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Numerical modelling of orthogonal

cutting: application to woodworking
with a bench plane
John A. Nairn
Wood Science and Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA

Research A numerical model for orthogonal cutting using the material point method
was applied to woodcutting using a bench plane. The cutting process was
Cite this article: Nairn JA. 2016 Numerical
modelled by accounting for surface energy associated with wood fracture
modelling of orthogonal cutting: application to toughness for crack growth parallel to the grain. By using damping to deal
woodworking with a bench plane. Interface with dynamic crack propagation and modelling all contact between wood
Focus 6: 20150110. and the plane, simulations could initiate chip formation and proceed into
Downloaded from on 20 June 2024 steady-state chip propagation including chip curling. Once steady-state

conditions were achieved, the cutting forces became constant and could be
determined as a function of various simulation variables. The modelling
One contribution of 14 to a theme issue details included a cutting tool, the tool’s rake and grinding angles, a chip
‘Cutting science in biology and engineering’. breaker, a base plate and a mouth opening between the base plate and the
tool. The wood was modelled as an anisotropic elastic – plastic material.
The simulations were verified by comparison to an analytical model and
Subject Areas:
then used to conduct virtual experiments on wood planing. The virtual
biomaterials, biomechanics,
experiments showed interactions between depth of cut, chip breaker location
computational biology and mouth opening. Additional simulations investigated the role of tool
grinding angle, tool sharpness and friction.
cutting, wood, material point method,
numerical modelling, cohesive zone modelling
1. Introduction
Author for correspondence: Cutting of materials always involves separation of two surfaces and inclusion
John A. Nairn of surface energy for that separation (i.e. the material’s fracture toughness) into
e-mail: models has led to new insights about cutting [1 – 4]. For example, Atkins [1]
shows that incorporating surface fracture energy into models can explain sev-
eral longstanding issues, such as material dependence of the shear plane angle,
that have eluded historical methods based on plasticity and friction alone.
Incorporating fracture energy also predicts that cutting force as a function of
depth of cut should have a non-zero intercept [1,4]. This prediction is consist-
ent with many cutting experiments. Furthermore, if the non-zero intercept is
found by extrapolating cutting force per unit width of cut, the intercept is
equal to the material’s fracture toughness [1,4]. Several groups have exploited
this observation to measure fracture toughness of materials using instrumen-
ted cutting experiments [5 – 8]. This approach is particularly attractive for
materials where it is difficult to achieve crack propagation with remote load-
ing, such as soft materials [7,9]. The cutting tool enters the material and
provides crack propagation. Analysing the resulting cutting forces as a func-
tion depth of cut can provide information about toughness and potentially
other material properties [6,9].
Including fracture surface energy in analytical or numerical models opens
up new potential for those models to improve realism. For example, Williams
et al. [9,10] developed analytical models for orthogonal cutting with crack
propagation including plastic shearing and plastic bending modes. The initial
model was for isotropic materials with elastic plastic behaviour, although it is
easily extended to plastic hardening [11]. The addition of explicit crack growth
is also an important concept for numerical modelling. Many past numerical
models have focused on plasticity behaviour, but because cutting cannot pro-
gress without separating elements (in finite-element methods), most had to

& 2016 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.


Figure 3. The growth ring orientations for two board types to be planed

Interface Focus 6: 20150110

along the top narrow edge. RL and TL indicate top surface normals in the
Figure 1. A picture of a typical bench plane or Jack plane (from http://4mech-
radial direction (R) and tangential direction (T) with planing to be in the (Online version in colour.)
longitudinal direction (L). The x-y-z coordinate axes show the coordinates
used in the numerical simulations.

chip breaker
a develop computer simulations for analysing a wood working
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bench plane. Such simulations can then be used to optimize

chip wood planing, which has historically been done through
trial and error. Some examples are the importance of tool
angles, the proper adjustments that should be made to set

chip breaker location or mouth opening, the effect of planing

base b
base direction in the wood (with the grain or cross grain), the role
d y of friction on all surfaces and the effects of tool sharpness. This
m paper describes an MPM model for a bench plane and

addresses several of these issues. The new features in this

Figure 2. Key geometric features of a bench plane showing a cutting tool, a paper compared with Nairn [11] are to model cutting of an
base plate of the plane and the beginning of a chip breaker; a, b and c are anisotropic material (wood) and to incorporate realistic effects
rake, grinding and clearance angles, respectively; d, m and b are depth of cut, of cutting equipment, such as a chip breaker and a base plate
mouth opening and chip breaker location, respectively. in a bench plane.

