) Deduoe the physical tate of fuoine at 195°C. Use the data in the tablet explain your physical state 7 explanation. a anise GSE P Tea Wook er ts ect an eee (Explain, in terms ofsvucture and bonding, why sodium fueride has a much higher melting point than fuori. "Your answer shoul afr to the: ‘© types of paricle held together by the forcas of atvaction 1 ypes of forces of attraction between partcles, 1 relative strength ofthe fores of attraction. a 8, OIN 20/Paz!a2I(,1,6) (a) Sodium chloride does not conduct eloctrcty when sold, but does conduct electcty when matin {) Nome the product formed at the positive electrode when electricity Is passed through molten sodium chiorde. vot) (a tate the type of change that occurs atthe postive electrode in Explain your answer in terms of electron transfer. type of change ‘explanation (li) Deserve what else can be done to sodium chorde to allow it to conduct electricity. 111 9. OIN20IPAt/OS/a (0), Ditte suture aod is clotrlyzed using the apparatus chown inthe diagrem, power supply fener electrodes: diute sulfuric acid (i) State what is meant bythe term electrosis. a cat !208EPa o t ns eer anc enmity (1) Explain why inert electrodes (ai) Name the products feemed at each electrode. negative electrode postive electrode . (iv) Whe an ionic halt-equation forthe reaction atthe negative electrode a 40, OIN 20ppasiasia {@) Sodium is extracted rom sodium chloride by electrolysis. (0) State the meaning ofthe term electrolysis, se eee 2 {id State what must be done to sodium chloride bafore it ean be electoysed to produce sodium. svsennne (ML (ii) Witeanionichat-equaton forthe change that occurs atthe cathode during his electrolysis. -) 41, Mid 20;p¢2I05 Electrolysis of concentrated aqueous sodium chloride using inert electrodes forms chlerine, hydrogen and sodium hydroxide. (a) What is meant by the orm oloctoysis? (b) Name a substance that can be used as th inert eloctrodes.. {6) Wt an ionic hat-equation fr the formation of hysrogon during tis electrolysis. oe 2 “ | (c) Give he formulae of te four ions present in concentrated aqueous sodium chloride. I ‘Chimay ICSE Pa Top ontok ats Bos nt emay 42. OINA9/P42104 Many substances conduct electricity. (a) Identity all the particles responsible forthe passage of electri in + graphite. + magnesium ribbon .. + motten copper bromide... sell (0) student used the following apparatus to elecrolyse concentrated aqueous sodium chloride ting inert electrodes, ‘concentrated aqueous sodium chloe inert electrodes: (i) Suggest the name ofa metal which could be used a the inet eloctrodes. m (ll) Name the gas formed at the postive electro 7 : ee vooee (H (ti) Wite an ionic al-equation forte reaction occuring atthe negative electrode. Include state symbols, ss . ns oe = 8 (iv) How, it at al, does the pH ofthe soluton change during the electrolysis? Explin your - 6 ery GCSE PE Te Wark ‘unt Eero and meaty eat ands Pon (c) Astudest used tha fllawing electrochemical cal ‘The reading onthe voimeter was +1.10V. yoltmeter 2ine electrode ‘copper electrode te suture acd (0) Draw an ertow onthe diagram to show the direction of electron fow. n {a Suggest the change, i any inthe vlmeter reading ithe zinc electrode was replacad with ‘anironelecroia Feplain Your answer. eee : ee ence el (ti) The zie lacrode was replaced with asiver electrode, The reading onthe volmeter was 048. ‘Suggest why the sign ofthe voltmeter reading became negative. 