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A Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

For Elect 1: Remedial Instruction

Name: Jeremay A. Andagao

I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a) identify the steps of enhancing the listening comprehension
b) appreciate the importance of listening comprehension by participating in class
c) write a reflection paper based on the audio clips that are provided.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: How to Improve Listening Comprehension
B. Reference:
C. Materials: ppt (visual aids), cartolina
III. Procedures

A. Preparation
The teacher will begin the class by greeting the students, leading the prayer, checking
the attendance and classroom agreement.

B. Motivation
"The teacher will conduct a game called 'Simon Says.' In this interactive game,
students will follow the teacher's instructions. Those who make a mistake will answer
questions, and their correct responses will be used to fill in the crossword puzzle."

1. What is a synonym for 'upgrade'?
2. What skill do we use to understand spoken language and conversations?
3. When we read a book and understand the plot and characters, what skill are
we using?
4. When we listen to music, what are we actually perceiving?
5. It refers to the way in which a word or language is spoken, including the
articulation of sounds, stress, intonation, and rhythm.

Answers: 1.
2. L I S T E N I N G
R 4.
3. C O R E H E O N
E 5. P R O N U N C I A T I O N
C. Lesson Proper
 The teacher will discuss the different steps in improving listening comprehension,
with the use of ppt.
 During the discussion it be a teacher-centered or student-centered.

D. Application
The teacher will play an audio clip to let the students listen to. Afterwards, the
students will write a reflection paper based on the audio clip.
Category POINTS
5 4 3 2 1
Organization Information is Information Information The Information is
very organized is organized is organized information not only
with well- with well- but appears to disorganized
constructed constructed paragraphs disorganize but inaccurate.
paragraphs, use paragraphs are not well information
of subheadings, and constructed, is suspect to
and information information is and being
is factual and factual and information correct and
correct. correct. is factual. factual.
Quality of Information Information Information Information Information
Information clearly relates to clearly relates clearly has little to has nothing to
the main topic. It to the main relates to the do with the do with the
includes several topic. It main topic. main topic. main topic.
supporting details provides 1-3 No details
and/or examples. supporting and/or
details and/or examples or
examples given.
Mechanics No grammatical, Almost no Few Many Way too many
spelling or grammatical, grammatical, grammatical errors in
punctuation spelling, or spelling, or , spelling. Or grammatical,
errors. punctuation punctuation punctuation spelling or
errors. errors. errors. punctuation.

E. Generalization
Why do we need to improve our listening skills?
How do we improve our listening skills?
F. Evaluation
Multiple choice
Direction: Read the following items carefully. Then, encircle the correct answer.
1. Why it is important to improve our listening comprehension?
a. To have a better understanding when there is a gossip.
b. Helps to express emotions and opinions.
c. it enables us to understand and interpret messages accurately.
d. Helps to provide information to the other.
2. The following are the steps in improving the listening comprehension, EXCEPT?
a. Recognized stress and unstressed words.
b. Make an eye-to-eye contact.
c. Enrich vocabulary.
d. Improve skills in predicting.
3. Why it is important to teach pronunciation?
a. Having a good pronunciation can makes you look professional.
b. To get the attention of the listeners.
c. To gain information verbally.
d. Helps to understand spoken words.
4. Why it is important to recognized stress words?
a. It helps to sharpens the listening skills through paying attention to the grammar
structure of the sentence.
b. It helps to sharpens the listening skills through paying attention to the
c. It helps to sharpens the listening skills through paying attention to the expressions of
the speaker.
d. It helps to sharpens the listening skills through paying attention to the pitch of the
5. What is the connection between improving listening comprehension and enriching our
a. If you have a rich vocabulary, you can quickly process and comprehend the words
being spoken.
b. Enriching vocabulary helps to know the flow of sounds and grammatical structures.
c. To communicate effectively and use it to gather unimportant information.
d. None of the above.
Answers keys:
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. A

IV. Assignment
Assignment Title: "Audio Story Exploration"
Students will listen to an audio story of their choice and engage in a simple, enjoyable activity to
enhance their listening comprehension skills.
Assignment Steps:
Select an Audio Story:
Students choose an audio story or short audio clip that interests them. This can be a podcast
episode, a short story, a fairy tale, or any other audio content.
Listen Actively:
Students listen to the selected audio story attentively. They can do this while sitting in a
comfortable place with no distractions.
Listening Comprehension Activity:
After listening to the audio, students complete a listening comprehension activity. For example:
Create a list of five key events or plot points from the story.
Write down the names of the main characters and describe their personalities or roles.
List any unfamiliar words or phrases they encountered during the audio and try to guess their
meanings based on context.
Summarize the story in a few sentences.
Reflect and Share:
In a brief reflection (1-2 paragraphs), students share their thoughts about the audio story. They
can discuss what they enjoyed about it, any challenges they faced, and what they learned from
the activity. Write it on a 1 whole sheet of paper.
Category POINTS
5 4 3 2 1
Organization Information is Information Information The Information is
very organized is organized is organized information not only
with well- with well- but appears to disorganized
constructed constructed paragraphs disorganize but inaccurate.
paragraphs, use paragraphs are not well information
of subheadings, and constructed, is suspect to
and information information is and being
is factual and factual and information correct and
correct. correct. is factual. factual.
Quality of Information Information Information Information Information
Information clearly relates to clearly relates clearly has little to has nothing to
the main topic. It to the main relates to the do with the do with the
includes several topic. It main topic. main topic. main topic.
supporting details provides 1-3 No details
and/or examples. supporting and/or
details and/or examples or
examples given.
Mechanics No grammatical, Almost no Few Many Way too many
spelling or grammatical, grammatical, grammatical errors in
punctuation spelling, or spelling, or , spelling. Or grammatical,
errors. punctuation punctuation punctuation spelling or
errors. errors. errors. punctuation.

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