introduce ad hoc separation criteria [1]. When explicit crack

growth is directly included in the model, those separation
criteria can be based on physically justifiable fracture mech-
2. Material and methods
anics criteria [1]. For example, Nairn [11] describes a material 2.1. Numerical modelling
point method (MPM) simulation of orthogonal cutting. The This numerical model for wood planing used the MPM. The
crack growth was modelled by explicit crack growth using details for MPM modelling of orthogonal cutting are given in
cohesive zone methods. This numerical scheme was able to [11]. This section summarizes some key points and describes
simulate full chip formation and propagation into steady- additions needed for modelling a bench plane. MPM is a par-
state cutting conditions for both plastic shearing and plastic ticle-based method for computational mechanics [12,13]. It is
bending modes. The contact capabilities of MPM were help- analogous to finite-element method (FEM), but the particle
ful for providing stable simulations even when the tool tip nature gives it different properties for certain problems. In par-
touches the crack tip (e.g. when the gap between the tool ticular, MPM has some advantages for modelling problems
involving large deformations [14], explicit cracks [15 – 17] and
tip and crack tip shown in figure 2 disappears).
contact [18 – 20]. All these issues are present when modelling
One motivation for developing numerical simulations of
cutting using explicit fracture criteria for crack growth.
cutting is to handle complexities that are beyond the capabili- The wood material was modelled as an orthotropic, elastic –
ties of analytical models. For example, figure 1 shows a plastic material in two-dimensional plane-strain conditions. The
woodworking bench plane (or Jack plane) and figure 2 orthotropic symmetry directions in wood are the longitudinal or
shows geometry of the cutting region of such a plane includ- grain direction (L), radial direction (R) and tangential direction
ing a cutting tool, a chip breaker and a base plate (or sole). (T ). These directions refer to cylindrical tree structure, but
This problem introduces several complexities. First, the when modelling a board, wood is usually treated as approxi-
material being cut (wood) is an anisotropic material with ani- mately rectilinearly orthotropic depending on how it was cut
sotropic plasticity and failure criteria. Second, a chip breaker from the tree. Figure 3 shows approximately ‘RL’ and ‘TL’
and base plate introduce new contact surfaces that will influ- boards to be planed in the grain direction along the top narrow
edge indicated with dashed lines. The first letter is the normal
ence the cutting process. Third, with the additional contact
to the narrow edge (and the cut plane) while the second letter
surfaces, frictional contact may become more important
is the cutting direction. The simulations here assigned properties
and may need to involve non-Coulomb friction processes. similar to Douglas-fir softwood [21 – 23] and are given in table 1.
All these issues, and more, can potentially be included into For RL, the directions are x ¼ L, y ¼ R and z ¼ T and for TL they
numerical simulations of cutting. are x ¼ L, y ¼ T and z ¼ R. RL boards correspond to radial sawn
This work’s goal was to demonstrate that MPM modelling boards while TL boards are flat sawn. Approximately, TL boards
can incorporate sufficient realism into cutting models to are more common and are emphasized in these simulations.
Table 1. Elastic, plastic and fracture properties of Douglas-fir wood for surfaces may come into contact making it difficult to hard code 3
simulations of planing in the TL and RL directions. simple contact angles. Thus, when the simulations added a
chip breaker and a base plate or when the tool was modelled
with rounded edge to model a blunt tool, all contact normals
property TL RL were calculated by MPM methods based on volume gradients
of the materials [19,20]. Because the tool was modelled as a
EL, ER and ET (MPa) 14500, 960 and 620 rigid material (see below), its surface normals should be more
GLR, GLT and GTR (MPa) 830, 760 and 80 reliable than normals calculated from the highly deforming cut
nLR, nLT and nLR 0.37, 0.42 and 0.35 material. Thus, the contact normals were calculated from the
volume gradients of the tool material whenever possible [19].
sY,LL, sY,RR and sY,TT (MPa) 100, 10 and 10 The contact was either frictionless or added Coulomb friction.
tY,LR, tY,LR and tY,TR (MPa) 30, 30 and 4 A challenge combining contact and cracks in MPM is to allow
the tool material to be inside the crack but to only allow the MPM

Interface Focus 6: 20150110

K and n 2 and 1
explicit crack algorithm [15] to affect the material being cut. This
mode I Ginit and Gb (J m22) 215 and 405 158 and 0 challenge is most easily met with rigid materials [11]. Therefore,
mode I sc and sb (MPa) 4.65 and 0.8 6.24 and 0 all components of the plane were modelled as rigid materials
(note: modelling effects such as tool wear would require use of
mode I d1/dc and d2/dc 0.05 and 0.1 0.1 and 1
non-rigid materials in cracks, which will be the subject of future
mode I dc (mm) 1.0125 0.051 work). As explained in [11], the rigid material velocity was
mode II Gtotal (J m22) ramped up to 2 m s21 and a kinetic energy ‘thermostat’ [26]
Downloaded from on 20 June 2024