1 43, OIN 19PstIABl(Hiiv) (2) A sage of concntated yea acs, Han was eoctoyend ura pltnun tlectrodes. ‘The concentration ofthe hydrobromic acid was 6.89 mold (i) Explain why concentrated HBr(2q) can conduct electricity. ne ov 2 (i) Magnesium is nota stable material rom which to make the electrodes. Explain why. ee aes onan eerrnennnnnnrs (it) Prosi te product formed at the anode when concentrated HBr(aq) i eledrolysed - - 7 ~ 0 (iv) Wtethe ionic hal-oquation forthe reaction occuring at the cathode. ~ a 14, ON 19/03/00 {@). Name the ore of aluminium which mainly consists of aluminium exe. volt] Srey I Tse Wack pelea wea Uo: Beit and enone () Aluinium is produted by the elecucysis of aluminium oxide dissolved in molten cyt. waste gases \ postive electrode alten mixture of ‘aluminium oxide and eyote (Give two reasons why the electrolysis is done using a molten mixture of aluminium oxide and elt instaad of malten aluminium oxide ony Pas : 2 (1) Wie ionic hal-equations forthe reactions occuring a the electrodes. postive olectoce, negative electrode (it) The anodos are mode of carbon and hove tobe replaced regulary Explain why the carbon anodes have tobe replaced regulary. Ca) 18, mi torazarit {) Coppers refined (purifed) by electoyss. Nickel canbe retina using a similar method, (0) The eiagram shows the refining of sick by electrolysis. ‘Complete the labels in the boxes. paner Supply eathode made of ‘crema GCSE M4 Toad ik eae wee Un 5 Bete and reer (lt) Indicate, by writing N on the cagram, where nickels produced. 1 46, wis s87P43/04 Sluts of ionic compounds can be broken dawn by electroysis. (a). Concentrated aqueous copper(I) chiosde was elecrlysed using the apparatus shown. ‘anode made cof platinum ‘cathode mace ‘of platinum concentrated aqueous ‘copper chloride “The ionic haequations forthe reactions athe electrodes are shown. negative electrode: Cu"(aq) * 2e" > Culs) postive elactode: 2Cr{aq) -» Cly(g) + 26° () Platinum isa sold wich i @ good conductor of electric. State one other property of platinum which makes it suitable fr use as electrodes, sen 7 oe a (i) State what would be seen atthe postive electrode during ths electrolysis. = : see i) Stato and explain what would happen to the mass ofthe negative electrode during this cloaralyele. ee eee eee El {Gv} The concentrated aqueous copper) chovide electrolyte i geen. SSuggast what would happen tothe ealour ofthe electrolyte during this electrolysis, Explan your answer. s a (o> Ident me species tas unused during tis electolysi. Explain your answer. spaces thats oxidisad explanation en ‘Christy ICSE 4 Tepe non: unto wi Paso nts Beceem (b) Metal objects can be electroplated with sver (0) Describe how a metal spoon canbe electroplated with sve, Include: {what to use asthe postive electrode and asthe negative electrode ‘+ wat to use as the electrolyte {anionic half-equaton to show the formation of sive. ‘You may inde a diagram in your answer, lonichaltequation : se 4 (i) Give one reason why metal spoons are electroplated with sve. 1" 17, MAR 1942I05/6 (@) Magnesium cannot be produced by electraysis of aqueous magnesium chorde using inet locirodes. (0) Name the product formed al the negative oloctrode (cathode) during the electiolyis of ‘aqueous magnesium chloe, a - a cross (8) Suggest how magnesium can be produced fom magnesium chloride ty eloctrlyis 1 18. Wi t8rPa2IQWabede Potassium reacts with bromine at room temperature to form potassium bromise. (8) Write & chemical equation for this reaction. Include state symbols, (a1 (b) Potassium bromide exists as anionic lattice. Potassium bromide does net conduct electrty when solid but daes conduct electity when matin, (W) Whats meant by the term ionic atioe? 7 oe : : see BY {t) Exalan why potassium bromide does not conduct electricity when solid but does carlic! lecirty when malten Chey GCSE Top sk Uns ty od ose {6) Concentrated aqueous potassium bromide isan eloctoly. {) Wat is meant by the term electrolyte? a (a Describe the elecralyss f concentrated aqueous potassium bromide Include: eh ionic hal-equation forthe reaction atthe cathode the name ofthe product tthe anode {the name ofthe potassium compound formed. : = capi scnesaemnnnen (A Au yen motion potassium bromide fs elecrtyaed, he product atthe cathodes ferent Name the product atthe cathode when mlten potassium bromide is electolysed oy (@) lodin reacts win chlorine to form iodine