CS 2305 Programming Paradigms Question Bank Anna University

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CS 2303 rogrammlng aradlgms CuesLlon 8ank Anna unlverslLy

unl1 l
A81 A
1 WhaL are Lhe CC rlnclples?
2 WhaL ls LncapsulaLlon?
3 WhaL ls olymorphlsm?
4 WhaL ls lnherlLance?
3 WhaL are Lhe feaLures of !ava Language?
6 WhaL ls Lhe need for !ava Language?
7 WhaL ls plaLform lndependency?
8 WhaL ls ArchlLecLure neuLral?
9 Pow !ava supporLs plaLform lndependency?
10 Why !ava ls lmporLanL Lo lnLerneL?
11 WhaL are Lhe Lypes of programs !ava can handle?
12 WhaL ls an appleL program?
13 Compare AppllcaLlon and AppleL
14 WhaL are Lhe advanLages of !ava Language?
13 Clve Lhe conLenLs of !ava LnvlronmenL (!uk)
16 Clve any 4 dlfferences beLween C and !ava
17 Clve any 4 dlfferences beLween C++ and !ava
18 WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of commenL symbols ln !ava?
19 WhaL are Lhe daLa Lypes supporLed ln !ava?
20 WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween a char ln C/C++ and char ln !ava?
21 Pow ls a consLanL deflned ln !ava?
22 WhaL ls Lhe use of flnal keyword?
23 WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of operaLors used ln !ava?
24 WhaL ls shorLClrculL operaLor?
23 WhaL ls labeled break?
26 WhaL ls Lhe use of for each conLrol sLrucLure?
27 WhaL ls Lhe need for sLaLlc varlables?
28 WhaL ls Lhe need for sLaLlc meLhods?
29 Compare sLaLlc consLanLs and flnal consLanLs
30 Why ls maln meLhod asslgned as publlc?
31 Why ls maln meLhod asslgned as sLaLlc?
32 WhaL are Lhe Lypes of varlables !ava handles?
33 WhaL are Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween classes?
34 WhaL ls Lhe general form of a class?
33 WhaL ls Lhe use of new keyword?
36 lf Cb[A1 ls an ob[ecL of class A creaLed uslng new keyword WhaL does Lhe sLaLemenL A
Cb[A2Cb[A1 mean?
37 WhaL ls a consLrucLor?
38 WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween a consLrucLor and a meLhod?
39 WhaL ls Lhe use of Lhls keyword?
40 WhaL are desLrucLors?
41 Pow ls ob[ecL desLrucLlon done ln !ava?
42 WhaL ls Carbage collecLlon?
43 WhaL ls Lhe use of flnallze meLhod?
44 Compare Carbage collecLlon and flnallze meLhod?
43 Pow ls lL guaranLeed LhaL flnallze meLhods are called?
46 WhaL ls meLhod overloadlng?
47 WhaL ls a SLrlng ln !ava?
48 WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween a SLrlng ln !ava and SLrlng ln C/C++?
49 name a few SLrlng meLhods
30 WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween ConcaL meLhod and + operaLor Lo [oln sLrlngs?
31 WhaL ls SLrlng 8uffer?
32 Pow does SLrlng class dlffer from Lhe SLrlng 8uffer class?
33 name some meLhods avallable under SLrlng 8uffer class
34 CuLpuL of some expresslons uslng SLrlng meLhods
33 Pow wlll you lnlLlallze arrays?
36 WhaL ls arraycopy meLhod? Lxplaln wlLh synLax
37 WhaL are Lhe meLhods under uLllArrays?
38 use Lhe array sorL meLhod Lo sorL Lhe glven array
39 Clve Lhe synLax for array flll operaLlon
60 WhaL ls vecLor? Pow ls lL dlfferenL from an array?
61 WhaL ls Lhe consLralnL for uslng vecLors?
62 WhaL ls wrapper class?
63 WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL access speclflers avallable ln !ava?
64 WhaL ls Lhe defaulL access speclfler ln !ava?
63 WhaL ls a package ln !ava?
66 name some !ava Al ackages
67 name some !avauoc CommenLs
68 WhaL ls CommandLlne ArgumenLs
arL 8
1 Lxplaln CC rlnclples
2 Lxplaln Lhe feaLures of !ava Language
3 Compare and ConLrasL !ava wlLh C
4 Compare and ConLrasL !ava wlLh C++
3 Lxplaln ConsLrucLors wlLh examples
6 Lxplaln Lhe meLhods avallable under SLrlng and SLrlng 8uffer Class
7 Lxplaln Lhe uaLe Class meLhods wlLh examples
8 ulscuss ln deLall Lhe access speclflers avallable ln !ava
9 Lxplaln Lhe dlfferenL vlslblllLy conLrols and also compare wlLh each of Lhem
10 Lxplaln Lhe dlfferenL meLhods ln [avauLllArrays class wlLh example
11 Lxplaln ackages ln deLall
12 ulscuss Lhe meLhods under Array Class
13 ulscuss some of Lhe classes avallable under Lang package
14 lllusLraLe wlLh examples sLaLlc and flnal
13 Lxplaln meLhod overrldlng wlLh example program
16 WhaL ls [avauoc? Lxplaln Lhe commenLs for classes meLhods flelds and llnk
17 AppllcaLlon rograms ln !ava