645 474
was used to control start-up inertial effects. After reaching final
mode II sc (MPa) 4.65 6.24 velocity, the damping thermostat was turned off and the cutting
mode II dc (mm) 0.278 0.152 soon established steady-state conditions. All cutting forces were
evaluated from simulation forces during this steady-state
phase. Note that 2 m s21 is much faster than ever expected with
To account for anisotropic plastic properties of wood, a hand bench plane, but this speed is much slower than the longi-
especially the large difference between yielding parallel and per- tudinal wave speed in the wood (approx. 6000 m s21) and,
pendicular to the grain, the wood was modelled as a Hill plastic therefore, sufficiently slow to model quasi-static cutting. Because
material [24] with yielding criterion: the orthotropic, elastic – plastic material model has no inherent
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rate dependence, the numerical results would not change at
u t2 2 t2
tFðsxx  syy Þ2 þ Gðsxx  szz Þ2 þ Hðsyy  sxx Þ2 þ yz þ txx þ xy slower speeds. A numerical model to study sub 2 m s21 rate
t2Y,yz t2Y,xx t2Y,xy effects in cutting would require new material models that capture
the underlying rate dependence of wood.
¼ 1 þ K1np ,
Explicit crack propagation was modelled using MPM cohe-
where sive zones [11,27,28]. In brief, an initial crack was introduced
! ! along the entire cutting path and the crack plane was modelled
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 with a cohesive law determined by fracture experiments in the
F¼ þ  , G¼ þ  appropriate failure plane for solid wood (see below). This
2 s2Y,yy s2Y,zz s2Y,xx 2 s2Y,xx s2Y,zz s2Y,yy
! approach limited simulations to straight crack growth and, there-
1 1 1 1 fore, could not model chip fracture caused by fracture paths
and H ¼ þ  :
2 s2Y,xx s2Y,yy s2Y,zz diverting toward the surface [4].
All numerical models simulating dynamic crack growth must
Here sii and tij are current stresses, s Y,ii and t Y,ij are material incorporate a scheme for extending the crack. For example, in
yield strengths for loading in one direction, 1p is cumulative FEM, a node is released in the crack plane or in explicit MPM
plastic strain, and K and n are material hardening parameters. cracks the crack path is extended by a small amount [15,16].
The yield strengths for Douglas-fir wood, which are based on Even in cohesive zone modelling, a crack grows when the crack
failure loads in the different directions [21,22], are given in opening displacement at the crack root reaches the cohesive
table 1. This small-strain material used approximate polar law’s critical value (dc) and traction drops to zero. In compu-
decomposition methods to allow for large displacements and tational mechanics code that correctly conserves total energy,
rotations during chip formation (i.e. a standard hypoelastic all these virtual crack extensions can cause an increase in kinetic
material implementation [25]). energy that can quickly deteriorate numerical results. But, this
The cutting region geometry for a bench plane with a ‘bevel- conversion to kinetic energy does not reflect crack extension in
down’ style blade is shown in figure 2. The most important real materials where that energy is instead absorbed by some sur-
features are the cutting tool, a chip breaker and a base plate (or face processes representing the material’s fracture toughness.
sole). The rake angle, a, is typically fixed at 458. The tool bevel One solution to dealing with artefacts in dynamic crack propa-
or grinding angle, b, is set when sharpening the tool and gation simulations is to add damping to mimic energy
common wood recommendations are to grind the bevel between absorption in real materials, but it is challenging to add realistic
258 and 308. The remaining clearance angle is c ¼ 90 – a – b. damping. In previous orthogonal cutting simulations, it was
Different plane conditions can be modelled by adjusting tool noted that a new form of damping, denoted as PIC damping
angles, by adjusting distance to the chip breaker (b) or by setting [11], worked very well for crack propagation simulations. In
the mouth opening (m). brief, this damping focuses damping effects in regions with
A challenge in modelling cutting is dealing with all the con- high velocity gradients and, therefore, selectively dampens
tact situations. Although MPM handles contact well, its accuracy regions around a propagating crack tip. Simulations with PIC
is determined by accuracy in determining the normals on con- damping enabled are extremely stable for all cutting conditions,
tacting surfaces [19,20]. When possible, the contact normal on while simulations without PIC damping were only stable for a
the tool was set using the input rake angle while the contact few conditions. When they both work, they give nearly identical
normal on the base plate and bearing surfaces was set to vertical. cutting forces except for far less noise when using PIC damping.
But, as the geometry of the plane gets more complex, more All simulations here used the PIC damping method [11].
(a) 800 (b) 4
Gb = 405, s b = 0.8

fracture toughness (J m–2)