monochlorid, ICr, as the only product. {()Wie_a chemical equation for tis reaction. a ee : oe Ol (0) Draw @ dovanderess diagram to show the electon arrangement in 3 molecule of iodine monochlorie, Show auter sell electrons ony a {0) Potassium bromide has a netng point of 734°C: fodine monochloride has a melting point of 27°C. In tome ofatracive foes, explain why there is large dference between these meting points Cram GCSE Pe Tepe Wondook it Sait an ay 48, Mid 48/P44105%6 (a) Astudent electrlyses aqueous copper(l) sulfate using the apparatus shown. |_—power supply |_—eentton electrodes aqueous cooper) sutate__| | ‘oxygen gas forms athe postive wlctrode (re) {0 Wite anionic ha-equaton for the reaction atthe negative electrode (cathode) Indude ate symbols. = a co (i) Deserte what the student observes a ha negative alec ee : = " (ti) Give two other observations which the student makes during the elocrolysis. 1 2 a (@v) What difrence would the student observe at the postive elecrose if the aqueous copper(I) sulfate were replaced by concentrated aqueous copper) chiride? 1 20, Mig 187P43/04Ie “The folowing are the symbols and formule of some elements and compounds. Ae Ca(OH, Ch CO, Cu Fe SO, V0, ‘Anewer the following questions Using only the elements or compounds in the Ist [Esch element or compound may be used once, mare than ance er nat a ll. ‘State which element or compound is used (a) 295 an elecical conductor in cables nis ecient Cami ESE Tepid Wao 21, Mid 181431057 .6 (@) Molten ricke(l) adie can be eletrolysed using the apparatus shown. power surply j==c0ppe wires C4 platinum ‘lactrodes sri ickel( fodide During electolyls, charge is tarsfered through the copper wires and through the molten nickel) ocd. (0) Name the type of particles whieh ransfer charge through the copper Wi . oy (3) Name the type of particles which transfer charge through the molten nickel) cide. 2 ro} Ail) Preset the products of the electolysis of moten nickel iodide. Write an ionic halt-equation forthe formation of one ofthese products. products. S onic halt-oquation zt vee {(o) Astudent elecrolysed copper(I) sulfate solution using the two sats of apparatus shown. wer supply power supply carbon copper electrodes a electrodes copper sulfate | copper sutate I hition eoluion apparatus A apparatus B In apparatus A the student used carbon electrodes. In apparatus B the student used copper electrodes. ‘Tho shidont made the fllowing obsorvation. Chey I2CBE ep Wack pare pe "Unt way and ty ‘apparatus A ‘apparatus 8 ‘The mass ofthe negative electrode increased. | The mass of the negative elecode Inowased, [The mass ofthe postive electrode stayed the same| The mass ofthe postive electrode decreased, Bubtles were seen at the postive electrode. [No bubbles were seen al he positive elected () Explain why the mass ofthe negative electrode increased In both ses of apparatus, " '8) Name the gas that formed the bubbles saan in apparatus A " (i) Explain wy the mass ofthe postive electrode decreased in apparatus B, a : 7 ca an sone (HY (tv) Svagest what happens to the colour of the solution In apparatus A and apparatus B asthe lctrlyee progrenace, Explain your answer, colour of tne solution in apparatus A colour of tie solution in apparatus B a OPH nn 22, MAR 18/P42/02%6 Sodium chloride ia typical ionic compound, (@) Clecuolysis uf concentrated aqueous sodium ehvocde ie an important industial process. (0) Whats meant by the term electrolysis? fi a ane a {l) Name the products of the electrolysis of concentrated aqueous sodium chloride, 1 2 _ 3 Se eee ee a {i) Wie anionic ha-equation forthe reaction atthe cathode Include state symbole, - 23, OIN 17411068 Aluminium is extracted fom aluminium oxide by electrolysis. (2) Why is aluminium not extracted by heating aluminium oxie with carbon? 