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Das Language Nest
Client struggled to establish her brand identity.
Ads weren't converting effectively.
Only 2-3 students per batch, mostly through referrals

Our Impact:
Elevated brand to 10k followers.
Achieved a remarkable 32% conversion rate in
the recent month. (5-7 students per batch)

Long-term Success:
Committed to a 2-year partnership due to
sustained growth.
Transitioned from zero leads to a consistent
influx of leads and sales via social media.

Strategies Implemented:

1. Strategic Branding: Crafted a compelling brand

image on social media.
2. Content Marketing: Deployed effective content
strategies to engage the target audience.
3. Competitor Research: Analyzed competitors for
informed decision-making.
4. Ad Campaign Testing: Rigorous testing to identify
high-performing ad strategies.
5. Successful Ad Campaigns: Launched and managed
campaigns that yielded positive results.
6. Adaptation to Trends: Adjusted strategies dynamically
to align with market trends.
7. Community Engagement: Fostered active community
engagement for enhanced brand loyalty.
Transformed client's brand, significantly
boosted conversions, and established a thriving,
long-term partnership.

Heres a screenshot of my client happily sharing

her conversions with me through one campaign

Campaign budget; ₹5911

Duration; 15 days
Total leads; 80
Converted; 26 (converted
for multiple levels as well
as single level)

Sheet of admissions successfully

done from ad start date;
Organic Growth of account through
creative content marketing

Click here to check their Instagram

Reach from just one post Target reached

Organic website traffic in a month

Check video testimonial of them

What did we do?

The Starting Point:

We started with their branding, content marketing,
engagement on social media. We tested 3 months on
what’s working better on the profile and created an action
plan to start ad campaigns for the fourth month.

Trial and Error:

Testing was the name of the game! We experimented with
multiple campaigns to find that sweet spot, where their
message resonated like magic! Students required to ask few
questions before they share their contact information so we
ran message campaigns which started blowing up more!

Sales System:
Revamping their sales system was the game-changer.
Streamlining the process made conversions smoother than

Lead Nurturing:
From the very first click, we cradled potential clients, guiding
them seamlessly through a nurturing journey. Relationships
first, sales second!

Batch by Batch Success:

Exciting news! We successfully closed many batches with 5-7
students (earlier 2-3) with 2 batches got full (7 students)

Investment Wisdom:
A modest monthly investment of ₹6000 on ads into a
staggering return of approximately ₹3,00,000! Now that's what
we call a ROI magic trick!

Our Focus: Returns, Returns, Returns!

At Feliks Marketing LLP we eat, sleep, and breathe returns. It's

not just about numbers; it's about making your investment
work as hard as you do.
The Language Hub
Challenge: Client faced challenges with the agency that
worked for her. The issues included:
Lack of creativity
Outdated trends
Insufficient research
Absence of humor
Our Impact:
Elevated brand to 18k followers. (11k+ in just 4 months)
Recorded course sold out organically, through content

Long-term Success:
Committed to a 3-year partnership due to
sustained growth.

Strategies Implemented to Grow Her Brand Presence to


1. Content Research: In-depth research was conducted to

create relevant and valuable content tailored to her
target audience's interests.
2. Trends Following: Actively tracking and incorporating
current trends to ensure the content remains engaging
and aligned with her audience's preferences.
3. Competitor Research: Analyzing competitors to identify
gaps and opportunities, enabling her brand to
differentiate and refine its unique value proposition.
4. Content Marketing: Implementing a robust content
marketing strategy to maximize reach and engagement
across various platforms.
5. Establishing Authority: Positioning her as an authority in
the field through thought leadership content, establishing
trust and credibility among her audience.
Generated significant engagement and
achieving sales without the need for any
investment in advertising.

Heres a screenshot of my client happily sharing

her first client news without any ad

Screenshot of one of the conversions without ads

Organic Growth of account through
creative content marketing

Click here to check their Instagram Reach from just one post

Organic website traffic in a month

Average of 70 taps:
Average Monthly Website Traffic = 70 taps/post * 16 posts
Average Monthly Website Traffic ≈ 1,120 taps

Check video testimonial of them

What did we do?

→ We continuously tested different post formats and

posted more of the content that worked well.

→ We identified high-performing posts and created more

content similar to them, which went viral.

→ We also keep an eye on trending topics to stay up-to-


You might be wondering, what's the benefit of reaching

such a high number of followers and

Impressed audience = More sales and conversions

Emblify life coaching
Challenges with Previous Agency:
Ineffective Ad Strategy: The previous agency relied
solely on posting ads ranging from $100-$200 without
incorporating any branding elements.
Zero Follower Growth: After three months of working
with the previous agency, the client's followers
remained stagnant at zero, indicating a lack of
effective engagement and audience building.

Our Impact:
Client's followers increased to 200

Long-term Success:
Our approach went beyond follower numbers,
focusing on building a holistic brand that attracts
genuine interest and inquiries.

Strategies Implemented

1. Strategic Branding: Initiated a comprehensive brand

transformation, introducing a proper website, defined
colors, and engaging highlights.

2. Optimized Profile: Revamped the client's profile,

ensuring it aligned with the target audience's
expectations and presented a more compelling brand

3. Engagement-Oriented Content: Focused on creating

content that resonates with the audience, fostering
genuine engagement and interest.

4. Inquiry-Driven Approach: Prioritized building an organic

presence, resulting in inquiries for services before
launching any ad campaigns.
Got interested leads from the first month itself

Here are the screenshots inquires coming to my

clients account from the very start month without
running ads

Click to view his Instagram

His previous website (before hiring us) Our Website (click to view full)

Check his video testimonial

Other Instagram links that we managed:

ResilientU Universal Spanish Academy

Gyanshala Fyreops Tech

Amijara Oil Pratiksha Singh Life coach

Verbally Learning Mala Hemnani Executive Coach

Let’s meet!


Mobile 8928657339/8657122235

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