600 B

cohesive stress
400 TL

300 d2
200 RL sb dc
100 Gb = 0

Interface Focus 6: 20150110

crack opening displacement
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
crack growth (mm)
Figure 4. (a) Experimental results for Douglas-fir mode I fracture in the TL and RL directions. The dashed lines are numerical MPM simulations assuming fracture
initiation followed by linear softening fibre bridging. (b) Trilinear traction law used to model crack propagation in cutting simulations. (Online version in colour.)
Downloaded from on 20 June 2024

Finally, resolution (which used 15 particles in the thickness did those experiments using compact tension specimens;
direction of the chips) and boundary conditions (fixed displace- their experimental results are shown in figure 4a (solid
ments on the bottom) were selected using the same methods as in lines). For both RL and TL directions, the fracture initiates at
[11]. Each simulation propagated the cut surface a distance equal a low value (150 – 200 J m22) and then increases as a function
to 50 times the depth of cut. Typical simulations took 30 h using
of crack length (which is known as the material’s R curve). The
20 cores on computer nodes with Intelw Xeonw E5-2698 v. 3
increases in toughness are probably caused by fibre bridging.
processors and the MPM software OSParticulas [29]. More
The increase for RL crack growth was small, but was dramatic
than one-third of the processing time was numerically solving
equations to implement anisotropic plasticity. Work in progress for TL growth. A physical interpretation is that TL fibre brid-
may improve efficiency for this task. ging is much more effective at increasing toughness because it
includes fibres from the higher density late wood zones in the
growth rings (i.e. the crack front spans the growth rings,
2.2. Analytical modelling figure 3). By contrast, an RL crack can remain mostly within
Owing to the high longitudinal stiffness of wood when planing
a single low-density, early wood region and those fibres are
in the grain direction, woodcutting is predominantly in the plas-
less effective at increasing toughness.
tic bending mode where the tool wedges open the crack but the
To implement these fracture properties into modelling
tool tip does not reach the crack tip (see crack tip region in
figure 2). Williams et al. [9,10] derived an analytical model for based on cohesive zones, the experimental results were
cutting by plastic bending. Nairn [11] extended that model to fitted to a fracture model that assumes fracture initiations
allow for plastic hardening and to account for bearing forces at some initiation toughness (Ginit) and then toughness
seen on the bottom of the tool in numerical solutions. The plastic increases due to fibre bridging in the wake of the crack tip
bending analysis includes a x factor introduced by Williams [30] and modelled by a linear softening behaviour with total
to account for crack-root rotation effects. For isotropic materials, bridging toughness Gb [27,31]. The TL experiments could
x ¼ 0.67, but it changes to be fitted to an MPM crack propagation simulation [31]
u Exx  2 # pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi using Ginit ¼ 215 J m22 and Gb ¼ 405 J m22. The RL exper-
t G Exx Eyy
x¼ 32 and G ¼ 1:18 iments could be fitted well enough with Ginit ¼ 158 J m22
11Gxy 1þG Gxy
and no bridging (fits are dashed lines in figure 4). Alterna-
for anisotropic materials where x and y refer to cutting and trans- tively, Douglas-fir fracture behaviour can be modelled
verse directions, respectively. For planing wood in the grain solely with a cohesive law by using the trilinear cohesive
direction (and using plane-strain properties deduced from law shown in figure 4b. Such a law can represent two phys-
table 1 properties), xRL ¼ 1.59 and xTL ¼ 1.7. Analytical calcu- ical mechanisms. The high first peak represents fracture
lations done here for RL cutting used this xRL, estimated initiation while the long tail is softening behaviour due to
bearing forces from numerical results and used the expressions fibre bridging. The triangular areas under these peaks are
given in §3 of Nairn [11] to find cutting forces.
1 1
Ginit ¼ ðsc d2  sb d1 Þ and Gb ¼ sb dc :
2 2

