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Buatlah kalimat tanya (information question) berdasarkan kata-kata yang

ditanyakan/digarisbawahi. Tentukan WH-Questions yang tepat untuk menggantikannya.

Name : Dava Rafhael Marco R.

NRP : 1823022003

a. Danny gives his wife a birthday present every year because he really loves her.
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Does Danny give his wife a birthday present every year?
1. Who gives his wife a birthday present every year?
2. Whom does Danny give a birthday present every year?
3. What does Danny give to his wife every year?
4. Why does Danny give his wife a birthday present every year?

b. The children have played football for 5 hours, so they are very tired now.
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Have the children played football for 5 hours?
1. Who has played football for 5 hours?
2. What have the children played for 5 hours?
3. How long have the children played football?
4. How have the children been?

c. The girl is going to the office by train at the moment because her car is being repaired.
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Is the girl going to the office by train at the moment?
1. Who is going to the office by train at the moment?
2. Why the girl is going to the office by train at the moment?
3. Where the girl is going by train at the moment?
4. When the girl is going to the office by train?
5. How is the girl going to the office at the moment?

d. Danny and Danna have breakfast in Wima café every morning.

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Do they have breakfast in Wima café every morning?

1. Who has breakfast in Wima café every morning?

2. Where does they have breakfast every morning?
3. When does they have breakfast in Wima café?
4. What does they have in Wima café every morning?
e. Alice bought two novels in Gramedia last night. She went to Gramedia with Ariando.
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Did Alice buy two novels in Gramedia last night?
1. What did Alice buy in Gramedia last night?
2. Where did Alice buy two novels last night?
3. When did Alice buy two novels in Gramedia?
4. Whom did Alice go with in Gramedia?
f. It took four hours from Bandung to Jakarta.
How long it takes to go from Bandung to Jakara.
g. That is Hana’s bag. The students found it yesterday.
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Is that Hana’s Bag?

1. Whose bag is that?

2. Who did find that bag yesterday?

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