1) chemi I2OSE Tape Wook ot aay ane rity eat nas Pston 24, OIN ITIPAIOMabedt Pinzeogen and enygen react togeter in a hydrogen fuel cel A hyrogen fel call is shown inthe siagram. hydrogen Hy {) Name the process by which oxygen is obtained from ar ie al (0) () In hyrogen fel cet, the hysrogen molecules are converted into hyérogen ions ‘cording tothe ionic ha-equation shown. He > 2H + 2" What typeof reaction does this ionic ha-aquaion represent? ) (a) What type of substance react by donating hydrogen ions, H'? — : i {¢) Weta chomical equation forthe overall reaction that occurs ina hydrogen fue cal ei an : 7 atl {(8) tydrogen fuel cals are being developed as altematives to petro engines in cars. () Give one acvantage of hydrogen fuel eels compared to petrol engines. : = hee ae) (t) Give one dlsadvantage of hydrogen fel cll compared to petra engines. : a senses {6) Name te process occuring when seca energy is used te break down an onic comprunt wmf ‘Choe 4 Tepe rok, ee peta Unt: ooey an enaaty 25. OM 18/P 41/05 Coppel) sulfate solution was elecraysed using the apoaratus shown. ea carbon anode >}, [carbon exthode bubblos of ae Ee copper) state ‘luton {) Agas was formed atthe anode. ‘enti his gas and give the test for this gas 998 test 8 result of tot o ee () During electrolysis, electricity passes through the coppertl sultate soliton, Solid copper(I) sulfate does nat conduct elect, Explain both of these statements, = 7 : a _ so BY {6) The electroysis was repeated using copper electrodes in place of carbon electrodes. The onic hall-equations forthe reactions atthe two electrodes are shown. ‘anode Cu(s) -> Cu*(aq) + 26° cathode CuM(aq) + 26 > Cule) (0) Wich species is reduced during the eloctaysis? Explain your answer. (ll) The masses ofthe copper electrodes changes dug the electrolysis, State how and explain why the masses ofthe two sopper electrodes changed, Use the ionic haltequatons to help you, 4 Tp Wont Sarat eace teeny and etary sememnsannenenn (tu) Exoain why, during the electrolysis, the colour ofthe copper) sufate solution does not change. m 28, OIN 16/P43/04/e.49 Sticon(IV) oxide and sodium ctloride have diferent types of bonding and structure. {@) Aconcentrated aqueous seluton of sodium chloride is electalysed using carbon electrodes. (0) Name the products formed a he electrodes. product atthe postive electrode (anode) product atthe negative electrode (cathode). {t) Wie anionic ha-equation forthe reaction occurring atthe negative elecirode. m {) Aditute aqueous soliton of sacium chloride is elecolysad using carbon electrodes, ‘Name the main product formed atthe postive electrode 7 tt] {€) Molten sodium chloride is lactrotysed using carbon electrodes. (i) Name the produetforred atthe negative electrode, |W) rte an ionic all-equation forthe reaction occuring atthe negative electrode, " oft] (i) Chlorine s produced atthe postive electrode. Give the tet for elorine, teat. result 2 27, Mis t61PAzIadet Fyarogen can be manufactured from methane by steam reforming CH,G) + H,0(@) = C01) + 94,0) “The reaction is cried out using a nickel catalyst at temperatures between 700°C and 110°C and Using a pressure of one mosphere. “The forward reaction is endothermic. {a) Hydrogen can also be manufactured by electrolysis. The electoyie is concentrated aqueous ‘Secu chide, The lecrodes are inet. ‘The products of elecirolyas ae hydrogen chorin and sodium hydroxide. (). Define the term electrolysis ‘Chany 16CSE PA Tepe ondok eee Un ay an chy ve 29 {tt Name eubstance thet con be used us the inet electrodes, {iy Write an ionic hat-equation for the action in which hydrogen is produced, vm (1) (0) Whereis hyarogen produced inthe elect cot? =) (W Describe a ts: or ehlrine, test. FL en on o rene {©) The olectroysis of concentrated aqueous sodium chcrde can be representod by the flowing wore equation ‘Sodium chore + water -> sodium hydroxide + hydrogen + chorine ‘Construct a chemical equation to represent this reaction. Do not incude state symbols,

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