3. Results and discussion The resulting cohesive law properties derived from these
experiments and used for cutting simulations are given in
3.1. Solid wood fracture properties table 1. Although experiments provide Ginit and Gb, the
One goal of numerical simulations for cutting wood is to pre- specific values for cohesive stresses and critical crack open-
dict how cutting and machining methods change with wood ing displacements are less certain. Some consequences of
properties. Then, by using wood fracture properties for changing these values are discussed below and in [11].
different wood species or for wood under various conditions The experiments from Matsumoto & Nairn [31] were mode
(e.g. temperature and moisture content), one could optimize I failure, but cutting is not pure mode I. Although mode II R
machining techniques. To model wood planing, the first curves are not available for Douglas-fir wood, experiments
need was to know Douglas-fir fracture properties for crack on balsa wood suggest mode II initiation toughness is about
growth in the RL and TL modes. Matsumoto & Nairn [31] three times higher than mode I and that mode II crack
1200 (a) (b) 5
sc = 6.24 MPa
Fc/B (J m–2)

c = 1.59

400 sc = 3.12 MPa


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Interface Focus 6: 20150110

depth of cut (mm)
Figure 6. Steady-state chips for TL planing. (a) Simulation where the tool is
Figure 5. Cutting force, Fc, per unit width (B) as a function of depth of cut allowed to enter the cohesive zone. (b) Simulation where the tool’s leading
for RL cutting using an isotropic yield strength (sY ¼ 60 MPa). The symbols edge cuts the bridging fibres in the cohesive zone. (Online version in colour.)
are numerical simulations for two different cohesive stresses (sC) but con-
stant Gtotal ¼ 158 J m22. The solid line is analytical model for an
anisotropic material with isotropic yielding. (Online version in colour.)
Downloaded from on 20 June 2024

1400 tool ignores zone
propagation is unaffected by fibre bridging [32]. These cutting
simulations, therefore, set mode II toughness to three times the

Fc/B (J m–2)
mode I initiation toughness and ignored fibre bridging effects 1000 tool cuts zone
(the mode II cohesive law properties are in table 1). 800 Gtotal
Finally, for mixed-mode failure, the cohesive law was 600
determined to have failed using a decoupled elliptical failure 400 Ginit
criterion [33]:
þ ¼ 1, ð3:1Þ 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
depth of cut (mm)
where GI and GII are areas under the cohesive law up to the
Figure 7. Cutting force, Fc, per unit width (B) as a function of depth of cut
current normal and tangential crack opening displacements,
for TL planing for simulations where the tool either ignores or cuts the cohe-
respectively, and GIC and GIIC are total areas under the
sive zone. The dashed extensions are quadratic extrapolations to zero depth of
mode I and mode II cohesive laws. For simplicity, all simu-
cut. The horizontal lines are for total mode I toughness and initiation mode I
lations here used n ¼ m ¼ 1. When the crack grows, the
toughness. (Online version in colour.)
mode I character of the crack growth is given by GI/(GI þ
GII). Simulations show that wood planing is predominantly
mode I, but ranged from 65 to 99% mode I depending on sensitivity of results to details of cohesive law parameters
various cutting parameters. raises concerns about reliance on cohesive zone models
without sufficient validation of all its parameters.

3.2. Verification simulations

In numerical modelling, it is important to verify simulation 3.3. Bare cutting tool
methods by comparison to known solutions, such as analyti- These simulations switched to TL planing and restored aniso-
cal models. Unfortunately, no model is available for cutting tropic yielding properties. The TL mode is more common
wood with anisotropic yielding, but if the failure is conver- in lumber and also has more fibre bridging effects. In fact,
ted to an isotropic von Mises yield criterion (by setting the fibre bridging is so extensive that the tool enters the
sY,xx ¼ sY,yy ¼ sY,zz ¼ sY and t Y,ij ¼ sY/ 3), numerical fibre-bridging zone (as shown in figure 6a). This situation
results can be compared to the Williams et al. [9,10] analytical raises another issue with cohesive zone modelling. If a tool
model provided x is adjusted for anisotropic material proper- enters a cohesive zone and that zone is meant to represent a
ties and the model is modified to account for bearing forces real physical process, like fibre bridging, one might expect
observed in simulation results [11]. The results for simulation that the tool will alter the cohesive zone process. For fibre
of RL fracture as a function of depth of cut using sY ¼ 60 MPa bridging in wood, one might expect that the tool will cut
are in figure 5. To better match analytical modelling assump- the bridging fibres. Figure 6b shows steady-state chip for-
tions, the RL cohesive law for mode II was changed to match mation for a simulation in which the cohesive zone fails if it
the RL mode I cohesive law in table 1 such that the crack reaches critical crack opening displacement or if the leading
always propagates at constant Gc ¼ 158 J m22 (see equation edge of the tool crosses the current location of the zone/
(3.1)). These initial results were 20 to 40% higher than the crack particle.
analytical model (solid line), but changing the cohesive To assess the effects of cutting the cohesive zone, figure 7
stress could eliminate the entire difference. By reducing the compares cutting forces as function of depth of cut for
cohesive stress by a factor of two (to sc ¼ 3.12 MPa) while simulations in which the tool either ignores or cuts the brid-
maintaining constant overall toughness (by doubling dc), ging fibres. Because some of wood’s toughness is due to
the numerical and analytical models agreed well. Although fibre bridging [31], when the tool cuts that zone, the effective
these simulations verify the numerical modelling, the toughness is reduced, as are the total cutting forces.
m = 1.5
m =• m =4
d d