unl1 ll
A81 A
1 ueflne lnherlLance
2 WhaL are Lhe Lypes of lnherlLance?
3 Pow ls mulLlple lnherlLance achleved ln [ava?
4 WhaL ls Lhe use of super keyword?
3 WhaL are ob[ecL wrappers? Clve example
6 WhaL ls lnherlLance Plerarchy?
7 ulfferenLlaLe overloadlng and overrldlng
8 ueflne polymorphlsm
9 ulfferenLlaLe sLaLlc blndlng and dynamlc blndlng
10 When wlll a class be declared as flnal?
11 When wlll a meLhod be declared flnal?
12 WhaL ls an absLracL class?
13 WhaL ls Lhe need for absLracL classes?
14 Lxplaln abouL proLecLed vlslblllLy conLrol
13 WhaL are Lhe meLhods under ob[ecL class / [avalangCb[ecL
16 Lxplaln LoSLrlng meLhod of ob[ecL class
17 WhaL ls reflecLlon?
18 WhaL are Lhe uses of reflecLlon ln !ava
19 Pow wlll you creaLe an lnsLance of Class
20 WhaL are Lhe meLhods under reflecLlon used Lo analyze Lhe capablllLles of classes?
21 Pow Lo creaLe arrays dynamlcally uslng reflecLlon package
22 ueflne an lnLerface
23 WhaL ls Lhe need for an lnLerface?
24 WhaL are Lhe properLles of an lnLerface?
23 ulfferenLlaLe AbsLracL classes and lnLerface
26 WhaL ls ob[ecL clonlng?
27 ulfferenLlaLe clonlng and copylng
28 ulfferenLlaLe shallow copy and deep copy ln clonlng
29 uoes lnherlLance removes any flelds/or meLhods of super class?
30 MenLlon Lhe use of flnal keyword
31 WhaL ls nesLed class? MenLlon lLs Lypes
32 WhaL ls lnner class?
33 WhaL ls Lhe need for lnner classes?
34 WhaL are Lhe rules for lnner class?
33 WhaL ls local lnner class and anonymous lnner class? Clve Lhelr advanLages
36 WrlLe Lhe advanLages and dlsadvanLages of sLaLlc nesLed class
37 ueflne proxles
38 WrlLe Lhe appllcaLlon of proxles
39 WhaL are Lhe properLles of proxy classes?
A81 8
1 Lxplaln Lhe concepL of lnherlLance and lLs Lypes
2 Lxplaln Lhe concepL of overrldlng wlLh examples
3 WhaL ls dynamlc blndlng? Lxplaln wlLh example
4 Lxplaln Lhe uses of reflecLlon wlLh examples
3 ueflne an lnLerface Lxplaln wlLh example
6 Lxplaln Lhe meLhods under ob[ecL" class and class" class
7 WhaL ls ob[ecL clonlng? Lxplaln deep copy and shallow copy wlLh examples
8 Lxplaln sLaLlc nesLed class and lnner class wlLh examples
9 WlLh an example explaln proxles
10 uevelop a message absLracL class whlch conLalns playMessage absLracL meLhod WrlLe a dlfferenL
subclasses llke 1exLMessage volceMessage and laxMessage classes for Lo lmplemenLlng Lhe
playMessage meLhod
11 uevelop a absLracL 8eservaLlon class whlch has 8eserve absLracL meLhod lmplemenL Lhe subclasses
llke 8eserve1raln and 8eserve8us classes and lmplemenL Lhe same
12 uevelop an lnLeresL lnLerface whlch conLalns slmplelnLeresL and complnLeresL meLhods and sLaLlc
flnal fleld of 8aLe 23 WrlLe a class Lo lmplemenL Lhose meLhods
13 uevelop a Llbrary lnLerface whlch has drawbook() reLurnbook() (wlLh flne) checksLaLus() and
reservebook() meLhods All Lhe meLhods Lagged wlLh publlc
14 uevelop an Lmployee class whlch lmplemenLs Lhe Comparable and Cloneable lnLerfaces lmplemenL
Lhe sorLlng of persons (based on name ln alphabeLlcal) Also lmplemenL Lhe shallow copy (for name and
age) and deep copy (for uaLeCf!olnlng)
13 Lxplaln Lhe dlfferenL meLhods supporLed ln Cb[ecL class wlLh example
16 Lxplaln Lhe meLhods supporLed ln Class class
17 Lxplaln Lhe MeLhods supporLed ln reflecL package Also wrlLe a program Lo lmplemenL Lhe reflecLlon
of a parLlcular class deLalls llke consLrucLors meLhods and flelds wlLh lLs modlflers
18 uevelop a sLaLlc lnner class called alr whlch has MlnMax meLhod for flndlng mln and max values
from Lhe array
19 WhaL ls proxy class? uevelop a code for consLrucLlng a proxy ob[ecLs Lo Lrace a blnary search meLhod
wlLh explanaLlons