Figure 8. Steady-state chips for TL planing when using a chip breaker located b ¼ 1.59 mm from the tool tip for depth of cut of 0.3 mm and for various mouth
openings. (Online version in colour.)

Interface Focus 6: 20150110

Extrapolating to zero depth of cut (using quadratic fits), a tool
that ignores the zone extrapolates to the expected total mode I
toughness (area under the cohesive law). When the tool cuts
the zone, however, the force extrapolates to close to the 0.3
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mode I initiation toughness. In other words, the tool has 0.2

eliminated most of the Douglas-fir toughness attributed to 0.1
fibre bridging. The difference between the two curves was
larger for thin cuts because the tool gets closer to the crack
tip and, therefore, when the tool cuts the zone, more bridging
fibres are cut. These simulations highlight an important
difference between remote-loading fracture experiments
and fracture experiments based on cutting experiments. 0.5
Although both are controlled by the material’s toughness, if 0.4
a cutting tool alters a process zone around the crack tip,
such as cutting bridging fibres, the toughness measured by
cutting may differ from (and probably be lower than) the
toughness measured by remote loading.

Figure 9. Steady-state chips for TL planing with a chip breaker located b ¼

1.59 mm from the tool tip, a fixed m ¼ 1.2 mm mouth opening and various
3.4. Add chip breaker and base plate depths of cut (as indicated in millimetres). (Online version in colour.)
Because of wood’s high longitudinal stiffness in the grain
direction, the steady-state chips formed with the tool alone
have low curvature and the crack tip has potential to be far was not possible to run simulations with m/d ¼ 1 or less
ahead of the tool tip (figure 6). Adding a chip breaker and because the chip did not fit through the opening. These simu-
base plate will alter the process. A chip breaker, if positioned lations indicate that both chip breaker location and mouth
correctly, will force the chip to curl. A base plate will put opening affect chip curvature and they interact. When the
downward pressure on the wood preventing the crack from mouth opening is narrow, the chip breaker serves no function
propagating too far from the tool perhaps enhancing control unless it is moved sufficiently close to the tool tip.
of the cutting process. The next simulations added a chip Figure 9 shows steady-state chips as a function of
breaker and a base plate. The chip breaker was positioned the depth of cut (from 0.05 to 0.5 mm) for constant chip
b ¼ 1.59 mm (1/16 inch) from the tool tip. Only a small and breaker location (b ¼ 1.59 mm) and constant mouth opening
approximately vertical portion of the chip breaker was (m ¼ 1.2 mm, which means m/d varied from 24 to 2.4). For
needed because only that region contacts the chip. The base depths of cut of 0.05 and 0.1 mm, the chips curl before reach-
plate was added to give various mouth openings (m). Only ing the chip breaker, while the chip breaker contacts, and,
the base plate in front of the tool tip contacts the wood. therefore, alters the chip for all other depths of cut. Starting
Figure 8 shows steady-state chips for a 0.3 mm depth of at about 0.3 mm, the chip breaker/mouth opening combi-
cut, constant chip breaker position (b ¼ 1.59 mm) and vari- nations caused the chip to lose contact with the tool. In
able ratio of mouth opening to the depth of cut. With no these frictionless simulations, this loss of contact eliminates
base plate (m/d ¼ 1), the chip runs up the tool but then is all vertical force on the tool. The tool/chip breaker combi-
bent by the chip breaker. The resulting chip curvature is nation has only horizontal force while the base plate carries
much higher than without a chip breaker (cf. chips in only vertical force. Although more simulations are required
figure 6). These simulations used anisotropic yielding with to optimize all settings, these simulations show that both
plasticity and, therefore, had no scheme to actually break chip breaker location and mouth opening should be adjusted
the chip or to draw conclusions about ideal chip shape for whenever the depth of cut is changed. As the depth of cut
smooth cuts, but the effect of the chip breaker is captured gets thinner, the chip breaker needs to be moved closer to
by its large effect on final chip curvature. The extra chip the tool tip otherwise it serves no purpose. Assuming that
curvature when m/d ¼ 1 is only slightly modified when the tool should contact the chip to provide the best cut qual-
m/d ¼ 4, but when m/d ¼ 1.5, the chip curvature is greatly ity, for a given chip breaker location, the mouth opening must
increased and no longer even contacts the chip breaker. It either be wide enough to retain that contact (see m/d . 4 for
7000 7
m = 1.2 mm 120 mm 240 mm
Fc/B (J m–2)

3000 m/d = 4, µ = 0.3

2000 m/d = 4
Fc/B = A ekd
0 Figure 11. Steady-state chips for TL planing with a chip breaker located
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 b ¼ 1.59 mm from the tool tip, a fixed m/d ¼ 4 mouth opening and

Interface Focus 6: 20150110

depth of cut (mm)
depth of cut of 0.3 mm. The two chips are for tools with 120 mm or
Figure 10. Cutting force, Fc, per unit width (B) as a function of depth of cut 240 mm radii. (Online version in colour.)
for TL planing for conditions shown in figure 9 (m ¼ 1.2 mm) and for
m/d ¼ 4 without friction (open symbols) or with friction (filled symbols).
tool rubbing on the cut surface; it is likely that some tool clear-
The dotted horizontal line shows the mode I initiation toughness. The
ance angle is beneficial. Second, a small grinding angle will
solid line is an exponential fit to cutting forces for m ¼ 1.2 mm. (Online
probably weaken the tool tip resulting in reduced tool dura-
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version in colour.)
bility (this effect cannot be modelled with rigid tools used
here). Third, some woodworking planes use a bevel-up tool
d , 0.3 mm in figure 9), or narrow enough to control chip placement. In this arrangement, the grinding angle would
curvature without using a chip breaker (see m/d ¼ 1.5 in change the rake angle, which would clearly make it an
figure 8). The latter option also gets the tool tip the closest important variable.
to the crack tip, which may or may not be advantageous for
high quality cuts.
Figure 10 shows the cutting force as a function of depth of 3.6. Tool sharpness
cut for the chips in figure 9, which used constant m ¼ 1.2 mm To simulate tool sharpness effects, the tool’s tip was rounded to
(unfilled square symbols). Unlike all cutting models for a bare radii of 60, 120, 180 and 240 mm. Cutting simulations were run
tool (e.g. figures 5 and 7) and for experiments with a bare tool, for depth of cut d ¼ 0.3 mm, chip breaker location b ¼ 1.59 mm
where cutting forces increase linearly or less then linearly, and m/d ¼ 4. Tool sharpness effects on cutting forces were
these cutting forces increased (empirically) exponentially as very small. Comparing a simulation for a sharp tool and one
a function of depth of cut. The solid line shows a fit to expo- for a blunt, 240 mm radius tool, the cutting forces only
nential increase of Fc/B ¼ Aekd, where A ¼ 233 J m22 and increased 5% while the transverse forces on the tool decreased
k ¼ 6.72 mm21. The intercept (A) is close to the mode I 17%. Figure 11 shows steady-state chips for 120 mm and
initiation toughness (as indicated on the plot). To test if the 240 mm radius tool tips to be compared with sharp tool in
exponential increase for thick cuts is caused by lower m/d figure 8 (for m/d ¼ 4). As seen in these chips, contact between
for thick cuts, the simulations were repeated for constant the tool and the chip is about half way between the sharp tool
m/d ¼ 4 (see unfilled circle symbols in figure 10). For thin tip and the chip breaker (approx. 0.8 mm from the tip). Because
cuts, the cutting force was unchanged because that force is the region near the tool tip is not contacting the chip, its
unaffected by m/d . 4 (figure 8). For depths of cut of 0.4 removal when simulating a blunt tip had very little effect. In
and 0.5 mm, the cutting force is reduced due to larger m/d. all simulations, the tool’s leading edge was assumed to cut
The transverse force on the tool was also affected by mouth the bridging fibres when reaching those fibres. The only
setting and it increased as m/d decreased. Thus, the simu- reason the force increased for blunt tips was that a blunt
lations with m/d ¼ 4 had higher transverse force for thin tool’s leading edge reached the cohesive zone later than a
cuts (d , 0.3 mm) but lower transverse force for thick cuts sharp tool tip and, therefore, would cut fewer bridging fibres.
(d . 0.3 mm). The simulation result that tool sharpness has little or no
effect, contrasts with practical woodworking experience that
sharp tools cut better. One possibility is that blunt tools,
3.5. Grinding angle unlike sharp tools, would not be able to cut the bridging
The tool’s grinding or bevel angle is set when the tool is fibres. If a blunt tool leaves those fibres intact, or even bends
ground and sharpened and most bevel-down, bench plane those fibres pulling on the chip surfaces, then blunt tools
blades are ground to 258 – 308. Numerical simulations, how- could result in much higher cutting forces. A second possi-
ever, suggest the grinding angle has essentially no effect on bility is that all these tools are rather sharp (it was difficult
cutting performance. Changing that angle from a low value to simulate tools blunter than 240 mm radius tip and still get
to close the maximum value of 458 in simulations showed the tool to start the cutting process). Individual wood cells
no effect on chip formation or on cutting forces. This result (or wood fibres) in Douglas-fir wood are hollow cells with
was not unexpected. All cutting theories assume that the diameters around 60 mm [34]. It is unlikely that sharpening
dominant tool angle variable is the rake angle. The only tools beyond the dimension of elements in the morphology
effect of changing grinding angle at constant rake angle is of the material being cut could improve cutting performance.
to change clearance angle, and that angle has much less Perhaps the 240 mm radius tool simulated here corresponds to
effect on cutting mechanics. Apart from cutting mechanics, sufficiently sharp tools in practical woodworking. These two
several issues could make the grinding angle important. possibilities could be addressed by quantitative comparison
First, a large grinding angle might eventually lead to more to experimental results as a function of tool bluntness.
3.7. Effects of friction the chip and frictional properties of the contact surfaces 8
Although all previous simulations used frictionless contact, with the newer concept that surface energy (or fracture prop-
because a bench plane has much more surface area in contact erties of the cut material) also plays a significant role [1,4].
with the material being cut, it is probably important to These concepts were implemented in MPM simulations to
account for friction. The filled diamond symbols in figure 10 take advantage of that method’s capabilities for handling
repeat the m/d ¼ 4 simulations as a function of depth of cut explicit cracks, complex contact conditions, and large displa-
for friction coefficient equal 0.3 on all contacting surfaces. cements and rotations. Accepting the implementation
The forces are nearly double those from simulations with fric- concepts and modelling details, the MPM simulations are
tionless contact. For depth of cut of 0.5 mm, the forces in the best viewed as an experimental method, albeit a virtual
presence of friction were too high to finish a stable simulation. one. The virtual experimental results for a bench plane
The frictional contact used simple Coulomb friction. It is easy show that chip breaker location, mouth opening and depth
of cut are interrelated suggesting that the former two