unl1 lll
A81 A
1 uraw Lhe lnherlLance hlerarchy for Lhe frame and componenL classes ln AW1 and Swlng
2 WhaL are Lhe advanLages of uslng swlng over awL?
3 Pow do achleve speclal fonLs for your LexL? Clve example
4 Clve Lhe synLax of drawlmage() and copyArea() meLhods
3 WhaL ls AdapLer class?
6 uraw Lhe AW1 evenL Plerarchy
7 WhaL are Lhe swlng componenLs?
8 WhaL are Lhe meLhods under AcLlon lnLerface
9 WhaL are Lhe meLhods under WlndowLlsLener lnLerface
10 WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween Swlng and AW1?
A81 8
1 Lxplaln Lhe classes under 2u shapes
2 Lxplaln evenL handllng wlLh examples
3 Lxplaln acLlon evenL wlLh an example
4 WhaL are Lhe swlng componenLs Lxplaln
3 uescrlbe Lhe AW1 evenL hlerarchy

unl1 lv
A81 A
1 WhaL ls generlc programmlng?
2 WhaL are Checked and unChecked LxcepLlon?
3 WhaL are checked excepLlons?
4 WhaL are runLlme excepLlons?
3 WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween error and an excepLlon?
6 WhaL classes of excepLlons may be caughL by a caLch clause?
7 lf l wanL an ob[ecL of my class Lo be Lhrown as an excepLlon ob[ecL whaL should l do?
8 Pow Lo creaLe cusLom excepLlons?
9 WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL ways Lo handle excepLlons?
10 WhaL ls Lhe purpose of Lhe flnally clause of a LrycaLchflnally sLaLemenL?
11 WhaL ls Lhe baslc dlfference beLween Lhe 2 approaches Lo excepLlon handllng
ls lL necessary LhaL each Lry block musL be followed by a caLch block?
12 Pow does !ava handle lnLeger overflows and underflows?
A81 8
1 Lxplaln generlc classes and meLhods
2 Lxplaln excepLlon hlerarchy
3 WhaL are Lhe advanLages of Cenerlc rogrammlng?
4 Lxplaln Lhe dlfferenL ways Lo handle excepLlons
3 Pow !ava handle overflows and underflows?

unl1 v
A81 A
1 uescrlbe synchronlzaLlon ln respecL Lo mulLlLhreadlng
2 Lxplaln dlfferenL way of uslng Lhread?
3 WhaL ls synchronlzaLlon and why ls lL lmporLanL?
4 When a Lhread ls creaLed and sLarLed whaL ls lLs lnlLlal sLaLe?
3 WhaL are synchronlzed meLhods and synchronlzed sLaLemenLs?
6 WhaL ls daemon Lhread and whlch meLhod ls used Lo creaLe Lhe daemon Lhread?
7 WhaL meLhod musL be lmplemenLed by all Lhreads?
8 WhaL klnd of Lhread ls Lhe Carbage collecLor Lhread?
9 WhaL ls a daemon Lhread?
10 WhaL ls a Lhread?
11 WhaL ls Lhe algorlLhm used ln 1hread schedullng?
12 WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL level locklngs uslng Lhe synchronlzaLlon keyword?
13 WhaL are Lhe ways ln whlch you can lnsLanLlaLe a Lhread?
14 WhaL are Lhe sLaLes of a Lhread?
13 WhaL are Lhe Lhreads wlll sLarL when you sLarL Lhe [ava program?
16 WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL ldenLlfler sLaLes of a 1hread?
17 Why do Lhreads block on l/C?
18 WhaL ls synchronlzaLlon and why ls lL lmporLanL?
A81 8
1 Lxplaln Lhe dlfferenL sLaLes of a Lhread
2 Lxplaln Lhread synchronlzaLlon wlLh examples
3 Lxplaln Lhe algorlLhm used for Lhread schedullng
4 uescrlbe mulLl Lhreadlng
3 Lxplaln ueadlocks

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