Interface Focus 6: 20150110

to extend to non-Coulomb friction (such as friction with
adhesion [9] or velocity-dependent coefficient of friction). should be adjusted whenever the depth of cut is changed.
The exploration of such laws is best coupled to experimental More simulations would be needed before modelling could
results for metal/wood frictional properties. recommend how they should be adjusted. Other results
Finally, note that all simulations versus depth of cut are con- suggest that grinding angle is unimportant and tool sharp-
sistent with extrapolation of Fc/B to zero depth of cut being equal ness plays a secondary role in cutting forces for tip radii
to the material’s toughness. Here the extrapolations are close to under 240 mm.
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the initiation toughness because the tool has cut most of the brid- The ability to model a complex process such as wood
ging fibres. Furthermore, the tool cuts more bridging fibres for planing suggests a future potential to address other areas in
thin cuts because the tool gets closer to the crack tip. An exper- wood machining such as non-orthogonal cutting, sawing,
imental challenge when doing extrapolations is how best to drilling and veneer peeling. Two important questions to
extrapolate cutting forces. The exponential extrapolation answer when modelling wood machining are to determine
worked well for m ¼ 1.2 mm, but that was purely an empirical the conditions that provide the highest quality cut surfaces
observation. For constant m/d ¼ 4 (with or without friction), and, for some problems, to determine the conditions that
the simulation results look close to linear, but a linear extrapol- give the lowest energy process. The answer to such questions
ation to zero depth of cut gives a large uncertainty. Perhaps, will probably require coupling of experiments to modelling.
rather than trying to develop methods for extrapolating exper- Once experimental conditions are found for high-quality or
imental results to zero depth of cut, a better approach would low-energy cuts, numerical simulation results can be interro-
be to couple numerical simulations to experiment results at var- gated to determine which details of cutting force or other
ious depths of cut and find toughness by inverse simulation simulation output correlate with those desirable machining
procedures. qualities.

Competing interests. I declare I have no competing interests.

4. Conclusion Funding. This work was supported by the National Institute of Food
This numerical modelling combined the long-held belief and Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture, under
that cutting is determined by elastic – plastic properties of McIntire-Stennis account no. 229862, project no. OREZ-WSE-849-U.

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